County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 22 Jun 1864, p. 4

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i } Se rman orem mercer a ee ee ieee. eee == Ss G-be. THE COUNTY OF PERTH HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1864. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "AUCTION $*LE. N PURSUANCE OF A POWER OF SALE contained in a Mortgage from John Leitch and Jobn Burns of the first part, Eliza Leitch and Isabella Burns of the second part,and Henry Puddicombe of the third part, dated the 21st day of February, 1860, will be sold by Public Auction, at the MARKET PLACE, IN THE TOWN OF STRATFORD, Canada West, on The 14th Day of July Next, At the hour of Twelve O'clock Noon, The following Property, viz., Town Lot Number Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight in the Canada Company's Survey in the Town of Stratford aforesaid, and containing by admeasurement One Quarter Acre of Land, be the same more or less, with Houses, Out-Houses, & Buildings APPROACHES AND APPURTENANCES To the same belonging, as described in said In- denture of Mortgage. Terms made known at time of Sale. HENRY PUDDICOMBE, Mort gagee. 52-td Stratford, 21st June, 1854. TEMPERANCE DEMONSTRATION! NHE County of Perth Annual Temperance Demonstration of the B.A. 0. of GOOD TEMPLARS, 'Will be held in Stratford, On Thursday, June 30, 1864. The several lodges will meet at the Temperance Hall at 11:30 a. m., and form a Procession, headed by the Stratford Volunteer Band, to the Grove of W. F. McColloch, Esq., where A PIC-NIC Will be held,.and Addresses delivered by Dr. Hopkins, G. W. C. Templar, N. C. Gowan, Esq, G. W. Secretary, and other eminent Temperance Speakers. Refreshments will be Served at One p. m. THE BAND Will be in attendance during the day. 1g TICKETS, 25 cents each. To be had at the Stores of Messrs Williamson, Buckingham, Vivian & Maddocks, Winter, and on the grounds. A RE-UNION Will be held in the Town Hall, at half-past 7 m. Several Speakers, the Band, and the Choir will take part in the proceedings of the Evening. = Tickets for the Re-Union, TEN cents; to be had at the Door, : By order of the Committee, oii W. D. BUCKLE, Secretary. God Save the Queen ! Stratford, June 30, 1862 52-li Stratford, Grammar School. ENE Semi-annual Examination of the Gram- mar School will take place on Friday, the 24th inst., at 2 p. m. C. J. MACGREGOR, M. A. Head Master. Stratford, June 21, 1864. 52-1i DURHAM BULL. fP\HE Subscriber, Lot 2, Con..6, Gore of Dow- nie, has for service, this.year @ Thorough bred Durham Bull... : TERMS,--For #.single, Cow,;.75e.; for more than one, 50c: each, : Wa. LUPTON. Gore of Downie, June 22, 1864. 52-tf Ww. R. Roberts, WATCH -MAKER, STRATFORD, C. W. j OPPOSITE SHAKSPEARE SQUARE, é AS NOW for sale, at the lowest possible |" prices, a lot of finely finished Spectacles, Kye-Glasses and Goggles, with the very best Scotch and German Pebble Glasses to suit all | sights. 'YOU VALS A ""ONIAZIVASa ] Short sight lengthened, Weak sight strengthened, And good sight preserved, Also, for sale Watches, Clocks, and an assort- ment of fine gold jewelry. Particular attention psid to jobs left for Repairs. Stratford, June 22, 1864. 52-tf | FOxXE'S BOOK UF MARTYRS °"Pedntifully, Mustrated. Ce 8B Boras Ol. Time Given for Payment if Required, {oa A Stratford, June 22, 1864, if badi asp E \ UM ONLY. 51, FEW, CORES ON. HAND 0: | WA VIVIAN & PADDOCKS! || é WAR! WAR! dl OL OD ATI INVM DOA s a " > ~~ 4 z = = A ape ter & > Gg .° = 2 -- -¢ Sh Ekin: a Soe i = > oes am Res AC 5 Ae oe ow & 5 BH = = =n) * Q = b O.§ _ eS aE = =) Ope ea yy Pw echt = Fee S wk Sc Bre Pi ce ae ons 0 ed: Aarne rs : 1 she FES. Oe dhe ee ee Oe ge che ee nipaage = x SD oe eZ wood a m a4 atm, Cc E ce ee e | a ae yea = Of BS > & O 8% 2 : be eS a Be i PM fod BOT neg Bh my & z Bo be pe ts $y ot eae a ge mat 2 QD 3 2 a MES) ws ra ee SB Es gh 1 Sp egy eggs: Mo BS ie: Z wa tae S Ve . A pe, s ° i peat om es = Po : 3 om : ie) we 2 aon en OT => ae On = & Lage % SRom aes: ing ENE ie BR we Rom ek & CPs i a Se Sckiot h a a I ees "ek sa oa hig ve oe' & aah --- Reds nme ow al =. es uO 1oj dveyp [HGTV i el ral 5 3QvuUl ? yser 'SOAfOSINO X LO} OUTULEXTT PUR |]B) ('LOS WE TILA SGOOD AAOEY ATNO I MIS ij ao Stratford, June 22, 186+. 52-1f "NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MELODEONS! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NWew Zot OF THE ABOVE INSTRUMENTS, 4nd are Prepared to Sell them AT THE Manufacturer's PRICES. tO MAKE IT CONVENIENT FOR PURCHASERS, We can receive the amount in MONTHLY INSTALMENTS! VIVIAN & MADDOCKS. Stratford, June 21, 1862. A Good Supply FAMILY BIBLES, Very Cheap, and on Reasonable Terms. F VIVIAN & MADDOCKS'. Stratford, June 22,1864. NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP, STRATFORD, SAAC DAVIS begs to in form the inhabitants of Stratford, that he has commenced busi- hess in the little store lately occupied by J. Gowanlock, Tailor, opposite Mr. Inman's Cabi- net Shop. on Ontarion-st., leading to the bridge. 'All orders for Made Goode will be executed with promptness. REPAIRS NEATLY AND QUICKLY DONE, Stratford, June 14, 1864. 5l-y r|.HE MEMBERS of the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Perth will meet in the ' COWTRT BoOUS EF. STRATEORD, On Tuesday, the 28th day of June, cur't, At One o'clock p. m., For the purpose of Equalizing The County Assessment, And adopting a By-law to levy a County rate, &e., &e. Copies of Municipal Assessment Rolls, Ac- counts, Reports, Petitions, and other documents requiring the action of the Council, to be trans- mitted to the County Clerk's Office previous to the day of meeting. By order of the Warden, STEWART CAMPBELL, County Clerk. County O.mrx's OFFIcr, Stratford, June 7, 1864. 50-td Examiner and Beacon to eopy till date, NOTICE. 1g HE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to notify the 1 Farmers of the County of Perth, that his CAKDING & FULLI'G MILLS Wil] be in operation During the First Week im Jume, And shortly after the above date he will be pre- pared to attend to the manufacturing of Wool in all its Braaches. i: The services of a FIRST CLASS HAND has been secured to take charge of the Factory, and from the number of Carding Machines employed, Farmers from a distance will beenabled to have their Wool Carded the same day that it is brought to the Factory. W. IMLACH. Stratford, May 16th, 1864. 47-tf DissolutionofPartnership 7EXHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be- i tween the undersigned has been this day dissolyed by mutual consent. The business will in future be carried on by Mr John Dutton, to whom all accounts are to be paid. JOHN DUTTON. | FREDERICK DUTTON. } 1 | | | JOHN DUTTON accorded to the late firm. He hopes by increased | exerticns, large additions to stock, and constant personal supe intendcnee,. conmbined swith a 21 A R years' knowledge of the business gained in 'first ;@ | class firms in England, to merit 4 continuance of ' the same. Stratford, April 23rd, 1864 44-1f ETURNS SINCERE THANKS to the pub- | lic for the large and generous support '| supply at 30th March, 1864. ENGLISH, June 7, 1864. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS STILL ON HAND A Few of those Beautiful SCOTCH, ° FRENCH rw EE: Ds, Which have been so universally admired for Quality, Style, Cheapness, &¢., AND WHICH CAN ONLY BE HAD AT williamson's, ALSO ON HAND A Choice Selection of SummerClothing NOP SLOP CLOTHING, Such as is generally offered for sale, but Cloth- ing Manufactured with a view to give Satisfaction to the Purchaser, HATS AND CAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Alex. Williamson, " Sign of the Golden Fleece. Ontario Street, Stratford. 50-tf AND Armstrong Adam Armstrong J Arred Jobn Bethune Colin 2 Byers Christiana Beadle Mary Baker E Byrston David Buckland Henry Campbell A 2 Cunningham Mrs Collins Mary Clain Jane Chalmers D Colthard John Dawe Ann Depth Mrs R Dunn Geo Dawson Geo W Duperow F Dunn HA Erquirer G French Isaac Glover Mary Graves James Henderson Thomas Harmin John Hunter James Johnson James Kavanagh Garret Loye Stephen Matheson Robt Metz Robt Montgomery John Minna Sarah Mec Kenzie Wm McNiel Ronal McLeary Thomas McLean Peter MeGuinen Michael Nelson David Pike John Pridham Mrs Reid Wm Riggs Rimus Roach Patrick Road Nicholas Ross James R Robertson John Ryan John' Sezelend Wm Sloman Wm Scart Thomas Sliper Robt Stafford Obediah Sullivan Patrick | Tackabury R M | Texan John | | | Vaughn © Persons asking for any of the above tetters will please say they are advertised. | | Stratford, June 1, 1864. List of Letters EMAINING IN THE STRATFORD POST Office up till June Ist, 1864. A Anglun William Andrews Walter B Broncey John Badgeley Louis Bauline Pier Beadle Thomas E Byers Wm Bradley Wm Cc Cain John 2 Carl L Casey Patrick Connors. Owen Curley T Chowen Wim D Donaldson J W Dart John Donaldson John Dent John Dean James E Sar Forbes George G Gilkinson Henry _ Guild John wx Herron Frederick Hurtle Anthony 5 Johnston Wm K Keys Martha L M Murray Catherine Moore Miss M © Mills Miss E Menzies Alex Me McCardell David McLeod Hugh McLaughlin Andrew McDonald Mr D A McPherson Alex N Pr . Peddie John R Ramsey Daniel Rody G T Roche Miss Mary Rowland Miss M A Robertson Miss Jane Richardson W s Sloman Nathaniel Sutherland J 8 Sully Robt Stone CM Stewart Alex ry Thompson Miss 2 ¥v Vivian Chas 2 L. T. O'LOANE, Postmaster. 50-1m | List of Letters EMAINING in the Shakspeare Post Office, June 4th, 1864. Amos Walter 2 Bormingham Pat Comeron Robt Curtis Mr Campbell Catherine H Dickey James McNally Gunner Edelstine George McIntosh Mrs S$ Edlestine Joseph Sam'l McDonald John Forest Alex Nelson Mrs Ann Feik George Nick John Flinn Miss Ellen Offord Mr Fieg George Oliver Miss Ellen Fraser Miss Mary Osburn Christopher Francis John O'Neil Jane Libbard William Molison George Mitchell James McFea John McDonald James Gaxho John Roadwick Kasper Grogan John Rodemic Kasper Haig A Simpson Thomas Sanderson Thomas Troup George Hanson Dow Herold Christopher Herlich Herman Wood Elizabeth Hensel Conrad Watson Thomas Hart Neil West Robert Hunter Mr Wilson James Wenzel Nicholas Yaga Samuel Isler Christian Kalbfleish Adam Larkem Barney Persons asking for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised. ; GEORGE BROWN, Postmaster. Shakspeare, June 4, 1864. 50-1m Steel Mould Board PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS. 7 J. Birch Has just received alot of very superior Ploughs with STEEL MOULD BOARDS Which he offers for sale very cheap. | All the old still on haad. Also ' A FEW SUPERIOR CULTIVATORS, mteoel Teeth Which he will sell very cheap. ROAD SCRAPERS Always on hand. Townships supplied on the shortest notice with a better article and at a lower figure than elsewhere. All kinds of ' 7) BLILDER'S WORK Done on the shortest notice and at the lowest possible living prices, such as Eave Troughs, Gutters, Roofing, §c., &e. All work warranted. THOS. J. BIRCH. Store opposite Kyle's Mill. Stratford, 20th April, 1864. 420tf JOHN PARKER EGS TO ACQUAINT the people of i3trat- ford and surrounding townships, that he has now on hand a large Stock of Stoves, COOKING, PARLOR, AND BOX SsrTrovVveEs, Farmers' Agricultural Furnaces, Which he will offer for sale on most reasonable terms. He is also prepared to undertake all kinds of work in his line, such as ROOFING, EAVE-TROUGHS, SHEET IRON WORK, HEAVY AND LIGHT COPPER-WORK, And Plumbing. 'The best of material always used, and for workmanship,--give him a trial. Kitchen Pumps, Lead Pipe, Sheet Zinc, and a superior article of heavy Stove Piping. Highest price allowed for Sheepskins, Rags, and Furs. PLOUGHS AND. COAL OIL For Sale Wholesale and Retail. 3x3" Shop--Monteith's Block, one door east of the Post Office, Stratford, Nov. 10th, 1863. a e: Just issued From the Press, a new Book entitled "« THE CANADIAN Domestic Lawyer," BY JOHN WHITLEY, Esq, Attorney-at-Law, Toronto, Containing Law Forms of every descriptien The following is a synopsis of the work : 20-y Affidavits. Goods, Sale of. Agreements. House. Arbitration. Hiring. Assignment. Landlord and Tenant. Auctions. Leases. Bills of Exchange. Line Fences and Water- Bond. courses, Chattel Mortgage. Master and Servant. Collection of Debts. Mortgages. Contracts. Naturalization. Deeds. Notice to Quit. © Distress. Partnership. Division Court. Patents for Inve ntions Hquity of Redemption. Promissory Notes. Executors and Admin- Receipts and Releases. istrators. Rents. Fences. Sale of Goods. Fixtures. Servant. Frauds, Statute of. Gift of Lands, Deed of. This book is suitable to the Merchant, Far- mer, and Mechanic. 150 CANVASSERS WANTED Wills and Intestacy MMEDIATELY FOR THE ABOVE WORK, to canvass the entire Province, to whom & liberal commission will be given. Applica- tion may be made personally or by letter SCHOOL BO OK S | Prrepaia) to t \tkt Wholesale prices, of.which there isa large VIVIAN & MADDOCKS, Stratford. SS i lc a A te ac lea VIVIAN & MADDOCKS, Publishers, Stratford, C, W. Statford, sth Jan., 1864, a

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