DR. A. F. McKENZIE PONE OLN Pato IO OIE RENTON Physician and Surgeon © Office hours; So far as possible, from Merchant, 1 to 3 p, m, and in evenings. DR. R. LEDERMAN DENTIST ' Licentiate of Dental Surgery and Member of Royal College of Dental) Surgeons of Ontario, honor graduate of Toronto University, Crown and Bridge work a specialty, Hours 9 a. m, and5 p, m,. - Office above the Sov- ereign Bank, Milverton, CAAA AAaAAAAAAAAAAAAA Jno. C. Eckmeier . DEALER IN. EVERYTHING IN THE HAR- NESS LINE. Horse Blankets, Whips, Rugs, Plush Rugs, Team and single Harness, Collars, Bells, International Stock Food. Leather Braces made to order. Repairing especially attended to. Harness Oil at 65 cts. gallon lots. Regular price 75 cts. ALL AND SEE OUR GOODS AND. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR HARNESS. 179) J.T Gill - Monkton Will offer for sale Bologna............10¢ per Ib. CHOSE oan seit Ue Mats civic Rolled Shoulder.13c " 3 lbs. Raisins for...25 cents. - Currants per Ib...., 10 cents. Cattle salt in bags 50c cwt. Salt by the barrel $1.35. Sugar $5 per hundred. Maple Syrup 25c per qt. - Pail Pickles 15c per qt. 2 cans Finnan Haddie 25c. 2 bottles Ozo pickles 25¢. Canned fruit of all kinds for sale, All kinds of cough mixtures kept in stock. Guenther's bread, buns and cakes for sale. _ 'Milverton Flour always on hand. ; Furniture kept in stock. Linoleum soc per yd for Floor Oil Cloth 35c for 28c Floor Oil Cloth 25c for -- 20c We keep no books, but buy and sell for cash. 390. a Poor Oid Kentucky. Buffalo Express. Henry Watterson says that of 25,- 000 schooli trustees in the States of Kentucky 5,000 can neither read nor write, and 10,000 more are absolute- ly devoid of any ideas as to the obli- gations and responsibilities of a school trustee. This helps to ex- plain a good many things that hap- pen in Kentucky. 3 A Businesslike Chairman Toronto Saturday Night. The new chairman of the Dominion Railway Commission is © "making good." He has won the esteem of the officials of the Commission, and hals shown! himself possessed of a re- markable faculty of (grasping the point of an argument ; which promises well for his handling of the enormous bulk of business with which the Com- mission; has to grapple. The other day, when the Commission held a public meeting alt Ottawa, a King's counsel, leairned in the law, came for- ward and began an address dealing with tha points of laf involved in the particular application "before the Board, which would have been more suitable for the Supreme Court than for a business body like the Railway Board. But tha had niot proceeded very far before he was eut short by the remark by the chairman\; "Consider thalt as read. with tho facts of the ease." 'Come on a ice The Easter Hills There liveth no home circle but hatth Some. treasure gone Beyond the gold of sunset-- beyond Have Grown in Conceit. Me i oe Tatvistock Gazette. The citizens of Tavistock would indeed, be an obliging simple-minded aggregation of deluded incompetents if they were to allow the gentleman with the auburn hair aud the winning ways, who always greets for the fishes and ioayes, to come to this village to take the cengus that musiti precede tneorporation. There are seores of men in Tavistock thoroughly reliable and quite capable of enumerating our people and the county authorities may just as well understand that . the importation of a 'rara avis' for-this work will not be tolerated even if he is possessed of am insatiable appetite for tha emolumcuts of petty offices A Great Fake 'Professor Stirling Dean of the Faulty of Medicine at Manchester University, in @ recent address said that '"palmistry is an absolute absur- dity--the thing is beneath con'tempt." Proceeding, he said; 'Look at -- your palms and you will find certain clas 'sieajl lines. /These lines. the so-called Lines off Life Heart, and Head, the Girdle of Venus and the Bracelets of Life round your wrists--what do you you supposa they really are %? They are nothing more nor less than creas- es or folds produced by the agtion of the muscles. 'The Line of Heairt for instamee, is the flexure of the four fingers. and the Line of Life is the result of the attion of the 'thumb "All these lines that have been giv en, astronomicak names by the palm- ists alra characteristic flexures. You will find the same lines on the palm of an orang-outang. Humanity is daily gulled through its extraordin ary ignorance of the elementary facts Eye-strain belies Character ! 2+ S831 Defective sight pro- duces unnatural ex- pression. Perpetual frowns caused by an effort to see better often belie character. We are experts in fitting glasses that make facial distortion unnecessary. Examination Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed. B'S 8D eo W. A. GAMERON Jeweler and Optician of Mitchell R. J, SHINE, Veterinary-Surgeon Monkton Ont. Honcr Graduate, Qntario Veter- inary College, treats all diseases of domesticated animals scientifically Horse dentistry a speciality. Calls by telephone or otherwise promptly attended to. Office at residence. Fashionable | Footwear... -- " } # We are showing a complete new range of the noted "Lennox" 'Faultless" and "Peerless" Shoes in all the latest shapes and styles in Black and Tan Leathers. x 'nothing lacking here in high or low shoes in Tan or Chocolate shades. Urus Calf Shoes This our special in working shoes. They are made from selected hides by the very best methods and meet the existing demand for a soft and mellow leather combined with a tough fibre. Urus calf is filled with a pitch and is as near waterproof as it is Tans will be the rage of course and there's 3 possible to make'leather. Be sure and buy a_ pair, of physiology." A. CHALMERS MONKTON,BONT. the gnafy of dawn. The heart grows weary yearmng eyes are wet with tears. wa reach hands how empty out through the dreary years. The sunlight on the eastern hills so soft amd still and fair i ! Sugar $5. 50per cwt., cash eds or $5.75 trade. pe B. Bacon.............16¢. per Ib. FEFPHPe sso soso oooeseosyet | Howlers Lard......15c+ per lb. 5 Picnic Hams.........12¢ per |b. A Woman Hung John T. Gill Main Street -- Monkton the John 6. Eickmeier BRODHAGEN cs BESESEEEEESSS EFS HDEHESEEHHHIFEEHE EPH HHH HH Ontario's Need of Law Reform : SESEHEESHPHEEEHESEHEEEHEH SEES OGIO HI OSS OF Notary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, J. P. for the County of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold. A few choice farms for immediate_sale. MONKTON LIVERY! First-class horses and rigs. Before the prorogattion of the On ario Legislation, Hon. A. G. Melay eader of the Opposition moved the following resolutions on law reform which wa lost ;-- That this House regrets that the Government has not seeured and sub- mitted for its consideration a. sth statntial increase of law reform. hav- ing for its object the expediting and lessening the cost of the demonstra tion off justice in civil matters by; 4 curtailing tha number of appeals. walk. 2 ! : 2. Inereasing, the jurisdiction of the Set Flee atti aint "etas tenia county: and division courts. ae ie PR emer . : 8. Palying all court officers so far as Sp RO aah be is practicable and reasonable. salar- ies insteack of fees. 4. Rendering it legall for client and solicitor to make a definite bargain You hold a cheering symbol to mor tals everywhere ; You thrill the lonig-hid roses to beafaty ence again-- God waitns the clay that many a day within the tomb hag ain. O Easter hills enchanging! 0 Euster breezes sweet ! =e Sing on your song of glory, when Love with Love shail meet. Spring Necessities Nowhere in the country will you find a more complete assortment of up-to-the-minute merchan- dise than you will fiud at Wilson's, r LEEEESEEESESSESESESESEOEMEPL ESOS ESSE PSE SSO O HE 9 4 : the neck of her husband and be@ged and entreated him to go to Burgess' the artist, [Mitchel], and havad.'a nice family group photo tak- en, while the family afre at home. Around Commercial and local business eatered for. We have an exceptionally strong showing of Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Laces and Em- broideries, Sbirts and Waists, Gloves, Umbrellas, Cottens,, Dainty Whitewear, Hosiery, Uuderwear, Lace Curtains, Carpet Linoleums, Oilcloths. a7 Prompt attention given to all orders by telephone or otherwise. JOHN BUCHAN, Proprietor WM. HOLMAN oO. We among the old ways with of régret The month of March is the time to have fajmily group photos taken before the spring work starts, as you ean't get afway very well then. Antiseptic -- Barber SHOP fou: 'Sictew snd! vicwtan " Too fair for mortal touching Everything up-to-date. wie an ee. Walstet binding both: whereby aj solicitor eee ' noonligh t he Eajster 3} Se os afinite: j xed Sterilized towels. Anti- should be padi a defimite and fixed hes chitena ¢ } . oe : s g ae ene my spe ae see" wae sum for the conduct of litigajtion in- . > You aira the open volume « nomises } oy. = hes aie Ee: septic brushes & sooth- jstead of the present uncertain in ae Ree? : fae ene tgs of mol) |which tendg to greatly increase the | of God \definite and unsatisfactory method thatt finds surces cost off litigation. after ; : SACU life like) "<5. Abolishing the fees of locall mas abe abel) nin'- of peace . ,.. | ters and assigning to county and dis- O Basi tic! O MASLEY | rict judges the work heretofore as >..2 Ps Op oe isigned to the local masters. :: Prices | Bid : And by simplifying the procec shall every way reasonable and pract saad no that all matters of litigation may be quickly and with less expense dis posed off by the court." keep just too far Favor us with a visit.» We will do 'our utmost to make it interesting, enjoyable and profitable. J. G. WILSON | MONKTON, ONT. if you are _yeur Are you going West, leave some good photes with friends before you go. NEWRY P. LICENSED - AUCTIONEER for the counties of Perth and Huron. Price? moderate, and best satisfaction guaranteed. Parties in Monkton district, kindly leave all orders and particulars with JOHN WHITE, barber. Monkton SRICK! \eWe make the brick that made Monkton famous, The hills It will pay you to come to Mitchell where you can get the very best work at prices to suit you. Our photes will not fade. Try us for stationiry and picture fralming. ead your message ing lotions used. Pool Room in connection. right. Games. strictly for amusement. J. WHITE, Proprietor MONKTON strife the Arch ills prophe r doubting till we Try us for Stationery and Picture Framing. » know! General Merchant, Burgess' Art Studio Mitchell - Ontario Duffield, "The Tailor" MAKES NOBBY SUITS sith foun of MeN Without his great might. the Cheerful Spring Time. The lone' looked for spring days With their sunshine and cheer Which merit our loudest praise, Never fail to appear. EEEEEEEEEHEEESESESESEEEHEELESELILEDEFEEHEEEPES HEE OO SHORT STORIES RETOLD. 'eNo building material shows off a building like our celebrat- ed Terra Cotta brick. me sec some of your blajek gloves," said a lady to a shop- }main. "These are not the latest f Is dois 'his y are they #' she-asked, when: the Towards 1 things spry. were produced, "Yes, madam,' replied the man; "we have had them in only twa days." "J diduw't think. they were, be the fashiom paper says black kid % Let the sun \ For Now style, gloves \eQuotations given on applica- tion to W. H. BARNHARDT Monkton, Ontario a shop- stock ole ake eobefeebefeobeeade onde obefeobecfadosbecbabeobedesbechede dabeebeebetobetebebebebbebebtebebeh bebe O Point ne rom. About this store--Our windows are at all times attractively dressed. We change them every week displaying up-to-date Something new every week, vice versa." shopmaht explained that vice serva was French for seven buttons, so she bought three pairs. All natura is springing Life fills every nook ; Whilst sv songs come ringing Across the elear brook. E HAS the goods out of which to make them. He guarantees a fit. He gives satisfaction, hence his success in business. Give him a trial and be convinced. A splen-_ did assortment of goods recently arrived, to choose from. 0. DUFFIELD, ™ tention 'The $5. Le PS An iron-worker, halving had ; the worst of an argument with a friend, decided to get even with him. Waiting, therefore, until his enemy had retired to rest one night, he ap- proached his street door and knock- ed loudly in order to wake him. Opening the bedroom window, other hurriedly inquired what noise wails all about. "Why." replied the outside one, "one of your windows is wide open." 'Which one %"' "Why, the one you halye your head through," chuckled the other, ay he went alway satisfied with the success of 'his plot. ~ 1% The rootlets are sprouting From theit cosy bed; The robins are shouting Old Winter is dead neal C. P, R. Time Table Westbound Powe: ALM, 8-02 4-33 332° 1043 842 1054 Millbank 8 80 850. 1103 Milverton 8 21 904 1118 West Monkton 8 07 914 -_11 28 McNaught 7 57 925. 11:39 Walton TAT An goods. To see them is an education. . . The warm rains are bringing Forth buds on the trees, Where I hear the sweet singing Of the glad chickadees. Eastbound A.M. P.M; 8 49 37 8 40 6 iby the the Wallenstein Linwood een eee The fragrance of flowers Doth maka the air sweet ; The frogs, in the bowers Their quaint songs repeat. Fresh verdure is growin So greem o'er the earth, While the farmer is sowing With «a heart full of mirth. G. T. R. Time Table Traina leave Atwood Station, North and South as follows ;-- Going South. Going North Express 7.30 am, Express 9,35 a,m, Express 11.58 am, Express 8,26 p,m, Express 8.830 pm, Express 1,21 p,m, 'Mitchell, going -east, 6,55 a. m, 8.182 m,° 8,52 =p, mm, O6:> pam, going west, 10:22 a «m,, ~12,25 p, in, 5,55 p.m, 10,34 p,, m, Another Point we et ¥ --~--~ Some off the West India islanders halve learned that when a foreigner misbehaives on their shores it is bet ter to suffer in silence tham fo mete out punishment alt the risk of a des- cending gunboalt,from the miscreant's native land. Af judge in Haiti, how ever, recently took occasion to pay off old scores afnd to redeem his self respect in the case of an offende brought before him. To his first question, as to the na tionality of the accused. the inter preter hia answered that the prisone was from Switzerland. "Switzerland!" said the judge 'anda witzerlawd had no sea coast has it? "No seagoast, your honor ?" re- plied, the interpreter. "And no naivy ? judge. 5 "And na navy. your \honor," was the reply. ee, "Very well, then," said the judge, "Give him one yeafr at hard labor!" Si Soekid cae at Se) «he ote ey ot Ba '7 2. 2, of. &, 8. Sects che che che che check So ok SS Se Se A ae ee ee ss eR trot oy a ' Just Received a Large Consignment of Boots and Shoes 2. te fe * Our goods are priced in plain figures. You get our prices without feeling un- der any obligation to purchase, Then again if our prices were not right we So may the glad spring time. Of sunshina and love, Come intd your heart and mine, 4 (Pure from ahove. Soodocke ego cfonge te ote ote ateete one ofeote 7 Then we'll never complain Against wisdom divine; But of this think again That long as there's time aS oie Bo ahs 0! to fe ote i suitable for this season of the year. In staple would not make them public. 3 : lines we carry the best in the market, made by the Williams Shoe Company, of Brampton, and Chas, A. Ahrens, of Berlin. These goods are guaranteed to be solid leather, no paper in- soles or counters and are the only shoes suit- able for every day wear : , ote * Seed time and harvest Our store to imerease Love, which of all is best: Never shall cease. te a * COMMERCIAL. -Fall wheat per bushel Barley per bushel............ Oats <8 Peas. tt? A hese FIGUIy POL OWL iisaicr aera oes Bran: peP tOn.s.csyeoveetns 4 Manitoba flour per cwt.... Shorts, per toni. wiiee ses Corn per bushel,........-.... 4S a Gina eetoee Samara see teu e PSO We ay ebanireakreath hayek HOMESEEKERS 2ND CLASS ». 4 Round-Telp Excursions . TO sheen + TUFT 0' [THE Grove. od HEATHER. edesfecdeebeebecbedeotebeceedeeebedet Willow continued the This DEATHS. Zoyd--In. Listowel, . on Thursday, April 16th, Rev. James Leslie Boyd, aged 28 years 7 months and 5 days. Garey--At Tiralee, \ oni Thursday morning, April 23rd, 1908, John Car- ey, im his 86th year. Funeral on Sat- urday ati 11 a.m., to Shipley. Siggy santa, wfo ford Week ~-- Se he aac otek. OW ie he he he ake +, In fine shoes we continue to carry the well- known Invictus Shoe for men and Empress for Women ' Building Paper Razors eae he Aaa tS Horsemen desiring route bills turn- ed out in the most uptio-dalte stile would do well to leave their order now. HL ie ON ea We te 9 Se stestestects ste'. Frost Stays Pen Knives +, Q Frost Tools Carvers We also carry a few lines in cheap goods for those who must have them. : : RVR OT Just think of it, Mgn's fine foot wear @ $1.85 and $2. per pair. Ladies Oxfords at $1.15 and $1.25 per pair. Fence Clips Butcher Knives Saws Shaving Brushes NO HONING--NO GRINDING , The Razor of Perfection--Everlasting Shaving Comfort NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE Carbo Magnetic Razors have revolutionized razor making --they are tempered by electricity, which isour own exclusive | | secret process. ve : Squares Razor Strops, etc., Sooke heck shoste ste ¥eckecteatect, Be ae ae at Et Gt Et Et OEP EE Et SEP MEMEO SS OP we Lt Le OEP Ot Oe OF0 whe ote ere oe Ammunition Rifles Shot Guns Fishing Tackle Augers Braces" Bic > Htc3 Electric tempering adds carbon to the steel, whereas tempering by fire, (the only other*method used for centuries) destroys the carbon | z which is the life of steel, 2 Your dealer will deliver to you a CARBO MAG- NETIC razor on 3O days trial without obligation \*" on your part to purchase. ; DOUBLE CONCAVE FOR | These two lines in limited quantities only. 'ii CRM NRT GOING DATES | April 14, 28 dune 9, 28 = Aug. 4, 18 May 12,26 duly 7,21 Sept. 1, 16, 20 Tickets good to return within 60 days VERY LOW RATES nd nyse Ranging f Winnipeg andreturn $32.00 _ between (Edmonton and re} $42.50 Tickets issued to all North-West points. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited = . number of Sleeping Cars will be run on each excutsion, fully equi; i i etc, B ihe should D < through local agent at least before excursion leaves. tes and full information contained : ; {| in free Homeseekers' pamphlet, Ask near- : Hardware Merchants West est C.P.R. agent for a copy, or write to ag és . : iS Pees GE een alee -G. B, FOSTER, District Pass. Agt., C.P.R., Toronto ff | Sa ae ee * Poeteate deste chectecte hecho chests chested, Don't forget we pay the highest price for eggs in ex- change for footwear. CHALMERS & GOLIGHTLY Opposite Post Office | Monkton, Ont. : SET OF TWO IN HOLLOW GROUND LEATHER CASE AS ILLUSTRATED pede decd cde cfecdocdetochontetectecdondeefecfoteodecbestefocdecfe sfonde cte cdo nfocfenfecZoofonlntesbe cfocbovtooko fe fe cooked seed coho oto ehonbe nde ote te oe cook de oe coco abode esos ore be serie cede de beak e heb oh oh deeds oh cteede echoed EXTRA HEAVY BEARDS % ba iy OT pe pm le x dayr vey > Oe eS Se a oS Oe Fe SS eee ee Te eee ee Oe oes ees IT Eee Yoafe Sooke aks oheeke che akeatectechestectecteckeskeatecte tockeatestecteake aah cle ctisteate kectobreteateahecte ote ctecte foatocte ote ft So aSe che aBe che che che Bechet, +, 2.6%, 2. she FORE 2. aha ahe ste Leake stents ok, Bebe lteter esbebeeeedecdefectecfectond >, beet etoebtebbdentoetesbagh bites