THE ee CUNTY OF PERTH HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1864. ~l s Montreal Markets. Fall Wheat © 2. or... 99¢ @ 93¢ Spring Wheat .......... 95¢ @ 1 00 Flour according to quality, 320 to 5 58 Oatmeal per barrel ...... 475 to 5 00 Barley per 59 lbs., ....... Mc to 5c Peas per 66 Ibs. ......... 65e to 70 Cate per Sd lhe... 40¢ to 00 PeeROOe WORDS oss ce os ne l6c to 18 Pork, per barrel ........ 10 00 to 14 50 ee a ee ere 500 to 5 50 New York Markets. Wheat--Spring ...... $160 @ 1 62 Winter Wheat .....-- £72 MO 175 BIRTHS. PETRIE--On the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. John Petrie, near Donegal, Elma, of a daughter. ENGLES--In Stratford on Friday, the 4th inst., the wife of A. Engles, Esq., watchmaker, of a son. Special Notice. Helmbold's Extract Buchu, The Great Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu, The Great Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu, The Great Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu, The Great Diuretic. And a Positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, And all diseases of the Urinary Organs, See Advertisement in another Column. Cut it out, and send for the Medicine at once. Beware of Counterfeits. 31-2m, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PLP PLD LLLP PPP PBL L PP PLP LOL PD PL LLLP PPL LDS DissolutionofP artnership HE Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned as Waggon Makers and Blacksmiths was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All parties indebted to the late firm are requested to settle immediately with Mr. John Vanstone, Jr., who will carry on the business and settle all debts against the firm. J. & 8. G. VANSTONE. Stratford, 7th March, 1864, 37-3in. ALEXANDER CAVEN, Importer and General Dealer in GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CROCKERY, 'Glassware, &c., &c., ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD. Stratford, 19th Feb., 1864. 35-y THE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST and the BEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES EVER OFFERED IN STRATFORD, AT Byers'. Stratford, Sept 15, 1863. 12-tf yy \ : f mm lO SELL OR. LET, the thriving Village of West's Cotes in the township of Mornington, Forty-nine and a Quarter Acres Of Land of superior quality, suitable for Village Lots. There is a good TAVERN STAND Situated on the corner, with cross roads, in the best business part of the Village, One Thous- and Dollars will be required down, and the bal- 'ance in annual instalments as the parties may agree. For further particulars apply to WM. BARKER, Stratford. 27th January, 1864. 31-tf $50 REWARD. OST IN. THE MARKET, ON SATURDAY last, about 11 o'clock i in the forenoon, A POCKET BOOK And Pass Book ; the Pocket Book containing $150 in Five Dollar Commercial Bank 'Bills, and Two $1 Bills, also a cheque for $540 on the Commercial Bank here, and a draft for $270 payable in Ottawa, with a Telegram from Ottawa to W. Marshall, and a Railroad Receipt. The above Reward Will be paid to any one delivering the same at the Store of Messrs, Fuller Brothers, in Stratford, or leaving such information as will either jead to the recovery of the Pocket Bodé with its contents, or the conviction of any party unlawfully detaining the same. WALTER MARSHALL. Stratford 13th January, 1864. 29-tf FARM TO LET. OT 16,4 Con. township of Downie, in- bd on the premises, RS. HILTS. 36-3in Downie, March Ist, 1864 Dissolution of Partnership f° HE Partnership heretofore existing between ; the undersigned as Printers, Bookbinders, Rooksellers, and Stationers, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. In making this announcement, we beg to return our sincere thanks to our numerous friends throughout the Country, for the very large measure of patronage which we have received since entering into business, and trust that the same evidence of public favor will be extended to our successors, Messrs. Vivian & Mappocks, by whom the business will be carried on in future. The liabilities of Vivian & Co., willbe dis- charged by Messrs. Vivian & Mappocxs, to whom all debts due to the late firm are to be aid. , SAMUEL VIVIAN. ABIJAH SMITH: VIVIAN & MADDOCKS, SUCCESSORS TO VIVIAN § CO., OULD inform the patrons of the late firm, and the public generally, that the busi- ness will be continued by them in all its branches as heretofore, and that they are mak- ing arrangements for conducting it on a more extensive scale by the introduction of additional machinery. The large measure of confidence awarded to their predecessors by the public they will endeavor to maintain, and assure their friends that no efforts will be wanting on their part to give entire satisfaction. Stratford, February 25th, 1864. Facts for the People. WILLIAMSON'S WILLIAMSON'S. PANTS, WILLIAMSON'S VESTS, Are Unsurpassed for STYLE, DURABILITY, And CHEAPNESS TRY THEM. A. WILLIAMSON, Sign of the Golden Fleece, 4 Doors West of the P. O. Stratford, Dec., 1863 COATS, 26-tf Situation as Housekeeper Wanted. N elderly person is desirous of engaging as Housekeeper, in the country, or near a village. an be depended on as trustworthy. A comfortable home more an object than sal- ary. Address (postpaid) to N. RK. H. care of the Editor of the Perth Herald. Strat'ord, March lst, 1864. 36-3in JOSEPH WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Wines and Liquors. assortment of f.esh Liquors to suit the Fall Trade. Country Merchants and Hotel Keepers would do well to call before purchas- ing elsewhere. All orders promptly attended to New Groceries. SUPPLY OF FRESH GROCERIES AL- ways on hand. JOSEPH WATSON. Erie St., Stratford, 29th } September, 1863. 14-tf STRATFORD FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. Gs. ot Ar MAN ; MANUFACTURER OF STOVES, PLOWS, Cultivators, Road Scrapers, Reaping & Mowing Machines, Threshing Machines, Separators and Cleaners, Horse Powers, &c., &., STRATFORD, Cc. w. The Retail Trade supplied with Ploughs, &c. Steam Engines built and repaired. Iron and Brass Castings of every description made to order. Orders taken for Thrashing Machines and Se- parators [with Pitts' Improved Horse Powers]. Only a limited number is to be made this season, J. SHARMAN. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf PRIVATE BOARD. WO or three respectable young men can be accommodated with board [and lodg- ings if required] by applying at this office TERMS LIBERAL. 'Stratford, Feb. 2, 1864, 36-3in fae SUBSCRIBER is just receiving a large | SPRINC "ASSIZES. COUNTY OF PERTH. TOTICE is hereby given that the Courts of N Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, and of Assize and Nisi Prius, in and for the Uounty of Perth, will be held at the COURT HOUSE. IN TSE TOWN OF STRATFORD, on FRIDAY, 25th of MARCH, 1864, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which time and place, all Magistrates, Cor- oners, Constables, and others interested, are required to take notice, and give their attend- ance accordingly. ROBERT MODERWELL. Sheriff of the County of Pez1h. Sheriff's Office, C. P., ; Stratford, 15th Feb., i864. To whom it may Concern. 7 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mr. M. F. { Casey, lately carrying on business in Stratford and St. Mary's, asa dealer in Boots & Shoes, and George Sandford having re-as- signed the Goods, Chattels, Stock-in-trade, Books, Book debts, and effects, te the under- signed, for the benefit of Creditors, without preference or priority, all persons indebted to the said Estate will please'pay the same to Mr J D Macdonell, of St Sarys, who only is author- ized to granta discharge. All accounts not paid within one month, will be placed in suit. Parties having claims on said Estate will send the same duly certified to Charles Parsons, Esq., Toronto, within one month from date, otherwise they will be debarred from participating in the first dividend. 35-td Cuartes Parsons, Tuomas SAMUEL, Assignees. 34-4in 15th Feb., T. STONE SADDLE. "HARNESS TRUNK MAKER,| WELLINGTON ST., STRATFORD, Opposite the Market, Always keeps on hand everything in the Sad- dlery line, Cheap for Cash or short Credit. 1864. rs The Oldest established Shop in the County . Stratford, June , 1863. -tf THE OLD ESTABLISHED TIN SHorP ost A Erie Street, SPA Po BR De G. W. BYERS, PRACTICAL TINSMITH Has always on hand a large stock of STOVES, PLOWS, AND TIN W ARE. Eave-troughs, Roofing, &c. Put up by Experienced Workmen, and guaran teed to stand, Ww. Job Work on the Shortest Notice. Remember--Opposite the Commercial Bank. Stratford, June 1, 1863. WACCONS 4 { ay S: C LAGES - 9 HE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND A large assortment of seasonable material for manufacturing ) CARRIAGES, "WAGGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &e., ke. HORSE SHOEINC And repairing done with neatness and despatch, Farmers' Shoeing done at $7 per span yearly. Axes and Edge Tools repaired and tempered. Newly opened with first-class Workmen in Crippen's old stand, ROBERT E. WALKER. Stratford, August 10, 1863, 7-tf E:stray. AME into the enclosure of the subscriber, Lot, 12, Con. 7, township of Mornington, A Brindled Muley Heifer, two or three years old, on or about the middle of Oct., 1863. The owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take the sameaway. JOHN. MAGWOOD. Mornington, March Ist 1864. 36-3in FALL & WINTER GOODS. rYPN\HE the SUBSCRIBER Stock of Mr. HAVING PURCHASED ON VERY LOW TERMS fiugh McKenzie, * Will offer it, together with large supplies which he is daily receiving, at SUCH LOW PRICES AS WILL ASTONISH THE CLOSEST BUYER. His Stock will be found to comprise A FUL AS FANCY By CROCERIES AN SGORTMENT AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, R e | aa, Se D CROCKERY, All of which having been purchased for Cash, will be disposed of at a lower advance on cost FOR CA SH OR MERCHANTABE PRODUCE ONLY, Than ever before offered in Stratford. Remember the Stand, the Neelands', Erie Street. Stratford, Dec. Ist,, 1863. Shop lately occupied by Hugh McKenzie, neat door to James A. H. MONTGOMERY. 23-tf ny ohn Wanstone, MANUFACTURER OF Waggons, ida des Sleighs, 98.55 Os GAS aia SFR 8 no T HAVE NOW Cutters in every variety. &C. ON HAND a large lot' of Sleighs manufactred expressly for the' Farmers of this County, and am still engaged in the manufacture of Sleighs and HORSE-SHOEING DONE ON THE PREMISES Either by the piece or the year, JOB WORK DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. Anything required on the Farm made to order, Remember the place, the Shop with the red front, Huron St., a little west of the Bridge' JOHN VANSTONE. EF'resh Arrivals. FALL & WINTE R DRY GOODS. THOMAS H. GOWAN N RETURNING SINCERE THANKS to his friends and numerous customers for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, would respectfully announce that he has re- ceived his new Stock of Goods. The Stock is very large and well-selected in all its branches, His Stock of Dry Goods is very attractive, consisting in part of PRINTS, HATS, § DRESS GOODS i BLANKETS, COBOURGS, CAPS, in great variety. SHAWLS, ORLEANS, RIBBONS, SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS, DELAINES, FEATHERS, WHITE COTTONS, JKANS, ALPACAS, HOOP SKIRTS, FACTORIES, MUFFLERS, LUSTRES, TABLE COVERS, TICKINGS, SCARFFS, WINCEYS, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, GLOVES, &c., English Stock and Canadian Tweeds in great variety ; also a large supply of CROCERIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, Newly imported, and cannot be "ahenlad if agate in the county. He would direct special attention to his Stock of Teas, Coffees, Tobaccos, &e., &e, feeling satisfied that he can suit all who may require a first-rate article at a moderate price; also a full assortment of HARDWARE, PATENT MEDICINES, BOOKS & STATIONERY, &c, The above Goods have been selected with great care as to their suitability to the wants and requirements of the Farming community, all of which will be sold at the lowest possible prices, as he is determined not to be undersold by any House in the trade. Silver taken at par. A premium of 5 per cent. allowed on Bills. Gowanstown, 3rd Oct., 1863. THOS. H. GOWAN. 15-tf FARM FOR SALE. OT 41, Ist CON., SOUTH EASTHOPE, only one mile from Stratford. Thirty Ares cleared. The best farm in the County. Will be exchanged for property in Stratford. Apply to P.R. JARVIS. Stratford, 1864. 29-tf JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF PURE PORT WINE, FOR Medicinal Purposes IN BOTTLES OR OTHERWISE. PETER WATSON, 13th Jan., Stratford, August 7, 1863. is 1-tf Support Home manufacture, W. D. BUCKLE, SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER, DEALER IN PALM OIL, SODA ASH, BLACK SALTS, &e, Orders respectfully solicited, and punctually supplied. Factory on Erie Street, north of Bi: Albion Hotel. fi Stratford, July, 5, 1863. Bat Oo. mo: EV DUTTOM, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. GENUINE _ rig For the | use of the sick Sxatford, July 14, 1 th a t