ly n su financial position that they de- not to ask the council for the still due on the noe requisi- . Previous to this de- hot to'make any pearttettten on buncil this year, which means gs of seven mills on the taxes. | will notice the name High 601 does not appear on your tax WILL ROGERS SAYS ' {The Fourth Estate) Wilt Rogers frequently tells his ences that ‘All I know is what I in.the papers.'’ And that is true ef the great majority of men an Women of the present day. ere are millions and millions of people who depend almost exclusive- $3,135 nits | Fitst Grand Prize. Total Value, $1,400.00. “1,200.00 Chrysler “¢" 8 oy their information and know- daily newspapers. Society te better informed today than it ev- @r was in the history of the world. ~The American people is a newspa- The majority cais and books principally for @ntertaiment, depending upon their A rite newspapers to keep them in- the economic, political, A seientific and sociat status of Bfairs. WHAT'S THe USE €Stratford Beacon-Herald) United States and Canada azreed some time ago on the wave lengthy to he used by stations in the two aie so there would be no con- fus' = x afation in Chicago, in defiance of this ruling. adopted the exact: Wave length given to Canadian sta- ons, the result being that the Can- “#dian station is part time blanketed The matter was protested, and the ' Chicago pirates were upheld ~by a ‘United States court. ~An Ottawa despatch stys that the “Canadian government radio depart- ment is taking the matter up in a friendly way with Washington.” Of course it’s well to be friendls at all times, but it*looks like a case of usking if there's any use of Can ada making any sort of contract With Chicago. : When: United States courta wil uphold the open and flagrant viola- tion of understandings between the two countries, there’s no good basie 6, re than tl mt ap app! ape wer. A co! ye stant must end lea. $5. scriptions i: orden to naity for this Chrysler car First Prize. cer the contestant pes not qualify e) Total Chevrolet touring car, “pis $60.00 pn! extra ¢ rate of ee Mt a very dollar gent In up to $4.0 stant sends in ar 80° " quali fies. tor the Chrysler Second Prize. Total “Value, $ a car, fully eamipees cash extra the in j ‘ord foosing dollar sent in from | Thied Prize. Total Value, $295.00 Radio $225.00, plus seven eine he tn sent in up to $10.0 | Fourth Prize. Total Value, $145.00. “ash prize $75.00, plus seven times he amount sent in up to $10.00. Fifth Prize. Total Value, $6.00 i erty dollars in cash, plus a times Se amount sent in up $10.00 Sixth Prize. Total Value, $45.00. , in cash, plus Twentys -five dollars twic sent in up to amount $10.0 Serentli to Fifteenth Prizes. om Which to make any more con racts . THE lt CAMP HABIT (Toronto Globe) ereeding the. report of the Ameri- that 12,- “| 000, 090 people in the United States! are addicts of motor-camp life, one ed to wonder where the activity n the building trades comes in. Yet J ate. One-tenth of the population of the rountry has taken to roving for at least part of the year. .Some of them follow the sun! and make- twelve s it. With still others it is a holiday trip. The aver- mee expenditure is $10 a day and ear, a rather modest outlay. consid ering that- most cars carry a whole Canadians have not been quite so zealous at sightseeing as this. Per- haps when Hon. Mr. Henry carries out his proposal to make the hinter dand of old Ontario a ae par- dlise the people of is Province 1 roll around mare, but the rea! dure for the motor camper is in distance. He wants to see the coun ‘try far away, and in thia respect ‘Canada will present difficulties for ome time to come. There will have i numerous roads opened up be- ' fore it becomes a rule to meet trav- @llers from all corners of the coua- try at many of the camps A.writer in a recent of Vorld’s Work speaks of this (navi @ bit. as “The Education of the Tin he rkers met men, omen and children from forty Sta- + At thie rate the education wil) completed in a few summers, and B distant fields wiil be sought. * ‘Year Canada sees more and ° NATE kates ogeenee cccctewecccsscsksocecnc’ PD incisscavsaccacceess eof this: Tuts t0'bo hoped the A Unique Contest ae a Yourself ble 12,000,000 will not take a New or renewal! subscriptions alse collected New or m to come upon ua at once un and ‘any other | is Hotham per Pye from the following Renewal Amount These Questions : We are ready for them. | grand prize on your wae subscription ° i i to Farm Dairy. not “how NQMC wee c eee ee ener ces e eter ee eeeneeeeeeenes x Mi Why aren't my cimneos of rn ‘ t lnefonefondoaou8on och feofeceetedectnteteetefbceets boa a you do,” but “how well you $ Chry ¥ Pes Chevrolet ariel & eo i ota : Address S sukondsnbey sessvgieedivass vicsesekabhevesgeseeiisewswae a Ford Touring car as 00 yd iB ° ita t person's? Can Lo odd the» x THE sNowy OWL | + Bl iw he ea Re, ake weeks of tlme--por MAINE sides vseceasseserenn ipevapenveanesoasd carefully Fa my el nelghbor? * By Stuart L. Thompson ; Save This P Address ...... oeneanpereeccegsncesecceectsccbavavecsess @b........ ed with’ the’ fret fic "I make a part to-night? eo, tty Seed lbestorted bdo age WEA sc sseveesceee yi ) (The peng Toronto natural. in may TO Pree. Pritea get 00 fo ypu. RORh NODA g eget enges Ea mb Ege ieee seech venevagn cdOba shen exe i Mr. uart fe) oe ie is not a + ¥Yaluable inforauathon eee patien een and skill. eng ot + ohe chance 1 4 Sedan and pure, ——_ ee Special Pr IZeS P Ba on Mori of which we have ‘ EP winakak Saas as is nope Pn aatone —— $1,400—$ ,200.00 Chrysler $200.00 extra wnt & muc 8 winter * e eo oi BN pec cccceenens MEMOURE G.......0. Mt GRBWEP.. 22.0000. D H ter we are having a vis- cash. See prize list SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.00 tor 3. years, $1 rs. in January s le Co of IMPORTANT—SE SURE TO ANSWER LL QUESTIONS. ‘ ry lL. Al a then en ce munications to THE CONTEST DEPARTMENT, While the contest iw ready throughout the F. and ~ w Chrysler “50."" “Finest of Fours.’ This car will be-awarded to the Care of nati vobroney 28th, we mm part of this province many arm wines’ of the first prize and Gelivered free of to the nearest railyway re 1063 E io 0 special peies to th ben seen, and before winter station o: This combines afriness wi osed car This- Farm and Dairy, Box , Peterboro, Oat. thatulite hi d the fir Ses doubt, Many’ more shail Farm and Dairy will se! Chrysler ‘50’ isa beau Full-sized, all-steel body, extra erous in quali rect or nearest correct x % sample. copies of the paper to con- details, for finest riding test comf st in color SEL Sal your subscription was sent i B24 another contestant, during Jasrue ary. ‘The prizes his bird is the most beautiful testants who have not got the paper line Fif with no rattle or shakes. pick-up of 5 to ust put their name and address tst prize, uu: 2nd prize, $/, ot of this strange family of and wish to canvass their trienda tor 25 miles 8 This inci bumpers front and rear, spare prize, si. in it) price, $3.9 otf. ie Owls. His plumage alone subscriptions, re, tire cover, all off and grease, and tank full of gasoline, © ! NAMO cece ccc cece edee ete ee ees PuOesescaeeeesese, PROV... pri 2.0 } “@ttention. Almost all oth- on - i are grey, brown or evén SS ed in color. but so unique \ 4 thern visitor of this win- 3 his white plumage. that he 3 j : | for himself three names,| % S28ted by rabbits, which form ajalso an erratic wanderer. But as|dents of the bird world is- the up-| one you know who wellda a big} t's different down at Number 6] (but they were in good enough hum- e the 8 ;} large item on the Owls’ bill of fare, this Owl of a sombre coloration,| roar caused by a flock of Blue Jays! stick) boasts that he has kept down They've got a teacher down there and. . the It isnot often, however, he school expenses better fhan any} who thinks of something more than Pe whfte one is Praseiiclyniies 4 their “‘off.and on” years, of cycles of! it * not ee to see how he maytasleep amid the evergreens. But! sehnol board in the township had! Peruse the entrance class. Last They've 2° great school down there Many more of. the befred abundance and ty. So we can/have been ooked. The Snowy} certainly of the Owl family, thisj+tone. You'd. belleve him, tring she had nearly every man‘in/ut Number 5, I tell you. It's got ta @re recorded than natir- inclined to believe these, Steater number constitute fer birds, and probably in Tt is well-known that ra $20.00 cash each. Sixteenth to Twenty-fifth Prizes. | $10.00 cash each. | Twenty-sixth to Fiftieth Prizes. $8.00 cash each, Fifty-first to Seventy-fifth Prizes. $3.00 cash each. Seventy-sixth to One-hundredth Prizes. $2.00 cash each. 7 HON. E. C. DRURY Former Premiler of e Outarie, who erased one or more figures from the chart. £00 Prizes Absolutely FRE cae Total Value $3,1 35. 00 ‘First Prize _ ane Chevrolet five-passenger ¢ car, 1927 model, fully equipped, plas” $60.00 cash extra at the of $15.00 for every dollar sent in up to aae a | tai a MELE TUT ———— be charge through the winner’# nearest Chevrolet dealer. a Fak aa gs ese SE SUNS 3 8 $52 ans BS Total Value $630.00 rd, five-passenger pop Fg peng 1927 ti m tourinis model, ext, Plus cash extra as per prize list. Third Prize gag EEL The problem is to ra the sum total o which, when adde » represe: he total number of miles the automobile has run. d the dra’ it looks. The res, ther, Every figure is complete an rawing Pm eather free from tricks and ature, but ke a Tot ar other things, it is not as as it figures ra m two > nin 5 wes standing alone, thus t three, Tour, five, six, seven, cight and nine There are no ones or ciphers in the chart The tops of the sixes are os nd open, while the bottoms of th nes are straight and cl By if at any figure caref you can easil tell what it is. Howev ck ‘out all the Sgures add them together correctly is a task which requires both oe d si This is one of @ most attractive tel = zzles that been p and it would wo! solve i 5, Be = offered. In the event that no one obt xact answer, the prizes will pod awarded for i nearest correct solution. Accuracy an padien the main factors for arriving the correct or nearest c rract count. ~ display these qualifi to best advantage will vealve the. passie best. We wish to have it clearly understood that there are no figures in any, part of the picture except oon rns fornr automobile and shadow underneath. No t of the backgrou s made of re is no tri this puzzle. ry figure Remember, each figure must be ad@ed separately. For example: 379745 is to be counted 3 bins yp pias. 9 plus 7 plus 4 plus total 35, age E is NOT Three Hundred and ya ii Nine Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-Five. In other words, simply add them as you would tt each Agure one above the other in a single colume. A Guarantee of Fair and Impartial Treatment To ke su t no one knew the geet or to the problem, or how many miles this car run, Hon. Sir aims Total Value $295.00 Hearst, ex-Premier of Galeas and Hon. E. dee of t Ontar 40, kindly consented to erase one or more Ggures from the puzzle char This was done at different times, consequently, no ‘te bg Re os just w numbers were taken aoe Notes of these ares — made by Sir wm. ‘ada’ Radio Set—tuill 5-tube earst and one Mr. Drury, sealed and placed in a safety deposit box, were tne they will pb arg until after the close of conte: Bear in mind that tr e, plus seven times the addi ntest Department knew correct ai nswer before the judges erased — er th contest is over, ‘the J wil orm of money you 6.00, the Puzzle th some the Conteat it Department just ‘what numbers they “erased. These numbers will be substracted from t he origina. orrect answer, thus giving the present por coraraenaeeaite = “ fit, Thompson loud poets addition to Sir Wm. Hearst and Hon. E. <. Drury, there are three other Sadave.. -who will examine all contest records and prines eavy dut Their ‘Seaton 8 on the awarding of any prizes will final, an judges are: B. hibald,. Be B.B.A., pirertor Dominion ixperhneatel Farms ready 120-am - Ottawa; W. T. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist, Ottawa, and J. C. Smith, Peterboro, © Ont., public accountan tery, and sormplate. ‘in oe RULES GOVERNING THE CONTEST rast: Seer oe 8225 This Bares; to everyone interested the present subscription expires. A bree . Readers who give their subscription 1 in farming and the da iry industry, cad for more a $3.00 will not be acce; some other contestant and later on want t (a) Employees, their immediate families and ry dollar t in ar A i nh inge your Own gend in answer oe Eemetres, may do so, pro- anyone connected and Dai wr heteigtion Pg ‘one collected from a neighbor. ding they write th the name « and its companion papers, The Canadian 6. Be ull amount . he subscription @ person Been paid: their -rubscription to, alee : Naat tel The Canadian Florist and = 2 sent aree to See Con nt of the amount paid. No further payment Is nec bs ry ntesta: coe essary. ; (b). Prize winners’ in our i... contest who large prize lists, are — entitled to any ore Premi- 10. Contestants should remit by postal anote won | ore t 100 or who have won a ums, nor can agents or postmasters deduct a bank, ress money orde = prize in any similar. peng — o Farm and (c) Anyone tiving in re the popula- The test will close i Exbrvery ic but n any house shold cat ee 2. Adaitie at pare harts good grad mat in your al prises for ea ty solution send 2. Se oe 4 tion puzzle c 5, on a e there are ur early solu on, ac E once Te stere ; of paper, and copies of and Dairy may be | ers. For full details see “Special change a oe a’ hal a a obtained by writing to the ce Department, 7. Everyone has an a} opportunity, You 2. In ail bes ted, which will re <a prac? he Farm and Dairy. They will’ be mailed free of can Firs d $60 in cash on a | puzzle rite his te the ty thee charge. one doliar subscription, “put note that the value ticable at ge i See nr ite wove vine 4 y figure in this picture is complete, pri ine 8 if you send in tied gf %- + y iaote parbene fer tied for d the drawing is entirely free from tricks and F Lis Alm to win. the No. e pee ag a pg oe illusions. If any entes” ant is in doubt, how- maximum. value of the Grand Prize. Either new a prize, that prize re diah. Gah Ge veweiwal ‘ ever, abou re the Contest Department r renewal subscript! collected from friends as th t ay orlaes will te awarded ton tees f will be glad o give a Fille on it, ents a circle neigh are and the amount them before "ny pri . § around the figu send the ed chart appli your At the correct “ with your lett ion low cost of $1.00 for three years, you can e om 7s. Contest es pea of 1d ‘< 4. When you have solved f2: puzzle, put your persuade a = or mien, J subscribe to the nt to alter the pen and 3 answi the upon mittance blank. Farm ay enter the reutialions for the protretio on of contestants or it out cargfully Bent not less than contest r providing they vcomply with “the rules, Fa to refund subscriptions and * $1.00 as ‘an en ce fee to the contest, 8. ¥ can t as many ers as you disqualify any competiters whom they consider also as -year subscription to Farm and like, ‘providing oes er is accompanied esirable, and to finally decide all questions Dairy. $1.50 entiles you to a Eee -rone sub- a $1.00 subscription, os 4 one of ich 4 arise. Competitors are assured of { scription. new: scriptions count the is correct the money with your others the same cals —s im artial treatment t i< same as new and will be extended from the day answers will not pata total value of prize. ry's contests in the pest. i ° . ° Use This Coupon When Sending In Solutions P FIRST GRAND PRIZE SIR a HEARST i FARM AND DAIRY, My the problem is ...............00-- miles. Former st Ontario, who crased or a igtires from whe se place the sum of §............ to my credit, and if this chart. is r; winning answer, send the prize to: reasonably suppose that when thei Owl, on the ether hand, haunts the Snowy Owl, as well as other birds|open spaces after «choosing for his of prey, visit us unexpectedly, they | perch an exposed site, are not thinking of us, but of what! j Sbends hours at #time, ever on the experience in Ife, are our region may provide for them as} watch for prey. It is a curious fact! ious. spector long ago, but the school) fonce and put a lock on the gate and/{ ber 5 use he want: his children sto: wan . food, the harvest. of their native) that other members of the Ow! fam- board does not feel obliged to do} told Jim Lawson he'd have to es, to £0 toa yout - they a ta most all‘ onr grounds having failed. .} iy, hunting by night and hiding by anything about that. [t's eo cold itisome other pasture for his sheep in I don’t know that they have gome definite regular Owls, with their nocturnal habits, | day, are dull-colored and af co 1D} pectrtedtectetertectecfocteed PEEPS jhas to have the old cracked boxj tie summer holidays... Just when} greater expenses there, either. tion, so we cin predict| #F@. 80 associated with the night. |! | browns and greys, while the day . stove rearing all day in winter 1!o/they thought they'd done a fine} erybody’s glad to take and going. Not su athe that it may prove somewhat of »: hunter is exceptional in hie. ‘white E A SCHOOL BOARD? the freezing. ‘ forenoon's : could have surprise to: mea eople to learn: Randy "Bel dn the Farmer's ; & tree on #ton' sinning to think. o for th ‘ Snowy Owl is Aiurnal oe From. m time immemorial men have. ~ Advocate © ; and up. there the gr ‘on such 4} home and dinner, along oth-; and a fine in See gee crap eet ted Owls with thoughts - of |.. & wonder doesn't carry;er men ith women in their Mf they'd ev-| buggies, Every one of them had bbits have} xecretive in habits, or to go to work again to plow and work up borders around the fence. and nocturnal, or Crows who have found an ol white-clad spectre from the great lone jand in the north, coming #0 unexpectely and vanishing again in- to the unknown fs the most myster- Still I’m not eo sure about. that. the section at a bee. That echool has to aaa Lg fs great, the walks and planted balsam hedges supply of wood ry @ on two sides and shade trees.on the buliding was condemned oot the in- | other two. They straightened up the ey gravelled|the point now that when you hear « mam, saying he wants to rent a farm, ten to gne he'll he’ : to ae a place in Schoo! Section Num-= where’ -he y and awe. gps is. ¢ haif-human faces, is gg Th twa baskets, phe of dinner and cone