THE COUNTY OF PERTH HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1864. N. H. DOWNS' VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELLEXIR. A Certificate worth a million. An old Physician's Testimony. READ : Waterbury, Vt. Nov, 24th, 1804 Although I lo not like the practice of Physicians recom- mending, indisc:iim- inately, the patent meflicines of the day; yet after a trial of tn years, I am free to admit there is one : medicine before the publ c thatany Phys ician can use in his practice, and recom- mend to the public with perfect confi- dence; that _ medi- | cine is the Rev. N, H. Downs' Veget- able Balsamic Elixir. ' I have used it my-; self with the very } best suce ss, and: now whenever I am troubled with a Congh or Cold, I in- | variably use it. I ean cheerfully re- commend it to all: who are suffering} from a ;Cough or a Cold, for the Croup, Whooping-Cough, & ; all diseases tending | to Consum; tion,and to the Profession as arei ble article. { J am satisfied of its excellence beyond a doubt, having con- versed -- personally | with the Rev, N. H.:} Downs about it. } He informed me of! the principal ingre- dients 0° which the : Elixu 13s composed, : all «cf which are' purely Vegetabie & ; perfectly safe. J.B. WOODWARD, M. D Now Brigade - Sur geonU S. Army. | Sold at every throughout Canada. -- 2 o> ae Oe re This old, time- tried, standard re- medy still maintains its : popularity When all others have proved ineffici- ent, the Elixir alone continues to give satisfaction. Use it for COUGHS, COLDS, CATARRH, ASTHMA, CROUP, Incipient Consump- tion and all diseases of the Throat, Chest, aad Lungs. Tuirty-one years agu th: Elixir first its appearance ; and even, in its primitive and imperfect stat, produced such extra- ordinary results that it became at once a general favorite Many have made it what it really is, a Family Medicine, for as more than half the diseases to which flesh is heir to, ori- ginates from Colds, so this may be con- sidered a general preuentative of all -diseases, by remoy- ing the primeval cause. Aduits Should always kees this Family Physici- an at hand; and by its timely use s:ve hundreds of Dollars that would other- iwise be swallowed up in discharging 'Doctor's fees. Drug and Country Store Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1 per Bottle. 7 JOHN F, HENRY & Co, Proprietors. 303 St. Paul's St., Montreal, C. E., and Main Street, Waterbury, V t. HENRY'S VERMONT LINIMENT, Read these Certifi- . cates. i Monerean, April 8th, 1880. | Messrs. Henry & Co. } Your Vermont } Liniment has cured | me of a Rheumatism | which dad s-ttled in | my limb:, and for which blessing you | May well suppose [ | feel grateful -- T. Queanen. South Granby, C.W. Mr, Heury R. Gray, Chemist, Montreal. | Sir--I am most | happy to stite that! my wife used Hen- ry's Vermont 1.i-i- ment, having acci- | dentally gota needle ; run under her nail, | The pain was most intense, but by using | the Liniment the pain was gone in a: few minutes. H Yours very res-' spectfully. W.Girasun Moxtreat, ; Doc. 12, 1850. | Messrs Heary & Oo., | Paving on various SIWINIT LNOWUSZA S.AUNZ = iN ovcasions used your Linfment. I am hap- py to say that I al- ways found it bene- ficial. I have fre- quently used -it for Bowel Complaints, and have never known it to fail in effecting a cure, J :think it the best me- dicine I ever used for Dia.rhoea' summer complaint, and dis- orders of a similar character. I have also found it a never failing specific for colds, and for affec- tions of the head, I always recommend it to my friends, and not not be without it for any consider- ation. W. Batowty. 'Testimony from Hox. Judge Smith ) Mosrreat, Feb. 15, 1862. i T have used Henry's Vermont Linirent, and have fonnd great relief from it. SMITH. This popular me ticine is no longer an experi- ment. bear witness to its ¢ nu Liniment and Pain-Kiiler. company each bottle. ally for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Thousands of people who have used it | erior «xcellence as a Full directions ac- ft may be used extern- Head-ache, Burns, Scalds, ings, Sore Shroat, Lumbago, &c., &c., and may be used internall Morbns, Bowel Cholic, &c.. &c. Footh-ache, Bruises and Swell- y for Cholic and Colds, Ch lera Complaints, Diarrhoea, Wind Much might be said of its remedial properties and mavical efiects, but the lit this Advertisement will only summary. It is prepared with care: taken t> allot an exact propo united space of admit of a general great pains being rtion of each of its ingredients in such a manner that the combin- ation snall be, in every respect, at once more rapid in its operation, and more effectual, than than any other stmilar medicine, A single teaspoonful, taken in warm water or otherwise. as the taste may dictate, checks Di- arrhet, Choli-, and all Bowel Complaidts, within ® most incredible short spacc of time. Sold in every Drug and Country Store throughout Canada. Price 25 cents per Bottle. JOHN F. HENRY & Co, Proprietors, 303 St. Panl St., Montreal, C. E., and Main Street, Waterbury, Vt. Sold in Stratford by Dutton Haines, and George Waugh. Bros., Alfred 'Dissolution of Partnership | Rooksellers, and Stationers, has b-en this day dissolved by mutnal consent. In making this announcement, we beg to return our sincere thanks to Our numérons friends thronghout the Country, for the very large measure of patronag> which we have reevived si.ce entering into business, and trust that the same evidence of ub'ic favor will be extended to onr successors, Me-srs. Vivian & Mapp cxs, by whom the business will be carried on in future. The liabilities of Vivray § Co., willbe dis- Vivian & Mapp ocks, to YHE Partnership heretofore existing between VIVIAN & MADDOCKS, SUCCESSORS TO VIVIAN § CO., \ and the public generally, that the busi- ness will be continued by them in all its branches as heretofore, and that they are mak- it g arrangements for conducting it on a more est nsive scale by the introduction of additional machinery. The large measure of confidence awarded to their predecessors by the public they will endeavor to maintain, an! assure their frien ts that no efforts will be wanting on their part to give entire satisfaction. Stratford, February 25th, 1864, ALEXANDER CAVEN, Importer and General Dealer in GROCERIES, L'QUORS, GROCKERY, Glassware, &c., &c., ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD. Stratford, 19th Feb., 1864. 35-y THE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST and the BEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES EVER OFFERED IN STRATFORD, AT Byers'. Stratford, Sept 15,1863. 12-tf JOSEPH WATSON, | Wholesale and Retail Dealer in mer g Wines and Liquors HE SUBSCRIBER is just receiving a large ia / assortment of fiesh Liquors to suit the Fall Trade. Country Merchants and Hotel Keepers would do well to call before purchas- ingelsewhere. All orders promptly attended to N SUPPLY OF FRESH GROCERIES AL- ways on hand. JOSEPH WATSON. Erie St., Stratford, 29th September, 1863. STRATFORD FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. T 'ew G'roccries. 14-tf J. SHARMAN, MANUFACTURER OF STOVES, PLOWS, Cultivators, Road Scrapers, Reaping & Mowing Machines, Threshing Machines, Separators and Cleaners, Horse Powers, &c., &c., STRATFORD, Cc. w. The Retail Trade supplied with Ploughs, &c. Steam Engines built and repaired. fron and Brass Castings of every description made to order. Orders 'taken for Thrashing Machines and Se- parators [with Pitts' Improved Horse Powers]. Only a limited number is to be made this season, J. SHARMAN, Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf ry YET ala A 4 [0 SELL OR LET, N the thriving Village of West's Corners, in the township of Mornington, Forty-nine and a Quart:r Acres Of Land of superior quality, suitable for Village Lots. There is a good TAVERN STAND Situated on the corner, with cross roads, in the best business part of the Village, One Thous- and Dollars will be required down, and the bul- agree. For further particulars apply to WM. BARKER, Stratford. the undersigned as Printers, Buokbinders, | ; 7 OULD inform the patrons of the late firm, | ance in annual instalments as the parties may | Te and settle all debts against the firm. 4 KES SPRING ASSIZES. COUNTY OF PERTH. YOTICE is herehy given that the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Geuveral Gaol D 'livery, and of assize and Nisi Prius, in and for the County of Perth, will be held at the COURT HOUGE: FRIDAY, 25th of MARCH, 1864, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which time and place, all Magistratez, Cor- oners, Constables, and others interested, are required to t:ke notice, and give their attend- jance accordingly 3 ROBERT MODERWELL. Sheriff of the County of Pejuh. Sheriff's Office, C. P., Stratford, 15th Feb, 1864 35-td 0 REWARD. » OST IN THE MARKET, ON SATURDAY last, about 11 o'clock in the forenoon, L, A POCKET BOOK And Pass Book ; the Pocket Book containing $150 in Five Dollar Commercial Bank Bills, and Two $1 Bills, alsoa cheque for $549 on the Commercial Bank here, and a draft for $270 payable in. Ottawa, with a Telegram from Ottawa to W, Marshall, and a Railroad Receipt. The above Reward will be paid to any one delivering the same at the Store of Messrs, Fuller Brothers, in Stratford, or leaving such information as will either jead to the recovery of the Pocket Book with its contents, or the conviction of any party unlawfully detaining the same. WALTER MARSHALL. Stratford 13th January, 1864. 29-tf T. STONEY, SADDLE. HARNESS AND TRUNK MAKER, WELLINGTON ST., STRATFORD, Opposite the Market, Always keeps on hand everything in the Sad- dlery line, Cheap for Cash or short Credit. i> The Oldest established Shop in the County Stratford, June , 1863. -tf THE OLD ESTABLISHED "CLINT SFELOPYP Se! Erie Street, STRAT EORD, ¢ G. W. BYERS, PRACTICAL TINSMITH Eas always on hand a large stock of STOVES, PLOWS, AND TINWARE. W. Eave-troughs, Roofing, &c. Put up by Experienced Workmen, and guaran teed to stand, Job Work on the Shortest Notice. Remember-- R Opposite the Commercial Bank, Stratford, Ju ne 1, 1863. WACGONS ~ CARRIAGES, (TSE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND A ™ large assortment of seasonable inaterial for manufacturing CARRIAGES, WAGGONS. CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, Ke., &e. HORSE SHOEING And repairing done with neatness and despatch. Farmers' Shoeing done at $7 per span yearly. Axes and Edge Tools repaired and tempered. Newly opened with first-class Workmen in Crippen's old stand. ROBERT E. WALKER. Stratford, Augnst 10, 1863, 7-tf Dissolution of Partnership 5 vor Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned as Waggon Makers and Blacksmiths was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All parties indebted to the Jate firm are vested to settle immediately with Mr. John Vanstone, Jr, who will carry on the business J. & S. G. VANSTONE. 27th January, 1864, 3l-tf Te SUBSCRIBER HAVING PU the Steck of Mr. Will offer it, together with la~ge suy SUCH LOW PRICES AS WILL charged by Messrs : OF whom all debts due to the late firm are to be IN TE ri i 5 ae al YA MISH AN SEY gt i eins wie TOWN OF STRATFORD, FANCY AND STAI ABIJAH SMITH: oN » lili Sf FOR CASH OR MERCIIA Neelands', Erie Street. Stratford, Dec. Ist., 1863. rALL & WIN AS His Stock will be fou A FULL.AS! CROCERIES AN All of which having been pnrehased for Cash, wil Than ever before offe Remember the Stand, the Shop lately oceup R I N A. H. MONTGOMERY. 23-tf NAVE NOW ON HAND a large lot , Cutters in every variety. Anything required on Remember the place, the Shop with the red OF EE RS, Farmers of this County, and am still engaged in Waggons, Carriages, Sleighs, SOM OO. of Sleighs manufactred expressly for the the munufacture of Sleighs and HORSE-SHOEING DONE ON THE PREMISES Either by the piece or the year, JOB WORK DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. the Farm made to order, Jront, Huron St., a little west of the Bridge JOHN VANSTONE. ceived his new Stock of Goods. The Stock is His Stock of Dry Goods is very WINCEYS, TABLE CLOFHS, Newly imported, and cannot be surpassed, if e attention to his Stock of Teas, Coffees, Tobac all who may require a first-rate article a q Gowanstown. 3rd Oct., 1863. TOWELLINGS, English Stock and Canadian Tweeds in great variety ; also a large supply cf GROCERIES, WINES, AND LI cos, &c., «ce, feeling ta moderate price HARDWARE. PATENT MEDICINES, BOOKS & STATIONERY, &e, The above Goods have been selected with great care 4s to their tequirements of the Farming community, all of which will be sold a as he is determined not to be undersold by any House in the trude. E"resh Arrivals. FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS. THOMAS H. GOWAN N RETURNING SINCERE THANKS to his friends and numerous customers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, would respectfully announce that he has re« very very large and well-selected in all its branches. attractive, consisting in part of PRINTS, HATS, DRESS GOODS : BLANKETS, COBOURGS, CAPS, ; in great variety. SHAWLS, ORLEANS, RIBBONS, SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS, DELAINKS, FEATHERS, WHITE COTTONS, JEANS, ALPACAS, HOOP SKIRTS, FACTORIES, MUFFLERS, LUSRES, TAMLE COVERS, TICKINGS, SCARFFS, GLOVES, &c., QUORS, He would direct special satisfied that he can suit also a full assortment of ualled, in the county. ' Suitability to the wantsand t the lowest possible prices, Silver taken at par. A premium of 5 per cent. allowed on Bills. THOS. H. GOWAN. 15-tf FARM FOR SALE. OT 41, ist CON., SOUTH EASTHOPE, 4 only one mile from Stratford. Thirty Ares cleared. The best farm in the County, Will be exchanged for property in Stratford. Apply to P. R. JARVIS. 29-tf JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF PURE PORT WINE. FOR Stratford, 13th Jan., 1864. Medicinal Purposes In BOTTLES OR OTHERWISE. Stratford, 7th March, 1864, 37-3in. PETER WATSON, i-tf Str atford, August 7, 1863. Support Home manufacture, W. D. BUCKLE, SOAP AND CANDLE DEALER IN PALM OIL, SODA ASH, BLACK SALTS, &c, Orders respectfully solicited, and punctually supplied. Factory on Erie Street, north of the Albion Hotel. Stratford, July, 5-tf J. & F. DUTTON, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 5, 1863, PURE DRUGS AXD CHEMICALS. GENUINE a PORT WINE, For the use of the sick always in stock. Syatford, July 14, 1863. 3-&