Payments Won't be Finished Till 1951 and Allies Will ge ge Commission in Be That Terms Are t number of dutit Sma, the tasks lasting few day: a seore The Goxmans lave professed to be! eos “ fo and/ful-! Some of, their newspapers sia an as the only’ proper course, but ee ice are tak-: ing no chances. mission, sit-/ ting permanently in Berlin, will 520 that the terms are observed, and el large en is, being made ready for thei; "The eacenia limit fixed- be May 31, > 1961, Before then Germ ny ae amast | have completed all payments for dam- ges under the head of reparations.' ie of the ene Pesan tan is) we spunea c commission to! ‘bounda: ee the Sarre Besin,| ee whi ae the a mee Deome the sbacluts property of i ie ft ‘the region for is to oer, ‘fifteen years, at t end of which the Snhabitants will he! made and, if ARTE would be paid reignty| for in proper _ called on to choose under which they desire ‘6 e ee ‘The inhabitants of the Sarre Basin are to retain their local assemblies and woman suffrage is to be intro- luced, Belgian Boundary Terms. There are as similar provi- sions for marking new frontier line between, cae Faas Gee ny. en tion of fe territory to Denmark — ‘th | entitled to decide whether they will named to fix the boundary, and with- in six months inhabitants of the t med must record their ears reafter nite inhabi-« tants of the districts definitely be- coming Belgian may elect te return |W! Ge many. Ke Restoration of Alsace and Lorraine for seven years the Rhine ot. Kehl, opposite quambonte, and the ort to be ged as one eC an appointee of Marconia Rhine commission, who must be a prenehe is is to prevent the at Kehl a rival to Berea pe the principal centres hine. The consolidation similar service is supplied in frat many. } Eastern Frontier Provision. er eastern frgntier, a commis sion of seven members will mark. th boundary between Poland and Czecho- slovakia, which Germany must recog- nize. t commission, five m¢ bers are appointed by the Alle, one by Poland and one by th ch Slovaks, and the G an inhabitants will have two years to elect of Ger- man nationality. her commission of seven, simi, lerly named, has been constituted to x the Silesian boundaries of Poland en Germany. At the same time all e German troops and officials must eats the territory named the treaty and the vy hole area will be placed under an International com- foun? composed of 61 ie Frenel i ssisi ted by! ge at tele respective. countries to keep 0 ter ay ‘occupation by the Allies, ' the people of each eee ye She ‘women as wale as mel ress their preference vhathiae thek Spillag 2 or pices bi a Polish or! remain Ger This election must take place ie earlier than six sont nor later than eighteen months aft the commission is established. The members will be guided by the result in correcting the frontier provision- nee outlined in the treaty. n this is decided, areas will be turned over to 9 Polish and German authorities and ie eo of the commission termini ear, Germany and’ Po- Jand must adopt an agreement givin; y full railroad, telegray and telephone communicatio East Prussia and similar fecilities Poland concerning with the free city o: Another commission is ag settle the poe of the Danzig area, which is e planes ues protection of the ie ague of ni A high mis- with to Sore eati sioner is to eee the drawing of| “ a eile by the citizens, and a is to be made with Poland, Ben? to her absolute contre! of river a gu pea aon, wae the port rmans lose their na- tionality at once, bps aesatie of Danzig, but within may elect to return to G n allegiance, in which case atey must reuilerite to Germany. [times in separate zones [m mmission is. "distinct from | sion. of | , pile gue staceerop of acts, talons “| seven =| both in personnel iz ph | rlin All the Time to See Complied With. ere mitsin tén days from the, coming i of the treaty; that is, before Jane “MT. A commis- sion then took charge, canes five yeahs three named by ¢ Allies and one each by Norway eel Sweden. Evacuation Already Effected. Here the plebiscite vote is to be at different ti mans, foreseeing that compliance was inevitable Cee last autumn to evacuate the mi re- si ion, taking with them ot "only Jegi- timate state and civilian property, but all kinds of stores of local memhashss eapecially in Apenrade ans jouder- bourg, ich was raided det izers ioe $375,000 Sued Loft i motor lorries provided for the oe All the satisfaction the ma ‘chants could get from the Prussian e officials was that claims ight» be ar thre esl ae the Germans ‘have fully evacuated the territory. a plebiscite will te conducted in the northern ha five weeks the first leblacite: ome Will Ne taven in the southern half. Fifteen days five members, three named i yall be named to race the | new Pettiee on the: wat Within two years after the restora- future German inhabitants will remain Danish or remove to Germany. ithin a year Germany must store to China ae astronomical ie struments stolen eat there in 1900 with the allies wn the Boxer rebellion and an. 10 ments connected with the administra- tion of Kinochau, This soni indi- cate a delay at least of equal length before Japan can-fulfill ae fen fo restore Kiao-chau to Chins By March 81 the Gaetan must be reduced to 700,000 men. With- in three months all Seat oens except certain ones designated by Allies, which have been engaged i x material, must be dloses. Within to months oil material in jie mci alloyed Be Rate Aen cite’ be. eirscadeead 0 My | © igian workmen fixing up new ites The Germans took away th the town. RE-OPENING OF LOUVAIN UNIVERS! > Breadstuffs, ~ a Pie ain ate ern, 7: a te Fort William. Mani in m store ‘or! et 19%; C.W., $1.49; iho tad. $1.35%, in cae Bort ey rican e6rn—No.-3 yellow, $1. oe No i. yellow, $1.75, track, ‘Toronto, prompt shipment. Ontario . 8 white, 98¢ to $1, seer a to freights outside. Ontario ae No, ‘ winter, r car lot, 0 $2.01 ~ sto7} to $2.08; 1 No. oe $i.03 to $1.94, fob. shipping points, acco ne freights, 4 re Nor? Spt, 4 ring, 02 a ‘0. 2 Spring, 1.98 te $2.05; No. , BL.05 fo $2.01, fod, Pesky points eo to fre cotta) ig, $1.80 to $1.82, ac- site Op pes ohts outside, ckwheat—$1.45 to $1,48, accord- ing to ae outside. , $1.85 to $1.88, accord: outside. S, per ton, $52; good feed flout, Sette $8.75. Hay—No. 1, p per ton $26.50; mixed, per Comets check, Tora Straw—Car Jets, per one "$16.00 to ITY copper tram lines tside of ruined e copper wires when in occupation of ois No. 0 per bushel, this means that Canada’s wheat crop this year is worth about $400,000,000. The total area sown to wheat was 19,141,887 acres, which he yield per acre, 10.25 bushels. 18,462,444 acres sown to spring wheat, the yield from this being 181,- 228,000 bushels, the fall wheat yield- ing 16,183,000. The estim: that the total 1919 crop is 7,000,000 bushels in excess of that for the year akes ie point of both yield and ug Saskatchewan leads among the pro inces. the t prodier te te credited with piaes bushels, or slightly over 50 per cent. his should worth abort $200,000, 000, or at tae one-half of the entire Value the wheat crop dake ote Doni comes sec | them, Within three months the Ger- mans must reveal the composition of | the different kinds of poison gas they| | used in th Within two months Germany must ji isarm all fortifications ‘west of line drawn fifty metres, stot thirty-one miles, east ° Suites ret oie: disoeeilan months, German « be reduced within two and Sorapeele and all German: submarines mus (handed 0: Rea eee ry must | sa of nonths. One is that Germany must reimburse the| Belgian government for all sums bor- rowed from the allied and associated| Powers up to the date of the ar rmis-| Payments will be regulated by ee aration, Com var ‘omnes in foree. Within three soho aay must restor | vain Unive: ooks in number ai | yalue equivalent ie deaecayent Vand within six months must restore to| tho King of He [of the Cattpl Othman and hah fo Britain the skull of “the. Sultan Ian vcpuicke we given by the Germans from Hast Afri over Peacoat Saat CRAFT WORKERS. Fe FOR CANADA Flax, Hester and and Lace Opera- i tors Arriving From Europe. A denpateh from London, of new Sa nett of others, Canada is be- says:— industries and the vily on craft Britain and the Continent for skilled workmen. 3 is known, the Dominion regulations governing the admission of laborers and artisans are very strict, and guarantee of a job and housing facil- les. Asa result of the great growth of manufact for skilled panei veneeaty recognized| jas tis original Koran) some ‘Cu en receiving | Steens 2084 ri The all of thie 4 exception of 93,000 bushels spring wheat. mately $90,000,000. $80,881, or about 100,000 less than} in 1918. The average yield was 15) uushels per acre. Alberta’s yield was 26,181,000 bu- | shel Is, of which all but 680,000 bushels! Of thisy ates show] aged 16.5 The value is approxi-| w The acreage was) Canada’s Wheat Yield by Provinces The Bureau of Statistics estimates was spring wheat, at about $53,000,000. The area in| was 400,000 acres in excess of “hat < of 1918, and the average yield 6.25 bushels per ac British Columbia’ crop was 1,431,- 000 bus! Ontari ot ‘Ss ahi be amounting to ts ” Spring wheat ai uushels per acre, and ‘all mounted to 4,- 000. yield was about 2,600,000 below one of 1918 4 due to a much re- duced a ie provinces See 000. Spuas of wheat, ot Adee about 900,000 are credited Edward Island. Tn point of importance in produc. one tie uate berta, Ontarto, Quebee, British Col- bia, Prince Edward Island, Brando: Neveseenie One of the most notable de the Dominion ing of the grain-growing cen the eastern to the prairie provinces, lo PINS TRANS- ATLANIC LINERS r; Aquit quitania and the Siank Beat Overhauled. A Boonen fiom: London) eayec= of woes is engaged in) jetmauiiie hree great trans-| ntic ee _Inperatos, Aguitania | ssid OR MEAS So cBlare thes hace Ih service at ithe esc liceineseibls he: ment é the heavy demands 0} pcnioristlon sou i [Tn overhauling the Imperator, which | expected to be back inservice again in February, it is reported that a hole wes found in the swimming tank, Heed cmricinlemtage audiaion® of the Germans purposely boring a eos in the tank before sd Bed left us causing tite of water to enter rooms. It is now hoped that the Aquintania will be ready for service in June, The sets of eee ie White Sat sr Olym) ‘ushed. is in its fants of 2, 000 workmen. | over atlat n= “the boiler at in pre-war times, despite greatly in- creased cost of labor and material. a a Both Kept Tab. “Icanna get over it,” a Scotch farmer remarked to his wife. “I put a twa’ shillin’ piece in the plate at the kirk this morning instead o’ ma usual penn; The beadle had noticed the mistake and in silence he allowed the farmer to miss the plate for twenty-three consecutive Sundays. On the twenty- fourth Sunday the farmer again ig- nored the plate, but the old beadle stretched the ladle in front of him and n|in a loud, tragic whisper said: “Your time's up noo, Sandy.” ee ge Keep snow away from young ever- and low growing shrubs, so the Branches Will not be weighted down applications en. Nearest in time of all the treaty nd bro! | Suse 1078 | Facts About Canada. Fre cae eels nae pr da pos ot ths globe’s total supply of per cent of lhe the _confreres of the Pr vince of Alberti Canadian ‘milling Industry has, le progressive strides, flour See eee that and 1919 increased n i je =, coal, in of ud 000, 000 fete year, ae new mills ded. are being continually a are sever: in the Province of Alb only two have fields, Bow Island Tl the inland waters of Canada anand the ‘value, of $220,288 and $184,009 spectively. - The value of fresh water fisheries of Quebec averages $800,000 annually, and lesser amounts from the rivers and Jakes other Hevinets ish of Gansde’a inland water: 3 fol- lows :—White: xzin; nore mk ratios Fue aie nee carp, kilon; epee 27 Saar a Farm Implements From Canada Admitted Free A eae from London says:— The Greek Government has decid = to ay Aces implments Canada free of uring oy ini een making fairly | large shipments of this class of goods, and in all has done nearly $40,000,000. worth of trade with Greece. The value ie nee pa about $47,000,000, the Feld ete 20,- fall crop was eee of fishes eae was of the 304, ‘000 Tel ee a Salas of $8,800,-| Dears is year as follows:--Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Al. New evelop-| *° ments of the last 50 years in the life has been the shift- ‘tre from as Tatusble Bom. au Ik of the aa and shatterea the ruined mong the eomiterctal escaal all, sesses nearly one-fifth Canada’s coal Pro- “al flow gas ficlds erta, but as yet been utilized for com- mercial purposes to any considerable extent, panels the Medicine Hat and lue of the fish taken from amounted ‘g| to over $5,000,000 in value during the vi io | N; goldeyes, catfish and mas- f $17, ieee Tor puntry Pee wine Oc to. uty ze aa to ened Jan. 27.—Manitoba_wheat 7 forthern, $2.77; No. 8 No age 460; cot BBe to Bd. ra vealed fe eat Dicleled pork, 646; every step. First, th ae Meats —Out of pickle, 1¢ less! ost cork a a a gabe, a Salted Menis-Tong, gles eons Saati ae of aus Ree oll ee on be =f Beles, 27c to Bie fat a ‘ade to and oxidized under the watchful ey@ fa ORE until it has become rubber-like mass, which 4s mixed wil the’ cork floor and other ingredients- and is pressed on a burlap base, From the linseed oil diel au, oy me—I jax, and ole Reet the: ofl 1s boiled, it ts a into movable conveyors ing sheds, which are about thief te These conveyors have li holes in the bottom, and as they tra’ from one end of the shed to the ot the ofl runs eee te = Rieter? | sorim that are hung floor and cradusly sabe Tierces, 81c to 3it4c; t to Be pails, 31% to. Eve prints, ome se $8c. Cor ee lard, Herces, 28% to 29e} to 29440; prints, 80c to B04. Montreal Markets. —Oats, extra No. L$ iand grade, § ew stan- Rolled ee bags 90 y $45.25, corte, "$62.25, Hay, No> 2, sr ton, ae vee to ae Cheese, st inest easterns, choicest st creamnety, rite a ‘6c. ter, ‘0 8c, are a 90c;'do selecte 3 1. stock, 54e; do. No. ae Ble to me Pol isto, iS ag carlots, $8.50 guise Mnoleum Lauehneey by sorely, After the ts of off, heavy | from peiauing See pre eaceratne| ers and gai “Live'Stigk Markets.» Jan, 27—Choice 50 to $15; Toronto, steers, $14. sghod off casey, 18 $18.26 we) 1S;, HEIRS, sir worst $17.35 do,, and the two are pret gether, The ‘plat linoleum then passes into the “stoves” which are high, k drying rooms where es ins from one to ste erohks.t to be seasoned. best way to lay imoleum fs to cement it down over heavy felt paper. If a waterproof cement is used at the seams and edges, the floor will be car $19 to $19.50; 50; lights, 5 selects, 6.50. hts, Soo," Sows, ‘Sick Birds at the Front. Although the number of wild crea- tures actually killed in the war ap- small, Tae Httte rehlasales have come with- in the immediate ken of the close ob produced eee I spent many idle hours watching a e| gxeat un owl dodge up and down in the moo: I even approached the een ruin of a pigeon cot, which was all that remained of a large shed, walls that m climb up aed peep into it, but we could see the gleai mother bird’s round eyes, and heard her an- ‘ks upon our intrusion. the Germans thought that the cot concealed our gun, for one evening, just at sunset, a couple of “whiz-barfgs”.came over and landed close beside it, and ener’ shot, more sfully aimed, ripped off a corner we watched the pane ee the great owl flew out with a and .| disappeared,’ His mate followed: more slowly, She fluttered round the ruins, then settled, and endeavored to enter , | anxiously seeking for her young oe and listened to the noisy snorings of | 4 water-tight and will give satisfactory was badly wounded, service for many y A linoleum for her wings : floor should be waxed thorou: 48 | soon 9s it is lald. oy Man’s Strength A Fiction, It is customary to speak of man as stronger than wo! half true, half false; is stronger more active, he er constitution, oe Pea enemies of life. And this facies seems native and citrasts not due to ets. Her mate soon came back, and it was pleasing to see his anxiety. He to steady her hold m the crumbling wall and, evidently urged her to seek enekes in filght. claws finally, re- laxed thetr hold, aa she slipped down stones beneath, he would not leave her body for hours; he lingered | externals or to the chance eside her, eyen bringing her dead| ments of society; 6 hope of rousing her | fancy the man-child is from her last sleep, until just before dawn, when he flew off in the direo-| 100 girl babies die in the first year ot tion of the German lines. Later ‘we | life, ovr census shows that there die heard an fndignant protest from an | about 180 boys. owlet and rescued him from a corner the sense organs there is a dif of the ruined nest, His baby brother] ference closer to what we know of had been crushed by a falling brick. or and which is not wholly in ae St = Nae with the common thought. that Sone are more sensitive than men. They are more delicate of ‘can perceive c A despatch aes fot says:—| § Diplomatic advices from Budapest! B® ™ state that the TgaaNan food stocl are at the lowest point bp recorded, and that persons w! ais have succum’ People Dead From Hunger Picked Up in the Streets a Siding ee) Menahey is not so clear, | In recent experiments the men wer§” Ate hear fainter ‘one, and for all one of the openings. Obviously, she to starv: ei Dela niakaden Hein ght P "2! put one of several p nat the Spectrum the men, egies to the Will A despatch from London says:— Canada will have to pay as much to- ward the upkeep -of-the League of! Belgium, Brazil, the Argentine Re- public and other countries whose pi ulations equal that of the Domien was iew with Sir whose position is connected wit The reason nahi ost apgording to the class- ification of the International Postal is power Hi den aries ty Canada's sole repre- sentative on the League staff. ‘The appointment of the Dominion’s he” deliboatt CANADA HAS LARGE SHARE IN UPKEEP OF LEAGUE OF NATIONS Will Bear Same pkpocned pot Seen Expense as Britain and More Than Belgium or the Argen tina—Dominion’s Delegate Have Permanent Residence at Geneva. Nations as Britain, and ‘more’ then! eof, The fine of Russia may also be a are the 0 guard her d legate must evidently > of the Government it body of the League Asi be made within the next few months, rom | 020,| 2 at is now a take Si he ril, A’ i of the council be ‘held in Paris, “the week before |e and another will take place in Landed soon. Then will come the embly must) i as a must attend the first meeting, | R' popular belief, detected the color at a intensity than did the women, But, besides this difference in the senses when they are normal, serious. ee ee ats and ear come far more and to the man Bare Rees ‘blindness, which is ua ually innate and is therefore not to be ascribed to the manner in which man lives and works, is about tenfold more also more frequent among men. The most serious defects of hearing also occur oftener among men of those reported totally di assembly, the place of meeting of which has not yet been decided. Al- Le iy Bee has yet been is gathering, it ie decided one, the _dision Argentina, | vicles than thore are tomate 5 q AEP ‘ World Air Tours Proposed, A large British company, finan Rin t subject, ao well as the matter of man- dates f mn Africa, and the re- ait opthe Wantlncion Taver cites ence, Uithmately 8 permanent home for| » the league in Geneva, and it reill Sushe ERS y for Can: ada, like other members, to keep ies poses to put into execui embracing plan for Sines airshtp Routes have pissuhd so that no important ofty will be more than ten days’ air uae from London, the following be! chief main lines and Hog OTE in making flights from Such ea meme jower and wilt Sane when the Government changes. For. the assembly in pril he. wil take with him a staff expertly versed | ga, Canadian affairs. - The hi as ed in London that if Sir joni — New York .... San Francisco Cait Colom! Perth "ead Nairobi... como the Canadian delegate to. the ie adaidrags League appointment in the mnieenational High Bose of Jus- tice in connection with trom London town will include a twelve how nae sor Natrobl. Cairo and Lisbon are to be two of the traffic fuhotines, the form- BRINGING UP FATHER a ai which will be reached trom Lon by way of an \ WELL $0 YOUVE BEEN ‘OVER THE TOPE? e EI ERY = ECORAT EDS BY GOLLY - YouR No PouHeR 1S PROUD > Mie UW BET DAD- ae \s- WELL-WILL YOU ASK HER: TO LE ME GO OUT TONIGHT? si eames NIX+OA0-I'VE OT ONE up to 10,000 rae Megas ‘New « to Cahetiier, akre; and $696. This ty San y elght cents a mite, Mail § be carried at six vents an ounge, Ng F