County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 27 Apr 1864, p. 8

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THE COUNTY OF- PER?H HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1864. sa aad es elect {soctry. Better Late Than Never. Life is a race where some succeed While others are beginning ; *Pis luck in some, in others speed, That gives an early winning ; But if you chance to fall behind, Neer slacken your endeavour ; Just keep whole.ome, truth in mind-- "Tis better late than never. And if you keep ahead, 'tis well, ~ But never trip your neighbor ; "Tis noble when you can excel By honest, patient labour ; But if you are outstripped at last, Press on as bold as ever: Remember though you are surpassed, Tis better late than never. Ne'er labour for an idle boast : Or victory o'er-another ; But while you strive your uttermost, Deal fairly with a brother ; Where'er your station, do your best, And hold your purpose ever : And.if youfailto beat the rest, Tis better late than never... Choose well the path in which you run-- Succeed by noble daring, Then, though the last, when once"tis won, Your crown is worth the wearing, Then rever fret if left behind, Nor slacken your endeavor, But ever keep this truth in mind-- Tis better late than, never. os mul = To ihe Editor of the British Canadian. Dear Sir.--I have woundered sometimes how the present member for Lambton got to the position he occupies, as represeatative for the county, and I neaver gota satisfactory answer, tilllast week in looking over the Obdsedver I came across the following. To win the prize in the world's great race A man should have a brazen face ; An iron arm to give a stroke, And heart as sturdy ag an oak ; Eyes like a cat, goodin the dark, And teeth as piercing as a shark Ears. to hear the gentlest sound. Like moles that burrow in the ground ; A mouth as close as patent locks, And stomach stronger than an ox! His tongue should be a razor blade, His conscience India rubber made ; His blood as cold as polar ice, His hands as grasping as @ vice; His shoulders should be adequate To bear a couple thousand weight; His legs like pillars firm and strong, To move this great machine along ; With supple knees to cringe and craw! And cloven feet placed under all. I though the above was so near the mark, that. I would submit it for your consideration and that of your readers. Yours &c., OBSERVATION " P.60k Out for Jobs." This is the premonitory warning of the great organ of political morality. It is well answered 'by the Welland Telegraph :-- "Look out for jobs! The Grits are in the cold shades, and every act. of the ministry is a' job' =just as every member of the ministerial party is a 'corruptionist.' Without being at all in- quisitive, let us ask what kind of jobs weare to look out for? Bothwell jobs? or Great Western wood contract jobs? or bank jobs? or Montreal Ocean Steamship company jobs? Eh, Mr. Brown? are the jobs political or personal? Are they Sicotte judgeship jobs; O'Halloran silk gown jobs ; McKenzie fat office jobs ; McKellar regis- trar-ship jobs; or Blackburn printing and sta- tionery jobs? he Globe can look out for jobs-- but it will look along time before it will sce the present governm "perpetrate any of the least of the disgraceful jobs which marked the career of the Macdonald-Dorion administration." Nova Scotia Balroads. The Montreal Telegraph says :-- in the Legislative Council of Nova Scotia there was an animated discussion relative to the policy or impolicy of repealing the Inter- colonial railway bill of 1863. Finally, the Hon. Receiver-General asked leave to withdraw the act under consideration, giving at the same time a public pledge on the part of the govern- ment that no attempt would be made during the session to renew it. "An amendment to the Railway Law in Nova Seotia authorizing the government to ar- range for the Picton liae, or any of the lines provided for in the genera! act, by paying any company that may undertulre 'to build any of the lines, four per cent on the coast of construction ; not to exceéd £10,000 currency per mile, for a period of twenty years, was carried unani- mously." et BB cae Zions Herel? has'a seasonable and much call- ed for editorial, in which-it-is shown that slav- ery is notyetdead. Indecdit isnot. If they do not take care, and improve t!e present oppor- tunity, slavery has qnite sufficient power to re- vive again. Union or no Umon, According to the last English census, there are in the United Kingdon 29,019,932 inhabi- tants, exclusive of seamen, soldiers, &c., abroad. Of these, England and Wales contain 20,066,- 244; Scotland, 3,062,284 , and Ireland, 5,798,- 697. A-Gavar Compr Prepictep.--The following says an English paper, is anextract of a letter just received from Melbourne :--Professor New- mager, ona three years scientific visit from Ba- varia, tells. us that in 1865 a comet shall come 30 close as. to endanger this our earth; and should it notattach itself, as one globule) of quicksilver to another, nor annihilate us the sight will be most beautiful to behold. . During three nights we shall have no darkness, but be bathed in the briiliant light of the blazing rain. Cnoice or Deatus --A singular law exists in Utah, Territory granting to criminals under ,ca- pital sentence a choice of deaths They, may elect to be hanged, to be, shot, or to be beheaded, In the case of Jason R. Luce, who was exe- cuted at Salt Lake on the 12th ult. for'the murder of Samuel Bunton, the prisoner declined at the time of Sentence to meke any choice, so the pre- siding judgehad himself to determine the mode of execution. He ordered him to be shot, and at the hour appointed he was taken to the Court House yard anda volley of five shots were fired at him from the windows of a basement, where the executioners were concealed from view, All the shots:penetrated Luce's breast and he fel! over a corpse. MONTREAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $200,000. HIS COMPANY continues to effect insur- ances against Fire and Inland Navigation Risks on as ravorable terms as offered by any responsible Office. Head Office :--No. 9, Great St. James St. For further information, rates &c., apply to G. HORNE & Co., Merchants, Agents. Ontario St, Stratford, 1863. 14-y Hartford Hire Insurance Co., HARTFORD CONN, INCORPORATED 1810. CAPITAL, $500,000, CHARTER PERPETUAL, YROM astatement of the condition of the 4 "Hartford Fire Insurance Company, on the Minister of Finance of the Province of Canada, in conformity with the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, sec. 11, Act, 23 Vic., Chap. 33, it ap- pears that, the Capital is five hundred thousand dollars, the whole of which is paid up. The total assets are........-+0- $1,229,334 00 , LIABILITIES. Liabilities to Banks or others, due or MAL OOO'. On. < ican ese ker ee None. Losses adjusted and due, or not due None. Losses either unadjusted or adjusted and not Cue@....en--erseeesees $34,750 24 Losses in suspense, awaiting further PLOOF oe. ee eee eee ee eee te None. All other claims against the Com- DAUY' yciscstcesrecessesetsses None. Total Liabilities........ $34,750 24 Amount of Premiums earned the past FOAL inc ces sey ees Fe Gees $337,837 55 Amount of Premiums unearned the PASLYEAT oc eee e ee eeeece Ea 241,230 31 State of Connecticut, : ss County of Hartford, 4 H. Huntington, President, and T. C, Allyn, Seérctary of the Hartford Fire Insurance Com- pany of Hartford, Connecticut, U.S,, being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that they are the above described officers of the Company aforesaid, and that on the first day of November last all of the above described Assets were the absolute property of the Com- pany, free and clear from any claim thereon by any person or Corporation, except as herein stated, and that the foregoing statement is a true, full, and correct statement of the condition and affairs of said Company on the first day of November last, according to the best of their in- formation, knowledge and belief. H, HUNTINGTON, TIMO; ©. ALLYN, President. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me, at Hart- ford, the 13th day of January, 1864. URIAH CASE, Justice of the Peace. . A, B. CHAFFEE. General Agent and Attorney for the Canadas. Montreal, February, 27, 1864. Any losses sustained in Canada will be paid in Canadian funds. U. C. LEE, : Agent, Stratford. Stratford, 24rd Feb., 1864. 35-3m EF' or Sale, A TAVERN STAND ND 20 acres of Innd, being part of Lot A 7, 6th Con., Mornington. Good buildings attached. re It is the best stand For particulars apply to JOSEPH MONTGOMERY. Rdgrcombe P. O., Feb, 6th, 1864. 33-3m in the township. WE HAVE JUST ISSUED A new edition of the HOME DOCTOR AND Family Heb Book. Price 40 cents. No family should be without it. It will teach you how to treat every disease man is heir to, without the assistance 0 a medical man; and when to procure and how to gather and preserve the Medicinal Herbs and Plants which grow in your pathway. VIVIAN & MADDOCKS, Booksellers. March 23rd, 1864. Improved Ferm for Sale, YOR SALE, ON REASONABLE TERMS, | the South half of Lot No. 1, in the 6th con., Downie, containing 50 acres more or less: The property is situated on the Stratford and St.Mary's Gravel Road, within three' miles of the former, and within a quarter of a mile of a good School. There are 20 acres dleared. 'There is a Log House and Log Stable on the premises. For further particulars apply at this office, or to the proprietor. », His address is St. Mary's P. O. T. Hy. DUNBAR. 41-2m Stratford, 5th April, 1864. COUNTY OF PERTH. HE Warden will be in attendance at the Clerk's Office on the first Wednesday in each month. : * ; The Clerk's Office will be open every Tuesday and Wednesday; from 1¢.to 3; and the Treas- urer's Office on the first and third Wednesday of each month, during the same hours. first day of November, A. D. 18u3; made to the THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE, The Great American Remedves, Known as Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, viz HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUCHU," £ ; ¢ SARSAPARILLA: - IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Helmbold's Genuine Preparation, "Highly Concentrated" Compound FLUIDEXTRA*T BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsical Swellings, This medicine increases the power of digestion and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the watery or Calcerous depositions, and all unnatural enlergements are reduced, as well as pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN, WOMEN, OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and Dissipation, Early Indiseretion, or Abuse, at- tended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exer- Dryness of the Skin, tion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the back, Universal Lassitude of Flushing of the Body, the Muscular System Eruptions on the Face, Hot Hands, Patlid Countenance. These Symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this Medicine invariably removes, soon follow Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say they are not frequently followed by those direful diseases, Insanity and Consumption. Many are aware OF the cause of their suffering, tut none will confess The records of the in- sane Assylums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. |The Censtitution once affected with Organic Weakness, requires the aid of me- dicine to strengthen and invigorate the system which Helmbold's Extract Buchu invariably @oes. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, Old or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage, In many affections peculiar to Fe- males the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irre- gularity, Painfulness or Suppression of the Cus- tomary Evacuations, Ulcerous or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Lucorrhea, or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whe- ther arising from Indiseretion, Habits of Dissi- pation, or in the decline or change of life. See above Symptoms. No family should be without it. Talee no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Med- icine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases Helmbold's Extract Buchu Cures SECRET DISEASES, In all their Stages; at lit'le expenses; little or no change diet; no inconvenience, and no ex- posure. It causes frequent desire, and gives strengthto Urinate, thereby removing obstruc- tions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and iaflammation, so fre qnent in this class of diseases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Worn-out Matter. Thousands upoh Thousands who have been the victims of Quacks, and have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the 'poison' has, by the use 'Powerful Astringents,' been dried. up in the system to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu for all affec- tions and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter how long standing. Diseases of these organs require the the aid of a Diurectic. Helmbold's Extract Bnehu is the great Diurectic, ard it is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it is reeommended. Blood! Bleod! Bloed! Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid ExtractSarsaparilla Syphilis.--This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the sexual organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, throat, Windpipe, and other mucus surf ces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla puri- fies the Blood, and removes all scaly eruptions of the skin, giving to the complexion a clear and healthy color. it being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, it? Blood-purifying propertics are preserved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. Helmbold's Rose Wash, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitie Nature, and as am injection in. Diseases of the Urinary Organs arising from hatits of dissipa- tion,used in conrection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as rocommend- ed, Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character accompanies the medicine. Certificates of Cure, from eight to twenty years standing, with names known to science and fame. For Medical Properties of Buchu see Dispensatory of the United States. See Prof, Dewee's valuable works on the Practice @ Physie See remarks mude by the late ceie brated Dr. Physic, Philadelphia. See remarks" made by Dr. Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and ' ember of the Kuyal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and. published in. the trans- actions of the King and Queen's Journal. See Medico-Cirurgical Review, published by Benja- min Travers, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. Exrract Buca, $1 per Bottle or 6 for $ « Sansaparitia, 1 hs " 5 Imrroveo Rose Wasu, 50¢. " $2.50 Or half a dozen of each for $12, which will be sufficient to cure the most ubstinate cases, if di- rections are adhered to. | Delivered to any ad- dress, securely, packed from observation. IZ Describe the symptoms in all communi- cations. Cures gnarantced. Advice gratis. Beware of Counterfeits und unprincipled dealers who endeavor to dispose of 'their own' and 'other' articles on the reputation attained by Hetmbold's Genuine Preparations. Ask for Helmbold's--fake ao other. Cut out the advertisement, and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. John F. Henry & Co. 303 St Paul Street, Montreal, sole wholessle agents for Canada. 8. CAMPBELL; Cointy Clerk. Haines and G, G. Waugh. For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Money to Lend, y* Farm Property, for from one to ten years, payable by installments, at a reasonable rate of Interest. -- i DD. HAY, ™ Listowell, Listowell, April Sth, 1864. 12 3m. FARM FOR SALE.| OT 41, Ist CON., SOUTH EASTHOPE, 'S only one mile from Stratford. Thirty Aves cleared. The best fam in the County. Will be exchanged for property, in Stratford. Apply to P. R. JARVIS. Stratford, 13th Jan., 1864. 29-tf Money to Loan. rFVHE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO Negotiate Loans on Improved Farms_pay- able by instalments in from one to ten years, at a reasonable rate of interest. P.R, JARVIS. 5-tf Stratford, July 30, 1863. Valuable Property FOR SALE IN THE TOWN OF STRATFORD, Being Lot No H, situate in the Business Part of the town, On Erie Street, and running to Market Street, es known-as the JOHN A. SCOTT PROPERTY. Frontage on Erie Street, 78 feet, and 58 feet.on Market Street, consisting of Lot H and a part of Lot I. This property will be sold in one lot, or divided into lots of 18, 20 or 26 feet to suit pur chasers. The property will be sold by private contract. For Particulars apply to J. G. HARPER, Eso, Manager Commercial Bank, London, GEO. E. SMALL, Ese., Commercial Bank, here Stratrfod, Sept. 22nd, 1863. 3-yf Or to DIVISION COURTS COUNTY OF PERTH Will be held as follows, in 1864: Division No. 1--Court House, Stratford, 30th January, 5th March, 2nd April, 2nd May, and 4th June, at 10 a. m. Division No z--Court Room, Mitchell, 29th February, 28th April, and 29th June, at 10 a.m. Division No. 3--Court Room, St. Marys, 27th Feby., 27th April and 28th June, at 10 a.m. Division No. 4--Court Room, Shakespeare, 26th Feby , 26th April, and 27 June, at 10 a. m. Division No. 5--Court Room, Poole,20th Jany. 3rd March and 2nd July at 10 a.m. No. 6--Court Room, Newry, 20th Jany., at 10 a.m. Court Room, Westmonckton, 1st March, at 10 a.m, Court Room, Newry, 30th June at 10 a, m. Dec. 26th, 1865 [Signed R. BURRITT, Judge. Copied from the original fyled in my office: J. J. B. LINTON Clerk Peace. J. & F. DUTTON; gt Phe Or. PURE DRUGS AAD' CHEMICALS. GENUINE PORT WINE, For the use of the sick always in stock, Stratford, July 14, 1863 3-tf JUST RECEIVED, ee 9, § 5 # é i A LARGE Stock OF THE CELEBRAT ED Dandelion Coffee AT PETER WATSON'S, Stratford, August 7, 1863, 7-tf NOTICE. _ r Ne SUBSCRIBER HEBEBY £S notice to these indebted to him, either by note of hand or book account (past due) that they are required to call at his store and settle the same, on or before the 1st of January, other- wise' all without exception will be placed in Court for collection. ~~ i THOMAS H. GOWAN. Gowanstown, Dec. i 12th, 1863. 25-tf. F Shop at the Bridge rW\HE Subscriber has leased the Blacksmith's Shop at. the west end ot the Bridge, owned by Wm. Robertson, and lately occupied by W. & F. Morrison, and is prepared to execute all work "that may be entrusted to him. 'Having had thirty years' experience in the above business, employing none but good workmen, a-d by per sonally superintendiag the work, he hopes to be able to satisfy his customers. ; IRON PLOUGHS, WOOD AND|IRUN CULTIVATORS, AND On Hand-and made to Order. THOMAS SMITH. Stratford, April 13th, 1864. 42-3m The Gounty of Perth Herald Is PUBLISHED Every Wednesday Morning. VIVIAN & MADDOOKS, AT THEIR OFFICE 3 Corner of Ontario and Market Sts., At $2.00 per Annum, or $2.50 at the end of the year. i Parties desiring to advertise must hand in thei Advertisements by 2 o'clock on Tuesday after noon in order to secure insertion, This' rule will be strictly adhered to. TERMS OF ADVERTISING: First insertion per line......+++++++ ooo $0.08 Hach subsequent, insertion.......+.++ gO Cards not exceeding six lines, per Ht Bie 4.00 Over six lines and under teny ** "6.00 A liberal discount allowed to parties advertis- ing by the column or year. 'Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged ae- cordingly. Any person ending 8 the names ef 6 sub- Clerk of Peace Office, t scribers, accon: panied with the cnsh! will, be than strict honest; ical accuracy, to In all new and lu Sold in Stratford. by Dutton Bros., Alfred And is rapidly increasing ; - Reshester, NF The Largest Cireul hook of its size and price con and mathemat- The best evidence of the usefulness and popularity of this book is the rapid and extensive sale of over 875,000 in 9 very short time, the sale is constantly increasing: " We do not hesitate to say that no ng more useful or correct tables. -- P ber countries the book will be found very eon- venient, as it comprises much that is useful for the Farmer, Mechanic, Stratford Dec. 26th, 1863, 2%-td entitled to receive one number ertis. és ey = SCRIBNER"S 2; PRADYT RUCKONER fet bar tt ap ey ae aR eae \ = Pe 3 wee es weal ps pats Y 5 5) 8 na bier FOR SHIP BUILDERS, BOAT BUILDERS, A ae te Le°iha MHRORANTS, FARMERS & MECHANICS. fy a -- oY, Meine a correct measurement of Scantling, Boards, Plank, Cubical re es Contents of Square aud Round Timber, Sawlogs, Wood, ete. com- 4 a 5 'olierd in a number of Tables ; to which are added Tables of Wagea Sy Si oe by the month, Board or Rent, by the week or day, railroad distances, 2 = E &e. Also interest Tables, at seven per cent. ss} . ° eee eee ~ a Q : oe uy sv. M. SCRIBNER, en Eh 2 aU'THOR OF " ENGINEER'S AND MECHANIO'S COMPANION," fy wees GS ENGINEER'S POCKET TABLE BOOK, eto., ete. et eee . SSN y aaaananaaannt azaf me oe o Searcely is it possible to add to the recommendations of the above ss io se took, more than to give its title page. Every one who is engaged in 4:3 a : = imying, selling, papaert 5 or inspecting Lumber of any kind, will at a nies once appreciate a work of this kind. No pains or expense has been a x OR spared in revising and enlarging this edition, to make it in every re- fa a £ __gpect convenient and accurate. a or e The Log'Table was computed by 0) : 3 drawing Diagrams, as shown by the a ~ q eut, for each and every log, from 12 A miei B to 44 inches in diameter, and the ea ae 2 width of each board taken, after ee Ms taking off the waneedge. Thesum fc ey total of each board constitutes the Per amount each log will give, and if Fe a end there can be any dependence plac- Sr a8 ed upon such strictly mathematical ATA pete =~ 2 accuracy, will hesitate for a ae ae moment to abide the results here 2 we OF given, a3 the method adopted by 4 aaa the author can result in nothing else ie Fe) 0 Es eH a] > os <j and business man. oR IC . from Agents, Booksellers, and others. to whom uerel gee . Se Price 25 cents. FIVE COPIES sent to 08 addi fe) K paid. 'The books oan be had of Bookaellet "OMEN, SS bacleaaes CULTIVATORS,

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