which has been trying uns hant Marine steamer ec Jana: in the ice-pack in the lower St. Lawrenge. aoa japans, $5.50 to $5.75; Limas ia to. 18%e. Z $ ey rate lover, 5. 1b, tins, O-Ib. 26c; 60. uckwheat, Got, ins eB 05, a eon $5.00" feed, doz.; 10-0z., $4.25 to $4.5 jie Be 5 fee fs ae pro ote 85c, in More nants Wilt Manitoba barley — 4 ‘Sy: ae logue SLopeneree imperial gals, Hols Sugar, 1b,,.29 ti Pete eae ‘Smoked to 36¢; No. 3 rej ted $1.3 Bs feed, $1.84%, in store Fort! William Ontari secon to do. 30e5 io. oats—No. 9 nhite 95 to 98¢ 3 » AT to bOe; Sle; breakfast freights outside. gr| bacon,” 40\'to 44e; backs, plain, 48 to o's Pg7| 80e; boneless, 52 to 5 oo ST Cured m according to) #0 82e; clear ales. 30 do., o.b. shipping points, 35 velehts woliedkeoNo. i: Spring $0.08 sbi 2 29% to Boe pails, Bato oes 9 - prints, Olee. 01 ON. 0-2 Spring, S180 to $2 es erees, 27% t 5 283 tubs, 28 46 Be 4; ander points, according to ete: pails, 38% (0 28%; prints, 20% (Bite. ey Matting $1.60 to $1.65, ac-, ae to selghts. outs le. Buckwh ‘0 $1.35, accord ing to freights set £, Rye—No. 65. to $1.70, accord-. to freights outside, is flour—Government sfan-! Montreal Markets. ‘Montreal, Jan, 6. : feed a 6 bag $0"lbs., S75 to $6, tee middlings, $52.26; 2, per ton, car lots, $24.00 to $25.00; dard, "gi. 26 Toronto cheese, finest easterns, 25 to 28¢; but- Ontario flour—Government stan-! ter, choice creamery, 67 to 67%e; bute dard, $9.80 to $0.45, Montreal and To < ronto, in jute bags. Prompt Lee Mill: — Car lots x lots, fee pot Montreal. “te ight “bay =! car lots, Heeeny pe cae , $45; sl per we abattoir: iitiea, Sob $0 & $i. 505 teak tierces, 875 Ibs es ts, $00 fo "$025 pea feed se $3.15 to. pure, 5 Live Stock Market —No. 1, per-ton, $26.50; mixed,! Toronto, Jan, per ton, $25, track, ‘Toronto. | teers, aia 0 to, 82 lear bacon, 31) traw—Car lots, per ton, $14.50 to, $15.50, track, Toronto. Povan Produce—Wholesale. Dairy, tubs and ‘rolls 48 40 50e, Creamery, fre 0 61e; prints, 62 to) medium ssfully to dian Spin- CROWN JEWELS GUARD DOUBLED Thick, Hectagonal Steel Bar- rier at Tower of London. atch from ‘e the Bri rst irish rom. the will get sooner or later. wey s in 1 by his visit to journeys to Australi The Engh time been Reese oF iealand Ei exce a. th prison like bars in them. The erphe Cw. | Although Scotland Yard is reticent| Att Windows bb the suggestion that some of the! atch from te ae wee it is nage aes tives apap active befo the war were ena in r : windéws of the Pa Roelininensations| ‘roblevics [that were Hen Gea eetciie the bombardment SMe cairn are. Neat by an . te ly ee French Birth Rate ‘The wonderful mediev Shows Big Increase Notre. Danie and the Sain {has dy_ bee A despatch from Paris says: large increase in the birth rate i shown As statistics for the month o: ‘ive Fl Connie Prince ae Wales ae } s Fi London W Ei Restored to Paris Paris, ancient Paris long-range a aves va n returned, fiv Seint Gervais, But Egge—Held, 52 to acy new laid, oy, 10, 00" er fi io; 0; do, modu Spring chickens common, $6.50 fox 0, $7.50. to $10.00 eames and cutie milkers, good to | oice, to! {to Bbc | Governor, tuck ee 30 0 to BBe; squabs, $6.25; nye p— Spring chickens, 19 $05 to § fowl, 18 to i spring limbs, perc 0 good ame 3 18 33. a | watered: $18.25 off at S18. ‘00 to 817 50, |RED MENACE ON AFGHAN BORDE! a World’s Largest Bible, | to Aid | Crusay de of 1921) svithin re? bee iscnGw chee written en and Ww the who” are “pi are: King Prince of Ministers. x Iv, nd as Lord eee Con- ced ary, t benno Djebel | i Cabinet station, Kraenovodis, Toole agratieaowtin town. | The book will contain the aeipee tied Sacre ene continue to a | text of the Authorized ee en tiv he Mery | Genesis 0 Revelations, an is Caspia from Central Rus pace in it for 12,000 hands aten s the menace lane the: Sen ‘ontributions. It will 2 aa ‘Afghan borders critical. ‘inches high one 3 ce 6 ene ae ed propagands is increasing] stated | Twelv ve large were required | in ta ensit; all the evidence in- churches! for the binding, ean ich is done in red aticncs that as safety) Levant Morocco leather ertains far- reaching: p-| oe huge book will fe exhibited in sin in Central Asia ious places, the idea being to at- on eae face onperr fe tue ile Es : 1921. Te is even hoped to take Cairo Air Route Started. overseas to i wuld be ¢ Wales, at ae eS $ of al_glass. of} te-t cbspaellen and no; ther _,Saint: A despatch from London says:— An air route from Cairo. to Cape eee iss been established by an all. The first part of the ald, SHO pitta foluing oplationn aid ' pulpit. Q lie More ant Getter Tels, are to be put ack ry fi December, the rate in Paris having do pu specimens ible aide ake beginning of the ast January the birth rate ny ae thousand, while for the eet ent month the rate exceeds thousand, Deaths have Hecreaned: from 1 ‘thousand i in January to 14 per thous-! by the explosion at C nd this month, The peta of | pvelisee is also increasing. ar e windows of only ‘or 18 per Eee churches were |aged’ by the war, Pata 18 very Tene which sance Thi eat weet. e fee SARE SNe |Mummies Still in Souvenirs For Relatives. arom e: Lon oHBapadch eromebondone aves despatch from Lon A Relatives of Boitish soldiers who ore pele wat ay in the war are to _ Plaques upon which are inse vibed the ree tunnels were rein underground plaques are about five inches Gr ddcned nee ee ‘ish lin raids, fecpeeanaigilavicly sper ait ad Sal in the tombs of ings i Ang imide ‘inn ‘government factory we liar Sone ap eak tb SRE vant to museum is They w Prince Begin Tour If; the au to India March 1 A despatch from London oe Prince of Wales starts New Zealand and fee Seti cen Me will be| away until Christmas. — in their hiding places Hasolca Se o—— Equipped as an O A despatch from New York ae Million aa Half. The 46,000-ton British “Germans Killed seat Riayat of the hich made her last trip as al ugust weet lin ‘Mai despatch official statistics just made places the number of Gane tl dn battle 1,500,000. TKese figu not ineluds those who died in prison| camps. from o| Line. pie, st of the large | to be so equipped. were partly bel itor "He died! Maseuin are still ying in. cold, of a bu 3 thes might not be injured by Zeppe-| Egypt, if; je Eaummies would fore t school children shave ear eeeee them. pee welned a the elements of “the! the mummies clos public and the mummies are still | Olympic to Resume Her Run nounced there at the. office i the) ‘The Olympic, wher | appears, dees oft by | tin senger steamers! firm ae fight is from Cairo to N ‘Thesé S France Confident of renais-| at New Year old} from Paris, new year , int-' greater confidence than the las| a in spite of formidable handicaps the balance of trade running | agai her at the rate of aboui | 0,000 frenes a iaonth, about £0 | vent, depreciation of the exchange | walierah the ffaric anit the colleontete | difficulty of procuring raw materials says:—!and machines urgently for ened | Teconstruction. Evance’s renewed confidence is ed direetly from the ‘result. of re-| ne of the A despach says:— rio or with far ne Hiding} me dca needed E, gyptian| British jee [the révant | ctesticnie: ilaing!| ‘garded here as having de fnbelyetal | ilized internal polities, ended all | dauger of Serica’, agitation for| time to come and brought eons Epvbla: hotter aneite by capital an if, labor toward the immense effort b nce red so that mn Egyp Fra tence, but! Economists and financiers situation admit that France still is in| ost di ieficul situation, but see| fa indications of great improvement of Zeppelin| fore the end of another year. ed ti - oe Only Clemenceau For President spateh from Paris saya Pott circles believe Ee the name SiR WM. OSLER Premier ee will ae a ‘The noted physician, who Aes at oe White Star say one submitted to Parliament) jford, England, in his 71s when the ele ily for President of born a Bond oad will bs ve-| the French Republic takes plese, ac-| Hope. rch, | cording to The Echo de Par il’ Burner Ae near The man teh ue a can grow edit Fae Gaisiing Afiaan hou | ace corn! sand tons was supplied to the Brish A i the tine fed has fs ante @ cav~ pace in the field’in 1918. n his cocoa) Wye “haxt trner— the] | Tet him in. "aon, oe oh sai | of thought, “I sh Soviet Government) ‘ ti-British | °” ‘oungest member of British House of commons, Ss son-of Lord Rothermere and ne, ord Noy M.P.\for Thanet, being congratatated by his supporters. d. recently elected , He is only 21 years’ old ephew Hon, Esmuné, Harms- rthelifie, who was Pie Motto. set ee go the =a or of a news: on ow the porter’s third attempt ae ee nit ne | “Now, young man,” he began, by greeting, “I hayen’t time to with you, but I'l do it con- hat I to ns, on on you st The, Saunas with eat ‘ity, S que! terms cepted the w young ‘This was the hat was the most difficult thing | nt ever did?” “Weil,” said the man uld b cent the I have ever done elf of the sell of di oF om my boyhood » man er on, “I was seu to after a sat from hard pecially would a0 anything to keep me from suffer- ing. ‘That showed her gence, but it man of me. love pau es didn’t help to id upon because, as I told Tale a was afraid.’ I was afraid of events; s afraid of men, ascin fina of failure everywhere, “Then one day I picked He @ copy of Emerson, and this is what I ‘Do ha rse I knew that it doesn’t mean ris you should be reck- less. It means this: When you're on the right road and are’sure of it, don’t be frightened of into some sidetrack just because th things left that I am afraid of. He rose, and the reporter of course rose ie The business man offered his B d and smiled. ‘ou're a good sgieten and your word pla I se 1 you've Pe | (of me than anyone wh is 6 lence, | IRELAND. Cc. B. feelee h road, pointed to t Hae | The. death i [eau County Doneg: DE r Harvey, year, The gne hu annual meeting tal was 253 r i sani fined £5 for beef to Isaac lown the t taken over the mitt held Chareh, Dublin. How to of meat, the tri and shoulders, small piec from the tied ars, care the other way. move the jay the head meat ballet with wa’ Set the xact | Hy sae aes thick r James ee dui Granard of the e caringe removed, may bo use: split between the jay a es ae is taken out, w and nasal cay Calvey, R.A.S. Dublin, has been he Order of the. Bri is suieenee i al, i ‘in ap is indred and sixty-fi os ae sixty-fifth of the Meath Hospi- ‘ecently, James Mahony s has been ay hall, eldest: son all, era Tone of Dublin, sending a quantit Strongwater, London, was without a license. Captain Clark has received instruc- tions from the Admiralty naval Dublin and Kingsti Barrie, off te’ Ikish Depart- of ae to ee ‘ion, ublin, and ey EB. Port asta have ad- mitted Freemen of the City of Dublin, of in commemoration Hill pe ea Make Serapple. rimmings of the A head, the Ne e uve ae fie aie, and age meat. fol cleansed and ap d ; a. split}? Cat off the’ snout, re: ies. into _ them, and ee ater to liquid to boiling, a ee ah make a moder ey re ear| Ce cae taeda the} halt corel and: halt’ buskpheat © al faa is ee ie in inches and divide the prodi salle method that tiply | together the length, height As vith] in feet and then multiply the product | by four. Cut off the zee hand fi ‘gure and the ning figure will Yepresent the bushels Of shelte lime rema pie hay in stacks fy to find the nat, width, | Pi jana the eee from the und on! h a nthes tide, ie “over” and div lip esilnecnuniiar: bye it oe saltiply by the length. in ack ninety days, ee by! 512, and for 120 days, divide The answer will be the appr | number of tons in the stack. ints! Ne] meal may bi ah Tali} used. Then mut in the horoughly, season eg taste with salt, red and usc per, snd either thyn tek: made of n n grinding, and slice n s car For eel ple in the struggle wit inade h 485. lone ene system. Edueatio eof nba factors in this ir the pri struggle. af ‘ied betore| ane Aerie be about aini | and Se ae until ae Ais not cope with city peo- ‘or a square deal ie and rae BRINGING UP een SW ARE THE GOLD- Bien Fee ARE TAKIN: SAR sae ly ME. CSET TIN nat BEAUTIFULLY - I HUSBAND 15 Ses THEM Wwe LL er T THEN FOOL: 1 SAID GOLD FISH} U HERE YOU all QE ARE “MAGGI ‘ae aa GOLD -FISH AN ie An RE panels SESS Rayenhill of ar a d y of close transport base at has of the Farl of Tool Control Com- tee, J. Annstrong, St. G, Brown, Henry Garrison _| closely it fi ale y tl above method until June, erates te atl a ‘homas Munro has been Gee clerk to the Lanark dues ‘ tion Authority. Irvine has aeady four hosiery fac- tories, and s have lately heen passed for choir as ‘been conferred oi nel Haron | Meikle, imming a) ilitary oak has ‘been awarded to Lieut. W. R. Dewar, son of Pater eee Rutherglen. Dr. e D.S. on jieat:-Colo: of Barski q D,S.0., has been ap- pointed STabenl lottioss bocthe toed nee ab es eae Barracks. George Randall, 17 Citater gee Titi recently cele- brated their golden weddin; “Mr. and Mrs, Thomas von Hill oes, y eeenbeill, recently "ale, brated 4 8 is awarded to™ coe Duncan Malloch, - a ee of Edinburgh University, it.-Col. Alex: ere Campbell, son ae x D. Campbell, Bellevue crescent, Edinburgh, has been appointed a The Distinguished Flying — Cross has been awarded to Lieut. Hugh Me- Lean, R.A.F., son of Hugh McLean, | Boies ” W. mpbell, son at = Carnpbell; ete Satueae of burgh, has been awarded the MIL ry Cross. Military ae wen has a son of Goudiallok head- Public urgh. oniyee, whe has been Mer Street has sent in his master r Seboala thane all, ene Tinie of East Park Pub- School, Maryville, has been aj headmaster of Willowbank ol. aan of St, Sava has eee on Very Rev. Dr. Glasgow University, by the King of he Serbians. Ayrshire hae Ula an acr of three Sindee ss aad nine hundred and e The Bhat ities to the Ram say mMemorlpl Ee for the teaching hemi: Cnet ge: University, 3,0 The Military Goss has been award- ed to Capt S. Sutherland, son Mrs. Matherlant 34 es street, s tablet in memory of thos: sels fell ia the wariae chat Gavel ed in er) Parish Church by Sir Thomas The “anon geaa Metal and ~ Free Gift Fund was the means of retain. over £2,000 & the Prisoners of War Care Committ ‘The D.S.0. has been “avrarded to Lieut.-Col. James acLeod, a brother of Sir Tame MacLeod, Lord pore 4 Edinbur t Mablillere ‘Greenock, pre- guedeat he anneal ata of the Inverkip Society, the oldest in the country, having been tortie in 1798, Making and Canning Sausage. _Use the gee rd and all it off i Serepble is made of the waste Bee ts the meat into small or ios, ‘wanhe Wel andrtin “krongle efeoarchopper ontiltg 1 “quite fine, Seaaen to taste with salt, black pep- per, red pepper and sage, working all in thoroughly aii we use the same inches deep, edge st the ra | sidewise, roll over and over, drain and Felon phi: bake itto: the water eeein, Also put tops and rubbe |hot water. You are now rene es be- gin canning. y the sausage in small es a more ae half done and pack th Whe ee ull, Hs ‘nts ich ‘about three table- Fry little rub tightly. Tarn the jar bottom-upward ona shelf : 4 eet as when firs' When Th taste just like fresh sausage. ile Vite Storing Meat. After smoking meat put the pieces nuslin bags, which Tare been dip- ped in whitewash. Or make a mixture of three pounds bariom “saint, 06 glue, po! lead separately in a quart of water and add this and the glue to the flour. s toa en jen a the barium Make before it is aly gis broek This Keen flies away and ont enough bawe for 100 Pounds of me tn +e Rei Future. ay, sas the matter?” ed the passenger sinner Birr e speed indicator, “We have ane tomine hundred miles an hour!" on account of passing Nasties the ‘MLuky Way, si lained courteous! ou see, due “ Us shataing tion, ae. > ogee hag for demand on board the inter- come ged