e Be PSS Os Oe DR. A. F. McKENZIE Physician and Surgeon Merchant, - Monkton Will offer for sale : Bologna............10¢ per Ib. Cheese oss FOGae S BL) peepee bres Ute Rolled Shoulder, 1 3c 3 lbs. Raisins for,..25 cents. Currants per Ib.....10 cents. Cattle salt in bags 50c cwt. Salt by the barrel $1.35. Sugar $5 per hundred. Maple Syrup 25c per qt. Pail Pickles 15c per qt. 2 cans Finnan Haddie 25c. 2 bottles Ozo pickles 25c. Canned fruit of all kinds for sale. All kinds of cough mixtures kept in stock. Guenther's bread, buns and cakes for sale. Milverton Flour. always on hand. Furniture kept in stock. Linoleum 5o0c per yd for Floor Oil Cloth 35¢ for 28c Floor Oil Cloth 25c for 20c We keep no books, but buy and sell for cash, Sugar $5. 50 per cwt., cash or $5.75 trade. B. Bacon.............16c. per Ib. Fowler's Lard......15c« per lb. Picnic Hams.,........12¢ per Ib. John T. Gill Main Street Monkton Office hours: So far as possible, from 1 to 3 p, m, and in evenings. ~ DR. R. LEDERMAN DENTIST ; eLicentiate of Dental Surgery and Member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, honor 'graduate of Toronto University, Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Hours 9 a.. m. and 5 p, m,.- Office above the Sov- ereign Bank, Milverton, "ce "6 abbbaa ara rnaannannnnnnse Jno. C. Eckmeier +» DEALER IN, EVERYTHING IN THE HAR- NESS LINE. oo Horse Blankets, Whips, Rugs, Plush Rugs, Team and single Harness, Collars, Bells, International Stock Food, Leather Braces made to order. Repairing especially attended to. Harness Oil at 65'cts. gallon lots. Regular price 75 cts, * L_AND SEE OUR GOODS D-LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR HARNESS. 39¢. 2) A i L N John C. Eickmeier 0-17-j-17 BRODHAGEN FHFFTFEFPEFEDO+E+E SEDO EY PESPEPEPEP EEE S 444444444444 446446646444464 D4 PEPEPEP ELE D EVE 44444 4449444444444464404 | | A Woman Hung Around the neck of her h»sband j.T Gil Sports in Canada," published by W. The May Rod and Gun Exceedingly attractive is the May number of "Rod and Gun and Moier J. Taylor at Woodsto:k, Onit. Stor- ies of hunting mcose, mountain soat,, bear, deer and ducks surely offer en- ough variety to the hunter, while to the fisherman the papers on salmon in Ontario rivers by the Rev. Dr. Mur- doch, and maskinonge fishing by W. Hickson must call up memories and awaken thoughts such as only the fisherman can know. 'Early Postal Difficulties in Eastern Canada," is a contribution to the history of a: past which is near enough to be full of the deepest interest to the present generation. The visit of the Presi- dent, of the Alpine Club of Canada is described and a touching account given of the fatal aceident which' oc- curred to the leader of thel party at- tempting' a record climb in the Swiss Alps. "The Majesty of the Mails," a story of the heroic efforts mada by the letter carriers of the far nofth to deliver mails is told in graphie fashion and one understands as one reads this fine contribution how -- it is that despite enormous difficulties and dangers the Hudson Bay Com- pani 'have never lost a mail.. What wonderful heroes these northern maij carriers are. Amongst the many oth- er interesting pieces te be found within this number is a page of 'Canoe Dont's"'--most appropriate as the canoeing season of the year is just beginning, and an account of a one-legged trapper who makes his own wooden legs. These are but sam- ples of the many good things 'in this number which forms in itself ai de- monstration of the wide field of in- teresting experiences to be found within the Dominion. _ OT. When You Eat Too Fast you have indigestion, perhaps cramps, or in any case the system is overload: ed with matter that should be elim inated. Breath gets bad, eyes look dull, headaches are frequent. Why not cleanse and purify the whole system, why not strengthen the stomach, enrich the blood and as- sist your overtaxed digestive -- or- gans ¢ Easily done with Dr. Ham- ilten's Pills; their action is most gratifying. In every case they give and begged and entreated him to go to Burgess' the artist, Mitchell, and hava aj nice family group photo tak- en, while the family afe at home Antiseptic Barber Shop Everything up-to-date. The month of March is the time to have family group photos taken before the spring work starts, as you can't get afway very well then. are yeur Are you going West, leave some good photes friends before you go. if you with It will pay you to come to 'Mitchell where you can get the very best work at prices to suit you. Our photes will not fade. Try us-for stationiry and picture frafming. ing lotions used. Pool Room in cofinection, right. for amusement. Try us for Stationery and Picture Framing. Burgess' Art Studio Mitchell Ontario MONKTON Sterilized towels. Anti- septic brushes & sooth- Prices Games strictly J. WHITE, Proprietor the exact assistance the ailing -- oar- yarns require. You'll feel fit and fine, eat with a relish, sleep lika a Lop, have a clear color, and restful sleep if you regulate your system with! Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25e. per box, at all dealers. BIRTHS. Seott--At Mornington, on April 17, to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Scott, a daugh- ter. Brydone--At on <0, Mornington, on April to Mr. and Mrs. John Brydone, a daughter. Jutzi--At North Easthope, on Apr. L7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob! Jutzi, a Son, Tanner--At Mornington, on April 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tanner, daughter. Diehl--At Ellice, on April Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diehl BS are RE Se 9th, » & son, to Source of Provincial Revenue. Toronto Star. In connection with the demands Duffield, "The Tailor" MAKES NOBBY SUITS E, HAS the goods out of which to make them. He guarantees a fit. He gives satisfaction, hence his success in business. Give him that are coming from New Oniario for 'a more liberal spending of the Provincial funds a consideration of he source from which the treasury draws the money it has 'to 'spend should prove interesting Of the $8,820,000 received by the Ontario Government lasi year near- ly one and three-quartez millions came from the Dominion in the form of subsidies. The greater part of this sum was first collected by the Federal authorities in customs taxajtion, and what the Province received from this source was raised mainly in older Ons tario, Nearly $600,000 was derived from liquon licenses, 90 per cent. of which were issued in the cities and organized 'counties of the Province. Close om $840,000 was derived from succession duties on the esta'tes of horn eggs 15 for $1.00. David 'Hood lot 9, con, Monkton P. OQ. lately said severely to the prisoner; similar charge." Eggs For Setting ure bred Rose Comb brown. leg- 'Apply te 16, Elma Ai. SHORT STORIES RETOLD. An English magistrate who had taken' to himself a wig, "Em 5-3 think Tva seen you here before on a Drunk and Disorderly Woman -- "No, your 'onor, s'elp mej never} The last time I was up afore a bald- headed old cove not a bit like ye" ------ At a certain court function. Lady Harrington was bedizened with -- diia- monds and jewels, and looked like' a stage queen of indifferent character, and sha bitterly complained to George Selvyn that she was to -walk with Lady Portsmouth, who would have 9 wig and a stick. "Never mind," he said, "you will only look as if you were taken up by the constable." ~~ : This she repeated everywhore, un- der the impression the reflection was on Lady Portsmouth, An 'English lord who visited Scotland was at a dinner given in his honor at a private residence A little daughter of his host, who was too well bred to stare, but who eyed him covertly as>the occasion present~ ed itself, finally ventured to remark ; "And you are really and truly an English lord?" "Yes," he answered, "really and truly." "T hava often thought I would like to sea an English' lord," she went on, "and--and--" "And now. you are satisfied at last," he interrupted, laughingly "N-no," replied the truthful little girl, "I'm not satisfied. I'm a good deal disappointed." pleasantly, John S. Cox, Speaker of the Ten- messee Senate, had an old negro ser- vant who liked his drink just us well as the best Kentucky colonel in the Blue Grass State. One morning just after the cold spell broke the darky came to Senator Cox, says Judge's Library. "Marse John," says he, "I'i] just up an' clean dese winders dis maw- nin'." "All right, senator. 'Tse got to hab a half tumbler of whisky, Marse John. D're ain't nuffin' like whisky for cleanin' win- ders." The half tumbler was promptly given Caesar, who armed himself with soma rags and carried the tumb- ler to another room to begin work. A few minutes afterward Senator Cox had occasion to enter his room. Caesar was busy polishing the win- dows. The tumbler was oni the table, but no whisky was in it "Why, Caesar, what's become of the: whisky ?? asked the senator. "J thought you used it in this work." "So I does, Marse John; so I does," was tha answer. "Ye see, sah, 1 drinks da whisky, an' blows my bref ag'm de winders." Cyrus Townsend Brady, the author and clergyman, told at a dinner in foledo a story about charity. "A millionaire,' said Dr. Brady, 'lay dying. He had lived a life -of which, as he now looked back on it, Caesar," replied the Eye-strain belies Character | DS 8 S-S Defective sight pro- duces unnatural ex- pression. Perpetual frowns caused by an effort to see better often belie character. We are experts in fitting glasses that make facial distortion unnecessary. : Examination Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 6 C63: e W. A. CAMERON Jeweler and Optician of Mitchell R. J, SHINE, Veterinary Surgeon Monkton Ont. Honor Graduate, Ontario Veter- inary College, treats all diseases of domesticated animals scientifically Horse dentistry a speciality. Calls by telephone or otherwise promptly attended to. Office at residence. A. CHALMERS MONKTON,BONT, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, J. P. for the County of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold, A few choice farms for immediate sale. MONKTON LIVERY! First-class horses and rigs, Commercial and local business catered for. #2 Prompt attention given to all orders by telephone or otherwise. JOHN BUCHAN, Proprietor WM. HOLMAN NEWRY P. O. LICENSED - AUCTIONEER for the counties of Perth and Huron. Prices moderate, and best satisfaction guaranteed. Parties in M onkton district, kindly leave all orders and particulars with JOHN WHITER, barber. Monkton. BRICK! 'eWe make the brick that made Monkton famous, 'No building material shows off a building like our celebrat- ed Terra Cotta brick. he felt none too proud. To the min- ister at his bedside he muttered weak- ly ; "Tf T leave a hundred thousand dollars or so to the church will my salvation ba assured ? "The minister answered cautiously ; "I wouldn't like to be positive, bul it's well worth trying.' " Said tha editor to the new re- porter ; "You must learn never to stata a thing asa fact, un'til ih has been proved a fact. You are apt to get ug into libel suis. Do not say, 'The cashier stole the funds'; say, a trial and be convinced. A splen- did assortment of goods recently arrived to choose from. 0. DUFFIELD, ™ Tailor, Monkton those dying rich, and close on the even $700.000 in' taxes on corpora~ tions, practically 'all of both items being made up from forced contri- butions im the long setitled sections. The Provincial Secretary's depart- ment and public institutions yielded over half a million, almost all of this again being obtained from the terri- tory south! of the Great Lakes. These and other items ofa like nature make up five million dollars or better. 2. c of . $. * c 5 iit, 6. 2 Seats steste sts adit 0 8.8 $4 aks oe obo cto eke ebook w eoteetoadeofoobeobeobecbecbofeteste bebebbetetet 2, oho Shs Se i) - Just Received a Large Consignment of Boots and Shoes tote obo ete he we 3 + . ey ee acy * AN 2. : Se 5 suitable for this season of the year. _In staple lines we carry the best in the market, made by the Williams Shoe Company, of Brampton, and Chas. A. Ahrens, of Berlin. These goods are guaranteed to be solid leather, no paper in- soles or counters and are the only shoes suit- able for every day wear ; : Basle afeadec frefocfoede choot . + Se +. . foe sels et beet a fecfeckact ' % - Wosbosdoate oy *. s shee! ae 5 +, : abe ahs ake of. - SC wre In fine shoes we continue to carry the well- known Invictus Shoe for men and Empress for Women . : ' : ' beh feet, ote! ° +t, ss . S We also carry a few lines in cheap goods for those who must have them. ; ' 'Sore aaa RCN ER Just think of it, Men's fine foot wear @ $1.85 and $2. per pair, fete 2 OE EEE Oe ihe ee Ne She a ae es ea Ladies Oxfords at $1.15 and $1.25 per pair. thie These two lines in limited quantities only. a ORI ac EST RRS Don't forget we pay the highest price for eggs in ex- change for footwear. dj GOLIGHTLY: Monkton, Ont. = te 2 weeks ah foofecde skeet CHALMERS Opposite Post Office lille iSite ah le an A ee Ba Secdendaboeds hoobocde abo abeedocto edad slecfecfeofoobeafeafeefeetsefeclectecfechetectectests t-ct...2..¢. + ore 2. Soke Heb beebhebhebheb heheh bebphbbbebbbbb bbb hepsdebie aa 2. s° che ood edenteedeefecteeteate . It is true three millions came from forests, lands, and mines located in New Ontario. But these lands, for- ests, and mines are public property. They belong, not to a section of the Province, but! to the whole Province. Moreover, the value of this property has been largely created as a result of development work carried on upe on tha credit of older Ontario. Co- balt, New Liskeard, Halleybury) and other centres owe their existence 'to the Temiskaming Railway, for 'the building of which Ontario as it exjst- ed ten years ago has pledged its credit to tha extent of eleven and one-half million dollars. Even the wealth in the growing; forests is mainly due to the means of communication provided by the Province as a whole and to the market which the older setttile: ments have created. The most liberal policy ought to be pursued in dealing with the pion- eers of the Northland, but a careful study of the 'Provincial finances should 'assist those pioneers in. ar: riving at a more just estimate of the Situation than some of them seem to entertain at ithe present (time. 'The cashier who is alleged ito have stolen the funds.' That's all. Oh, get something about tha't! First Ward social tonight." And this is the, report turned in by the young man who ieeded the edi- tor's warning ; "It is rumored that a card party was giver last evening to a Number of reputed ladies of the First Ward. Mrs. Smith, gossip says, was the jhos- tess, and the festivities are reported to hava continued until 11.30 in the evening. The alleged hostess is be- lieved to be the wife of John Smith, the so-called 'high-priced grocer,' " It is related of the gréat Aber- nethy that one day a. very vol- uble lady took her daughter, who was ill, to see him. "Which of you two wants to consult me?' gaid Aber- nethy. "My daughter," replied the older woman. Abernethy then put a question tod the girl. Before she had a chance to reply her mother began a long: story. Abernethy told her to be quiet, and repeated 'his question to the girl. A second time the woman began a story, and'a second time he told her to be quiet, then she interrupited hjm a third time, '(Put your tongue out." he said) to the mother. "But there's nothing', the with me," she exclaimed. "Never mind, put your tongue out,"' he commanded. Thoroughly over- awed, the woman obeyed. "Now keep it cut," said Abernethy, aud ha proceeded to examine the girl. matter 'eQuotations given on applica- tion to W. H. BARNHARDT Monkton, Ontario COMMERCIAL $ 90 55 47 80 Fall wheat per bushel Barley per bushel.,...... Oats oxy Peas AS ee Flour, per cwt,....6... 2 80 Bran per ton..........:...;.25 00 2 Manitoba flour perewt.... 3 25 90 47 80 80 00 25 00 a3 '6 4s 2 25 4 + - 4 + bd bd + bd ; + "= + + + + + + - ; =e + MAAAAAADADAAAARAAZLLASE REST TTT TET TTTeTS Me Fa Fashionable -- Z We are showing a complete new range of _ noted "Lennox" "Faultless" and '"Peerless" S in all the latest shapes and styles in Black and Leathers, nothing lacking here in high or low shoes in Tan or -- Chocolate shades, Urus Calf Shoes -- - Tkis our special in working shoes, They are made from selected hides by the very best methods and meet the existing demand for a soft and mellow leather combined with a tough fibre. Urus calf is filled with a pitch and is as near waterproof as it is possible to make leather. Be sure and buy a_ pair Spr ing Necessities | Nowhere in the country will you find a more. complete assortment of up-to-the-minute merchan- dise than you will fiud at Wilson's, We have an exceptionally strong showing of -- Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Laces and Em. -- broideries, Sbirts and Waists, Gloves, Umbrellas, Cottons, Dainty Whitewear, Hosiery, Uuderwear, Lace Curtains, Carpet Linoleums, Oilcloths, Favor us with avisit. We will do our utmost. % to make it interesting, enjoyable and profitable. ; General Merchant, > ed + + bd ; + 3 + + 3d bd ; + D4 + bd + + + + + + + Be + + + + + + + + + * + ; + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + ad 2 + + + + bd + : bd + ¢ + + + b + + + ? $+ bg + > + . a + bd + 4 + + : Tans will be the rage of course and there's 3 J. G. WILSON MONKTON, ONT. - PEPE HEL H44444444446064406 PHTFFPFHFFF PF o +++ sesso seey . x te % + a - + te & fe ae a de Es ee nF te + + - e de + e } + 4 4 + ea te + + + qe + + ae + ex Re + i & + te xs = * + aoe tacts te a teste * G * One About this store--Our windows are at all times attractively dressed. We change them every week displaying up-to-date goods. Something new every week. To see them is an education. , ; oct Point ; ia eb bteebebeebectosteat 2.6%. Pb heb et 2. Shorts, per ton.......... 4602000 Corn per bushel....c:....,... 77 Bardo ghee 12$° 124 Tallow ta aoe epee 5 5 77 in Westbound P.M. _A.M, $22 1038 332 10 48 842 10564 Millbank 8 80 $50 1108 Milverton 8 21 6 904 1118 West Monkton 8 07 5 914 1128 McNaught 57 6 925. 11389 Walton 47 BE Eastbound A.M, 8 49 8 40 6 6 6 Wallenstein Linwood 74 7 G. T. R. Time Table Traing leave Atwood Station, Nortb and South as follows i Going South. Going North Express 7.80 am, Express 9,85 a.m; Express 11.58 am, Express 8,26 p,m, Express 38.80 pm, Express 1,21 p,m, 'Mitchell, going east, 8.16 a m, 8,52 Pp, going west, 10.22 a m,, 5,55 p. m, 10,34 p,m, 'anefic secret process. er mn poe Naat 5 RADE MARK =-- Electric tempering adds carbon to which is the life of steel. Your dealer will deliver NETIC razor on 30 days Yow al ~ 81 wa 7 ( HOLLOW GROUND AS ILLUSTRATED | NO HONING--NO GRINDING The Razor of Perfeclion--Everlasting Shaving Comfart NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE Carbo Magnetic Razors have revolutionized razor making --they are tempered by electricity, which is our own exclusive fire, (the only other metho1 used for centuries) destroys the carbon on your part to purchase. DOUBLE CONCAVE FoR EXTRA HE.VY BEARDS the steel; whereas tempering by to youa CARBO MAC- trial without obligation SET OF TWO IN KEATHER CASE 4 HOMESEEKERS 2ND CLass & Round-Trip Exoursiens T ° MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATES April 14, 28 dune 8, 28 Aug. 4, 18 May 12, 26 duly 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29 Tickets good to return within 60 days pei § a dh RATES ty hee pointe [unearned eo Tickets issued to all Ni West pointe TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited numb: f Tourist Sleeping Cars will be con on ¢ o excursion, fully equipped wi! etd. Berths should be spoured and through local agent at least before excursion leaves. . Rai d full information contained ers' pamphlet. Ask near- t for a copy, or write to fRAniON PACIFIC RAILWAY Another Point | Our goods are priced in plain figures, ee ane ae ae ee OG" gs He Es HE oe etoehe elo eke You get our prices without feeling un- der any obligation to purchase. Then again if our prices were not right we would not make them public. > : Sete fe nfo lo cdoteclecbe took oho elo sfohechecSeatectestecte se ckeche sled. 2. 4.2.9 h c This Om ren Week i} eee eebteeeceedeebeee Pht Razors Building Paper Frost Stays Pen Knives Frost Tools Carvers Fence Clips Butcher Knives Saws Shaving Brushes Squares Razor Strops, etc., Ammunition Rifles Shot Guns Fishing Tackle Augers Braces Etc:,' Btc., t All Priced in Plain Honest Figures SOR I A i a he ee a a a ve ee a OR i he ee ae ese os a one OE MS Ee ee Reelicd, tists ao oS 88S SIE Te C. B, FOSTER, District Pase.Ajt,, C.P.R. Toseute. Po Beite Posted Ce ie oi he ates Hardware erchan ts West Monk CREE core rerecrscs © Hebb s 4 te abet a aks ey aS eens. + if ~~ a oe er ae a a Me I ee ee A i A I ts i a a ee a a a a a CRE Ss Be og er AS Gs cr ae Re Re ee ee ee | J.R. NEAR & CO.