FR LS. HE Tk Stay oe ae DR. A. F McKENZIE Physician and Surgeon Office hours: So far as from 1 to 3 p.m.. and in evenings. A. CHALMERS MONKTON, ONT, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer 0" possible by vot took a surprisingly large vote in all parts of the township and doubtedly be an acquistion to the board. Municipal Election Results, TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON The elections in Mornington resulted in the defeat of Mr. Thos. Dewar Mr Te M « Cs the mew man elected to the council Mr. H. B. Kerr. Mr. J. J. Carson the mew m will un- Below is given the result of the é in divisions; Marriage Licenses, J. P. for the County 2 g "4 of Perth, Real Estaté bought and sold. bo =) g g S A few choice farms for immediate sale. oo @ 2 - 5 = Ss = pe 8 ® S o a 6 See ee ee ee eee ee a Ay 4 oO m a B Bn Ee re 59 ce 50 42 38 37 ----- 303 DR. R. LEDERMAN ff] Kerr 07 a7 18 «69 RG BG 88 bP eter eRe deren a See EONS Pe 47 48 66 58 99 84 ca 402 epoca Garson... ..... 65 AS Te Licentiate of Dental'Surgery and Grieve 2 ee iin = ag - . ms bead re : Member of Royal College of Dental GrOpDsne ance eee oe 26 35 87 65 40 -- 279 Surgeons of Ontario, honor 'graduate Rg ny Sasso 26 2 35 8 bi of Toronto University, Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Hours 9 a. m. and5 p.m. Office above the Sev- ereign Bank, Milverton, poll mo doubt being a surprise ; : in from time to time it was conceded that the fight between him ant TOWNSHIP OF ELLICE Reeve Armstrong scored another. victory--the result of the In Ellice 4 : to himself. From such reports as trickled Dep- Mr. Crowley would be one of the keenest ever waged in the township. ] 5 uty-reeve Ehgotz was also returned by a large majority. ; The old council- ' lors were also returned. Below is given the poll in divisions: ® 1 2 eae 5 6 7 ey; Atieene a 102 66 33 - 118 60 43 66 ---- 488 "<We make he brick that enlet 26 20 92 66 98 31 28 ---- 281 SS 20 5 31 28 ide made Monkton famous, Denatedt....c5..sccscs0 14 28 20 70 106' 33 26 ---- 297 ' Ehgotz......... 113 54 30 102 48 36 63 oe 346 seNo building material shows aw feo eee cee 43 29 9 115 124 46 92, ----- 388 off a building like our celebrat- Jundt. 91 45 32 122 98 39 13 i 140 ed Terra Cotta brick Py eee 2 Sere or 116 54 26 95 81 31 1S See a : Outnn:... roa 56 76 49 98 65 43 71 ---- 458 'eQuotations given on applica- yee TOWNSHIP OF ELMA W. Hi, B A RN H ARDT In Elma Reeve Hamilton and Deputy-reeve Scott were elected by accla - . mation. The vote fom councillors is given below. 'Local Option it is claimed Monkton, woe CONEANION snstataia duteat by onle ond vote: HAWKESVILLE. Miss Fanny Ballard. of Elmira, spent' Several days in Hawkesville the guest of Miss Huefner. Mrs. Alex. Wallace. of Preston. spent a few days of last week with her aged mother Mrs. Joshua Winn. wha is at present very poorly. Mrs. James Hamilton. of Strasburg has been waiting on her sick mother Mrs. Joshua Winn for the past two weeks. Mr. Sydney Briston. of Alta.. is renewing agquaintances Hawkesville at present. Miss Vina Weber has been engaged to teach the Hawkesville school until the Easter vacation. Several sleigh loads of Hawkesville young people took in the entertain- ment given by the young people of the Methodist church at Elmira on New Years' night. Mr. John Ottman who has been at home during the Christmas week has returned to New Hamburg to contin- ue well drilling with Mr. George Brunner. - : Miss Hannah Wilkinson. of Winter- bourne.spent New. Years' Day = with friends at Hawkesville. Mr. Samuel Hisey. of the 11th con. has sold his farm to Mr. John Huber | of Bamberg. Is Breathed |! Have You a Cold?--It Can Be Completely Cured By Catarrhozone Tt Quickly Cures Whooping Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hay-Fever, Asthma, and Colds. Catarrhozone is not like other reme- dies, but is so healing and soothing that when it is breathed through the inhaler it kills the germs that cause diseases of the throat and lungs. Catarrhozone quickly soothes and heals the mucous surfaces so that in a short time the whole mucous lining is healed. If you are subject to throat irrita- tion or have a tendency to consump- tion you should use the "Medicine that is breathed." Thousands who haye used it tell of its merit. Grenfell. in Air which you breathe through tho: |- "We are pleased to learn that Mr. Catarrhozone inhaler carries healing Alvin Shelley has been retained in to the very spot affected, and there | * awkesville Milling i : : ; ; ithe employ of the H i is no chance of failure by going to the | . > vil- wrong place. That is weiey it cures, ;Company and will not leave the vil | lage as was reported some time ago. Approved by Doctors, Druggists, and ; tp catin® Pela ike PeLOTRS thousands of Canadian people who | with Hawkesville a nag ha Beeoe have used it. Little drops of healing |¢ to his home in Tanner. oe for weak places in the throat and nasa}| On New Years Day death c aime a passages--that's Catarrhozone, another of Hawkesville's esteemed real Three sizes, 25c. 50c., and $1.00, a8 deuts in the person of Mrs. Thomas druggists or by mail, postpaid, from ;/Cunningham, who had been ailing The Catarrhozone Co, Buffalo, Ne! since last spring. but did not apear and Kingston, Ont. | seriously ill until last Friday after- i Our juvenile hockey team played 'Conestoga last Thursday. the game re- | sulting in a tie. each team scoring (one goal. | Mr, Merklinger who spent a week A : a & = © ;noon when she rapidly grew Worse anu = -- x pa oe Fi STEERS is ee ee | passed away peacefully just as the yes a An jew Year dawne She was born: at < ro ~ c ae a BRUNNER, iNew Year dawned. She was "a . bp a 2 ® S bf = ¥ sagan oh | Uxbridge. Ont., on vane eee ane is = 'd re aI z = 8 : : 5 afterwards came Tellesley Tp. y = z, < Fa (0 th = Fj last week with her son Mr. Oliver} With her paige Sea of years on : Coats 50 BP oe 9 36 50 72 ---- 360 | Peters. of London. the ith = ce wae here that she . : nA BR 7 Or ; ' ie ae Miss Kate Anderson is at present | the 11th con. It = pees belies Character ! Asai - 41 re y pe - me 7 a = ace Visiting hep 'sister Miss Mar raret An.| was married to Mr. Thomas oe ° amliton ' was eee 2 ant 7 pete Pe TSO . Fintan villi: en ees | ham who also lived on the 11th con. Smith j AD7 4 ji. oS a at Spee + . gg ; Ron f Michi i ex " few years ago when he retir-. rs 2g R : : é QR < ' <a 0 Mir. aye Manser,. of Michigan. is} . < oF SRA ys : arias Bi @ 33: @&> Willoughby... secre oS 33 £6 or a ae 23 ee vee holidaying wi is parents Mr. -and|ed from farming and moved to Hawk For Local O A 9 64 7} R4 12 50 72°---- 420 | M0lidaying with his parents Mr. -an / : . einen es de Sgt ; ran ; 74 { + 66 31 57 24 11 346 Mrs. H. Manser esville where he has sie Bry 3s , d . eee os Against socal Option {4 4 + ns] od of "4 eons s40 2 7 . a ie oe ates + | Ounningham is survived yy Her 1uSs- r Defective Signt pro- Mr. G. T. Tanner, of Newton. spent | Cr omnes ' Rot Ae rane: "BC : ade : <. IES ast a few days last week with Mr. W.}| and. two sons and cg te at duces unnatural ex- TP OF NORTH EASTHOPE )N. Peters The funeral took place V bs nesda\ ' : ir. » ot a & 22s i " : ltwo o'clock ¢ yas very largely at- pression. Perpetual ' . Mrs. Watson.: of Milverton. spent be 0 . re ae ails ie the sym- > rs "< ee . cs = ; P ' «... | the week: wi er daughter Mrs. W.j temided. Re 3. ty ave pte frowns caused by an With one poll to hear from (Rennie's No. 1) the election returns fo! ds pe ; with her daughter M |pathy of the entire community in d yl the township of North Easthope are as follows:--For Reeve. Kasper Hoff- | 5: 4 ™cerson. 3 : sir pad bereavement. - effort fo see better meyer 173, Julius Cook 132, J. A. Fraser 77. The election of Mr. Hoffmeyer Miss -- Hart. of Lande. - foes ope. sora ike infant son of Mr. 3 i ' il ? y 49 : é 71 3, | Spending e holida t 2 ne of | van. oF . CES often belie character. is conceded. For Councillors. W. W. Pattersom 183. D. Stewart 179. J. C. M 7 i 3 aS = ee . sis a 'and Mrs. Edward Baker died of Bron ry . Cooke 172. Geo. Zinn 129. Geo. Falk 127. Andrew Riddell 115. J. Mohr 82. {Fans Mrs. John ORT . | chitis after about two days' illness. We are experts IN} wy. Mohr 60 Mr. John McKinnon and the M Iee8 | Wy xtend our heartfelt aympathy to Peees acene Bete : Mary and Nellie McKinnon. of Mil-| We & mente ise ; fitting glasses that verton. spent Wednesday with their | the bereaved parents. ake »j< ic "ti fric 1 Miss Belle Stru ers aa wen make facial distor tion OOF OO F040 O4O4FO4O4O O04 FERNBANK. Lt oe L -- aie ae : = h -- er ress LANG--McCOURT Ce CCaoryv So > specs cae Mr. eter Montgomery. Ani- abscess ree 2 > ¥ On Monday evening the Fernbank F toda. renewed old aequaintances § in lay December 28th. a quiet * | day eve g } nbank ig wiainite tos ae esday ece ze sad ae i & EDITORIAL * | Football club held their annual meet- |' otis Wall Sg hee i. t present vis- 1g took place at the Rectory. Examination | ree, = z ing for the purpose of organizing Fs sca ectonis i Tor Hig oe when Miss Edythe M. McCourt. daugh OFOOLOLOTOTO1O+OTOTOTOTOS | CAM for next year, A programme} "yy ona Mrs. Peter Gampbell. of |ter of Mr. John McCourt. of Elma. Satisfaction Guaranteed ee ee : : consisting of violin s. recitations. Bithara. vi ited Mr. and 'Mra; Sam|was united in marriage to Mr. Mor- z J Mee gank deposits in Canada bave in- | dialogues, songs and ches occupied Smith 'on Saturday ' ton Lang. of Mornington. 'ful cFeaSed $131,303,000 during the present {the first part of the e ening. The or- Messrs; Henry a in Fink re- The bride was attired in a A Higa Ot .' oe year. yet money seems less plentiful |fcers and players in the t a pra sere turned home after spending the cirvad poets of amethyst Louisene s1 sais ' . in business circles this year than it |€@ the ladies for their proccess """" Il days with their brother Mr. Charle:}med with mousselene-de-soie chiffon did last ing the past summer when they 80 | Pini f Hamil jand soustache braid. ; : : 5 ; nk, of imilton. and . W A CAMERON ree Generously provided lunch at all the ¥ "H rry Turner returned to his| After the ceremony the young couple ® ® ape fames played in Fernbank.' The pro-| te PONS es Bes ee es NS fied by |left on the 3 p.m. train on a trip to 'd Rosebex: s demanded that ' i irrington accompanied by on th ' - ne iti h + ce or I wae t te é pus gramme was followed by the election ach J Dae Clarke who in- several cities of note among them e6 rh é Britis ouse of Lords be reform- |." --. carer tee sane . re vee ei os ae ihaing Boston and New York. Jeweler and Optician of Mitchell ed and asks Mr. Balfour what reform pede dea jae = H. B couple of weeks with | we = en a ae ee missed in © UT eae lace of Mr. Asauith's |Suited a ollows; : x Mrs~Lang ill be g atiy missed 10 : ee a P auS : ne pens ni soe howe bach Kerr; Pres.. D. J. Fle Pre cPavd wae the| church circles especially in Trinity pe aeing it a" pliant 'phan- R. T. Nicklin; Tre hc Mi Beatrice | church Elma. where she has been or- | tom.' tab ge hae. eee: ay Miss Beatrice | church Elma. Seppe ete Pe Aulley; Sec.. R. F! Wn |ganist for a number of years. and h¢ | ei Neilson.; Managing ' Kerr » Snider. of Toronto. spent | place' will be hard to fill as she is one ;° There ig a proposal on foot favoring | J, Kehoe, R. Stewart. R. T. Nicklin the holt : ea th her sister. Mrs. D.!of the finest of musicians and was al- | the holding of a national convention R. McAllister. After the business of lo ipp ras cae : ways faithful to her duties. | . @ {next year for the promotion of good | the evening s transacted a supper abe a Mrs. W. B. Struthers and Mr. Lang is a prosperous ee hae Speed The fact. however. that "ne of fowl oyst« Sooo dun family returned home Monday from} his friends unite in congratulating him proposal emanated from the Ontario basement. enthus- Pontine ; Mich : on the prize he has won. " . ° > OnTIac, uy Pe . a} ea ROHAT EAs ree Motor League will not help to pop- | iasm displayed ue _meet- Mr. and Mrs. Thos.: Whaley. of New- On returning Mr. and Mr oe ae ' }ularize it with the rural public. ing the success for next}. ySestent 'Tasslay. wilh eer: and | will be at home to their J am aft ' ' ear is assured et dads A oe . ie i - ; their house situated ot! a" od V | j -- year 18 assured. iMrs. W. N. Peters. 1 Feb. 1 t at "Terman Sweet tone 10 Ins, he Detroit undertakera ara making sR a LR Sec seiarenraeea rt | Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Steiman re-|the 9th line. Mornington. * la move towards forming a trust by TRALEE. turned : home after spending some eWay Melodious Mouth | which the smaller men will be crush- - See een aera : time with friends in Michigan. a led out. The Windsor Record in com-|_ Mr. Bert Switzer. and his sense Miss Beatriee Clarke has returned Daa ak } 0 bs menting on the matter says; "It has |'Miss Essie._of Norval. are na Ten to the Stratford Normal School to re- Mrs. Jas. Allan. ee oy ti j } menting I i is a. : A dr ; ee i OR ape nee cae > vac j ri ar parents Mr. y, lw 3 bee solem thine + to | {faeas in Lebanon. Dorking, anc ra-} sume - studies. ing the vacation with her paren and Harmonics) aways been a solemn thine bai to |! Bs os Yacation with the old terrors will be added the pill. ; lee ep Mr. Dunster. of Toronto. call-j and Mrs, Jas. Coulter. ay pe i _ } ee ; | We are glad to report that Mrs.) eq on friends in this vicinity last week Among the Christmas visitors one et Thomas Jackson is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. tiley and |the west are: Mr. Wm. Gilchrist. Mr. We Have COLUMBIA} th Avasd ood move ge ey Aart of Misg C. McLaughlin _peetas ary "| daughter Mossie spent Thursday after }D. McIntyre and : r. Little. ee pa the Ontario Government that 'chase |few of ther friends one evening last], a > e f Mr. and Mrs. Misses: Jessie Morrison am uVa i> " noon at the home of ' : : GRAPHOPHONES that Jo 600 acres of land in Wellington | week. _ | Robt. Peters. Danbrook of Stratford Normal are speak as distinctly. as a natural oes i As site Ps the rie ete | Mr. M. Scott gave a dance --. ge Mr, Norman Cook. of Amulree, spent spending the vacation at.their respec- mi ; a 'rison. The land will be worked by | nesday evening in honor of his son a few days last week with his friend! tive homes. man. I hese will be sold at ajinmates and the scheme will solve the James who has just returned from the Mr. Ed. Doerr. ' The evening services of the weck of bargain to clear the stock problem of prison labor and the work West. : : rT . Mr. George Schmehl returned home| Prayer are to be held in the different 5 Ban : ' : will be morally and physically helpful Miss Jennie Elmont is visiting with from Penetang last week. churches in Atwood this year. begin- - _ to the prisoners. Mr. 8. Lytle, Mr Wm. Fink returned home to| ning with the Presbyterian ch eg . ae Miss Florence MeKay returned to Linwood after spending the holidays|/Monday evening. Baptist church on OUR FANCY CHINA Employees on all railroads controlled Toronto A aes spending ag ene ped with his friend. Mr. Henry. fleisch- | Tuesday evening and fos Methodist on ill be E S'T' | by James J. Hill are subjec lismis- | 8¢aSon with her parents Mr. and Mrs. | poner ; Wednesday evening. he services are will be ; bY James J, Hill are subject to dismi . a : : é ° SOLD AT COST sal if they are found in the habit of | James McKay. | A quiet wedding took place at the} being conducted by the pastor in each ~ In order to get rid of it. M €j} drinking. This order jis the resalt of mae }home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Doerr when} church. E ea ford do not want to carry over any/|the investigation of a number of mis- A their eldest daughter Miss Annie was| Miss Hannah Leslie. of Betatfor. . . ; . . " | haps on these roads when it has been united in marriage to Mr. George spent a few days under the parenta of this stock, It must 202 COME | dincovared: that. the Foskout property. Schweitzer. of Newton. by the aco se sy Rade ' Arentord( in aia via ints sth. | life and limb. has been the result of AFTER SICKNESS ? | Blunck, of Rostock. The young couple Mr. Alex. Simpson, of Mea \ gees Sno Mk i she ae rhwheth drinking by employees have the best wishes of a host of|spending his vacation with his par- er you intenc ouying or not. ~ friends, ents, - 5 St ee : meas rage ; vending ° : . -- 9 Mr. H. Danbrook who was spending ' es GLENALLAN. Now Is the Time to Enrich Your PEFFERS. a hou ple Of weeka at Prowhrdde hat B 3 R D. Eck "of Mi P '11 ; Blood, Strength en Your poner returned to his home. ; -- sveV. U. Meeker, of Minto, will preach The annual school meeting took | Ee re ae a @ A. -. E RG ER missionary anniversary services in th Nerves, and Get Real Well. place Wednesday last. The retiring SARTHAGE. MONK fON py say nena de rice 9th. oe trustee Mr. H. Peffers Was again re- ee li Mr, I'releaven preached very accept- - : lected Miss Nellie Speian after spending . - You ca rofitably take a page frv efected. Pee ; ; ' ° " ably here on Sunday last... Mr. Down Wig eterna ce a pen a Apter Mr. \Ross.. of Manitoba, is visiting | the holidays with her parents in St. Agent for Columbia Graphophones| ?eing absent taking work in Drayton experience----she s en' thr hh "tho his sister Mrs. Joseph Martin. Marys resumed her duties as teacher The annual Christmas Trees and mill--she many months Mr. George Schweitzer. 7th line j here, : : ---------- | ntertainments were very successful! o¢ gimost : : the ner- | and Miss Doerr, of Topping. were un-| Mr. John Gamble and son Arthur 4 The Teceipts of Knox church teal yous fears, and th epl nights I} ited in the holy bonds of matrimony | are visiting with thhe former's son Village Lots and Farm meeting amounted to about $40 w hile might have pt to think of |on Wednesday last. The best wishes| Mr. Sam. Gamble. Proton. the Methodist Children's entertain-| the m is almost ex fo make me Ill} for a long and happy wedded: life are Miss Kathleen Robb returned to her Stock ment totalled $20. ss ; again. A little ca ind Just a simple} extended to them by their many} home in Stratford after a week spent Among our visitors we noticed Miss | remedy yuld ve averted @| priands. with her old acquaintances here. E. Hill of Niagara Falls. Mr. Patter-| long serious Miss ¥ f Wood 3] risit- Mr. Jol Harvey holidayed with his Nilagare é i ; : ? Miss M. Hunt.of Woodstock, visit Vir. Jobn Harvey holiday) FOR SALE son, of Toronto at the Manse; Miss In the SI 'i ' two u ai o : ee ea@ during the past week with her | friends in Toronto. : Goodwin of London with herit brother: | ty phoid fever. T gai i ee at oh friend Mrs, Chas. Barrett. Mr. Thos Davidson of Wallace spent iW Lersi <r s for salo at ne * gtk is St. Marys _ mone: Pah A tg 1 ita bctetd ABta ep : a tee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin and|the week-end with his brother Percy. ne UnGaersigned offer r mee « Miss Frame, of Crosshill, at her uncles see) WS ELEY. es : aie TEE Se . om visited in this veasonable prices the following }-- Mr. R. Badley. g. color not. s or ee Po at bes a gaat silebs - : 3 rp dine - ¢ . I de nacd a hith- : Py (1) Three reSidential building lots Quite a number from Glenallan ' a s : oT oe ee Gregor of Saskateb- wach © i ¢ one-fifth of an acre ' 'hei ; + TE ey ; Ferrozene erto rugged constitu. Mrs, Joseph Mo( regol of § asl iteb each containing one-fifth 1acre} spent Christmas with friends at a : ; ewan, an old resident of this place. is @a ram S on Salby avenue. distance among whom were: Mr. and H tion to x itself, renewing acquaintances here at pre- 5 ) : , a @ acquaintances here at { (2) One lot on Wingtanly avenue 40 Mrs, Alex, Runstedler and family at Builds Up. tnd pt on doing sent. She is aecompanied by her fect by 182 feet to a lane suitable |Springhill; Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Sny- ONS! trie Cntr ett | nephew Mr. C eriey: Buchanan, of Ter St ch BI t d tie a sual "as black, ' der at Floradale; Mrs. B. Johnson and Strengt we eet outcome was data vocteay oma was 0a @ eee eee were aie rouse. Cte, * z a3 ha tis ~ hae ar '1 _ ay Sm TY T naa th ont ¥ S ene | Mr. Robt. Barrett. of Stratford, is : snisbisabiabide sg ee ed and cegistered in the | Mrs. Jo m A, ruce anc amily a ve = t. t z " ie saved heb ~ | spending a' few days here. hep rye 5 No ram * "= ab *| Wallenstein: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jack: Aan hat made, -- giving ' me OM r. Dave Martin. of Britton. called] A Bad Case That Proves eye esiaaae Pals letigh son and family in Drayton; Mr. andj Strength, color, and endurance, it is | MT, Dé as See ' (4) One general purpose mare five Mrs, W Downey at Maotetiola: Miss | Te@sonably certain that had I used it ic Figen ne, reingeae Pauls and Cramps and Stomach Dis- rears old. ie peur ny uit erg! faa 8 erie. ¢ WueN L- firat: felt pworly my strength r, Mm. Feo1mes, Of St. Fauis ana (5). oooh ea bred registered Ho} Patte -- at Stratford ; Mise Augus would speedily hav been restor- | Messrs. Jas. and Alf. Holmes. of orders are Cured Fast by ; : . ie aes tine rear Listowel, ed. I can strongly urge those recov- | spent Sunday at their perental: home 4 etein cow, four years ald. A very pleasant event occurred at) coring trom illness: those whe feel ill, | here | Nerviline (6) Number of pure-bred Buff Or | the home of Mr. D. Franklin on Wed-| in fact eve ryone who needs _ better The next debate will be held in the | phimgton pullets. Heron | Desday 22nd inst.. when Miss Annie.| health can. quickly gain it by using | basementgsf North Mornington church DR. A, F. MoK\ENZIE - MONK(TON | youngest daughter was united in mar-| ferrozone." on rit mary Subject. * : riage to Mr, Harry Hammond. of It's because Ferrozone converts what | «pact. sore edica- The distress I suffered from eramps '. ve : Resolv ore edu ats Was wo wevere 1 thdusht it oe =----= |Lebanon. The ceremony was perform- you eat into: nourishment, because it itive. t} ative by last vega was ne wheel = soeheraer : avy. G 3 , ) fle ains d-inaking PF: nerye- -- re ,. |Meant death, writes P. R, Emerson, c; P R lime Table a vf hs Fe Ee daar dito seceracwiire acaes Paine " Sehr Miss B ss Mc- of Guys Hill, P. O. "I was doubled up ' - - Glenallan in the pres pra et tg ribade | Sooner wie tic 3s - : {with pain and in such bad shape I " ; . 54 mediate priends Lgl bg. ase os sures the sic ptford. couldn't walk a. hundred feet. I re- West Monkton, going west, S.54 p. parties. lhe young couple intend ties he e Table: tur-|membered having Nerviline on hand m., 11.18 a.m., Going east 8.00 a.m.,/ing west in the early spring where | zone, Tabs and took half a teaspoonful in sweet- 8.25 p.m. Milverton, going west, 8.40} Mr. Hammond owns an extensive farm ened water. In five minutes I was well ' pm, 11.08, Going east, 8.14 a. m., Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. o and my stomach derangements disap- : 3.88 p.m. Millbamk, west, 8.82 p.m.,| bank, visited with MrioJy peared: entirely." : 41.29 a.m.; east, 8.22 a.m., 8.46 p.m | man a day la Linwood, west, 8.22 p.m., 11.18 eaat, 8.85 a.m., 3.57 ERVILINE INSTANT RELIEF amps, flatulence, diarrhoea and of the stomach and bowels, knows no equal--one million every year--fifty years on hat's procs enough of its es »+ trial size, yatarrhozone HARD _ We have a full line of Cr Halters, Mitts, Gloves, Cur We are making a special pus of it to you, Call and ask us to show you 75c per doz. to $1.75. Our silver $3.50 to 5.50. Warranted goods A full line of silver tea pots, in stock. STOCK FOODS--It is much easier to fatten stock w feed them Dr. Hess's and Hackney' make hens lay give them Panacea, A full line of tinware constantly on hand, SOPOHE SOOO OOO 0000009000 06000000000000000000000000 Headquarters for WARE oss Cut Saws, Axes, Tie Chains, Rope ry Combs, Brushes, Fire Shovels, Etc, h on our OAK IDEAL HEATERS AND WOOD STOVES They are economizers in the full line. QUR HURON RANGES Discount everything on the market. Let us explain the working our Steel Table Cutlery at from cutlery sets range in price from"™ hen you 8 Stock Food. If you want to parlor lamps and carpet sweepers ppp pap ba bpp pp pp bpp hihppppiphhpphhphpppp pp phi hpi hin aiid @ J. WOOLACOTT, 9990S O0600000060000000006 SOOO OH OOSOOO SOOO OOOHOOOD Monkton, 2 * ; Ontario. 3 ° GRAVELRIDGE. ee Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. R. Whitney spent the holiday with 'their parents Mr. and Mrs, N. Lannin. , Mrs. 8. Jones of Kenisan, Nebraska is visiting her sister. Mrs. T.- West- man, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Atkin entertain- ed qa large nymber of friends on Christ thas Day. | Mr. Thomas Daily Miss Mae. are Vicinity, _ Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs visited friends in Waterloo and Hamburg during the holiday. and daughter visiting friends in this Miss! Eva Hudson and Mr. William Hudson of Granton. spent New Years' on the Ridge. Messrs. J. A. Westman and I. ', | Langford. of Regina, are renewing ac- quaintances here at present. Mr. D. Battin, of Monkton. called on friends here recently., Mrs. Jack Newell. of Parkhill. spent the holiday at Mr. Aaron Coxson's. Miss Ella McCloy visited in Strat- ford for a few days last week. Mr. Ab. Long spent Sunday on the Ridge. Miss Laura Kerr and Mrs. Ben. Westman spent Tuesday in Stratford. Messrs. A. Reibling and T. Attridge were in Monkton on Friday. Mr. E. Denyer was in' Stratford on Friday. ; SHORT STORIES RETOLD. The course of true love had not run smooth. "Here," cried fair Florence. "is your ring. sir! The engagement is at an end. I can never be your wife. ] could mot marry a monkey. And I shall expect you to return everything you have in your possession that be- longs to me." He ground his teeth. "All I have, she-witch." he snorted, | "is a lock of your hair and a photo. I don't suppose you care anything for the photo but the lock of hair, I pre- Sume You will want to preserve as a souvenir," "A souvenir." she shrieked, "I want no souvenirs of this horrible incident. { intend ta burn all that you return." "Pardon me," sneered the man, "but I did not suggest that you should keep it as a souvenir of our little affair. I merely thought you might like to keep it in remembrance of the time when You were a brunette." An English boy went to visit his two Scoteh cousins during the sum- mer Vacation. His breakfast every morning. consisted of plain oatmeal. and he got very tired of it. "Say. Jack." he said. "don't you ever have milk with your porridge?" Jack turned to his brother. "Eh. Tom." he said, "the lad thinks it's Christmas. BIRTHS Porterfield--In Elma. on Thursday. November 4th, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Porterfield. a son. Ruttan--In Elma, on Friday, Novem- ber 26th, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruttan, a daughter. Krugal--In Elma on Wednesday. Dee- ember 22nd.1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krugal, a daughter. MeNichol--In Elma. on Monday. Dec- ember, 27th, 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNichol. a daughter. OVER-WOR 5 Fall! Cause, Rush of Blood, I ness, Dizziness, %- 4 "ad. J. T. Chetland, the Well-known rail- Way engineer of Hamilton, found the Strain always resting upon men of his occupation vastly intensified by a tendency of the blood to rush to his head, and often at times when clear- ness of vision and great steadiness were demanded; Finding some' diffi- culty in bending--a stiffness with pain having settled in his back, it oc- curred to him that his kidneys might be at fault. "This was a happy idea, for by it I not only got rid Of the pain but many other troubles as well, I took a full dose of Dr, Hamilton's Pills and was glad to note that some Ob- struction of the kidneys, which I had@ lately noticed, was at once relieved, The flushed appearance of my face gave way to a more rational color ane there was a perceptible improvement in my appetite. Dr, Hamilton's Pills certainly act splendidly upon the blood, removing heat and fulness and that sort of dizsiness that makes a man at the throttle wish when it siezes him that he were elsewhere." No medicine gives such unquestion- ably good results for stomach, liver, and blood troubles as Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they are mild, certain, and al- ways curative. Refuse any substitute. All dealers sell Dr, Hamilton's Pills, 25e per box, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills | Cure Kidneys and Live MMERCIA $1 02 $1 co Fall whet. i. sccsuie. icc Barley per bushel............ 48 Oats 's i ROWS. Ss 33 Peas Mh Siscdeees 75 Flour, per CWiois.. essere OD. 2 Bran per tom.......secse000.22 00 22 ManitoLa flour, per ewt... 2.95 2 Shorts per ton...............23 00 23 Corn. per bneeo.i.s as 70 Pe Pee ae 15 Tallow... aaah wee 5 stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test will surely prove, [ R ! | : No vomiting, no dis- tress. A safe and pleasing syrup--S0c, Jrugegists. Estray Strayed from the premises of the undersigned about a week ago a gray mare with a bay fillie foal about five months oki. Any information regard- ing their whereabouts will be thank- fully received by WM. BANNERMAN, ni. Monkton, Ont. a S02, sefeege + s° to be s, eee whe ege ee th fe i ae ae a * + fo ofe ofongeateots sebeed fecdeafeeferfeatecfert ete : sfoodeedecfecfectecfeofe stents ole * % *. *. . Da fs t + oa te + f- * i * : ee * Business Announce + heels of «! he ote 6s Pe fo ofe ofe ode od S Leebeebeebecbeeteofeeteobeefeeteofeofesfoofeofeotectecfeofeofeofaofe ofeofeafe + eed eobe donde odeobe bende ofe efeofenfondeofeefeedeedeedooe cde ndecfesteate nm as a + pa * + + 7 a t. ment ats ote ake ake! ees s Hoos oLeoke o] | laving pure he ote sleet ae te ta ee oe le ele ode ele ness at a low * : oleate ote! +l oo be + at oe + hee beet + doh 0 ote ote o% $ s, 2 * tool fa lo oe ol Be ie) daily week plete +42 4 'ete ' 2. * + as ©€ver, 4, oofefosfoete Repairing done at Reasonable Prices eee + el oe + h ob h fe Oo oh fhe ob bb 7 +e RA + a oo fe % 3. * +} . + George ote . + + of Mr. A. Chalmers in the busi- [ will now offer for sale the bal- ance of the stock at prices aw down. Call and see. New goods are arriving almost and before the end of next our stock will be as com- estesbob obeobeobe chest eedendeattesfootentecbecbechsbeafeabeafecheobedeebeateefecfeofecfeoteggetiah Reehttebibtebibbbtetebab bb tieed Bebe debobdedeteb iid hased the interest rate on the dollar o € Ly he ee ee he ae ee ee ae Rca ak Goglihtly. Pebbeer tes bs ee he ee he Se hc te i he ee KED _ KIDNEYS ©