Monkton Times, 3 Jul 1908, p. 6

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N THE HOMES OF FAIR GANADA Dr. William's Pink Pills Are Bring- ing Health to Weak, Despondent People, OLD CLOTHES OF ROYALTY -- COSTUMES WORN BUT ONCE AND THEN PUT AWAY FOR GOOD. King Edward Wears a Pair of Gloves More Than Once--Kaiiser's Ward- Be See Th is t a nook or corner in Ca oie ere is no - ee ; : An enterprising English journalist} aja, in the cities, towns, villages and| A criminal in Australia tenoiots thas: nis wrote an interesting if not instructive} fi.5 where Dr. Williams' Pink Pills chances for escape are agian oo sh. article recently on King Edward's clothes | pa.6 not been used, and from one end | if a "tracker" is put upon his trail wi and what became of them after they had} of the country to the other they have] in a day after the grime is discovered. finished service. In the article the state- trought back to breadwinners, their A tracker', is a native black mam ha ment was made that the King mever| ives and families the splendid trea- ing a natural instinct for running down ' wore a pair of gloves more than ONCe,/ si16 of new health and new strength.| criminals fleeing from justice. These WILSON"S , respondent. ' ; neighSors | men are veritable bloodhounds, and 4) Outen tie tee a nae ee eat: Pa yb onehees : their sirange power is possessed by no | @ / other race in the world. .~ a Outof this arose a discussion asto th@} ang they can tell you of some nerve- So implicit is the confidence felt in necessily of considering gloves damaged | <)attered man, suffering women, ailing them by the police that when a black -- SOLD BY -- by one day's service, &c., by aye went ig youth, or unhappy anaemic gs i "d K is the King's in- ia ' > r. paca Siem tai OWE DEERE Bee ee eee starts out upon a man-hunt the officer who. goes with him merely follows in : BRUGCISTS, GROCERS ano CENERAL STORES 10. per packet, or 3 packets for 25c. separable companion, friend and servitor, Williams'? Pink Pills. Their wonderful his wake. He does not question him, or will last a whole season. MARCONI MASTERS FOG! THE LATEST APPLICATION OF THE WIRELESS PRINCIPLE. AUSTRALIAN MAN HUNT] THE HUMAN BLOODHOUNDS OF uffe: from Fi QUEENSLAND. Dat = Vitus' Dance, Nervou F Sickness sho write the ' 1G €O., 179 ine street, Toronto fora trial bottle of their Fit Cure and Treatise, Enclose 10¢ for postage and packing, --_-- About the Wonderful Antipodean Track- er, and the Way He Does -- Tlis Invention Will be of Very Great Benefit in St. Lawrence River Navigation. Children Like It. : Children Thrive On It. ' Children Grow On It Shredded Wheat regulates the system and keeps stomach sweet and clean. Try it. Sold by all grocers. That wireless telegraphy has not yct exhausted its store of wonders and sur- prises was proved to a London Daily Chronicle representative in an interest- ing talk with Mr. Marconi at his Lon- don office. One approaches this man, who while yet in his youth revolution- ized telegraphy, in the expectation of meeting a typical and rather uncanny wizard, who hes but to wave his hands tc work all manner of wonders by an unseen force, But there is nothing un- canny, and nothing to suggest sludy and midnight oil, about the tall, athletic, well-groomed young man, who greels you in breezy fashion, and in such per- fect English that his Italian name is forgotten and you remember only that HIS MOTHER WAS IRISH. . "Oh, yes," he said, "Ill tell you what In: trying to do and what are my hepes; but please don't make me seem boastful, and don't let us have too much of the I--I--I, "We can send twenty-four words a4 minute across the Atlantic, or forty- eight when we can use the duplex sys- term. But at present we can only send messages one way ata time. If an op- erator tried to send a message across while he was receiving one there would be great confusion, one man tring against another'--and Mr. Marconi waved his hand to suggest a grand col- lision of language in mid-Aflanttle. 'But lately I have been expetimenting nf apparatus which will enable us to Re : eage send a message in both directions at aie Galea horror of travelling once. The expersments have been quite after dark, being constantly in foar of ratio hak ko meeling the Bunyip, a fearful monster 1 an tiainnta ph pice ' with glaring eyes, which they believe 'o Eee ge hak ae be the spirit of an old aboriginal kin i Ree lhe ies gos : who cif a around the swampy land at latest experiments, Another is to en- able a ship approaching the shore or night to catch black men. You can another ship i " Oy « a Ship in a fog to determine ex- frighten a "tracker" half out of, his wits actly the position of the wireless station by telling him you will send the Bunyip ERT ZK a oor afer him. They also believe that a m phauata, be Nagy acta! a i i ": & "9 ' giant lives on mountain tops, waiting HOW IT WILL HELP A NAVIGATOR fo kill them with a club, Hence they Perch: Sieh. Oh tp-.of a MounIBM Or 4. chin te naw not only that an- pear @ swamp, always pitching their} oinor ship is approaching, but the ex- brush tents, or mimis, near a dry and| 9 angle the course of that ship makes level spot. Their onlly religious belief with hisown fe ee ae nen asleed | "It is perhaps a iittle dificult to ex- or ages, will one day awaken eS plain the idea to the general reader, but up the whole world.--Pearson's Weekly. | hore it is roughly"--and Mr, Marconi sketched rapidly on his blotting pad an j while he spoke. "We et, you see, a PET NAMES. screen with a small ae in the centre, ares This is turned about in the direction Terms of Endearmrent Used by One Na-} from which the other ship or the shore tion are Unsuited to Otehr Peoples. | station is known to be telegraphing, un- a ee ee : ti! the ringing of a bell, caused by the Pinte 3 agg - med robe S waves entering the hole in the screen, their vocabulary of endearment are of-| Shows that the exact direction from One packet has actually killed a bushel of files. described in a rie pe Lg oe success is due to the neg os vie Slory as ridiculous. Yet it was adm Iams' Pink Pills ri 2 root |! : i ina thet are some things that the King of the disease in po) S nod. and by in any way interfere with him, De uses only once, such as white evening) making the vilal fluid rich and red, | lading his own horse, allows the guide ties, certain neckties and white evening | girengthen every organ and every|to go in whatever direction he pleases. gloves, which would be true also of many nerve, thus driving out disease and| Uc matter how apparently reasonless other masculine leaders of fashion. im, his. course may seem, : : : The Ust of King Edward's quickly dis- Mr. Joseph Lacombe, Quebec City The most successful trackers are . carded garments would inelude also cer- says:--"Today I weigh about forty Queensland, near the edge of New Sou tain state robes which have appeared | pounds more than I did a year ago, and| Wales. They will travel any ee in public only once, such as those of th} am in every way in much sounder| animated by no feeling of hatred for coronation and the costume of the Grand | health. For upwards of two years 4| their quarry, but only desirous of prov- Master of the Knights of Malta. This} had been studying hard to pass my ex-|g their expertness. The reward ee last was worn at the Devonshire House | aminations and my health had com-| Sk is absurdly small for the long anc ball when he was Prince of Wales at! pletely given way under the stra®, 1 difficult trails, A dollar or two or some the time of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen | Jost flesh rapidly, my appetite was gone | Cheap bracelets, rings, and So on, quite ictoria. and my nerves were greatly weakened, satisfies them. They have no idea at Then, of course there are certain regi-}] was obliged to abandon my studies the value of money. Rum is their grea ment uniforms which have been worn} ond was in a state of complete exhaus- | Weakness. just once in honor of some casper A' tien. I comsulted a i, baleen = math PAID WITH A BOTTLE OF RUM. these are put away in presses and are] wag dally growing weaker I decided to . Te e regularly yerhauled and kept in good/ {ry pr. Williams' Pink Pills, which I a a gis we ere pd yo sondition. Pachape some day they will| had often heard very highly spoken of. | C&te some valua le ap - sf pa! find their way to a museum to be shown | The beneficial effects were indeed re tp gg 8 See Ani ® OF eet ys as relics of miarkable for 1 had not used more than rete iol ie -- oie snes Belen his tomahawk. All he asked for was a bottle of rum, while the timber merchant EDWARD THE PEACEMAKER a couple of boxes when I could feel an derived over $10,000 from the sale of the improvement, and hope returned. I ress the King is very | Continued using the pills for some weeks lah rin and seuatito, but he | longer, with the result that my strength "pore wears his various suits ag many times as | increased daily and I was soon able to The following description of 'a man- any rich man of the world would, Then | take over my studies and woxk with as ovis wilt oe poling ~ roma Riggs st they share the fate of all discarded ger- | ™uch energy as I had ever done. To- hein act anion ce gm Se et Se ments and become the property of some day I am in perfect health and I atlri- rai this aR cae ia 3 ees one else for various fates. a" Pere ere «oe. BE. Wilke as tendid s Secienert of manhood. The In regard to Queen Alexandra's ward-| liams' Pink Pills." aan loin aden Bt loeneatod-skii ste robe, she too has certain garments which | | You can get these Pills from any me- had ecole rk. ea ee ot are of historic interest and are put away icine dealer or by mail at S08. <6 BOX dating rhith aeoeiien es the police, He eee earners EY ne eg iu momo" co re ake led a horse, sO as to make As in the tain. Among these are her wedding ; A, ' a aeer : Gabrinba® aihaiie ts é cas and cong tan gloves, the robes of Ont. Secret fou ear rons the coronation day and the military uni- . oii : horse. The hunt was very earnest, be- mel cual ecg roars' orange re RNY. cause the fugitive had stolen some cat- iversity gowns and hoods which have is He strali the crime ma ttle = igh <2 since the degrees they re-| An Explorer's Adventure on the Coast Dadra hata see Sues Rees present were conferred upon her. o6 Gheoniond. considered a serious oifence, : The beautiful dresses which the Queen In 1898 Capt. Otto Sverdrup went up Tha offender was a welkseasoned wears at the evening courts are seen but | Smith Sound in his old ship, the Fram, bushmen, cunning andacquainted with once, Sometimes a part of a gown is| in an endeavor to sail round the north the tactics of the "trackers": further- used again in another fashion. This ap-| coast of Greenland from west to east. more, he had two days' start of his pur plies particularly to the priceless collec- | Mr. W. J. "Round About the | suers. tion of old lace of which she is so proud, and which is used over and over again in trimming her gowns. If Queen Alexandra does not wish to use any of the trimmings of a dress again ANG Rheumatism, Pain, Et 50 CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, crotch for the new branches that had Sprung up on either side. A most astonishing thing happened. Reaching down into the hollow of the halfdead tree trunk, the "tracker" seiz- et something, at the same time shout- ing to the officer beneath: "Boss, Boss, I catch white feller! He play 'possum!" Out of the opening appeared a man's head, and a more wretched object could never have been seen. He was lLousled. dirty, gaunt, half-starved, In due course he paid the penalty of his crime. He said that, knowing a "tracker" would be put upon his trail, he had hoped to give him the impres- sion that he had been drowned while WHOLESALE ia LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and Montres); LYMAN . KNOX & CLARKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG CO., London, Horses Get Tired Same as Human Being Why use the hard-worked horse to ride to town for the mail or f groceries, when the chore boy would like nothing betier than to cycle CIVE THE HORSE A REST--HE NEEDS IT : GIVE THE BOY A WHEEL--HE WANTS IT Have you ever cons'dered how much time and horse flesh save by using a Cushion Frame Bicycle? you © AIS, SS, eal heme 5 it's the Cushion Frame that Absorbs the Shook, Not the Consider these peerless models:--Maissey Silver Ribbon, Clevela fect and Brantford made in Hygienic and rigid frames. BUILT BY THE a. CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO., Limited, WEST TORONTO, CAN: MAKERS OF THE WORLD'S BEST BICYOLES, WRITE FOR OATALO QUE 'NO. pues Strong, in "Ri North Pole," quotes some of the explor- ér's cdventures from his own story. One cf these is the pursuit and capture of a bear, which they discovered on a little plateau high up on a mountain crag. BARK BEDS. To accompany a chase like this is awe- some; the utter silence and desolation of the woods is so depressing. Then, the garment ts taken to pieces and the materials disributed. There is an inviol- able rule in the palace that the recipient of any royal finery is never in any cir- cumstance fo wear a gown in the form in which it was worn by the Queen. THE PRINCESS OF WALES has a large and varied collection of uni- forms, university gowns and Oriental robes of great value and beauty. During her visits to the British colonies and to India she received many honorary de- rees. These garments are all guarded ae posterity after the royal fashion, In her ordinary wearing apparel the Princess does not hesitate to be seen in the same gown many times, especially if it happens particularly to suit her somewhat severe style of good looks. Af- ter she has finished with them they are given to the various ladies of her house- hold to dispose of. The Empress of Germany has the same The little ledge was reached by a bridge not more than a good yard in width. His majesty was not visible to Schel until he came within a few feet of him, bul then it was not long before a shot was heard, The bear sank together, and in a few seconds afterwards all the dogs had thrown themselves upon. it. They tugged and pulled at the bear's coat, tearing tufts of hair out of it, and Lefore we knew what they were doing, had dragged the body to the edge of the plateau, where it shot out over the precipice, The dogs stood amazed, gazing down in to the depths where the bear was falling swiftly through the air, but not alone, for on it were two dogs which had clung so fast to its hair that they now slood planted head to head, and bit themselves still faster to it in order to keep their balance, I was breathless as I watched th's un- expected journey through the air. The even to catch a put up for the tnight. loo, the trails are deceplive, often lead- ing to a deserted wood camp beneath a foliage so dense that it is impossible glimpse of the sky. Darkness closes in very quickly in tne mountain regions, and by nightfall the "tracker" and his employer were glad to reach an "accommodation house" (or rancher's home), where such as these were usually welcomed and allowed to At this house the Officer tried to hear tidings of his man, but no one had seen him. All the next day the black fellow led along as swiftly. as possible, The way was extremely rough, and mile after mile was covered through wild silences, until a stranger would surely think the guide was playing a losing game. At ne- time could they ride, and it was with great difficulty that they reached a sort of clearing, where. the horses were tied and camp struck for the night. Tear- ing huge strips of bark from the trees and wrapping blankets around them, len employed for quite the opposite pur- pases by other peoples, One of the most familiar and most coveted phrases of endearment among the French, for instance, is "My little pig!" and "My little puppy dog' is also much apprect- aled. When a French husband calls his wife "a cat," she does not fly into a passion of resentment, as an English- speaking wife might do under the same circumstances, but takes it as a gentle compliment. On the other hand, if he were to call her "a duck," as the Brit- ish husband might his wife, she would be very much offended, Some time ago, in Germany, letters written by the late Count von Moltke to his betrothed were published. In these the great soldier frequently called the lady "My little kernel of coffee." This sirikes one as a very queer pet name, and has suggested to a cynical author- ify that, in view of the writer's profes- sion, "My little grain of powder," or "My little lump of lead," would have which the wave is coming has been as- certained, "I shall be carrying out experiments on these lines in the Mersey in a few weeks. The idea {s being specially wel- comed by shipping authorities on the St. Lawrence River, where fog so often hinders navigation." ------f____. A SINGULAR CONTEST Have you made a start collecting bot- toms of ORANGE MEAT packages? The ORANGE MEAT people are offering FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS a year FOR LIFE, besides several other large cash prizes, to winners in their competition. If you wish to compete send in your mame and address to ORANGE MEAT, for cash 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 13 INVESTMENT BONDS. > Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges -- or margin, Cobalt orders executed for cash, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, > S bear's body dashed violently against the rock, turned a somersault out from the mountain wall, and fell still farther un- tu, efler falling a height of altogether at least a hundred feet, it neached the Slopes by the river, and was shot by the impetus right across {he river ice and & good way up the other side, And the dogs When the bear dashed against the mountain they sprang up like rubber balls, described a large curve, and with stiffened legs continued the journey on their own account, fal- ling with a loud thud on to the hardly packed snow at the bottom of the val- ley. But they were on their legs in a moment, and set off as fast as they could go rule regarding gowns worn on state occa- sions as Queen Alexandra. These are never seen again in the same form. Dres- ses chosen for less important events, a reception, a dinner, an embassy crush or the theatre, may be worn two or three times. When the gowns are done with they are ripped up by some of tho fifteen court seamstresses and the material giv- en away. . The pretly young Princess Victoria Luise still dresses like a school girl and her simple frocks are worn again and again. There is probably no monarch who has more clothes than the German Emperor. Ho has hundreds of different uniforms of which perhaps a dozen may have been worn more than once. He has a tre- mendous variety of workman's habili- ments, such as those worn by coal min- ers or workers in tunnels, which he has put on at some time to prove his com- radeship with the horny handed sons of tcil in the fatherland. Then he has doz- ens of costumes which he has worn to fancy dress balls, The one that he values most among these Is the costume that he wore at a ball when he appeared as his famous ancestor Frederick the Great. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA, as the chief of the imperial army is able at a moment's notice to take his place at the head of any Russian regiment in the proper uniform. Some of the troops in (ve remoler parts of his vast dominion are so seldom seen in the capital that the corresponding uniform has been brought out only once. The Empress of Russia, who is honor- ary colonel of several regiments, has had tunies with the proper badges made for her use. In her ordinary dress she is very simple and only consents to don magnificence on state occasions, Queen Amalia of Portugal has long been known as one of the best dressed Queens in Europe. She seldom is seen in any gown more than once, and is very generous in her disposal of old clothes arong the less affluent ladies of her court. The Queen of Italy is so plainly dressed that her great extravagance in evening shoes is amusing. She never weirs a pair more than once. In this she is like the ex-Empress Eugente, except that Bu- Kingston, at once. They will forward full particulars and enter your name on the list of competitors. each lay on the concave surface of one| been more appropriate, for a bed and rested. A person's individual likings and oc- mee, ait Eas goto aaa cupation frequently supply him with THE CLUE OF THE BROKEN TWIG. terms -of sidah vines A farmer some- times calls his little girl his "colt," and a well-known fishérman, to whom. the creatures of the brook were as the apple of his eye, used fo begin his letters to his wife, when he was on his fishing ex- peditions, with the words, "My dear lt- tic speckled trout!" : FOES As ee BLISS, "Lysander (sweetly), do you what day this is?" "Sure! Our anniversary, Margaret, dear (pretending to have remembered it al the time),' "No such thing (frigidly), It's the vay you promised to nail the leg on that old kitchen table!" ae NE er ames Are you a sufferer with corns? If you are, get a bottle of Hololway"s Corn Cure, It has never been known to fail, URERS INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FIND Ideal Manufacturing Premi IN TRUTH BUILDING Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Ea MANUFACT Commence saving the bottoms of pack- ages and write for particulars TO-DAY. ORANGE MEAT is made of the whole Wheat, thoroughly steam-cooked, ad- ding Malt, Sugar and Salt, dihen flaked and toasted, : At noon the next day a bushman's ca- bin was reached, and there the tired horses were tethered. The hunters ther proceeded on foot. Another night'in the forest, and the fourth day found these intrepid hunters making their way through underbush peculiar to Austra- lia, called "lawyers and barristers," be- cause its thorns and brambles catch one at every turn. Once the guide hesitated, turned back, and struck off in another direction down an embankment, the rest tumbling after him. A wild chase that must have been! Two white men following the apparent- ly mad actions of a black fellow into places so remote that it would have been impossib'e to find the way out of them alone. But such is the confidence in, that " App eS ats »| country in the faithfulness and ability eR bein k. Isn't it too silly ot her "| of a "tracker." He now crawled for the Piha Sa sere ;, Maybe that would make greater part on his hands and knees, _ Mrs, Winks--"Oh, John, I wouldn't prigicks he Gee ede ates Shame that kgf temiper over a little thing like way for the fugitive. He was about ten Af, teary oe fect ahead of the others, when he gave Mr. Winks--"I'm glad to hear you xclamati . slig say it, my dear. 1 hist recall 'that rye a subdued exclamation of delight, still got that letter you gave me last] "I CATCH WHITE FELLER QUICK! Ww < ¢ y" : . Wednesday, he said, and pointed to a scrap of cloth eh Peer: re pe clnging to a broken twig. Four hours An End to Bilious Headache.--Bilious- | nore ani a river was reached, There Ness, 'Which i8 Caused by' excessive-bile | in the damp earth of the bank two foot- 2 SrmpE Te! in, the stomach, has'a marked effect up- prints were plainly seen, J HIS REASON. dae nerves, Cele sey ti The "tracker" leaped into, the river] }yo"phey say that peaple who marry S4 iy re ver' Loe a le: US IS ine! and struck out for the opposite side. | soon grow to look alike," St Stress { *AGaChe One car ave, > "ey . t g - : ter mt dl fré Fras 4 ae f vie dripping, for twenty feet or sd, follow-} refusal as final." : ae aka a ve 0 eae " "i ' 12° | ing footprints that had again stopped at ee rost excruciating 5S 3 OUS ri Ve , --T ay j iT Mandachs a Parchetactee Views tab} Ee ns the water's edge. They are, not Violent in Action.-- SALE . " yes TOLLE ' i an ¥e +4 cn , oe = 4 cial pcs hae bes oe e "Pills Then the trailer paused. He was} some persons, when they wish to Wilt cure it--cure it almost immediately, lainly puzzled. What had become ot s : oy OS It will disappear as soon as the Pills Plaimty puzaied, ab ne ecome Ol! meanse the stomach, resort to Epsom operate "There is nothin z wiser in the the cattle thief? Had he recrossed the} ana other purgative salts. These are Weetneni f bilious | Saerhg s river or swam down as far as he could speedy in their action, but serve no, per- at. a) Ous he che, and landed on eilhe r bank, then s!ruck |} manent good. Their use produces in- into the woods again? After sharply eX-} cinient chills, and if persisted in they am-ning the ground, the troubled guide injure the stomach. Nor do they act "How did you get that awful cold?" swamt back and landed a few yards. be- upon the intestines in a beneficial way. "Al the Jime wedding, 1 was struck | low his party. By his actions they SaW |] Parmelee's Vegetable Pills answer all in the face with the bride's shower bou-| that he had found the tracks again. Th6| purposes in this respect, and have no quet." criminal had indeed crossed the river, splor ] »| Superior, bul where had he gone after that? Trust a "tracker" to solve riddles of ess HUMANE, A woman may be too humane To wear a bird on her hat, And of course our praises she deserves For tenderness like that, But stop a minute and reffect-- She may be cruel still; Think of the husband, who, although It's birdless, gets the bill. There can be a difference of opinion on most subjects, but there is only one opinion as to the reliability of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator? Tt is safe, sure and éffectual, LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING Steam Power, Heat, Electric Lig Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insura Most Central Location, Four Large Freight Elevators, S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St... locking agitator, "Whcn I firsh oprned my; eyes in 'this dishonest world, our family "ersumstances were far better | Every than 'are mine, Time was when 1| sought no luxury, bub -f obtained it: | | 'Farmer know ~------------- THE SAME PREDICAMENT. Mrs, Winks--"Mrs, Ayres and her husband have had a dreadful quarrel, just because she gave him a letier to post, and he carr'ed it about in his pock- THEN HE SAT DOWN, "TY was not always thus," said a seedy- A man seldom realizes what it is to be disappointed in love until after he is led to the alvar by the woman of his or. Tody--'Jennie tes me young Wood- by proposed to her last night." Viola "{ con't think I know him. Is he well off?' ~Tody--""He certainly is, She re- fused him," A Great Combination, 'Forrovim" the best tonic is. It should be taken by all invalids, by all who are run down or out of sorts. It builds a Perla We . : up, gives new life. When my every fancy was gratified, when Iwas accustomed to: pass this very spot in my own earrage; and my mrother--bless hor---- "Used. lospush eit," bawled: an unsym- pithelic member. of the audience who knew 'the speaker in olher days, Many Thanks are due from the. proprietors of Woaver's Cerate to friends who have written to tell of the Cerate's good word in curing serofulous. humors, scald head and other skin diseases, AWFUL, Facetious Customer--"Waiter, I Leve this meat came off a hors.' Waiter--*What makes you think sir?" F, €.--"Because when I was eating it I found a bit in my mouth!' Knew how much money he conld save _ Falrbanks-Morse Jack-of-all: lrades @ gine to saw wood, pump water, grin we would not be able to supply & Cut this ad, out and send to) will send you our froe catalogue, my When going away from home, or at any change of habitat, he is a wise nian who numbers among his belongings a bettle ef Dro J.D, Kelloge's Dysontery Cordial, Change of sood and water in some strange place where there are no aman doctors may bring on an attack of dy- It is an Elixir of Life.--Since forgotten | sentery. He then has a standard rem- lime, men have been seeking for the | edy at hand with which to cope wath Elixir of Life, which tradition says once | the disorder, and forearmed he can sue- existed. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric: Oi} is | cessfully fight the ailment and: subdue an Elixir, before which pain cannot | it live. It-is anade up of. six essential - oils, carefully. blended that thein} © "Our friend Mrs. Hines has gone crazy bo- S80, Namo _. Address GOT WET, Tho Canadian Fairbanks Oo., Li Montreal, Winnipog, ~_---- thnk People who they are in the SOMEBODY'S. so genio gave all her discarded Slippers and shoes to the girls' orphanage in Paris, while the Queen of Italy disposes of hers seme if they ever ge less charitably, earthly samt Class will bo awfully lone-| thal sort! Suddenly he began uncover- t to heaven, ing the leaves and lwigs between him and the other two men until he reached them. beneath a Algernon--You must not think, dcar- est, that because you are rich ani I am poor, IT am trying to marry you on ac- curative properties are ecneentrated in one. It has no equal in the traatment of lumbago, rheumatism, and all bodily an the subject of germs," pemarkedor dy So her neighbor "she sterilizes or {ltrs every hg in the hose." "How 8 she pel with They were sitling pains. cs her family?! "Well, 1 can oas ure you that even: her reaions pre strained!" es os A. R. BICKERSTAFF & CO., Stocks, Bonds and Debentures, Cobalt and all Mining and Oi! Stooks of Canada and United States. Ordors oxecuted with promptnoss. All prices and styles from $12, pondence solicited. a for free caialogue, Dopt, D, 1 to 627 Tradore Bank Bullding, Toronto, Ont: j ) ag + Ont. | TORONTO GRAMOPHON Main 929. ' , = . ¥ pak 264 Yonge Street, Agents wanted in evory town, The young King of Spain has devel. oped a great interest in sartorial art since his visits to England and both he and the Queen seldom wear their garments many times. The Spanish court is rapid- ly following their example, so that beaut- {ful gowns and many of them, are the order of the day just now in Spain. After all, poor old Queen Elizabeth who created a sensation with her one hundred and twenty gowns and thirty wigs in the modest times in which she lived, would find herself behind her sister royalties of to-day, and her one hundred and twenty gowns would not go far {o- ward making her considered a well dressed queen, omen mcaetnaminls Stand up for your rights. People may not like it at first, but they will 8¢on learn to keep out of your way. ccunt Of your money." huge eucalyptus tree. f I Genev-eve--W hose are you after, then, "White feller ro fool black feller!" he said, smiling, wet and breathless, Then it was seen that the fugitive had careful- ly covered up his tracks by walking un- der the very tree where the party were seated. But apparently the man-hunt was finished; the game had vanished in- to space! HIDDEN IN A TREE TRUNK. The "tracker" dashed into a thicket and hastily secured a strong, pliable vine, used by the natives to scale tree trunks to smooth to climb. This he threw 'about. the tree, and began to as cend it. The others looked on in aston- ishment. Up went the black until thirty feet in the air, Then those below noticed that the main trunk of the tree had been broken off years before, forming a DEAR 'THING! Mrs. Mack had found the art of plant- ing a sting in the most pleasant way, She was not content merely to get her own back when she was angry, but she inflicted little stabs on her néighbors through sheer inability to repress her feelin gs. "How delightful to see you again, Mrs. Mack," said an\elderly acquaintance, meting her when out shopping. "Why it must be close upon ten years since we met. And it's so nice to think that ae remembered me after all this time. fou knew me at once, I begin to think T can't have changed so very much." "Oh," said Mrs. Mack, with a. sweel smile and an acid tone, "I recognized your bonnet!" : ; Men should look for this ag on Chewin Tobacco. i guarantees the high quality of Black Watch The Big Black Plog. . VICTOR-BERLINER G Corres- Three to Ten Dollars Per Day You can make Three to Ten dollars per day in the mail order business, Cests one dollar to Jearn, Particulars free, -- st eet etree aetna eaten es) ISSUE NO. 27-08, CENTRAL MAIL ORDER CO., 433 Brisbane Bldg., -- Builalo, N.

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