County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 2 Sep 1863, p. 7

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i eam COUN +o i > : TY 'OF IB a At i a XS Those who may require-a first-rate article of "sporting powder" will "find it at Messrs. Fuller Bros. ; also the celebrated " Turn-table Apple Parer" can be had at the same place. See advertisement. x3" Remember that the celebrated Temper- perance Lecturer, R D Wadsworth, is to deliver a Lecture on Temperance in the Lecture Room, Town' Hall, this eyening, commencing at 8 o'clock. 13" We have been requested to say that the young men belonging to the Stratford Base Ball Club are prepared to play against the Married Men's Club, 1 vs.!11,; at any time 'and place - which they may choose to name. KP Wewould call the attention of farmers "and others who may have produce, farm stock, merchandise, &c., to dispose of by public sale to Mr, W. where. Mr. Harrison is the oldest Auctioneer D. Harrison's advertisement else- in the County. "He is a good business man and thoroughly reliable. We would recommend him to those who may require the services of a pub- .2 * lic Auctioneer. X> We would call the attention of those who may be suffering from disease of the eye or ear, to Madame DuBoyce's advertisement in to-day's issue. ~She has been in Clinton, Owen Sound, &c.,and has performed wéndérful cares in these places. Some persons who had lost the use of their eyes have been, by the'skill of Madame Du Boyce, restored to sight. . We have seen testi- monies to this effect, and believe them to'be true, DIED. Branch Lodge of Good Templars." = kindly consented to preside on the occasion. Ladies and Children free. TOWN OF STRATFORD, PROCLAMATION. | N PURSUANCE OF A RESOLUTION PASS- ) ed at a Public Meeting, I have to request the observance. of , Thursday. 3rd of September. 4s A PUBLIC HOLIDAY, In order to afford an opportunity to the Volun- teers and others of attending the great Review of Volunteers at Brantford on that day. PyR. JARVIS; Mayor. 10-lin TEMPERANCE LECTURE. '97. HE CELEBRATED " PIONEER TEMPER- ance Lecturer" R. D. WADSWORTH, Will deliver a LECTURE, in the LECTURE ROOM, Stratford, This Wednesday Evening, at 8 o'clock, Under the auspicies of the "Stratford Olive Stratford, August 22, 1863. The publie generally, and all friends of the good cause are respectfully invited to attend, P. R.' Jarvis, Esq, Mayor of Stratford, has Apmission.--Males l0cts to defray expenses. Stratford, September 1, 1863. 10-lin DOUGLASS--In Downie, on Friday the 28th inst, the wife of Alex. Douglass. JARVIS--In Toronto, on Saturday, Aug. 22nd, Susan Isapetua, relict of the late Frederick Starr Jarvis, in the 63rd year of her age. Deceased was the mother of P, R. Jarvis, Esq,, of this town. GRAND REVIEW OF VOLUNTEERS AT BRAWN INDIAN wr TS MAKING SO MANY REMARKA-~ T EF oO Fe D and Chronic Diseases, is at her Office, Lynch's 9 Block, in the rear of Mr. Morris' Store. Stratford, for a few days longer, THE BLIND RECEIVING SIGHT. AND DEAF THEIR HEARING, AND CHRONIC DISEASES CURED. MADAME DvuBOYCE, PHYSICIAN, THE ble cures of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, 10-1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3S. THE B. & L. H. RAILWAY COMP'Y WILL RUN AN EXCURSION TRAIN FROM STRATFORD = BRANTFORD AND BACK ON THE ABOVE DATE, Leaving Stratford at 7.00 A. M. Calls at Tavistock, - - noe SMe é Ratho, - ~ - 1.340% bs Plattsville - - = B0T" Leaves Drumbo, - ~ - 8.33; .¢ Calls at Richwood, . - + 842 6% Leaves Paris, - - ~ - 9.00 ¢ ARRIVING AT BRANTFORD - 49,308 FARE FOR THE DOUBLE JOURNEY 50 CTS. Returninc--The Train will leave Brantford at T o'clock, P. M. Tickets will be issued after 3 p. m. on Wed- nesday, the 2nd and on the morning of the 3rd, at the Junction Ticket Office, - Conductors will charge full ordinary fare on the cars, Excursionists desirous of remaining to the Ball on the evening of the 3rd, may return next day on any regular train, by paying 50 cents extra, A. FELL, Traffic Sup't. Stratford, August 26, 1863, 10-lin W. D. Harrison, A UCTIONEER. APPRAISER, L Commission Agent, &c., Inspector of Weights and Measures, County of Perth. All orders left at this office promptly attended to. 10-tf TO VOLUNTEERS N SPORTSMEN. flag: RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT of GENERAL Curtis and Harvey's Celebrated Powder, In} and 1 Ib Cannisters. Also C. & H, En- field Rifle Powder. : FULLER BROS. 10 HOUSE-KEEPERS. 5 bed RECEIVED THE CELEBRATED Turn Table Apple Parer, Also a iarge lot of COAL OIL LAMPS for sale cheap. FULLER BROS. Stratford, September 2, 1863. 10-tf LAND FOR SALE. CRES OF GOOD LAND IN the Township of Mornington, being Lot No. 11, 4th Concession, one mile from West's Corners, and near the Gravel Road.-- are 6 acres cleared; good water. Deed from the Crown. Price $12 peracre, Will be sold together or ee Apply to AMUEL SOFTLEY, Bartonville, C. W. Bartonville, September 2, 1863. 10-3m* 'CLIN SEOP ST RAT OED; 3G? PRACTICAL TIN MITH Eave-troughs, Roofing, &c. Put up by Experienced Workmen, and guaran- Job Work on the Shortest Notice. y has not since been heard from. giving such information as will lead to the dis- covery of his whereabonts will confer a great favor on his father. ofa light complexion, tall and slim. ( of Elma, on the 30th of April last, a Sorrel Mare, pretty old, with a small white spot in her forehead. property, pay charges, and take her away. in a high state of cultivation, MONEY TO LOAN THE OLD ESTABLISHED 'AR pe % E a PosK . aes a Erie Street, W3 G. W. BYERS, Has always on hand a large stock of STOVES, PLOWS, AND TINWARE. teed to stand, Remember--Opposite the Commercial Bank. Stratford, June 1, 1863. Information Wanted. ILLIAM SCOTT LEFT HIS FATHER'S residence on the 28th of July last, and Any person The boy is 15 years of age, HENRY SCOTT, Township of Wallace. Strayed. {AME INTO THE ENCLOSURE OF THE / Subscriber, Lot 70, in the 1st Concession Wallace, Lot 54, Con 1, August 25, 1863. 9-3in The owner is requested to prove FREDERICK ELLIS. Elma, August 25,1863. 9-3in Farm to Let. OT NO. 16, CONCESSION 11, DOWNIE, (Gore,) 80 acres whereof are cleared, and Apply to : JAS. POWELL, Stratford, August 25, 1853. 9-tf FIRST CLASS SECURITY. Apply to geal & McDONALD, Jarvis' Block, Stratford Stratford, August 10, 1863. 7-tf 1 HARDWARE, ) HARD VARS, Se a a aaa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FYYHE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW MAKING f| extensive alterations in their premises to accomodate their rapidly growing business.-- To make room for these improvements they are now offering such inducements as will draw large crowds to the old stand, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL, Where will be found one of the most' extensive stocks of ENGLISH, GERMAN & AMERICAN HARDWARE Ever brought west of Toronto. The subscri- bers' advantages are such that they can offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To close buyers. They would call special atten- tion to the following : 250 Tons Govan, Bar, and Rod Iron'; 20 Tons Band and Hoop Iron ; 100 Tons: Gartsher- rie No 1 Pig Tron ; 100 Tons Blossburgh "and Leheigh Coal; 25 Tons Mon- treal Best Scrap Iron Nails; 500 Half Boxes Glass; 50 Cases Glass from 24 x 36 to 40 x 50; 30 BARRELS PLASTER PARIS, 20 BARRELS WATER LIME. CRADLES, Warranted natural Bends, A full assortment of Carpenter's, Blacksmith's and Cooper's Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING In every variety, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL. FULLER BROS. Stratford, August 10, 1863, 7-tf NOTICE. SILVER TAKEN AT PAR FOUR PER CENT ALLOWED ON Bits ass FOUR PER CENT TAKEN OFF SILVER WHEN PAID ON ALL BOOK ACCOUNTS. FULLER BROS, Stratford, August 11, 1863. 7-tf JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF THE CELEBRATED Dandelion Coffee AT PETER WATSON'S. Stratford, August 7, 1863, 7-tf BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE { THE LOWS On: ST RA TEFORD, On easy Terms, Apply to JOHN WHITLEY, Solicitor. Stratford, August 10, 1863. 7-tf ot 1 Ns ae TAKEN AT PAR. FOUR PER CENT PREMIUM ON BiIL3s BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES AS USUAL. J. CORCORAN 1863. 7-tf Buggy for Sale. E will sell cheap on time, or trade for a Horse, a good, substantial, new Buggy. VIVIAN & CO. 1-tf 1,200 BUTTER K EGS, UST MAKING 1,200 Butter Kegs, which vu will be sold Cheap for Cash, Also for e eS Stratford, August 11, W Stratford, June, 1863. 200.000 Flour Barrel Staves. | JOBN H. Lemme tit PRTH-HERALD. DIRECTORY Settlement and Prosperous Growth of each Township, with the Concession and Lot of Towns, Villages, and Post Office localities, &c. Educational Institutions, with their location, and the names of the Principals and Teachers. rance and other Societies and Associations, in- formation of which can be obtained, and Building Societies. days of issue. FARM PROPERTY, SPRING GOODS, great variety, : P. WATSON. TO TAVERN-KEEPERS. Just received a ie heavy stock of Wines and Liquors, Which will be sold to Tavern-keepers and oth ers by wholesale at unusually LOW PRICES. eth = PAWATSON. DRY GOODS, SUMMER yar os AN ln great variety, for sale cheap by P. WATSON; a ee eR AS, Pure and unadulterated, Imported direct from Chima. In the Spring the subscriber received a large cargo of Teas from his correspondent in China, which he will be able to-- OFFER AT WHOLESALE At rates very favorable to Country Buyers P. WATSON. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf IN COURSE OF PUBLICATION, A Gazetteer and Business and General OF THE COUNTY OF PERTH, SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS, 1 A succinct Historical Account of the Early the County. 2 An Alphabetical List of the Residents 'in their respective Residences. 3 A General and Business Directory of the 4 Churches, with ther locations, and. the names of their Ministers or Pastors, : 5 Schools, Colleges, Seminaries, and other 6 Literary Societies and Mechanics' Institutes. 7 Masonic, Orange, Good Templars, Tempe- 8 Agricultural Statistics. 9 Banks and Bankers, Insurance Companies, 10 Newspapers, names of Publishers, and 11 Railways, and Stage Routes. 12 Courts of Law, and the various times and places of holding ; Judges, Clerks, and Officers of Courts. : 13 County, Township, Town 'and Village Councils, and names of Officers. 14 Officers of the Provincial Government, and Alphabetical List of the Members of Parliament. As abook of General Information, it will be both instructive and interesting to all class- es. To the merchant and professional man, as a Directory, it must prove of incalculable ser- vice, and can be relied upon--the compilation being conducted with the greatest care by the publishers themselves. Merchants and others who wish to extend their business operations, will find this the very best means of advertising, as it will be perused by all, and must, therefore, reach the particular class from whom they receive their patronage, and being strongly bound in a neat volume, it certainly equals daily advertising for years to come. From the very flattering encouragement the publishers have received from Bankers, Profes- sional men, Merchants, Manuf cturers, and oth- ers, to whom they have mentioned their inten- tion of publishing such a work, they feel assured that the patronage which will be extended to the enterprise will meet their most sanguine @x- pectations, and have therefore resdlved to keep the price of the book (which will be of large oc- tavo size) at $1 50. ADVERTISING RATES ; For One Ful Page, with Book, - - - $12 00 For Halta Page, ditto. 7 00 Professional Cards, with Book,- - - 5 00 SUTHERLAND BRO'S. Publishers and Compilers, 5-tf July, 1863, MONEY TO LEND ON EASY TERMS. Deeds taken up. pe ee 9 in 2 Bok RT WIN E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ¢ -- Siu Zon Medicinal Purposes ei > '1 cf uw BOTTLES OR OTHERWISE. a7. 08 £ Ei ) WyTeR;WaTSON. Stratford, Angas Matond : aed JUST RECEIVED. ' a hias JHE Subscriber hag received, and is 'reeeiv- | ing the most: ins ts J FXTENSIVE:-STOCK OF : English aud American HARDWARE, Eyer brought into the Huron District. | Owing to the great scarcity of money thi8 year he has resolved trom this time to : Reduce his Profits TOA BARE COMMISSION ON ALL CASH TRANSACTIONS, So those wishing to build or make improvee ments on their farms, may take advantage of leading articles 120 Tons Glasgow Bar and Rod Iron, 70 " Pig Iron, 100 "* Blacksmith and Foundry Coal, 20 Serap Iron Nails, 600 Boxes Glass, 400 Spades and Shovels, 1000 Corn and Grass Scythes, A complete Stock of Rakes, Forks, Cradles, &c. All kinds of HOUSE FURNISHING, SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR 'SAW W. H. MITCHELL, ; Stratford, June 8, 1863. -tf General Quarter Sessions. COUNTY OF PERTH. NHE GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF the Peace will be held at the COURT HOUSE, - In the Town of Stratford, on the second Tues- day, being the Eighth day of September next, at 10 o'clock, forenoon. JOHN J. B, LINTON, Clerk of Peace, N. B.--Returns of Convictions, and Oonvic- tions, and Recognizances to keep Peace, Dismiss- als, &c., with Accounts to be passed, (Govern- ment and County Accounts separate),--with special Affidavit--and all.Appeal Cases, should be sent to Clerk of Peace Office in time. Crimi- nal cases for trial, papers connected therewith, to be sent to County Attorney, D, H. Lizars, Esq., Stratford. J.J. E.L., ©. P. Clerk of Peace office, Stratford, C. W., July 22, 1863. 5-td Matthew Brennan, ATENT WINDOW BLIND MANUFAOTU- RER, Erie Street, Stratford, C. W. * 9-tf Support Home Manufacture. W. D. BUCKLE, SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER, DEALER IN PALM OIL, SODA ASH, BLACK SALTS, &c, Orders respectfully solicited, and punctually supplied, : Factory on Erie Street, north of the Albion Hotel. Stratford, July, 5, 1863. WACCONS AND CARRIAGES. rue UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND' A large assortment of seasonable material for manufacturing CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &., ke. HORSE SHOEING And repairing done with neatnegs and despatch, Farmers' Shoeing done at $7 per span yearly. i Axes and Edge Tools repaired and tempered. 5-tf Newly opened with first-class Workmen in Crippen's old stand. ROBERT E. WALKER, Stratford, August 10, 1863. T-tf Money to Loan. TR SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO. Negotiate Loans on Improved Farms pay- Apply to DAROHE. are Stratford, June 1, 1863. Crown ais > | Apply to -- JOHN WHITLEY. Solicitor. Stratford, August 10, 1863. 7-tf able by instalments in from one to ten years, at @ reasonable rate of interest, P. R, JARVIS. Stratford, July 30, 1863, 5-tf this reduction. .The following isa few of the » , |

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