meni f ~~ ByeIn : Our readers to note that the celebrated French remedy, PANGO, _ which has been and js sold under a guarantee+that in cases where the outward application, as directed, fails to relieve pain, - moneys paid will be refunded--still stands. In no case, nol withstanding the large ana increasing sale, has a refund been asked for, Recommended for neuralgia, headache, rheumatism, gout, catarrhal colds, sliff joints, etc. Ask your druggist for a sample and do not accept a substitute. You will be pleased with it, Price 25 and 50 cents. The Pango Company, Toronto, or wholesale Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, Limited, Toronto. Lyman Bros, & Co., Momtreal, Toronto. was the plea of a Feltham milkman, when summoned for selling thin tea garnishing. According to a return issued from the Treasury $1,496.889 gallons of w-ne were imported in casks into this country 'n 1907, In addition 1,681,844 gallons was imported in bottles, Roughly, about 60,000 persons die of tuberculosis each year in the United Kingdom, and if has been estimated that this means there are about 600,000 homes affected with the disease. It is the custom in Wales to place white flowers on the graves of deceased relatives on Palm Sunday. This prac- tice is characteristic of both the rich and poor iphabitants of the Principai- ity. The London County Council will pro- ceed with the building of the mew Coun- |__FARMS FOR SALE. ) "Areola Farms and Moose Mountain "Ranches. Farms strong, permanent and well located, Terms to suit any practi- ca. farmer. Improved farms $15 to $25 per acre, Ranches $3.40 to $6 per acre. |Mortgages and Land Agreements for sale. The Cook Brothers, Arcola, Sask. Wrile to-day. | Improved Farm, 640 acres of splen- (did wheat land, a rich chocolate lam on a clay subsoil. Sixteen miles from | Warner, a thriving town on the A. R. & \I, Co.'s road forty-eight miles south of | Lethbridge, fifty acres cultivated, house | of seven rooms, stable for eleven horses, fall fenced and cross-fenced. Price $17 | per acre. Terms eight dollars cash and } balance easy, Also unimproved land in selected districts at from eight to fifteen - Geoseberry bush at Shipdam, Norfolk, ' dster who can Claim Oxford as his alma amaler, Cambridge has supplied 12, _ dn England pay, - value. of over --_t¥ two-thirds of a "UEskaw . The persons in receipt -- 423,779, or 26 per 1,000- of the popula- dion, as compared with 25.4 per 1,000 ~ In the previous year, pecause he dollars per acre, If interested let mc furnish you with full particulars. !per acre, Not one bushel of frozen _ {raised in the Lethbridge District, | T. E. PATTESON. Lethbridge, Alfa. Av- erage yield last year, 35 bushels wheat grain »| ly Hall at Westminster. The operations will extend-over a period of seven years and the estimated cost is $7,000,000. Remarkable scenes were witnessed in Holborn Circus, London, on Monday. Nearly 500 men applied for a situation | AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man in ever city and town in Canada with waterworks to sell home, hetel and Hustlers oan Write at once for Geo. T. Cole, Owen Souud, Ontario. | @ patent article needed in ever | public building. Sells at sight, and are making $5.00 a day. particulars, Wor the very best sond your work to the { "BRITIGH AMERICAN DYEING 60." Look for agent in your town, or send direst, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebes, to hear from owner haring A GOOD FARM for sale. Not particular about location- Please give price and description, and rea- son for ac State when possession can be had. Will deal with owners only, L, Darbyshire, Box 984, Rochester, N. Y, g! Cleaning! as packer at a wage of $5 a week, and a severe struggle ensued, every one of those present trying to be the first to interview the employer, Fortune has come strangely to a Bir- imingham man in poor circumstances, He has a son who was ailing. mn the family was a dilapidated box, a relic of old times. Smashing this up for fire- wood, he found it had a false bottom, and contained a hundred perfect spade ace guineas, worth about $6 each. This has enabled him to tide over a bad 'period and send his son to a sanitarium, ------ THOUGHTFUL MAN, A lady who is subject to heart dis ease took tea last Sunday with a neigh- bor, and while sitting at table her hus- band rushed in without a hat and in his shirt-sleeves, "Be calm! he exclaimed hurriedly to his wife; "don't excite yoursel{f--you | ee Ee Kai peter CANADA i Gudeas ts ioe tos oy } | SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR, | PRICES BEFORE _BUYTNG dad FREE BOOK "HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED" - Tells how a young man saved the bank' by a wise investment. Every stock buyer and investor should read this book, Not for sale, Sent free on request. Your name on a postal will bring it. Write to-day R. W. BAILEY 351 Raltway Exchange Bldg., Donvor, Colo. IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE, Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Commercial World, ~The expenditure on barracks. during the past decade has been $46,204,495 in 'england, In Manchester the gramophone will ke introduced in all the public parks and recreation grounds. The houses of worship of London will accommodate nearly a million and a half people at one time, The Salvation Army self denial week has realized $363,350, an increase of Over $85 over last year, In an old bowler hat, hung on a @ pair of robins have made thely nest, Mr. Asquith is the 18th Prime Min. A commencement has 'ith the construction @raving dock in West Shields, Ps One of the best-known hop growers 4 Kent is emigrating to New Zealand ibecause he cannot make hop-growing been made of a large new Holborn, South In the last three months gold to the { six and a half million sterling has bean shipped to Londoa from Cape Town, ; the income-tax dn spite of a drop Ted income, during the past year, of 36 cents per $5,000 has increased by ful: million pounds, tv. Wm. Middleton Campbell, J. P., , of Dumbartonshire, and of Camis an House, -near- Helensburgh, has gain been elected Governor of the} Bank of England. : of pauper re- Apri 4 numbered lief in London on That the milk he sold should be good, know you can't stand excilement, and it might be worse!' "Good gracious!" cried the wife; "the children------" "They're all right, Now, Mary, don't get exciled; keep calm and ccol. It can't be helped now; we must bear theze visitations of Providence with plii- osophy," "Then it's mother!" gasped the wife. "Your mother's safe, Get on your things, but don't hurry or worry, t's l60 late to be of any use, but Ill fly back and see whatI can do. I only came te tell you not to get excited." "For mercy saks," implored the al- most fainting woman, "lell me the worst!' ; "Well, if you will have it, the con- Sequences be on you own head, Mary. Ive tried to prepare you, and if you will know--don't excite yourself; try and keep calm--but our kitchen chimney's on fire, and all the neighbors are in our front garden!" She survived. weal A. J. PATTISON & CO. Weekly Market Letter, A. J. Pattison & Co, in their weekly news letter to clients, report as follows: The municipal Bond market has been more active during the week than for some time past, Large blocks of muni- cipal Bonds have been taken up for in- vestinent to yield from 5 to 5% per cent. '| The Stock market, both in' Toronto and New York, has shown unusual ac- livily and advances in prices for the higher class of dividend payers was in a number of cases substantial. Some of the changes were from 5 to.8 points, The evidence. of returning confidence in gen- éral conditions and the unprecedented accumulation of money at financial cen- lers are factors in these results, We look for temporary recessions, but feel that purchases of the belter class of stocks can be profitably made, The mining stock market has experienced very marked activity in the developed properties, 'Trethewey, Foster, Silver Leaf and Crown Reserve advanced from 5 to. 8 points on increasing shipments of ore, Several of the most prominent mines have, for some' tine teen making large ond profitable shipments and it is ex- pected that some of these will 'be places on a dividend basis within a short time. Trethewey and Foster appear to be well managed and are making an excellent showing, Following are the weekly shipments from Cobalt camp, and those from Janu- ary Ist to date: Week ending May 9th since Ist Buffalo 46,290, 563,810, Coniagas 380,- 10, Cobalt Lake 180.610, Crown Reserve 40,000, Cobalt Central 107.180, Cily . of Cobalt 338,600, Drummond 92.340, Foster 69.800, 238400, Kerr Lake 330.710, King Edward 127,240, La Rose 49,000, 1,901,- 652, McKinley 60,000, 1,183,900, Nipissing 152,240, 1,230,870, Nova Scotia 120,790, Nancy Helen 140,420, O'Brien 127,500, 1,- 763,070, Right of Way 60,470, 120,680, Provineial 143.210, Standard 39,730, Sil- ver Queen 524,200, Silver Clift 52,000, Sil- ver Leaf 132,800, Townsite 85,100, Temis. kaming 237,250, Temiskaming H. & B. January Shoe Store Salesman--"What size woul you like, madam?? Miss Lar- | jun--"T'd like a\ No.2; but there's 'no use talking about that. You well show me your No. 5's." _-- ther -- Graves' Worm Exterminator, Worms are one of the principal causes of suffering in children and 'should be fed his eow on bultercups, expelled from the system,' Sis gpa teal 9 679,916, Watts 114,- | may as} & Pale, sickly children should use Mo-|~ FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. -- " . "What is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. At present there are 1,616 unoccu- pied houses in Govan. Three of the Dundee have left for the Arctic. Patrick is agitating for a wharf on the river within the burgh area. : In Govan last month 17 persons died whose ages aggregated 1,307 years. At Greenock two women were fined $2.40 each for failing to attend as wit- nesses, g According to the sanitary inspector the population of Govan in June was 02,093. During the six months ending March 2 the shipments of coal from Greenock showed a decrease of 7,100 tons. Mr. John Bruce Walker, Canadian commissioner of immigration, with head office at Winnipeg, is a native of Troon. The new Territorial Army scheme will result in the voluntcer force in Faikirk cistrict being diminished by over 3uu men. The Seotch Education Department has issued a memorandum on nature study and the teaching of science in Scotch) schools, Ex-Sergeant-Major J. B.~- Huriford, whose death is announced, was connect- ed with the Queen's Brigade, Edinburgh, for 20 years, Between 60 and 70 members of A and B Companies, Stirling Rifle Volunteers, have agreed to join the new Territor- iet Force for a year, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, of Bellanoch, have enjoyed-74 years of married life. They are both over 90 years of age, but still have excellent health. The fish landed on the Secttish eoasts last month is returned as being valued at $736,160, making a total for three months of $2,401,700. A Dundee linoleum company confess fo having run their factory last year ata loss of £10,000. The high price of raw materials was the cause, At the Licensing Court held in Edin- burgh recently the grocers' licenses were reduced by ten. It was resolved to con- tinue the fen o'clock closing hour. At Garmouth recently several proper- ties, including five cottages, a dwelling house, and over 36 acres of land, were sold to Captain Ritchie, Kingston, for $4,650. Dennis Fox, a chimney sweep, who travelicd through Perthshire and. For- farshire, was drowned in the Tummet {he other day while trying to rescue a sheep that had fallen in. The portrait of Robert Burns, for which the poet gave three Sittings in 1786 to Peter (or Patrick) Taylor, has, if is said. been unearthed in the shop of an Edinburgh dealer in sporting pic- tures and prints. The Secession church in the village of Midlem is the oldest Secession build- ing in Scotland. For upwards of 160 years there has been a Secession con- gregation there, and the same un- adorned church that was erected in 1746, and the manse built in 1803, are Still in use, _---- -- hb - [LL$ OF BABYHOOD AND OF CHILDHOOD The ills of babyhood and childhood ére many and may prove serious if not promptly cured. In homes where Baby's Own Tablets are kept there is a prompt cure at hand for such troubles as. indi- gestion, sour stomach, colic, constipa- tion, diarrhoea, worms, leething trcustes and other minor ailments and the Taib- lets can be administered as safely to a new born baby as to the well grown child. Mrs. Octave Paulin, Caraquet, N. b,, says: "I have used Baby's Own Tab- lets for both my little boy and girl for the various ailments of childhood and have found them always a splendid me- dicine. No mother should re without the Tablets in the home." Sold by medi cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. yea SE LOGICAL, "Must ibe awful carrying on at the lodge." "T wonder." "Seems to me like continual rough house," "Why so?" "My husband says through all the chairs.' 'a an. In Kashgar, Central Asia, a divorce may be obtained for the sum of six cents. whaling fleet he has been Looking up from his magazine, an Essex farmer said vehemently to his wife one night: "Do you know what r'd have done if I had been Napoleon?" "Yes," the woman answered. "You'd have setlled down in Corsica, and spent your life grumbling about bad luck and hard. times." Some time ago an office boy, answer: ing the telephone for the first time in I's life, and not knowing how to use il, was {told that, when the bell rang, Le was to answer it. When, therefore, le heard it ring, he picked up the re- ceiver and shouted: "Hello! Whos there?" The answer came back: "I'm ene hundred and five." "Go on," said the boy, "It's time you were dead," Holloway's Corn Cure is a specific for the removal of corns and warts, We have never heard of its failing to re- move even the worst kind, The house-surgeon of a big hospital was start'ed one morning recently by the request of a young girl patient for an extra allowance of butter. "But why, pray?' he demanded, "don't you get sufficient?' "Well, sir," sho explained, "you see, my sweetheart is coming to see me to-day, and I want my hair to look nice," : BLOOD MAKING A Cure for Anamnia That is Show- ing Remarkable Proofs of Cures In Stubborn Casey, When the body becomes weak and run down, either from overwork, worry or severe illness, an examination of the blood would show it to be weak and watery. This condition is called anae- mia, which is the medical term for "ploodlessness." The cammon symptoms are paleness of the 'lips, gums and cheeks, shortness of breath and palpi- tation of the heart after the slightest exertion, dull eyes and loss of appetite. Anaemia itself is a dangerous disease andmay gradually pass into consump- tion, It can only be cured by treating ils eause--which is the poor condition of the blood. The blood must be made rich and red, thereby enabling it to car- ry the necessary nourishment to every part of the body. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the great- est medicine in the world for making new, rich blood and they have been curmg anacm'a and other blood diseases for nearly a generation, and are now re- cognized the world over as an invalu- able household remedy. Mrs, D. Estabrook, Brooklyn Road, N B., says-"My daughter Gertrude. who is now in her sixteenth year, was sickly from early childhood, we were constantly doctoring for her, but it did not seem to help her in the least. In fact as she grew older she semed to grow weaker. She was always pale and listless, suffered from headaches, dizziness and palpitation of the heart. She did not rest at night, and would offen toss and moan the whole night, Finally she had to discontinue going to school, and as she was continually tak- ing doctors' medicine without benefit 1 grew discouraged, and feared we would lose her. Friends urged us to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I finally decided to do so. .By the time she had taken three boxes there was an improve- ment, and a little later she was able to return to school. From that on she grew stronger, had an éxcellent appe- tite, slept well at night, and is now as healthy a girl as you will see, I be- lieve that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved her life, and as a mother I would re- eemmend these pills to every family in which there are young girls. All medicine dealers sell these pills, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvule, Ont. ----$-- CHILDREN WHO RULE EMPIRES. She New King of Portugal is Just Over Eightcen. Manuel If., the new King of Portu- gal, is a young monarch as monarchs go Indeed, had the murder of his fa- ther and his elder brother occurred enly a few days before it did, he would have been at one and the same time a k-ng and an "infant" in the éyes of the law. But by Portuguese custom the 'Crown. Prince attains his majority at eighteen, and "Master Manuel," as he 'was until quite recently, is just over that age. Even s0, however, he is the youngest "( living European rulers; although, of «curse, not the youngest to be pro- claimed king. That record. as all the world knows, belongs to King Alfonso of Spain, who was born a king. Wilhelmina of Holland, too, was a queen de jure when a little girl in short frocks, although she was not formally crowned until her eighteenth birthday. Kwang Su, the present Emperor of 'Ch'na, was only a few months past three years old when he was proclaimed ru- ler over more than four million square miles of territory and four hundred mil- lions of human beings. King Chulalon- korn of Siam ascended the throne at fifleen. His powerful neighbor, Mutsu Hito, was acclaimed Emperor of Japan Soon afler his fourteenth birthday. King Alexander of Servia, whose recent ter- rible death is still fresh in public me- mory, was only thirteen, at his acces- sion, and barely seventeen when he brought off, of his own initiative, the eoup detat that made him absolute monarch in everything but name. Se 9 YEARS BAD LEG HEALED BY ZAM-BUK, Mr. C, Johnson, of Poplar Hill Creek, Athabasca Landing, Alta., says; "About nine years ago a running sore com- menced on my right leg caused by a ruptured blood vessel. As time went on it got worse and my sufferings were intense. I had a very sore leg indeed, and had very small hopes of ever sce- ing it healed, in fact 1 was told by sev- eral who had known such sores that I would suffer with it for life. When 1 was almost in despair I heard of Zam- Buk and commenced using it. Other salves I had used caused me much suf- fering, but Zam-Buk soothed the pain, and as soon as the wound became clean it was only a matter of three or four days: before it was healed." ; Zam-Buk cures culs, burns, pimples, ulcers, ringwarm, and all skin dis- eases. All stores and druggists, 50c box, or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, eee Few men have their faces on bank- notes, but most of us are satisfied if permitted to get our hands on them, -- Old Gentleman--"Have you no fam- ily ties?' Willie--"Oh, yes, sir! Father makes me wear all his old ones!" Cucumbers and melons are "forbidden fruit? to many persons so constituted that the least indulgence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, ele. These persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart's content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, a medi- cine that will give immediate relief, and is a sure cure for all summer com- mer complaints, } : 1 ' aces TEETOTAL NEWFOUNDLAND. Newfoundland is, from a temperance point of view, a modern Utopia. Only | Within a radius of sixty miles from St. John's, the capital, are intoxicants to be procured, To sell liquor in a pro- hibited district: means the inflicting of A heavy fine. No liquor is sold on Sun- days. Hotels never have licenses, and on express trains only passengers tray- elling fifty or more miles may quench their thirst wilh infoxicating drinks. That these strict regulations have a good effect is seen in the fact that the island, with a population of over 200,- | 069 people, is kept in hand by 100 po- lice. There has also only been' one mur: 'der n the last fifteen years, i *, ~--TONIG TREATMENT] hy Peter, the Great. . The arrest the other day in St. Pel- ersburg of thirty-five male and female Terrorists is a big enough coup in its way. But it is by no means the big- gest on record. -- : Indeed, no longer ago than March 26th, 1883, no fewer than two hundred Nihilists--as the Terrorists were. then "police in this selfsame city, and the majority of them were deported forth- with to Siberia, never to be heard of again. = oa : In Dublin, on January 28th, 1882, forty der the Crimes Act. And th's was fol- lowed, a year later, by the simultane- ous seizure of twenty-one "Invincibles." who were accused of complicily in the murders of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Burke. 2s 'When St. Regent tried unsuccessfully to assassinate Napoleon the latler turned the affair to account by promptly mak- ing out a list of political enemies of his (over and above the actual econspira- tors) to the number of thirty-three in all, whom he straightway sent to Cay- enne without any formal trial, Senor Franco, Portugal's fallen dicta- tor, on the morning of the day follow- ing the naval mutiny at Lisbon in April, 11906, signed with his own hand 270 warrants of arrest, nearly all of which were execuied in tha eourse of the af- ternoon. Probably, however, the record in this Girection rests with Peter the Great, who, while at,work in Deptford dock- yard, was recalled to Russia by a con- spiracy of dhe Strelitz, He at once is- sued orders for the arrest of everybody Suspected of being in any way impli- cated in the affair, and about 6,500 per- fons were scized. Many of these Peter beheaded with his-own hand, two thou- rest were driven North into the frozen wilderness round Archangel, there to perish miserably, fe creer A Wide Sphere of Usefulness.--The consumption of Dr. Thomas' Eeclectric 0}! has grown-to great proportions, Not- withstanding the fact that it has now been on the market. for ever thirty-one years, its prosperity is as great as ever, and the demand for it in that period has very greatly increased. It is beneficial in all countries, and wherever introdue- rs fresh supplies are constantly asked 'or. De Long--"I hear you a rich wile." Shortleigh--*Right you are." De Long--"Bag anything?" Short- leigh--*Nothing but my trousers." are hunting fer WEAK WATERY BLOOD causes much trouble. That tired feeling and many more s mptoms follow in its wake. Try '"'Ferrovim." It is the best tonic to make you strong and well. All druggists sell it. "That lady," said the new assistant, "wished to know if these eggs were fresh. How do I tell when eggs are not fresh?" "You don't," replied the grocer. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ferd's Sanilary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. A certain judge, while passing through the scene of an election riot, had a large stone thrown at his head, but as he happened to be 'in a stcop'ny posture at the time it passed over him, "You see," said he. addressing -- his friends afterwards, "that had I been an upright judge I might have been kilted." Not a Nauseating Pill.--The excipient of a pill is the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is so compounded as to preserve their moisture, and. they can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep them from adhering, are rolled in pow- ders, which prove nauseating to we laste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills aré so prepared that they are agreeable to the most Gelicate. It's easy for the defeated candidate who was promised the support of his frends to believe King David was right when he said "All men are liars." SCALD HEAD Is a disgusting and obstinate disease, frequent in children. Treatment: Per- fect cleanliness and a generous application of Weaver' Cerate, Mothers will be glad to learn this. . "Why do so many of you go round playing together?" the schoolboy asked the leader of the German band. "It vas sefer," was the thoughtful reply of the reusic-loving foreigner,' Why not keep up your home with a bright titers appearance, it makes everybody happy. qt makes ou bappy. Ramsay's paints are happy paints. Nhe make things clean and new an give longer life to the home. Let your dealer show you the colors with suggestions how to do it. Write A. Ramsay & Son Co., Montreal, for pack of picture post cards of Homes. re Tommy--"'Halloa, Jimmy, where are you going to in such a hurry?' Jimmy "(m going home." -- "'Tommy--*"some- thing good» going on there?" Jimymy-- "Well, ma's going to spank me." Tom- my (in -surprise}--"But why are you 'n such a hurry?) Jimmy--"Because if | don't get home at once pa will be in, and heli do it." How to Cleanse the System.--Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are the result of scientific study of the effects of extracts of certain roots and herbs upon the di- gestive organs. Their use has demon- strated in many instances that they re- gulate the action of the»liver and the kidneys, purify the blood, and carry olf all morbid accumulations from the sys- tem. They are easy to tale, and their action is mild and beneficial. -- It isn't the amount of money a man- earns, but the amount he gets that counts. A little girl had been allowed by her mother to visit the minister's family and stay for dinner, After the preacher had finished. asking a blessing the child ssid; "That isnt the way my papa asks a blessing.' "And how docs your papa ask a-blessing?" inquired the minister. "Why, he just says: 'Good Heavens! what a meall'" oe lOc. Tie latest a tobacco. -- = 936 The Largest, 6,500 Persons, Was Made | A Special Sale -g= called--were seized ky the Tsar's secret | suspects were arrested all together un- | sand were tortured and slain, and the. ie ----OF--. e HIGH-¢ LASS. ORGANS BARGAIN PRICES Did you ever decide that if you purchased an organ, you would like a tain make of instrument? If so, you will probably find it on this list. Every organ is an exceptionally good one and is priced away below us' ing values. An early order is advisable to secure the organ of your choice. B send your second and third choices in cage the first should be sold before | order is received. : ; TERMS OF PAYMENT--Organs under $50--$5 cash, and $3 per month without. terest. Organs over $60--$10 cash and $4 per month without interest. = A discount of 10% for cash. TERMS OF SALE Every organ fully guaranteed.) , Every organ shipped subject to approval. : We pay the return freight if not fully satisfactory. A handsome stool accompanies each organ, BELL--5-octave organ, by W. Bell & Co., Guelph, in attractive walnut case with music rack and lamp stands; has 10- étops, 2 sets of reeds in the treble and one in the bass, coupler and knee swell. Special Bale Price. DOMINION--5-octave organ, by the Dominion Co., Bowmanville, in solid wal--- nut case with extended top; has 8 stops, 2 sets of reeds in the treble and one in the bass, lamp stands, 2 knee swells, etc. Special Sale Price...... ¥ KARN--S-octave organ, by D. W. Karn & Co., Woodstock, in very handsome wal- 38: nut case attractively carved and panelled; has lamp stands, music rack, 9 ¥ stops, 2 sets of reeds in the treble and one in the bass, couplers, 3 knee $45 swells. Special Sale Price. ........5....0..scs0 sce, : DOHERTY--A very handsome 4 octave walnut organ, by W. Doherty & Co. stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, lamp stands, music rack, $4 } Clinton; has 12 2 couplers and 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price ...... DOMINION--A very handsome organ, by The Dominion Co., Exhibition model _ design of case, mirror, brackets and cu board for music under the music desk; has 10 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, coupler and 2 knee swells. $53 Special Balei Prion. 05. casing ee ee peuerbafpanua ys iy Chaban Mba hae é SHERLOCK-MANNING--A very beautiful 5-octave organ, by the Sherlock-Man- ning Co., London, with high back, attractively carved, with mirror; has 13 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells, mouse-proof $58 pedals. Used less than six months, Special Sale Price ...,......:.......... Bi i THOMAS--6-octave walnut piano-case organ, by The Thomas Organ Co., Wood- 'stock, 'with mirror, rail top and fret-carved panels; has 11 stops, 2 sets of $83 reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price .............. 4% BOHERTY--6-octave piano-case organ, by The Doherty Co., Clinton, in ebon- -- ized case, with mirror top and lamp stands; has 11 stops, 2 sets of reeds $73 : throughout, couplers, 2 knee swells. Spectel Bale: Price... Sait ck we BELL--6-octave piano-case organ, by W. Bell & Co., Guelph, in attractive wale | nut case with mirror, rail top and fret-caryed panels; has 11 stops, 2 sets $83 eens . Pewee em eens ee res sasene of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells, Special Sale Price ..... DOMINION--6-octave piano-case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co., Bowman- ville, in solid walnut case, with carved panels and mirror rail top; has } full length music desk, lamp stands, mouse-proof pedals, etc.; has 11 stops, ' 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Cannot be told $8 4 from new.- Special Sale Price. ....2).:..sscsesvicveseee Ra oiskesdibun las canker THOMAS--6-octave piano-case organ, by The Thomas Organ Co., Woodstock, in handsome mahogany case with mirror, rail top and attractive marque- try design in the panels; has 12 stops including couplers, vox humana, ete., 2 complete sets of reeds, knee swells, mouse-proof pedals, etc, A $87 slightly used instrument. Special Sale Price PAsthe EB so Bs RRAE EMSs BE a ARE ES ; SHERLOCK-MANNING--A very beautiful Sherlock-Manning organ in mahogany case, double veneered and piano finished throughout, with full length plain panels and music desk; has 13 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells, mouse-proof pedals, etc. Used less than @ year. $88 Spoctak: Gals Price Nesp h pe ech SHEL. ee ' DOMINION--Six octave piano case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co., in hand- some solid walnut case with mirror, rail top and full swing carved panel; has 11 stops, including couplers, vox humana, etc., 2 complete sets of reeds, mouse-proof pedals, special folding pedal cover, ete. Special Sale ESTEY--Six octave piano case organ, by the Estey Organ Co., Brattleboro, Vt. This superb make of instrument. "the standard of the world in organ build- ing," is in solid walnut case with carved panels, 11 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Used less than a year. Special Sale 105 : Price nite -4e su Gemdie cs ah ads Oe en See eanie sou] Be at thlg on A. J. PATTISON & CO. Phone, Main 133 Scott St,, Toronto, 1311 Bonds yielding 4 to 6 1-2% always on hand in amounts to suit investors requirements, Stocks bought and sold for cash or margin on New York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto stock exchanges, other Cobalt stocks executed for cash in New York and | Toronto. cas Correspondenis--Chas. Head & Co., Members of New York and : Boston stock exchanges. ga "PRINTERS CANIPBELL PRESS TwvyvoOo HNEVOLU Trion ae 43x56 inch bed, cost $2,500, ee Will be Sold for $400 Cas der to make room for larger and faster machines. It is in good a5 Oe ed by a competent. 'running order, as it has just been thoroughly overhaul 'machinist. The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, | MANUFACTURER INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FIND ae o Ideal Manufacturing Premises INTRUTH BUILDING = Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each | LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light | Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance, Most Central Location, Four Large ; Freight Elevators, -- : gS. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 Adelaido St, West SURE CURE. © nde PRODIGY, _ "Now, my dear sir," said Dr beh Tupson--"How isin ee "T can't cure you unless you proiiisid-« << x Pie afte A to de everything eae 5: ng with her i Orders for Nipissing, Silver Queen, Foster and all}