THE MONKTON TIM VOL. X—NO. 29 : : MILVERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAR. 18, 1920 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Proprietor THE BIG THAW ~ | NAMES ON ALL THE BOXES { hr’s. | the year 19: Celery and Cabbage at Mohr’s. | he soft weather of Wednesday and/| Durham Chronicle | rnursday followed bv the heavy down| as more than Balt the names on the at] our o: n mail boxes on | The City of Kitchener has struck Ci aM hie Items : nal oe i new rate at 30% mils on the dol Glover beat Salmon at, fo { | | Ne Ww ingles See Gann to ‘or the life Highest Priees for eggs, Engeland’s,| + s = fs Your Savings A age CaO aE eee eee si San fot He ion of a the war, it on-| Ca esland alow! nie os oe and beans for 25e| t y nger a large po he popu! ma at pe ele it ean UC Mr. Henry Sage left last week for| ate doing SLO EEhERE Se eee 1 peas and 1 tomatoes for! Allan, Sask, where he wil spend a Tv. Wm, ‘Matheson will conduct] 500 a ngelands, al arsed bh nena Tepe Serricey a Newton on| 15-year Victory Bonds at 97 and Bread is up jn Great Britain| Sabbath, March 2ist, at at 11 am. interest-—Geo. Roo, Milve | (@) Ou ovone shilling. per-four pound loaf| sid 7 Mr. Nicklin, of Hovaingdale, | & ; oats. vido! Iph, of Gowanston, spent recenliy _alsosed of his farm to M oor ‘i Cg eH Bean and doh) Kau Satuiday in Milverton visiting at the|Ed Lon i They are as important to you as his int oe ome of his wife's uncle, Mr. Vred! "Mr. Petey McCracken, of Wallace | j penta day with friends in Baechler. millions to the millionaire—perhaps more Me CH bre eal cM and Mral Re Berges and Win ule tant ay : : ces eee eae whe He ect yr me csamnatcbartended the funeral] Mr George Scott, of Carthage, vis-| medicine cases as they were, they|any stranger. could a . ny : ing.a few days with friends in Mil- Alexander | ede dayey evo ei te a Mra found leccrtotion slow, tiresome and | 2t¥, Strange Se ee ES They mean the beginning of your verton. tt Linwood on Saturday. A. Posliff last. week. difficult, Mr. W. D. Weir, who con-| cise Of Sickness, to relieve the reg- ; neoe f f "The General Assembly of the Pres-| Mr, JF Hestendor®, father of| A great snap in Victory Bonds—| ducted Mr Leis’ sale in Welleries on ; independence, the founding of your byterian Church of Canada will mest| Mr, B. HE Ba Aoid:at 7 and witerest 40 viele Gab; THUSdEy Lad ee ane ee almers’ Church, Ottawa, on the sd “bithees Tuesd arch | Apply at Sun Office, Shi re. Mr, George Roe in| FURNITURE BY-LAW CARRIES hes vat: Waaneadsy in Jiinle: 16th. He is still ha arty. os with two children desires i he| wis +h dw antioneine: Ge cea Nearly fo nt. of the world’s n most countris 4 ‘ oe ion on the fai ep- ies of Tor i i il entrust them to a Bank with a reputation oun Production Se oeg0 wall ‘be | come in early Rak R ite Box 404, Elmira, Ont. 1 ih ais cat Fe 1 of a loan of $15,000 to Mr, John for 87 Yee of reliable and courteous service. used in the manufacture of pneuma- Hearst, in ay st, Un le Se reall | ir. C, A Finkbein Toronto,|and after m: ri pares Boater and Co} ‘eth zes that he has his yellow i i sae accept aire a Dollar up, and ee automobile AOL BITE i year rom ae . ee thi compound ¥ N Sek W. Miller, i uring the ast winter. Stratford Pay PING yearly Be eerie Renter coe Toe aualivoeeeee Onis &aeeh dl however, followed in’ the wal file of t ago, Stone This is ig and the city is now al-| Miss Ida Tartmier is agai Bank of Nova Scotia has: been na oe ee Bee eee : Mr, Allan MeMane, we regret to| after being ill for several days last He ee Seats HE 1, White, piano and player| het, has been suffering from an af;| Week. oe les | *Y ‘ eee ees SA a abs Sie tuner and repairer, former!: k st ys_pas st amounts of tobacco are grown ing t Resco Fad 1 sho'o00'000 Milverton Branch piano tuner an & Ca,, will be in Mil-| It is hope ver, e in Quebec. Habitants like smoke, ev-| ba nd S whi ge and treats his men well that Orders’ left| al be about in the course of a| en if the firing line has no attraction e ing away. No| he can secure all the labor ha requires receive his |few days. rox, tiem, ne, however, much regrets the lique- He will be prepared to go ahead with meeting of the Perth| 2 large cans pork and beans for 25¢ faction of the snow. ork of construction. as: soon as _| County Caer tes held on Thurs-/$ swift laundry soap for 2be; 1 the frost is out of the ground as he day lesioned Goulity Weeaamer, Gee. Mad tamntiee: For SOGaEE already has a large amount of the ma- milton. was appointed county’ clerk |Engeland’s. THE FLAX MILL BY-LAW __ | tevial in readiness, ro tem in #] pe stead of the late Wil-| All coal accounts must be seti pled, — eee Davidson _ ‘on or before April 1st or they will ie property owners of Milverton| MORPHY AND STEELE ARE New York "City ji is preparing to es-| be placed in other hands for collec- will Ne: day (Thurs: 'p: ‘HAIRMEN tablish its claim to the title of the big-| tion. — pr gest city in the world. ° It Hei have|. Winter of 1920 is in no danger of argest population, but as the|Peing called upon to receive deputa-| p | y in the world it 4S still tions requesting an inclement season ; prolong: its o in this northern ng the chairmen of the stand } ag helpless, against) circumstances, history fails to re- spite Se i wil a ie ‘s é ee ber ge Se ee Mr J. B. Lei s that it paid to i rs Lad Brillante” are the Straws and Materials after July Ist the daily newspapers here Wi inerease in the| FU” hig sale bill in full in "The Stn as| of $1,000 for this mdeehs al Pate bills: Dr. Micrael Sects eek F ver $100 a ton for} Price o: pee a e had men making enquiries after d of ma The Sensation of the Season |thet Bie oe ney Ore f di their news int! BS ve etre unt of the shortage of skilled|stock from a distance of eighteen | a |p nee S837 pe fe 3 = 2 ra igh ‘wages asket Sean Charlee Si eee a papers, Fa Neo thees news, are pay r.- Michael ele, conservative ssrs. Charles Stewart an here are. materials galore all as lustruous as can be emploved ing a’ much higher rate than the|Unionist member for’ South Perth,| dvew Bach left on Tuesday for Pe ter r i : The Banner the fashioning of hats—celluloid effects, cellophane. and paten' dailies. purposes at: the) earliest opportunity, Cw. vis LCs ey are attending the| vide an easy working capital. He leather often plaited and interwoven in strips are all in the accept- Miss Mary Hamilton, daughter of| to call-for a Government measure de- lonvention in session there m, out}. The government report Jas, Hamilton, has been med to prepare all new. Canadian | this wa x pI 9 i migrants of alien origin for assum-| With the sustateacn, of the water-| in: One endsome model of black cellophane braid, brim slightly 7 i ie the duties and responsibilities of| Works system and the Pee une ample security rolliny off face, Jay blue silk. top with large. jet ornament in fro | Be olka asia mages tits citizenship. ouple of 4 factories labor men and |e carrying out of his contract. vy Mine Olive eeabora of, ada is the foremost of the far {in Canc f all in ii orthy sup. In ene eight houses were The enenapal ent hats are interesting in black, brown and navy i k. ritish Empire, and, being| W" n do this coming sum-| port and we hope the by-law wi erected and 4 nee ee nt of their lean being favorites. | The Province of Ontario has to its neatest, : Bake responsibility | ™ ae ‘Walter Hyiteswhn pecentioene wath the approval of the rate-payers.| is given As $2 One maline model with double brim, top brim of mohair braid ee aa Eine Bee ee frat alone ¢ 9 fid and! chased Mrs. W. Dorland’s house 4 ———_ ae, actly CU ater rokea between beims andivelvet bow at side, |minion. In 1018 8 the e pepdustion £02 all for indus i ife; i fos iz rear of the ee eee LET EVERY PERSON HELP RETURNING £0 LISTC.. £1. y Canada was valued at $262,000,000,| every ri N 2 veil ie a very important and necessary complement to the | of which Ontario produced over $142) ers stability both of her-| tmues to make progress towards re-| _ the post office inspector at London Listowel Banner hat this season, particularly the smaller on 0 worth; self a the Empir ar Gy Spee (has called the attention of the Town. ir. J. W. Dowd, now of St. Cather- Mr. and. Mt, James Dénman,: of 4 eet Bicer welenings A ae reeves to the necessity of Treep ines, has purchased a residence on n| pounds | “ang shipped to: the Gnited LISTOWEL’S LOAN $23,000 pti rede ees el A Unique collection of hats to choose from. shortly crave: bac rn iutat wa ae ‘ ‘ ae Le oe ee ene eee a Y | Thursday. si anereneecne ie —— ma to take place quiet]; r a brief illn Phoug! ev. ay ly ye or! Miss L. Zimmerman, Milverton } ft: .3's.°.3% er Scusht Pablie ofice Reakrans Eek, aebae : CARD OF THANKS On November 30th, 1824, the first en interest in all Santiers pertai 4 ethodist chu: x the aus-| ely 1c aster, very | sod was turned on the Welland canal] ing Soatie welfare of his adopted city chee on. agu s ve hold r Mr, and Mrs. Ed Gaul extend their ed cor ecting, Lak Ontario and Lake|and was held in affection and esteem ay arch 23rd. Re ai sincere thanks to their friends and el ti ASS 11 that enjoyed the pleasure of his| that public sl | should turn e| neighbors for kindness shown them in Girish the canaies he Riis andl ccneimeace rai lines! roads open, their late bereavement, | Jane, which Ee st from Lake On.| The last census taken of the In- ‘ e is prefer rable to private. tario to Lake Erie on Novernber 80th, | dians ada was In 1017, the re. at 38 gptimated that Deel 330. po: ich has just been published ; = J. G. HAMILTON e little time ago a telegram ar-| It shows that the total number of In- aon 3 oe ae anploymnene ag aber | a rived "here for-a coal dealer for a coal] diz 998. There are also as. 00 % : . shlecAdont for fraveller and {his fell into Thamds (hat | 3.208 Bekimos makings crand teen] ers. The better pay given 3 The Store with the Reputation it_was as pended It read in| of 109,294. Of ay pies 26, 411 i! D. L. PORTLAND effect: all the coal youcan——can reside in Ontari 9 from the pen to the pic’ eae CEMENT Loni igo of turce core wecl to all| Columbia. The remainder are seat-| ,_, The battle roy k place be-! of Good Values SCRANTON oa ST, MARYS dealers, But don’t cut the price.” |tered through the cRaenne provinces| tween Mr. H. = De are Hon. pects le RES LIME tories. In religious belief) j{onerd. Ne 5 as ANTHRACITE | Now what ae back as that; telegram. | and_territ You will always do better at Elligson’s Newton Seeing eres anaes —Flesher vance, Ba sa! Heatfon Bs the ie Gran: re S Rl cee tee 2 farm Doveart and Mr. Pergusson could ney- A few of our Many Grocery Bargains : by the same boat. STABLISHED 1872 taking over huge soft elm tree in the top of which |" ye ue | 4 Kegs Lake Superior Herriing, 100 Ibs. fish in keg . LIS. /_ iis viding tof ion di was the Winter home of a family of Nes She emiltony: wos recentiny Kellog’s Corn Makes ile ayeee any d come wi e lusty youngsters, 2 civ gta be WW, Valencia Raisins, ff Meer cupphe gee into. tHiree Joga; Suu nauon: with honoze left on Weds) peti erae cing sugared and had them sawed into aber Bee ery Bae nes Bes z 2,804 feet for which he cepted an appointment as senior clerk, ae te s| recewved $98.14 at $88 por “thousand, | the, Post Offiee Department under| x Leste 2 the Civil Service. Commission. GOME people have fortunes gto secure Then the farmeneh 2 1 seco Met Sin (eoong Por S20. cline the ec wae 2ecompanied to Ottawa by her s mai the ee pene heve es “ nett a oe , Mr. J. G, Hamilton. Men ! Specials in our Dry Gooas Department Look, Spring is approaching and you will need overalls must have a commencement, A | to the village. Mr, Sim is a ma Soc’ x, Elson| Sohn | Boshart intends Sane and smocks and we can save honey (on these articles—the savin 3 account i the Bank of eserv iti- | feels as established a record for|f the’ ho hou Vhales 2 best ove ezalls for $3,00 per garment, worth. from $8.50 to $4.00 Hamilton com- Ly Bek. finance i in furs and lumber, no's 3 n to-day’s prices, so buy now save the raise. We also Sieve a anne rors hte fortune, It w in. Tt is rarely that one will 3. C, Gibson, of Guelph, was in cients 35 200) »ssible, | full Tene df men’s work shivés at bangain’ prices, is certain that if you never da s v is worl ive an on Wednesday last and had| 3 isi Spring Goods arriving daily including a full line of wallpaper. . a start, you never get very far, just returned fro} x (HEAD oFrice OSE: fae veterans throughout Canada of Mornington, HAMILTON Jare asking for the exclusion o \H i the H v h Bis cate neat looking for a good house. earst papers and the Hearst Maga-| witl hogs, cattle and other stock} *"3 LPR from thi try. They are|a ok it back to Guelph. Mr. Gib-| ,, 07 igen Oras F A. ELLIGSO ewton Ont. known ii i a son says that he finds th peau te a : by Vi zettes.” te is| great advantage to him in buying as| 2™Y, ; eh Ww Aes Bue “ THE STORE WITH THE REP ” s about Great Bri-|he watches: the advertising. columns rat Once... ve. a 00d) | tai da dl ill re-|and knows where {0 procure stock | St fend) ; frai shi fda heli he Wante dot ree at present but are only guaranteed) er that these journals find a/ amount of. “travelit ngs ing to the of our e also| — MILVERTON BRANCH—N, G. Schafer, Manager market among Canadians. | decreas p oti ri have gpohenieen enable sete eee SU DORN estes Guat rodution| Sen? per rod. George J. Coxon, Mil.) t s | Gibs ieves that = gene o as Cor ou i wa “ en ret toed ci teas | U A | Y FU R N l U R E “ oundary, fractured a leg in a sim-| ten,a book entitled “Modern Spivit-| Tr manver on Saturday laste ile | | | s driving in his cutter th rrone, London A ates ; h ; reland”’ | ism”. He states that after forty years 4 ici: research he cade notht ‘ing is reveal- the evidence submitted ather ‘of ‘the machinery for itself.|ed 2 Etec ur ore een ay ions folloWine (ile Pesent thaw Po r r in favo: it has been feeble and pit- Die SUA Ne ey Provi Ulster of ight|iable and that the high hopes and} Keep. hi fe ae from capsizing P| re sixty 8a re in| promises cf Modern Spiritism have AT MODERATE PRICES the six counties named. The three| not be zed. He also quotes)» . r i r are nega r. stine B: who says) that} § ns 5 an vay the ri ich i Catholi re ot Spiri ne leven un- ae ain 3 OW is the time to buy that Furniture you have i ecause “they lack the 1 ings 22 : pba tee ulna grat fanny a enon MR dng, trmady of) “eek In more complet now than ever bots Sed Serene ri ‘oug] fae that ny deal sary ie ford, and for a time pari ner of} IF YOU WANT ANY GOOD SECOND-HAND MACHINERY {its a pale is-| petty things and that 2 life beyond| Mr. H, H. Dewart, pike e nice plum/ at the prices we are selling the eee of furniture I HAVE THE FOLLOWING: | tributed is. and eggs to 46) the grave, if it is to us. aus (good, the other day \ when he was appointed we handle you cannot afford to put off buying any ought to be eee eetnendaby than| by the Dru over , fe Pos: | i i bound her higher. ition of solicitor to the Provincial onger as prices are bound to go higher and higher. : r ¥ . ; 7 Peter Hamilton Spring Tooth Cultivator, Deering 6 ft. Mower, I te 3 rols perry a emceac ye ib if the in oe | Call in ‘and look over our stock we are always pleas- Moisesdinnd i i ry states the ving |a group of six of New Varies ec tigating of retur ertates suttee 7 lnsvoylarcigs8: ft: Mower. (neatly-naw) :11:Hoe Dvill, s 2 < hulete as taken very generous view ine Aft, James, Bain,” The fees | ed to show the goods. Frost & Wood 5 ft. Mower (good) hels meee 43 ue sh is 0 oft he Ca andi ian ane Sati comnesiian ates office | n 19 fae 5 é : grain, 12.575 packages of vegetable! He says: “There is absolutely no reas. | amou -17 to 11-Hoe Drill Combined (good) _ Massey-Harris Hay Tedder, jseeds, $4,200;packages of flower seeds|on for any differen xchange be-| $5,882; in 17- $5,000 i McLAGAN PHONOCRAPHS . . = ani lozen of eges of a bred-| tw: 0 countries. Ther Following the cold spell of Friday Peter Hamilton 9 Stiff Tooth Cultivator, to-lay strain of barred plymouth rock. | no ie aS i 4 afternoon and Satur dy which ‘ ‘ fe " FordsGee: 1012 iedal es oversi se figures giv me idea | de an: f exeent at is | mitted a large quantity of the Mier See our display—The most artiste designs, quality of tone un- pated by the previous thaw to get! surpassed, Finished in Oak, Walnut and Mahogany. t a end 9 way the rain of Monday night and rganized a reourse.”” Be: oe a blic moun ihe. “warm winds. 0 again ed on Solara ft Cadedian cur-| started the snow off v a rush and RAYMOND AND WHITE SEWING MACHINES - PRICES RIGHT reney will be acc ete at 100 cents streams and ditches ieantia brimming hotels in futur : 'full and in'’many places water. wai i e mn pOn suse A iom ind made 11,823 2 ian cheques | be ca8hed at flowing over the roads and bridges N Zi tries’ Tt is es b he full face value: 2 h th a immerman Fee ey yee hl then ee He ag ea athe Nh wore tented with te, ROBERT McMANE MILVERTON, ONTARIO i s 00 stand Got a Tastta e Groters’ “Association a see shi ina. very bad condition owing ts: P fie all new bushings and new top ment in Ontario, 50 f snow on the sides having dis- Furniture Déaler Milver as opposing the purchase sppested: leaving the middie tke Se erton 0 rie soon ceete foods unless payment for them is a almost ceiuatie ee rope ferowth ( epted in Canadian, or wheel