8 : THE PERTH COUNTY HERALD. OS ee oe ee Business Directory. John whitiey,. TTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor in Chan- cery, &c. Office--Jarvis' Block, Strat- ford, C. W. 1-tf R. Williams, {LERK of the First Division Court for the County of Perth, Ontario Street, Stratford. Agent for British and American Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Notes and Accounts collected without delay, and on reasonable terms. 1-tf King's Hotel. ARKET STREET, Stratford. First Class accommodation for Travellers at reason- able rates. The Stabling is the best in Town. Well Equipped Livery Stables Attached. l-y H. Kine. Edward A. Paget, HYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucher.-- Coroner for the County of Perth. Espe- cial attention paid to diseases of women and! children. Every description of Surgical opera- tions performed when required. l-y Henry Rebinson's PROVISION and Fruit Store. Oysters in season: Refreshments, $c., Market Street, Stratford. 1-tf Charles Kahn, 'AURGEON DENTIST. Office--Rooms Nos. 4 and 5 Glasgow Warehouse. Office hours from 9 a, m. till 4 p. m, 1-tf Cc. Cartwright, URGEON DENTIST, Ontario Street, oppo- site the Post Office, Stratford, C. W. PHOTOGRAPHS Taken in the adjoining Car in every variety and at all Prices. 1-tf WwW. R. Emery, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, HREE Doers West of Forbes' Hotel. The best ready-made work in town, Cheap for Gash. Repairing in the best style. Stratford, June 4, 1863. 2m-1l-tf G. A. Jackson, HOLESALE and Retail dealerin Fruit, Soda Water, Lemonade, &c. Ice Cream made to order, opposite the Albion Hotel. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf TINS SEA, THE OLDEST { Ai) IN THE 2 " PN Watchmaker % County Perth (aia) = Established in Stratford in 1852. Post Office. REPATRING Always done neatly and warranted, Opposite the Watches, Clocks and Jewellery For sale cheap, and warranted. I, N. HALL is always personally on hand. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf 1,200 BUTTER KEGS, UST MAKING 1,200 Butter Kegs, which will be sold Cheap for Cash, Also for sale 200.000 Flour Barrel Staves. Apply to JOHN H. DARCHE. Stratford, June 1, 1863 1-tf THE OLD ESTABLISHED : STRTFORD TIN SHOP FOUNDRY | Erie Street, STRATEQORD,:. C. G. W. BYERS, Wis |PRACTICAL TINSMITH Has always on hand a large stock of STOVES, PLOWS, AND TLIW ARE. Eave-troughs, Roofing, &c. Put up by Experienced Workmen, and guaran- teed to stand, Job Work on the Shortest Notice. Remember--Opposite the Commercial Bank. Stratford, June 1, 1863. JOHN HOLMES, DEALER IN TO YY Ss, CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, Fancy Goods, FISHING TACKLE, &c., &c. Has always on hand a good supply of the above articles. A large supply of CHILDREN'S CABS, WILLOW WARE Of every kind ; opposite J. Corcoran's Grocery Store, Ontario Street. JOHN HOLMES, N. B,--Guelph Lime always on hand. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf A. WILLIAMSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Clothier & Outfitter, SIGN OF THE "GOLDEN FLEECE," Thrd Door West of the Post Office, Ontario St., Stratford, Has always on hand the largest and best se lected Stock of GENTLEMEN'S GODS In the County, All orders promptly attended to Stratford, June 15, 1863. 3-tf Contents of Square and Round Timber, Sawl in a number of Tables ; to which are added Tables of Wages the month, Board or Rent, by the week " day, railroad distances, &c. Also interest Tables, at seven per cen SORIBNER'S READY RECKONER, FOR SHIP BUILDERS, BOAT BUILDERS, LUMBER MERCHANTS, FARMERS & MECHANIOS. a correct measurement of Scantling, Boards, Plank, Cubical MACHINE SHOP. -- J. SHARMAN, MANUFACTURER OF STOVES, PLOWS, Cultivators, Road Scrapers, Reaping & Mowing Machines, Threshing Machines, Separators and Cleaners, Horse Powers, &c., &c., STRATFORD, C. W. The Retail Trade supplied with Ploughs, &c. Steam Engines built and repaired. Iron and Brass Castings of every description made to order. Orders taken for Thrashing Machines and Se- parators [with Pitts' Improved Horse Powers]. Only a limited number is to be made this season, J. SHARMAN. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf THE QUALIFICATION. HE first and grand step for any man who wishes to qualify as Member of Parliament for this County is TO GET MARRIED, The second is to bring your wife and family to G HORNE & CO.'S, To buy their DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, AND FANCY GOODS. Just received from Paris and London 18s CASES Of Bonnets, Hats, Plumes, Parasols, Artificials, Crape, Tissue, Barege and Filled Shawls. Capes of the newest styles and designs. 250 Packages of Heavy Dry Goods from the leading manufacturers of England, Treland and Scotland, MILLINERY Of every description made to order. REGALIA.--Temperance, Masonic and Orange Regalia made to order. G. HORNE & CO. Ontario Street. Stratford, June, 4, 1863. 2-tf FULLER BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail BAR-IRON & COAL, Shelf Hardware, Paints, Oils & Glass, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL ONTARIO ST., STRATFORD.. N, B,--Blacksmiths, Wood-workers, Carpen- ters, Painters, &c., will always find a full and complete assortment in stock. Stratford, June 1, 1863, i-tf | THE HOME DOCTOR! cates, it is Wood, etc., com- Tus is a new and valuable book for every family in the United States, and one that may be consulted with perfect safety. As its titlepage indi- CUE HIDRIR WOeCVOoR, OR FAMILY MANUAL: Ce Oe Te, By 7. M. SCRIBNEF, AUTHOR OF "ENGINEER'S AND MECHANIC'S COMPANION," ENGINEER'S'POCKET TABLE BOOK, ete., ete. Scarcely is it ible to add to the recommendations of the above book, more than to give its title page. Every one who is engaged in buying, selling, measuring or inspectin: Lumber of any kind, will at once appreciate a work of this kind. No pains or expense has been in revising and enlarging this edition, to make it in every re- spect convenient and accurate. The Log Table was computed by GE drawing Diagrams, as shown by the Va 7 cut, for each and every log, from 12 to 44 inches in diameter, and the width of each board taken, after taking off the waneedge. Thesum total of each board constitutes the amount each log will give, and if there can be any dependence plac- ed upon such strictly mathematical accuracy, no one will hesitate for a moment to abide the results here iven, as the method adopted by ; the author can result in nothing else i than strict honesty and mathemat- ical accuracy, to the parties interested. ' s f Phe best evidence of the usefulness and popularity of this book is the rapid and extensive sale of over 375,000 in 3 very short time, while "the sale is constantly increasing. We do not hesitate to say that no book of its size'and price contains more useful or correct tables. Tn all new and lumber countries the book will be found very con- venient, as it comprises much that is useful for the Farmer, Mechanic, and business man. ORDERS SOLICITED, from Agents, Booksellers, and others, to whom ¢ liberal discount will be made. §9™ Price 95 cents. FIVE COPIES sent to om address for ONE DOLLAR, postage paid. The books can be had of Bookselleg generally, throughout the United States. GEORGE W. FISHER, Rochester, N. ¥. Publisher, 6, Exchange Stree giving the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Diseases ; with an ae- count of the System while in health, and Rules for preserving that state. Appended to which are Recipes for making various Medicines and articles of Diet for the sick-room. The whole written for general use and daily practice. By JOHN B. NEWMAN, M.D." Also, accompanying this book, or separate, is "THE BOOK OF HERBS, Devoted exclusively to Herbs, giving their names, varieties, descrip- tion, medical properties and doses, use, time of gathering, and many other directions very useful for every family to know, and written ex- pressly for family use." ze The Book of Herbs is devoted solely to Popular Medical Botany, and will furnish on that point all the desired information wanted for general use. Such a manual is very valuable to all families in the country, who desire to inform themselves relative to the properties of plants that grow around them ; and not only to find their names and virtues, but the best method of deriving benefit from them. The properties of each, more especially the medicinal, are confirmed, in most instances, by personal experience. i> Remedies are given for poisoning by vegetables, and general direc- tions for avoiding noxious plants, and not mistaking them for others. In preparing this book the author has had three important things in view : Ist. The prevention of Disease ; 2d. The arrest of Disease when threatened by it; and 3d. The cure of Disease by the most simple remedies to be obtained. *,* The two books are put up and bound together, and contain 200 pages, price 25 cents; or sold separately at 12} cents each. Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, to Agents and others BY GEO. W. FIHSER. No. 6 Excuancs-sty ROCHESTER, N. Y. The above valuable Works can be obtained at Vivian & Co.'s Book Store. MELODEONS From the best makers at their prices, VIOLINS & VIOLIN & GUITAR STRINGS. Vivian & Co. xs Corner Store leading to the Market. NEW PROVISION AND FRUIT DEPOT. --- WILLIAM DOWN, Ontario St., Opposite the Post Office. OULD respectfully inform the inhahi- tants of Stratford that he keeps con- stantly on hand all kinds of FIOUR, MEALS, GRAIN, AND VEGETABLES, Pure and Fresh, also all kinds of FRUIT IN THEIR SEASON, Which it will be his endeavor to retail at such prices as cannot fail to secure your patronage. All kinds of Seeds for Sale, 1 One trial is respectfully requested. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf NEW CONFECTIONERY HENRY GIBSON, Market Street, Stratford. All kinds of Plain and Fancy CONFECTIONERY Always on hand. WEDDING CAKES Made to order. Ginger Beer, Lemon and Sar- saparilla Syrups, Ice Creams, &c, THA CAKES, Of every variety. te THE TRADE SUPPLIED. TERMS :--Cash or Trade. Stratford, June 1, 1863. Iatf WwW, & S. INMAN, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Household FURNITURE. HOSE who need any thing in our line will do well to give us a call, where they can choose from THE LARGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY, Undertaking and Orders prompt- ly attended to. Warerooms opposite Kyle's Mill [late McOul- : loch's.] STRATFORD, C. W. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf BEATTY & LAWSON Are selling off their entire stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Cheap for Cash. Come before they are all sold and save money. Stratford, June J, 1863. 1-tf T. STONEY, SADDLE, HARNESS TRUNK MAKER, WELLINGTON ST., STRATFORD, Opposite the Market, Always keeps on hand everything in the Sad- dlery line, Cheap for Cash or short Credit. -- 1 The Oldest established Shop in the County Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf a Soap and Candle Factory. | ocean | HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub lic generally, that he has constantly o: hand a large supply of { ' AT ' TF r] SOAP AND CANDLES, Of the first quality, which he will sell Cheap by Wholesale or Retail. Manufactory--Bliza- | beth Street, a little East of the Court House. JOHN DONAGHY. Stratford, June 30, 1863. 1-37 ! THE LARGEST, Best, and most Complete ' PRINTING OFFIC In the County of Perth, at which all kinds of PRINTING Is executed Second to none in Style, PRICE, AND EXPEDITION. VIVIAN & 00. xé> Corner Store leading to the Market, MERCHANTS AND TRADESMEN Can be supplied with a good LEDGER & DAY-BOOK At our own manufacturing prices. Vivian & CO. x Corner Store leading to the Market. JUST NOW IS THE TIME TO DECORATE YOUR HOUSES! If you want the newest styles in WALL PAPERS, BORDERS AND WINDOW BLINDS, Examine our Large Stock, you will find it the most select, and CHEAPEST IN THE COUNTY Vivian & Co. 1 Corner Store leading to the Market. A LARGE STOOK OF FAMILY BIBLES, At Low Rates. Pocket Bibles, Prayer Books, PSALM BOOKS, WESLEY'S HYMNS, &e Elegantly Bound. Vivian & Co, 3" Corner Store leading to the Market. SABBATH SCHCOL LIBRARIES REWARD BOOKS, REWARD TICKETS, &c., Libraries of any size made up to suit pur- chasers. Vivian & Co. 13 Corner Store leading to the Market, SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL PAPER, At reasonable rates, A Good Supply always on hand, Wholesale and Retail. Vivian & Co. 3S Corner Store leading to the Market. BOOKS BOUND In every style of Binding. OLD BOOKS REPAIRED. Vivian & Co. 1 Corner Store leading to the Market, OUR PRINTED FORMS Are the neatest in the County, such as Asseg- sor's Rolls, Collector's do., Voter's Lists, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages, Division Court Forms, &¢., &c., at the usual prices, Vivian & Co, " x Corner Store leading to the Market. The Perth County Herald Is PUBLISHED Every Wednesday Morning, BY AT THEIR OFFICE oA Corner of Ontario and Market Sts., At $°©) per Annum, or $2.50 at the end of the year. Perties desiring to advertise must hand in their Adve .isements by 2 o'clock on Tuesday after- noon in order to secure insertion, This rule will be strictly adhered to. TERMS OF ADVERTISING: First "nsertion per line......... sks 2). O08 Each subsequent insertion...... ihe vba + 0.013 Cards not exceeding six lines, per annum, 4.00 Over six lines and under ten " " 6.00 A liberal discount allowed to parties advertis- | ing by the column or year. 'Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid. and charged 'ac- eo be + ee "ts sending us the names of 6 sub- £ serivers, accompanied with the cash, will be | entitled to receive one number gratis.