County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 12 Aug 1863, p. 7

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he 4 ¥e Lyon press of the province, emulating, as far as we are able, the high tone of _the press of the mother country Our columns will always be open forthe discussion of matters of public interest, so long as that, discussion is conducted ~ ip, a. proper spirit, and with a due re- Nor 'shall"we"omit to furnish our | readers with intelligence of w.atis-go- | ing on in the religious world» Ail de-| nominations will be treated with equa! impartiality. "Granting 'to others the same freedom of conscience which we claim for, ourselyes;. onr. object will be to promote religious as well as civil liberty. , Thé? business man, well satisfied that, if desirous to. prosper, he must make the publie acquainted. with his opportunities of supplying their wants, will find our advertising columns an _excellent method of introducing him- /se]f.and his goods to the public eye. Already our subscription list is well filled, and we confidently anticipate an. extensive. circulation, .. An. adyer- * tisement in our columns 'is. therefore certain to attain fhe deésived result. We have shortly sketched the course we intend to"pursue. Upon a strict adherence to that course we shall depend for the support which we look for 'from the people of Perth We ask a fair hearing; and shall, be supremely happy if we can increase, in the smallest degree, a taste for in- tellectual reading ; respect for the in- 'stitutions of our country, and loyalty to the Crown. Opinions of the Press. Tae County or. Pertu Herarp.--We are in receipt of the third number of a Conservative, paper with this title, and hailing from the capi- tal'town of the County of Perth. The copy be- fore us is small, but we notice that the publish- ers announce their intention to enlarge it at once. The Herald is neatly got up, seems to be _ Well conducted, and will, no doubt, be well "Supported by the Conservatives 6f PRerth-- Whitby Gazette. A New Paper. "We have just had the pleasure of adding to our-exchange, list, anew journal entitled The County of Perth Herald, published at Stratford; it is a large, thoroughly well- 'conducted, and beautifully printed sheet, and cannot be received by the intelligent yeo- meén of Perth as a valuable and instructive com-, panion in their midst. We tender to its enter+ prising proprietors, Vivian & Co., our wishes of ae success.-- Embro Review. Stratford Markets. a eg ye Wepnespay; Auguste12, 1863. _INOTICE. es VE TAKEN AT PAR. FOUR PER CENT ALLOWED ON BIiL.Ts FOUR PER CENT TAKEN OFF SILVER WHEN PAID ON ALL BOOK ACCOUNTS. FULLER BROS, Stratford, August 11, 1863. 7-t; JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF THE CELEBRATED Dandelion Coffee AT PETER WATSON'S. Stratford, August 7, 1863. 7-tf SILVER TAKEN AT PAR. FOUR PER CENT PREMIUM OW BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES AS USUAL. J. CORCORAN Stratford, August 11, 1863. 7-tf CONCERT. MRS) DIXIE) WATSON EGS TO INFORM THE INHABITANTS OE, Stratford and surrounding country that gard to the feelings of all: } she intends giving a CRAND CONCERT OF and Insrumental Music 'AT. THE # ry. > TN TOWN HALL, ON TUESDAY, THE\8th INSTANT. The Stratford Volunteer Militia Brass Band have kindly offered their services, She will al- so be assisted by" her Daughters, and several Amateurs. from a distance as well _as from the town,' 7 4 Doors open at, 7} o'clock, P, M. commenceat 8. Tickets 25 cents, Stratford, August 10. 1863, WACCONS | CARRIAGES. M\HE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND A large assortment of seasonable material for manufacturing CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &c., Xe. HORSE SHOEING And repairing done with neatness and despatch, Farmers' Shoeing done at $87 per span yearly. Axes and Edge Tools repaired and tempered. Vocal Concert to j-lin Newly opened with first-class Wotkmen in Crippen's old stand. ROBERT E. WALKER. Stratford, August 10, 1863. 7-tf 07) HARDWARE, HAW AW eI WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL. Ae san Rea penn © $058, | PPYHE SUBSCRIBERS. ARE NOW MAKING og 5 host a AB sn 35 0 40 extensive alterations in their premises to Potatoes fash. at. WaN" 0 50 0 00 accomodate their rapidly growing business,-- : asa 'bash' lhadad aaa. 034 0 40 To make room for these improvements they are Bia ¥ Bush: Fi E a A co 0-70 075 | 20¥ offering such inducements as will draw tenth Sisk merhush...c... 250. 350 | Seer eee Oe Olan, Be Al Y Pecunia g OP shor mein> "anh" a Mri h PO SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL, Butter a diac acai ROPE 010 | Where will be found one of the most. extensive " Home Packed per Ib...... 0 11 0 123 stocks of Eggs per doze. 6... e eee b cece 008 0 00 ENGLISH, GERMAN & AMERICAN Mutton per 100 Ibs........... 400 500 ya a Beef per (00 Ibs......-....+-- 300 360 HH \ RD W A R i: Bree 0% 12 ee 4. .44..> 55200 6 00 allow per lb...... ae fe ee 005 006 | Ever brou i - ght west of Toronto. The subscri- ~ aco dle fae oy PCN : = ; wl bers' advantages are yom: that -- can offer a me 1 egy ere TO 8 2 0 08 0 10 GREAT INDUCEMENTS Libsine Satna wees tev oe 5 Hides. oe? cei eeaoeasa th = ; 'ed To close buyers. They would call special atten- Wool... ses uee rie eegen Rabi, 0140 Hen $2. Sen ietlawing 250 Tons Govan, Bar, and Rod Iron; 20 Tons Band and Hoop [ron ; 100 Tons Gartsher- rie No 1 Pig Iron ; 100 Tons Blossburgh and Leheigh Coal; 25 Tons Mon- treal Best Scrap Iron Nails; 500 Half Boxes Glass; 50 Cases Glass from 24x36 to 40 x 50; 30 BARRELS PLASTER PARIS, 20 BARRELS WATER LIME. CRADLES, Warranted natural Bends. A full assortment of Carpenter's, Blacksmith's and Cooper's Tools. HOUSE FURNISHING In every variety. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL. FULLER BROS. Stratford, August 10, 1863. 7-tf JOHN PARKER, TIN, GOPPER, AND * SHEET TRON 'MOMHOM ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD, C. W. EGS TO ENFORM THE INHABITANTS of the County of Perth that he is manu- facturing a Stock of TINWARE, For the market, and will open out in the first week in September, in the premises now occu- pied by Mr. Morris, Grocer, adjoining the Post Office. J. P. is prepared to attend to all orders with which he may be favored. Stratford, July 10, 1863. 7-8 Ne ae ee Ce ae nae ee, tee ~<a i * on ~- COUNTY OF PERTH a = GENERAL MEETING OF THE CON- [A SERVATIVES of Stratford will be held at the ALBION HOTRL. ON WEDNESDAY, THE 19th INSTANT, At 7 o'clock, P. M.;> for the transaction of im- portant business. Conservatives are particu- larly requested to attend. JOHN WHITLEY, Secretary. Stfatford, Augiist 10,4863. | » A-td 'JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF PURE PORT WINE, FOR Medicinal Purposes IN OTHERWISE, PETER WATSON, Stratford, August 7, 1863. 1-tf BUILDING LOTS. FOR SALE BOTTLES OR IN THE TOWN OF"S TRATRORD, On easy Terms, Apply to JOHN WHITLEY, Solicitor, Stratford, August 10, 1863. 7-tf MONEY TO LEND FARM PROPERTY, ON EASY TERMS. Crown Deeds taken up. Apply to) JOHN WHITLEY. ' Solicitor. tf Stratford, August 10, 1863. MONEY TO LOAN FIRST CLASS: SECURITY. Apply to CORNISH & McDONALD, Jarvis' Block, Stratford. Stratford, August 10, 1863. saa Tatf NOTICE. AKE NOTICE THAT A MEETING OF THE Freeholders of the County of Perth will be held in the TOWN HALL, Stratford, On the 14th day of August next, at the hour of 1 o'clock, P. M., to consider the expediency of the formation of a Mutual Insurance Com'y. Signed, J. O7°W: DALY; J A CARROLL, JAMES WOOD, R. BURRITT, JAMES REDFORD, P R JARVIS, A McGREGOR, P WATSON, JOHN NECKLIN, J HYDE. Stratford, July 18, 1863. 4.3-in I. N; HALL, ca IN THE County Perth THE OLDEST 2 watenmaxer £4 mb Established in Stratford in 1852. Post Office. REPATRING Always done neatly and warranted, Watches, Clocks and Jewellery For sale cheap, and warranted. I. N. HALL is always personally on hand. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN: Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-t Opposite the COUNTY OF PERTH. HE GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF the Peace will be held at the COURT HOUSE, In the Town of Stratford, on the second Tues- day, being the - Eighth day of September next, at" 19 o'clock, forenoon. -JOHN J. E, LINTON, : ' Clerk of Peace. Clerk of Peace office, ? Stratford, C. W., July 22, 1863. § N. B.--Returns of Convictions, and Convic- tions, and Recognizances to keep Peace, Dismiss- als, &c., with Accounts to be passed, (Govern- ment and County Accounts separate),--with special Affidavit--and all Appeal Cases, should be sent to Clerk of Peace Office in time. Crimi- nal cases for trial, papers connected therewith, to be sent to County Attorney, D. H, Lizars, Esq., Stratford. 5-td I-53. Eby C. P. "ISPRING GOODS, | supplied. - JUST RECEIVED. ' In great variety, B® Tigee- Warson. : Se che ae ge Raley 'TO _TAVERN-KEEPERS. Just received a very heavy stock of Wines and Liquors, Which will be sold. to Tavern-keepers and oth ers by wholesale at unysually LO'w PRICES. nis P. WATSON. SUMMER CLOTHING, * Ia great variety, for sale cheap by P. WATSON, THIAS/ ETE AS, Pure and-unadulterated, Imported direct from China, Tr. be In the Spring the subscriber received a large cargo of Teas from his correspondent in China, which he. will be able to. OFFER AT WHOLESALE At rates very favorable to Country Buyers. P. WATSON Stratford, June-2; 1863. 1-tt "Support Home Manufactare. IW: Dr BUCKLE, { . ; x SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER, DEALER IN. y= ' PALM OIL, SODA ASH, + BLACK SALTS, &e, Orders respectfully; sgigteds i punctually Factory on Erie Street, north"of the Albion Hotel. : Stratford, July, 25, 1863. J. &F.DUTTON: PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS. PURE DRUGS AAD CHEMIC Aerts' Lis GENUINE. PORT WINE, 5-tf HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -- f pom Subscriber has received, and is receiv- ing the most ' EXTENSTVE STOCK OF English aud American HARDWARE, Ever brought into'the Huron »District. Owing to the great scarcity of money this year he has resolved trom this time to ' Reduce his Profits TOA BARE COMMISSION 'ON ALL CASH TRANSACTIONS So those wishing to build'or make improvee ments on their farms, may take advantage of this reduction. The following isa fewof the leading articles : 120 Tons Glasgow Bar and Rod Iron, 70 Pie Iron, as 100" Blacksmith and Foundry Coal, 20 * Scrap Iron Nails, | 600 Boxes Glass, : 400 Spades and Shovels, 1000 Corn and Grass Scythes. A complete Stock of Rakes, Forks, Cradles, &c. All kinds of cy HOUSE FURNISHING, © SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR 'SAW " sheds $2 W. Hs MITCHELL, Stratford, June 8, 1863. « e-tf Buggy for Sale. E will'sell cheap on time, or trade for a Horse, a good, substantial, new Buggy. 7 VIVIAN & CO. Stratford, June, 1863. 1-tf Money to Loan. TFV\HE SUBSCRIBER IS. PREPARING TO Negotiate Loans on Improyed Farms pay- able by instalments in from one to ten years, at a reasonable rate of interest. : P. R. JARVIS. » Bett . For the use,of the sick always in stock. Stratford, July14, 1863. ~~ 3-tf IN COURSE OF PUBLICATION. A Gazetteer and Business and General DIRECTORY COUNTY OF PERTH, SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. 1 A succinct Historical Account of the Early Settlement and. Prosperous..Growth of the County. 2 An Alphabetical List. of the Residents in each Township, with the Concession and Lot of their respective Residences. Fi 3 A General and Business Directory of the Towns, Villages, and Post Office localities, &c. 4 Churches, with ther locations, and the names of their Ministers or Pastors. 5 Schools, Colleges, Seminaries, and other Educational Institutions, with their location, and the names of the Principals and Teachers. 6 Literary Societies and Mechanics' Institutes. 7 Masonic, Orange, Good Templars, Tempe- rance and other Societies and Associations, in- formation.of which can be obtained. 8 Agricultural Statistics. " 9 Banks and Bankers, Insurance Companies, and Building Societies. _-- 10 Newspapers, names of Publishers, and days of issue. , 11 Railways, and Stage Routes. 12 Courts of Law, and the various times and places of holding ; Judges, Clerks, and Officers -of Courts. 13 County, Township, Town and_ Village Councils, and names of Officers. 14 Officers of the Provincial Government, and Alphabetical List of the Members of Parliament. As abook of General Information, it will be both instructive and interesting to all class- es. To the merchant and professional man, as a Directory, it must prove of incalculable ser- vice, and can be relied upon--the compilation being conducted with the greatest care by the publishers themselves. Merchants and others who wish to extend their business operations, will find this the very best means of advertising, as it will be perused by all, and must, therefore, reach the particular class from whom they receive their patronage, and being strongly bound in a neat volume, it certainly equals daily advertising for years to come. From the very flattering encouragement the publishers have received from Bankers, Profes- sional men, Merchants, Manufacturers, and oth- ers, to whom they have mentioned their inten- tion of publishing such a work, they feel assured that the patronage which will be extended to the enterprise will meet their most sanguine ex- pectations, and have therefore resolved to keep the price of the book (which will be of large oc- tayo size) at $1 50. ADVERTISING RATES: For One Ful Page, with Book, - - - $12 00 For Halta Page, _ ditto. wee 7 00 Professional Cards, with Book, - - - 5 00 SUTHERLAND BRO'S. Publishers and Ngee goin 5-t July, 1863, Stratford, July 28,1863. Ni CLERK OF THE PEACE INTIMATES to the Magistrates of this County, who are qualified as the law directs, that the ~~ PROVINCIAL STATUTES For the last Session, 1863, (26th Vic.) are rea- dy for delivery, they having been yesterday re- ceived. ae i is & RTLE. DINTON, Clerk Peace. Clerk Peace Office, ; Stratford, C0. W., July 22, 1863. 5-3in J U8, Lew. Bh bS HD. REPLY 10 THE REV. DR. CAHILL, THE EUCHARIST. The Rev. R. Burns, D. D., ROFESSOR OF CHURCH HISTORY, Knox's College, Toronto. Price 10 cents, 24 pages, to be obtained at the Publishers, James Bain, 48 King Street, East ; Rollo & Ad- am, and other Booksellers in Toronto. The above " Reply" is ably written, and is an easy epitome of the great Roman Catholic doc- trine of ' TRANSUBSTANTIATION. Every Protestant should possess a copy, as a ready reference of authority regarding so sub- tle and dangerous a doctrine. | The price is within the reach of all. Stratford, 0. W., July27, 1863 5-4in. BAZAAR. THE LADIES OF THE CONGREGATION OF ST. JAMES' CHURCH, Stratford, will hold a FANCY BAZAAR, In aid of the Building Fund, On the 23rd, 24th and 25th days of Septem- ber next. pire ge and Subscriptions respectfull solicited. e undersigned ladies of the Cone! mittee will be happy to receive contributions : MRS. PATTERSON, MRS. JARVIS, " IMLACH, "LEE, « JACKSON, «" WHITLEY, " WILLIAMS. Stratford, July 20, 1863. 4-td

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