Monkton Times, 12 Feb 1920, p. 5

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_ HOW 10 TREAT ~~ STOMACH TROUBLE + \. + 4 = ar War Eliminated Plaster Cast. ‘The war has almost completely eliminated the age-old plaster cast from the instruments of surgety. The surgeons at the front were working “A Tonic Medicine is Needed to Build Up the Digestive Ofpana: The as ‘fashioned methods aot eee oe stom arded. work. Every step toward recovery is a stp pean] not to be lost again. very of the appetite, the Gidacncartnne of pain after eating, the absence of gas, are steps on the road to health that shoe who have tried the tonic ‘eat- ent remember distinctly. Dr, Wil- Tan Pink Pills a tonic every No. Peo 3 cents. To bi like the plowing, Comer, Picton, Ont., si wards of t No, 9238 Ladies’ Waist, cents. Two styles of front and rut in, 8 sizes, s, 5d, 86, 98, {46 and 48 inch bust | 86 eat when! 17% "yards, '3 ‘as In con-| yard Fs a inch a8 nate advised | Front, 19 yards, 36 inc . Williams? Pink Pills andj 1% yards 54 ine’ been using them a ter No. weeks when I found they were | ee oWith ing me. I very gladly continued Atte | ig of sleeve. use and the result {s they pee : I was under bid medical ate te trouble grew 80 bad, coals: 6 inches wide, Waist. ry ee 36 inch 86 inches wid e@ them a lat ana polars that wie nyself | the they a find a s can et Co., » an aviation will see British rail under Goverment c at least. er Thornton, a member ott Rail a Boa ae the athe “aay made this stateme e. will continue ot for another blo: mae iti can be used on Mien Ww Pt of the railways is ae e1 it end of e presentatives and acting in con-| of continental aviation certainly war was still nathaliongal Ba or junction with a central board, com-| the western sia, the motes every: in ention brought to the ° ee acl 2 3 ata of one ie is matched i the other stance: 0 7 ‘ dl | side. Every veapon of offense is the eo does Rot: co avers favor-) parried with a defensive one, ever Hoa SSeS, | device or defense is si pceastaily ae re as long as | tacked lad the war gone on, that syst on fore one, {profitable. Uri the Reduce! a ight | panies wake up we shall be si charges eae oe eoueigated for | airgrams instead of cba some to m ie Present | tant places before many Ae mehely 1a an dvisory ca-| “It {8 very likely the oie: auelty, saeeldes disputes, aabitrates be-| tw npanies and their men, and | i with that of another in a yey Armistice Day the ae was in ae cancer "Ot individual lines One. re-| hardly contemplated. In the direction Sesuion“dt the fi / ter to the board in tim mer-} of mail carrying I see no limit to t ‘jor General E. D. Swinton, of the usefulness of aviation. ish army, heads the list that See Tne Post iat: pantie An <OMINAEY ata Toten uae aot ca ie $70,000. two or three seater airplane is about | my Fae thus confirms the com- pe A Recollection. [onstrate Fines eA te en n that General Swinton - a be taken “ apes B I like to think about the place aa about six hundred. hours or é0.000 was forest, 30 to, a eee | played. miles a flying. Where ee fo sit and take your And ae ‘the crackers and the cheese, most suitable for world- see the shadows = ae pool, ‘Thear the distan’ ; « to | sity, writes: Which, Sars Be CO snag iat would doubteiy Scho i I heeded none too well. Yet whatsoe’er may be the spot I lingerto explor My dreaming cuts acr eae tke lot To that old grocery | Where bacon from the farts hung And fruits in gay festoons were strung; Kal h thé war, age hospitable one, kind of compromise between and: Germanic tongues; sive nations ofthe wot of the 85 it i could get without a “thrill Sioterenned you Bae change back from a dollar bill! | 9254 82 Ladies? apr Blouse. Price, 25 Siz ‘requires, with, pleated side-tront, fe, with plain ae hes wide, , or! 2 Price, 25 vide, or 15% yards 40) yee wide; without collar, 15 yards , or 1% yards 40 inches may be obtained rns m your Tose McCall dealer or from ee 70 Bond St., Toronto, vendo and Rome sone extreme northwestern end of the great of n des. - tined {n many respects to be the centre | tor ing or perhaps m to the new | two shillings a feck is much less cable country will become Interchangeable English to be ‘World Language. addressed seiinad and in some aed tO ious aountiea | se In reply to the And browse around the bounteous by the Northern BS Society to p: shelf minent linguists in vari And when inclined, just help yourself! | 45 to which, language ee M. | rated peer of Boral ui niver- T the Bnglioh being “also simple and {s spoken by most p orld, and has one t beautiful literatures of | A Health-Building Cereal Grape-Nuts A_satislyings food. re. to eat without ¢ookin 8 Needs no Sugar : Pleasing “alike to young a old, “Theresa Reason” first of all for, speed in healing men and getting them back front, They found that the plaster cast, by keeping the patient almost rigid eek of bon eo pe on- valescence to get rid of the Piles resulting from ‘the dnbotity ry. An ingenious surgeon invented a system of frames, Splints Hs arene whereby the bone actually fractured is held firmly set, at the same time the patient is enabled to move || the rest of his body. For’ instance, if the upper arm is fractured the patient is able, the help of carefully balanced al an weights to move his arm at ulder, the elbow and the wrist. When the bone is knit the patient has full his , and the tedious period of exercising the eae out of the limb is elimi- the elimination of the plaster cast ut an example of the changes hich the gar has wrought in sur- Beery. STORMY WEATHER HARD ON BABY The stormy, blustery weather which sleeve. 42, 44, ch colds which rack their whole system. To ee saint this a box of Baby's lets be kept in or wate two| th This will up colds and keep | the health of the baby in good condi- tion till the brighter days come Alon The Tablets are sold by ers or by m: |The Dr. Williams’ 2 Brockville, Ont. Medicine o., oes. Inventors of the Tank. The British tribunal which Passes on latins for the rewards offered b ® government for inventions put to eaetenueine war has decided, atter expert, a jour- i velve men pe, Ont | in the hours of daylight and between a ata Dace a Oe SRE p27 oapanes pony eae eee A Bea in te in| flcer—had a (constructive part in the tres a 2 | beycladlot for the tense British Roads to Stay oc pies ete yy, aoe saad and Pee Ee Under Control. sake oe cern? | the tank was the most c success novelty that the war ie ed. Its appearance has probably | he invention of ar- engine it had ‘ik an epoch, as tillery did. merely a development from ¢ mored motorcar—the suggestion was e British ow. a remote possibility. On the iagihe ween met ae [eaecigee nae been suggested by the a. of aay conditions nas j - is ina very favorable geo- linfantry rifle. ‘The “landship” was ill be operated up. sraphical position and it is without | tite” orismeal in conception and mile tht hae habwece natlondligation | fog, seldom has a strong wind aul Ea irmaeene ude and private “ownership, individ-| shine {s so common that the people ae (frtompa was accentuated by the ual companies will continue to ad-| there begin to hate the sun, ipod thes onignmasins on hat ree which at | would have been the story ot the tank, y at! But Lud Mail | masa ET 8 anks it was too for oom! the Germans to buil opposing “tects, Sending | They combated the monster with only to dis: temporary success es | stily organize tille of one | the allied artillery ey, finn a way to relieve it of the menai ne a e than a In fancy often jcosts at least $750,000, and the c stot cour, jae aiices that he had The paths where once I s eRe | | of running per mile is therefore sraah n the tank ina dream. And As cherished memories 1 roca cae) te pS whe sirahip-w be | wa credited with having cual Gee} Amid: the haunts of yore, used for long traniontinenta, iu aneed® (ie ides. "to APacthent shape at I seem to Be ue above them all tances and eet for ‘shortef ‘dis-| jeast two Genes betore a ak 4 The | p The d grocery stor tances. tribunal expr: regret that it can 0 ae no award to this Satmant, but that his briglia Bis a the tank put Uae j cobultton it it was nol Warcagit OWE Whar tis ‘time was ripe for it. in use in ores nn oe be the Bo Whilé not named among the sharers be the | of the prize bas 7 m, aa Spencer ae Adm: ty, lending a. recep\ EE © EJ 0 the possible for Swinton fates to obtain comin it {8) sanction for going ahead with ad progres-| not some ranking government Be ee ieee The Goad of D: ce | | | HAVE YOU ASTH MA? endure the misery with aleeploss 08 Ee 2 B a ‘4 Piet} ue Ed Be Beate juice i | Fellet is guaranteed Bue TEM PLETON'S RAZ-MAH : CAPSULES i reparationisthe the Balto! cedar irae ' ie Bas reliable druggists Sela b: ar for $1.04 & box. everyW! TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES Bor pee years the standard specific for Rieumiatlinn; Nouritis, Gout )Sclatica, Lumbago, Neuralgla 0 to Te ‘oronto, for fire samples Sold by reliable ofaggias craurenase ff {1.06 por box. Dimensions. I took a turn in Frostland it all is monotone: I dreamed that Frostland dwellers eee with this lot content, Are to nes of rare delight And I, who knew the rainbow, ig) varm breath smote it! That scene dissolved away— My eee eoaget world ones me, ay A ray has been detected Beyond the violet, And tones (perchance oien) By us ungathered ye: Is there in Space alvin, The Sandman. When the long, hot day is over, - And the sun drop: n the west, And the childish hands are weary, D And the childish f must rest, | The Atadngan Sm through the por ca where “ine dying ules cries And touches the tired e; And lulls them into ee : Even so, when life is over, the long day’s march fs past, had uch Thou our eyes with dreams, Take from the slackened. fingers OYS. $0 f Thee alone Then, when at length the shadows Darken adown the west, Send to us Death, Thy Sandman, ne call Thine own to rest. eS Ae “ROSY-FIT” FALLING? HERE'S WHERE IT SHOWS | Don’t worry! Let “Dandern’ y t Co, 4 Brunswick A FoR x oY saute bo “ts nae e ‘ees Nt Ser nS mit pial yp Aweiee [ir a jelata a EW. ~ MIBOREEANEOUR = NG HoIce SILVER BLACK BREUD: We are buyers of Haw you—what _pricet What Have Rela” Bros., ‘Bothwell, IN STOCK WAN'TED. able to supply, advise vie wilt ‘p ay the highest Bélces, ary from ; eon han Bros wl you as we ‘Bound CBR, Foe RS, LUMPS, BTG, rial and eftaehaly cores without pila in by Our home treatment Write ee tore too ate Dr. Belltaba: Medical Co,, Limited, Collingwood, Oni America’s Pionecr nor 8 Bexeties Doe BISEASES fo Feed If Bilious, get your Pep and Color back with ‘‘Cascarets’” red Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- ie Sallow Skin, and Miserable aches gested food which sours and ferments, forming acids, gases olsons. Concarete to-night will give your De ous liver and constipated bowels a Marne cleansing and have you feel. ing clea BHEnE and as fit as a fiddle by m or you like nasty Calo- mel, Salts, Oil, oF oe Pills. ‘They work while you s! seas 7 To-morrow. To meet to-morrow feaflonaly, This much I have r Though what the ved to do, year aoe may before sine new, Gone are the iia men aed te save, The m for th While youth gives answer, “This may e, But BLA you lost the faith to see To-mo One who would a: Whose ear thon tee can father, ‘Whose ray can set Bes Figs” CHILD'S LAXATIVE ols Look at tongue! Remove @ po’ sons from little snes liver and bowel. Accept “California” Syrup of Figs cpieiooe for the name California on pe pac! 4 elicious ecu Full ausatleae for child’s dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. | Mother! You must say “California.” 00k Your bs ehien een: our glorious And wh mat Wwe make it, It w a be— So face the future fected 1000 Eggs In Every Hen New System of Poultry Keeping—Get Dollar A Dozen Eggs—t Poultryman TELLS HOW e Breat {rouble with the poultry basigesn teacat Wa been that the I ing lite i too short’ lenry, Ini ernational ert and Brebaer son ay glithteen years Edito et aya aoe , She may ity 106) Poot ateled wit a minute lay r "time df given proper 2, How to work to get 1,000 eggs fro every, hen; how ‘tor get pullets, elie early; how’ to make the old h ullets hea P how to Keep up duction all through cold when igh a A a H copy ent. Polaris fre Paper who Keeps. oh mor &S should go to a dol- lar or more a dose n this winter, “tits means big profit to the poultry Keeper | who gets the ‘ord tells | how. It Keep’ chlecens and want them to money, for. ut ea this ace a and, gend if. Bide In justification a the a8 im of the) add j London a eo Railway that) fve° cont a nanan ton0 Charing i | will be sent by return’ mail. world’s —$—— | that m arly s Beaten. people use the statior “Look here!” stormed the Belay pas: f the tray menageri serve \this station, and aj no fewer than 2,920 trainel ASS fare daily. i ee The publisher st the eae Farm mer’s paper in the Ma s in | writing to us seater “I would say that I do ae know of } a medicine that has stood the PA time like RD'S LINIMEN has been an unfailing remedy in our household ev: e I can remember, and has out! fied. aa of would-be competitors and imitators. O thou, who lovest not alone The swift success, the snpfatt goal, me hast a lenfent eye to m: he failures of the inconstant soul, Consider not my little wor rth, The mean achtevement scamped in act,- The high resolve and low r The Prt that durst ace tase the ach, But count the reach of my desir Let this bo ie ain - Thy sight, T have not, in the slot! ‘ul dark, Forgot the vision Laity the height, Nels my body nor my soul, ee th’s low ease will yleld con To Identify Criminals, For canes identification of crimin- als a Paris physician has suggeste sube' cuinoen injections, of wax form permanent membraneous cysts. Eg Thirty years ago Ontazt ‘io farmers, Killing tome on the farm and peddling them to local consumers, got $9.50 cari pounds for tho a nee ww the live hog, cote oe eal tactinis methods pie marketing, brings them $16 a ad lvedweight without the trouble doing a butcher's ts: ob bf Minard’s Eintmient for ¢ RU for: wale everywhere I pane "Thee for my will to strive, I Bless Thy ae ve discontent. G, D, Roberts. | a Y” of an opal is due to the water in the gem. The ‘tire’ y | presence ah | clock . children Over there in front of that cage? ly about three of them,” replied Farmer stphsson, whosé family was | large and plai . “We away from there, 4 quick! "They have been making faces | at the ae oe twenty minutes, and | he poor beast’s’ having, one fit right after another! boca a ee | With the Fingers! Says Gorns Lift Out Without Any Pain b-0-—-0—9--0—0-—. 0 0-000 g Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can lifted right opt with the fingets if you will apply directly upon tKe corn a few drops ol eezone, says a Cincinnatl authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can get every corn thout pain or soreness or the d danger of ingac ere lon. qT ite the surrounding banownce! ments many wom ere, for ry fs sald “Tat the prosont Ciek -heel praca is put: evel ‘woman's feet. No man’s abilities are so remark. id eed ably shining as not to stan Old See es 8 folded about 9 x 12] of a proper opportunit: > & patron, iiches and hung on alde of kitchen| and even the sSelaoe of a friend to able are Saat when a little food morons tl to the notice of the ig mie on stove or floors, If it fs} world—Plin; wiped with a piece of paper first, then ath the uveslothy or ators: Jon mig) Str th, much Sai ds saved. iss No, 7—'20, dres: 118 West bit Steet New. Yor! SALT All grades. Write for prices TORONTO SALT’ WORKS @s CLIFF . - TORONTO | To stop tthe hair at once and rid the scalp of e ate stops an’t find any dandruff. ant hair will oa Strong, thick and long and ap; | pear soft, glossy and tw mice deere ful and abundant. Try Invest Your Money Three things are needed to develop, the Dominion livestock industry 01 52% DEBEN TURES Permanent lines: first, improve ty Interest payable half yearly, quality in our meat animals; second, The Great West cE ecananent Ked increase in breedin aan Coa a steady supply for @ abattoirs year in year o oo is St. West | Toronto Office Minaga’s Linimont Reltoves Wonralgia. This is the season to call a famil council and year’s: garden.| | It is none too ear! MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money. Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. | fog can be blown away breath of wind, and a misunderstand- ing by a word of f explanation, Ask for Minara's and take no other, There are over 60 known varieties os t with as great, or ion in character as in the: ditt di eflorent Kinds of apples. Cane Mora is selling at the same old price Sel-_ ected 100%, eee bel oc ae ae Use it regular! to Cows, Ps, Horses, Shan: wee Polar h them take weight. le it over straw, old Day, and en” ae fodder. Keeps Stock Healthy “DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pene- trating effects of Sloan’s Liniment So do th the loin-aches of lumb: inflammation of neuritis, the wr e- neck, f he joint wrench, the ligament sprain’ Builds Flesh Faster thes strain, and the throbbing core Give More Milk bruise. f of fesaing. & vate-| The ease of apoty 1g, the quickness able eapaltone.” decidedly hy sensonanls ed eli ief, the results, SONEE Laas atic cleanliness, ae econo! Buy it by” fhe base first-claaw> dealers. | aioe Liniment make it universally Send for feeding circulars and price. | rred. ‘Maule t4 Canada, ee 70c., $1.10. | Cane Mola Co., of Canada, Limited | 118 St. Paul St. West, Montreal, Que. A Quick Relief for Headache js frequently canted re ‘aly ane food; the, ir. iment x Heep ryt Rand ee CUTICURA HEALS | pets 15 FACE i Heched Fre eg joticed a Lite pimple aface. I thought it was trom the sun but it ope getting worse and the skin was red and very itched and and it caused to juite dis~ cout “Tsay wa ‘advertisement for Cutl- carn Boh id Ointment and sent for aifres oample, 1 bought mec end cinal agents. aftcrusing two calees of Cunteura Soap \ fully used for 60 years. andtwo and a half b. of Cuticurn [Always buy the Large Sire Saabs be bb apa eal GRAYS, SYRUP: UEP SPRUCE CUM, ONLY sees MARKED “BAYER” ARE ASPIRIN \ Not Aspirin at Alt without the ‘Bayer Cross’* LE iiughogelh eborgtnicns anadiant Agagera, Limited. St. Paul Se. "Cuticura Soap sha ain, i hela Noural-| package which contains complete te Too! thache, Earache, and ae peta Then you are getting real eumatism, ibaa, Belaticn, rin—the genuine rin ils, fake Aspir marked with the 19 | Bor! ‘te bed by Ph 0 “Buyer” or you are nol teking yeaty, HEA paleet, be We oe Conada, Ow in boxes soa it 13 ' docoph ooly “Bayo Tata ake sie Gn put a few 0 ses ee is ‘Aspirin in ae aoll larger "Baye Re Sanit one. ‘ont ta a must “oy Aspirin tp the trad I (registered 5 aia) of Bayer Manut otal denon vot Sali Heacld. "While it in wet known Baputea assist tho public against tmitatlon: Ail be stamped with thelr genssad trade mark, the a Mon eis akon eee ot Bayer Company

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