Le a eae THE. COUNTY..OF PERTH HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 13, 1864. 5 . Select Poetry. DDL LBEPP LP PLA LIL LDP LLLP LD IO OL "YT Gavea Fine Boy." Many years ago an African Prinee visited Eng- land, who, when asked what he had given for his watch; answered, '"' What 1 never will give again--I gave a fine boy !" which | . gave rise to the following lines, which I copy from an old Methodist Magazine. I think them too good to be_lost. vy March, 1864. When Avarice enslaves the mind, And selfish views alone-bear sway, Man turnsa savage to his kind, And blood and rapine mark his way. Alas.! for this poor simple toy. " I gavea hapless Negro Boy. His father's hope, his mother's pride, Though black, yet comely to their. view, I tore him helpless from their side, And gave him to a ruffian crew; To fiends that Africa's coast annoy Isold the weeping Negro Boy. From country, friends, and parents torn, His tender limbs in chains confined; I saw him o'er the billows borne, And marked his agony of mind ; But still to gain this simple toy I gave the weeping Negro Boy. His wretched parents long shall mourn, Shall long explore the distant main, In hopes to see the youth return ; But all their hopes and sighs are They never shall the sight enjoy, Of their lamented Negro Boy. vain, In isles that deck the western wave Idoom'd the hapless youth to dwell, A poor, forlorn, insulted slave, A beast that Christians (?) buy and sell, And in their cruel tasks employ, The much enduring Negra Boy. Beneath a tyrant's harsh command, He wears away his youthful prime, Far distant from his native land ; A stranger in a foreign clime ; No pleasing thoughts his mind employ-- A poor, dejected Negro Boy. But He who walks upon the wind, Whose, yoice. in thunder's heard on high, Who does the raging tempest bind, And hurl the lightning through the sky, In His own time will sure destroy The oppressors of the Negro Boy. From Chamber's Journal. LOST SIR MASSINGBERD. a ¢ Continued.) CHAPTER VYI.--HEAD OYER HEELS. Lobeyed' my tutorahd my friend: in' keeping all: I knew regarding Sir Massingberd! tomyself;) but the knowledge weighed, heavily upon, my spirits, for) several daysy , mind,recovered its youthful elasticity! . I began to' think' that Marmaduke's morbid» disposition had» perhaps': exaggerated» miatters > that: the baronetwas not so black as he was:paintéd:; that my friend would soon be his own master; and, in short, I laid all that flattering unction to my soul which is so'abundant in the case of the mis- fortune of others, and so difficult to be procured when the calamity is our own. Moreover, in a few days I was in-possession of an excellent horse, and there is nothing more antagonistic to melancholy--especially when it is vicarious--as a good gallop. Nay, more, after a litthe, Mar- maduke had a horse also. He came to call for me, that we should go out for a ride together the first day, and I shall not easily forget it. How handsome and happy he looked! as if the high- conditioned animal 'he bestrode had imparted to him some of his own fire and freedom, he wore scarcely any trace of his habitual depression. ' This.is our 4th of July,' said he gaily ; 'my day of independence, as the-rebels say !' It happened tobe his/birthday also--he was seventeen--so that,all things conspired' to make ita gala-day. My» tutor, who) was a judge of horseflesh, ex- amined the new steed with great attention. 'He is superb,' said he, ' and you sit him, Marmaduke, considering your scanty experience, like a young centaur. No one could imagine that your eques- trianism had been heretofore limited to a keeper's pony; and, moreover, Oliver's ponies are not aptto be very high-couraged. But what a tight curb /has this Bucephalus! He will not give you much trouble to hold him. "So-ho, so-ho, my nag! Are you a hypocrite, then, that you need be so alarmed at being inspected?' The sleek bay plunged and curveted, so that my own sober brown began to dance in rivalry. 'By the by,' continued Mr. Long, as though a sudden thought had struck him, 'I have occasion to visit Mr. Jervis of the farm at Staplehurst some day this week : if it is the same to you, let us go to-day ; it will be an object for your ride, while I shall have the pleasure of your company.' In a few minutes, my tutor's old white mare was brought round to the Rectory door by the gardener, who was groom and butler also, and we set out together at a foot's pace. Mr. Long never took his eyes off the bay, and therefore did not observe Sir Massingberd, who, with his huge arms resting on a gate by the roadside, watched us pass with a grim smile. © ' Well,' parson,' ex- claimed he--and at the sound of his voice I perceived: my tutor start in his saddle--' what think you of the little Londoner?' F "61 ¢annot say at present, Sir Massingberd,' returned my tutor with deliberation. 'He is a beatity to look at; and if he has no vice, is a bargain at five-and-thirty pounds.' : 'Viee? Why should he have vice, man? A child might ride him for that matter. I got him with the best of characters. But you'll 'neyer teach those lads to ride if you are always at their stirrup-leather, like this. Let them' ride alone, and race together. Don't treat them like a brace of mollycoddles. Why, at their 9°, I could have backed any horse in Christendom without a saddle. I wonder you dont give Miss Marmaduke a leading rein.' ; The colour which had faded from the lad's che. returned to them again at this sneer; but Mr. HON vaty remarked; 'If you had had a leading-rein yourseiz, Gj, Massingberd, at seyen- teen, it would have been a gicat deal better for you,' atd rode on without the least consciousness, as I beieve, of having made any such observa- ion. 5s Whe we had advanced about a mile, and had theft th village quite-behind us, my tutor ex- presseda wish to change horses with Marma- Oke. i AF ; 4. Lwentto try his paces,' said he; and cer- tainly, fhe had been a horse-breaker by profes- Sion, he ould not have taken more pains with fie. Soon; showevyer, my | | the animal. He trotted, he cantered, he galloped ; | he took him into a field, and over some fences ; 'he forced him by a wind-mill in full work ; and, | in short, he left no means untried to test his temper. In the end, he expressed himself highly | Satisfied.' Realfy,' said he, 'Sir Massingberd- | has got you a first-rate steed, with plenty» of | courage, yet without vice; he makes me quite dissatisfied with my poor old mare.' The' next day, and the next, we rode again without my tutor; and on the fourth day. it was agreed that we should take an expedition as far as Crittenden, some ten miles away, where Mr. Long wished us to do some commissions for him. By this time, Marmaduke was quite accustomed to his recent acquisition; enjoyed the exercise greatly; and since Sir Massingberd was much engaged with his guests, passed altogether more agreeable days. On the afternoon in questidn, the Hall party were out shooting, and had taken with them all the stable domestics except a raw lad who scarcely knew how to saddle a horse. 'Teannot think what is the matter this after- noon with * Panther' (we so called. his skittish animal), exclaimed Marmaduke; as» he rode' up tothe Rectory door. | 'I could scarcely get him to start from the yard, and he came here mostly upon his hind-legs. Is there anything wrong with his: girths, think yow ?:Neddid) not know where to lay his hands on anything; and. my uncle has taken William with-him to mark.' 'Nay,' said I, "I see nothing the matter. We will soon take off, his superfluous energy over Crittenden Common. Long, however, before we reached that spot, we had had . galloping enough and 'to. spare. Twice had Panther fairly taken the bit between his teeth (as:the romance writersoterny ity and Heaven forbid! thata mere sportsman should cor- rect them), and sped along the hard high-rdad at racing pace ;\and twice had» Marmaduke,' by patience and hard. pulling, -recovered the mastery, albeit: with split gloves'and blistered hands,, It was not enjoyment to' ride in: this fashion, of course, and had' it not 'been for the commissions which had been entrusted tous, it is probable that we should have returned home. It puzzled us beyond measure to account for the change of conduct in the bay. The differerice was as decided as that between a' high-spirited child who requires; 'as we say; 'careful treat- ment,' and the vicious dwarf: heretofore, he had been-frisky, now, he was positively fiendish: He shied and started, not only atevery object on the roadside, but before he arrived at them. At the endof the high table-land which is called Crittenden-Common, and descends into: the quiet little market = town of the same: name, there really was something to'shy at. A' gipsy en campment, with fire and cauldron, and tethered donkey, which had been concealed in a hollow; 'came suddenly into view as we cantered by an old-crone, with a yellow handkerchief in liew of abonnet, and shading her 'beady eyes with her hand, watched with malicious enjoyment the struggle between man and horse which her own appearance had gone far to excite. Ina very few moments, Marmaduke's already overtaxed muscles gave way, and the bay, maddened with resistence, and released from'all control, rushed at headlong' speed down the steep~ chalk-road that led by many a turn and zigzag into Criten- den. It was) frightful to watch from' the sum- mit of this tamed 'precipice--this cliff compelled into a road--the descent of that'doomed? pair. No mule 'could besurer footed than was Panther, but thelaws of gravitation had nevertheles to be obeyed. "At the second 'turning, the bay, after one vain effort to follow the winding of the road, pitched, head first, down the' grassy wall which 'everywhere' separated' the zigzags from one another ; over and over rolled horse and rider to the hard road below; and there lay, their horrible and abnormal movements exchanged for a stony quiet. I jumped off my horse, and ran down 'the two steed slopes, which at another time T should have descended hand« over hand. "Yet on my way I had time to think with what sorrow this news would be received at Fairburn Rectory, with what joy at the Hall! ©Marmaduke's hand still held the rein, which I disentangled from it with feverish haste, least that four-footed fiend, which snorted yet through its fiery nostrils, and glared defiance from its glazing eyes, should arise and drag the dear lad's corpse among the cruel stones.' After what'] had-seen of' his fall, T had searcly a hope that he was alive. There was blood at his mouth, blood at his ears, blood everywhere upon the white and 'dazzling road. * Marmuduke," Marmaduke,' cried' "I, © speak, speak, if it be but a single word! Great Heayen, he is dead!' 'Dead ! no not he,' answered a hoarse, cracked voice at my ear. 'He'll live to'do'a power of inischief yet to woman and man: The devil would never suffer a Heath of Fairburn to die at his age.' 'Woman,' cried I' for it was the old gipsy crone who had somehow transported herself to the spot with incredible speed, 'for God's sake, go for help! There is a house yonder among those trees.' 'And why should I stir a foot, replied she fiercely, 'for the child of a race that has ever treated me and mine as though we were dogs ?" ' Because,' said I, at a venture; 'you have children yourself, 'You are right,' exclaimed she, clapping her skinny hands together, and seating herself calmly on the turf. 'It is well that you have mentioned my kith and kin. One lad ig across the seas, and will never see the green lanes and breezy commons of England more ; another lies caged in yonder jail--and both for taking the wild creatures of the earth and air, to which such men as Massingberd Heath lay claim' while my little sister--ah, my Sinnamenth, my fair pearl !--may the lightniag strike him in his wickedest hour! nay, let him perish, inch by inch, within reach of the aid that shall never come, ere the God of the Poor takes him into his hand!--Boy, you may talk to that flinstone, and it will rise up and get you help for that lad there --bonny as he is, and the bonnier the worse for them he sets his wilful eyes on--before you get this hand to wag a finger for him.' 'Woman,' said I, despairingly, 'if you hate Massingberd Heath, and want to do him the worst service that lies in your power, flee, flee to that house, and bid them save this boy's life, which alone stands between his beggared uncle and untold riches.' 'Is it so?' eried the old woman, rising up with an agility for which no one would have given her credit, and looked at me with furious eyes. 'Is it indeed so, boy ? 'Yea, woman, upon my soul!' Revenge accomplished what pity had failed to work. In an instant, she was with me down by Marmaduke's side ; from her pocket she produced a spirit-flask in a leathern case, and applied it to his lips: after a painful attempt to swallow, he succeeded ; his eyelids began tremulously to moye, and the colour to return to his pallid lips. " Keep his head up,' cried she, 'and give him another drop of this, if assistance does not arrive within five minutes.' Before she had finished speaking, she had lifted the latch of the gate that opened from the road into the grounds of the house in question, and in another instant I was alone--alone with what I believed to be a dying man, and surrounded with the blood that had flowed ina mingled stream from him and the dead horse, for Panther had ceased to move--alone with recollections and anticipations scarcely less horrible than the visible'scene ; and yet, so strangely constituted is the human mind, that I could not forbear to glance with some sort. of curiosity' at the flask the gipsy had left with me, and to' wonder ex- ceedingly that its worn and tarnished top of sil- ver bore upon it a fac-simile of one of those identical griffins which guarded each side of the broad stone steps that led to Fairburn Hall. CHAPTER VII.--AT THE DOVECOT, After an interval, which doubtless appeared much longer than it really was, there issued from the gate a groom and butler, bearing between them a small sofa, and accompanied by a young and lovely girl. The scene that presented itself was enough to shock persons even of strong nerves, and I hastily exclaimed: 'The young lady had better not see this" But she came. on nevertheless. 'lam not afraid of blood, said she, ' and per- haps TI maybe of use.' Then she directed her servants how to handle the wounded man; and when he was gently lifted on the couch, she ap- plied a handkerchief dipped in Eau-de-Cologne to his forhead, and walked by his side regula- ting. the pace of his, bearers, like - some: Miss Nightengale of a generation and a. half ago. Let him be placed in your master's room, James , and then take my pony, Thomas, and.ride as fast as you can for Dr. Sitwell; and'as yon come back--but think of nothing but' bringing. the doctor first--call at the nursery-garden for your master; he said he should go' there about. those roses.' And some other directions she gaye, as the men moved on with their ghastly burden, like one who knew the value of time. standing this presence of mind, her anxious eyes betrayed that she was not wanting in sensibility, and with every groan which the motion of .the litter extracted from the sufferer, her own lip quivered. 'I daresay that I saw nothing of her exceeding beauty at that dreadful time; but while I write of Lucy Gerard now, a vision. of surpassing loveliness perforce presents itself be- fore me, A tall, lithe, graceful form; a face, nay, rather a soft, sad smile oyerspreading and pervading every feature--a smile that I never saw surpassed saye on her own fair countenance, after Love had taken her sweet sonl captive--a smile the reflex of all good and kindly thoughts that dwelt within. There are some so great and noble that they smile where other good folks can only weep and wail; the true sympathizer with human griefs wears. no lugubrious aspect ; the angels smile when they weep over human wretchedness--they know that it is only fora little while, for the gates of Heaven are standing open very, very near; and some such knowledge, or happy faith, seems to influence. the best of mortals, or how should they go smiling through this world? So Marmaduke was carried along the gravel- drive, and across.a little flower-studded lawn, to the room in Mr. Gerard,s house which was called the master,s room, ; it: being half 'a sleeping- chamber, and half a library, which Lucy's father used both nightand day, | This was so evident from the appearance of the place, that when I had, with James's help put Marmaduke to bed there, where he lay breathing heavily, but quite unconcious, [ went to the young lady of the house, and expressed my apprehension that my poor friend, being in that appartment, would cause additional inconvenienée in the household. 'I understand,' said I, 'that this is Mr. Gerard's room.' i 'PAh, sir,' said'she, with a glance of pride more becoming, if that were possible, than even her ordinary modest look, 'you do not know my father. When TI say that. it will give him the greatest pleasure to find that his favorite room has been of service to your friend, I use a con- ventional phrase which literally expresses what he will' feel: Please to forget that there is anybody in this house but yourselves: it ig only right that sickness should be considered before health; though alas! every room to those who are ill is but a hospital. This little drawing- room, which your glance tells me you think pretty, with its conservatory and fountain, and the rest, my poor young. sister was very, very weary of, before she died, on yonder sofa, after fourteen months of the gay prison,' Her voice trembled as she spoke, and I thought I detected in it that shade of bitterness with which some affectionate persons speak of the sufferings of those they love, as though they would almost arraign that Providence for un- necessary harshness which might inflict any. misery upon themselves without' evoking one impatient thought. "Then you are left here all alone, Miss Gerard. With such a sad reminiscence, this spot must' 'Alone ! interrupted she with astonishment. 'What! when I have my father? See, he is coming through the shrubbery now, and Dr. Sitwell with him. Let us meet them. How glad IT am that he has lost no time' ; It was easy to distinguish the doctor, with his cane, his ruffles, and "stiff professional ap- pearance, a little impaired, however, by - hot haste ; moreoyer, -his companion indicated him with his finger as we rapidly approached one another, exclaiming: ' This is your man, young gentleman; don't waste one word on me at present,' So, rapidly detailing what had happened as we went, I took the man of physic to Marma- duke's bedside. As we entered the room, and first caught sight of his pale features distorted with pain, my companion stood for an instant aghast. 'Great Heaven!' murmured ge thought the horse had trodden upon the poor lad's forehead ; but now, I see it is an old sear.' 'No,' returned I; 'it is not a sear; it is only a mark which in moments of pain or anger comes out more distinctly than at other times, All the Heath family have it. This is Mr. Marmaduke Heath, the nephew of Sir Massingberd,' 'Indeed---indeed sir!' exclaimed the doctor with an accession of sympathy. "Dear me, how sad! What a fine property to risk losing at his time of life. But the eye, you see, gives us hope ; the brain has suffered but slightly. He hin. not been 'sick, you say--not been sick--he has not been sick, sir,' It was the worthy doctor's habit to reiterate his last sentence in an arrogant manner, as though he had been contradicted on a manen of fact, while in reality his mind was entirely occu- pied by quite other thoughts. Thus, at the present speaking, he was éngaged in manipulat- ing Marmaduke's head, and examining his ribs and limbs with the greatest attention. 1 waited for his verdict in anxious silence, and presently it was delivered: 'It. ismy opinion, sir, that the young mani will live to be a baronet, Life and Death, the immortalities of Heaven and Hell, were matters that had but small space ' in Doctor Sitwell's mind compared to this all- Notwith-. important futurity ; he was accustomed to them in connection with the merest paupers and per- sons of no sort of consequence; but it was not every day in the week that a gentleman of Mar- maduke's condition was pitched on his head within the Crittenden doctor's professional orbit. 'Mr. Marmaduke Heath must be kept perfectly quiet; he must not be moved from hence upon any consideration--it may be, for weeks. What science can do, through my "humble agency, shall be done for the young gentleman ; but rest and quiet are essential. Sir Massingberd should be sent for instantly ; the responsibility upon my shoulders would otherwise be too great. He will doubtless yearn to be by the bedside of his beloved nephew. You had better arrange with Mr. Gerard for this being done, as I have my round-to make, which to-day is all important, The Hon. Mrs. Flinthert, widow of the late admiral, you know, she requires constant super- vision ; nature has to be supported ; but for brandy, she must have sunk before' this. Then Mr. Broadacres, who lives Fairburn way. By the by, that is a very curious case 'However, my post is here, of course, until my assistant arrives, who will remain in my absence. You may leave your friend' now without the least anxiety. When he awakes to consciousness, you shall be sent for--you shall 'be sent for, sir,' Upon this, [returned to the drawing-room, to give a much more cheerful report of the patient's case than I had ventured to anticipate. I found our host issuing orders for 'his comfort and, at- tendance, as though 'he had 'quite made up his mind to make him his' guest for' 'a lengthened period. A noble-looking gentleman he was, as like his daughter as 'an old' mian'¢din'be to a young girl.' Harvey Gerard's face was wrinkled neither by years nor' care, though marked here and there with those deep lines which indicate the Thinker--one whom 'the gods have' placed above the drudgery of life, with a disposition to philosophise--a man among'men rather than of them, who stands apart from the' high-road somewhere half-way up the hill of Fortune, and watches the toilers obove and below with a quiet but not cynical smile. "The news you bring me of our patient, Mr. Meredith,' said he, 'is most welcome ; but I think we 'should still lose no time in communicating with his friends,' 'That is also the opinion' of Dr. Sitwell, sir; he, too, recommends that my poor friend's nearest relative should be sent for ; but in circumstances of this kind, it would be wrong not to say at once that that relative and the invalid here are on the worst of terms, and that his coming would most certainly aggravate any bad symptoms, and retard his cure.' ; 'I am sorry to hewr, returned Mr, Gerard gravely, 'that the young gentleman is not on good terms with his own flesh and blood; that is a bad sign.' ; 'However that may be, sir, generally,' replied I with warmth, 'it is not so, in this instance. Mr. Long, the Rector of Fairburn, and tutor to my friend, will certify to his being a most well- conducted and excellent youth. His uncle, how- ever, Sir Massingberd Heath' 'T will not have that person under my roof, interrupted Mr, Gerard, 'under any circum- stances whatsoever,' This he said without the least trace of irritation, but with a firmness. and decision' which left-me nothing to apprehend upon Marmaduke's account. 'Ihen turning to his daughter, as in explanation, he added ; ' The man I speak of, my love, is a-wicked ruffian-- worse than any poor fellow who has éver dangled yonder outside of Crittenden Jail' Miss Gerard did not answer except by a look of gentle remonstrance, which seemed to me to murmur :' But dear papa, for all we know, this gentleman may be a friend of his.' *T hastened, therefore, to observe with energy that Mr. Gerard's view of the baronet's character was a perfectly just one, as far as I knew, or, if anything; rather lenient. I recommended that Mr. Long should be apprised of what had happened, and that he should give Sir Massing- berd to understand that while his nephew was re- ceiving every attention at the Dovecot--for so I had learned the house was called--its doors were immutably closed against himself. a pleasant task to impose upon the good rector, but it was a necessary one ; for, independently of Mr. Gerard's determination, I felt it absolutely essential to Marmaduke's life that his uncle should be kept away from his bed-side. If in health his presence terrified how much worse would it be for him in his prostrate and perilous condition! It was arranged, too, that I should remain to look after my sick friend, and the. messenger was instructed to bring back with him all that we required from the Rectory and the Hall. Mr. Long arrived at the Dovecot late that same afternoon, in a state of great'anxiety. He had come away almost on the instant after receiving the news of Marmaduke's mischance, and without seeing Sir Massingberd, who had not yet returned from shooting ; but he Had left a letter for him, explaining the circumstances as well as he could; ' My only fear,' said he, after visiting his pupil, who still lay in a lethargic slumber,' is that he will come here immediately, and insist on seeing his nepnew ; a desire that would appear natural enough to persons who are unacquainted with the circumstances.' 'Nay,' said I: 'but surely he cannot do this in the face of Mr. Gerard's prohibitions." ' Ah, my boy, you do not know Sir Massing- berd yet,' observed my tutor gravely: 'he will come where and when he will.' * Nay,' returned I ; 'but neither do you know Mr. Harvey Gerard. From what I have seen of that gentleman, he understands how to say 'No, and to suit to the word the action. When the strong man armed keepeth his house, his goods, including his sick guest, are in peace,' , ' But where a stronger than he cometh,' added the rector, shaking his head' ' what then ? 'We will see,' said I, 'what will aappen. It is plain, at all events, that our host is well aware of the sort of man with whom he has to deal. Mr. Gerard is a most pleasant person, and his daughter is charming beyond measure: they are far the most interesting people I have yet seen about Fairburn. How is it I have never heard any mention of them:?' 'The Gerards have always lived a very re- tired life, returned my tutor. 'The old gentle- man entertains, it is said, some strange opinions. In fact, I have never met them myself but once, and that on some public occasion; so you must introduce me, Peter.' I had been watching for Mr. Long at the en- trance-gate, and taken him straght into Marma- duke's room upon his arrival, so that he had seen neither our host nor hostess ; and I thought it strange that my tutor did not speak of them with more enthusiasm, after their great kindness to Marmaduke ; something evidently a little chilled his feelings towards them. When he and Mr. Gerard met, I thought there was more cordiality upon the part of the latter than of the former ; the expression of Mr. Long's gratitude was earnest, but not genial. His admiration of Miss Luey; although not to be concealed, was miti- gated, as it seemed, by some sort of compassion ; he regarded her with a shade of sadness. Boy as I was, it was evident to me that some an- * It was not | } --see--and yet how" will announce myself 2 'one enemy or the other. 'too much for him, the more so that he is so tagonism existed between my host--for whom I naturally entertained most kindly feelings--and my respected tutor ; and this troubled me more than I should have liked to say. Miss Lucy presently left the drawing-room, and then I was continually appealed to by one or the other, on various trifling matters, as though they found a third party a relief to their conversation. At last Mr. Long requested me to narrate particularly the circumstances of Marmaduke's accident, and I did so, down to the period when I found him bleeding on the road. 'Well,' observed my tutor, 'I am totally at a loss to account for poor Panther's behaviour. I confess, upon the first day I saw him, I did not like the look of his eye: you remember, Peter, that I made Marmaduke exchange horses with me, and endeavored, by every means in my power, to find out the peculiarities of the animal. I wish Sir Massingberd had permitted me to choose a horse for his nephew myself, when I bought your honest brown? z 'Sir Massingberd selected his nephew's horse himself, did he ? inquired Mr. Gerard carelessly. 'Yes,' replied. my tutor; 'he sent for him from town a few weeks ago. He was a mettlesome, frisky creature, it is true; but his curb was a very powerful one, and seemed quite 'sufficient to subdue him,' ' ' 'Does Sir Massingberd himself ride when he is in, the field?" observed our host. 'He must be a great weight for a shooting-pony..' } 'Well, if you had asked me yesterday, Ishould have said he almost never rides; but it so hap- pens that he did take the keeper's nag with him this morning. His great stables are all empty now, for, as probably you are aware, things are not kept up as they. used to be at the Hall. Old Dobbin is the only representative of the magni+: ficent stud that was once maintained there, now! that Panther is dead. By the by, what has heen: done with him?' efi 1 od 'The carcass has been taken into the town,' said Mr. Gerard,' 'He must haye been a-fine » creature.' meee "His mouth, however, was of iron,' said I. 'Poor, Marmaduke had no control over him whatever, at last ; he had almost pulled his arms off! ' Notwithstanding the powerful bit ?' observed Mr. Gerard, . ' 'Yes,' replied my tutor; ' the bit was not only powerful, 1 should haye almost called it cruel; but Sir Massingberd is a very good judge of 'all things belonging toa horse, and seems to have: known that, at all events, no less was required. It was a town-made article, and came down from. London withthe animal.' } Q 'Ah, indeed, remarked Mr. Gerard: ' But you: haye never told us, Mr. Meredith, how» you - managed to give the alarm here, without leaving your poor friend, . aioe 2 Tam ashamed tosay I had never given the old gipsy crone a thought from the moment that: help arrived, although it was of her sending. /~ 'The. very. woman whose appearance frightened the horse. répaired, as far as she could accomplish it, that. mischief. She left inomy- hands, too, this fine old casé-bottle, 'of which I should be sorry to rob' her ; and very curious is' it that it has the Heath griffin, or some crest very. ~ like that, upon its stopper.' 'It is the very crest,' said the rector: \' am quite sure of that, although itis long. since it' last saw plate-powder. It is but,too likely that'! the dark lady. came wrotgfully by it' oiawet 'Let us not be hasty to impute crime,' ob= served Mr.) Gérard gravely. , " This.is a shootivg- flask carried, about the person ; and gipsies are' rarely pickpockets. When the owner is'at home, | it lies insome place 'of safety; and gipsies are not burglars.' fad : is ' Ably reasoned,' observed Mr. Long. 'It may, however, have been a case of 'findings, keap- ings,' as: the school-boys say... Ishould think" the Zingari claimed for themselves All flotsam and jetsam.' i 'It.is too heavy, and has too much bulk, not to have been missed by him who carried it as soon as it fell,' continued Mr. Gerard, taking up the flask... 'It has but very little spirit left in it Here the butler entered somewhat. hurrédly, and was about to speak, when a figure brushed by him; and sethim aside. The daylight was beginning to wane; but it was impossible to pinistake that herculean form, and its irresistible motion, even if Lhad not heard. the harsh' de- cisive voice of Sir Massingberd: saying: * By: your leave, sirrah; but in this good company I (To be Continued.) 'The Ex-Grit Leader (From the Kingston News.) , Mr. George Brown should certainly pa another visit to Great Britain. To believe h own professions, the last one he took so en- larged his mind, and led him to take broad and moderate views, thatit would be well if the lesson then taught 'could be repeated. For assuredly he has forgotten all those lessons of moderation and ¢ivility from which, to credit his own words, he so much profited when in England, Our friend needs much the contact of the English quakers, the mild Manchester men the philosophical Scotch iron-masters, and the unimpassioned literati of the modern Athens, [t might again benefit him, and the effect perhaps prove more lasting from a second dose. If he does not now take the journey from choice, he will soon be compelled to take a visitas a hy- gienic necessity. He cannot be expected to fight Cartier & Co. and John Sandfield Mac- donald, McDougall & Co. at one and the same time, with any prospect of victory either over The contest will prove excitedly "pitching in" on all sides, However, if Mr. Brown is equal to the tug of the double combat, by all means let him try his powers. That shockingly naughty " Railway Cabinet," full of such dreadful wickédness, must breathe easier when its members find that the vituperas tion of the great scold is not confined to them, but distributed liberally as well to John Sand- field, and through him to the party which hag elected him for its chief over the head of the noisy Mr. Brown, The member for South Ox- ford is taking the readiest way to weaken hig waning influence with his party, destroying the effect of his savage denunciations against minis- ters by making equally gross attacks against men whom he has been pleased to praise when his own interests did not stand in the way, but whom he now reviles when it is apparent that his ambitious projects have been interfered with; A little more moderation would be vastly more effective, but if Mr. Brown through the Globe chooses to oyerstep all decency, the result will only. concern himself. a To ascertain the length of the day and night, at any time of the year, double the time. of the Seti sun's rising, which gives the lengthof the night, and double the time of its 'setting, which gives the length of the day. This 'is a simple me which, we guess, few people are aware of.