ag o 4 whieh a Phlood and must be cured through PBI a oa a ECZEMA CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD a By the Aid of Dr. Williams' Pink Piils--ihat Wonderful Tonic Medicine. Eezema or salt rheum is a dis- ease of the skin which shows itself in small, red, watery blisters--these blisters break and leave a scale may be rubbed off by the The affected parts are in- y itchy and the victim cannot *8 fy the touch of any article of aching over the parts. The diseaso is caused by bad the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured many cases of eczema because they are the one medicine that acts wholly on the blood--the seat of the trouble. Among those tured by these Pills is Mrs. Chas. Davidson, of Amherst, N. 8., who fays:-- "I suffered greatly from salt rheum or eczema and my hands wore badly cracked. I tried sever- al ointments, but they did me no good whatever. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and had only used them for a few weeks when the trouble disappeared and my hands were entirely healed. I am ver grateful for what the Pills have di 1 for me and would advise other s 'erers from this trouble to try the; "' What*Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for Mrs. Davidson they have done for many others--not only in cases | ef eczema and salt rheum, but for eruptions and pimples, chronic erysipelas, scrofula and all other maladies which arise from the blood. They banish these troubles mmply because they clear the blood of all impurities and leave it rich, red and health-giving. The Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or direct by mail at 50 cents a box or mx boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HINDO CRAFT ON GANGES. Are of Same Type They were Cen- turies Ago. Notwithstanding the fact that In- dix has for many years been under the rule of England, the conditions and manner of living have not greatly changed in many parts of it. On the Ganges River, in the north-west provinces, the tourist will see, if he approaches Benares at the right time, the same type of eraft that carried pilgrims to this most sacred of Hindoo cities hun- reds of years ago. 'These are oating palaces or magnificent gal- mys on which rajahs journey to enares, and which serve as a test "their pions zeal. These galleys ~ hardly an icta from the ves- fsed for the same purpose by heed thturies past. In- FRENCH REVOLUTION RELIC. Knife ef Guillotine Used in Execu- tion of Marie Antoinette. The knife of the guillotine used at the execution of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette has been discov- ered in the museum of a private col- lector in Brussels. This gruesome relic seems well authenticated, says the London Globe. From a note by M. Gustave Ba- bir. in the Tlustration it seems that M Dubois, director des Halles de 3ruxelles, acquired it by purchase ir 1843 from Mme. Roch, widow of the executor des hautes oeuvres. Up to this time Mme. Roch declar- ed that it had never passed out of her possession. The late M. Deib- ler claimed it, but as he would not pay the widow refused to accede to his request. He complained to the Minister of Justice, with the result that the widow was desired to take the blade to the Archives. But as the State seemed to emulate M. Deibler's parsimony the widow stuck to her grim souvenir and sold it to M. Dubois. The humorous side of this relic follows, but we must first complete the title. M. Roch received the knife from his predecessor, M. Hemdcereich, who himself had ob- tained it from Henri Sanson, the last descendant of the dynasty of this name. Now, Henri Sanson was the grandson of the executioner of the hapless King and Queen. He was dismissed from his high office on account of a scandal. The executioner, suffering from the "reg augusta," had to raise a loan, and his fertility of idea succeeded | where most men would have failed, and to tell the truth he pawned the guillotine. And, adds a Paris contemporary which relates the story: "La Veuve chez la Tante; cette rencontre parut intolerable." As an instance of morbid bumor this is "facile princeps.'? The rec- ent sale by auction of the guillo- tine can only be classed "proxime accessil." THIS WELL-KNOWN ADVOCATE STATES WIS DOCTOR ADVISED HIM TO TAKE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. And He Found Them to be all They Were Advertised--How and Why Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure. Montreal, Que., Jan. 17 (Special) --"Dodd's Kidney Pills were re- commended to me by our family | physician, and I must say they have |proved to be what they were ad- | vertised."' This statement, made by L. J. R. Hubert, the well-known advocate, ed with gold, silver and pearl, md decorated with tapestries em- "broidered with precious metals and jewels, these wonderful modern- ancient vessels lend a festive touch to the river scene. But their sump- ftucusness does not prevent the rich- est. rajah who possesses one from bathing in the same water and sur- rounded by 500,000 poorer pilgrims, even though the sacred river is thus piously filled with myriads of mi- erobes. with the water in which the pilgrims have washed their bodies, and drink it In contrast to those floating pa- lac 8 are the barges of the poorer glasses. The system of caste in In- dia imposes upon the riverman the his ancestors lived, so his shabby- YWeoking craft is also his home. Usu- ally he has in his floating house a #inall chapel dedicated to a secon- @ary divinity, who personifies the viver on which he exists. ----~-- GHILDHGOD INDIGESTION MEANS SICKLY BABIES The baby who suffers from indi- acstion is simply starving to death. i it takes food it does the child no food, and it is cross, restless and 'sleepless, and the mother is worn "out caring for jt< Baby's Own Tab- lets @lorays Clire indigestion, and give the little one healthy natural ekeep. Mra. A. P. Daigle, Lower fapin, N. B., says:--"For severe eases of indigestion I think Baby's @x«n Tablets are worth their weight in gold. My little one suffered ter- vibly from this trouble and the Tablets was the only thing that re moved the trouble." Sold every- where at 25c a box or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., srockville, Ont. Siiipatnnns are mmm THE LITTLE THINGS. 4\ room to sweep, a chair to dust, "A dozen tasks to do each day; {A meal to cook, a sock to darn 'All over in the same old way; 'A tear to shed, a little sob, 'And refuge in two manly arms. T reckon these all go to make The groundwork for a woman's charms. Sg é * Age and ague are not easily shaken off. a og Anyway, the gossip isn t forever eam you, advice. orse"s hn Root Pills meet the need which so ises in every family for a @ to open up andj regulate the Not only wre they effective cares of Constipation, but lp greatly in breaking up & La Grippe by cleaning out hem and purifying the bleed. ame way they relieve or cure ess, Indigestion, Sick Head- Rheumatism and other com- lments. In the fullest sense | words Dr. Morse's Indian Pills are And he will fill great jars obligation of living on the water as of 214 James Street, is a double tri- bute to Dodd's Kidney Pills. It |shows that they are recognized by | reputable medical men as a peer- less remedy for diseases of the Kidneys and also that they are now looked upon as a standard medi- cine by the best people in Canada. | And the reason of this is that |they do just what they are adver- tised to do. They cure diseased Kidneys and put them in condition to clear all impurities out of the blood. They cure Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Backache, because | these are Kidney diseases. They enre Rheumatism, Lumbago and Heart Disease, beeause these are eaused by impurities in the blood that the Kidneys would strain out of the blood if they were in good working order. Ti you haven't nsed them yourself, ask your neigh- bors about Dodd's Kidney Pills. oe QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S DAIRY. Royal Gardens--Plainly Furnished Tea Rooms. One of the most charming "bits" at Sandringham is the Queen's dairy, situated at the far end of the beautiful kitchen gardens. It is such @ fascinating little place, built in simple rustic fashion, with every- thing as cool and bright and spot- less as perfect care can make it. It is walled and paved with ornamen- tal tiles; on the wide shelf running round it stand bowls of rich cream and on the centre table is an as- soriment of pretty cups and mugs and glasses, cach member of the royal family having his own special drinking vessel, writes a correspon- dent of the New Orleans Times-De- mocrat, On one side of the dairy is the little can room and on the other the dainty apartment where her Majesty frequently drinks tea and eats '"'bread and honey" when she is staying at Sandringham. The tea room is furnished in very simple fashion and its recessed window looks out into the little Dutch gar den, with its quaint formal heds and its box and yew trees clipped linto all sorts of queer fantastic shapes. | 'To reach the dairy we have to } walk the whole length of the bean tiful kitehen gardens, eparated ifrom the grounds immediately sur- rounding the hall by the high road leading from Dersingham to West Newton. The term "kitchen gar- den'? probably sounds somewhat prosaic to those who do not know the delights of such a garden in England--an old fashioned one for prefernce--with its mingling of use and beauty, its vegetable beds and flower borders, its cabbages and roses, its climbing beans and lav- ender bushes, its sunny south wall covered with plums and pears; its currant trees laden with graceful clusters of black, white or coral sid Remedy berries; its gnarled old apple trees Cause the Children's Coughs "3, Ones Much Unnecessary Suffering WHE BEST WEDICINE FOR GucasamGins Gives {nstant relief--soothes and heals the litle throats and prevents more serious Hiness, Children Bike it too--so pleasant to take and does nct upset the stamach. All Drugsists, 25 cents, bending to the ground with their weight of juicy ecodlings. In the royal kitchen garden there is abundance of fruit as wel! as flowers and vegetables. The fruit trees are cultivated in what to me is a novel way. Trained against the wall, all branches are removed from the central stems, which are planted very close together and bear in consequence of their prun- ing fruit of immense size and per- fect flavor. Not quantity but qua- lity is the aim. There are many glass houses--for cucumbers, toma- toes, figs, melons, peaches, nectar- ines and grapes. Several are de- voted te palms, ferns and flowers, and all are in a state of absolute perfection, as they ought to be when we remember that 100 men are employed in the kitchen gar- dens alone. these gardens; their extent is quite I heard one small child say to an- other, 'If all these gardens. be- longed to you you'd never have time to go round them.' As we should imagine, they are a favor- ite resort with the royal children, the Prince of Wales's sons and daughter and Prince Olaf, the only Norway. _ NEW WOMAN IN CHINA. Is Now Taking her Part in Work ef World. The new woman promises te be a live figure in the future of China. To-day she is practically a slave in the hands of her husband or father, with few rights that men are bound to respect. She is a cripple, hob- bling about on bound feet. If she is rich and high-class she is not al- lowed to go on the streets, and if poor she works in the fields and does all sorts of drudgery. The average Chinese girl is uneducated and not one woman in a hundred can read and write. The new China is to be full of girls' schools, its girls' feet are to be allowed their natural growth and its women are to take their part in the work of the world. Girls are already em- ployed in the telephone offices of Hongkong and Shanghai. They are teaching everywhere in the kinder- gartens and primary schools, and medical colleges have been estab- lished to fit them for trained nurs- es and doctors. The Viceroy of Wuchang has a school in which the boys and girls study together, and the same is true of Tuan-Fang, the Viceroy of Nanking. There are several large girls' schools in Pek- ing, and one of the Manchu prin- cesses, a member of the imperial family, has established a girls' school in Mongolia. All the mis- sicnary establishements are now teaching girls, and the demand for educated women as wives is far greater than the supply. An Easy Pill to Take.--Some per- sons have repugnance to this be- cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. The most delicate can take them with- out feeling the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This is one reason for the popular ity of these celebrated pills, but the main reason is their high toni- cal quality as a medicine for the stomach. "Ah, Professor, what a charm- ing collection of stuffed birds you have here!. Where did you get them from?' "Oh, that is quite simple. I have been collecting them fer years from the worn-out hats of my seven daughters." A CONVENIENT BRANOH BANK A Branch of the Traders Bank of Canada has just been established at the Union Stock Yards, Toronto, and will be open for business on market days. Drovers may ex- change their cheques at this Branch for Safety Cheques payable at their home towns. Teacher--"Now, Freddie, . it's very wrong of vou to quarrel with Billy Jones and to horbor such re- vengeful feelings against him. Come, now, promise me that when vou meet Billy to-night you'll for- give him." Freddie--'Well, when |T meet Billy to-night, if his big bro- | ther is with him, I'll forgive him; | but if not, Vl} nearly wallop the life out of him." Queen Alexandra is very fond of], bewildering even to grownups, and |! child of the King and Queen of}. Cold-Sores Are your hands chapped, cracked er sore? Have yeu "cold exacks" which open and bled when the skin is drawn tight? Have you a cold sore, frest bite, chiiblains, ora "raw" place, which et times makes it agony for you 10 go about your household duties? Hf so, Zam-DBuk will give you telief, and will heal the irost-damaged ekin. g Aneint the sore places at night, Zam-Buk's rich healing essences will sink into the wounda, end the smart- ing, and will heal quickly, Mre. Yellon, ef Portland, says: 'My hands were so sere and cracked that it wes to put them near water. Whea I did so they weuld smart and burn as if I had gealded thom. 1 seemed uite unable to get relief from anything i ut en them until I tried Zam-Buk, and it succeeaed when all elee had failed. It olosed the big eracks, gave me ease, socthed the inflemmatien, and | in o very shart time healed my hands." Lam-BrR also cures chafing, rashes, winter eczema, pes, veers, fortertag sores, sera heads aad #, aducesses, piinples, Fing-werm, vic. outs, burns, bruizes, seals, eprains, OF ait rugg ists and stores, or port free from the Zam- Buk Ce., i'sronte. Price 50¢ @ box. Ths REASON IT FELL. He was a twentieth century hust- ling builder, and under his auspices cottages and houses sprang up like mushrooms. "Please, sir,'? cried one of his foremen, rushing up to him one morning, in a state of mental col- lapse, "one of the new houses has fallen down overnight." "What!'? roared the builder. "You mean to say that one of my well built, desirable residences has come to grief? How the dickens has that happened ?" 'Well, sir," exclaimed the fore- man, "there was a little mistake. Unfortunately, we took down the scaffolding before we put on the wall-paper !" To Know is to Prevent.--If the miners who work in cold water most of the day would rub their feet and legs with Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil they would escape muscular rheumatism and render their nether limbs proof against the ill effects of exposure to the cold. Those set- ting out for mining regions would do well to provide themselves with a supply before starting. Opportunity is another name for action. An old toper defines water as an after-thought. Lese of Flesh, cough and pain in the chest may net mean consumption, but are bad sigus. Allen's Lung Haleam loosens the cough and heals infiam- a ate paseages. Neots» grain of epium in it. Soldierly-looking Man -- "I've spent fiftten years of my life in the service of my country." Low- Browed Individual--"So have I. What were you in for?' Free to Gur Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 4@-page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write al) abont Your Eye Trouble and they will adviee as to the Proper Applica tion of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Speeial Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relicves Sore Eyes, Strength. ens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Bmart, Soothes Bye Pain, and eelle for Sc. Try It im Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes fer Scaly Byclids and Granulation. Husband--"Darling, I believe that I am failing." Wife (in alarm) --"Gracious! How often I have warned you, George. against your foolish speculations!' Husband-- '*Y don't mean in business, dear; I mean I'm failing in health." Wife (relieved)--'Oh, is that all?' The Bowels Must Act Healthy.-- In most ailments the first care of the medical man is to see that the bowels are open and fully perform- ing their functions. Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills are so compounded that certain ingredients in them act on the bowels solely and they are the very best medicine available to produce healthy action of the bow- els. Indeed, there is no other spe- cifie so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in healthful action. '"'Lend me a dollar and I shall be everlastingly indebted to you," said an impecunions man to an acquaint- ance. "I don't doubtut," was the response. Imitations Abound, but insist apon getting the genuine, "The D &L" Menthol Plaster, It has seood the tent of years. It cures aches and paing quicker than auy plaxter. THE OREAKING TEMPERATURE This, Mr. Gozzle Puts at Degrees. "T don't know at just what de- gree of cold we strike creaking tem- perature. Creaking temperature?' repeated Mr. Gozzle, "why that's the degree of winter cold in which wheels make that shivery, creak- ing sound in the snow. I say I don't know at just what degree creaking begins, but I guess it's about 10. I dropped my thermome- ter and broke it one day last week and so now I have to guess at how hot or cold it is, but I guess 10 would be about right. "Yesterday morning when I went About 10 out for the paper--I always go for, the paper so as to give myself a breath of fresh air before break- fast--the thermometer at the news store was 17, and-no creak. This morning when I went out the ther- mometer was 4 above, and the wheels were creaking loudly. I sup- pose that if you should average these two temperatures, 17 and 4, you would come pretty close to the temperature at which creaking starts. which would be say 10; that it's close enough for all practical purposes. "Anyhow, I know 'that when I wake up these days and hear the wagons going by with their wheels creaking in the snow I say to my- self: 'Br-r-r! But this is a eold morning!' " ae BRAVE MOTHER'S AGONY. Saw Her Three Children go Through Ice in Deep Pond. Three lads named Spence, all bro- thers, were playing on the ice of a large pond at Dunmurry, Belfast, Treland, when the ice gave way. The boy's mother was the first to hear their cries and, accompanied by other women. she rushed to the spot. The pond was very deep, and the mother though she coull not swim, jumped in to save her children. But for the efforts of the other women she would have been drowned, and she had to be fore- ibly restrained from again throw- ing herself into the water. Some men who were working at a mill came to the boys' aid, and two of them, named Press and Mc- Cook, exhibited the greatest brav- ery. By breaking through the ice they were able to reach two of the lads. who were ultimately restered to consciousness. brt they were un- able to save the third. whose body was not recovered until the water had been run off. mh WORTH KNOWING. Simple Remedy That Any One Can Prepare at Home. Most people are more or less sub- ject to coughs and colds. A simple remedy that will break up a cold quickly and cure any cough that is curable is made by mixing two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. You can get these in any good drug store and easily mix them in a large bottle. The mixture is highly. re- commended by the Leach Chemical Ce., of Cincinnati, who prepare the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine com- pound pure for dispensing. SSPE: Fe Two and two may make two pair instead of making four. Much of the food for thought re- sults in mental indigestion. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT 3s guaranteed to eure eny esse of Itching, Blind. Biestios or Protruding Piles in 6 +0 14 days or mansy refundsd. 60c, Professor (lecturing on hygiene)}-- "Tobacco, gentlemen, makes men ugly, short-winded, idiotic, paraly- tic; and I can tell this from experi- ence, for I have smoked for many years !"? Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that causes ill-health. One great cause of disease in children is worms. Remove them with Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. It never fails. you--if you jokes. langh at your own * Only One 'BROMO QUININE" That ts LAXATIVB EROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE, Bsed werkd ever to Cure a Cold im One Day. A wedding is a delightful affair --unless you are the masculine end of it. the RSe. That Termenting Geld that reads you wretched Inst winter will not eome back if you take ANen's Lung Balsam when your threat is raw and sore. Fe To masyated remedy is free from cpium Yake in i "So you're going to put down bet- ting altogether, eh?' "Yes, and I shall be delighted when they suc- coed. It is a detestable evil.' "But my dear, they ean't do it!' "Oh, yes, they can. J'll bet you ten dol- lars they do." There is no medicine on the mar- ket that can compare with Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Byrup in expel- ling from the system the irritating germs that colds engender in the air passages. It is suicide to neg- lect your cold. Try the cheap ex- periment of riding yourself of it by using Bickle's Syrup, which is a simple remedy, easily taken, and once used it will always be prized a8 a sovereign medicine. The beggar had a_ notice up, "Deaf and Dumb," and the pass- ing philanthropist stopped in front of him. 'I'd like to givé this man something," he said to his compan- ion, "but how am I to know that he is deaf and dumb?' "Read the notice, sir," whispered the beggar incautiously. Send for free sample to Dept. W. L., Na jtional Drug & Chémleal Co. Toronto may not be quite exact, but I guess | Laugh and the world laughs at if ' FREE =| BOOK MM a Type Telephone Set lics in- the fact that every part of it--every individual piece--is itself abso- lutely perfect. of the whole is attained through perfection in the parts. Examine the transmitter, for ?example--standard long-distance type you will find it,--or the receiver, with its construction that bars out all local noises to spoil transmission. into the generator--the ringers <a me ~=|CYou won't find a better tural telephone than this made anywhere, Let us tell you the story of this tele- phone--it will cost you one cent (fora post card) to know it--ail the details of the instrument itself as wellas full par- ticulars of every step necessary in the organization of a rural telephone company, Write andask for Bulletin No. 8134-it's Free, HE secret of the perfection of PART PERFECT our newly designed No. 1317 The perfection Or look and gongs,--the switch kook --or any part you hike, fiers ef alll epparates asd equipment esed im the construction, jen and of Telephene and Power Plants. Address your nearest office, Loch yn tecianees. -- & Gay Bts. TORONTO--60 Front St, W. VANCOUVER--918 Pender St. W. rary CALGARY WINNIPEG--S99 Henry Ave. Do you trap or bu Frrs? Tam Canada's largest dealer, I pay highest prices. Your shipments solicitea, I pay meil and ex- press charges; remit romptly, Also largest dealer in Be thides she st 5 4 Gealer ir efhides, cue sree ap Quotations and shipping tage JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO OPE FOR TRE DEAF--iN ACO --~ E ene ef the marvels of the red bk belt ia use Sresabons the world. Write for cata. ogue. eneral Acoustie Co., of Ca : 468 ¥ onge Btreet. Teronto, mee Wee SSS i re a Governess--"You're a naughty little girl, Christabel, to kick your cousin like that."? Christabel--"I didn't kick her." Governess--~"Oh, hush, dear, I saw you kick her sey- eral times." Christabel--"I didn't. I missed every time." You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It removes all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is un- known. "That fellow Smithers is a clev- er chap. He can write with either hand," .- "Is that. '80:7 How on ; earth does he manage to do it?' "On a typewriter." clan isnotalways at hand. Guard your, pet 1 sudden coughs and colds by bea, Pe if vot of Painkiller ia the house. Avoid ain 407 4 \tutes, there is but one "Painkiller" -- Perry | Davis' --250 and be, Lady (to gardener)---"Have you had your dinner, John?' John-- "Not yet, mum! Hi must 'eat the green'ouse first." In the year 1890, 18 yeors ago, Mzs.G. & S. Gesnez, ef Belle lele, N.S., was in e cad condtion. A\ll her relatives had died of & consumption, andthere was every indication B thet che was going the eame way. Atthis point her husband suggested to Peychinc. The doctor who attended Paychine was worthless; but it fected o derfuleare. Eight ears after ine Intter bearing date Augua 14, 1908, Mrs. Gesnar says, 1 am better than] have been for years. My lungs have ret treubled me since] teok your treatment. Bly physician told me I could net take a better tonic than 8 PSYCHENE, and I recommend it to all whe & B are suffering from Lung Trouble end Gen. eal Debitity." : Fer cale by all Draggists S8e. & $1 per bottle. = Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMITED, PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN | i | eialties. Secure your territor, EDUCATIONAL. ] EARN THE BARBER TRADE--NEW _A system--constant practice; careful lustruction: few weeks complete toola free; graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly; write for oata- logue. Moler Barber College 221 Queen East, Toronto, £ == ACENTS WANTED. \ ANTED -- RELIABLB PARTIPS TO i do machine knitting for us at courses home; §7 to $10 per week easily earned; wool, ete,, furnished free; distance no hindrance. For full particulars address the Dominion Knitting Ce., Dept, W., Oril- lia, Ont. MBITIOUS representation wanted in every locality to sell "Modern" spe now. "Tara time into gold." $5.00 to $10.00 a day can be easily made. Write to-day. Medern Goods Oo. of Canada, Owen Sound, Ont. Your Gvercoats nd faded Suits would look better dyed. (f no agent of eos In your town, write direct to M: arbreal, vax tk British Amertoan Dyoltng Ca. (GALVES © tennis Stoole,|Briggs Seed Co, Ltd., Toronto{onh (whether sick or nervosa, Teath- sche, Neuraleia, Rheumation, Lambago, pains and wealmness tn the Gre .apine er kidneys, ' orth jah ned aaa al Ringe ad of the je! and pains S way's teady will ip a few foct @ permancnt eure. IODINOL The famous new discovery ef the age, Positively, quickly, completely relieves end cures Goitre, Thick Neek, Sciatica, Swellings, Bunions, Quinsy, etc. $1.00, or 6 for $5.00, mailed on receipt of price by LYLE MEDICINE CO., Toronto The finest pos tion and one of the best farms in Lennox and Addington ad- joining Dero- $10,602.60 yonto. 180 acres FOR SALE. of cultivation, ample buildings, 3 hore bank barn, eheep shed and stables, plent of water and conveniences, mariificent view of bay end river. Must be sold at ones. Thousand down, balance spread over years. Could well be divided between two frienda. CS Reantifnl 1-2 section, 12 milea north of Boskatoon, Rask., elese to Carta dian Northern Reilway and elevator, N T4 R28, towrship 28, R3 weet of 3. Price reeked £4,000. Make best bid and do it quiok. Muet be sold. $500 Close to eorporntion of Tlamfl- ton, 26 nares, on tine of electrlo railway, suitable for porches, pears, ap ples, ete, Renutiful attuation, 7 Norfolk County, chotee form of 150 eeran, 10 miles Konth-wegd of Bimeoe, rolid briek residence, 10 room, bmole barnes, abandent water, &leo tonand houre red berra Terme ary, JOHN N. LAKE. or WM. E. DYVER,. = 114 King Weet, Toranto. = = TORONTS F flavoring ased the same as lemon or vanill dieselving granulated sugar in water an adding Mapiel . @ delicious syrtty is made an a syrnp better than maple. Mapleine is sold b wrocers. Tf 3 send S0c fer 2 ox. bottle an recipe book. ogoqnt ME. Co., Seattle, Wn, --__ il mens 9 arenes GASOLINE L 23 Feot Long by @ Feet Seam. 12 b.p. Falrbanks-Morse Marine Bouble @ylinder AUNCH Engine wicker chairs. in firs:-class order. Very strong Hull, built for heavy seas. fitted with Conboy Automobile Top and larga wing ae outfit of toois. etc., all n use only a short time. This Boat is Being Sold al a Sacrifice at Above Price Box 22, 73 Wost Adciaide St. Toronto. Boat er fe eemeterprnerremmemeraaninsmseemerens ON THE OCEAN FRONT, aise of the bed reoms, averaging Mlanagek., 1 HOTEL TRAYMORE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A maguificent ton-story fre-procf piiitien fa bel let king this f hoabalry the newest and seer rp-ty fale tie 'der aetel x low mre {8 the uneseal equara esti ake rae RA CHARLES 6, MARQUETTA, TRAYMORE MOTEL CONPANY, acca a cee a & WHITE, RE ARO ay URE ae ae ie a ee ae a a, ae Ta Me ill hag a TN al A AAO, ae ee My OY RRR er OL MY ca a A Bae ME en cn a Ae Pe eo a, ce OY le, i ee OR Bi I ti key a ee Oe eo ee ME LT Gee Le ge ge Ar PO EP ee Se CO a EN Ct te cM TL eM ae os IN MR Mae TR re TI ee ne i ER get Oe -