7 NEW CONFECTIONERY HENRY GIBSON, Market Street, Stratford. THE COUNTY OF PERTH HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1864, THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY 'DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BooTs AND SHOES, GROCERIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, at John J. Clark's, Ontario Street, Stratford. All kinds of Plain and Fancy CONFECTIONERY Always on hand, WEDDING CAKES 'f ufo'l, 4th May, 1864. 45-tf Made to order. pence pai entinan pour Sar- ' ssileed 2 ' saparilla Syrups, Ice Jreams, &c, = Fe : ~< IN? on ie q \ 1G )" } " 'eh ie J 7 ---- == == Of every variety. : = ---------------- i : i . €B. sas i= THE TRADE SUPPLIED. TERMS :--Cash or Trade. Stratford June 1, 1863. 1864. JUST RECEIVED, A fresh supply of SCRIBNER'S LOG BOOK. The best book in the Province for measuring any kind of Timber. Price 25 cents. VIVIAN & MADDOCKS. Stratford, 23rd March, 1864. The attention of the Farming Community is requested to the THE OLD ESTABLISHED REAPING AND MOWING/MACHINES "iNT Soe Wejare manufacturing T "T° OLAV H HOT ka aes VES i, Vanstone, Jr., MANUFACTURER OF Waggons, Carriages, Sleighs, CAT Rss (O&O. Being manufactured by us this season. BALL'S CELEBRATED OHIO : COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, : With two Driving Wheels, folding Cutter Bar, and all the Latest Improvements MADE IN MACHINES. : This Machine is.acknowledged by all who have seen it work, to be the most efficient and convenient Combined Machine in use. It has proved itself to be decidedly the Most Popular Combined Machine yet introduced into the United States or Canada, not less th«n 12,000 of them having been made for the coming harvest. While it is excelled by none as a Mower, it stands unequalled by any *s a Reaper. The Machines made by us, for neatness of design, qual- ity of material, and style of finish, cannot be surpassed. Farmers will find it to their advantage to purchase Machines manufactured at home in preference to those of foreign make. <= Each Machine will be set up and put in operation by us. ; JOSEPH SHARMAN. 49-tf ' HAVE NOW ON HAND a large lot of Harrows, Waggons, Carriages and Democrats manu- factred expressly for the Farmers of this County. HORSE-SHOEING DONE ON THE PREMISES Hither by the piece or the year, JOB WORK DONE WITH NEATNESS & DESPATCH Anything required on the Farm made to order, Remember the place, the Shop with the red front, Huron St., a little west of the Bridg Erie Street, po RT AD ik one GF 9! 28 8 NR te G. W. BYERS, PRACTICAL TINSMITH Has always on hand a large stock of a STRATFORD, 30th May, 1864. JOHN VANSTONE, Jr HARDWARE, ff DARD WARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW MAKING extensive alterations in their premises to accomodate their rapidly growing business.~-- To make room for these improvements they are now offering such inducements as will draw large crowds to the old stand, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL Where will be found one of the most extensive stocks of ENGLISH, GERMAN & AMERICAN§ HARDWARE, Ever breught west of Toronto. The subscri- bers' advantages are such that they can offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To close buyers. They would call special atten- tion to the following: ; 250 Tons Govan, Bar, and Rod Iron; 20 Tons Band and Hoop Iron ; 100 Tons Gartsher- rie No 1 Pig Iron ; 100 Tons Blossburgh and Leheigh Coal; 25 Tons Mon- treal Best Scrap Iron Nails; 500 Half Boxes Glass; 50 Cases Glass from 24 x 36 to40-x 50; 30 BARRELS PLASTER PARIS, 20 BARRELS WATER LIME. CRADLES, Wa rranted natural Bends. A full assortment Carpenter's, Blacksmith's and Cooper's Tools. HOUSE FURNISHING In every variety. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL FULLER BROS, Stratford, August 10, 1863, 7-tf aa ALEXANDER CAVEN, Importer and General Dealer in GROCERIES, Liquors, Crockery, Glassware, &c., &C., ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD, Stratford, 19th Feb., 1864. 35-7 WwW. R. Roberts, WATCH MAKER, STRATFORD, C. W. OPPOSITE SHAKSPEARE SQUARE. egs to inform his customers of having receiv- ed a number of splendid GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, CHAINS, &c., Of the best London and Swiss make, which for quality and prices cannot fail to please.-- Any Lady or Gentleman wishing to obtain a GOOD, CHEAP, and HANDSOME WATCH for themselves or a friend, had better call early and choose. W. Roberts having {worked at some of the BEST Watch Manufactories in the Old Country, and his brother is, and has been, doing a large business for the last 20 years near Regent Circus, London; therefore, considering the chances and experience he has had, he feels every confidence in saying he can BUY, SELL, OR REPAIR As Cheap and Well as any of the large Store- keepers in Toronto or Hamilton. Boys' Handsome silver Watches, $ 7 00 tadies' Gold, Open Face, 25 00 Double Case, 35 00 English Patent Lever, Gold, 55 00 Double Case Patent Levers, Detached Levers, and American ditto, equally as cheap, and eve- ry watch warranted to give satisfaction or it can be returned, i= Fine Gold Wedding Rings, Spcta Nes and Card Cases for Sale. Repairs done as usual. Stratford, May 21, 1804. 48-tf THE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST and the BEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES EVER OFFERED IN STRATFORD, AT Byers'. Stratford, Sept 15,1863. 12-tf TO FARMERS. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ANY Quantity of Wool DELIVERED AT THE STEAM MILL. SULLIVAN & IMLACH. Stratford, June 7, 1864. 50-tf eT FARMERS! FARMERS: Joseph Hal's Agricultural Works, CBS EE Ae Be Ra Mel PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE Stratford Agency OF THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT, FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF REAPERS & MOWERS, INCLUDING BALL'S OHIO COMBINED REAPER * MOWER, (Not less than 15,000 of which are being made in the United States for the coming Harvest). BRINCKERHOFE'S SELF-RAKING REAPER, The only valuable Self-Raker yet introduced. THE CAYUGA CHIEF REAPER & MOWER, The Ohio Junior Mower and Hubbard Light Mower, 3 The above are the most valuable Reapers and Mowers yet offered to the public. They are made of the best material, and are warranted to do good work. Hall's Improved Threshing Machines, COMBINING THE IMPROVED SEPARATOR--NEW STYLE, Which possesses several valuable improvements introduced this year, none of which are included in any other Machines made in Canada, WITH PITT's, PELTON, IRON PLANET, HALI'S, AND WOODBURY'S POWERS. 3" No establishment in Canada offers equal inducements to Farmers eitherin the variety of © Machines manufactured, quality of the material and workmanship, or terms of sale. SAMPLE REAPERS AND MOWERS Can be viewed at my Agency, No. 2, Market Buildings, Stratford. J.D. HANSON. Agent. Stratford, March 4, 1864. 45-3m. MONEY TO LOAN FIRST CLASS SECURITY. Apply to CORNISH & McDONALD, Jarvis'Block, Stratford Stratford, yuguat 10, 18 63. Tatf AME into the premises of the Subscriber, Lot 32,8th Con., Township of West Zorra, about ESTRAYT. C the 10th of May, a RED AND WHITE Cow. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take the animal away, Wx. DENNIS. May 28, 1864, 49-3¢ STOVES, PLOWS, TIN W. ALR E. Eave-troughs, Roofing, &c. Put up by Experienced Workmen, and guaran teed to stand, Job Work on the Shortest Notice. Remember--Opposite the Commercial Bank. Stratford, June 1, 1863. "WAGCONS AND CARRIAGES : ' A 4 (pHE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND A large assortment of seasonable material for manufacturing CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &e., &e. H RSE SHOEING And repairing done with neatness and despatch. Farmers' Shoeing done at $7 per span yearly. . Axes and Edge Tools repaired and tempered. Newly opened with first-class Workmen in Crippen's old stand, ROBERT E. WALKER, Stratford, August 10, 1863, q-tf TO VOLUNTEERS SPORTSMEN. m3 UST RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT of Curtis and Harvey's Celebrated Powder, In} and 1 Ib Cannisters. Also 0. & H. En field Rifle Powder. FULLER BROS. _---- TO HOUSE-KEEPERS., jo RECEIVED THE CELEBRATED Turn Table Apple Parer. Also aiarge lot of COAL OIL LAMPS for sale cheap. FULLER BROS. Stratford, September 2, 1863, 10-tf 'i * MONTREAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1840. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $200,000. ot he COMPANY continues to effect insure A anees against Fire and Inland Navigation Risks on as tavorable terms as offered by any responsible Office. Head Office :--No. 9, Great St. James St. For further information, race &c., apply to G. HORNE & 0o., Merchants Ontario St, Stratford, 1863. ware