Monkton Times, 20 Mar 1908, p. 8

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. a g = = = cn nen = = -- cuanto ~ - . sa DR. A. F. McKENZIE iT G e Things Unkown | Roosevelt and the Railways D { Di ' eh Be : wee : : : Physician and Surgeon e ce ] The little drops of water from al| (President Howard Elliott, of the OC ors isagree y s : lowar Pe cloud | Northern Pacific, declalres that, net < Lae : ; lat cam they do? You ask with |satisfied with the havoe already i Office hours: So far as possible, from Wierchant, - Monkton clamoring, loud ; wrought by extreme and- unwise Consult an Optician 1 to 3 p, m, and in evenings, . And shout the power they have is oe President Roosevelt has : é very small made another attack cn corporations B+ OesB:e Will offer for sale : | Compared with winds which cause | His peesemnenintion for Federal con. oS : great oaks to fall trol off stock issues of corperaticns is oN : DR. R. LEDERMAN Ib so rabid ag to be alarming. The en- Nervousness, headaches pO Bologna: :.3..,.10¢ per 1D. | Now think a minute ere you do|croaching power given commissions sleeplessness and dizziness of.- z us Cheese ee thi A proceed 5 over railroads has checked building t le the b d Licentiate of Dental Surgery and eae oe ates cy How could we do without them?|for years to come,-and the West muat en puzzle the est octors -Member of Royal College of Dental SEAMS 6. igckcsssis PSC Ah indeed! : suffer for this unwise legislation : Ff j \ Surgeons of Ontario, honor graduate Rolled Shoulder. ie Wa a rans wish that we could paras is ae Ee pag whe * es Nine on out of ten eye- of Toronto University, Crown and oe rear the rain -|ter im any o e railroad stocks of | strain j i - Bridge work a Seaeinieg. Hours 9 a. 3 lbs. Raisins for...25 cents.} Sa gently tapping 'gainst our win-|the country. 1t would be impossible to 1s the Street ee m, and 5 p,m... Office above the Sov- Currants per Ib,..., 10 cents. dow: pane. pn Oe ee ae eee oe Nothing can effect a per: ereign Bank, Milverton, : ue of the railroad stocks o e€ coun- . ~ oa ee . bags as cwt. | ror then ars flowers agonelit: 'hlooni ry today. je is_time ae ee oa manent cure that does not re. alt the barre £26. 10 grass would grow a half to this vicious legislation, for S y hound = All kinds of corn. such ' rapid Jit mrst be checked if future develop- move the cause. SHLHHEFHHEPEEHHEHOEEH HHH OD ugar $5 per hundred. growth would show ment is to be expected. Take the Pink is ahi < fF Maple Syrup 25c per qt. That man's heart would rejoice and |Northern Pacific als an instance of at 1S WNat our scientifi- Jno. C. Eckmeier oF a53 thankful be the abserca of walter, or, better stat-| cally fitted glasses do. Consul: Pail Pickles 15¢ per qt . - : ' cally fitted glasses do. Consu . DEALER IN. Z 5¢ P q i That e'er a drop of water he did jed, over-capitalization. Our earnings . f EVERYTHING IN THE HAR- 2 cans Finnan Haddie 25¢. sae amount 'to 4.82 per cent, certainly | tation free, NESS LINE. The sale was made necessary by unusually heavy stock, ' : not too much for investors. All rail- : 2 bottles Ozo pickles 25¢. The springs would oyerflow and|road development work not largely Bi @ 60: e . ° down the hill completed must stop because ef the Canned fruit of all kinds for Would rush with all their might |power given commissions under the W A CA EFRON sale, ' till to we mill ; present Administration. etic ae a Wi. - / hey come; where corn to sustain {giving commissions more power, ey * segs All kinds of cough mixtures Z life is ground must be shorn of some they now Jeweler and Optician of Mitchell ' ; 8 : By means of the great wheel they | possess. i : kept in stock. turn around. oe Ladies' Fur Ruffs- 1 only Fur Ruff, regular 8.75 now 6.75 1 only Fur Ruff, regular 7.50 now 5. 50 1 only Fur Ruff, regular 3.50 now 2.50 _ 6 only Fur Mulls at. o.oo; <a 58 Horse Blankets, Whips, Rugs, , Plush Rugs, Team and single Harness, Collars, Bells, International Stock Food, lf 2 . ee ee R. J, SHINE, Veterinary Surgeon' : ie a read, buns an ren a He onward whens tl! school Trustees Convention. Noakton Oni. cakes for sale. : as = apes : Milverton Flour always ON |To carry the great Khips from shore fion of the Provincial ris iasauoted of domesticated. animals scientifically ' school trustees of Ontario will be ¢ ine: hand. to shore Horse dentistry a speciality. Calls , See ate i held in the west hall of the Toronto . Till drawn upward to the clonds University on April 21, 22 and 23. by telephone or otherwise promptly Furniture kept in stock, alae ; Subjects of an important nature. attended to. Office at residence. ene Cie arn Much like the drops of water thou ber vaining to phe: improvernsnt of fie Linoleum 50c per yd for 39¢. EE Rees sean po aer oe papas by CH LMERS é ; speakers miliz I fe A A Floor Oil Cloth 35c for 28ec What goed thou may'st do no hand a he tollewing 'axe eer peatie of s . cam pen = tee cae . » di sede: Floor Oil Cloth 25¢ for 20C whilst thou art toiling on in sil- ip tin He oe MONKTON,SONT. ence here Sete : Sea eee gece es Not Publie, C I f Pick nge aes ; : ,| Helped by the Ontario Agricul'aral otary tubiic, Conveyancer, issuer 0 We keep no books, but buy And striving to make glad those College," , Seay SB. \McCready, B. A. | Marriage Licenses, J.P. for the County and sell for cash. to theesc dear. of O.AC., Guelph. of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold. "The Ethical Value of Domestic | A few choice farms for immediate sale. 2 ae: igs eae Ese wee Science," Mrs. Jchn Hoodless, Ha n- A Woman Hung ete tei po never deem the Gower of their "Raeat Senoot Trustee Assoriaion| MONKTON LIVERY ! and Present Conditions,' J. J 'Morri- ill Thou also dost not know-- thouzh a peg Pe "© json, Arthur. First-class horses and rigs John ks Gi oft thought oer "Points Picked Up in the Toronto 8s. Around the neck of her husband : What use thou may'st be thou |poiiic Schools." by IM Parkinson. F ; and begged arid entreated him to go Main Street -- Monkton should'st therefore. "The Tabeoe od Place of the secaereg mean a to Burgess the artist, Mitchell, and. Boe : ; High Schools in Our Educational Sys- = : : hava aj nice family group photo tak- In life's small things exert thy in- | tons by Dr. W Packenham, deacon iz Prompt attention given to all en, while the family afre at home fluence : : of the faculty of Education, Toronto orders by telephone or otherwise. For truth and right. Know'st thou (University. os e. ; j 'Me month of \March is the time Antiseptic Rig en ag te re to |,, Citizen Making," the Mission of JOHN BUCHAN, Proprietor to have family group photos taken |, May pes thy merits; or may say the School," J. G Elliott, Kingeti befora the spring work starts, as you ; The Manual Arts,' James, New ee" Barber shop toe te [Sa officers of tho Assosiation aro: | WME. HOLMAN Tuft ©' the Heather. President, L. K 'Murton, B. A., Osha- Aro you going West, if you are E thi aes Willor Grove March 9th, 1908. wa; vice-president, R. Knight, Owen Ne ese leave some good photes with (ycur verything up-to-da e Sound; director, John Anderson, Ar- friends before you go. Sterilized towels, Anti-|Death of Mr. Hugh MeMillan| thur; secretary-treasurer, A. Wer- LICENSED - AUCTIONEER ' ' a asi i ner, Elmira; representatives on ad- Gk secu oe aed apes Pe Tt will pay you tp come to \Mitchell septic brushes & sooth-| North Easthope has lost one of its |visory council, J. B Dow, Whitney ; J. Sind heaters ne heek SatintHeHON pun canitead: where you can get the very best ° . pioneers and most Tespected resi- |S. Laughton, Parkhill Parties in Monkton district, kindly leave all work at prices to suit you. Our photes Ing lotions used. 'dents in the death of Mr. Hugh Me- ete Saye eieeta gos with JOHN WHITE, will not fade. Try us for stationiry Millan, whose decease occurréd on --~ : : and picture frafming. P ] R Monday at the old homestead, lot 17, 00 oom sae rad North Easthope, al the age Could Not Agree. I C: IK! , oO Fi Hes VERE Try pte for Stationery and in connection. #: Prices}: TH Pte: Mr. MoMillan bas boon Wellesley Maple Leaf => | < e Picture Framing. : ; ailing for about two years, having The only difficulty in the way of : right. Games strictly been seized with a paralytic stroke |) 1aipamation of the (Lord's Day '<We make the brick that gunn ae im March, 1906. Deceased has re} aitianee and the Templars of Tem- made Monkton famous, for amusement. sided on the same farm 'im North| sconce would appear to be the in- Burgess' Art Studio J WHITE Proprietor Bene wake Percobae - backind: ability of some of the former --- \gNo building material shows ' ' Leather Braces made to order. Repairing especially attended to. Harness Oil at 65 cts. gallon lots. Regular price 75 cts. CALL"AND SEE OUR_GOODS AND, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR HARNESS. ' aes Ce Men's Fur Coats -- 1 only Black Siberian Martin Coat, regular , STOO BOWS 553) sci das hascscasa 1 only Brown Calf Coat, regular 30.00 now 1 only Imitation Lamb Coat, regular 17.00 NOW 555 ass docs tavnaess Seankissdvens alae 1 only Imitation Fur Lined Coat, regular 20,00 now John 6. Eickmeier 0-17-j-17 BRODHAGEN Sa a i te a on nn a en & 4445 E4S444 44446 ESE EHEHEEHIEEHESEEES EES OS F 4444 444464444644444444449444444 Ooo 4 Ooo oe Pee ee eee ee eee eee ee) 200 yards of Prints regular toc and 12%c now 8c 75 yards of Wrapperettes, regular 12%c now 8c Remnant Dress Goods, reg. 50c and 75c now 39c Men's Underwear (all-wool) reg. $2 suit now $1.80 Men's and Boy's Winter Caps regular 'soc; 75¢ and Stoo 'now. ih ee 30c Ladies' Wrappers, regular $1.00 and $1.25 now 80c If you allow this sale of ours to pass without taking advantage of the many opportunities it offers. for you to make a wise purchase, you will regret it. J. G. WILSON General Merchant, MONKTON, ONT. | INN Ne Ne ey Ne 9994S 449 FOG FSH44O4G54H44S45 FS HFHE4FOSHEFHESESEESEPIHH ESE FOS FIFO FPP HFSEE SLOG EEEDOG GEOG S DS HEHE HOHFHFEEEEEOETEES PEPPHEHESHH FFE EPE EE SH OSH OFY owing to cherished and deep-rooted off a building like our celebrat- i j about fifty years ago. Some ten|yinig to live under the rules of ° Mitchell " Ontario MONKTON year later he was married to Miss tha : Daler. uokee ° Hate. ses te. ed Terra Cotta brick. Ellen MacDougall of the eae ale tions are of am extreme cast, nar- ship. A' family of five sons and one | 0. and prejudiced in their views, NAN ANN + PELHLHHHEL SLOPES HOLES FHPVPTEPFSE HHS oseey \eQuotations given on applica- ffield. "The Tailor' ine er eee Sater ae) gO8e Aes ret ae : '" |and expectaitions, an hanking the U Ss] 9 @ al or of the same locality and Mrs. D. W legislators of the country for favors e H. BARNHARDT Chalmers of Wellesley. RRR sass, ee Be = ates "brdiliers And oie' water alles Oo ES SS ord Wrdokion: es Ontario | hhh eheebbetobetehaeteta edetenctebeetdedebdetobedobebebebebebeb + I the deceased survive. They are Messrs. Duncan and Joseph Mce- Millan, of Shakespeare; Mr. John ATEN rE MeMillan Stratford, and Mrs. Wc- Short Stories Retold WA/ 4 ho : Tavish of Shakespeare. eke i? 4 E HAS the goods out of which Ths funeral takes place on Thurs- An old woman resident of a York- c ¥ wae afternoon to Hampstead ceme- ahike . ¥illens took se east] pride f : to make them. He guarantees et eeecienes in attending ajll the bee Sete with ma | ' x m healeions Davis in reaching distance her home. a fit, He gives satisfaction, hence A aalig se mise ie MiNsR ee a ee ee IF YOU THINE OF MAKING b) rey the next village which she could = . y, . ' , : tonians took place at North Augus-|.ttend. but a neiwhbor of hers was A HOME IN THE WEST his success in business. Give him tar. |; ig YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE . . 4th, when Miss Euphemia Dalvis, neighbor and said ; a trial and be convinced. re splen- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Davis | «Well, Nancy, I heard yow wor al ge ta, Grenville Co., on Wednesday, Mar. |+yere. hat night sho called on the of that place became the bride of |¢* guneral." ree Books did assortment of goods recently Mr, John E. Roulston of Milverton. | «Ves, I wor," Naney replied. # a h f 5 At sahara ae the bridal party ap- "What kind of # funeral wor ii!" peared and took up their positions Naney sniffed. "SETTLERS' GUIDE" arrive to Cc oose rom. under a beatiful arch of ever- "Why, it wor a werry mean, affair," "WESTERN CANADA' greens, where the ceremony was per: lane gaid. "Tf:ere were nobbut a "TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" ® formed by Rev. G. W. Snell, pastor of | few piscuit and sich."* ME TABLE The Tailor, the Methodist church. The bride was| «an, gaid the old womam, "them's dime = attired in a gown of white silk. |thoe sort of waya I don't hold to. I've 7 : vo ~ e 9 Monkton trimmed with silk over lace and ap- | ost five. but, thanks, 'evens I've dur- : meee bane plique. Only the immediate relatives | icq 'em: all with 'am." -- tiand friends, numbering about 75, + |wero present. The happy couple left achat . |om a trip to Brockville, Ogdensburg : * land other points east, the bride's Andrew Carnegie is fond of quot- es : : F i the witty remarks malde by an PS * | travelling suit' being grey broadcloth |'88 th ur ie 6 * | with hat to match. On their return | 0d friend of his in Pittsburg, who i' GEORGEA SLATER + they will take up their residence on |r some time held the record for udutREAL t * |tho groom's farm near here. The |fast horses, but was one day beaten in a brush by a young man. The + |brida is a sister of Mrs. Jos. Galllop.| | : % land a niece of Mrs. Alex. Roo. old gentleman disappeared for some AN ane i ee RG y =a time. He had gone. to Kentucky to GEO. A, i y SG EMPRESS y mak ine 3 PCotgh ar atc get oa horse that would re-establish Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly {hig supremacy. ; LATER loosen when using Dr. Shoop's Cough We was being shown over a stud, FOR MEN ee Having disposed of my busi- ness here to Mr. J. R. Near, I wish to thank my numerous friends who have so liberally tendered me their patronage in the past and beg a continu- uance of the same to Mr. \ear. P ' ' sfeobofeobefeobeteoteosteobettobeeeteclsteofetesteofeteobectestobeceefesbesteebecoeteobeteoleeb eobeeobecbbeobeecteebeteebeseoh he nfo shestesk fe 5 6 ee + Pe. peted <2 5 Cure. And it is so thoroughly hanm- |.na@ had already gone past a long less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to |.tring of horses with their records use nothing else, even for very young Jon the stall and the victories they ae Es Pek Ged fee ee had won. Then he was taken through C. 2; R and tender stems of al lung healing |} long line of young horses with mountainous shrub give the curative | their Nadietand. Riis which the deal- |. Westbound ese hei properties to Dr. Shogp's Cough Cure [yr was proving what they were going ang opt Sonsi eae Tt calms the cough, and heals the |:5 do when they got on the track 832 10 43 tinwoed 8 40 6 26 sensitive bronchial membranés. No/'The old gentleman, wiping his fore- 842 1054 Millbank 830° 616 opium, no chlofoform, nothing harsh |joad--for it was » hot day--sudden- |g 59 4103 Milverton 821 609 used to injure or suppress, Demand ly 'turned to the dealer, avd said, D 04 1] 18 West Monkton 8 07 iti] Dr. Shoop's Take no other. At Pub-| Took here, stranger -- you've |g 14 11 28 McNaught 757 545 'lic Drug Store. shown me 'have beens,' and you've 9 25 114 89 Walton 746 685 heed fe fonfoote As I am_ now retired from active service along the busi- ness line, I insist that all out- standing accounts be settled promptly to save further trouble. . ; ; '" = oe You pay for Three Things in a Shoe MATERIAL, LABOR, PROFIT. Geo. A. Slater AND , Empress makers REGULATE PROFITS by stamping their valuation in the Good- year Welted Shoes. © Ile' me ses you "going-to-be's' but wuat I am here for is an 'iser.'"* Annual Horse Sale ! Sse G.T.R Time Table "Wm: Holman's annual spring horse |__Not long ago, so the story gos, Traina leave Atwood Station, North sale will be held at 'Monkton Hotel |King Edward was visiting a country jand South as follows ;-- yards, Monkton, on ' house near the scene of one of| Going South. Going North 5 Cromwell's historic battles. Strol- |} Express 7.30 am, Express 9,85 a,m, Wednesda A ril Sth {ng out one day by himself, he met | Express 11.53 am, Express 8,26 p,m, y; p 9|the village blacksmith returning from |Express 38.80 pm, Express 1,21 p,m, a shoang oxpedition. - 'Mitchell, going east, 6,55 a. m, encered for sale ;-- "I cay, my good: fellow," sald His 8.16 a om, 8,52 p,m, 5,55° p, m,. Paty a Majesty genially, 'I understand there | going west, 10.22 a m,, 2,25 p, in, Bay maire rising 8 years old weigh- : : } sae s ' irae 1a uhdecd "Tok: wee ee Fee fought somewhere 15,55. p. m, 10,84 DP» 2; at ah isine 2 4 4 Bee oka oe ai | Welker" stammered (the - blak. if ONL Ss TS. . i's 3 . as ; Heavy mace 12 years old, weighing smith, recognizing the King, "I did : W712 awe ith. Bill, the potman, about 14 hundred lbs. good in all eae. Bohs Helga ae ka icaty haa COMMERCIAL \arness ie y |heard it Chestnut mare rising 5 years old, si eS 5 : Fall wheat per bush 88 weighing about 12 hundred; good in _---- Barley per bush...........+. BB BOT all hairness. : : Oats" Gn eae é 48 Grey gelding rising 2 years old. Lord Dunmore's only fault was the|~,,, « « 80 Yearling fillie sired by "Local Op- |exaggerated value that he set upon | pour per OWt.....eccce, 2 90 2 90 tion." ; f correctness. He insisted on correct- Bran, per ton Peden 2E-00 OB: 00: Bay mafre good roader. noss "in eating. in dress, in every-| manitoba flour........... 815 315 'Parties having horses for sale|thing. At 4 dinner in Bealcon street Shorts, per ton.........5... 25 09 25 00 kindly leave entries with John White, |he told a story about an incorrect | Lard Me dee baer e mse tye 124 124 Monkton, or with Wm. Holman, auc-|self-made man. This man was dress-| Tallow.......... +g 5 tioneer, make entries on as early |ing one evening td go out. His wife | _ data as possible, so as to be-adver- {hustled into the room before he tised. Both buyers and 'sellers will {started to look him over. Sale Kegister at greatly reduced prices. do well to attend this sale. Entry | <"But, George," she said reproalch- 5 ey ae Se i fee, 50 cents per horse, is sold 1 per |fvlly, "aren't you going to Wear your | Unreserved auction sale of farm : * Joent. additional. diamond ntuds to tha baliquet #" 'stock and implements con. 16, Ellice at. = Terms made known on day of sale.| "No. What's the use?" George|om Tuesday March 24th. -- W. D Opposite Post Office Monkton, Ont a sake WM. HOLMAN, growled. 'My napkin. would hide 'em | Weir auctioneer; Charles H. Fink, Auctioneer, 'any way." : 2 proprietor. Se oe eee Pe b hth eehbbeebbrhhe t ' feofenogeseagetecbedesbebeebedecbete Reteteotespeteebeepectefeebeteebeteetecieh 2 - eee ecco obese he tebe ede sboob beer ede cteadenfeotectesoefesbotondeoefoetesecesde alee oecefesfoobe cede oboe oooh cfeeabeobesbafectesdeofecfecbecbrfesfeedocbecfedoebeobeebeoeteede 5 The following is a list of horses A trial will'convince the most scepti- cal, to eke ote oho ste stoatate ste Se Bocte ste skecte ste cheats che shoots ctectestoote she ctestecte shestectectutestestoste cts steste ole ste tects testeck, EE i AM IR AK 20 TR Na ak AA ae ta, Dh a he hk tk i he i le ai ae he la i Ne Mi iW i i he he ee he ak Mee Dh) In staple lines we carry the best in the market. This fact has been verified by a largely increased patronage dur- ing the past year. Ae i ee ee a IC I BO ee ge ee Mi De De he he 4 she ate sBeakeake skoskoake ate ok. Don't forget we have some odd lines CE Me Sey Re ee Se ie aie aie Nie ie the Te Pocketecks ofecke checks cde? fae WS Nin te ce . i ee a a a a ae a ee a eS a AR ee ee a Ss aa Peek eee hee EEE EE PEE EEE LEE EEE EEE E EE EEE EEE ¥ +

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