County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 9 Mar 1864, p. 4

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wT SF 4 THE COUNTY OF PERTH HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1864. Business Mirectory. OPA W. D. Harrison, UCTIONEER. APPRaISER, GENERAL Commission Agent, &c., Inspector of Weights and Measures, County of Perth. All orders left at this office promptly attended to Shae? 10-tf Robert Smith, L. L. B., ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c. . Ovrick:--Opposite John A. Scott's Store, Stratford. 5-tf Carrali and MecCullech, ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLICITORS B in Chancery, Conveyancer &c. . Stratford. J, A. McCuzocn. 28-tf. ' J. A. CABRRALL. James P, Woods, ARRISTER and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, §c., &c., Stratford, C. W. Office in Lynch's Block. Stratford, 23rd Dec., 1863. 26-y Mr. Wm. Barker ayes EGS TO INFORM the inhabitants of this County and of the Town of Stratford, that be has opened a new Boot and Shoe stere at his old stand. He takes this opportunity of thanking his old gustomers for the support which they heretofore extended to him, and hopes they will again give him atrial. He is prepared to turn out every- thing in h's line second to no other house in town as to quality and cheapness. A large lot of ready-made work always on hand; also a large quantity of leather for sale. Remember the p'ace, Huron Street, immediately west of Mr N. G. Croker's Hotel. 20th January, 1864. 30-y Reid & Humphry, ARRIAGE AND WAGGON MAKERS, General Blacksmiths, Horse Shoers, &c.-- fob Work and Repairing done at the shortest otice and on the most reasonable terms. Shop opposite Moore's Hotel, Huron Street, Stratford. R. Williams, LERK of the First Division Court for the County of Perth, Ontario Street, Stratford. Agent for British and American Fire and Life Ensurance Companies. Notes and Accounts collected without delay, and on reasonable torms. 1-tf Joseph Doupe, "IVIL ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL © Land Surveyor, Appraiser, Conveyancer, &c., Queen Street, St Mary's, C. W. Land Surveying of every description prompt- fy executed, and Disputed Lines carefully ad- usted. Rererences --T. M. Daly, Esq., Stratford ; T B Guest, Esq, St. Mary's; D Cathcart, Esq, Blanchard; Edward Long, Esq, St Mary's; E cee Esq, St Mary's ; Jno Robinson, Esq, _E. St Mary's, August 17, 1863. 8-6m The Corn Exchange, OTEL and Restaurant, Market Square, Stratford. THOS. HOLIDAY, Proprietor, Late Ben. Sleet. Stratford, Feb. 9th, 1864. 33-y A. Hi. Thompson, M. D., fYOM@OPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SUR- GEON. Office over Mr. Horne's Store, Stratford Dec. 1st 1863. 23-y William Osborne, Ot ee a AS ES. eat [S PREPARED to make Pumps on the most improved principles, and to furnish them at _the lowest remunerative profit. All Orders left at his residence, rear the Railway Station, or otherwise, will meet with prompt attention: References :--P Watson, Thos J Birch, James Stewart, Moir & Gaudy, Jas Corcoran. -- 16-tf Dr, D. Waugh, AY BE CONSULTED athis Residence, On- tario St., Stratford, asformerly. 14-ly King's Hotel. Y ARKET STREBRT, Stratford. First Class 1 accommodation for Travellers at reason- e@ble rates. The Stabling is the best in Town. Well Equipped Livery Stables Attached. l-y H. Kine. John F, Scholtz, ANUFACTURER OF WHIP-LASHES Market Square, pays the highest prices for Sheep-skins, Deer-skins, Pig-skins, Calf- ékins, Horse and Cow-hides, and all kinds of Furs. Stratford, Nov. 3rd, 1863. Alfred Burnham, Division Court Agent Collector and General Agent. 19-y TOTES AND ACCOUNTS LEFT WITH THE advertiser will be collected without delay and at moderate charges. as soon as collected, Office at Messrs Fuller Brothers Hardware Merchants Stratford. Stratford, Nov, 24th 1863, 22-tf Side. W. R. Roberts, WATCH MAKHER, STRATORD, C. W., ext door to Dutton's Drug Store, has now for sale at the lowest possible prices, a lot of Gnely finished Spectacles, eye-glasses and @oggles, with the very best Scotch and German pebble glasses, to suit all sights. . Short sight lengthened, Weak sight strengthened, . And good sight preserved. Also, for sale watches, clocks, and an asgort- All moneys paid over ment of fine gold jewelry. Particular attention paid to jobs left for Repairs. 'Stratford, Oct., 6th 1863. Matthew Brennan, ATENT WINDOW BLIND MANUFACTU- RER, Erie Street, Stratford, C. W. 17-6ms 9-tf Business Directory. ~™""Beward A. Paget, HYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur.-- Coroner for the County of Perth. Espe- cial attention paid to diseases of women and children. Every description of Surgical opera- tions performed when required. l-y Charles Kahn, {URGEON DENTIST. Office--Rooms Nos , >) 4 and 5 Glasgow Warehouse. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. 1-tf ? Ga eS SS: ees ¢. Cartwright, "URGEON DENTIST, Ontario Street, oppo- s site the Post Office, Stratford, C. W. PHOTOGRAPHS Taken in the adjoining Carin every variety and at all Prices. 1-tf Union Hotel, MITCHELL. TITHE above Hotel, lately occupied by Robert | Armstrong, Esq., is now open for the travelling public. The house has been newly furnished, and is in the very best condition. The very best Liquors will be found in the bar, and the choicest viands on the table. Good Stabling and an'attentive Dostler. JAMES ALLEN, Proprietor. Mitchell, Feb. 8th, 1864. 33-y i MUSIC. Mrs. J. G. Kirk, NEACHER OF PIANO-FORTE AND ME- lodeon, at her residence, Ontario Street, Stratford. 26th January, 1864. 31-3m British North American Hotel, ERIE S8T., STRATFORD, BY RICHARD A. FORREST. HE SUBSCRIBER HAS LATELY FITTED up the above Hotel in the most comfort- able manner 'o accommodate the travelling public. The bar is furnis*ed with the choicest Liquors. Good Stavling and an attentive hostler always 7} in attendance. Stretford, Sept 22 1863. [3-ly W. R. Emery, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, HREE Doors West of Forbes' Hotel. The best ready-made work in town, Cheap for Cash. Repairing in the best style. Stratford, June 4, 1863. -1-tf FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. HE SUBORIBER, in returning thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him since he commenced business, would respect- fully announce to his customers and the public generally, that he has received a select supply of Fashionable and Seasonable Goods, and is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him in his line with neatness and despatch. 23-La- test Fashions always on hand. _ DAVID CASSELS. Stratford, 6th Oct., 1863. 15-tf STATFORD MILLS, James Kyle EGS TO ACQUAINT THE PEOPLE OF Stratford and the surrounding neighbor- hood, that he is prepared to supply Fiour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bueck- wheat Fiour, Oatmeal, &c., Of the best quality, for Family use, and at reasonable cash rates. The best price paid for all kinds of grain. x3" Remember the Mills at the Bridge. Stratford, Jan, 14th, 1864, 29-tf PREMIUM HARNESS SHOP. HE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO buy Harness, ete., is at LESLIE'S, He took the First Prize for three successive years at the County Show. Shop opposite the Palmerston Hotzl, Ontario Street. Stratford, 20th Oct., 1863. NEW CONFECTIONERY HENRY GIBSON, Market Street, Stratford. 17-tf All kinds of Plain and Fancy CONFECTIONERY Always on hand. WEDDING CAKES Made to order. Ginger Beer, Lemon and Sar- saparilla Syrups, Ice Creams, &c. THA CAKHS, Of every variety. t= THE TRADE SUPPLIED. _ TERMS :--Cash or Trade. Stratford June 1 1863. _ - REMEMBER BEATTY & LAWSON'S FALL & WINTER STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAP AS USUAL FOR CASH. ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD Dated Sept. 9, 18353. 12 Stoves ! Stoves! Stoves! JOHN PARKER EGS TO ACQUAINT the people of itrat- ford and surrounding townships, that he bas now on hand a large Stock of Stoves, COOKING, PARLOR, AND BOX STovs, Farmers' Agricultural Furnaces, Which he will offer for sale on most reasonable terms. He is also prepared to undertake all kinds of work in his line, such as ROOFING, EAVE-TROUGHS, SHEET IRON WORK, HEAVY AND LIGHT COPPER-WORK, And Plumbing. The best of material always used, and for workmanship,--give him a trial. Kitchen Pumps, Lead Pipe, Sheet Zine, and a superior article of heavy Stove Piping. Highest price allowed for Sheepskins, Rags, and Furs. PLOUGHS AND COAL OIL For Sale Wholesale and Retail. <3" Shop--Monteith's Block, one door east of the Post Office, Stratford, Noy. 10th, 1863. 20-y MONTREAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $200,000. § Bec COMPANY continues to effect insur- ances against Fire and Inland Navigation Risks on as ravorable terms as offered by any responsible Office. Head Office :--No. 9, Great St. James St. For further information, rates &c., apply to G. HORNE & Co., Merchants, Agents. Ontario St, Stratford, 1563. 14-y Hartford Hire Insurance Go, HARTFORD CONN, INCORPORATED 1810. CAPITAL, $500,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ROM a statement of the condition of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, on the first day of November, A. D. 1803, made to the Minister of Finance of the Province of Canada, in conformity with the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, sec. 11, Act, 23 Vic., Chap. 33, it ap- pears that, the Capital is five hundred thousand dollars, the whole of which is paid up. The total assets are............ $1,229,334 00 LIABILITIES. Liabilities to Banks or others, due or MOU CUE his. c e's ss... gad be Sass None. Losses adjasted and due, or not due None, Losses either unadjusted or adjusted BUT MOT ONG on oes he es eed $34,750 24 Losses in suspense, awaiting further DEDOl csi. Bits «SRD eel ' None. All other claims against the Com- PNY city vic oss ss Epes wea eS h 4ih None. Total Liabilities........ $34,750 24 Amount of Premiums earned the past WOOL. 46 osaly om Vl peas Hiei -$337,837 55 Amount of Premiums unearned the PORE WEAR a6 eo oboe ade Shin o> 241,230 31 State of Connecticut, : ss County of Hartford, 4 H. Huntington, President, and T. ©, Allyn, Secretary of the Hartford Fire Insurance Com- pany of Hartford, Connecticut, U. S,, béing duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that they are the above described officers of the Company aforesaid, and that on the first day of November last all of the above described Assets were the absolute property of the Com- pany, free and clear from any claim thereon by any person or Corporation, except as herein stated, and that the foregoing statement is a true, full, and correct statement of the condition and affairs of said Company on the first day of November last, according to the best of their in- formation, knowledge and belief. H, HUNTINGTON, TIMO. C. ALLYN, President. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me, at Hart- ford, the 13th day of January, 1864. URIAH CASE, Justice of the Peace. A, B. CHAFFEE, General Agent and Attorney for the Canadas. Montreal, February, 27, 1864. Any losses sustained in Canada will be paid in Canadian funds. U. C. LEE, Agent, Stratford. 35-3m E"or Sale, A TAVERN STAND A™ 20 acres of land, being part of Lot , 1, 6th Con., Mornington. _ Good buildings attached. f rz It is the best stand in the township. For particulars apply to é JOSEPH MONTGOMERY. Stratford, 24rd Feb., 1864. 'Edgecombe P. 0., Feb, 6th, 1864. 33-3m .|Ever brought west of Toronto. | HOUSE - FURNISHING HARDWARE, HAR DA, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW MAKING extensive alterations in their premises to accomodate their rapidly growing business.-- To make room for these improvements they are now offering such inducements as will draw large crowds tothe old stand, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL Where will be found one of the most extensive stocks of ENGLISH, GERMAN & AMERICAN HARDWARE, The subscri- bers' advantages are such that they'can offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To close buyers. They would call special atten- tion to the following: 250 Tons Govan, Bar, and Red Iron; 20 Tons Band and Hoop Iron ; 100 Tons Gartsher- rie No 1 Pig Iron; 100 Tons Blossburgh and Leheigh Coal; 25 Tons Mon- treal Best Scrap Iron Nails ; 500 Half Boxes Glass; 50 Cases Glass from 24 x 36 to 40 x 50; 30 BARRELS PLASTER PARIS, 20 BARRELS WATER LIME. CRADLES, Warranted natural Bends. A full assortm ent Carpenter's, Blacksmith's and Cooper's Tools. In every variety. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL FULLER BROS. Stratford, August 10, 1863, T-tf THE LARGEST, THE CHEAP ST, And the Best Stock of FURNITURE AND CABINET-WARE Ever offered in this part of the country has been opened for sale JOHN D. FEE, Of the Firm of G. P, Walter & Co., Manufact- urers, Bowmanville. He will sell WHOLEALE § RETAIL Eor Cash At prices which he thinks cannot fail to attract attention and secure trade. In connection with the above he offers a large and well selected stock of HARDWARE, Comprising every article usually soldin tke line, which has been bought in the BEST MARKETS, And will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. One trial will be sufficient to convince the most incredulous. Z JOHN D. FEE. Stretford, 29th Oct., 1863. 14-tf HE Warden will be in attendance at the Clerk's Office on the first Wednesday in each month. The Clerk's Office will be open every Tuesday and Wednesday, from 10 to 3; and the Treas- urer's Office on the first and third Wednesday of each month, during the same hours. gust Issued From the Press, a new Book entitled * THE CANADIAN Domestic Lawyer," BY JOHN WHITLEY, Esgq., Attorney-at-Law, Toronto, Containing Law Forms of every~ description. The following is a synopsis of the work: Affidavits. Goods, Sale of, Agreements. House. Arbitration, Hiring. Assignment. Landlord and Tenant. Auctions. Leases. Bills of Exchange. Line Fences and Water- Bond. courses, Chattel Mor! gage. Master and Servant. Collection of Debts. Mortgages. Contracts. Naturalization. Deeds. Notice to Quit. Distress. Partnership.. Patents for Inventions Promissory Notes. Receipts and Releases. Division Court. Equity of Redemption. Executors and Admin- istrators. Rents. Fences, Sale of Goods. Fixtures. Servant. Frauds, Statute of. Wills and Intestacy, Gift of Lands, Deed of. This book is suitable to the Merchant, Far- mer, and Mechanic. 150 CANVASSERS WANTED MMEDIATELY FOR THE ABOVE WORK, to canvass the entire Province, to whom a liberal commission will be given. Applica- tion may be made personally or by letter [prepaid] to VIVIAN & Co., Publishers, Stratford, C, W. Stratford, 6th Jan., 1864, BLACK WOOD'S MAGAZINE And the British Reviews. Prices Cheap as ever to those who pay prompt- ly in advance. 7 OTWITHSTANDING the cost of Reprinting N these Period cals has more than doubled in consequence of the enormous rise in the price of Paper and of a general advance in all other expenses--and notwithstanding other publish- ers are reducing the size or increasing the price of their publications, we shall continue, for the year 1864, to furnish ours complete, as hereto- fore, at the old rates, viz: ; 1--The London Quarterly [Conservative.] 2--The Edinburgh Review (Whig. 8--The North British Review (Free Church) 4--The Westminster Review [Liberal.] 5--Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory) TERMS: For any one of the four Reviews, $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews, 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews, . 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, .° 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review, . 5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, . 10 00 These publications possess unusual interest at this time from the numerous articles they contain in relation to our own country, and al« though many of them are strongly tinctured with prejudice and represent us somewhat un- fairly, others are entirely free from such objec- tions, and afl contain many wholesome truths which it will do us no harm to read and ponder. Canada subscribers must remit in Canada money, and will receive the Periodicals free of United States Postage. Those ordering them from Thomas Winter, Stratford, will receive them free of postage. w3- The Third Edition of the September Number of Blackwood, containing an article by an English Officer who was present at the battle of Gettysburg, is now ready--price 25 cents. Remittances and communications should be ddressed to LEONARD SCOTT & Co., Publishers, No. 38 Walker Street, New York. We also Publish the FARMER'S GUIDE, By Henry Srrpaens, of Edinburgh, and the late. J. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Octavo, 1600 pages and numerous engravings. Price $6 for the two vols. By mail $7. L. SCOTT & Co. New York, Jan. 20th, 1864. 32 Che County of Perth Herald Is YUBLISHED Every Wednesday Morning, BY Ve Vos Gee Os AT THEIR OFFICE Corner of Ontario and Market Sts., At $2.00 per Annum, or $2.50 at the end of the year. Parties desiring to advertise must hand in their Advertisements by 2 o'clock on Tuesday after- noon in order to secure insertion, This rule will be strictly adhered to. Baa ila, TERMS OF ADVERTISING: First insertion per line..........0.++++. 30.08 Each subsequent insertion.............. 0.01 Cards not exceeding six lines, per annum, 4.00 Over six lines and under ten " 2 6.00 A liberal discount allowed to parties advertig- ing by the column or year. et Advertisements without written instructions willbe inserted untilforbid and charged ae- cordingly. 6 My Any person ending 8 the names of 6 sub- 8. CAMPBELL, County Clerk. scribers, accompanied with the cash, will be - , entitled to receive one number gratis. i inf

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