See ge Ee ee THE COUNTY OF PERTH 'HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, '1864. while all those contemptible creatures of the McKellar, McKenzie stamp who formerly were only too glad to bask in the sunshine of his political smile, now regard him with suspicion, and have marked him off their list of friends having substituted in lieu of him that artfal dodger who is " too good, too unsuspecting for such a wicked world as this!' " While there is life there is hope." the proverb, and we do trust that the next daily. bulletin. issued from the Globe office will bear unmistakable evidence of a charge for the better, in the state of the "ex QOnontio." Should it not be so, we understand that a straight jacket, is to be put on him ; and in case of this well-known remedy fail- ing, he will be removed to a roomspecially set |. apart for him in the new asylum which is to be evected in Ham lion, and Doctor Ryerson jis to be his medical a t2ndent.--Specta'or Correspondence, PLP PAO ADA To the Editor of the Herald. Sir,--In your issue of three or four weeks ago some evil-disposed person very assiduously at- tempted to stir up enmity among the different religious denominations of Mornington, by de- preciating the general merits of one party, while concerning the other he was silent, which is evidently his modest way of contrasting. His first letter was replied to in becoming terms, but the same issue that contained that reply con- tained also a second letter of your seditious ¢on- tributor, which, though neither so abusive as its predecessor, nor containing such a chain of falsehoods, yet it contained one mistatement, which requires to be corrected, namely, that the proceeds of the Concert of which your readers have heard so much, were, by the Rev. Mr. Beattie's interdict, rejected and not applied to the use for which they were ostensibly obtained. Hoping that the respondent to your contributor's first would proceed to the completion of the work of which he made a valorous beginning, I have detained till now what your readers should have had some weeks ago. I have no desire to become a sectarian champion, but justice calls for a refutation of such a damaging falsehood, Now allow me to inform Mr, F. (for so he dubbs himself,) that the money has been received and appropriated without scruple by the Church authorities, as originally intended ; and that too by men of as high moral standing as himself. The fighting he referred to was the result of a uarrel between a few drunken men who came othe tavern demanding liquor, .and being re- tused chose to wreak their vengeance on the Inn- keeper by quarrelling among themselves ; the affair had therefore no connection with the Con- cert. " Facts are stubborn things," so says Mr. F. in his second epistle to the Morningtonians.. It . would be difficult for anyone of ordinary observ- ing powers to see what claim he can have on the use of such an assertion, judging by the cautious distance he maintains between him and them ; for he has scarcely been known to be within hailing distance of a fact since embarking in the undertaking of correcting our morals. Facts such as he records are known by another name among us--falsehoods! I wonder where he gets his ' facts"--perhaps at the fact-ory, whose head-quarters is at one of the commercial marts of Mornington, and whose president is a certain conspicuous individual among the " Sistern'"'; or perhaps he patronizes the ' Sewing-circle," an inexhaustible fountain of fact. Hither solu- tion is probable. When I undertook the writing of these letters I imagined I was in pursuit of nobler game; but "now tomy chagrin I discover, that instead' of chasing on a lion's trail I have been on that of a ~\ badger. I shall' therefore avoid closer proxim- lity, nor pursue him farther, for reasons obvious »\to everyone acquainted with the nature and pro- perties of that odoriferous animal. FAIR PLAY. Conmmerctal. AINE AR AD APARATO _ |) Stratford Markets. ost Ul Phe Yollowing Report is furnished by Messrs. , Hanson & Fairtield. Wepxespay, April 13th, 1864. Fall Wheat # push, fae $0 90 @ $0 95 Spring Wheat # bush..... ga. 10,00 0 82 Op eR CE) CEng Metis alae ae 0 38 0 40 Potatoes? bush 24. ee. 0 40 0 60 Peas bush...... me ahs I Ee 0 40 0 50 Rankeyodp buster 0°65 0 70 Timothy Seed per bush 126 2 30 Bloar par fbbl.j.j.)..5 i) ia... 7 4700 4 50 Ustinesl per Dbl. sgccnse esses 6 00 6 25 FREES DEE 1 ainsi w tom oh seysee «x0 2° 0.15 "= Store Packed' per lb...... 0122 O14 Migas per d0z. 0... eee s » de a RS 0 00 Mutton per 100 Ibs........... 4 50 5 00 Beef per cP0dbay... £4.i7. g. 400° 6.00 Rae er ton ste... ee ee ts 900 "11 00 Tallow Per Wire veces sues sess 0 06 0 07 Apples per Dag oT bee cee 100 1 25 Cordwood per cord........-+-. 1.25 1.50 IO POR BHI PO re Ss 0 08 0 09 Sheepskins....... A ER tis te 1.00 1.50 OHSS Bias nc Fons LO Rac: * ahsinee 4 00 4 50 BOBO, eke bse 5 vere ieee ead eal 25 0 37 BIRTHS. FS Stratford y off th@acth) matant., ~ dhe wife of Capt. Service; of @ son. e WILLSON--In South Easthope, onthe 27th inst., the wife of Mr. Wim. Willson; of a'son. WHALING--In Ellice, on the 3rd inst., the wife of John Whaling, Esq., af.a daughter. DUNSEITH--In.Downie,, on the morning of the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. John Dunseith, of a daughter.. + ; iy ¢ Pe TRY ' ' GF {ARRIED. eR ALS ie PIKE--TREDGER--At "the residence of the bride, in the Gore of Downie,. by the Rey. © 2° Joseph Hugill, onthe 6th inst., Mr. John ike, of 'the township of Downie, to Mrs, Eliza Tredger, of the same place. é DIED. pee atford, oh the' Ath inst.,~ Robert James, otily Son of D. W. Bixby, Esq., aged "ao (one yeary,six months, and-eleven 'days. / ' SCARTH--At Sebringville, on, the 3rd inst., © Rachael, the beloved' wife of Henry Scarth, Esq., aged 50 years. The de- ceased, sister Of J. Stinsdn, Esq., J. P., South Easthope, and Mrs, Donkin, Carron- brook, emigrated from Tipperary. Treland, |f With het late respected father's family. in "* 1834, and was much beloved by her t., neighbors, as evinced, by. the large attend- ~ ance at the funeral on the. 4th. She was » buried in the English Church burying * ground, Stratford. mere ft" SAL ae NEW DRY GOODS Grocery Store, ONTARIO. STREET, STRATFORD. one Pt ON od, 2 bls A i oer just received a large Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles Ladies', Misses', & Children's Boots and Shoes, Hoop Skirts, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BROAD CLOTHS, SUMMER COATINGS, TWEEDS, HATS, CAPS, GLOVFS, HOSIERY, §c., &c. The above Goods are all new, and as the selection has been made by the Subscriber himself, with great care, they will be found replete with all the popular innovations of the season, in style and fabric; and having adopted the Cash principle, eyery article is marked in plain figures at the lowest Cash price----A call is respectfully solicited. The subscriber will take pleasure in showing goods, even though no purchases are made. ee VERY NEWEST STYLES IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS, At JOHN J. CLARK'S no BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, At JOHN J CLARK'S Rie DRESS GOODS, At JOHN J.OL ARK'S r{\HE NEWEST YET IN BONNETS, At JOHN J CLARK'S Cee ar STRAW HATS IN TOWN, = At JOHN J CLARK'S ops AND SEE THE BEST RIBBONS, ' Be ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH FLOWERS, At JOHN J CLARK'S At JOHN J CLARK'S iy PY HANDSOME MANTLES, At JOHN J CLARK'S 'ag PRINTS, 11 cts per yard, At JOHN J CLARK'S (rr COTTON'S. VERY CHEAP, é At JOHN J CLARK'S Woe BEAUTIFUL SHAWLS, At JOHN J CLARK'S pees EXCEEDINGLY LOW, At JOHN J CLARK'S Npre DRESS GOODS, 11 cents per yard, j a At JOHN J CLARK'S fe FINE PRUNELLA BOOTS, 175 cts per PAIR, At JOHN J CLARK'S A MAMMOTH STOCK OF HOOP SKIRTS, At JOHN J CLARK'S ys MOURNING, At JOHN J CLARK'S Sous VERY CHOICE TWEEDS, --. At JOHN J CLARK'S wr VERY LOW PRICED UNIONS; ; At JOHN J CLARE'S greater variety, and cheaper than they are sold At JOHN J CLARK'S ia FACT EVFRYTHING THAT IS NEW. AND NOVEL WILL BE FOUND FP\WEED SUITS, ALL WOOL, 'in much Elsewhere, At JOHN J CLARK'S JOHN J. CLARK, Grocer, Wine, and Spirit Merchant. CHOICE TEAS FROM 35C. NO GREEN COFFEE, ; ' At JOHN J CLARK'S ; . ROASTED COFFEE, "Ground on the premises," ; At JOHN J CLARK'S eee OF ALL. GRADES, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, P At JOHN J CLARK'S (jienues i AND BEST TOBACCOS, IN TOWN, At JOHN J CLARK'S tet. CHEAP CROCKERY, s At JOHN J CLARK'S N= FRESH CURRANTS' & RAISINS, bs At JOHN J CLARK'S pos, SAUCES, SPICES, MUSTARD, At JOHN J CLARK'S Gaays PRESERVE, FRESH, / At JOHN J-CLARK'S = PRESERVES, FRESH, . At JOHN J CLARK'S Ae KINDS OF FANCY GROCERIES, : b At JOHN J CLARK'S Mos WINES & BRANDIES, " Pure," At JOHN J CLARK'S 7 v4 LARGE STOCK OF WINES & BRANDIES; CHEAP At JOHN J CLARK'S Gn RUM, SCOTCH & IRISH WHISKEY, At JOHN J CLARK'S cape CELEBRATED KIRKLAND'S TODDY WHISKEY, AG HE > shana AND" GINGER WINES, VERY ; At JOHN J CLARK'S COBOURG WHISKEY, SOLE AGENT FOR U. OQ. AtJOHN J CLARK'S " " NICE, Ba At JOHN J CLARK'S [[1% PRUSBRATED DOVER/STOUGHTON, «Warrantea} >. --s er. ChE i Zid OHACGE VAD VG) eat welt?) Up ALJOUN J. CKARK He UT | eats GMAKA wie ies oe YOU WANT NICE FRESH. GROCERIES, AT ALL TIMES GO TO JOHN J. CLARK'S,. AO '/ (ON THE PREMISES OF THE ° Cg CT A Te NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW STORE! J. R. PHILLIPS & Co., At J. Neelands' Old Stand, Stratford, -- "NEW GOODS! FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, r[\HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE OPENED OUT, IN THE ABOVE WELL KNOWN STAND, A varied and extensive Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, selected expressly for thig Market; and under circumstances which cannot fail to offer great inducements to buyers. Having purchased for Cash, they are enabled to sell at PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION Stratford, April, 1864. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCEHRIES Will be kept on hand, which have been purchased with the greatest care, REMEMBER JAMES NEELANDS' OLD STAND. J. R. PHILLIPS & Co. 42-3m sif ABSTHRACT--18s63. $< j ALEX. McGREGOR, Treasurer, in Account with the Town of Stratford. f Dr. $ OTs. Or. -$ CTs, UGGS LO "POKOR .y oos cts es ee aes 13,665 66 | 1863. By Interest on Outstanding De- 08 "Non-Resident Taxes, ...,. 2,418 32 bentures, . 2.0.8... --. 1,452 00 HT MBTOL JOORN, ot vise ce bo 4 1,618 66 "County Rates, 73018 9 1,748 43 "Market House--Cellars,.. 132 00 (, Municipal Loan Fund, .... 3,123 99 " Market House--Stalls,.... 337 25 " Insuramee} fithih Pf o.8h.. | '146 25 "Town Hall & Police Room, 141 00 Licenses refunded,....,, ., 70 00 Ki Bipanseay CAA sai 1,510 00 Salatieg,» vsarie 44550 611 yQB5 " Police Court, [Fines and He BONGO, Cok, «kas asd aie ond 1,650 0 Constables' Costs,...... 242 70 " Fire Company,......., 112 14 " Town Line Grant,....... 358 00 A ROME," Hidigs sh ade wiles 281 1%, " Street Repairs,......., 1,542 2% Minaey CODBER ic ode us "189 3% Waxes remitted, <0). .2 0. 103 08 " Constables' Fees,........, 167 6B ot Printing, Advertising, Sta- t tionery, and Postage,.... 261 33 Woods such oak domi s 5114 " Medical Fees for Poor and : Prisoners, bas isid tog: 18 "so Sundries. feu Pe) 688 * " Balance in hands of Treas- urer, December 31st,1863, © 7,955 ¥8 slmieder tsa --_------ $20,791 58 $20,791 6g whole correct. Stratford, March, 1864. We, the undersigned Auditors of the Town of Stratford, hereby certify that we have ex= amined the Accounts of the Treasurer and compared the Vouchers With the same, and find the "THOMAS CLARK, F C. D.. FAIRFIELD. [Signed, Auditors, 42-lin Received this Day, WILLIAMSON?3; "A CASE OF PRENCH TWEEDS, STYLE. AND QUALITY UNSURPASSED. Stratford, April 13th, 1864. 42-tf "Money to Lend, ° N Farm 'Property, for from one to ten years, 5 payable by installments, at a reasonable rate of Interest. DD? A Ye Listowell, Listowell, April 8th, 1864, 12. 3m PLOUGH, CULTIVATOR, Waggon and Carriage MANUFACTORY. a bee Subscriber "Tiag leased the) Premises Formerly occupied by S. Dunsmore, Fronting on Erie Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL BANK, And adjoining the Market Place, Where he intends to carry on the Manufacturing of Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, Waggons and Carriages. Having secured the services of Mr. Thomas Smith, late of Mitchell, [whose ability in this line is well known in this County,] and by the employment, of first class..w én, he hopes to merit a share of publi¢patronage:" Particular Attention | paid Horse-Shoeing 'and Gen-. ' 'eral Jobbing. -- ., WM. McKENZIE. to OLD PALMERSTON HOTEL. Stratford, April 13th, 1864. © 42-tf Stratford, April 13th, 1864...) 423m PUTS Fownship of Mornington. COURT OF REVISION, -- a f['HE Court of Revision for the reed Mornington, will be held in the Coun Room, Maxwell's Hotel, Millbank, on Monday,the 2nd day of May,1864,, Commencing. at 'Ten O'clock a. m. Applicants will please take notice 'and govern themselves accordingly. ri iad U. MoFADDEN, ~ EO PONE wt Township Clerk, 4th April, 1864. Neopia. ee The Court of Revision: | FoR THR) ws . 10 TOWNSHIP of DOWNIE,' |" E Rese the Assessment. Roll of 1864, will be J held in the Council Room, St. Paul's, On Saturday, April 23rd, 1864, oi } F Cutary ty At Ten O'clock | in the Forenoon. Applicants are requested to attend.' The Al. phabetical Rolls can' be seen at the Council Room on application. Kh oN WA) HIGGS" '¢ baa Township Clerk, * Downie, 13th April, 1864, , 5 AB td pg Shop at.the Bridge. 'HE Subscriber hag leased the Blackgmit' ii fe thé west end of the Bridgeford by Wm. Robertson, and lately oceupied by W.& F. Morrison, and is prepared to execute all work that may be entrusted to him. | Having "ha thirty years' experience in the above' busine employing none but good'workmen, aud by per= sonally 'superintending the work, he hopes to bé@: able to satisfy his customers. © 9" 8 seg IRON PLOUGEIS, WOOD AND IRON 'CULTIVATORS, 4 aati 3Si 261 9] Jol tog : Poa T hs to0) ape i |BRILL, CULTIVATORS, heer ct fand and made to Order... 42-37 « o3* THOMAS SMITH, 13th, 1864, Stratford, April