degen ae .—Manitoba wheat— ienitoba eater, 98¢; No. 15 98 aie: ‘Treed, 93%c ‘No. 2 feed, 92%¢, in iam, ba barley No 3 C.W., $1.73; $1.4! jected, He 36: feed, 4318 a, in store Fort, William. No. 3 yellow, $1.94; ‘sank , Toronto; white, $1.00 to ed, Bic: Mi i 98 to xO 1.93, ton satsaines point; ” according » ; io are! Oni rite uneat No. 1 Spring, per Ped ot 0 $2.03; No. 2 do., $1.98 fone ‘shipping points, according srgiene cording to haart pus itside. heat—$1.5! ‘0 $1. 60, \accord- an to is thedtlee aveide: ye—No. 3, $1.77 to $1.80, according to sivelghts outs: ine ard, $10.80 t in Toronto, in jute bags. rnment stand- 0 $11.0 00, ‘Montreats $11.00 Prompt ship- feed—Car lots—Delivered Mont- Grain and Live Stock No, qt ee sie $2.80; No, 2 Northern, nag medium, 35c to 36c; heavy, 338¢ ms $1.95 to $2.01, ew 2, sta Bai Hey al Hee $1. 75 to su 17, ac- Provisions—Wholesale. moked meats—Rolls, 30c to 3ic; 49c to lc; | cottage rolls, 33¢ to 3: lled WC Fee eat ete $46; mess : pork, een Mieats—Out of pickle, 1c less than smo) Dry salted meats—Long clears, in tons, 324 in cases, 28¢; clear bel- pe 2%e a 28%c; fat backs, 32c to Lard—Tierces, 30 ¢ to 30%c; tubs, tubs, pails, axe to 28%c; 80%6c. prints, 90 to : wood Pails, 20 lbs. net, 311 to 3: Livestock Markets. The photo OPENING OF THE DOMINION PAR LIA‘ shows the scene a8 His Excellency the Governor-Genel ENT IN THE NEW $10,000,000 CUILDING, 1 was reading the speech from the Throne real *retphts bags included—Bran, per on, $45; shorts, per ton, $02; oat gemeee gie sree ad nee feed flour, $3. : : ‘ 2 ee an ieee Ba 50 to $18; butehers-cattie U.F.0.—U.F.W.0, Pac faa He yestrdy and EXCHANGE SITUATION |The Farmer’s Export Market. 7” 3 do., good, , mixed, separ. ton ie 225 ta fa "oon tie cree medium, Tharkable features of | day is the fact that we hi n con- IMPROV! le Canadinn, farmer oy a track, Toronto. 2 po nid ate a 75 to. $8.50; tion is the fact se t with- | cerned altogether too aeclvarrely with — ee é me Baa wae R i ce, $10 t0 $10.80; do. medium, $8 | Gut exception the leaders have been the cate of the bodies of the members Remarkable Recovery in Ster-| i; that is the erux of live stock Country Produce—Wholesale. nutehoes Gane tenntce: $10 to $104 So, Sought out by the. ori nates an ue ine one Diss alee ironing, | Jing and Canadian Dollar. | farming. wants a return Hges—Newlaid, cases retymnable, |0., good, $9 to $9.50; do,, medium, NO case has the individual sought he blue QpoRins) clennine, AES for his investment of capital, labor . Cte to 62e, $8.50 to $8.75; do. common, $ ‘the reverse has been the pro-| necessary, yes, a gpod deal of it any-| A despatch trom New York says:—| 04 ct. i Butter—-Creamery solids, 56c to 58c; | $7.25; stockers, $7.50 to $10; eee This ls truo—true of the Pre-| Way; but the point is that all this |'The remarkable recovery Saar irate ates do., prints, 57¢ to 59c. 10 0 gt @ men who compose the pertains chiefly to the physical need | red on Thursday in sterling exchange pote aoe ‘gach hie i mey—White, per Ib. 681b, tins choice, $110 to| cabinet and of the members of Parlia-| Of our loved et, quid lonres vie toa Was the dominating influence on the |CUMuwiating that there is e_marke' net, 2ic to 22¢; — 104b.' tins, gross, cane a ne ace timough the | tired, if by any chance we have a|market. The rate, adva qgig| Which the Canadian can rei = Biko. to:22%h03 5b. tins, gross, 23¢ oa | For; of, course, aul who | spare iioment, fo attend tovthe other |eonts over Wednesday's closing ae Rh ek eer eA : ted the Provincial Platform of | needs which are certainly of equal im-| touched $3.58%, the highest. since : A live poultry Buyers pie en Lester ae | enot identined iio the | portance, namely, the care of the men-|January 28, Since the hest price 0 ee eer Ceara re i * hens, 4 and 5 Ibs., 37¢; Hens, serch hs weighed off cars, $19.25; do., f.o.b., organization tal and apt Ife of the children. | the year to date was $3.79%, and the| 1°00" ae pts Pai tat nee Tbs., 35¢; spring chickens, $18; do., do., country points, $17.75. eWay, parton one might ex-| The ten leave the former | worst price $3.18, considerably more | | . PP “eon s chickens, milk fed, 35c; roosters, ied Montreal, Mar. 9.—Butcher steers, | plain now how ‘refuse even ubw. S the publ school, and the latter to| than half of 8) cling. which | ##© years to: reatore, if indeed), they i ducklings, 40¢; turkeys, 50c; Geese, | 00d, $12 to $13; ’ medium, $11 to $12; | 25 'ho reeognined as a political party nday school. Both these or.| culminated a month ago has been re-| Will ever get back to a pre-war level. 220. mmon, $9 to $11; butcher heifers,;;> tho ordinary meaning of that ter ganiriiighe are ital but neither nor| covered.” ee O eo eee qaironsed oalicg—Hans, over 6 Toe, | meatum, $220 fo $1; compion, 986]! mare dunprged. thn | oth can do the mothers” and fatuere'| On the Huchange Markot it was ro-| 3 insu of ABricutane MT Miter 4 ibe, 860; spring chickens; 406} $960; canners, $5.60; cutters, seu; wore the leaders of the UFO. at the | share of the work. Parents dare not | ported on Thursday that buying of ex-| 1-21 Garetie,” shows ee seating to.32e; spring chickens, milk fed, 36¢} butcher bulls, common, $8 to $9.50; | outcome. he summer. previous | Shift their responstbility. change in-London was ‘excepHonally;| 5 tia. thera, wad: throughout.auurope 0 40c: roosters, 30¢; ducklings, 40e; | good veal, $17. to $20, medium, $15) great igs were held and ad-| But in order to meet this need we active, and bills were not offered free) ote toi and 2018 eaorne tarkevs, Be; geese, to $17; ewes, $9 to $12; lamb: eee ee eae to with marked at-| mothers and fathers manage to spend|ly. Rates for exchange on other bie; an eer e—Large, 29340 ‘to 80c; twins, |$18; common, $17; hogs, $19.76, off ention by “crowds ot people. Never | less time on the work to which we| European markets moved similarly in million head ““in cattle, 2% million 300 to 20%e. car weights. ee ny speaker on the plat-|have heretofore been devoting our | thelr favor. or the enormons total fous Uinect the ambition of nie or| whole time, Machinery has helped| Financial mien here state that the | Of S444, milion in Dogs. The De 5 MAINTAIN. STATE 57,702 IMMIGRANTS her hearers toward political power :s|the average farmer with his work|T#pid recovery in sterling—it has ad-| 000 tava eo slniost t Jes OF PREPAREDNESS a goal, What we did and do advocate | more than it has helped the farm wo- | Vanced 28 cents almost within a week : : fe DURING 1919) o.6<: strenuously. is that the indi.| men. Now her turn is coming. Exit |~—!s partly reaction from a mi aN oat Amertean eontt = a cae igual voter regard the power which | te chum trom the: Inaividual ome; done apeeniation for the decline. Sales Se eRe here eee World-Wide Scheme for Red} 9,914 From British Isles, 40,-| he or she possesses in his or her bal- ee rey Ee eee Hema 7 NeW YOK | a net increase of 7% in cattle ae lot—that the franchise is the most | Creamery or cheese “tactory. lt the Boca ‘i Senses Cross Approved at 715 From U.S. ee moseeaela of the apes of a| Washboard and irons; enter the an Aes sadn ee ‘howe bi ta thes nore a ae soe Te ey ee despatch from Ottawa says: democracy—the epito; of his | operative ian If the canned goods | Movement Has a deeper Cee Bee 4 anne direct une to the far- A despatch from total of 57,702 immigrants to Can: is airtieceae that iy isa iviicge bought | Which ae women in so many geutoha Economically and politically, the as ing ae Tee a hat for years a The Congress of Red ane, "sosetien during the last fiscal year is reported | by the blood of our forefathers, and in those community canneries | 125 in Eyrope have been encourag- a presto we cee in the Wt wegslonl evel eatherixed ‘aa-|i2 the annual report of the Depart-| that it carries with it responsibilities | Were Mero ough” for our soldier | 28 exoublh in tho’ last tow wooks OATS vey ok NE aR a PA ministration Department of he ‘inter. | Ment of Immigration and Chlonisation, in due proportion to its importance joys they are good enough for us, |PUt Some quietus on the pessimistic ie a ie ; " aan irresist bly tational Red Cross League to proceed | tated in the House of Commons, The Rim of Ne orgenteation ts the Shall we not use our Heads and save [!SI about Burope with which the | OO trons i auoats, “This was 4 once with iis ite scheme of | these 40,715 came m the atte establishment of its mi “Equal | OUT ume ae nee for the real| American ma: has been favored. | toned to rats hapten Dreparedess _ A ig taiaelt Garie-Gietin the so pited King- | opportunity x an anise Eaiciees to | Work m—food production | It !8 also believed here that recent in- | 0" Ces Pe Pus Puc rie halaed a eae is ‘2 Red Cross |4™ and 7,073 from other Huropean | none,” as a principle of National life. | °24 the “eainiie wot eltizons?—Mar- saa at probable rea 8 Ours Canadian posit eet organization in every com-|°°untries. This conipares with immi-|If this be polities, and in the broad | 8¢tY Mills. rm tom “hankruptoy. Heve hed | en PF ee ira is typical. tunity composed of a group of repre-| Station in the preceding year of 71,-|sense of that term it most assaredly —_+—___ something ‘to go with increasing. An Fane utearea qe TES ee mantatives composed of a group. of} 14 from the United States, 3,178 from |is (for politics is defined in the Siu. TURKS KEEP SACRED oe ata SOLneh apie Bi@adne wn WEES presentative men and women, The |t United Kingdom, and 4,583 from | dents International Dictionary as that Canadian dollars were at $8 at mar-| Femaine an aero eens rectrccs at the dispoval of the vari,| Continental countries. ‘The decrease | branch 0 pertains to,the PLACES ONLY | "et closing, avery. considerable im. towable pe aera ekae ae ous communities would be tabulated |!® the immigration from the United | management of a nation or state in provement over recent quotations, etween 1908 Sad ayey Pent ae 4 and everything placed in readiness for that ot ths precdh Pe ee ante cer lla mistiaee WAIN SoC 40 108 The Ottoman E Empire to be} Eee crease in swine, oo parked | 4 coe use in the event of trouble. een a safety, prosperity and peace), then ses = 5 t Wach organization under the plan|_ TB immigration of po a fuevW.TO,qves political trom ite incap: Stripped of All Other British Hold Big Industrial deorenset ee a saad ah 20, suggested would include physicians, | BTtish children Py expected to be re-| tion. Territory. aur. dha nore Mee sior Ze a : poem ides: aockea “Wrorkata: canteen, work, |Smed this year, after being suspend-| But even today, it is not the Drury “What 16 expactea to be-th oats F en in Weeword: ers, motor corps, & number of bus oil since) s0itcsGinensthen. a5,fe4 ap: | Caveriinent-whion we are Hacking -up{z2 (eee trom London-eays:—| «| 7st tare Gvor, held in Ruvope'fot mest proviaing ealmele ta mest me a fast pplios of cots, blan.|Plcations have been received, chiefly | primarily, it is the principles for which | 7U7KeY 48 stripped of virtually all her est renearathacts Mesut eqerte te mand Das pece Pais ete tos through children’s homes, for permis- A territory in Europe, but retains the L Sn pee specially is the demand for kets .eooking ctsheuh hospital: factit ibe eae eae Yermils | wogiaod wad whlch they Weve been! sacred piacte, by tn be, | Birmingham and Gi m February |meat great in Great Brltatn, which is eae brain lone 28 ey |ing completed by the conference of| 2% #78 # London despatch, It is held DECORA “ore Pe —+—— LIVING CO be and he | Forelgn Ministers and “Ambassadors, under the auspices of ard of | turing country. Pretleng thers have Wild Geese Made Mistake aay ee Uae ie Party,” but it became know: Thursday. Trade. The purpose is to promote th ir Canadian meats, notably bacon, ee in F ing Weath HIGHER "IN FRANCE] toyatty ‘e Spends Share Car caie Thrace has heen awarded 1 Greece | *2/° of British goods at home. and already won a high place; the pro- in Forecasting Weather Seca Q by the Peace Conference, but the pi the ME ee inet 1s preferred and the access to the dan ceil ohemdo side phasic? ett e first British industrial fair was | market is easy. ‘The lesson is obvi- : ‘A despatch from New York says:—| merease of 50 Per Cent. Ow-| One of ‘the Chol features of | toa of working out: plane withthe) 9 id in 1915, but at that time many in-| ous. More live stock should be pro- Thousands of halffamished wild| ing to New Scena aes Seis ace uaa the|the Turks will keep control of th dustrial plants were busy making mu-| duced on Canadian farms for x export xeove cover the ico i Great south Rates. Dp one hundred and fifty | sacred places and Adri itnow es aoe gue ers eae Hae rh already waiting for our water ‘holes, according to reports | despatch from Paris T of ae evel halt placed andor creek | © every that Han ie gentiy-aiteratt la setae Redes gaaenaene favorite spot for wild oa is covered | 09 Per cent. as a result of the passage | Stead of individual effort to cope with z fer eacetime production and therefore | the ma a . Venera aa with fee three feet thick, an = of a law increasing by from 40 to 100 | the een The darkness of night sometimes wil ‘nave exhibits. les below show ‘th hanes most unprecedented nese per cent. the cost of transportation, of our chief aims is to help es-| reveals to us more than ‘the bright| The London section of the fair is | value of farm product: Sleeper March, Residents along the bay shore |Tailroad, subye taxi fares, and tablish eo operative industries. We | blaze ot noon. bein weld in the Crystal Palace, the | fi Magesetnne anne ae oS and others are feeding many of the prices of gas, electricity, bread eels lace, the | five-year period, 1914-1918, and give an as ait Rte at Aa et largest” exhibition, Dulding in the| outline of the trade which could *be pe nu tela world. Every line of goods manufac-| done were the right type of live sto ae tured in Great Britaln js shown. In-| produced In sufficient numb techn! numbers witht Good Prospects ouiatie walia wi Bienes seated beeen es hb) A foreign Cag : Ss Throughout France | fur Atths since 1914, Ty Pe aeavere ae Ee ieee es ‘ Canadian gd Dees ot % — se Bee ete pe eer Seer RiGee vitllciee ako Cn millions: of podndd), A despatch from Paris says—Good | Meo the percentages of which being used to get buyers and sellers thes ye crop Brospects throughout Franco are /4# Yet unsettled, 1s enforced together at this fair. There will be] poco” reported Journal - Official, interpreters, special rooms, in- eae aa & : 41 bight ose sda eek ha seeks British manufacturers of foods! Sot) Ceara: 58% in 41 ter wheat crop Is forecasted as likely Byer) Sere Other Meats ..... Ane to be about the same as in while some improvenient the batley and \ eg Seni Total all meats ........., rye harvests is expected. an En nglish village (Value in milli ee get re foul & haeapited cottager white- eee cae Dea: 1; British Food 136 Per Cent, | Pu. Por sulphide of mercury, which Ree eee eae aperanianted | Bago an + se 48M Bit ea A verditltod, they worked the Dre ek ee a, ae cos 37% Over Pre-War Rates| quicksilver mines of California; Mise BuRVAten? Ee a Rea ae 1 don't you get a brush with more Dris- . % blue, red and yellow pigments ey 9 A despatch from London says—The| mined oxides of copper iron Meg oon 5 Canned Meats _ a cost of all principal articles of food in} from the boiling springs of the Yel. ps ee | Other Mente ae yose in January fo 136 per eee esion they got white and ian pseu es ai ‘ ee cent. over the pre-war laval, and is | pink “What for?” retorted the squire. “If} a ota1 all meat oes 125 per cet. on rent, clothing, light k. ° - zou had a bee rth more bristles on Ba $211%6 and: fel, 98 sording to statistics pre,| Tht other half gets all the ha toe earner ce oe 5 ppk A VICTIM OF THE H.C.L. : . ous by t i he Saree Chamber of beh out of marriage that the better “ Five cents worth of mixed candy, please!” ss eae pts. BO, pea ae ee Ae sees pa thritt ene ‘ ‘ommerce in Lown alf’ put: “ + 7 eers at success > j; puts in, Here you are; mix it yourself!” haven wlostadtiuatiwerk (bs d67=| chronic talture — —— T BRINGING UP FATHER 1 SEE You OF THE PUDDING— 2. MOTHERSENT OVER - ATE SOME IM GLAD YOU DIDNT EAT ITALL- 1M GOING OVER TO CEN 24 ae 1s ae Sroul ge To + re J Ae TELL HER -1 SEND ME LOVE JUST THE SAME = the collar ‘ribbon, “1 had got so used to seeing Mary Ann Joysleep in church that I thought jae of it,” said Aunt Amelia Bates, d M se, when he was alive, iting he took ae Sort ee of it. He spent _ @ Sunday with us, and while I was him tall the sister that agi all the time I was. preaching?’ says hi “Oh, that was MIE. Mary. Ann Joy, ie says patron ‘I hope it didn't dis- | turb y make 3 eet confess that it oe says coe ‘T have estnaye hs id that tea a preacher had any sleepers congregation itwas nis oe fale pe Mr: y didn’t give me a char says, ee ‘She began to aos ihe minute I wn out my text. I ‘ou would soon get used to Mary Ann,’ said Andrew. ‘She always has a nap through sermon time, who- emer is in the pulpit.’ ci “ Well,’ says Me. Boyd, ‘I should ak pee She gets n mn, and she yeene gg not inspir- ae to others.” “At that I 6) gollea ions to a m. ord, .say nothing of the re: Next, she was getting six ee in- cluding her husband, much help as any of then, ety ia ‘hurch. 4 “When pi a finally drops in- to her pew,’ I says, ‘it's about her first fee of Sobbath. ae She gets a dif- ferent kind of rest oe church from what she could at-home, even if he does miss the Sermon, and the sermon isn’t everything “Twas almost afraid that t i been a Lathe too outspoken. young man, ally iittle boyish; had given us hi dn't béen able to disturb the good sister's rest. “Toward night we went out to get a AES tt anc who should come along a but Mary Ann herself. We Saeed her for a chat, and the minis- ter made himself very pleasant. Sho was on her way to old lady Burnham's, a mile farther on. The old lady was bedridden, and Mary Ann was~in the habit of going Sunday afternoon t carry her some dainty and read to her. “4 thought this morning, though, says she, ‘that I should have to let it go tlis time; for our horse has caré a shoe, so that I couldn't ride, and I a @ little more tired than common, But I felt better after church, tae Ha E rememperci your text, M SeaMer ane ve woatind ERAS ing. “After she had gone on, ee fulalge he, ‘the sermon isn't ereennne. * onder if any of the rest of my con- Taran ae As much inspirat my sermon as that poor y from my text?’ Lord Mayor’ s a The most costly badge of office in England-is worn by the Lord Mayor of London. It contains diamonds to the value $600,000 and each holder of it dur 1g his term of office 4 dy be- jewelled collar Lord Mayor o! fy . ‘he centre collar contains twenty-eight “S's,” fourteen roses, thirteen knots, and ‘ The whole is eupirciaty with a costly border of gold “S's,” alternating with rosettes of diamonds set in silver, The is hae by a bread blue peg tere Bits of Information. In the sera of the sea fish move about silent some play *) when dhres years The zaaon "Army has branches in pre ue co The po See lon ae ute has sunk from 3,000,000 to 750,0 The new President of ie French sixty-three years of age. Belgium to-day is doi nearly seventy per cent. of her prewar busi+ the piano Belgium is aie ef supplying peeaee with so and Great Britain with glas: In Japan wages are low and ee long, i or twelve hours Sethe @ usual i the fifty-three submarines ‘the British lost during the war, pe fate ce pene five is recorded as “uns n.” eet 80,000" of Sle aes ae workpeople are employ: = half per cent. of the world’s total output of ot), “Duty before eee and “Don’ ‘think—try,”