VGL. X—NO.)28 MILVERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAR. 11, 1920 sb Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Proprietor MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE With the early arrival of Our Spring Goods we are now ina position to show you the season’s newest ma- terials in merchandise. Special attention has een given to our Dress Goods Dept. we are showing the very newest lines. GENTS’ DEPARTMENT Overalls at less than cost, we have a pane stoc sel DRESS MATERIALS ust opened a fresh shipment of Suitings, Skirting and Fancy effect. Price ee and Work Shirts at less an factory prices— see new fancy neat Voiles they are beautiful. We pate, ands ‘ood materials at have a large stock of the very | 75¢ to $2. newest voiles on the market. Do Spri ring Satis, Overeoats, Rain conte; Hated d Caps just-arriv- e in aa see them. READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. Our ady-to-wear “Dept. is filled ioe tbe brim with Ladies’ not fail to see them, Price 75¢ to $2.00. Suiting and Skirt Lengths in See cae: Gabardine and also any other leading materials. q GROCERY DEPT. ¢ hene, ile Lawn. | We have the largest stock of Ladies’ Skirts in all wool serge, east Groceries silk poplin. ny shade. Chil- res r prices are right. We wa dren’s Dresses, Middy Pitusee: ae pleased to have you come in | Ladies’ House peste All Ove: give us your grocery or- | Apro: and ney Ging! ae Dresses, White ‘Skirts, ete. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE | WEBER & BETTGER Aaa of Local Interest. ie W. Connell hac been trans: ferred from Bridgeburg to Tilbur arence Hasenpflug, of Wa ster loo, pent the week-end with friends in tne villa; s Hthel Westman is visiting thle veel ith her cousin, Miss Mary Dob- son, at spent a few days in Stratford ah her sister, Mrs. R. Hollefreund, ster George and Miss Winnifred | # Finkbeiner, of Listowel, spent the weekend with friends here. ssrs, Williamson Brothers, of To- a ing of the le in the libray building oard of Trad one _(Thusday) ‘evenitg. ditors ess area to “stop a Sritain.’? ut how can they till after next ‘November? French-Canadign M. Bs who “de- fend Quebec” a’ job which will Tact shouisaulte #anne tite. Dr. Pringle rere a keen sei ve . tor of great ability.—Stratford Her- the time coming when tailors Walt advettine: “Large piece of cloth cloth, for patching purposes, goes with eae! Sterling exchange erushed to earth will ise again because its other The regular meeting of the physi- cal culture class will be held in the|22me is aoe Ee a and “you can’t library buil on Friday evening. | Keep 2 good iowa 2 Miss Alvina Grosch left on Monday E e. ex “et ere for Walkerville where: aka, will take president aft, who, adds that he | position as clerk in the post office |° } there. Gordon Guenther, who has pees quite ae pom la grippe and ear bes we glad t Og Henry Diehl has purchased | 4 from his brother, Edward Diehl, the old Thare farm in Ellice for the sum Messrs, A, © Clemens, S. H, Pu and Maléolm MacBeth attended the Taft lecture af Stratford on Wednes- day evening 0 eck. Guctie Tacohe received ‘trom the Renteay Mashinery Conpany,.a the ale of their machine NN DeSehate ea pie chacod fi an business of Mr. Wi will take possession on Monday next. a ieee will be aiented to, Phone ve Mz. Nairn, of St. Marys, who buys for the Dominion Express Co, shipped from iste on ‘Thursday lack twalve splendid horses for some of which he Paid as hig ee tease Lecnuace oo Monkton, after spending the week-end with and Mn ms left on Monday White Rose Gasoline and NATIONAL LIGHT OIL ust arrived a car of White Rose Gasoline and National Light nt te Sar pay’ youre seotletn om this ol ne Che riety ciohe aint the goods the best obtainable. CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED — orget to ‘our Clover and Timothy See re Sffering these while they last at less than to-day’s wholosale prices: FROST WIRE FENCING Don't forget to, take home your Frost Wire Fencing. the best fence on the mark DR. HESS STOCK FOOD This is Remember we sell Dr. Hess, Stock Food. Guaranteed or your money refunded. M.£. BE TTGER & CO. Monkton, - Ontario "TEACH your children to save. Start for each one of them a savings account in the Bank of Hamilton, $1.00 is. sufficient for the first deposit. Teach them in this way to acquire good hab- its early in life. Heap orrice “ HAMILTON BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH—N. G. Schafer, Manager FARMERS IF YOU WANT ANY GOOD SECOND-HAND MACHINERY 1 HAVE THE FOLLOWING: Y Peter Hamilton Spring Tooth Cultivator, Deering 6 ft. Mower, _ Massey-Harris 8 ft, Mower (nearly new) — 11-Hoe Drill, i Frost & Wood 5 ft. Mower (good) 11-Hoe Drill Combined (good) —_ Massey-Harris Hay Tedder, ¢ Peter Hamilton 9 Stiff Tooth Cultivator, Ford Car 1912 model with oversize pistons all new bushings and new top "ON AS ‘Zimmerman 2a pa eal ONTARIO ie will take yes <i [ot ae store in that place. > C, N, and ahs. eee desire their man: is within and without the conerenatipn for the y kindnesses extended to them luring the recent siege of sickness at line manse nck who resides on ide OF Millbank has dispos ed of his farm to Mr. Geor : " shipper, ? | shi es ns taal “Ee e tion, Milverton, eve: will commencing 13th, ship |S on Saturday of each ak until fur- | ther notice. large, number of Milsenonipne ocke: what disappointed over the | showing made by Stratford, Bai suf- ontracted pneumonia, hopes are entertained for his com- plete recovery shortly. There are still a number of the | collect 11 Mr. and | Monday last ¢al OSs 0: | daughter, Jean Edith, who had been suffering’ since the beginning of last week with bri | Much sympathy | ed family. Hon. Cody, former Min-| ister of E nicfentiont in tl st G lormmontshas decided ge nes seat in the Ontario Legislature. is felt for the bereav- Hel? ‘Sw vidson was 87| ix yea a es) us to entered the Government for the spec- Balgian, eae [oa meee ca cD evanen. Wes. OF l that: hed beon til tees SeceTOTTTeS ee of promoting education MiMison celebrated his |life for over 60 years, He was one trie Company for more than twenty in this pjrovince but ¥ e defeat) 73-q birthday last week, but was up| of the most competent municipal of-| ¥ : ¢ had’ been a resident of Se- | of the government his work automati.}-73%d birthday ie fcers in the province and enjoyed the| stile for twenty-eight years, coming | cally ended. - : inventor Wak highest municipal honors that could| here from California. He was a na- wing to the trains having been| 'iventor wat be bestowed On hime having been? ave of Germaty and-oaine te Ameriem jeancelled on Briday last on account PyoYs es pavor men |seove ‘of Pullarog, "wanton of the) With his parents when six years old r. ringle,_mod- | county, Mayor of Stratford. wa: ur" idow, iTS. | erator of the General Assembly of the| fit nof eat more than sei a ali interested nancniy ja eeunuuer Ieabelle Guenthers *& daughter,” Mrs Presbyterian chureh in Canada was| (hat ae my con e was of a jovial nature|J. F. Smith,, of Oakland Cal’; ty | nable to reach here and deliver bis) men's efficiency. and. the-length ‘of aud keenly relished a good joke, His| sites, Ths Albert Pohl, of Seattle, | lecture i Sewanee Rveetes thet days more. than anything. clse| demise will be a distinet lonsto he ne nae eotrs ances oF ara owrerers that he will appear here on| (7%, | county council whose gui e| an i a re Guenther, a 5 v1 0 llverton, nt., ana and Jul- Tivkeveid sicshed “of vituaily. all wa ¢ funeral will take place at] ° ; Ont., Fj Whe Datahien! of” Canada her termtory in Burope; but vevaing | Suratford. to-day (Thun ius Guenther, of Detroit. ‘The daugh- polic; on nization’ will draw baline: tetweer Canna loyal nok soil and those who place their ondary position. They place Canada before any party; the country. befor any fac week one of nd the only col- , to make their future ord. are Mrs, f last fees Malott. Friends and neighbors gathered at the home of the above on Saturday eveni sis preciation of their esteem and ip e éarly days: a setemere existed near here made up of slave who hhad eseaped from the U.S.. ay ey, departed until now none are lett. Pocmortow (Friday) Mate 12th, d is very small in compar n with the resulting pou tha will accrue to the villa "3 Be the ape ve when lf: 10 no} the opportint to hear is re- $0 gold wrist watch as tenth prize for| of the Ag tiieoy depart d bible y ast few months has pase an onchitis and pneumonia. |™ offered:Ohna da recites a mabe have mitigated the present sit- uati excursion rat es on the rail- di hing will be to do away with the nate of return tickets at a reduced rate. cat sors at there.on Thursday last. mn at nee y and entered tte see Forty se. Mr, Bliss Welstehae sold: his cot. tage he is living in at the corner of rehie and Mary Sts., West Ward, to Mr. Jos. Cloe, C.P.R: brakeman, for $950.. Mr. Cloe gets possession on May 1st—Walkerton Telescope... is Hockey. ‘tea Toronto, Sat urday Night eenige le mab prices hes reached eak nock occasionally, If you read yo ow you get hander eich heres and you done nun Last year 140,000 seers cars were five years $50,000,000 will be expended on 40,- 00: miles: of Rood ‘081 A debate will be held th the Milver- S- hat ‘public ownership of telephones, ailway and steamship. lines able to private "bedy Mildved Ross, wldoy ate Sir oss, former premier ‘of Ontario, died suddenty trom heat Barbara, Cal, ‘Est was an artist and sculptor eae a ce ‘considerble note. eese ‘cover the ice in Great South Bay, along Lame sini, Seeking ‘food water holes reports from game wagers. a fay- précedented Residents along the shore and others are feeding many “of the fowl. D: N, ev. acRae, pastor 0 ae) sacred places and Adrian will be placed under Greek control. discovery is Ge led’ 45 hive bean made by Prof, Dorsey. of, Winnipeg, method of transmit. ting’ electfeal “Chery: which Se 2 may rove to. re weiner. devel lop- ent. The new discovery promises 4. reduce the cost of, transniltting power to half what it is now, or, to put it another way, twice the aniount of power may: be er consumption pos rtional further reduction in ‘cost| 4299) con: I: he ie tne scheme was laid | out Sie @ Government $2,. this amount has bee eects Mina Hartmier returned to| lay. | Mohr’s. re influ: | “af "| ton Women’s In: of half Shaner wild j Oysters in glass pints, 60c at H. C. Spanish Onions, 8 Ibs. for $1.00 at Mohr’s, «Mott bread fresh every day ai tafi’s peels) Marmalade in aie at Mohr’: 15-year Nice Bonds at 97 and interest—Geo. Roe, Milvert on, A great snap in Victory sold at 97 and ere to ana ‘! 80. Apply at Sun 0} A woman with ‘0 children desires & position on rm as housekeep- er. Write Box 104, Elmira, 0; phenes will be operated automatically and there will be no more need for g hello girls. George Bundscho has purchas. ed Mn Wee Oe ies and wil Sgive? en collect Deine Express islature, succeeding George Hurdman of Ottawa, who los! Chevrolet 490 touring car to Mr. spre 'W. Schmidt for $1,090 ai s, To- ronto, to Mr. Albert Schm: $6,590. count of the shortage of ma- terial farmers “contemplating doing ‘y. fencin; ould b ny: je wise their order ai Pode to food We also | have of 8 wire rin; lock fence which we ean sell at eae ents per rod. George J. Coxon, Mil. meeting of the Great War Vet- evans of the Milverton Branch will be he! at eight o’clo embers are urgently requested to be on hand this will be th st-meeting before the Provincial convention, which is in Peterboro, on the 17th, 18th and 19th of March—Chas. Stew. art, President. only temporary. is caused by ux of Sterling bonds from Eng jonds will again ime to ‘Wake application at the It is expected by ‘1922 that all tele. £ t his t in the ‘is ‘sea ee general election, ae ne M accounts due the Finkbeiner| near Monkton and lived at home. “H fardware must be settled either by|came to Stratford a few years ago cash or note on or before March 15th t0 work in the G.T.R, shops. After 0 or same will be placed in other| Working a short time, he ands for collection, 7 per cent, in-| enlisted with the 110th battalion and terest will be added to all accounts| Went over with that unit to France i in arrears. of Res ‘ist, 1920.—F) 1916. He returned two years ago Geinee Hardy and again got, employment Jn the W. Jacobs in three days|SHPS Where he worked until two last week made a splendid turn-over Sees oe ron ace arene in business... He disposed of a big six| Ped there to take @ course in the t| cylinder Steudebaker touring car for canizng Schock: but did no eet starts eta ieee onderich, [C4 His brother, Archie, died 11 B S jas,| Months ago this wi He leaves to nd the house| (0 belonging to Miss Teresa Jacob: 4 t idt, of Tav-| 2 SoM, Ib. | istock, for $2,300, ete a total of f p in Victory Loan prices| ¥! | OBITUARY AUGUST F. W. DITTMER: The death occurred in Ellice on Friday of August F. W. Dittmer, aged 77 years and 7 months, following an illness of one week, e was born in German; me to oN country when fourteen years of a; He first settled in Logan, but later, moved to Tot 5, con. 2, Elli vy hi oe ca? eyer, in Manitoba; ert Ta: lor, Stratford. Emil Ditties of Pitts. burg, is a brother, Mrs August Steve, Elma, is a sister. ee ee k 03 EMERSON STANLEY HOLMES ‘oreman, at $5.00 er ee that that village had built houses ui Sivsthona B e Total $8,472 eT. y ‘Si. 00 er the Housing Commission but that nattord.Beacon, March Bra) Toned 16 to the station this the experiment had not proved a suc-| , After an illness of two weeks, the| road received a coat of Tarvia B, cost cess.—Mitchell Council minutes, death occurred from pneumonia, fol-| ing $31 6.52. ir, F. ington Ha: for| lowing the f Emerson Stanley oa . 16—This road also was North Perth, is back in Toronto after} Holmes, aged 24 years and 11 months| paved wk Tarvia, filled Macadam spending some time at St, Peters-|at his ho Inverness Street. | from the C. P. Railway north for a rg, Florida. Mr. Hay, it is stated,| Mr. Holmes took sick two weeks ago] distance of 1,084 fect and to a width will become Liberal whip in the Leg-| tomorro sday it id | of ‘Also fi is fa- his Sister, Mrs, Rowland, St. He was an a ember oe ind attended “Trinity Mathodist e* oe ¢ W. H. WELLS Walkerton Telescope Walkerton friends were shocked to learn on Friday of the at Kin- cardine of M He een been ill only ‘a week of pneumonia. Mr. Wells left Walkerton about sere Bo | to take a 3 -| ing. $5, .| son is ROADS REPORT with tarvia’ filled macadam, invaecse | dance ibeeaderde specifications for |a distance of a 312 feet st 400 | feet is 35 ay pasts He ne is 262 Taye and. 2: t wide: and the next xt roller, ‘ ete, Ce street i ieee coin cost- Crating: “evelling dnd shaping sub grade $217, G78 fected in, -gand 6 in, tile and one same intersections at $1.65 § Grading, leveling, Seb ‘shaping sub grade $65 7,102 feet 4 and 6 in tile $306.50. Puttin; 7.00. 9 catch basins, Soest $270.00, gaGQrruented. pipe, 18 in by 22 tt, Foreman at $5 per day, $670.00. ‘urbing, complete, $3,220.81. Toa Ried 003.06, there are 112 applications for “aivoree before the Sen: divorce in Senads costs anywhere fr rom $300 Zoi Pee a st ae UL S. fift; millions aut to no pe- ever thought to make Aa ial mention of the fact. operty qualifications for munici- pal offices <i abolished at the ni next session of ta ture. This is a concession to Li Which hag always favored 1 x being placed o: qualit; for Sieetions to all public c positions, The n in the townships wil f ‘incar- dine, Mrs, Wells and family residing re he Ss employed in qere | Sun office, Milvert delay: a reculde iediing OF tle Milver-| ae ite will be held] Lith, at the ja ie | e, on Greraeee of foreign ministers and ambassadors, | Thrace een awarde | by the Peace. Conferen jm ople. Smyrna mn. ap-' increasing employment i in the village. [pion and. erate continue} vote of I activities ee the es fat kindness they hav si ata d to bring potato salad, ake, Anyone desiring | es incorporated in the ook book kindly have them in not] ater than the 17th- iverybody. wel-| reques' Knox Church; Mitchell, for the ‘past r, Wm, Davidson, clerk of the| ine years, is resigning his charge and | Conny of Perth since fares sled su a take post -graduate studies in Ed-| de aay ie ce home in ord a During the coming summer| Thursday ae te has accepted an. invitatio’ tome: ‘suffered a fall wile cleaning the, Temple Tours verandah and it is Reteved| jton, to coni \ hastened the end although] arged the duties of his office} ARMENIAN RELIEF FUND ge The need in Armenia still continues ties of the unspeakable Tur Previously acknowledged Rosi tock Ev Congregation . ,| MILVERTON NEWS IN THE 90'S| The. Stratford Beacon clipped ‘the ea ant to ni in Py hereey etna aciksoes Milverton, Millbank, Poole, Toppin =| and Donegal, _No action was decided on. _ Mr, rnest, An opular ao indefatigable oe but ‘is work is ‘CARD OF THANKS Teen eneh fer “of ithe astern Star. . Burial will be at Lake View cemetery, under the dir. ane 0: . Butterworth & Sons, morticians, | Hoe ity| @ it Births, Marriages and Deaths Feb. 25th, 1920, to Mr and Mrs Thos, Contelly, a son. "Gateke—At Milverton, on Satish | Mar and Mrs, to-b ach e for the post offices in this ‘S| when that co: gern removed its fac- foe for the year ain March 31, tory to Walke: about weeny -one years ago he came too, For ae oan + $2633 rs he was foreman of the “reed | Bly yth S064 [Eom Mr. Wells was a’ fetinral suo Bornholm 606 er of chure e was prom-| Brodhagen inent in Oddfellowship ae ia Mason-| page ry and was a member of the C.O.F.| Elmira t Toronto, He was faithful, pete coateang trious and a kind friend and was res-| Hawkesville pected by all. Besides his sorrowing| Kitchener y -he leaves two sons, Harry, -al Linwood | member of the Merchants Bank St. ff, | Listowel at Toronto, George, of Kincardine, | Millbank and ass Jessie, teacher, of Ford City| eral took place at Kincardine) N eas tee HERMAN A. GUENTHER Seattle Times Funeral services foe Hei nulor: ee 3.30 o’clo oo ning at the | Swedish Hospiter vil be held. Sunday | ww, es eernOon ie ore o'clock in the Cor- hian hal! 3 Masonic temple, un} dee the aoe of the Masons, Mr, Guenther was tate mechanic for the Ford Motor my of Se- ttle for s i rman A, who died at num ‘and Loraine ‘Chapter. Order BIR’ Conhelly—At Logan, on Wednesday, rch 6th, 1920, to Mr. Gateke, a soi Keeper <At Peffer th, 1920, to Mr uepfer, a danghter, darts de: Minin ets Qnd, 192 Mx ar 's Station, on Feb. and Mrs, Ezra jas S225 3 = ‘ite, an Mar John ts. Christ Roop, THS Ga Hore Milverton, on Mon the 920, Jean an, pal ae deuentes of Mr; and M | Wee Gaul, aged 3 months and P| ays. Holna Strafford, on Wednesday 3rd, LE, 5 Peta aged 2! Leal Ke son Logan, an n March re 1920, ; re B, Leake, seo AGUS and 9 day: on Mareb| § Ir es veh 9th, R. “Miller, ale RoopAt Poole, on March 9th, 1920,| mee z Mr. and, Mr 4! publ eas Stanley Presbyterian. 8 years, 3) | in towns and villages for the servant will be on ith his master and the man who has only one change of raiment can rub ‘elbows with the man who has four or mo: GROSS POSTAL REVENUE The following is the press postal oe : poem d Trowbridge Walton .. Waterloo 512 Wellesley 1848 INCOME TAX RETURNS There was a general distribution of made at the income tax ril, 1920, show! 19 ie. where this income in the ca: unmarried persons or sisters under gradparents dependent over $1,000; and in the cane wa rie! 2,600, a deduction of $200 child under ine or im-— prisonment for 6 months, x both, NEWSPAPERS GOING ei Tn Ohio and Michigan drastic cuts size of the i y 6 ut they Hook | pear its result and. work plone, t lines available to solve ‘it. FORWARD "MOVEMENT “TOTALS jective 4 5,000,000 4,526,00 $5,000,000 , sabe 300 3,000,000 8,005.22 5221 9 100, ue s 112; 205 Anglicans a, Bap Coneroesio