County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 27 Apr 1864, p. 4

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oe ; olf: ao THE COUNTY mere oeerememmerneamenete tare OF PERTH HERALD, Se ma -- STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1864. , Wusitess Mivectory. RRR DARPA ROO enw W. D. Harrison, A UCTIONEER, APPRaISER, GENERAL X Commission Agent, &c., Inspector of eights and Measures, County of Perth. All orders left at this office promptly attended to k ginongy od ooat om Me teas Robert Smith, L. L. B.. ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c. y )pHIcE:--Opposite John A. Scott's Store, Stratford. 5-tf Carrall and McCuliech, ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLICITORS B in Chancery, Conveyaucer &c. Stratford. J, A. McCunzocu. 28-tf. 'J, A. CABRALL. James P. Woods, ARRISTER and ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, §c., &c., Stratford, C. W. Office in Lynch's Block. 'Stratford, 23rd Dec., 1863. 26-y Mr. Wm. Barker EGS TO INFORM the inhabitants of this B County and of the Town of Stratford, that (@ has opened & new Boot and Shoe. store at his old stand. He takes this opportunity of thanking his old customers for the support which they heretofore extended to him, and hopes they will again give him a trial. He is prepared to turn out every- thing in h's line second to no other house in town as to quality and cheapness. A large lot of ready-made work always on hand; also a arge quantity of leather for sale. Remember e place, Huron Street, immediately west of 4 N. G. Croker's Hotel. 20th January, 1864. -------------- 30 y Reid & Humphry, 4ARRIAGE AND WAGGON MAKERS, General Blacksmiths, Horse Shoers, &¢.-- Job Work and Repairing done at the shortest tice and on the most reasonable terms. Shop Posie Moore's Hotel, Huron Street, Stratford. 4 a i RR. Williams, 7 \LERK of the First Division Court for the CU County of Perth, Ontario Street, Stratford. ent for British and Ameriéan Fire and Life Note¥ and Accounts on reasonable 1-tf {nsurance Companies. gollected without delay, and forms. Joseph Doupe, "{VIL ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL C Land Surveyor, Appraiser, Conveyancer, &e, Queen Street, St Mary's, O. W. © Land Surveying of every description prompt- ly execated, and Disputed Lines carefully ad- 'usted. : « Ruverences --T. M. Daly, €B Guest, Esq, St. Mary's ; Blanchard; Edward Long, T Dartnell, Esq, St Mary's ; * Esq., Stratford ; D Catheart, Esq, Esq, St Mary's; E @.E. ' © St Mary's, August 17, 1863. 8-Gm The Corn Exchange, 2 OTEL and Restaurant, Market Square, H Stratford. ; : i THOS. HOLIDAY, Proprietor, ' Late Ben. Sleet. 33ay _ Stratford, Feb. 9th, 1864. A. Hi. Thompson, 1. D., "€-YOMM@OPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SUR- QEON. Office over Mr. Horne's Store, - Stratford Dec. Ist 1863. 23-y ; William Osborne, PUMP-MAKER, '§ PREPARED to make Pumps on the most improved principles, and to furnish them at the lowest remunerative profit. All Orders left at his residenee, rear the Railway Station, or otherwise, will meet with prompt attention: « References :--P Watson, Thos J Birch, James Stewart, Moir & Gaudy, Jas Corcoran. 16-tf ' Dr, D. Waugh. é AY BE CONSULTED athis Residence, On- M tario St., Stratford, as formerly. 14-ly King's Hiotel. ARKET STREET, Stratford. First Class accommodation for Travellers at reason- le rates. The Stabling is the bestin Town. Well Equipped Livery Stables Attached. ©1-y H. Kine. Alfred Burnham, Piyision Court Agent Collector and ' General Agent. OLES AND ACCOUNTS LEFT WITH THE advertiser will be collected without delay aud at moderate charges. All moneys paid over as soon as collected. Office at Messrs Fuller Brothers Hardware Merchants Stratford. Stratford, Nov. 24th 1863. 22-tf W. R. Roberts, WATCH MAKER, STRATORD, C. W., "Text door to Dutton's Drug Store, has now for Ne sale at the lowest possible prices, # lot of finely finished . Spectacles, eye-glasses and goggles, with the very best Scotch and German eebble glasses, to suit all sighte. ; Short sight lengthened, Weak sight strengthened, And good sight preserved. Also, for sale watches, etocks, and an assort- ment of fine gold jewelry. Particular attention paid to jobs left for Repairs. Stratford, Oct., sth 1863. 17-6ms ,» Matthew Brennan, ATENT WINDOW BLIND MANUFACTU- P RER, Erie Street, Stratford, C. WwW. " 9- Fa Se -» pawara a. Paget, § ~ PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur.-- Coroner for the County of Perth... Espe- attention paid to diseases of wom and ren, Every description of Surgical opera- sions performed when required, Ly Jno Robinson, Esq, |, Business Directory. TAR SS rrr ew Charles Kahn, C\URGEON DENTIST. Office--Rooms Nos. .) 4 and 5 Glasgow Warehouse. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 4 p.m. 1-tf "ES «. Cartwright, .YURGEON DENTIST, Ontario Street, oppo- ") site the Post Office, Stratford, C. W. PHOTOGRAPHS Taken in the adjoining Car in every variety and it all Prices. 1-tf Union Hotel, MITCHELL. 'HE above Hotel, lately occupied by Robert i Armstrong, Esq., is now open for the travelling public. 'I'he honse has been newly furnished, and is in the very best condition he very best Liquors' will be found in the bar, nd the choicest viands on the table. Stabling and an attentive Bostler. JAMES ALLEN, Proprietor. Mitchell, Feb. 8th, 1664, 33-y MUSIC. Mrs. J. G. Kirk, ryX\EACHER OF PIANO-FORTE AND ME- lodeon, at her residence, Ontario Street, Stratford. 26th January, 1864. 31-3m : Ww. R. Emery, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, FHXHREE Doors West of Forbes' Hotel. The | best ready-made work in town, Cheap for Cash. Repairing in the best style. Stratford, June 4, 1863. -l-tf PASHION ABLE TAILORING USTABLISHMENT. FEYVHE SUBCRIBER, in returning thanks for T the liberal patronage bestowed upon him since he commenced business, would respect- fully announce to his customers and the public generally, that he has received a select supply of Fashionable and Seasonable Goods, and is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him in his line with neatness and despatch. ig7La- test Fashions always on hand. DAVID CASSELS. Stratford, 6th Oct., 1863. 15-tf ' ag ' t T PUMPS AND CIST: RNS. FYVUHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS leave to notify the public iets that he is prepared to manufac- 5 ture Pumps and Cisterns on the , most improved principles. TERMS to suit purchasers, All work warranted to give satisfac- tion. DANIEL PINCH. Shop at the Old Stand, near the Railroad Station. Stratford, 21st March, 1864. "ST°ATFORD MILLS.'| J ames Kyle EGS TO ACQUAINT THE PEOPLE OF +) Stratford and the surrounding neighbor- hood, that he is prepared to supply Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Buck- wheat Flour, Gatmeal, &e., 39-tf Of the best quality, for Family use, and at reasonable cash rates. The best price paid for all kinds of grain. 2" Remember the Mills at the Bridge. Stratford, Jan, 14th, 1864, 29-tf PREMIUM HARNESS SHOP. M\HE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO _ buy Harness, ete., is at LESLIE'S, He took the First Prize for three successive years at the County Show. Shop opposite the Palmerston Hotel, Ontario Street. Stratford, 20th Oct., 1863. 17-tf WINDOW BLINDS! WINDOW BLINDS A new Stock just received, direct from the Manufacturers. They are very pretty and very cheap. VIVIAN & MADDOCKS. Stratford, 23rd March, 1864. PLOUGH, CULITVAROR, Waggon and Carriage MANUFACTORY. (port Subseriber has leased the Premises Formerly occupicd by S. Dunsmore, Fronting on Erie Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL BANK, And adjoining the Market Place, Where he intends to carry cn the Manufacturing of Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, Waggons and Carriages. Having secured the services of Mr. Thomas Smith, late of Mitchell, [whose ability in this line is well known in this. County,] and by the employment of first class workmen, he hopes to merit.a share of public patronage. Particular Attention paid to Horse-Shocing and Gen- eral Jobbing. WM. McKENZIE. + Stratford, April 13th, 1864. 42-3m Good }. THE LARGEST AND MOST | FASHIONABLE STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH, SCOTCH, And CANADIAN TWEE DS., FOR SUITS, AT F Williamson's. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Gent's Furnishing Gods, AY Williamson's, THE LARGEST STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS AT Williamson's, THE PLACE FOR THE Latest Styles for Gents, AT Williamson's. The only place to get a Fashionable SUIT OF CLOTHS AT Williamson's, " Sign of the Golden Fleece. Stratford, 20th April, 1864. 43-tf G. HORNE & Co,, (Established"in 1854,) WHOLESALE & RETAIL IMPORTERS OF British & Foreign Dry Goods, CARPETS, CLOTHING, &e. UST RECEIVED, THEIR SPRING STOCK, ey amounting to over $238,000. Millinery'& Mamties --This Depart- ment for which we have been so long celebrated, has received our best attention. A most magnificent collection of SHAWLS, MANTLES, & CAPES, which for variety of pattern, elegance of design beauty of texture and moderate prices, can not be surpassed by any House in the Trade. Regalias.--Temperance, Orange, Masonic --made to order. The highest Market Price Paid for Produce. Sales made for Cash or Trade only. The English, Irish, French, and German lan- guages spoken in the store. G. HORNE & Co, Stratford, 20th April, 1864. 43-3m THE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST, And the Best Stock of FURNITURE AND CABINET-WARE Ever offered in this part of the country has been opened for sale BY JOHN D. FEE, Of the Firm of G. P, Walter & Co., Manufact- urers, Bowmanville. He will sell WHOLEALE § RETAIL or Cash At prices which he thinks cannot fail to attract attention and secure trade. In connection with the above he offers a large and well selected stock of ° i HARDWARE, Comprising every article usually sold in the line, which has been bought in the BEST MARKETS, And will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. One trial will be sufficient to convince the most incredulous. JOHN D. FRE, | 1 I | Stetford, 29th Oct., 1863. 14-tf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS!! a RAarshall Bros. Have much pleasure in announcing that their Stock cf DRY GOODS. MILLI NERY & CLOTHING is NOW COMPLETE, And they feel confident in saying it is one of the Largest, Be-t Assorted, and Chenpest in the County of Perth. Owing to their increased trade they have found it necessary to make larger additions to their Stock than heretofore. In Dress Goods they have a large and choice selection, consisting in part of Challie, Repp, Poplin, Barege, Lustres, Muslins Tissues, &e., &e: Black and Fancy Silks in large variety, and as cheap as any House West of Montreal. Shawls and Mamtles of the newest designs and fabrics. found much larger than usual, Millinery and Straw Goods. In the season, and additions w and Paris. This Department will be this branch will be found all the novelties of ill be made to their Stock as new styles arrive from London COTTONS. They have a large Stock of these Goods, and notwithstanding the late advances, they are enabled to sell at last Spring prices. CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS in great variety and at city prices. CLOTHS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, &e., de, in large and choice yariety, TAILORS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Are invited to inspect their Stock before purchasing elsewhere. FAMILY GROCERIES AGENTS FOR WANZERS SEWING ALWAYS ON HAND. MACHINES. MARSHAL BROS. Stratford, 5th March, 1864. Al-tf John V ANnsto Wipe = me, Jr., MANUFACTURER OF Wageons, Carriages, Sleighs, CUPPERS. &C.; &O. HAVE -NOW ON HAND a large lot of Harrows, Waggons, Carriages and Democrats manu- factred expressly for the Farmers of this County. HORSE-SHOEING DON 'E ON THE PREMISES Kither by the piece or the year, JOB WORK DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. Anything required on the Farm made to order, Remember the place, the Shop with the ved front, Huron St., « little west of the Bridg JOHN VANSTONE. pe os a i Just Issued From the Press, a new Book entitled "THE CANADIAN Domestic Lawy-r," BY JOHN WHITLEY, Esq.. Attorney-at-Law, Toronto, Containing Law Forms of every description The following is a synopsis of the werk : Affidavits. Goods, Sale of. Agreements. House. Arbitration. Hiring. . Assignment. Landlord and Tenant. Auctions. Leases. Bills of Exchange. Line Fences and Water- Bond. courses, Chattel Mori gage. Master and Servant. Collection of Debts. Mortgages. Contracts. Naturalization. Deeds. Notice to Quit. Distress. Partnership. Division Court: Equity of Redemption. Executors and Admin- Patents for Inventions Promissory Notes. Receipts and Releases. istrators. Rents. Fences. Sale of Goods. Fixtures. Servant. Frauds, Statute of. Gift of Lands, Deed of. This book is suitable to the Merchant, Far- mer, and Mechanic. Wills and Intestacy 150 CANVASSERS WANTED MMEDIATELY FOR THE ABOVE WORK, . to canvass the entire Province, to whom a liberal commission will be given. Applica- tion may be made personally or by letter [prepaid] to é VIVIAN & MADDOCKS Publishers, Stratford, C : Ww Statford, 6th Jan., 1864. MONEY TO LOAN FIRST. CLASS SECURITY. Apply to My CORNISH & McDONALD, Jarvis' Block, Stratford Stratford, Angust 10, 1863. : To4f ALEXANDER CAVEN, Importer and General Dealer in GROCEHRIES, LIQUORS, CROCKERY, Glassware, &c., &¢., ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD, Stratford, 19th Feb., 1864. 35-y SPRING IMPORTATIONS. } E ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR NEW Stock, consisting of WRITING PAPERS Of every size and quality. They are of English, Trish, and Seotch Manufacture. This fact alone is a sufficient guarantee as to quality. Merchants and Dealers can find a GOOD ARTICLE AT REASONABLE RATES. SCHOOL BOOKS At wholesale prices,"of which there is a large supply at VIVIAN. & MADDOCKS', 30th March, 1864, Stratford. REMEMBER BEATTY & LAWSON'S FALL & WINTER STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAP AS USUAL FOR CASH. ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD Dated S-pt.9, 1 8630 iia 12

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