County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 28 Oct 1863, p. 3

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a es ee eee pS ca a a a oe eH He -- o si sli spa said aa COUNTY) OF PERTH; HERALD ' . G. HORNE & CO.. IMPORTERS OF | Fancy and Staple DRY. GOODS, 4 COUNTY .OF PERTH HERALD. rest, of the world, »which pith: one' accord The feeling towards England which pre-| of all to-have the overthrow ofthe insur-| disgust.' Mr. Beecher is to: deliver' ad- _ |joins in reprobating: their conduct while | vails among the American people, though | rection as an accomplished act before it! | dresses in Manchester and Liverpool. lamenting its effects. Each party, of course, | arising from the excess of national vanity | So that the Powers may continue to write Political news by the Hibernian is unim- seeks to cast on the other the heavy blame | and its kindred envy, is certainly in part | notes, but to no effect. portant. : FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Support Home Manufacture. Business Mirectory. Select Poetry. OOOO Eventide, HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. W. D. BUCKLE, SOAP AND CANDLE John Whitley, TTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor in Chan- HE SUBCRIBER, in returning thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him Calm is the eventide! Slowly and still of breaking the peace. On one side is the | the remains of the old quarrel that led tothe | But we much doubt that the insurrection | The steamship Damascus, from, Quebec, ran one &ce. Office--Jarvis' Block, -- since she .domminencéd: businesses wonld: réspect- ae The spdows creep prep the yalley and hill ; wicked allegation of property in human | separation. We are hated and despised. | will be put an end to by the eapture of the | arrived out on the 6th. . di ves MANUFACTURER, fully announce to his'customers and the public . zs Paris.--The Journal des Debats seeks DEALER IN generally, that -be.bas received.a select supply CLOTHING, CARPETS, AND of Fashionable and Seasonable Goods, and is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him in his line with neatness and despatch. 3@>La- test Fashions always on hand. DAVID CASSELS. 15-tf General Merchandize, ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD. W. D. Harrison, é UCTIONEER. APPRAISER, GENERAL Commission Agent, &c., Inspector of Weights and Measures, County of Perth. All orders left at this office promptly attended to. local national committee, and the arrest of those connected with the insurrection. Rus- sia would have to wade in blood before she brought that about. The committee in All nature arrayed in its night-robe of peace, Bids the day's labor all tranquilly cease. Een Sweet is the evextide, softly to rest Soothes it the weary ones safe on its breast-- Neither feeling is at all reciprocal, but among our kinsfolk ina degree almost am- ounting to mental alienation. Itcan hardly be accounted for without recurring to the beings; on the other, the hollow pretext of making war to free America of slavery-- her shame and her curse, as all except slave- owners admit it to be. Hollow we may PALM OIL, SODA ASH, BLACK SALTS, &e, in vam for confirmation of the report that Stephens is going to Paris with the offers of emancipation to secure recognition. It ridi- Orders respectfully solicited, and punctually UST REUEIVED, ee STEAMSHIPS St. on Sg: . aa 4 me "Ei He call it ; for those who proclaimed emancipa- | ancient grudge of the American war, and it | Warsaw is evidently not the only one which | cules the idea of emancipation by the South, 10-tf | supplied. Stratford, 6th Oct. 1863. rence, Brittannia, and British Queen -wo atter the ve . ' . é . . a] . . * ss : tion confess that it was a measure of hostil- | illustrates the soundness of the view taken | directs. Money comes from without in | and says the day on which it sees Southern i eae on Erie Street, north of the Albion TO VOLUNTEERS f a fae pees Sarton: at wi Robert Smith, L. L. B., ote. 150 C f G a Confederation proclaim emancipation, it will ; Stratford; July, 6, 1863. Bett ases 6) co S, large amounts to perpetually enable fresh at- tempts to be made. There are no great corps maintained, but still, in spite cf the fall of leaders and the destruction of detach- ments, fresh corps are always thrown into the seat ofwar, which, it is true, always share the fate of their predecessors, but who, nevertheless, are of that service that they by those who have most considered the great subject of colonial policy, that we must so govern out settlements as to prepare for a separation on friendly terms, always.assum- ing that sooner or later their growth will bring about their independence. Some dis- tinguished men in the literary as well as political world have lately maintained the Think in the eventide, gather the flowers SOLICITOR Which the memory planted in day's busy hours; : Think of the dear ones whose eyes hawe grown enduring nature of the unhappy negro saved dim ; the country. My esteemed friend the Think of the voices that sang the night-hymn. prelate who exalts by his eloquence and his Think in the eventide, think of thy God virtues the name of Wilberforce, which he When the night-dew refreshingly falls on the inherits, declared that the authors of the "ual measure cared as little for the black's free- ity to the whites, and designed sto produce slave insurrection, from which the much- Southern | ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, AND SPORTSMEN: UST RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT of Curtis and Haryey's Celebrated Powder, In} and 1 1b Cannisters. Also C, & H. En- field Rifle Powder. Which will be sold cheap for Cash or Trade. consider it in a hopeless state. A libera( discount to Storekeepers. statesmen will never raise such a bitter cup to their lips till they feel they are utterly lost. Lord Lyndhurst was very ill from low fever, which showed no abatement, though latest bulletins are more favorable. CONVEYANCER, &c. Orrice:--Opposite John A. Scott's Store, Stratford. 5-tf rPHE Subscriber has, received, and is receiv- ing the most EXTENSIVE STOCK OF English aud American HARDWARE, MONEY TO LEND FARM PROPERTY, ON EASY TERMS. Cr wn Deeds taken up. R. Williams, The Millinery Department. LERK of the First Division Court for the County of Perth, Ontario Street, Stratford. Agent for British and American Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Notes and Accounts collected without delay, and on reasonable This Department is under the management of a competent person from Montfeal. Fashion Books from the Magazines des Modes of Paris and London received monthly. Orders*execut- FULLER BROS. ed at the shortest notice. Orange, Temperance, Bor eq.shall his presence, as'dew on thy soul, dom as for the white's; and now they call |-opinion that our colonies are only a burden, | keep the wound open, and do not allow the} Polish question--Paris Patrie repeats , Sake a hi A 4 Make the weary and wounded one restingly fot the extermination of one race to Tietake nt that they give us no Pa worth the errs Are to sith, Weinsatahed. There is | tuaat Prince Cezartoriski has, in the name of cal aed Apply ge WHITLEY. ee ra dap. acky ee Honey ti pce 4a et pp eave. apr reachakwi dite Rls: ig a ownel: But whatever may have been | expense they entail. This is a great error, | now only one ery amongst the patriots :-- | the Polish Government, demanded of France Reid & Humphry, Solicitor. TO HOUSE-KEEPERS. . resolved trom this time to Sates made for Cash or Trade only. CASH for . Sing in the ~ denypaat softly and low the sais ate cause of the centest, its con- | and it is not now for the first time that I so | The revolution must outlive the winter! If | and'England the recognition of the Poles as oS ome Set aecs ae head eee ee Rie UST RECEIVED pee CELEBRATED Reduce his Profits cet: G. HORNE & Co q an Krvitelly Aw , ne inthe result of a 'national vanity, describe it. ; Sixty years ago, while residing spring comes and its banner is still unfurled, belligerents. ne ia Job Work ban _ Repairing done at shes shortest M E R C H A N P S A | mote simimrdy wideout die Ontarié sa Sing looking onto the sence ceaienc {without example ana' "ithout bounds, Per-|here, I published « work in which the whole Franc will ot and eamaot leave her sword | |The London ines regards aie be mateeeton enor pemintie cease AND ne atatitt tale Aople Farer. | | BARE COMMISSION ollahganets a IE eee Gh a stone ot wi: j cons subject to this failing, are despised, not | subject was fully examined in all its|in the scabbard. Whether the crushing piheeae ter cae inca ¥ cm > . T R A D E 9 M E N wed large lot o or sale vanes CLEAR critical. 2) Ey Joseph Doupe, FULLER BROS. CASH TRANSACTIONS, ; THE TRACK blows which Russia is striking in Warsaw will be strong enough to upset the winter plan of campaign of the national party we cannot say. One thing alone is certain, that Russia is now about to make one more tre- hated ; and it is an ordinary expresso? TS specting him who is without the weakness that he is too proud tobe But when a people are seized with it the, change the branches, and a demonstration given of the benefits, political, social, and commercial, of colonial establishments, which detailed proofs that their costs falls far short of their benefits, and that the wars ascribed to them Stratford, September 2, 1863. 10-tf WAGCONS CARRIAGES, IVIL. ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL Land Surveyor, Appraiser, Conveyancer, &c, Queen Street, St Mary's, 0. W. Laud Surveying of every description prompt- ly executed, and Disputed Lines carefully ad- change was increased by the apprehension of complications from the resolutions of the German diet to invade Holstein. It is reported that the French govern- Sing out the love that to heaven belongs-- Sweetly and tenderly up to the skies Let the glad vespers of twilight arise. FOR THE "GREAT EASTERN." Can be supplied with a good LEDGER & DAY-BOK At our own manufacturing prices. So those wishing to build or make improvee ments on their farms, may take advantage of this reduction. The followingis a few of the leading articles ; 'Pray at the eventide! Weary of sin, 120 Tons Glasgow Bar and Rod Iron, name, and call it love of glory, "Of the in- ee. Weary of conflict around and withi td 5 anal igi t had advised Denmark not to consider justed. Sie se ee an i in, dividual we often hear the remark that, des-| had another origin. The book was very | mendous effort. men Haase ee Rerarexces --T. M. Daly, Esq., Stratford ; war tca' 5 ae 70 " Pig Iron, pirit's deep need in thy prayer, picable as the weakness is, it leads t, ? 20 bad | soon out of print, and I have always refused , federal execution in Holstein a casus' belli. T B Guest, Esq, St. Mary's; D Cathcart, Esq, - stoi tad RR Me 100. ". Blacksmith and Foundry Coal, Dea tactens mpaiiesdvime oo : The Results of the Sesslon. The war in New Zealand is spreading. Blanchard; Edward Long, Esq, St Ma:y's; E| %# Corner Store leading to the Market. HE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND A|!. 20° Serap Iron Nails, attended the establishment of. this, House 600 Boxes Glass, 400 Spades and Shovels, 1000 Cornand Grass Scythes. A complete Stock of Rakes, Fo rks, Crdles, &c. All kinds of Roll at the Saviour's feet all of thy care, Pray in the eventide! Softly shall come Thoughts of the bettrr land, thoughts of thy home ; i Pray, and thy heart shall turn fondly above, in Stratford called for a more roomy emporium The subscriber has much pleasure in informiug his customers that he is now settled in the OLD CORNER WITH THE © to allow a second edition. It might now, however, be of some use, as the information contained respecting the colonies of all nations ought to be more generally diffused. The lapse of 60 years have no doubt made #. large assortment of seasonable material for manufacturing CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &c., &e. HORSE SHOEING actions. Certainly it produces none of the cgay Esq, St Mary's ; Jno Robinson, Esq, E worst crimes, The man who is a pre Y vanity thirsts not for the blood of his neig By bor. How fearfully otherwise is it whem . * J. & EF. DUTTON, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS. PURE DRUGS ARD London money market.--Funds flat and. heavy. Mexican securities continue to fall ; demand for discount had moderated. The Globe sums them up as follows :-- "The Government haye made, during the past three months, three distinct decla- rations of independence, each of incalculable St Mary's, August 17, 1863. 8-6m Dr, D. Waugh. i { AY BE CONSULTED athis Residence, On- Fe ae ea eee Se » Filled and refreshed by the Infinite's love nation is itsslave! Magnifying itself beyond : f no) : Pas . : i 4 tario St., Stratford formerly. 14-1 i Maxianye Farsincuax, | #!] measure, and despising the rest of man- Es Sait enn ae a ve te bes ie, tht gona Panne ee : ites ik P COURT VN A Fi). iri ith 1 F ; [ ' kind, blinded and intoxicacted: with self. | ax historical with regard to the facts; bu "iy Gitne te wild satside eee : King's Hotel. pe mit And repairing done with neatness and despatch. HOUSE FURNISHING, T H E N E Ww TO E : . doctrines have been confirmed by all é Pit : "he following Act. law; regard ARKET S i GEN Farmers' Shoeing done at $7 per span : ; CIRCU : - satisfaction, persuaded that their very | the' \ ez ees i. th re Hl mile, they declare themselves independent The following Bet, Ow aay are as Apbdesirodiathenr Gok eres at pees EINE 'yearly mein Mi UES Tee meet lass Where he has on hand the largest, most varied, ett : . ; are entirely ap- : : i F 8 - ; UE. } ; os Lord Brougham on America. ona are proofs of greatness, and be-| that ha a caches Lae cea Pr eg of the Grand Trunk Railway. the hema smend of aor in Upper Canada able rates, The Stabling is the best in Town. P O R 7 W if N E Axes and Edge Tools repaired and tempered. Stratford, June 8, 1863, "tf inept best pane ted Atook of Lord B Heving that they are both admired atid en-| plicable vet een cee the " By redueing the grants to charitable in- | wi Interest farmers. Well Equipped Livery Stables Attach , : GROCERIE S . "ab tet a delivered a Jengthy and | vied, the Americans have not only beew'¢on-| are most' Ws el ze eke me e PP©" | stitutions 20 per cent, they declared them-| Her Majesty, by ee ee ra 1-y ee Sige H erie For the use of the sick always: in stock. ait g4 Tee cdipnent LAA ye FF SOUP RAAB Y AED £ Vv : : z ; ' : 7 ! : : islati il 3 S- a ie ; : ery able address at the opening of the So- | tent with the destruction of half a million,-| moters of som» SONC® PUNIY JEANS" AY: | selves independent of the hierachy. consent of the Legislative Council and As Stratford, July 14, 1863. 3-tf ROBERT EB. WALKER. WINES, LIQUORS, 7-tf 'eed have been the changes » have visited our race-- ~ninions, * principalities, ~gone. The destroy- broad in the Old \apping the ties ' provitices to- varchies and Stratford, August 10, 1863, JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF PURE PORT WINE, sembly of Canada, enacts as follows :-- of it bh est C> 1. It shall be lawful for any person to rae : kill any dog in the act of pursuing, or worrying, or destroying sheep, elsewhere than on land belonging to the owner of such dog. 2. On complaint made in writing on oath before any Justice of the Peace, for any city cial Congress at Edinburg on the 7th. In "it he referred to many subjects of gveat in- terest, handling them in that masterly man- ner which has ever characterized this: in- dustrous, energetic, and talented nobleman. _, ¢ We extract from the address some remarks _ upon American affairs and upon the rela- tions between the colonies and the parent " By reducing the grants for colonization roads from $200,000 to $50,000, they de- clared they would not depend for existence as a Ministry on the bribery of members, to which this fund has latterly been devo- ted." So far, so good. But we think the Globe does not go far enough. As, for instance, STRATFORD FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP. TEAS: & TOBACCOS, Ever imported into the County of Perth, The Goods have alt been selected.with the greatest care in the best Markets, and bought principally for Cash, and will be sold at prices that wilt astonish the closest buyers. but vain of the slaughter. Their object be- ing to retain a great name among nations for their extent of territory, they exulted in the wholesale bloodshed by which it must be ac- complished, because others were unable to make such a sacrifice. The struggle of above two years, which loosened all the bands that held society together, and gave indeed, great' itm which in that tin changes which all dis and Powers have wid. ing angel has' stalked! a. World and inthe lew) that bound. States and: thels gether, extinguishing old: mim W. R. Roberts, WATCH MAKER, STRATFORD, C. W., N% door to Dutton's Drug Store, has now for sale at the lowest possible prices, a lot of finely finished Spectacles, eye-glasses and goggles, with the very best Scotch and German GOODS SOLD RETAIL at Whelesale Prices. Erie Street, TAVERN-KEEPERS AND ane 1 Se ae to millions the means of showing their ¢a- | calling into existence new; hutlix Sete why did it not claim, as further instances of an or county, or union of ene? cg pebble Jewel tech cis rc a, JI. SHARMAN s Medicinl Purposes STRATFORD 5 Ww unpopular, expoliton fae tlh Yry | pacity has produced no genius, civil or mil] Sovereigns from their thronesand' . "ATS |« independance" -- yf ete OMB ME baaeh rein i ieee Heres eet PANETT PINT aM | : TS SES" COUNTRY. STOREKERPERS a > ia é resulted in the | itary ; while the submission to every caprice | them with hambie and unknown; mE The buying up of Myr. Sicotte with a tsuch city, town or Nara pulhs: arte of coun- 'Athi. $4? ente Re chee aneen nee ae Uae: STOV KS PLO \ oe & bad is VOe, ik : ig A ; ate 4 pation of Mexico by the French Goy- &"" | Judgeship. ties, owns or has in his possession-a dog avid lider ebist Semi ge cBanbinediseiink ation ' 2 |BOTTLES OR OTHERWISE. G. W. BYERS, Supplied at lowest Wholesale mark. revolutions and ehanges of dynasty-ne events that startlé by their rare occur and terrific aspects, but to be expected' - the ordinary course of' affairs, and-as things. to which habit has-reconeiled us. .Notwith-} standing these mighty changes, all that re- of tyranny has been universal and habitual, and never interrupted by a single act of re- : upon the principle | sistance to the most flagrant infractions of adopted in France, both as regards the | personal freedom. The mischiefs of mob | power of the Crown and the rights of the | supremacy have been constantly felt, for the People. It is impossible to question the | calamity of rational and eepoeebdl men PETER WATSON. nce 7-tf paid to jobs left for Repairs. Stratford, Oct., dth 1863. which has within six months previous, wor- Cultivators, Road Scrapers, ried and injured or destroyed any sheep, such Justice of the Peace may issue his summons, directed to such person, 'stating shortly the matter of such complaint, and ernment, and the foundation of a monar- chial regimen nearly The buying up of Mr. Foley with an office for his son worth $1600 a-year. Tho granting of $18,000 to Toronto 3 'ail, to quiet the people of that: place, and re the votes of the members, who felt PRACTICAL TINSMITH Has always on hand a large stock of STOVES, PLOWS, AND WANTED.» BUTTER, EGGS, BACON, AND Stratford, August 7, 1863. NOTICE. SILVER TAKEN AT PAR 17-6ms se : Reaping & Mowing Machines, Threshing Machines, Separators and Cleaners, Horse Powers, &c., &c., STRATLOR DO. WwW. The Retail Trade supplied with Ploughs, &c. Steam Engines built and repaired. ron and Edward A. Paget, HYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur.-- Coroner fot the County of Perth. Espe- cial attention paid to diseases of women and advantages derived front the change -by the| keeping aloof from the Mexicans, who for so many years had management of affairs has resulted-in the tyranny of lates to colonial policy must ever remain: In this enountry an important subject anda about the Seat of Government. sore . payment of $1600 to the British requiring such person to appear before him, ata certain time and place therein stated, children. Every description of Surgical opera- tions performed when required. l-y Brass Castings of every description made to order. FOUR PER CENT ALLOWED A BN R'm te PROVISIONS GENERALLY, for which the highest price wil{ be suffered all t 'ils nite : : . : . The Rie es : F . <Sony me! = evils a alternate petty the multitude. To this tyrant the nominal | practie al, as long as--to use the picturesque pare Association without the sanction | to answer to such complaint, and to be fur- +-- Orders taken for Thrashing Machines and Se- CPA Bit. Ss ----- a : or can, any friend of humanity |rulers have never witheld their submission, languas xe of Lord Erskine in his noblest ¢ Parliatm ant. ther dealt with according to law. Dr. Wm. Stimson, parators [with Pitts' Improved Horse Powers]. Fave troughs Roofing &e PAID IN GOODS OR CASH. ¢ adic, . i . : 4 ? bs ? ' cn tae arliai i 3 ea A y a limi i is seas : " . : 'a Being begrudge the influence acquired | and the press, catering' for the appetites of'| oration. --' the restless foot of English ad- © me a? pt to bribe the Grand Trunk 3. The proceedings; on such complaing bap barees SURGEON & ACCOUCHEUR, Bo Pate gab hay pcre ny may FOUR PER CENT Bat tip: by Sagecenenh Worlmeh ne ac ~ rane r eavi ' +s J , e atter : : as : ARMAN. , Pat fi y eee cavil * the use made of it in| the populace, and pandering to their| venture is unceasingly encroaching on so Railw: f s and summons shall be regulated by the Act Tee ih ve: ie ; : a Sauce teed to stand,' All who want first-class Goods at avor of Austria. The peace of the Conti- | passions, have persisted in every misrepre-| many de serts; and the tried virtue of English pelts - tian to filch One Hundred | "respecting the duties of Justices of the : ed Sere) wune ty; epee. tf |TAKEN OFF SILVER jee Toronto. ana: Montreal ..P#ices nent is furthered by whatever brines these | sentation whic F Fe keen s E : : apa The determim. : AD ie daa Wage Ae Henry Robimson's Bc ig Ra a = , THEN PAID ON ALL Job Work on the Shortest Notice. ' : gs y gs these u which might most disguise the | characte ris converting: thenr into flourishing Th d Dollars from the country, to pay Peace out of Sessions, in relation to sum- dbase dict 4 JUST NOW IS THE TIME TO W Are requested to call and satisfy themselves th® wo great Powers into a fri ase 3 ce 5 ath ¢ ge «gle ye ease St : ousan ans ; $ nee ; dneneh sc behhie N and Fruit Store. Oysters i s r i ' calle sip wih E seasick friendly connexion, | truth as to passing events, exaggerating | abodes 0 f civilized life.' So rapid has beer embers for their» ttendence for the last | mary convictions and orders," which. shall EO etason, Hotisbuinent, He Mdoket Slee DECORATE YOUR HOUSES BOOK ACGOT INTS Remember--Opposite the Commercial Bank. this is the cheapest House in the West. : Would be truly satisfactory if we could | each success, extenuating each defeat, often | our cole nial progress, that with our Aus- a * £Q che. » When it was distinct- apply to cases under this Act. Stratford. ; ee Liga whut tho mehtbst dtyleéiéa rt i. wh itch Strattord, Same 1) 2808; 5 Al dik of ard the att A oe + a a Bag : eee hat 4 ; - 7 < 7 or so at. Qluepe . f : a a 8 8 FULLER s, a rw em A large Sto | Fegar'i the attitude of France towards Italy | describing failure as victory ; while the mul-| tralian s ettlement commercial intercourse sng ed at the comme, 2ement of the sit- 4. In case any person is convicted on the melas Phalw ks -- ec eit Ptiotads cs MONTREAL g rae | in the same light, but the determination titude, if the truth by chance reached them, | has incre ased ten-fold many years ; and ly ay abt . Te * be a part of one oath of a credible witness, of owning or ATENT Winpot' ptchineriee AOTU. WALL PAPERS, a able rtd BS 2 ie a i A QO YAN (SH fPDAN Tobacco by the Box, _ Seems to continue unabated of retaining her | were one day sunk in despair, another ele-| our duty as well as our interest is so to gov- a Maat, iO NTEeA having in his possession a dog which has P RER, Erie Street, Stratford, TR a, at BORDERS AND REMEMBER ADH UR A N J C 0 MP AN » Cares Poult ai vile : 4 : ttoons at : ae J %. Be e : ; peeve: : 4 _ | Session. 3 gC ' : + vathie or Found, at very low ures. - a a "< = Sogang refnsing the Italian King- vated to ecstacy, almost at the pleasure of | ern ittha tits inevitable-independence 'may The trickery by. which Up, °t Canada has worried and injured any sheep, the Justice 9-tf W I N D O W B é IN DS BEATTY & LAWSON'S i ere a a dees ll ra g ' j om the means wf completing the incor- | their rulers and their guides. Nor were the | become .o oly a fresh evound of gratitude, : : as =s Ks poite if in reference | of the 'Peace may issue an atder fir the Charles Kahn; ; FALL & WINTER STOCK OF SUBSCRIBED CAPIT AL, $200,000 CHEAP THAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, AND « tia i JOU ay >F ag? a 9 ae a) eee ee > 4 . > Be 3, cs) é) rig DAS teat Pr i j eo 5 vi i 2 2 is ' " ; air igo its southern provinces, .and | falsehoods thus propagated confined to the|of alastin ganda hearty. friendship. The xan rea. o ai 3 ad killing of such dog (describing the same JURGEON DENTIST. -Ofice--Rooms Nos. | =**™ine oUF gape orem Eh by oe esse Jin RAR TS AND : OF : e WwW Hi | S K E Y a eepuizetrom the Roman people, that of | events of the war, they extend to all things origin oft cs colony, the similarity of char- | * the Seat * ove = cf a ee " according to the tenor of the description 4 and 5 Glasgow Warehouse. Office hours f sie digs HE CC we 3 oe | 300 as 4 h ( i S HIS COMPANY continues to effegk insur- ' a which they are naturally and most desirous | ----to the measures of the Government and | acter and habits, the identity of language, The sai ais ape patter: P given in the complaint and in the evidence,) from 9 a. m. till 4 p, m. tf | CHEAPEST IN T : OUNTY CHEAP AS USUAL Risks ines! phi tabetha erp cane 13> Remember the "Great Hastern" Store is the restriction of the Papal temporal | the acts of foreign nations. The public| will alway js make the connection natural if the House as Member for ssex. within three days, and in default thereof, (. Cartwright Vivian & Co. E re) R CASH responsible Office. ~ | the largest House in the county, corner of On- | power, and the prevention of the support so | feeling must aYy be thwarted; th le | th : ti be effected peaceably and ami And, lastly, let our contemporary shake ct edit impose a fine upon URGEON DENTIST. Ontario 'Sikes bipe x=" Corner Store leading to the Market. 7 Head Office :--No. 9, Great St. James St De ee ee p Piver, and the F 0 ing s é ; the people | the separa tion be effected TipdOr (arnt 3 and | may: mn Ay S * : ? tee ss Sa r q y atest otra i " J. P. O'HIG icp given to the worst criminals of | desired to hear whatever gratified their cably; and what incommercial dealings may hands with the gps Se fk the | Sueh person not exceeding twenty dollars site the Post Office, Stratford, 0. W. : BU IL DI NCL S ONTARIO STREE?, STRATFORD | yor farther information, rates, &c., apply to Stratford, 20th Oct., 1863. P "git eal ge Naples. Nor can the friends of Italy in | Vanity or raised their spirits, and in the de-|be the el ianges from accidental cireum- dance a minuet with. the remnants 0 and. costs ; and all penalties imposed: under ; PHOTOGRAPHS OT Dated Sept. 11, 1863. 12-¢ G. HORNE & Co., i Th gee fe : hs . ~ ae gates : i Majority. : aken in the adjoining Car i y variet, d ; . ) $ : 3 Brane: greatly wonder if the belief should | lusion must they live as long as the war | stances, tk .e tendency of emigration will al Double Majority 'eziavinah this Act shall be applied to the use of the m sh vine: joining Car in every varie deg F 7 THE LARGEST Merchants, Agents, PRE t q daily guin strength that there is a design lasts, and the rule is in the hands of the ways be steadily in this-direction." This completes the story much be municipality in which the defendant resides : > yg P é 4 at 3 Ontario St, Stratford, 1963. 14-y REMTU™M : 4 Best, and most Complete where the Globe left. off. And on which side dear public is the balance ?--Galt Re- British North American Hotel, IN THE = HARNES SSHOP, -- Che Gounty of Porth Herald sii ee 5. No conviction under this Act shall formed to restrict within as narrow limits as |™mob. The truth they will never hear, be- be a bar to any action by the owner or possible the power ef her southern neighbor. | cause they desire to hear what is pleasing, ERIE ST., STRATFORD, TOWN OF STRATFORD, PRINTING OFFICE _ Bait the establishment of F d not what is i ah Oe SeenON | Leesan : HE BEST AND 4 S ipsens meee der dere'). Oe oe tue, "Babiy would be a ro ph cas possessor, as aforesaid, of any sheep, for BY RICHARD A. FORREST. On easy Terms, Apply ¢8 LRT O ni APLC asta 18 VUBLISHED Dapttensdtite pee ae § 4, i : : 4 st: d < Sy y 2 6te. a aa a Pd J 10, produce au uneasy rest muntake to charge on their false O _ st-Deutsche : : the recovery of damages for the injury done HE SUBSCRIBER HAS LATELY FITTED JOHN WHITLEY, ounty of Perth, at which all kinds o Every Wednesday Morning, d ; aX 4 me re 9 ci now, unhapily dis-United guides the follies and the crimes which they The nev 7s that Warsaw. will be blockaded Arrival of the Hibernian. to such sheep, in respeet of which such con- up the above Hotel in the most comfort- Solicitor, _E- BY i ESL 5 E Ss, ; : States of America, and may by no remote | chime with and do their best to perpet-| for ten da ys, sounds|like a-passage in a sen- ' vinhon a had aa to accommodate the travelling Stratford, August 10, 1883, bap He took the First Prize for three successive : possibility lead to an amicable intercourse | uate. The people are determined in their | gation nov jel foe a scene in a melodrama. : Bather Bolg', Ost. oe 6. It shall not be necessary for the plain- The baris furnished with the choicest Liquors. x Vi Wi a AN, & Cc Ae | Sain sein py Mehit 8 ema in reagan aA ee Tith,the- South, not, perhaps, ageins cours: ing sha a re : 7 The steamship Hibernian, from Liverpool |... ; : +s Good Stavling and an attentive hostler always |- JOSEPH WATSON Is executed ae eater 2 i , hee ps, st the e. Far from feeling shame at the cruel fearful realit P tiff action of damages for injury done y ' - No#th, but in formal recognition of ' " cia | eee oe ee ee en ae bd thai Via Tootalendeety stucths Sth, heehee sp wag jury in attendance. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Second to none in Style Oh Ge Kae Aen ae Hiss onthe ie Vor : ey 2 'gaa alse ted the ~ ag which SP ay ages--nay, which} The Russ' ian Government has passed from | : oa san ? by a dog to sheep, to prove that rv ~ Stratford, Sept. 22, 1863. 13-ly 4 d = Pade seb BBE YO, | at $2.00 per Annum, or $2.50 at the end of the i ' _-2ssion . nd in Ch of the blockade. e ristian times have nothing to equal--a 4 4 ity to one of terrorism, | Passe : : dant was aware of the propensity of the dog Win i 1 , AND DITION. year. _ Sends of humanity would have good cause | Spectacle at which the While "wotdd= stands lodaais om aiumar scoala to strike The Etna and Hansa arrived out on the to pursue or injure sheep; nor shall the li- _ W.R. Emery, es an quors. VIVIAN & 60 Peas itt nt rete pee om band in a "ae pave! fue . ' Oya Fa mots = 5 / ig 3 4 . vertisements cK On lLuesday after- ¢ ustoMers and t! ae pith 5 so manifestly ten-| aghast, almost to ineredulity--they actually | annihilatin anes: Blockading a great city pe ot koi halt bocteaddress ability of the owner or possessor, as afore- , BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, HE SUBSCRIBER is just receiving a large | 29" Corner Store leading to the Market, noon in ---- ae insertion, This rule B gouiie generally, that he has still a _ "ng '0 promote the continuance of the war | glory in it as a proof of their higher nat tas i h e Rev. Mr. Beecher +. }sai in da' f injur HREE D West of Forbes' a assortment of fiesh Li to suit th will be strictly adhered to. Se oa A ae eae ure,{|for ten de 'ysis a measure which we have : : : h said, of any dog in damages for any injury oors West orbes' Hotel. The ment of t.esh Liquors to suit the . id extend its mischiefs, ae ; 8 é y : .line a public meeting in Glasgow on the best ready-made work in town, Cheap for| Fall Trade. Country Merchants and Hotel rf aes een The term 'civil | brlieve themselves to be the envy as the | nowhere ¢ een for many 2 day. The strict | 8 é P 2 P done by such dog to any sheep, depend -- Gash. Repairing div thé best style. ohied Keepers would do well to call before purchas- gS) TERMS OF ADVERTISING: a " oes ee eae miserable | flower of mankind; 'and faney that their | state of si ege has become the " strictest." reg it editorially 'criticises Mr his previous knowledge of the propensity of Stratford, June 4, 1863 -14¢ | ing elsewhere. . All orders promptly attended to or F "ers i Atest, € people of the South are banded prowess would triumph over the most 2 . 7 e umes itori * ae x4 2 irst insertion per line... ....6 . cewienis $0.08 ' ge oe Saige ames a : wer- tlative ? What oh tee - | such dog to injure sheep. bd + : : One Pure Improved B » pit » ainst those of the North exaetly as any | ful states of iddrops th such 'island their en Py 2 ee sects ten daysin War- Beecher's doctrine in favor of the ne ee Th . £0 - ee = adtiow of a _ a John Parker, Erie St Pe preybioceicr oe COUNTY OF PERTH. aldariot chocokiolpie Titie' per annum. 4.00 aod eg First P rte at the Provinelat Bekibition 9 European nations, differing in all re. | chiefs may not practically join, but the et Ot eaten a is erowded with | of the Union at Se fi a ; = ie uous first section of "ae, oa Pailin woe a September, 1863. j 14-tf HE Wadren will be in attendance at the | OV" *i lines and under ia 6.00 oe orrdmney pee peo, gp e+) gta _ 2 © imagina : + inister of religion. | 10T ing aad ntario Street, Stratford, C. W., begs ms : : A liberal discount allowed t ties advertis- i I econd Prize in 1863. Eee: + ets save language have been banded people are, beyond doubt, a prey to them, phantoms of horrors 'which rise before it. listen 0 any one exceps 2 Mithisitt SY ; this act, may 'plead 'the general iseuey and 'A. to inform the inhabitants of the County of Perth Clerk's Office on the first Wednesday in| ine by the column or eae © parties advertis-! smatl Berk', hire 1 year old, took the First Prize inst each' other--the Austrians and |and will continu to the end ' iaidt h- | who blasphemously says the maintenance of | °° we i : . that he is manufacturing a Stock of Tinware for Buggy for Sale. each month. : Advertisements without written instructions | t.the To, onto Exhibition in 1862, and First issians for example. But give it what € 80-to the end. There is n o doubt Russia is intent on -- cia konetee Aion id SORLIal eid: and | BAYS this act and the special matter in evi HOt "the market, and will open out in the first week , ap a se open rte! ro will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- Prizes at Stratford and St Marys in 1863. One F ° "A : P 5 © . she thinks. about Pr . . {Two Aj gember' in th : ied: by: i an ednesday, from ; and the Treas- 5 j™prov 3 Berkshire 5 months old h ; 1 We may, no one can 'doubt that itis ae, the just law, the judgment of the skies, ing the re volution before Mic sanctifies the means in the sight of God. dence. j fi in Septem' oH aa : premises ng rey y ' : urer's Ollice on tae Grat and thitd "Wedubs day cordingly. he First" Pets at SO Mie Lae acta took 3 ayy qucy, that hate truth shall be the dupes of lies; | making th e so-called concessions to the three ; ; 3 8. This Act shall apply to Upper Canada . Mr Morris, cer, adjoining the Post Office. E will sell cheap on time, or trade for @| of each month during the same hours t bar Bnhiaid sli ; 'lL ealamity to the Americans themselves, | ;, AD4 if they wifi be cheated to the law, 2 ples and treb- | No English audience can possibly listen to , : J. P. is prepared to attend to all orders with Horse, a good, substantial, new Buggy. g ; Any person sending us the names of 6 sub- HUGH cae licuch in' & aOR Mes dates oa ? | " Delusions strong 4s hell shall bind them' fast, | Powers, a id she therefore doubles an , h language with any other feelings than only. which he may be favored. VIVIAN & CO. S. CAMPBELL, County Clerk. scribers, accompanied with the cash, will be Lot 8, Con. 8, Gore of ' S egree to. the Cowpar--Progress of Error. | les her sey ~rity. The political world is first | Sue gu Stratford, July 10, 1863. 8-tf Stratford,June, 1863 1-tf Stratford, 6th Oct., 1863. 15-tf | entitled to receive one number gratis Gore of Downie, 20th Oct., 1863, & ee

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