i LA: Z sh 'The Trust has just p ae <i MONKTON ONT. 2 3 otary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer 0' Marriage Licenses, J. P. for the County of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold. A few choice farms for immediate sale. -- DR. A. F. McKENZIE _ Physician and Surgeon - Office hours: So far as possible from 1 to 3 p.m.. and in evenings. eed LEDERMAN DENTIST t 5 Licentiate of Dental{Surgery and Member of Royal College ,of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, honor 'graduate }of Toronto University.. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Hours 9 a. m. and5 p.m. Office above the Sov- ereign Bank,, Milverton, BRICK! ~eWe make he brick that made Monkton famous, DR. R. seNo building material shows off a building like our celebrat- ed Terra Cotta brick. NeQuotations given on applica- tion to W. H. BARNHARDT Monkton, Ontario Eye-strain belies Character ! | @BIOe8 de Defective sight pro- duces unnatural ex- pression. Perpetual frowns caused by an effort to see better often belie character. We are experts in fitting glasses that make facial distortion unnecessary. Examination Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Be DS W. A. CAMERON Jeweler and Optician of Mitchell ) depends upon speedy evacuation of | We want to let you know that Berger's Jewelry Store is replete with all the latest nov- elties in Christmas cards, fancy china, toys, musical instruments cut glass, jewelry, watches, clocks, rings, stick pins, brooch- es, etc. Prices have been put away down to rock bottom prices, Call inand look over our varied assortment whether you Intend buying or not, We do not consider it any trouble to show geods. Special atten- tion paid to watch repairing. PERGER MONK fON Agent for Columbia Graphophones traband. 5: records show. hand in hand. Local option is class legislation. ocal Option dot No community would consent to be entirely by any one religious denomination. Why then should it be obliged to sub- mit to the opinions and restrictions of the total abstainer. VOTE AGAINST LOCAL OPTION, IT WILL NOT SUIT YOU. A or What a Toronto Newspaper Reporter heard in Owen Sound-- 1, That retired farmers were going into the blind pig business because there was so much easy money in it. -- 3 | '9, That a factory hand, who had gone in four hundred dollars in a month, selling whiskey to his fellow workmen. 3. That employers of labor had had more trouble with their men. since local option went into force than they had in fifteen years before. _ That there is a system of signals, lights and bells, to warn the illegal vendor of the approach of the police, Also that there is a recognized vocabulary for the con- to the blind pig business, had made That debts are thirty per cent. harder to collect under local option than they were before, as the records of the division court show. 6. That crime has increased thirty=three and a third per cent. as the police ruled Liberty of Conscience and Liberty of Conduct should go 3, SUFFERED FROM VIOLENT CATHARTICS The Warning of Mr. Geo. C. Fox Is One That Should Be Heeded by All. Few men on the road are better known than genial George Fox, whose friends throughout the West are legion é Creates Discord Increases Drunkeaness Harms Business Promotes Disorder In the following letter he expr gratitude for signal services rendered by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. He goes on to say: "Until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills and experienced their wonderful mildness and curative power, I esti- mated the value of every pill by its activity. Talking about this to a well- nown physician I met on the train the other day, he explained there are cifferent kinds of drugs that act upon the bowels, the most. active being known. as drastic. Exeept in extreme caseéS-'where the life of the patient K the bowels, pills should never be dras- tic. Purgatives cause catarrh of the bowels and inflammation; their dose must be increased, causing even more harm. With such a clear explanation I could see why Dr. Hamilton's Pills are curative and not irritating, why they are mild, yet most searching. "From my experience I recommend everyone that takes pills to give up the old-fashioned harsh, purging pill, and, instead, to use Dr. Hamilton's. They cure headache, biliousness, con- stipation, bad stomach, and. keep the system in perfect condition." Refuse any substitute for Dr. Ham- jiton's Pills; sold for 25c., all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. | Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation London's Landlords London Daily News Here is the annual tribute levied by seven peers on the land values of the metropolis; The Duke of Westminster. £3,000,000: Lord Howard de Walden. 1€2,900,000; the Duke of Bedford £2,- 250.000: Lord Portman, £1.890,000 '; Lord Northampton. £1.600.000; the dogan, £1,500.000. Now what have these peers done to create this enormous wealth? The question answers itself. They have done less than nothing. Their only task has been to receive the torrent of gold which the toil of London has poured into their laps. It is the people whose industry has created these values, It is they who have made the roads and laid the sewers and built the tramways. It is they who have raised the factories and the shops and filled them with the hum of industry. It is they who have borne the crushing burden of the rates that have created the values. And the dukes over whom the Tim- es sheds its foolish tears, have taken all the plunder and have given noth- ing but blankets in return, They have mot even contributed a penny to the rates. Nor is that all. At the expiry of the lease of houses which others have built they have appropri- ated even the buildings and, as in the Gorringe case levied new and enor- Duke of Norfolk. £1,500,000- Earl Ca-' people as a whole can again be advanced when Local Option was wouid have more money to spend ments, such as we had before Local Option was carried. created more drinking amorg young men than there ever was in town under a gcod license system. How Local Option Hurts Owen Sound '1 CONSIDER Local Option detri- . ritnental to the best interests of the town from a business point of view, as it has created discord and set up ong portion of the town against the other. From a moral or temperance standpoint, I con- sider it the worst blow the temperance cause ever had in the town. I believe it will take a great many years before the sympathy of the secured through temperance move- it has The arguments advocated that the working classes in foodstuffs have been proven to be absoulely wrong, as it has not been the case at all. J. R. BROWN, Secretary of the Owen Sound Board of Trade Why Would It Do Otherwise In 'Your Town ? : Ag / mous tribute on the industry of those | who have made those premises valu- j able. That society should have toler- 'ated this wrong so long. that indus- |try should have been able to stagger 'along under such a burden is well- nigh incredible, { Catarrhozone Cures Permanently BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, | COLDS, ASTHMA, | CATARRE | ! Throw medicine to the dogs. At best they are unpleasant, often use- j\less. You are suffering from some |disease of the throat, nose, or hings, |Doctors call it Bronchitis, Asthma, or | Catarrh, or it is a slight or severe 'cold. Germs cause' these diseases-- they have a common root. Catarrhozone destroys disease germs, but it does more, it heals disease tis< | sue, CATARRHOZONE is little drops of | healing carried by air to the exact | place where Catarrh exists. Observe, | Catarrhozone not only destroys the ; cause, but immediately repairs the | result of diseased condition, Catarrhozere means little drops of | healing carried by air and placed over the lungs, throat, and nasa! passages. Catarrhozone is endorsed by doc- tors, druggists, and by thousands. of Canadian people who have used it, Catarrhozone Yes, Sir, it is taken in air, "Little drops of healing" carried by air to weak places in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Three sizes: 25c, 50c, and $1.00, at druggists, or by mail postpaid from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y. and Kingston, Ont. C. P. R. 'lime Table West Monkton, going west, 8.54 p. m., 11.18 a.m., Going ca8t 8.00 a.m., 8.25 p.m. Milverton, going west, 8.40 pem., 11.08, Going east, 8.14 a. m., 3.88 p.m. Millbank, west, 8.32 p.m., 11,29 a.m.; east, 8.22 a.m., 3.46 p.m * Limwood, west, 8.22 p.m., 11,18 a.m.; @asl, 8.85 a:m,., 3.57 p.m. G. T. R. Time Table : Trains leave Atwood station north end south as follows: { * Goimg South. Going North. ¥e OF a _p.m. 7.80 10.25 11.53 8.26 8.30 1.21 Express Express Express - Express xpress Express For fifteen years the Government of _ the United States has been robbed in a gigantic manner by the Sugar Trust aid over to government $3,000, : be less than one-tenth of the amount "© ptoleh, 'The povernmient haa for years.| 'been fostering trusts and combines which like the viper turns and bites the |. "which is said to | Local Option Winks At Drink In a license town, drinking is done under rigid laws and in the eyes of the public. Every condition operates to make men restrain themselves. The beverages sold are of honest quality,and pure. Ina local option town, men drink adul- terated stuff of the worst quality, and drink far more because public opinion is blinded by the law. Practically, local option ban- ishes the decent bar and toler- ates the "blind pig." It winks at the abuse of alcohol and _ fosters its abuse. -- a the breast that warmed it from tor- Under local option, the man who profits is the keeper of the 'blind pig," who sells adulterated stuff by stealth and contributes naught tothe | local revenues. Under license, the community benefits as a whole, for the liquor traffic is regulated, is. taxed, and is conducted under the watch of the whole popu- lation, with all the restrictions that implies. Local option takes the traffic from the grip of the law and delivers it' over to private greed. Local Option | Profits | [The Few on ' ARE EA RN a om eT i EE I '| 'stomach pressing '| When. [I started to use Nerviline I got | matism, breaks up chest colds |} with Nerviline., E has no equ Plant the waste Piaces with Trees There are many farmers in Perth county who' ¢ould follow with profit the example of farmers in Northum- jberland and -.Durham--in planting waste places.oh their farms back to timber. A small lot of second growth pine in Northumberland county has been sold for '$2,000 standing. Anoth- er farmer. has sold $500 worth, and has trees standing which will bring an equal amount. This second-growth timber was produced upon land that is not specially 'adapted to grain-grow- img. A resident in the vicinity of Brighton has a fine lot of second- growth timber upon -ground which eleven years ago was sown to oats. There are trees thirty feet in height and from three to four inches in dia- meter. One oak has a diameter of Seven inches.: 'Another farm has a fine wood. lot of mixed trees upon ground which had a crop of wheat not long ago. Practical results such as these are the things which appeal most \strongly. to farmers and land-owners and if all the waste lands were re- claimed it would mean an immense in- lerease in revenue to the farmers of the Province. It id wonderful how thoroughly the public has been posted with regard to, the scarcity of rubber since the rub- ber companies formed a merger. Gas Distended His Stomach Caused Palpitation, and Pre- vented Sleep--When Health' Was Gone, Cure Followed Use of "Ner- viline."' "My last wish will be," writes Harry P. Pollard, a well-known boot and shoe traveler of Hartford, "that every- one with a bad stomach may learn as I did, before it's too late, that Nervi- line is the one remedy to cure. Why, I was in mighty bad shape, my diges- tion was all wrong, and every night I would waken i start Testimonial el een No. 4890 -- jumping like & threshing machine. ~This was caused iby gas on my against my heart, better mighty fast, It is certainly 4 grang remedy for the traveling man, keeps your stomach in order, cures cramps, prevents lumbago or ee an sore throat--in fact there hasn't been an ache or pain inside or outside for the past two years that I haven't cured Do you wonder I re- commend it?' : : For general household use Nerviline 1; it will cure the aches and ailments. of the entire family-- refuse anything but Nerviline, 50c per bottle, trial size 25c, all dealers or The qa. 'Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. SURES ALL PAIN |, ON THE VERGE OF BREAKDOWN When You Think Yourself Only Out of Sorts You are Often Seriously Ill. Thousands are just on the edge of the crater--just ready to topple in the crater of ill-health and nervous break- down. Such was the case with Mr. E. E. Follett, a well-known figure in all business social circles of Grand Rapids. "I had not been well for a year or more. I had lost in weight and could not pick up. I tired of my work--it Seemed like drudgery--no pleasure in it like there used to be. When I got thin, I seemed to have little blood and my hands and feet were clammy and cold. To make matters worse I grew nervous--got irri- table and worried Ferrozone Builds Up tried dieting and various medicines, Gives but profited by none of them. a Strength was on the. verge --------o_==m Ol a breakdown when my druggist recommended 'Fer- rozone." It wasn't very long before I felt it was a true blood and _ nerve builder. I was encouraged so much after the third box that I got six boxes more. In seven weeks I gained six pounds and was looking the picture of health. Ferrozone has made a new man of me." There is no tonie so quick and sure to build you up as Ferrozone--just one or two tablets to take at meal time, try it. Fifty cents a box, six for $2.50, all dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., ixingston, Canada. CORNS CURED IN 24 HOURS You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard, soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no sear, contains no acids; is harmless, because composed only of healing gums and balms. Fifty years in use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists, bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR 25¢ Estray . Strayed from the premises of the undersigned about a week ago a gray mare with a bay fillie foal about five months old. Any information regard- ing their whereabouts will be thank- fully received by WM. BANNERMAN, ni. Monkton, Ont. Farms for Sale 100:.acres. 90 cleared, 3 miles from Monkton. good brick house and bank barn. small orchard. 3 miles from Monkton station. 11-4 miles from school. The farm is in a good state of cultivation. 180 acres. 115 cleared 3 1-2 miles from Monkton, good frame house and bank barn, good orchard, 11-4 miles from school. This, farm is also in good state of cultivation. 50 acres, 3 miles: from Monkton. good frame house and barn. small orchard. This is an excellent chance for anyone wanting a smallfarm at a very reasonable price. For further particulars apply to A. Chalmers, Monkton Village Lots and Farm Stock | FOR SALE ' 'Nhe undersigned offers fior sale at] reasonable prices the following }-- (1) Dbree reSidential building lots each containing one-fifth of an acre on Selby avenue. { (2) {One lot on Winftanly avenue 40 * feet by 132 feet to a lane suitable for a business black. \ E (3). (One prood mare, nine years old, standard hred and registere?. In the 'American Trotting register» (4) (One general purpose mare years ald. ' ; (5) 'One puye-bred . registered, istein Cow, four years old. . _ (6) Number of pure-bred Buff Or- five Hol- over mere trifles. I | 3 Prompt service always. We have a full line of Cross Cut Saws, Axes, Tie Ch ns, Halters, Mitts, Gloves, Curry Combs, Brushes, Fire Shovels, Weare making a special push on our -- OAK IDEAL HEATERS AND WOOD STOVES They are economizers in the full line. : OUR HURON RANGES -- Discount everything on the market. Let us explain the workings ofitto you, . ms Call and ask us to show you our Steel Table Cutlery at fre 75c per doz. to $1.75. Our silver cutlery sets range in price from $3.50 to 5.50. Warranted goods. as STOCK FOODS--It is much easier to fatten stock when yo feed them Dr. Hess's and Hackney's Stock Food. If you want tc make hens lay give them Panacea. ae A full line of silver tea pots, parlor lamps and carpet sweepers in stock. A full line of tinware constantly on hand. : oo Monkton, J. WOOLACOTT, "Monkton SESE GSES OOO 5O0 0905960000 4005050009 HOHOH OOOO 8H 0909009 00060000000000000000000400000000000 0000 C2 sfecbskeodeclobecfeteobecfstecbeceefecbsteobectesfesfcteedecentesfentnbedesbeobsdeobecbestoobeobesbeobecbesbeobechedestecbecbeteabech De ea ee Me ee ee Se ee ee ee a ee eS Business Announcement Having purchased the interest of Mr. A. Chalmers in the bust- ness at a low rate on the dollar I will now offer for sale the bal- ance of the stock at prices away down..-Call and see. : New goods are arriving almost daily and before the end of next week our stock will be as com- plete as ever. Repairing done at Reasonable Prices George Goglihtly Googe ofookeoforfenfongongongengoogeofocfofeofoofoofeefenfeafeafonge age ofeaffoodeofeokeofsofeafente efecto ofvokeafafe ate afore cfo cde ofe obs ofeefe Hoobs afoforfecfendengecde oho edecdeofoede eho efoforde fe efocfe he afense ofa ofa hoebeofeofe abe ae oho ofa ae ofa ofe abe afore ofe fv fe of abo beefs afe coho ol he oebe oS oho aber off he ofoofe obo ahs obs abe ano alee oleae ae ofthe abe ofoofe ofr ofr ofr oe efa ofa ofa on oo ohe feae fee ofeobe obs obs eho ele eleegtitonto fe abe oleate ate ateefonteate cfs obeehe shoole ale ahs efougrafe ofemie ole ofoahe Obs heehee oho ofoeho oho ohn ofa oi oho abe Sooke oe oho oho ae ofa ofa feof afer to feos fads obs obs oboe fone he ake ate obs ofa afecke he ahectn cle dente ofeeleiforte obs afeoteete oho ade fe nfaofeoferZe che ofemke eke ofe akeeheoBeatepte fe ofeeds | 4 i i ; | DEDESEOEOTEOLOTOLOTOLOEO EOE GEOL OF OE OEOTETOLOEOLOEO 2 He's Coming ! Will Soon be Here ERHAPS you want something in the Jewelery | p line to put in that sack of his--something that * will mean a Merry Christmas and a message of © good will, you will find it here. First class in quality and at reasonable prices. Here you will find © what you want with great variety to choose from, and -- abounding good will and good cheer for all, ; LOOK OVER THIS LIST Necklaces, Lockets, Watches, Solid Gold Brooches set with real pearls, Rings of all descriptions (Pearl | and Diamond), Bracelets, Ladies' and Gents' Fobs, | Solid 10 and 14 kt. Gold Cuff Links, Hand Painted $¢ Brooches, Jewel Cases, all sizes and prices; Umbrellas -- 14 kt. Gold Filled (Separatable) Handles, Hand -- Painted China, Ebony Setts, Christmas Cards. sf P. H. Bastendorff _ Jeweler and Optician Eyes Tested Free of Charge Milverton, Ont. © . oe $ $ : $ ; $ $ $ : ¢ : : ; : B ; 3 ; $ ¢ ; $ $ LOLOL OLOLOLOEOEOLOLOEO LOLOL OTO OOOO OOS ; i i JOB PRINTING ! {3.3.25 BE GE class of printing, and we do that class just a little cheaper than the other fel- $ low. Wedding invitations, letter heads, bill heads, sale bills statements, dodgers, cards, etc,, all receive the same\ care- ful treatment--just alittle better than seems necessary. *