COUNTY OF PERTH HERALD The Age of Conspiracies. (From the Prototype.) The age of commissions has merged in the reign of c.nspirators. A con- spir: cy, the most revolting, and impli- caling men of the highest official posi- tions in the country, has just been brought to light in Montreal. Another conspiracy is now being enacied in Northumberland. In both cases the object'of the conspir:tors is the same --ihe turning of honest men out of office in order that Clear Grits and Rouges may get the vacant offices. In both places Rouges and Clear Grits are the conspirators; and in both cases the government have lent the utmost of their aid to the conspirators. These infamous commissions have, in all cases, been the means by which the dishonorable lust of the ministerial party bas been gratified. In Montreal, three offices--the Shrievalty, the Clerk of the Peace, and the Deputy Clerk of the Peace, have been emptied of their former occupants--one of them, a public servant of thirty six years' standing--and handed over to minis- terial conspiritors. In Northumber land, the same execrable result seems also about to be realized. We will give the particulars by and by. The modus operandi is this. The conspi- raiors who wish for office, conspire and manufacture false charges against the men in office. The conspirators ask the government to issve commis- sions to try those false charges. The government, falling in with the base design, issue commissions to partizans who know their duty. These partizans open their commissions, and, after a legal farce, find the office-holders guilty. They are dismissed, and im- mediately the conspirators are gazetted to their vacant places.--These are serious charges. Yet they are all sub- stantiated by the strongest evidence. The evil is wide-spread. Go where you may, and you will not find: an official who ever held political opini- ons opposed to the government but is quaking for his situation. There is no infamy, however low, but the peo- ple of Canada believe the present gov- ernment capable of. Curses, loud and deep, are daily poured upon this government. 'They to-day stink in the nostrils of alf honest. men--and the hour of their fell will be hailed asa second Israelitish deliverance by the people of Canada. - Those vile commissioners, the very scum of the English speaking people on the earth, <re now the evil instru- ments by which the worst acts of the government are enacted.--Itenceforth to have sat on a government commis- sion will forever render a man_ infa- mous. In Quebec--and here in the West, these pestilential creatures are crawling about contaminatiug honest men by their filthy slime. As their masters are the most ignoble, so they are the must contemptible beings that curse the country. For the sake of money they daily take away the char- aciers of their fellow-man. Their ac- cursed calumnies they endorse on the Holy Evangelisis; and in their haste to pocket thier ill got ten dollars a day, they forget the day of reckoning which is inevitably drawing near. Now, corruption and perjury stalk through the land, and every mean man boweth down and riseth up covered with ministerial favors. "lo bea villain is now the surest passport to a shrievalty or a registrarship. B* that secursed thing, and you will not want brazen commissioners nor government iuflu- ence to outrage truth and bonor and sustain your scandalous claims. The Appointment Made at Last. The appointment of Mr. Albert Richards, to the Western Solicitor Generalship, was gazetted on Satur- day, yet not one of the Upper Cana- dian organs of the government knew of the affair until Tharsday's mail brought the Gazeite itself' What a commentary upon the stupidity of the organs! To-day we have not room to say much on the appointment. It bas been extorted from the government by the demands of the opposition. It was delayed until the eleventh hour. It has been given to an untried man, a novice in polities, a child in law-- without standing or weight at the bar --unknown to his country. It will give the greatest dissatisfaction to the country. The intelligence of the ap- pointment was sprung upon the peo- ple in a suspicious manner. To a western man the appointment of right belonged, yet one from Central Canada has been chosen. The old and tried men of the party have been overlooked with singular ingratitude and marks of contempt. 'The new Solici'or-Gen- eral comes before the couniry to ask the people to endorse Mr McDungall's " andacious " statement, that epre- sentation by population has been abandoned by the party. The exist- ence of the government depends upon Mr, Richards' success. If be is de- feat-d, they will be defeated on the first division afier the Fouse meets. They will therefore rot hesitate to re- sort to the vilest instances of bribery and corruption to secure the election. The opposition have a good cause, and we are sanguine of the utter de- feat of Mr. Richards and the ministry before long.--Prototype. Seditious Cartoons in Ireland. The Dublin Nation publishes the second of two extremely michievous cartoons. The first one, issued a fortnight since, represen- ted an eviction. The landlord was seen gloating over the work of devastation pur- sued by "the minions of the law," while in the foreground the rejected were shown pre- paring for emigration. This picture was called " Going with a Vengeance," and this week's one is headed " Coming with a Ven- geance." Ona strip of land, supposed to be Ireland, John Bull is seen standing beside a lion and holding a chain, to which is attached a female with a harp at her feet. She is looking imploringly with outstretched arms, into the distance, where is seen Gen. Meaher, und an immense host of " Fenians' and Americans, with flags flying and cannons firing, advancing to her assistance. These doughty deliverers are represented in the unitorm of the American army, and they carry the old flag of the States--the stars and stripes once more united--signifying that the expected aid will come from both North and South after their re-union ;.and also a banner with the harp and sunburst of Ireland. A great number of iron-clads are also shown making their way to the Insh coast. John Bull who is looking over his shoulder at the approaching invaders, wears a look of fear, and the lion has literally "turned tail'? on them. The Nation was to issue this picture last week; but it is understood that it was withheld until Satur- day; in order that.a legal opinion might be obtained as to the safety of publishing it. Heenan vs. Lincotn.--tThe N. Y. Herald says: Yesterday, so absorbed were all classes in the"expectation of the news, that no other subject had any interest. Immediately' upon the receipt of the President's late Message, in which the country expected a plan for the settlement of the difficulties with the South, we pub- lished an extra, aud the people absolutely would tot buy it, But our extra with the account of this fight sold by . thousands One million dollars were also bet upon the fight in this city, and at least three willions altogether in England, this country and Canada, M.S BIRTHS. HUMPHREY--At Stratford, on Sunday the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. John Humphrey, (firm of Read § Humphrey,) of a son, MARRIED. DUNN--SCRIMGEOUR--On Friday the Ist inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. T. Macpherson, Mr. John Dunn, son of Wm. Dunn, Esq., Downie, to Miss Anne Scrimgeour, third daughter of Alex. Scrimgeour, Esq., of this Town. DIED. BRUWN--Of inflamation of the lungs, at his |: father's residence, Downie, on Saturday, the 26th ult., Robert Brown, in the 21st year of his age. Commercial, --PLPP LDAP LPP DIED Stratford Markets. Wepnespay, Jan. 6th, 1864. Fall Wheat 4 bush.......... $0 380 @ $0 80 Spring Wheat # bush........ 0 72 0 75 Oats # bush....... i vies prviswie 0 38 0 40 Potatoes # bush......... «¢- (0.38 0 50 Peas DUO: 00 0i 5 eens eee 0 45 0 53 Barley # bush.............. 0 65 0 70 Timothy Seed per bush 1 00 1 50 Flour per bbl.......... Pati. Pe 400 4 50 Oatmeal per bbl........ , eevee 6 00 6 25 Batier, per Ub. . 2: 7.2 spe teces 013 0 15 "Store Packed perlb...... 0 13 0 15 BLUS Per N0F.< 7 pat, oyswe 0 08 0 123 Mutton per 100 Ibs.........-. 5 00 6 00 Beef per £00 Ibs...00. 60500505 3 00 3 50 Hay per ton... 2s. ssceseselss- (600 8 00 Tatlow pet ips. is os 326 okie 0 06 0 07 Apples per bag ie. .ss tess sess 0 50 0 75 Cordwood per cord........++- 1 25 2 00 Lata per 92. tk SOs 0 08 0 10 Sheepskins......... ive iss Fk ED 1 50 Hides ssid. 6 grote are'ee déebce BOO 0 00 bad yi OO ee ey - 035 0 40 DYeeeed HOGS «5. 5c. oi o0's ve 4 00 4 50 GONG Bi eae ewtcwise se 37} «0 40 Montreal Markets. Spring Wheat .......... 99¢ @ 9c Winter Wheat ......... ' 92c @ 95¢ Flour according to quality, 3 70 to 6 60 Oatmeal per barrel ...... 475 to 5 00 Barley per 50 Ibs., ....... « 70c to 75c Peas per 66 Ibs. ......... 65¢ to 70 oats per 33 Ibs ......+.- 40. to 00 Butter per Ib. ....+-+++ 13c_ to 17 Pork, per barrel ......-- 13 00 to 1400 500 to 5 50 erreeere Hogs per cwt., New York Markets. Wheat--Spring Winter Wheat NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carrall and McCulloch, Bien ATTORNEYS, SOLICITORS lo an ea ane in Chancery, Conveyaucers &c. Stratford. J. A. MeCunzocu. tf. Just Issued From the Press, a new Book entitled * THE CANADIAN Domestic Lawyer," BY JOHN WHITLEY, Esq, Altorney-at-Law, Toronto, J. A. Capraty. Containing Law Forms of every description. The following is a synopsis of the work; Affidavits, Goods, Sale of. Agreements, House. Arbitration. Hiring. Assignment, Landlord and Tenant. Auctions. Leases. Bills of Exchange. Line Fences and Water- Bond. courses, Chattel Mor' gage. Master and Servant. Collection of Debts. Mortgages. Contracts. Naturalization. Deeds. Notice to Quit. Distress. Partnership. Patents for Inventions. Promissory Notes. Receipts and Releases. Division Court. Equity of Redemption. Executors and Admin- istrators, Rents. Fences. Sale of Goods. Fixtures, Servant. Frauds, Statute of. Gift .f Lands, Deed of. This book is suitable to the Merchant, Far- mer, and Mechanic. 150 CANVASSERS WANTED MMEDIATELY FOR THE ABOVE WORK, to canvass the entire Province, to whom a liberal commission will be given. Applica- tion may be made personally or by letter [prepaid] to VIVIAN & Co., Publishers, Stratford, C. W. Stratford, 6th Jan., 1864. WALL PAPERS AT COST. PHE SUBSCRIBER IS SELLING OFF AT Cost to make room for his Spring Stock. Wills and Intestacy, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, The cheapest in the country. Albums holding 50,pictures for $1, 25. Diaries for 1864, Pocket and Counting House--very cheap, Christmas and New Years Presents... Call at Winter's before purchasing elsewhere. SCHOOL BOOKS of all Kinds, Blank Books, Mortgages, Leases, etc., etc. For Bibles, Testaments, Church Services, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, always go to Winter's. Sunday School Tickets and Rewards at Winter's All the Periodicals, Magazines, and Latest Papers, always on hand at Winter's. The place to buy Stationery is at Winter's. Cards, Pocket Books, Purses, Papers, Chess- men, Dominoes, etc., etc., to be tas Thos. Winter's, Telegraph Ojnce. First Door West of the Albion. Stratford, 30th December, 1863. 27-4in Facts for the People. WILLIAMSON'S COATS, WILLIAMSON'S PANTS, WILLIAMSON'S VESTS, Are Unsurpassed for STYLE, DURABILITY, And CHEAPNESS. TRY THEM. A. WILLIAMSON, Sign of the Golden Fleece, 4 Doors West of the P. O. Stratford, Dec., 1863. 26-tf WALLPAPERS, At Reduced Prices, To make ready for our Spring Stock. Borders,ge VIVIAN & Co., Ontario and Market Sts., Stratford DOMESTIC LAWYER, THE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST, And the Best Stock of FURNITURE AND CABINET-WARE Ever offered in this part of the country will be opened for sale On or about the Ist of Oct. Next, BY JOHN D. FEE, Of the Firm of G. P, Walter & Co., Manufact- urers, Bowmanville. He will sell WHOLEALE & RETAIL E"or Cash At prices which he thinks cannot fail to attract attention and secure trade. In connection with the above he offers a large and well selected stock of HARDWARE, Comprising every article usually sold in tke line, which has been bought in the BEST MARKETS, And will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. One trial will be sufficient to convince the most incredulous. JOHN D. FEE. Strtford, 29th Oct., 1863. 14-tf Not a Yankee Book, But a REAL CANADIAN }! JUST PUBLISHED, The Canadian Compiled and Edited BY JOHN WHITLEY ESQ., Attorney at Law, Toronto, price $1,50--450 page Book. This Book contains Law-forms of every de- scription together with a great amount of val_ uable information necessary to the Merchan to the Farmer, Mechanic &e. &¢., Published and sold by VIVIAN & CO. Stratford,C, W. STRATFORD FOUNDRY. WOOD SAWING MACHINES. [HE SUBSCRIBER has on hand, and is still manufacturing 2» number of Bruce's First Prize Patent Wood Saw- ing Machines, Which are warranted to cut from 50 to 70 cords per day. Price $52 to $55. J. SHARMAN. Stratford, 30th December, 1863. 27-4in ESTRAY. Be ge! INTO THE ENCLOSURE of the Sub- scriber about the 15th Nov., a HEIFER CALF, about 7 months old; it has white on the bel y and a little grey on the neck. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take the same away. D. B. McDONALD. Stratford, 30th Dec., 1863. 27-tf. In otice A owiah JAS. PRIEST, OF THE Townsbip of Logan, in the Cound of Perth, Yeoman, hath, in consideration of Thirty- Five Dollars of lawful money of Canada, made an assignment to the subscriber, of all his right, title, end interest in and to an acre of land, being part of Lot No, 13, in the 18th Con., of the Township of Elma. This is to notify the said James Priest and the puplic, that unless said amount, with other ex penses and interest since accrued, amounting al- together to about Forty-Six Dollars, be paid within 2 months from date of this notice, that the subscriber will sell and transfer his interest in the said premises to any person who will pay him the said amount. ROBERT MILNE. 26-4in NY otice S HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention Dec. 22nd, 1863. THE LOYAL ORANGE COUNTY LODCE {OR THE COUNTY OF PERTH will meot at the TOWN OF ST. MARY'S, On Tuesday, the 2nd day of Feb., 1864 At the hour of Ten O'clock a. m. All Brethern entitled to sit and vote will please take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. Ry Order, A. JOAN B. MACDONALD, County Secretary. "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Dated 29th Dec., 1863. 2'7-4in Mitchell Advocate and St. Marys Standard give 4 insertions and send account to the County Secretary. IN Que: i Returns by Ministers of Reli gion. HE MINISTERS OF RELIGION in this County of Perth, are reminded hereby, to make their annual Returns of Baptisms, Mar- riages, and Deaths, for this County, within five days after the first day of January in each day, to the Clerk of Peace Office--Census Act 10 and 11, Vict. .Chap.. 14, Sec. 16, as amended by 12 Vict. Chap. 90, Sec, 1, |Consol. Stat. C., Chap 33]. o fees can be demanded by law for these Returns by any Clerk of the Peace, as no fee is stated. The duties under the new Act 20, Vict. Chap. 66, [Vonsol. Stat. U. C,, Chap 72,] as to Solem- nization of Marriages and Returns thereof to Registry Office, do not interfere with or stop the above Returns. to Clerk of Peace Uffice. JOHN J..H, LINTON, .. Clerk of Peace. Clerk of Peace Office, ; 2'7-2in. Stratford, C. W., Dec. 24th, 1863. . REMEMBER : BEATTY & LAWSON'S FALL & WINTER STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAP AS USUAL FOR CASH ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD. Dated Sept. 11, 1863. ' 12 Eistray. ve AME INTO THE ENCLOSUSE OF THE y Subscriber Lot No. 27, Con. 9, Township of Elma, or the 17th December, a BLACK OX. The owner is requested to come and prove pro- pertry, pay expenses, and take away the same. JOHN NIXON; 27-tf © Donegal, 26th Dec., 1863. TO BOOK PEDLARS AND CANVASSERS. SPECIMEN COPIES OF THE GANADIAN j DOMESTIC LAWYER, Will be ready the first week in January, 1864, Those Canvassers with whom arrangements have already been made, will please call about the 4th of the month so as to arrange certain districts for immediule canvuss. VIVIAN & Co. Dated 22rd Dec., 1863. ' "HRISTMAS PRESENTS NEW YEAWS GIFTS." E HAVE JUST RECEIVED a large as- sortment of Goods suitable for the com- ing seasons, consisting of ELEGANTLY BOUND BOOKS, And very suitable as Girf-Ts. We have GIFTS FOR THE YOUNG, Anp GIFTS FOR THE OLD, GIFTS FOR THE LADS, Axp GIFTS FOR THE YOUNG LADIES, GIFTS FOR THE MABRIED, Axp GIFTS FOR THE SINGLE. In fact, we have such a variety that we have of the Corporation of the County of Perth, at the next Session of the Provincial Parliament, to apply for an Act to consolidate the Municipal Loan Fund Debt of the said County. ANDREW MONTEITH, Warden. Gifs Suitable to all Classes, And they will be sold at our usually low rates. Come and inspect our Stock at the old Stand. : VIVIAN & Co., Dated December 30th, 1863. 2¥-2m Corner Store leading to the Market.