County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 6 Jan 1864, p. 2

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itd @ WCOUN@Y OF PERTH HERALD A tts Business Directory. aS W. D. Ha-rison, UCTIONEER. APPRaISER, GENERAL Commission Agent, &c., Inspector of Weights and Measures, County of Perth. All orders left at this office promptly attended to 10-tf Robert Smith, L. L. B.. ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c. Orrice:--Opposite John A. Scott's Store, Stratford. 5-tf James P, Woods, ARRISTER and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., &c., Stratford, C. W. Office in Lynch's Block. Stratford, 23rd Dec., 1863. 26-y Reid & Humphry. ARRIAGE AND WAGGON MAKERS, » General Blacksmiths, Horse Shoers, &c.-- Job Work and Repairing done at the shortest notice and or the most reasonable terms. Shop opposite Moore's Hotel, Haron Street, Stratford, R. Williams, LERK of the First Division Court for the 7 County of Perth, Ontario Street. Stratford Agent for British and American Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Notes and Accounts collected without delay, and on reasonable terms. 1-tf Joseph Doupe, IVIL ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL J Land Surveyor, Apnraiser, Conveyancer. &c, Queen Street, St Mary's, C. W. Land Surveying of every description prompt- ly execated, and Disputed Lines carefully ad- usted. Rererences --T. M. Daly, Esq., Stratford ; T B Guest, Esq, St. Mary's; D Cathcart, Esq, Blanchard; Edward Long, Esq, St Ma:y's; E T Dartnell, Esq, St Mary's ; Jno Robinson, Esq C.£. St Mary's, August 17, 1863. A. Hi. Thompson, M.D., OMCOPATHIC. PHYSICIAN & SUR- GEON. Office over Mr. Horne's Store, Stratford Dec. Ist 1863. 23-y 8-6m William Osborne, PUMP-MA KER, S PREPARED to make Pumps on the most improved principles, and to furnish them at the lowest remunerative profit. All Orders left at his' residenee, rear the Railway Station, or otherwise, will meet with prompt attention: References :--P Watson, Thos J Birch, James Stewart, Moir & Gaudy, Jas Corcoran. _16-tf Dr, D. Waugh, AY BE CONSULTED athis Residence, On- tario St., Stratford, asformerly. 14-ly King's Hotel. ARKET STREET, Stratford. First Class accommodation for Travellers at reason- able rates. The Stabling is the best in Town. Attached. H. Kina. be Equipped Livery Stables "y : John ¥. Scholtz, ANUFACTURER OF WHIP-LASHES Market Square, pavs the highest prices for Sheep-skins, Deer-skins, Pig-skins, Calf- skins; Horse and Cow-hides, and all kinds of Furs. Stratford, Nov. Srd, 1863. '19-y. WwW. R. Roberts, WATCH, MAKER, STRATFORD, C. W:, N"% door to Dutton's Drug Store, has now for sale at the lowest possible prices, a lot of finely finished Spectacles, eye-glasses and goggles, with the very best Scotch and German pebble glasses, to suit all sights. Short sight lengthened, Weak sight strengthened, And good sight preserved. Also, for sale watches, clocks, and an assort- ment of fine gold jewelry. Particular attention paid to jobs left for Repairs. Stratford, Oct., sth 1863. Market Corn Exchange, BY. BEN. SLEET, PPOSITE the Market House. The Bar is constantly supplied with the best liquors. Meals always ready. Good Stabling and an at- tentive hostler. 16-y 17-6ms Edward A, Paget, HYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur.-- Joroner for the County of Perth. Espe- gial attention paid to diseases of women and children. Every description of,Surgical opera- sions -performei when required. l-y Dr. Wm. Stimson, HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCHEDUR, Tavistock, ©: Wi: 5-ly Henry Robinson's ROVISION and Fruit Store. Oysters in ; season. Refreshments, §¢.; Market Street, Stratford: 1-tf Matthew Brennan, ATENT WINDOW BLIND MANUFACTU- RER, Erie Street, Stratford, C..W. 9-tf Charles Kahn, {URGEON DENTIST. Office--Rooms Nos, a) 4 and 5 Glasgow Warehouse. Office hours from. 9 a.m till 4) pom. 1-tf Business Directory. Pw British North American tiotel, ERIE ST., STRATFORD. BY RICHARD A. FORREST. HE SUBSCRIBER HAS LATELY FITTED up the above Hotel in the most comf'ort- able manner to accommodate the travelling public. The baris furnis*ed with the choicest Liquors. Good Stavling and an attentive hostler always in attendxnce. Stretford, Sept 22 1863. 13-ly Ww. R. Emery, BOOT AND SHOE MAKFR, rFY\HREE Doers West of Forbes' Hotel. The best ready-made work in town, Cheap for Cash. Repairing in the best style. Stratford, June 4, 1863. -1-tf . John Parker, y COPPER, AND SHEET-IRON WORK- ER, Ontario Street, Stratford, C. W., begs to inform the inhabitants of the County of Perth that he is manufacturing a Stock of Tinware for the market, and will open out in the first week in September, in the premises now occupied by Mr Morris, Grocer, adjoining the Post Office. J prepared to attend to all orders wit which he may be favored. Stratford, July 10, 1863. 8-tf FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. HE SUBCRIBER, in returning thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him since h* commenced b»siness, would respect- fully announce to his customers and the public generally, that he has received a select supply of Fashionable and Seasonable Goods, and is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him in his line with neatness and despatch. 237La- test Fashions always on hand. DAVID CASSELS. Stratford, 6th Oct., 1863. 15-tf Alfred Burnham, __ Division Court Agent Collector and General Agent. N OTES AND ACCOUNTS LEFT WITH THE and at moderate charges. as soon as collected. advertiser will be collected without delay All moneys paid over Office at Messrs Fuller Brothers Hardware Merchants Stratford. Stratford, Nov. 24th 1863, 22-tf Support Home manufacture. W. D. BUCKLE, SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER, | DEALER IN PALM OIL, SODA ASH, BLACK SALTS, &c, Orders respectfully solicited, and punctually supplied. Factory on Erie Street, north of the Albion Hotel. Stratford, July, 5, 1863. J. & F. DUTTON, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS. PURE DRUGS AXD OS MEO ANTS Bs GENUINE PORT WINE, For the use of the sick always in stock Stratford, July 14, 1863. 3-tf 5-tf STR AT FOR D FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP. Sp wep Ameer gel adn) STOVES, PLOW S, Cultivators, Road Scrapers, Reaping & Mowing Machines, Threshing Machines, Separators and Cleaners, Horse Powers, &c., &c., STRATFORD, Cc. w. e The Retail Trade supplied with Ploughs, &c. Steam Engines built and repaired: Tron ard Brass Castings of every description made to order. Orders.taken for Thrashing Machines and Se- parators [with Pitts'. Improved Horse Powers]. Only 4 limited number is to be made this season, J. SHARMAN. Stratford, June 1, 1863, 1-tf JOSEPH WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Wines and Liquors 'PF \HE SUBSCRIBER is just receiving a large Assortinent of flesh Liquors to. suit the Fall Trade. . Country Merchants,and,-Hotel Keepers would do well to. call before purchas- | eee { URGEON DENTIST, Ontario, Stréetoppox |: Site the Post Office, Stratford, 0. wv opp} PHOTOGRAPHS Taken in the adjoining Car in every variety ang at all Prices. 'anes Hepes ing elsewhere. " All orders promptly attended to New Groccri-s. SUPPLY OF FRESH GROCERIES AL- ways on hand. E: JOSEPH WATSON. Erie St., Stratford, 29th : : ' September, 1863. 14-tf don; ldrsea to spon 7G 2 MONEY! E SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM HIS MANY CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC STOCK OF. Groceries, Liquors Crockery, Glassware, &c., FALI " VIONEY ! ay enerally, that he has received his reg 5 hs 2 * = ar oS & a 2 a s. 08 <A a eee a & cs ®B : ere < gariee- Apr Fig a8 io) 5 A = & 2 a es ow ws 2 oe a P=) ood tC) te li ep uy qt oe ae : piteowqxS "4 goes Bite ee on) ee as od gS, 5 3 oD <4 g el aes Bat so se = oD. QD bad mL BT ie - BM oy ME oe Bd GO 2° = =< Dp oo r ig Oxo .ogi 8 1] 5 nee ta ers = eH & at B Qoe BC Sayre wa ag BS Se. £6 € "3 Bink a f° 3 3 nN & D Bs fe 8 i) al =) pa =: oD S q Ay Val 2 m2 jee = =) ge oerg 5 23 g*o5, -8 3 i a 8 Baty lO eigiticg > 2 2 - "8 <4 2S aS Sx g1So8 ~-2 9 £5 Mie on pee pele £01 (dy ng we OG g FE nt bl = = - ws} 8 r oc Pr foe ~ & wo g He ac he 49 Ooo Oe && So Bai5 Sate z En aC ake o& oom 3 a a aa > "es 8 Se) saied ; eee ee i peas -Arasee & go ome & ; £. Ape oa, a ee Fahey * Ce -- af n 29 a ps 2 moti Be sora Ge. =o s& a oS. a oo. dd 9:8... Ba ep Biss a eS SNE. Ce fy 6s "eS ae a. Bava | we by SB Bg 2) SH te ~ me ie a> GQ 8 g™ 55 85 3 nwo 8 a0 Se he eae a a z a 5 Sis Via ee Ba ea &§ a A, n ae eae a} > = Cy & 3 ae 2% Vi 25 6h DR a 2 3 ae -- =| oe ip a S F 23 2 of 33 oN "te 4 Ss = 2 joa a wD pie = | st = ays MH te a ea S Y i) oO = m= a S S) a = EY 28. Sa. SN fe 5 a oS pane a ae a ty 4 fo s si eins Bee A eee S & S 3 8 a & Bay ot as BS dgk A eB. age ng lll BE aes fe <4 me ea) = a yt a> o -<o) BY 4 $8 oD ao Cia <f a Bg en fas} ° r-») S a Si Peitiae Sadi ame. oho ws z fat il) gees : <4 2 A. pike 5 = > ho 5 bebe z H q i a S Stratford, Sept. 29th, 1863. In Gem, Extra Gem, Unique, and all other leading styles. COMMENCING AT $1.00 EACH. 8 Goods in this Department equally low. _ | cetmren tg 0 SPECIAL NOTICE.?" MARSHALL BROTHERS Beg to intimate to their numerous customers and the public generally, that they have received one cf the LARGEST & BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF FALL GOODS Ever brought into the Town of Stratford.' The'stock consists in part of Dress Goods in large & elegant variety, In Knickerbockers, Rip, Challie, de' Bage, Gal's, French Merinies, Alexandrias, &c , &c. SHAWLS OF THE NEWEST DESICNSINLONG & SQUAR. A CHOICE LOT OF PAISLEY, TASMANIA, AND SHEPHERDS. MANTLES OF ALL THE NEWEST SHAPES & FABRICS, Hoop Skirts, Austin Kelly's make, They beg to call special attention to these Goods, as they are enabled to sell New York prices, owing to the difference of Exchange. co TT TON Ss , A large lot of Factory from 12} cents, and some 33 inche White Shirtings at the same price. tripe Shirting from 15 cents, and all other Woollen Clothes direct from the Manufacturers Leeds, (England,) Canadian Tweeds aed Flannels from the Mills. Tailors are invited to inspect their Stock before purchasing elsewhere. READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, & FURS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, In great variety, and at the lowest possible prices figures. MILLINER Y--This Department is still under the superintendence of Miss Alley, so that Ladies may depend as usual on being well served A full assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES always on Hand. Agents for Singer's, and Combination Sewing Machines. OBSERVE THE PLACE, 3 DOORS WEST OF THE ALBION HOTEL. MARSHALL BROS. 13-3m Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! ee JOHN PARKER EGS TO ACQUAINT the people of '3trat- ford and surrounding townships, that he bas now on hand a large Stock of Stoves, COOKING, PARLOR, AND BOX STOVES, Farmers', Agricultural Furnaces, Which he will offer for sule'on most reasonable terms. -- He is also prepared, to undertake all kinds of work in his line, such as ROOFING, EAVE-TROUGHS, SHEET IRON WORK, HEAVY' AND LIGHT COPPER-WORE, And Plumbing. ::: The best. of -material always used, and. for workmanghip,--give shim a) trial, Kitchen, Pumps, Lead, Pipe, Sheet 'Zinc, anda superior article of heavy Stove Piping, . Highest price allowed'for Sheepskins, Rags, and Furs. PLOUGHS AND» COAL OIL For Sate Wholesale and Retail. x3~ Shop--Monteith's Block, one door,east of the Post Office, ad gee Stratford, Nov. 10th, 1863. 20-y JUST RECEIVED PORT WINE, Medicinal Purposes IN BOTTLES OR OTHERWISE. PETER WATSON, Stratford, August' 7, 1863. j-tf FULLER BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail | BAR-TRON: & COAL, Shelf Hardware, Paints, Oils & Glass, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL ONTARIO ST., STRATFORD. os N. B.Blacksmiths, Wood-workers, Carpen= ters, Painters, &c., will always: find « full and complete assortment in stock. Stratford, June 1, 1863. + yee Wi er ee eee Is PUBLISHED Every Wednesday Morning, BY ? IVIVIAN & Co: AT THEIR OFFICE Corner of Ontario and Market Sts., At $2.00 per Annum, or $2.50 at the end of the yéar. j , Parties desiring to advertise must hand in their Advertisements by 2, o'clock.on Tuesday after- noon in order 'to secure insirtion, This rale will be strictly adhered tow -- : * TERMS OF ADVERTISING: _ First insertion (per lines... ..0....02..-.- 0.08 Each subsequent, insertions. vesis-++-+-+ 0.03 Cards not excreding six lines, perannum, 4.00, Over six linés and undér ten " 6.06 A liberal discount allowed to parties advertie- ing by the column or year. u i ! 'Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged ae-... cordingly. a f _ tie toi ri iG me £ will be Any person, sending us the names of 6 sabe scribers, accompanied with 'the cash, wil entitled to receive one number gratia |<" regs fed i t

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