COUNTY OF PERTH HERALD. i vi z i aa 7 Frightful Tragedy in Toronto--- Three Lives Lost. A most melancholy case of fire, attended | with the loss of three lives, oceurred about | half-past five o'elock'on Saturday afternoon, on the east side of Colborne Street, a little west of the market square. The house in which 'the' fire occurred ~ was occupied by Barry and Son, dealers in hides, skins, wool, &c., and the upper or third story be- ing used as a dwelling by a man named Patrick Elliott, who was employed by the firm asa buyer on the market. He and his family went to reside there about three weeks ago, the rooms haying-been previously oceupied by: another man named McGlynn (now a prisoner) who had been in Mr. Barry's employ, and who had been dis- charged. Sinee his discharge he always manifested ill-will against Elliott, who he alleged had undermined him and obtained his situation. After the quarrel had oc- curred between them, McGlynn was several times seen to go into Barry's store. About half-past five o'clock yesterday afternoon he was seen to enter it, and a few minutes sub- sequently the house was discovered to be on fire. Hlliott's wife and two young chil- dren--a boy and a girl--and a Mrs. Milli- gan, the wife of a laborer who resides on Spruce Street, were up stairs at the time, Mr. Elliott being then at work in the yard. The poor man had no sooner observed the flames issuing from the cellar window than he saw his wife and Mrs. Milligan jump out of the upper window into the yard, a distance of some fifty or sixty feet. He must have partially caught his wife when she came down and broke the fall, as there were no marks on her body. The other woman, however, fell upon the pavement, and had her left foot and ancle fearfully contused, together with receiving internal injuries of a serious, and itis feared, a fatal nature. After the woman fell Elliott rushed to the back door to endeavor to secure the chil- dren, but the flames were rushing up the back stairs so fearfully fast that he could not get up; nor could he procure a ladder, none of sufficient length to reach the win- dow being in the neighborhood. In the meantime the fire was burning fiercely in the cellar and in the first and third flat. No fire appeared in the second flat, and this led to the belief that the fire oviginaied in the cellar under the siairs, up which the smoke and fiames rushed in an instant with great fury, to the third story, 'the doors leading from the hall to the rooms on the second flat being closed. When the steam- ers got fairly in operation, a good siream of water was thrown into the buildise, which confined the fire to the house. When the flames were sufficiently subdued to admit of a person entering the rooms, one of the fire- men went in and found the lifeless and char- red bodies of the two children in the back room or kitchen. They were removed to the city dead house, where they now remain. Soon after the fire broke out John Me- Glynn was ariesied on suspicion of setting fire to the house, and conveyed to the station and locked up in one of the cells. The prisoner has been for many years engaged'as a skin buyer in the market, and had always borne a good character until he was caught stealing skins from Mr. Barry's store. Mrs. Elliott was conveyed in aminsensible state to the residence of her uncle, Mr. Henderson, on Beech Street, where Dr. King having been sent for, soon arrived, and who, afier examining her, pronounced her to be in a dying siate. He promptly administered stimulants, however, but they were powerless to revive her... Seeing that the unfortunate woman was dying he deter- mined to perform an operation for the pur- pose, =if possible, of saving the life of her baby, to which it was supposed she would have given birth to in about a month had she lived, but upon applying the instrament he discovered no fetus pulse, thus showing that the child was dead. Consequently he desisted, and the next moment the woman was also dead. She was burnt only slightly on the arms and face, otherwise, she appeared uninjured. The doctor gaveit as his op- inion that she died from the effects of the severe nervous shock which she received. The other-womati (Mrs. Millican) "was conveyed to the hospital, where her injuries | Were atiended to by Drs. Gatdner and Ham- pion. She was, however, _ subsequently placed under the care of Dr. King, he being the visiting staff surgeon for the * week. Upon arriving there she was almost insgen- sible, and had Starcely any pulse, but after the usual remedies were applied, she revived and was able to converse freely yesterday = > ; afternoon. It is feared, however, that she | cannot recover, her spine being seriously in- | jured= Leader, | BIRTHS, KIRKEUP--m Stratford, on the? 16th ulf., the wife of Mr. Rozgsr Kinxer of a'son. GIBB--In Downie, on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr. Georce Gis of a daughter. NEWELL--In South Easthope, on the Ist inst., the wife of Mr. Ropzrt Newext of a son: DIED. COULTON--In Ellice. Totness Post Office, on the 5th inst,, of Inflammation of the brain, Mrs. Courtoy, relict of the late Mr. Coulton, Postmaster.. Mrs.. Coulton was attacked with Typhus Fever, which was epidemic, and had passed through the different stages of fever very favorably until the crisis, which resulted in her demise as stated. BELCH--In St. Mary's, on Sunday, the 6th inst., James Earnest, second son of A. J. Belch, Esq., aged 1 year and 11 months. Commercial. Stratford Markets. Wepnespay, September 9, 1863. Fall Wheat ¥ bush..........$0 82 @ $0 88 Spring Wheat # bush........ 0 75 0 78 Oats Y bush...... Mes cones 0 35 0 40 Potatoes # bush............ 030 0 35 Peas O basiin sci sss vce 0 34 0 40 Bagley bush... p22". 472s". 0 70 0 75 Timothy Seed per bush 2.50 3 50 Flour per bbl....... ecmhhes sem 400 4 50 Oatmeal per bbl........ Parise 6 00 6 25 Batser pers Wain ¢ 60 ened) s 009 0 10 " Home Packed per lb...... 0 11 0 123 Bggsper dose fs. i5.5........ 008 0 00 Mutton per 100 Ibs.........-. 5 60 6 00 weet ner: 100 Tits sss ccs. ce 3 00 3 50 TARY POY CON rere nas 58 x 5 00 6 00 Tallow per lb...... Toe +a VRE 0 05 0 06 Apples per bag....... oo Mee 0 50 0 75 Cordwood per cord........... 125 2 00 WATE DOP ID is dys n eso se eee: .. 008 0 10 Reneenekinge ee as. AG, t sc, 0 60 0 623 Hides... £3 22 a Sh Es ee 4 450 0 00 W00l. . ss iw apieeige ee. 0 35 0 40 NEW ADVERTISEMENT. LPAI PLP DDD OA ALARA AA T OTICE is hereby given that after the ad- journment of the meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Perth, io be held on the 16th current, for special business, the said Council will immediately afterward constitute itself for the purpose of such Munici- pal business as may then be brought before it. By order of the Warden, STEWART CAMPBELL, County Clerk. Stratford, 8th Sept,, 1863. 11-2in TO VOLUNTEERS SPORTSNEN. B bie' RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT of Curtis and Harvey's Celebrated Powder, In} and 1 Ib Cannisters. Also C. & H. En- field Rifle Powder. FULLER BROS. TO HOUSE-KEEPERS, | ese! RECEIVED THE CELEBRATED e Turn Table Apple Parer, Also a large lot of COAL OIL LAMPS for sale cheap. FULLER BROS. Stratford, September 2, 1863. 10-tf LAND FOR SALE. 200 A Rr OF GOOD LAND IN the Township of Morningion, being Lot No, 11, 4th Concession, one mile from West's Corners, and near the Gravel Road.-- There are 6 acres cleared; good water. Deed from the Crown... Price $12 per acre, Will be sold together or separate, Apply to SAMUEL SOFTLEY, Bartonville, C. W. Bartonville, September 2, 1863. 10-3m* WACCONS CARRIAGES. MFYHE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND A large assortmentrof seasonable material for manufacturing CARRIAGES *WAGGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &c., Xe. -HORSE SHOEING And repairing done with neatness and despatch, Farmers' Shoeing done at $7 per span yearly. Axes and Edge Tools repaired and tempered. Newly opened with first-class Workmen in Crippen's old stand. : ROBERT E. WALKER, Stratford, August 10, 1863, 7-tf. . = _ Strayed. Biree INTO THE ENCLOSURE OF THE J, Subscriber, Lot 70, in the 1st. Concession of Elma, on the 30th of April last, a Sorrel Mare, pretty old, with a small white spot in her forehead. " The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. FREDERICK ELLIS. Elma, August 25, 1863. 9-3in - i accomodate their rapidly growing business.-- To make room for these improvements they are now offering such inducements as will draw large crowds to the old stand, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL, Where will be found one of the most extensive Ever brought west of Toronto. bers' advantages are such that they can offer To close buyers. They would call special atten- 250 Tons Goyan, Bar, and Rod Iron'; 20 Tons 30 BARRELS PLASTER PARIS, Warranted natural Bends. Carpenter's, Blacksmith's and Cooper's HOUSE FURNISHING SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL. HARDWARE, HOLA ALR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NHE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW MAKING extensive alterations in their premises to stocks of ENGLISH, GERMAN & AMERICAN HARDWARE The subscri- GREAT INDUCEMENTS tion to the following: Band and Hoop Iron ; 100 Tons Gartsher- rie No 1 Pig Tron ; 100 Tons Blossburgh and Leheigh Coal ;-25 Tons Mon- treal Best Scrap Iron Nails; 500 Half Boxes Glass; 50 Cases Glass from 24 x 36 to 40 x 50; 20 BARRELS WATER LIME. CRADLES, A full assortment of Tools. In every variety, FULLER BROS. Stratford, August 10, 1863. 7-tf NWNOoOTriCE. SILVERTAKEN AT PAR FOUR PER CENT ALLOWED OWN I tisruss FOUR PER CENT TAKEN OFF SILVER WHEN PAID ON ALL BOOK ACCOUNTS. FULLER BROS, Stratford, August 11, 1863. 7-tf JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF THE CELEDRAVED Dandelion Coffee AT PETER WATSON'S. Stratford, August 7, 1863. 7-tf BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE IN THE TOWN OF STRATFORD, On easy Terms, Apply to JOHN WHITLEY, Solicitor. Stratford, August 10, 1863. SLLVBHR TAKEN AT PAR. FOUR PER CENT PREMIUM ON BiIiL.Ls BEST GOODS AT "LOWEST PRICES AS USUAL. J. CORCORAN 1863. 7-if Buggy for Sale. i-tf Stratford, August 11, E will sell cheap on time, or trade for a Horse, a good, substantial, new Buggy. VIVIAN & CO. 1-tf 1.200 BUTTER KEGS 200 BUTT ; UST MAKING 1,200 Butter Kegs, which will be sold Cheap for Cash, Also for Stratford, June, 1863. sale 200.008 Flour Barrel Staves. Apply to Pike JOBN H. DARCHE. 1-tf Stratford, June 1, 1863. JUST RECEIVED PORT WINE, Medicinl Purposes BOTTLES OR.OTHERWISE. PETER WATSON. Stratford, August 7, 1863. j-tf JUST RECEIVED. SPRING GOODS, In great variety, P. WATSON. TO TAVERN-KEEPERS. Just received a very heavy stock of Wines and Liquors, Which will be sold to Tavern-keepers and oth ers by wholesale at unusually LOW PRICE P. WATSON. DRY GOODS, SUMMER CLOTHING, In great variety, for sale cheap by P. WATSON, TEAS; TEAS, Pure and "inadulterated, : Imported direct from China. In the Spring the subscriber received a large cargo of Teas from his correspondent in China, which he will be able to OFFER AT WHOLESALE At rates very favorable to Country Buyers P. WATSON. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tt THE BLIND RECEIVING SIGHT. AND THE DEAF THEIR HEARING, AND CHRONIC DISEASES CURED. MADAME DuBOYCE, INDIAN PHYSICIAN, HO IS MAKING SO MANY REMARKA- ble cures of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, and Chronic Diseases, is at her Office, Lynch's Block, in the rear of Mr. Morris' Store. Stratford, for a few days longer, 10-1 THE OLD ESTABLISHED iN SELOPP Us rr VIE 7 ) ry pelea: ANTS S Erie Street, STRATFORD, C. W. G. W. BYERS, PRACTICAL TINMITH Has always on hand a large stock of STOVES, PLOWS, AND TINW ARB: Eave-troughs, Roofing, &c. Pat up by Experienced Workmen, and guaran- teed to stand, Job Work on the Shortest Notice. Remember--Opposite the Commercial Bank. Stratford, June 1, 1863. Information Wanted. ILLIAM SCOTT LEFT HIS FATHER'S residence on the 28th of July last, and has not since been heard from. Any person giving such information as will lead to the dis- covery of his whereabouts will confer a great favor on his father, The boy is 15 years of age, of a light complexion, tall and slim. HENRY SCOTT, Township of Wallace. Wallace, Lot 54, Con 1, August 25, 1863. ; 9-3in HARDWARE, WHOLESALE.AND RETAIL. rPXHE Subscriber has received, and is receiv- ing the most ' EXTENSIVE STOCK OF English aud American HARDWARE, Ever brought into the Huron District. Owing to the great scarcity of money this year he has resolved trom this time to Reduce his Profits TOA BARE COMMISSION ON ALL CASH TRANSACTIONS, So those wishing to build or make improvee ments on their farms, may take advantage of this reduction. The following isa few of. the leading articles : 120 Tons Glasgow Bar and Rod Iron, 70° * ~Pig Tron, 100 Blacksmith and Foundry Coal, 20" Scrap Iron Nails, 600 Boxes Glass, 400 Spades and Shovels, 1000 Corn and Grass Scythes, A complete Stock of Rakes, Forks, Crdles, &c. All kinds of HOUSE FURNISHING, SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR 'SAW W. H. MITCHELL, Stratford, June 8, 1863, -tf W. D. Harrison, UCTIONEER. APPRAISER, GENERAL Commission Agent, &c., Inspector of Weights and Measures, County of Perth. All orders left at this office promptly attended to. - 10-tf MONEY TO LOAN FIRST CLASS SECURITY, Apply to 4 CORNISH & McDONALD, Jarvis' Block, Stratford Stratford, August 10, 1863. Tatf IN COURSE OF PUBLICATION, A Gazetieer and Business and General DIRECTORY OF THE COUNTY OF PERTH, SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS, 1 A succinet Historical Account of the Barly Settlement and Prosperous Growth of the County. ' 2 An Alphabetical List of the Residents in each Township, with the Concession and Lot of their respective Residences. 3 A General and Business Directory of the Towns, Villages, and Post Office localities, &c. 4 Churches, with ther locations, and the names of their Ministers or Pastors. 5 Schools, Colleges, Seminaries, and other Edu¢ational Institutions, with their location, and tle namesof the Principals and Teachers, 6 Literary, Societies and Mechanics' Institutes, 7 Masonic, Orange, Good Templars, Tempe- rance and other Societies and Associations, in- formation of which can be obtained, 8 Agricultural Statistics, 9 Banks, and, Bankers, Insurance Companies, and Building Societies. _~" 10, Newspapers, names of Publishers, and days of issue, 11 Railways, and Stage Routes. 12 Courts of Law, and the various times and places of holding ; Judges, Clerks, and Officers of Courts. é 13 County, Township, Town and Village Councils, and names of Officers. é 14 Odicers of the Provincial Government, and Alphabetical' List 6f the Members of Parliament. As 'a book of General Information, it' will be both instructive and interesting to all class- es. To the merchant and professional man, as a Directory, it must prove of incalculable ser- yice, and can be relied upon--the compilation -- being conducted with-the greatest care by the publishers themselves. _. i ° Merchants and others who wish. to extend their' business operations, will find this the very best means of advertising; as it will be perused by all, and must, therefore,reach the particular class from whom they. receive their patronage, and being strongly bound in a neat volume, it ~ certainly equals daily 'advertising for°years to come. MONEY TO LEND oN tee FARM PROPERTY, ON EASY TERMS.->% dowssB sqocades Crown Deeds taken up. From the very' flattering encouragemént the publishers 'have received 'from' Bankers; Profes- sional men, Merchants, Manufséttrers, abd oth- es, to whom they have mentioned their inten- tion of publishing such a work, they feel assured that the patronage .which 'will be extended tg the enterprise Will meet their most sanguine ex- pectations, and have therefore resolyed:to keep the price of the-book (which will be of largetoc- tavo size) at $1 50. ie td ADVERTISING RATES: For One Ful Page, with Book, - - - $12 00 For Halt a Page, ditto. --- 7 00 Professional Cards; with Book; -' - 5 00 : ' SUTHERLAND BRO'S. ot reat Apply to ay 29% Souy wartiry.© | Solicitor. Stratford, August 10, 1863. 7-tf Publishers and Compilers, July, 1863, 5-tf