MONKTON T Vol. 1--No. 33 MONKTON, ONT., F a RIDAY, APRIL 24, 1908. en tin _---- = = =~ rz FEEEEE EEE EEE EEL EE EEE EE TEE EEL EEE ELE EE ETE EEE TE EEE EEE t Weber & Bettger he ferteetordoeds House Cleaning Time ! Now is the time for selecting your Wall Papers before the stock gets picked over. Callin and see for yourself the beautiful patterns and colors we are showing, prices ranging from 5 to 3oc. a roll. Our Carpet. department is well filled with Carpets and Rugs of all descriptions Japanese Mattings, Oil Cloths and Linoleums also Window Shades and Curtain Poles, In Lace Curtains we have the best assortment ever shown in this community and at prices that will bea money saving to you as we buy direct from the manufacturer and give our customers the middle man's profit. We take all kinds of farm pro- duce in exchange at highest market prices. | Weber & Bettger MEN'S FURNISHERS : Monkton's Popular Store. Ee ee ee ee Ce ee ae Me Me a a a a ee ae : + + + + + : bad ' 24 ¢ : + ny : es + + ud + + + < > t $ + *& % + + + + *% + *& + + + & * + = i £ * * bd * + ~ + te + + + + i 2 * of + 4 * + a + 9 Sd " * & 3 i 4 +. + = es + + bod %, ob bs ocdosengentecfoutoefontoeteodycfeofoedecfecdectects feeds cfoegecdoefe deeds Seeteadeodecfonbeedectecoodoefoufecondeofeeteafecgeatectonfefonenks cLeubefeube afeokesdeofosdece obo efoofeofontsofe cde ofoeteobs fondo ode ofe fonds ofocfoboate obs ofonde cde obe conde ceadn fe abeodebeobefonds foods ofoedeofoode de ohinbeobo obo cfoodoedeofocdeoboedo focteedoede eh obreteebeeede + i va FEEEEEEE EEE ELE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EET EEE EET EE ETF 'J. E. Erskine GENERAL MERCHANT MONKTON - NEWSPRINGGOODS Now that the winter is over we must call atten- tion to OUR NEW SPRING GOODS. Never be- fore were we better prepared to meet the requirements of our customers than this year. NEW EMBROIDERIES, NEW SHIRTINGS, ~ NEW GINGHAMS, NEW WAISTINGS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS, NEW WHITEWEAR, NEW LACES, NEW COTTONADES. | BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS In Boots and Shoes we handle the John McPher- son Co's, which need no introduction and in Rubbers we have the famous Granby which for quality cannot be surpassed. cad rg Se ee a eM ae ee a a hy id ie + Ba + de ~ of he as x of fe bad + ot + em ud t + So + a Sa ae ae ee ee Oe RD eR ee ee a ae + a 4 tb bx 4 " + ae + % te i 2 % + + + es % ~ > + f + qe e + + + * ty fe ote es te ye a *% oe % 3 Be ee Ae ae Se Crockery ! New crate of crockery just arrived including din- ner sets, lamps, ete. ae Highest Prices Paid For Farm Produce J. Ee ERSKINE OPP. STERLING BANK MONKTON. sete cbebedobe ete deedeetledecetb ebedeem retell bbb bobo + + *% te + + he % + * * ¥ +e ea + A % te t + ad + & + + ~ + a a + cy : + Leste + 3¥ . £ The Monkton Times IS} UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Monkton, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year. $1,00 ; six months, 50 cents; three months, 25 cents in advance. Subscriptions not so paid, $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING SPackE YsuarR 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mo 1 column...$50.00 $30.00 $16.00 $6.00 4% column... 30.00 16,00 9.00 4,00 ¥% column... 15.00 9.00 5.00 2.00 1 inch 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 & ght cents per line for first insertion and pe tents per line foreach subsequent insertion will be charged for all transient advertisements. Advertisements without specific direc- tions will be inserted until forbidden and charged aceordingly. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor ag be bobe feeb obe he sterbecde LOCAL NEWS = he ho Be ho Be Be fe Be fe fo eR Weber & Bettger shipped a' carload of potaltoes on Friday. Mr. Ed, Ferg of Stratford spenfé few days at home last week. a Gay ta spend six weeks in 'Toronto Mr. Cha. Puschelberg of Brodhagen was in Monkton on business Thursday lagt. ill. We hepe to soon, see him agound again. } ' Todmorden spent Easter at Mr. Chalmers. A Miss Lizzie Rennick of T. Eatton Co's.. Toronto, spent her holidays ir Monkton. | i Miss Martha Middleditch of Strat- ford wap a visitor at Mr. C. Brough- ton's oven the holidays. J. T. Gill's is the place to go for picnic ham; 12 cts. a lb; bacon, 16 ets. per Ib; roll 18 cts. a Ib. The Presbyterian church, Atwood. will hold the Jubilee celebraltion of the organization of the church as a mission station in September. Mr. Edgar "Wilson spent Easter well pleased with the hospitality shown by the Bachelors and the meals served. Mr. Philip Schade has weeks been ongaiged as wine clerk at the Meonkton hotel in tthe stead of Mr. Kruggle. who hag Taken .n similar position at Palmerston. Mr. J. I. Struthers who recently purchased 'Mr. J. F. Trwin's black- smith shop is having it 'overhauled and an addition put up when he wil! be able to conduct a first-class liy- ery. for some "With their delicacy of touch" said a speaker at Swaniley "their sensi- bility to ali that is beam!tiful ini for:n and color their natural reverence going round and borrowing the neighbor's garden roller comes then the man steps forward.--Exchange. The population, of Huron County. like Bruce. is steadily om the decrease. Every township in that county ex- cept one, shows af decrease. Most of the urban municipalities show an increase. From 1897 to 1907 Hur- on's populaition was reduced by 6 356, and from 1906 to 1907 by 1529. The decreabe is to be attributed to the laudable desire of the sins of Huron farmers to make homes for them- selves in che West. The government of Alberta has fol- lowed the example of Manitoba, by buying out the Bell Telephone Co». for $650 000. [t is said that the prov- ince of Saskatchewan is also negotiat- ing and when that bill is put through the whole of Western Canada will be emancipated from the control of the monopoly, ag it does not operate in| British Columbia. It looks as if ii were only a matter of time until this valuable auxiliary of business and so- cial life will be controlled by the peo- ple throughout the whole Dominion. The emigration agency at Toronto that furnisheg farm help has been kept busy during the past and the present month! dealing with applica- tions. During March! 305 immigrants were placed om farms, and this month 185 places have been supplied. 'Greén,"' hands are being paid $15 per month aind experienced men get $25. Malny applications for girls and wo- men for domestic service on fairs haive been received but few are supe plied. Applications are accepted by the department only when received through a local agent. Dr. C. K. Clarke superintendent of the Torontd Asylum. states that; of the 862 admissions to that institnu- tion last year 136 were foreign born. The majority were recent arrivals. Each patient that is retained cost the Province $6 000, Sixty-five per cent. of theso weak-minded foreigners were afflicted with' dementes praccox sim- ilar im form to the case of Tearse the murderer of Wm. Curry at Brampton. 'The . Dominion Govern- ment did not get busy ahy too soon in its desire to keep these degen- erates and misfits out of this coun- try. ' : Every family should have .a cur- few which! should positively "ring to- night" and every night if / needed. (hese curfews are inexpensive and cain. ba homemade. (Take a picee of siding two feet long and whittle one the ch'ld that needs the curfew and -bend him over a barrel. Now take the siding in the hand and use it for a clapper. 'Put it on hot Di- vide the strokes even and see that none miss. Good for al boy or girl up ura warranted to cure the most pro- nounced ease of street-loafing thai axists. is finer than singing 'Where is wandering Boy To-night ? Miss Lizzie Broughton left on Mon- Mr. Wm. Bettger, jr., is reported Miss Bain and Mrs. McDiarmid of Sunday at Bachelor's Hall and was} for all that is good women are em- | inently fitted for gardening and har- | ticulture." But when the moment for | end down: to g handle and 'take, to the age of 16 and applications 'The musid the curfew makes My Mrs. A. Chajlmers entertained a few friends ait an "At Home" on Mon- daly evening. ' The maple syrup season _is now about over--the run was one of the best in many years. Mrs. James Terry. who was visit ing her mother in Mount Forest air rived home on Mondaily. ' Miss Jean Bain: and Miss MecDer: mott of Toronto aire spending a few days with Mrs. A. Chalmers this week. There halve been one or tivo cases of black diphtheria reported near St Clements. One death has resulted. Messrs. James Kelly and Georg: Malnton were in Toronto last week in the interests of the Monkton L. oO L. 1999, Miss Olive Ferguson. daughter ot Rev. Mr. and. Mrs. Ferguson is home from 'Toronto spending Eagter with her pajrents. .: _ The village of Tavistock is apply- ing to the County Councils of Perth and Oxford for incorporation. The pe- tition, will likely be gramted. : Capt. C. E. Kingsmill of His Ma~ Jesty's battleship Dominion. a form- er Guelph boy. is to be appointed Commander of the Canadian Navy otherwise the Cahadian Fishery Pro- tective Fleet. aon Anyone desiring to subscribe for che Weekly Globe and Canada Far- mer, or Weekly Mail and Empire should do so before May 1si, a it is quite likely that the subscription price of these journals will be raised after that date. If any subseribers of the News is not yet receiving all the papers for which ha clubbed yvegularly we would esteem it alfavor if the dropped u4 a card at once that the maltiier may be rectified before Maly dst. when there will be aj change in the club- bing raltes. = An exchange tells a horrible tale about a young lady who thoughtless- ly jerked back her head so suddenly to keep from being kissed thal: it hroke her neck. This should be a warning to girls not to jerk baek. In falct, it would be better ito lean a little forward. : The C. P. R. will have a gang lay- ing steek on their new line this week j und will be able to bring: up a train from Linwood by next week. The interior of the staltion building 'is now ready for plastering and the road |Should ba ready to operate before the jend of next Month.--Listowel Ba'n- ner. | | Sydney Brooks. London correspond- ent for Harper's Weekly concludes an illuminating article on Asquith and his rise to the position' of Ljbera'l leader ana British Prime Minister with this epigrainmmatic observation; 'The party of all enthusiasms is des- tined to be led by the man with none." Color-Seargeant Lloyd of Company No. 2. of the 28th Regit. of Perth whe was at London taking' a six months' course in drill was tn Fridays night last shot to deaith by Pte, Moir a Scotchman, who had served with the Gerdoni Highlanders {in South Africa. Immediately after the shoot- {ing Moir maide hig escape and though |ptirsued for days was not captured. Mall service over the Guelph and | Goderich branch of the C. iP. R. com |menced on Mondaly, April 20th. Mail is carried on the morning train go ing. west' ahd the evening train' going east. (The following post offices will be served by the new service ;--Mof- fat Nassagawaya, Cornwhiny Guelph Weisenburg. Elmira, Floradales Wal- lenstein. Maicton, Yatton, Glenallan Linwood, Millbank, Milverton, Monk ton. Blyth, Auburn, Prouperity, St Augustine, Westfield and Goderich. The Government of the "baby pro- vince of Saskatchewan is grappling with the question of ia 'public supply of the necessities of life in a very energetic (and public-spirited way. They halve not only gone in for a government telephone .system but are also developing a government coal mina in a district that would probably bs given up by settlers if a supply of coal were not available By this plam the Government not on- ly makes the settlers comfottable in the winter. but pra@tically makes 'this district available for settlemenit. Of course, soma people would prefer the Government to refrain from such public -works. Onitalrio is evidently now infested with gangs of desperadoes. many no doubt from afross the lines and many unhappy homa preducts. Heretofore burglaries. hold-ups and such like have been confined to cities mostly but of latte the counltry districts have apparently attracted) tthe attention of the eriminall classes--they are much more easily worked. In many sur- rounding plazes daring burglaries and robberies have recenitly occurred and it would be aj wise precaution for people having valuables of any kind aither in the shafpe of merchandise or houschold belongings to provide them- selves with! aj good six barrelled re- yolver aind see that their doors are locked securely before retiring, and if they have a good watch dog let him sleep on the premises. A dearth of local news often leads to murmura on the palrt of those who prize local gossip above all else, and it ig not all the fault of the pub- lisher. Any live publisher will not fail to give all the local news wor- thy of note, therefore when the lo- cal department is short you should not rait at the editor, but. remember you might have committed suicide got mairried, quarreled with your neighbor, stole chiskens, let your horse run away. broke off your en- gagement, or do a hundred other things to make a local item. If a newspaper should publish current street gossip. or the hinits or ajllns- ions of the best society in the com- munity, it would he ostracized and the poor editor horsewhipped er burn- ed al the stake. Think a minute of the meal, and low things you say about your townsmen and your near neighbor and Imagine how it would look in print. Don't criticise the mewspapers for what they print. bit give them great credit for what 'they don't print. A' newspaper that con- tains one-half the nonsense current among the best citizens, would be sidered unfit to read, : ter in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Penhalll spent a few days last week in London. Miss Mafggia Bettger is spending a few weeks in London. Mrs. Dr. McKenzie gave an Home" one day last week. Mr. Henry Cleaver of McKillop was in our village on Monday. Easter Monday being a bank holi- day, our bank. was closed. Mr. Gilfillay, of the Sterling Bank holidajyed, out of the village. --~ Quite a lot of pressing and shipping bay is going on in this localjty. _ Mr. Cajwdron, cashier in the Bank is spending his Ea'ster in 'Toronto. Mr. Clark, our village butcher, spent one daily of last week in Sebringville ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and fam- ily spent Easter Sunday at Brodhag- en, renee Mr. John Gerth halnessmaker of the village went to Toronto on Mon- day. : "AL Mrs. Fealtherstone of Listowel spent Easter with her sister Mrs. A. Hug- gins, eh r Miss 'Middleditch of Straltford is visiting Mrs, -Ferninand Ferg thjs week, \ ( : The feed fatnine so much predicted last fall, has turned wut quite 'the contrat y. 1 | Ee Sc eR GUNS athe Mr. William Hollatz of Milverton spent Mondaly with her daughter Mrs. 'Henry Miller. | The fall wheat is alooking fairly well yet, and if season be favorable should dq afllright. Mr. Pete Healey of the Standard Bank is spending 'his Easter holidays at home with his mother. te tha weatther continues fine now for of few days all the seeding oper- ations will be in full swing. Mr. Daniel DeCoursey of the 8th con. Logan, delivered several foads of pressed haly in our village on Mon- day. : Mr. James Wilson, teacher in the Black Creek 'school is spending his Easter holidays under the {parenta roof. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of Water- loo spent their Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore of our village. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bettger is spend ing the Easter holidays in Berlin, the guest of their daughter. Mrs. Ed Reitzel. Mr. Harold Hammond 14th con. is home algain after spending a three months' term in the Listowel Busi- ness College. Miss Cowie teacher in the junior department of our public school is spending her vaeation at the home of her parents in Carlingford. Miss Lizzie Rennick of 'Toronto and Mrs. Chamberlain of Detroit are spend ing their Easter with their father. ane mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Rennick Construction worki hais recommenced on the line to Listowel. The steel gang are now in sight of Listowel and expect to be there im the course of wrnveek or two. ' We are glad to know that Mr. Jas. Kelly has seeured the contract of carrying tha mail. Wewill now have two mails a day which will 'be 'a great. convenience. Miss Jessie Smith anid Mr. Willjam Mobb of the Sterling' Bahk. Monkton took im the Easter ball in Atwood op» Monday evening 'They report hav. ing hakk a good time. Court Rosewood No. 72, I. O. F.. requests a large attendance of ther members on Salturday evening 25th inst.. as there is important business to discuss. All will please attend. Companion Court Idelwild No. 672 I. O. F.. requests a large attendance of the companions on Friday. April 24th as there is important business to ba brought before the court All will please attenid. ' Mr. William Gveensides a native of Monkton who has been cut of our village for some years called on, Mr, J. T. Gill on Saturday. He congratu- lates the people of. Monkton on the progress off the village. Miss Lizzie Ga'ffney entertained ) number of young people to a. birth- day party on Monday evening Apri' 20th. tha evening was spent in games and 'nusic. All went home well pleas ed. with 'their evening's entertajn- ment. Mr. Ed. Marshall is the owner of wonderful duck which lalys 2 eggs every morning and some mornings | cag with 2 yolks. It seems rather fishy to be true but people_have gone to the chicken pen to saltisfy their euriosity, Fratik Parrott of Willow Grove. was in tho village on Friday last, having come to meet hsi mother atid sister, who had been. visiting in Blythe. While in the village Mrs. Parrott and daughter called on Mrs. Elliott of Selby Avenue. Misses Edith and Hattie Hammond of the 16th con., Elmas entertained quite «| number of their " young friends to a party on Thursday even ing, }16th inst. 'The evening was spent in gatnes and music. All went home well pleased with their evening's ontertaipment. Mr. Wm. Climie of the Listowel Banner withl his characteristic enter- prise is improving his printing plant by installing a style B Mergan- thaler linotype machine. The Ban- ner was one of the first country weeklies to install a Rogers' Typo- graph some fifteen years ago. The Banner deserves well at the hands of its constituency of readers. The Bishop of Chicoutimi who some time ago refused to obey the Judge of that town, has changed his mind. On Saturday Te sent a letter to ithe judge apoligizing for his conduct. and promising obedience in future. The trouble ,arose over the Bishop claiming he belonged to a_ higher court thar any civil one, and refus- ing ta obey orders issuing fron -- the civil courts. "Tha mater is naw set- Miss Bell Inglis is visiting a sjster MON In the premises formerly Bank. : The Sterling Ba of Canada. - Have opened for business in = KTON occupied by . the Sovereign -- W. G. Gilfillan Monkton Branch Manager. ATWOOD. Mrs. S. Mitchell spent the holiday with her sister. Mrs. Moore, of Oi- terville. Mr. 'Thos. Klinefeldt. of Newry in Berlin. Mount Forest were in town on daly. Mr. Scott Peebles of Stratford spent the vatation at his home in At wood. Mrs. W. H. Jolly of the' 4th con visited relatives and friends in Strai ford during! the Easter vacation. Mr. Thos. Carter of Stratrord merly of Newry, catied on friends Atwood and: Newry during the pas! week. Tom is looking well after his long afttack of sickness. Mr.. Levi Bolton. emplovee of the 'Toronto street car eompany. visited bis mother and sister. Saturday and Sundaly. Mr. J. S. Meyers. manager of the cement works. was in Toronto on Good Friday. Miss Ollie Ballantyne of Alma dies' College Si. home last week. Miss Emma Boyd and Miss Agnes Ballantyne, ..teachers near Moles worth, spent the holidays at their re: spective homes. It seema peculiar to see in many papers and also to hear farmers talk ing of the scarcity of feed, and yet daly after day you will notice severa' carloads off pressed hay and straw he: ing shipped from the Atwood sta tion, Messrs. W. Anderson and John John- ston. of Donegall, left here on Tuesday morning for Crystal City Manitoba. Miss Martha [Thompson leaves on (Thursday for Vancouver B. C. where she will visit her sister Mrs. C. M Stewart. Mr. John Hamilton of Toronto for- merly off Mount Forest, has been en- gaged aa second engineer at the ce- ment works. Mr. Hamilton started te work om Monday. Mr. Henry Johnston well driller: left this_week for (Tata. where he spent last season with his drilling outfit. He reports considerable work promised 'him in thalt locality for this scalson. Mr. Will Porter has' been engaged ais assistant cheesemaker at WNewry and started to work on Monday. Miss (Mary 'Morrison, returned to Newry last week. aftwer spending the winter with' relatives and friends in Alberta. Mr. Whiteford Morrison and his cousin. Miss Cecil Brown of Ford City, Mich.. spent the holidays with friends in Atwood and Newry. Mr. D. G. Anderson principal of St Marys public 'school, . Sundayed. in town : Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor of Brit ton were Easter guests at Mr. anf Mrs. W. Woods. : Miss 'Annie Wilson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wilson. 10th con. who hag been in the Guelph Hospita during the past few weeks, has arriv od home this week. We aire, wlad te know thalt she is progressing favor able after going through a very,.cri tical. operation. Mr. C. Forrest. traveller for the Mwin City Oil Co. of Berlin, who was home om Thursday, Sundayed in New: ton. : rs The cement plant repairi completed and the manufacture of ce ment wa started on Muesday. Every thing will be run by experienced men and a large. output is Jooked for this season. i Mr. R. J. Walker who supplies the wants of the public in the line of steal bologna, pork, theadcheose ete. owing to the 'pressure of busi- enss hala engaged Mr. Melvyn Buse- halgat, of Listowel, as butcher and as- sistamt in the shop. Bob has an up= to-date shop and deserves the patron ae of the town and immediate viem- ite. As The concert given by the young mem of Atwood, and vicinity, in Mit- chell's Hall on Wednesday evemng last. under the auspices of the Fovot- pall Club, was: a eredit to the boys and was well enjoyed by all present Witih very little practice and only a few to pick from, aad the fact that there wera no _ ladies in . connection with the program with the exception of little Alma Holt, who furnished several accompaniments while tho mpontlemen pianist was engaged in singing. the different pairts of the program was performed by the boys and young men in a ereditable man- ner. One off the pleabing features of the evening was the very large nin ber of ladies in the audience which shows the deep interest our, ladies take in our foot-ball club. Good or der prevalled throughout tne ehtire program. The Atwood Spring Fajr which wa held on Wednesday last was one of the bost in the history of the 'society There was an extra good lot of horses shown in the different classes and if wals difficult for the judge. Mr. Ding- for in La: Thomas, (returned ng has been |tled by the Bishop apologizing ca mah of Maplewood to give a decis a of the classes. A spent the Easter vacation with friends Messrs. John and Burns Hamilton of Fri- M2&st PEOPLE you included perhaps are extremely negligent of their eyes. This fects' They know in a general way of Near Sight, Far Sight, Old Sight, Squint, Etc. and many with one or other of these defects foolishly think it is only necessary for them Spectacles a pair that suits. Alas, many of the glasses selected in this way, that seem to suit exactly, prove most injurious, and often cause permanent injury. The fast is that Optical defects oceur in such varying degrees that only the competent Eyesight Spec- ialist with a complete eye testing equipment such as I possess, is qualified to discover the exact nature and degree of the trouble and properly correct it. If you are troubled with defective vision, or the glasses you now wear lor at ~~ Bauer's Hotel MONKTON : Wednesday Apr. 29th J. HIRSCHBERG, Eyesight Specialist, Toronto. Eges For Setting ure bred Rose Comb brown. leg: horn eggs 15 for 61.00. Apply te David 'Hood lot 9, con. 16, Elma Monkten P. 0. 4t. rajned a little in the morning the af- termoon wals fine and the farmers were out in large numbers and some were heaird to say that they never saw s0 many good hersesat a Spring Fair before. : --_--~----- BORNHOLM. Mr. Oliver 'Turnbull of Brussels vis ited Mr. Jaines Ray jast week. Mrs. Robert Caimpbell of 'Toronto is spending, al few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mvs. Daniel Morey. Miss Vera Campbell of Exeter is visiting her cousin Mjss Rhoda Hun- kin "Maple Grove Farm." Mr. and Miss Giles ef Walkerton spent Easter with their sister. Mra, Daniel Schneider Miss Mina{ Hicks of London Con» servatery of Music js visitjng her palrents) Mry and Mrs. 'Thomas Hicks Mr. John Doherty is visiting wjth friends in Brajmpton. -----__---.>------ KENNICOTT. Mrs. Soden atid Mrs. Shellerd of Brattford are 'spending the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward st. both being sisters of che latter, Mr. and Mrs. Randal of Elmira are the guests of Mr. aind Mrs. Fred Wes- enberg. _Mr. Milton Seibert of Berlin spent Eakter Sunday with Mr. A. Pfeifer jr. Miss Caltharine Brown of the 17ih of Elma spenit Sunday on the 12th. Mr. R. Doherty of Silver Corners spent Sunday on the 12th. Mr. J. Gaffney jr. has commenced the cement foundation of his fath- er's new house afd with his new. up- to-dafie mixer. the work will no doubt ~ progress ralpidly. Mrs. James Woollacott has been eon. fined to her bed with aln atiaek of: La Gripp?. ' Miss Amanda Pfeifer has returned from Brodhajen where she has been spending the winter months a) the dress-making ie eee, ROSTOCK. Miss Minnia Sechenek has returned. home aifter visiting relatives in Strait= ford and 'Tavistock. : Mr. John Eggert and his daughter, Mrs. F. Messerschmidt '.were Visiting in tha village and vicinity for several days. Mr. Adam Steinacker and children and Miss Ida Steinacker of Chicago were visiting relatives in this cdm- munity during Easter holidays. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was partaken of by the adherents of tha Lutheran. congregation of Moa- erville on Good Fridaly Rev. Mr. Meyer, paistor of the Eyan- gelical church' in the village i ate tending conferenca at St. Jacobs. Miss 'Mairy Dichl of Stratford is home for the summer. Miss Etta Wingefelder and Master Ebor Eedy of the Stratford Collegiate are homo for the Easter holidays Miss Ethel Chafllenger is spending her varation at Mitchell. Mr. Albert Hartman of Gowans- town spent Easter with his parents aud brothers. * Praised by Music-Lovers. raising the New Scale Williams Piano -- 'or beauty of congtacuee and : excellence. Its tonal qualiti unexcelled, whil lends elegan { (THOS. FUL are not right come and consuit me in the par-_ is because the public genesally have literally -- no idea of the number and variety of eye de~ Musically educated people unite a. to pick out at random from a number of _ eee