a Vol. 1--No. 35 MONKTON, ONTS FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1908. she sk. es ae 2. Be Socke eke hecho choeke Locke chretecte hecke cSocheche checked, s3ee8e ode she ake abe oSecke oe abe oko che ok rr - CE eer Ce CC CeCe Tee Te ee Bie Mit ie i wie ht > cet ee sit > Cod a 3, o oS Weber & Bettger 2. 2. 2, ¥ . be 2 House Cleaning Time ! Now is the time for selecting your Wall Papers before the stock gets picked over. Callin and see for yourself the beautiful patterns and colors we are showing, prices ranging from 5 to 3oc. a roll. Our Carpet department is well filled with Carpets and Rugs of all descriptions Japanese Mattings, Oil Cloths and Linoleums also Window Shades and Curtain Poles, In Lace Curtains we have the best assortment ever shown in this community and at prices that will bea money saving to you as we buy direct from the manufacturer and give our customers the middle man's profit. We take all kinds of farm pro- duce in exchange at highest market prices. fo afo ofeefe ofocke Socke of oecteabeeke odecherke che oberhe ote che oecterke cfectecteckectecke cdootebecte ake sockets chooks sfekooke choskeckecectecteckoctoste Sooke Pecks te tet. tet RLS eeeeeee rt eeete on Ee ee ee Ee oS" Hs St at See ee hs obs oe we se oF Ht is fs ws he he obs abe ohn ohn aw ohe he he ofa on ono ode he abn ohe of ehenteode abv ads sfoafergerte cbachvctonte oleate clvate ats cfe ofe fe 2, Sooke steckoctect, * $e she che fe ok Ce Nie Mae he sei be Mi ve bes < Be oho shone feege ofe ade efeehesford Se . te fe g be 4 be te 4 te te te ts te 2 heskeckeate ote ote che che ake teckook, Weber & Bettger MEN'S FURNISHERS Monkton's Popular Store. Fo tebe ebh bbb bette Hoake cBecBeoteckhs checkeck Dik hk kt wee ui ebb bbb bb eee PEE bbb bbebbilbbebbbbbbbh bbb J. E. Erskine GENERAL MERCHANT MONKTON NEWSPRINGGOODS Now that the winter is over we must call atten- tion to OUR NEW SPRING GOODS. Never be- fore were we better prepared to meet the requirements NEW EMBROIDERIES, NEW SHIRTINGS, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW WAISTINGS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS, NEW WHITEWEAR, NEW LAGES, NEW COTTONADES. BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS In Boots and Shoes we handle the John McPher- son Co's. which need no introduction and in Rubbers we have the famous Granby which for quality cannot be surpassed. ~ Crockery ! New crate of crockery just arrived including din- ner sets, lamps, etc. i. Highest Prices Paid For Farm Produce E, ERSKINE ERLING BANK MONKTON. ibe bebet pb obebbobebebetebebttetete bebe gobebsbebeb bebop 2 REE SERED EET ULTEGRA CRETE CEEOL EEE TE OTE CLEC TEE OE CECE TOL OTTO DELO CCTE ETE OPEC ECTTTT The Monkton Times Is_UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Monkton, . Ontario SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year. $1,00 ; six months, 50 cents; three months, 25 cents in advance. Subscriptions not so paid, $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING Space YRAR 1 column...$50.00 %column.. 30.00 cee ara 15.00 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mo $30.00 $16.00 $6.00 16.00 9.00 4.00 9.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 # ght cents per line for first insertion and four cents per line foreach subsequent insertion will be charged for all transient advertisements. Advertisements without specific direc- tions will be inserted until forbidden and charged accordingly. . MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor Gor oe be ole ole of ofa ofp abeefnode ge 2 LOCAL NEWS ei RB Be He Be Be Be Be fee fe GR Mia, Thomas Fullerton sr., moved to Atwood on, Monday. Mr. J. C. Wilson, is putting up a new awning in front of 'his store. Eggs are selling 'at 16 butter is selling at 24 cts., | ' Ccts., and tihis week. After waiting patiently for <fine weather it seemed to set im ion Mon- day. We are sorry to report' that sccond youngest child of Mr. Kerr died onMonday. the Colin Owin to the inclemency of the wea- ther, the farmers have been delayed in their seeding operations. Mr. William Pushelberg and his daughter, Miss Carrie, accompanied by Miss Effie Connor# went to eburch at Brodhageni on Sunday. Mr. R. E. Robartson dental stud- ent of Toronto left on Monday to thke a position in the Wental parlors of Mr. Lederman of Milverton. Mr. Robcri, Hamilton) of Linwood preached in the Methodist church on Sunday night. Few ministérs can give a better practical sermon than Mr. Hamilton. The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society took place "Vvening. Quite + a contingent our villaga by a carry-all ion day afternoon. Mr.. J. T. Gill has Riven) his res taurant a good renovating, and a thorough good painting, and hea will now bo able to serve all customers with ice cream by the enllon on ord- ers and will serve all come~s w ice cream twice a week in. the res taurant, left Mon- The weather of last week wus most nnfavorable for seeding (operations, having rained almost every day. The weather this week so far has been\ fine and seeding operations are being rush- ed and many will finish this week. The Postaster-General ed to include contracts has. decid: a provision in all future which will prevent mail- carriers from carying jntoxicating liquor. If anyona violates this pari of tha contract, it will be cancelled forthwith by the department, The population of western Canada was increased! by about four thousand through immigration from all sources, Officers at North (Portal report thai every train} from the States 'is loaded with settlers, or prospective settilers bound fox all sections of the West. The Postoffice Department will is- suo a new series of postage stamps to mark the three hundreth anniver- sary of the founding of Quebec. Scamp eollectors will be on the look- out for them, and the Postoffice De partment will increase its revenue. The politician comes around And grasps you by the hand. And tries to find out pleasantly Where you' are going to stand. He treats you to a fat cigar, And is polite and kind; But never doubt, oh, little one, He has an axe to grind. The Oblata fathers have been carry- ing on a campaign ito get French- Camadian Catholic families to settle in the French colonies in the west, and sixteen Montreal families 'have left under, the guidance of Rey. Father Therrien to settle in and around Si Paul da Metis. Alta. The Ontario Education Department has decided, with a view to cultivat- ing the reading of the better class of literature, to establish children's bran- ches in, connection with the various Public Libraries throughout the Pro- vince. As a result the Government has retained' the services of «Mss Spereman, Children's Librarian at the Sarnta Publie Library, who willl im- mediately start on, a'tour of tthe var- ious libraries, opening the children's sections. She will be provided with travelling libraries for children, the Perry pictures in black and whiite and colors and other literary attractions for the young folks. Miss Spereman will catalogue the children's books in vach library. She commenced her du- ties at Wallaceburg on May ist. The Mail and Empire, {Toronto, 'vith its usual characteristic energy and progressive enterprise, is pre- pared to meet the extraordinary do- mand for political information that the Election Campaign for a new Ontario Legislaturo will develop he- tween now and June 8th, and will vend the daily edition direct by mai! to any address in Canada, the United States or Great Britaini from now wn- til Juna 18th, 1908, for 25 cents, or five such\ subscriptions for $1.00. This is arm offer which will enable anyone tad keep in touch with every phase and feature of the contest dur- ing its progress to the end, so al! desirous of so doing are requested to leave their, order with the office of this paper, and they will receive The Mail and Empire during the above period direct by mail to their own 'Oltieces is ea 7 ' at Atwood) on, Monday afternoon and | i Mr. James Elliott made Atwood on Saturday. Mr. Rebert Machan made a to Carmunnock! on Monday. The Monkton (Times and the Week= ly Mail and Empire for one year for $1.25. Mr. D. N. Watson of Listowel made a business trip to Monkton on Frit day last. Mr. James Moffat on, Boundary Wesi has been confined to the house wiih an attack et mumns. : a run to trip Last Saturday was a regular delivery day. Some eight loads ing coma in one procession hay hav- We have a new street opened up from Maintst. to Selby avenue. li orosses north) of the post office. Mrs. Rev. Penhall and daughter, Ida have returned from a week's. visit with her daughter, Mrs. Creig = at Fordrich. Messrs. George Watson, and Fred Mahaffey of Hibbert visited Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Selby avenue, on Sunday last. The cable tells of a. mam being frozen ta death in a snowbank near London, England, at the end of April. Hil Rudyard Kipling, where is your 'Lady of the Snows" located now ? An organization meeting of the El- lice Conservatives will be held at Wartburg om Friday evening ef this The meeting will be addressed by Mr. James Torrance M: P. P., and others week. Richard Gray of New Brunswick who murdered the child of his seven- teenryear-old daughter, of which he is the confessed father, should be put ta death as society is beter to hs rid of such am exerescence The Evangelical church in Canada has been making . considerable pro- gress in Canada during the past few years. The membership of the church is now 8611 with 57 itinerant minis ters. The total amount raised by the Canada Conference of the church last gear for all purposes was $74,495. Over fifty applications have been re- ceived inj connection with thé proposal to award! medals of honior during the forthcoming Quebee tercentenary to the existing| representatives of fam*'i- ies who have held their lands in un- broken line for two hundred years past. A student at Queen's, Kingston, lost his year owing to a 'sneeze. He wrote out "cribs" on) small squares 'of paper and put them in his pockeis. The paper was easy, and he did noi them. He sneezed, however, and awing! out his handkerchief the ires fell about the floor. Tho ex- iner noted the matter, and relieved student of further examinations. Covering the present Previnelal elec- tion campaign, The Globe, daily, may be had at the remarkable low rate of 25c. Everywhere The Globe is recog- nized as Canada's National Newspaper. Always clean. fair and accurate. The Globe is pre-eminently the paper for the home. As a news-gatherer and exponent of public opinion | The Globe stands unrivalled. The best interests of tha people has been. its guide for sixty-four years. The village of Wellesley is seeking incorporation as a Police 'Village. and is asking 75 \per cent. of the tax- es raised on its $200,000 assessment The territory proposéd for the vil- lage comprises about 295 acres with a population of about 700. The town- ship and village not being able to agree as to the proportion thait' the Village 'should receive. Judge (Chis- holm was chosen as arbitrator and his decision is expected shortly. An inexpensive fire extinguisher may bs made by taking twenty parts of common lime; salt five parts; and water seventy five parts. Mix well and put in thin bottles. In case of fire a bottle should be thrown so as it will break invwr near the fire, when the gases liberated from the water-- salt and lime solution-- willl put | it out. This mixtura is said to be 'bet- ter and) cheaper than that used in many of the high-priced fire ex- tinguishers installed for fire jprotec- tion. Gossip has made many a hell on earth, Gossip has parted many husbands and wives. Gossip has blackened and sullied the characters of many girls. Ong little misstep or one little indiscretion will cause gos- sip ta rise with few strength and start out: on her mission. Her, did we say? We ought not to, for we have our male gossipers, and, as 1 rule, they are ten times as venomous as a-female. A good healthy gos- siper is about as meani and low and dangerous as the meanest thing on earth. Less than one per cent. of the farm boys of Ontario between the ages of 16 and 21 are in attendance at the Ontario Agricultural College. One reason for this is a lack of knowledge of tha advantage to be derived from a course at that instiltu'tiion. One duty of the departmenital represen- tatives at the branch agencies wiill be to circulata amongst the young farm- ers and urge them to acquira a bet- ter knowledge of the underlying prin- ciples of stock raising and crop grow- ing. They may often be prevailed up- on to take the new ugricultural High School course, or 'better stiil to go up to ba trained at Guelph. At the Lindsay and the other High; Schools named special emphasis ts laid upon tha cultivation of seeds and roots. Mitchell. Advocate ;--The conduct of some of the members of the St. Marys ° Town Council is bring meg tho town into disrepute. It ap pears tha custom has been to divide the advertising between the two local papers, and this understanding was fairly lived up to until this year. A couple of months ago the Journal, had che temrity to criticize the report of the Finance committee, which so an- noyed tha Czar of the board that he undertook tha boycotting of tthe Jour- nal, and to the disgrace of a majority of tha members they backed him up in his attempt 'to silence @ journalist from doing his duty to the public, Such peanut politics are reprehensible, and tho instigator of such a narrow minded policy should be asked by the ratepayerers to step down and out from a' position which he has proved unworthy to i : \ 2 ry business in Davis' eld stand on June Ist. We hope ihe publie will 'patronize him. Court Rosewood No. 72,7. 0. F. in tend having an excursion from Guelph to Gederich on, Wednesday Jane Brd. Two special trains wll be ruty See posters later. It will de our villaga good to take koliday on that day. a ia A pork barrel in use for 225 years has been discovered in Torringion Conn. The relia that has been thr purial placa of succeeding genern tions of hogs, belonging to Urie Whit- ing, td whom it was presenting re cently by Lucian Burr. It has beer a part of the Burr family furnitur for over eighty years. According tc the record that goes with the barre it was 100 years old in 1743. Sine: then it has been handled dowr through the family by suctMeding generations. The barrel is. not ons well preserved. but it is said to bave acquired a delicious flavor. At tha 47th annual meeting ef the Ontario Edveational last week i; matriculation candidates who fail or more tham one subject will have ic take the examination over again if he or she wishes to enter University. Hitherto the candidates who failed on cartain subjects wrote on these sub jects again at what is known as\sup olemental exams. The recommendation is along right lines. Dr. Seath's new scheme of allowing students to enter university on the recommendation of their teachers 'astead of by examina- tions was deservedly denoanced ORE SRES SERPS SS ae ne aery KENNICOTT. The seven-year-old, sun of (Parrett jr., has had a 'sorious tack of, pneumonia, but we are glad to learn is improving. Little Perey Wollacott, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. [Wollacott, had his tonsils removed one day last week. The item of last week of Mr. Fred Osborn; purchasing, a fifty acre farm at $2,700 was anerror, it being two thousand ona hundred. at BORNHOLM. In the death of Mirs. Jchn Sodn- water sr., which oscurred at tha home of her daughter in. Auburn, on! Alpril Oth, after. a short illness. Logan loss one of the early settlers. She having reached the ripe age Off sev- snicy-nine years, and for many years was a resident of the village, The remains were brought to her late home here, from whenee tha funeral 'cok place om Saturday, May 2nd. tothe Methodist cemetery, Mitchell, She leaves to mourn her loess! a fam ily of three daughters and one son. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roy are visic'ing friends in Usborne this weck. Mr. George Campbell and Mr. Adam Schneider made a business trip io Toronto last week. Miss Walsh had the misfortune lose a valuable cow om Monday. Mr. Charles Mogk is learning the cheese-makingy with Mr. John Stacey of Willow Grove. to ee Dame SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the report of 8S. S. No. 9, Elma, for the wonths of March and: April ;-- Jr. Il. -- Ernest White, Steckly, Bella Gernhaelder. Sr. IIl.--Jonathan Steckly. White, George Parkinson. Jr. Ill.--Katie Zehr, Maggie ney, Lizzie Parkinson, Ediith bert. Sr. Il. -- George Smitges, Steckly, Johnny Atkin, Rud fer, Millie Gernhaelder. Jr. Il.--Josia Steckly, Christie Zehr. Gordon Holmes, Etta Lambert. ®t, II.--Roy Schrenk, Josie Zehr. Pt. I.--Willid Parkinson, Delila 'At- kin, Mike Kuepfer. Baby Class.--Rosa Ranney, White. Simon Steckly, Eva Posliff. * The best spellers ' for the two months were--Ernest White, Jon- itham Steckly, Maggie Ranney, Katie Steckly, Josio Steckly. Christie John Nan- Lamn- Katie y Kuep Archie Simen Zehr. >. ------ BRUNNER. Mr. C. Doerr has one of the finest cults in the county sired by G. Gropp's little 'horse. Mr. Jacoh Warning on Monday las': disposed of to Mr. James Coutts four fine head of butchers' cattle. Mr. John) Hartmann was in Strat- ford onl Wednesday. Miss Melinda Schmidt visited at Mr. Yungblut's at Rostock for a few days this week. The recent snowstorm has delayed seeding! operations for days. Mr. Ed. Wettlaufer of Sebringville and Ms, Ed. Yuneblut of Rostock vis- again a few A jeweller intends starting a jewel- Toronto a resolution was pased thai. Jnmes at Trinity, Elma, at 3 p.m. Also wil lection. Other numbers are Spencer and A. J. Sanderson; solo Eye," Miss Marie Banzley ; and anth¢ who will sing at Christ Church, Milverton, on Sunday, May MASTER WILFRED MORISON, BOY SOPRANO, TORONTO. 10th, and -- | render a number of solos at the Sac red Concert in Christ Church, on Monday evening, May 11th. Silver col- Duet, "Come unto Me," "He wipes the ms by the choir. by Campana, Sid tears from every CARMUNNOCK, Messrs. Draper Battin) and Wm. Campbell have purchased new bug- gies from Mr. Roy Golightly. They will makq things lively this summer. Mr. J. MdPherson of Gowrie spent Monday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. MefPherson. McNaught is considered to be a name in no way appropriate for the new C. P. R. station, 11-4 miles wesi vf McNaught's pit. Solitary, Sunset, Folly's Monument, or Mudpuddle are suggested by several as names more appropriate and also more suggestive of ths situation. It has also been suggested that the Provincial Gov't. be asked to vote a sum of money far the construction of a highly graded road or trestle works in order to reach tha station, as at present ithe only safe way is along the railway track. - LOGAN COUNCIL. The council met on Monday, April. 27th, pursuant to resolution an adjourned Court of Revision on the appeal against the assessment unde} Drainage Bylaw No. 459, providing for tha repair and improyeménis of the North West Drains of the Town- ship of Logan. The following lots or part of' lots assassed 1 oder Bylaw No. 459, were reduced im their assesmentss, namely ; as i a a a in On Bn in bo Oo On nn dn nn On fn Dn A Piano Buying Opportunity In order to reduce my large stock of High Class Pianos I wiil make prices doubly interesting to you for the next 30 days. I also have some good second hand square Pianos and Organs that have been taken on sales of the Mason' & Risch Pianos. You are invited to inspect my large assortment of instruments. JOHN WALSH, MAIN STREET. MITCHELL, banana ana nannaeeaaie nes FOPEPI ET IE SSOP LOH E YS $0905 499496049999 $055O44455-06 aAebab aah babbbbbhababibannn nanan nhaanannenernne A Lot No. 24, con. 11, was reduced by $20.25; E. 1-2 No. 25, con. 11, was reduced by 22:15; W. 1-2 No. 25, con 11, 22.50; W 1-2 25 and E 1-2 26. con. 10, 22.50; E' 1-2 (80, con. 12 20.00; Ni 1-2 26, con. 12, 10.00; W 1-2 27, con. 11, 10.00. The following lots were raised their assessment, viz ;---- Centre part of W 1+2 2b, con. 10 was raised $2.50; Lots Nos, 26 and 29, con. 9, 4.00; lot 27, con. 9, 2.00 ot 28, con. 9, 2.00; E (4-2 80; con 9, 1.00; W 1-2 80, con. 9, .80; lot 88, con. 12; 22.50; lot 84, con. 12, 25.50; lot 85, con. 12,°12:50; The assessment of roadways 57.60. All other appeals against the sessment were sustained, The Court of Revision) on assess: ment was closed, and the clerk was instructed 'to notify all parties of the results of their appeals. Thereupon the council proceeded ito eeneral business. The clerk presented a report on the divisions of roadways, the township to ba 'divided by for road jpurposes, as instructed by the council, said report was read, considered and finally ad opted. J Road division No. 1, to be jin charge of Council'or Moore, is comprised of the following dimensions, } viz., (the road allowanca between: the 2nd and 8rd. and between the 4th and Sih cons, extending from Ellice boundary to the 'McKillop boundary, and x] side roads between the Huron road In as ited in Brunner on Sunday. Mr. Ed. Murdock was in hates nthe on Saturday. -- | The following is the report of § | S. No. 8, Ellice, for the month of | April, based on attendance, examin ations and general work done. The names appear in order of merit ;-- Sr. 1V.--Freida Schmidt. Willie Gropp. Sr. IV.--Stanley Gartung, Gordon Daub, Willia Eedy, Charles Schneider, Allie Crawford, Gertie Kerr, Emma Ropp, Arthun Woods Jr. Ill.--Gordon Hartmann, Sarah Nafziger, Myrtle Taylor, Maggie Kerr. Laura Becker. Jr. Il, --.Norman, Gropp, Mochlmann, Gordon Kerr, Louis Beck er, George Schmidt. Wt. If.--Pearl (Daub, Irene Eedy, Rudy Nafziger, Rosella Becker, Louisa err, Willie Ropp, Buclah Hartmann Wt. I.--Maggie Taylor, John Naf- ziger, Clarenes Reis. Alvin (McLellan. Pt. I. B.--Annie Kerr, Willie Tay- lor. ®t. I. A.--'Albert Becker, Florence Kalbfleisch., Laura Kerr, Willie Quipp, Gordon Reis, Andrew Schmidt. The St. Marys Cream patrons reeciv- ed for the month of March clear of all expenses 841-2 cts. for butter fat; it required 84/2 Ibs. of butter fat to make 100 lbs. of butter. It is encouraging td see the new patrons as well as the older onies taking such an interest in the skimming and care of their cream, showing their confi- dence in working for a reputation | ways between the 6th and Maudie | to tha 4th and Sth cons. road Road division No. 2, to be in charge of Councillor Mogk, comprises of the following dimension vig., the road- Tih, and batween the Sth and 9th cons., from the boundary of Ellice, to the bound ury of the McKillop, and all -- s'de roads between the 4 and 5 and Sith amd 9th! cons. Division No. 8, to bo in charge of 'Councillor Gaffney, comprises of the following dimension viz., the road- ways between the 10th and 11th. and between the 12th and 13th eons.. and alt side roads 'between the Oh and 10th, and 12th and 138th. Division No. 4, in charge of Goum- cillor McEwen, comprises the follow- ing dimensions, viz., the roadway be- tween tha 14th and 15th cons. and the portion of Logan townline, and all sida roads between the 14 and 15 cons., and the 'townline. All divis ions extend from the boundary of KE) lice ta the boundary of McKillop. The tender of John Gaffney fo pbuilding 2 culverts and (4 bridges to complete the same for the sum of $1195.00 was accepted. The tender of the Stratford Bridge Co. for superstructure and conerete flooring for a_ bridge opposite loi 24, con. 9, to complete 'the same fo the sum -of $347.00, was accepted... Finally tha council resolved to ad journ to meet again on May 26th, al 10 o'clock, a. m.j as © a Court 'of! Revision on Township assessment, and ral business. as as well _ profits im connection with the creamery system Man esa : S@SESS0O90000000000000000050009000000000000 055000050000 0 cc Cecenceecoeecouecococeee coco ooeNCsesooceses® -SESSOEOSOO988OO8O0COOOO88 Sterling! Bank of Canada Savings Bank Department Deposits of $1 and up- wards received and inter- est allowed at current rates from date of deposit and added to principal Four Times a Year Seeaesindieaamnal Current accounts open- ed for responsible parties. § Farmer's Sale Notes collected, or advances made against same at most reasonable rates. Special attention given the collection of notes. Notes and cheques are furnished to customers on application. We would be pleased to have you discuss your | banking affairs with us. Monkton Branch: W. G. GILFILLAN