iit Fi i fo AF O 2 : THE PERTH COUNTY ¥7 i PAs iy HERALD.------------ methane sme mm a ae oe turb existing institutions for the mere pleasure of remodelling or of making experiments upon them. We shall endeavor in the next place to furnish ourreaders with a newspaper in the strict sense of the word. Our columns will be filled with the latest and most interesting items of domes- tic and foreign intelligence. The na- tive born Canadian will find substan- tial provincial fare upon which he may safely regale with pleasure and profit. The emigrant from the 'far off isles of the sea,' the children of the rose, the shamrock, and the thistle, will find in addition many luxuries which may serve to recall fond reco)- lections of their 'first love,' and strengthen their admiration and re- spect for the land of their birth. To the farmer we shall offer Agri- cultural: to the merchant, merchan- tile news--the latest market intelli- gence from New York and Montreal will be found in the Herald. For the fireside we shall provide matter which the most scrupulous need not hesitate to place in the hands of their families. The utmost vigilance will be used to exclude from our columns all person- alities and all that might have a ten- dency to irritate or annoy. Whilst we shall unhesitatingly express our opinion upon the various public ques- tions which may arise, we shall en- deavor to do so with the greatest pos- sible respect for the opinions of those who may chance to differ from us. Our aim will be to elevate the public esspr of the province, emulating, as far as we are able, the high tone of the press of the mother country Our columns will always beopen for the discussion of matters of public interest, so longas that discussion is conducted in a proper spirit. and with a due re- gard to the feelings of all. Nor shall we omit to furnish our réadérs with intelligencé of waat is go- ing on in the religious world. All de- nominations will be treated with equal impartiality.. Granting.to. others the same freedom of conscience which we claim for ourselves, our object will be to promote religious as well as civil 'liberty. ° The business man, well satisfied that, if desirous to prosper, he must make the public acquainted with 'his opportunities of supplying their wants, will find our advertising columns an excellent method of introducing him- self and his goods to the public eye. . Already our subscription list is well filled, and we confidently anticipate an extensive circulation. .An adyver- tisement in our columns is therefore éeftain to attain the desired result. | We have shortly sketched the course we intend to pursue. "Upon a strict adherence to that course we shall depend for the support which we look for from the people of Perth Ws ask a fair hearing, and shall be supremely happy if we can increase, in the smallest degree, a taste for in- tellectual reading ; respect for the in- stitutions ofjour country, and loyalty to the Crown. MARRIED. SCOTT--ROBERTS--By the Rev. Joseph Hugill, on the 27th instant, at the Wesleyan Par- sonage, Stratford, Mr. James Scott, to Miss Sarah A. Roberts, both of the Township of Ellice. Commercial. Stratford Markets. Wepxespay, July 29, 1863. Fall Wheat # bush..........$0 82 @ $0 88 Spring Wheat ¥ bush........ 0 74 0 80 Oats # bush..........-; 3209 O06 0 40 Potatoes # bush.........06- 0 25 0 35 Peas ® bush......6s.s++%--- 0 34 0 40 Barley # bush..........+-+- 0 70 0 75 Timothy Seed per bushse..--- 2 50 3 50 WiGuriper bb). ...5 0. eo cskh i os 400 4 50 Oatmeal per bbl...........-2- 6 00 6 25 Patter per Thy. ori eseid 0d 25% 011 0 123 Beggs per:Goz. . 2 : said 348 005 0 08 0 00 Mutton per 100 Ibs..........- 400 5 00 Deer per100 lbs. oo. . 306 cn ve 3 00 3 50 Hay per ton......... wowitin. § 10 00 12 00 PROWESS os hub ck Sts. 0 07 0 08 icae, per WAR 66 ens oe a Ss 0 %5_ ee 1-00 ordwood per cord........--. Ags. 2 00 Lee... ane 0-10 Sheepskins. ......... ckeks 150 1% ORG aves cctenl« ss iausee, 2 OU 0 00 NUOOLy <biss capt Sees ye eres ys 0 35 0 40 Opinions of the Press. -- Tar PertH County Heeatp.--A newspaper just'started in Stratford bears this title, and from the appearance and tone of the first number it is likely to become.a respectable journal, the number of which in this Province is, we regret to say, extremely limited. The politics of the Herald axe those of the Opposition, and--it will doubtless be a capable and we hope successful defender of the anti-Grit, party in the great county of Perth. Its typographical appearance is exceedingly good, if we except the heading, in which our taste would suggest a change. If it is conducted as well as the first number promises, the Herald deserves to prosper.--Lea- der. The Perth County Herald is the title of a neatly printed five' column paper just issued from the County town, the first number of which comes to us as we go to press.' It is published by Vivian & Co. The Editor says: " We shall be thoroughly Conservative in politics. But though Conservative we shall be liberal," what- ever that means. The enterprising publishers have our best wishes for the success--financially at least--of their neat little sheet.--St. Mary's Argus. x3- A new paper, entitled " The County of Perth Herald," has been established in Strat- ford. It is Conservative in politics, and is cleverly edited. Its publishers are Messrs. Vi- yian & Co.--Mttchell Advocate. Tar Perra County Heratp, is the title of a new paper published at Stratford by Messrs. Vivian & Co. Mechanically the paper is like all the work from the press of Messrs V. & Co., a model of neatness, clearness, and elegance. Politically, we regret we cannot speak so favorably of it. Its articles evince ability and udgment,---Perth Reformer. Tue Perta County Heraup.--We are in receipt of the first number of the Perth County Herald, a Conservative journal, and published by Messrs. Vivian & Co., Stratford. The editor promises to use his endeavors for the elevation of the press of the province. While we may be excused for considering this a little egotistical, we must confess that the numbers before us are adecided improvement on the other Conser- vative papers of the County of Perth, and we hope the Herald will have an elevating influence on that portion of the press, at any rate. The Herald is neatly printed, on good paper, at $1 25.--Huron Express. "Tye Perta County Heraup."--We have received the first number of a new weekly journal, the Perth County Herald, published at Stratford. The Herald is Liberal. Conservative in politics. We congratulate our cotemporary omhis enterprise, and wish him a long and prosperous career, There are' three papers now published in Stratford, two of which support the Opposition. We regard it as a significant fact that the defeat of Mr»Daly should have had the effect of rousing up Conservatism in Perth to prepare for the next tussle when it comes.-- Protytipe. '< Tur Perta Country Heraup is the nomme de plume yof a newspaper recently, started in Stratford. From what we haveseen' we can recommend it as: sound. in opinion, and un- equivocal in argument ; it will be of great use to its neighbotirhdod, as it contains a general summary of the. world's news, with every in- cident of local interest. In fine, it is just what a country newspaper ought to be.-- York Herald. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. re PPRPRARLPL AIDA PPL DG PAD LLALLY THE ANNUAL PUBLIC HOLIDAY UBLIC a' a sea ea # : In accordance with-arrangements made by, the Committee, the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company will run EXCURSION TRAINS, . as tollows: : ON "FRIDAY, THE 31ét OF JULY, FOR HAMILTON, Leaving Stratford at/ 710 A.M,; Returning, Train leaves Hamilton at 6 P. M., arriving at Stratford about 9 P. M. FARE Si FOR THE DOUBLE JOURNEY. A steamboat will be in readiness to convey the party to the beautiful Pleasure Grounds Oaklands, On the North side of Burlington Bay, GODERICH Leaving Stratford at 7 A. M.; Returning, Train leaves Goderich at 7 P. M., arriving at Strat- ford about 9 P. M, SCHOOL CHILDREN 25 CTS. TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA, Leaving by the Excursion to Hamilton, and proceeding by the ordinary Trains, with privi- lege to return by ordinary Trains up to and in- cluding Monday, August 3rd. FARE. $2 25. R. S. CARTER, Manager, Stratford, July 25, 1863. 5-1 ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO Saturday, noon, Ist August, for Repairs t0 Grammar School, Building Water Closet, and Repairing Root. For particulars apply to the undersigned at his office, Market Buildings. E, R. SULLIVAN, Sec. B'd: Gr S1 T's. FARE 50 CTS. Stratford, Aug. 27, 1863. 5-lin General Quarter Sessions. COUNTY OF PERTH. HE GENERAL AQUARTER SESSIONS OF the Peace will be Held at the COURT HOUSE, In the Town of Stratford, on the second Tues- day, being the Eighth day of September next, at 10 o'clock, forenoon. JOHN J. E, LINTON, Clerk of Peace. Clerk of Peace office, t Stratford, C. W., July. 22, 1863. N. B.--Returns of Convictions, and Convic- tions, and Recognizances to keep Peace, Dismiss- als, &c., with Accounts to be passed, (Govern- ment and County Accounts separate),--with special Affidavit--and all Appeal Cases, should be sent to Clerk of Peace Office in time. Crimi- nal cases for trial, papers connected therewith, to be sent to County Attorney, D, H, Lizars, Esq., Stratford. 5-td J. IB, CP. Robert Smith, L. L. B., ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c. OrFice:--Opposite John A. Scott's Store, Stratford. 5-tf IN COURSE OF PUBLICATION, A Gazetteer and Business and General DIRECTORY OF THE COUNTY OF PERTH. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. 1 A succinct Historical Account of the Early Settlement and Prosperous Growth of the County. 2 An Alphabetical List of the Residents in each Township, with the Concession and Lot of their respective Residences. 3 A General and Business Directory of the Towns, Villages, and Post Office localities, &e. 4 Churches, with ther locations, and the names of their Ministers or Pastors. 5 Schools, Colleges, Seminaries, and other Educational Institutions, with their location, and the names of the Principals and Teachers. 6 Literary Sdcieties and Mechanics' Institutes. 7 Masonic, Orange, Good Templars, Tempe- rance and other Societies and Associations, in- formation of which can. be obtained. 8 Agricultural Statistics. ie 9 Banks and Bankers, Insurance Companies, and Building Societies. 10 Newspapers, names of Publishers, and days of issue. 11 Railways, and Stage Routes. 12 Courts of Law, and the yarious times and places of holding ; Judges, Clerks, and Officers of Courts. 13 County, Township; Town, and Village Councils, and names of Officers, . -- : 14 Officers of the Provinciat Government, and Alphabetical List of the Members of Parliament. As a book of General, Information, it will be both instructive and interesting to 'all élass- es. To the merchant and professional man, as a Directory, it must, prove of incal¢ulable ser- vice, and'can be relied upon--the compilation being. conducted With thé greatest care by. the publishers themsélves., (94 . Gas 4405 Merchants and others who wish to extend their business operations, will find this'the very best means of adyertisingas it will\be perused by all, and must, therefore, reach the_ particular class from whom they receive their patronage, and being strongly bound in a neat volume, it cértainly equals daily advertising for years to come. From the very flattering encouragement. the publishers have received from Bankers, Profes- sionalymeny Merchants, Manu turers,.and oth- ers, to whom they have mentioned their inten- tion of publishing such 'a k, they féel assured that the patronage which will be extended to the enterprise will meet their most sanguine ex- pectations, and have therefore resolved to, keep the price of the book, (which will be of large oc- tavo size) at $1 50. ADVERTISING RATES : For One Ful Page, with Book, - - - $12 00 For Halta Page, ditto. --- 7 00 Professional Cards} with Book,- -\- || 5 00 SUTHERLAND BRO'S. Publishers. and Compilers, July, 1863. 5-tf Money to Loan. HE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARING TO Negotiate Loans on Improved Farms pay- able by instalments in from one to ten years, at a reasonable rate of interest. P. R. JARVIS. Stratford, July 28, 1863. 5-tf JUST PUBLISH ED. REPLY TO THE REY. DR. CAHILL, THE EUCHARIST. The Rev. R. Burns, D. D., ROFESSOR OF CHURCH HISTORY, Knox's College, Toronto. Price 10 cents, 24 pages, to be obtained at the Publishers, James Bain, 48 King Street, East ; Rollo & Ad- am, and other Booksellers in Toronto. The above " Reply" is ably written, and is an easy epitome of the great Roman Catholic doc- trine of TRANSUBSTANTIATION. Every Protestant should possess a copy, asa ready reference of authority regarding so sub- tle and dangerous a doctrine. The price is within the reach of all. 5-4in Stratford, C. W., July 27, 1863. STATUTES--1868. rye CLERK OF THE PEACE INTIMATES to the Magistrates of this County, who are qualified as the law directs, that the PROVINCIAL STATUTES For the last Session, 1863, (26th Vic.) are rea- dy for delivery, they having been yesterday re- ceived. J. J. Ey DINTON, Clerk Peace. Clerk Peace Office, i Stratford, C. W., July 22, 1863. 5-3in HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fi fP\HE Subscriber has received, and is receiv- ing the most EXTENSIVE STOCK OF : English aud American HARDWARE, Ever brought into the Huron District. Owing to the great scarcity of money this year he has resolved trom this time to : Reduce his Profits TOA Dr. Wm. Stimson, HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCHEUR, Tavistock, C. W. 5-ly Support Home Manufacture. W. D. BUCKLE, SOAP ANDCANDLE DEALER IN PALM OIL, SODA ASH, BLACK SALTS, &c, Orders respectfully solicited, and punctually 'supplied. Factory on Erie Street, north of the Albion Hotel. ' Stratford, July, 25, 1863. 5-tf Reid & Humphry, ARRIAGE AND WAGGON MAKERS, C General Blacksmiths, Horse Shoers, &c.-- Job Work and Repairing done on the shortest notice and at the most reasonable terms. Shop opposite Moore's Hotel, Huron Street, Stratford. NOTICE. AKE NOTICE THAT A MEETING OF THE Freeholders of the County of Perth will be held in the TOWN HALL, Stratford, On the 14th day of August next, at the hour of 1 o'clock, P. Mj, to consider the expediency of the formation of a Mutual Insurance Com'y. Signed, J. 0. W: DALY, J A CARROLL, JAMES WOOD, ~~ -R. BURRITT, JAMES REDFORD, 3 R JARVIS, A McGREGOR, . }\ PX WATSON, »/ . JOHN NECKLIY, .,.J H¥DE,, Stratford, July 18, 1863. FRPP 1. THE LADIES OF THE CONGREGATION OF ST. JAMES' CHURCH, Stratford, will holdie FANCY, BAZAAR, In aid of the building Fund, On the 23rd, 24th and 25th days of Septem- fers tie der nextel: eine Contributions and Subscriptions respectfully solicited. The undersigned ladies of the Com- '4-3-in mittee will be happy to receive contributions : 'P >) MRS. panminsoy, 'MRS, Bere. ¢ " COMLBOH, wii vba LEE, ' « JACKSON, "WHITLEY, "WILLIAMS. : Stratford, July 20, 1863. 4-td '0. fF: DUTTON: & PHARMACHUTICAL CHEMISTS" PURE DRUGS AND arian CHEMIC &nS:. GENUINE PORT WINE, For the use of the sick always in stock. Stratford, July 14, 1863. 3-tf MARSHALL BROTHERS Have on hand, and are constantly receiving A LARGE, CHEAP, And well assorted stock of NRT BYODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING AND GROCERIES, All of which they offer On the best terms for Cash or Produce. They are now selling COTTON YARN Cash. Observe From Dunbar's Mills at $2.75 the place THREE DOORS WEST OF ALBION HOTEL. Stratford, July 1, 1863. 1-tf BARE COMMISSION -- ON ALL So those wishing to build or make improves ments on their farms, may take advantage of this reduction. The following isa few of the leading articles : 120 Tons Glasgow Bar and Rod Iron, 70 " Pig Tron, 100" ~Blacksmith and Foundry Coal, 20 " Serap Iron Nails, 600 Boxes Glass, 400 Spades and Shovels, 1000 Cornand Grass Scythes, A complete Stock of Rakes, Forks, Cradles, &c. All kinds of HOUSE FURNISHING, SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR 'SAW W. H. MITCHELL, Stratford, June 8, 1863, 2-tf THE NEW STORE, Second door West of THE POST OFFICE. M. J. McCLELLAN, General dealer in Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, | . BOOTS & SHOES, GROGERIES, CROCKERY, ; WINES AND LIQUORS. pre sug us motto is. 6. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS. He sells cheaper than any other House in Stratford. : 1 A call is respectfully solicited. ey TERMS:+0 ASH, A ND; BARTE R: ref 892 29 Price List of a few Articles: : Sujsdt 12 and 12 Ibs. for $1; Rice 40 lbs.' for ' $1; Teas, per, lb. from 62} cents to $1; : Men's Stoga Boots $2,50; Men's: Kip ' do., $2.75; Women's Calf Boots $1.25 ; White Stone Ware Tea Sets $2.50 (44 pieces.} Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf )Bagpy'for Sale. >| Horse, a good, substantial, new Buggy. beret toric «ao Vad & O00. Stratford, June, 1863. 1-tf JUST RECEIVED. ~ SPRING GOODS, ~~ 9 Ingreatvariety, = es OP SL eens. TO TAVERN-KEEPERS. 7 'Just received a very heavy stock of ' Wines and Liquors iquors, Which will be sold to Tavern-keepers and oth ers by wholesale at unusually ; LOW PRICES. P. WATSON. RRY GOODS, AND SUMMER CLOTHING, In great variety, for sale cheap by P. WATSON, DHAS. THAS, Pure and unadulterated, Imported direct from China, In the Spring the subscriber received a large cargo of Teas from his correspondent in China, which he will be able to OFFER AT WHOLESALE At rates very favorable to Country Buyers. P. WATSON Stratford, June 2, 1863. 1-tt FARM FOR SALE. 5O CRES of good Farming Zand, 45 c A acres cleared, being Lot 14, Con- cession 8, Township of Downie. There is on the premises a good Log House and Barn 50x 30, 2 Frame Sheds 60x14. Also a good Sta- ble. Apply to JOB LAMB, Qn the premises. 2-3in Downie, July 3, 1863. ; PES 2 CASH TRANSACTIONS at in { 'f Ww" will sell cheap on time, or trade tolls.