Monkton Times, 4 Feb 1910, p. 8

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DR. A. F. McKENZIE Physician and Surgeon & Oftice "houre: So far as possible from 1 to 3 p-m.. and in evenings. copeenenres : A. CHALMERS MONK TON,HONT. 4 : "Notary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer 0' Marriage Licenses, J, P. for the County of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold, A few choice farms for immediate sale. DR. R. LEDERMAN a SINT __Licentiace of Dental¥Surgery and Member of Royal College of Dental | Surgeons of Ontario, honor "graduate of y ame 'University, Crown and | Bridge work a specialty. Hours 9 a. m, and5 p.m. Office above the Sov- ereign Bank, Milverton, should be affected; ;Guently followed by pernicious A Grateful Mother i The iewly elected Perth" County Tells of Her Daughter's Re- COVERS ee! A mother will always be worried and anxious if one of her daughters that 'from any cause the natural functions of the body become retarded or suppressed. Any irregularity, especially in a growing girl, is apt to be the forerunner of a long chain of sickness, not unfre- an- aemia or consumption, ; "My daughter had just passed her sixteenth year when, owing to an ex- posure at an inopportune time, an im- portant action of the system ceased." So writes Mrs, Thomas E, St. Nicholas, of Manchester South. "Stella was subject to violent nose bleed--was hysterieal and borne down by fits of mental depression. She grew listless and debilitated, and her progress at school was prevented by frequent small ailments which kept her at home. ee BRICK! "e<We make he brick that made Monkton famous,' 'eNo building materia! shows off a building like our celebrat- ed Terra Cotta brick, SeQuotations given on applica- tion"to : W. H. BARNHARDT Monkton, Ontario of improvement eame, but not suffi- Builds Up cient to show that Gi | " fully three months res after she had been using Ferrozone be- lar. I cheerfully recommenda Ferro- zone for all troubles incident to girl- hcod and womanhood." qualities that are lacking when health is poor. No medicine is so nourishing --so full of life and vigor-making prop- Irifty cents a box, six for $2.50, dealers. or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Canada. After using Ferrozone six or seven weeks, some. signs Ferrozone she would grow na- tural again. It was fore my Worry Was over. "After that her system became natural and regu- Ferrozone is a womanly tonic that Suppliés to the blood and nerves the ertics. Try one or two Ferrozone Tab- with your. meals--watch the re- You can painlessly remove any corn, IN 24 HOURS | <= _ PERTH COUNTY COUNCIL -- me Co Oe See Ree A eS ees council for 1910 met in inagural ses- sion at the Court House. Stratford, on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock when Reeve Turner. of Fullarton. was elect- ed Warden of the County over Reeve McLaren of Hibbert' and Reeve Ham- ilton, of Elma. on the third ballot. The following appointments were then made; Wm. Davidson. Clerk; Geo. Hamilton. Treasurer: Messrs. Mce- Pherson & Davidson. County Solicitors Dr. S. T, Rutherford. Gaol Surgeon : Wm. Davidson, Auditor of Crimnal Accounts; Thos. Trow. W. J. McCul- ly and TI. W. Steinhoff. Stratford Col- legiate Institute Trustees; R. K. Hall Listowel High School Trustee: S. R. Stuart. Mitchell High School Trustee; Jas. Dickson. Inspector of House of House of Refuge: H. Hemsworth. and W. Johnson. County Auditors: F. Branston. Caretaker Court House. Inspector James Dickson of the House of Refuge submitted his annual report which was referred to the House of Refuge Committee. The re- port showed number of inmates at be- ginning of year to be 62, admitted dur- ing year 17; average number during year 55; total expenditure during year $6,076.89; total cost for maintenance to County of Perth $4.127.4. The Treasurer's report for the County for the year 1909 was submit- ted by County Treasurer Hamilton and showed the receipts to be $149,211.96 and payments $139,772.04 leaving a balance on hand of $9.439,92. me A communication from the Minister of Education apportioned the salaries of Inspectors Irwin and Smith as ag- reed at December session. : Mr. Geo. L. Griffith was re-appoint- ed County Engineer on the terms agreed to at December session but the motion was rescinded and the matter laid over until the April session. A communication was read from J. H. Campbell. Deputy-Minister of Public Works which read in part as follows: Good work has been effected in cer- tain of the townships, more especially ;Blanshard and Downie. where stone This is Quickly and Pleas- antly Accomplished If You Use Catarrhozone Catarrhozone will relieve colds al- most instantly and in a few hours will cure completely. If it is old-standing asthma or bronchitis its quick. and curative results will astonish you. Catarrhozone is little drops of heal- ing medicine carried by air to the sore and diseased parts. You breathe them through the Catarrhozone Inhal- er and they spread throughout all the air passages. It is sense as well as healing, be- cause Catarrhozone is a germ killer, a healer and restorer of Weak tissues,' because it is so prompt and certain in its results, better than any other remedy for diseases of the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, and it is neither alcohol, morphia or cocaine--all dang- erous. Tens of thousands have used Catarrh- ozone without reporting a single case of failure to cure diseases of the throat and lungs and nasal passages. Remember, CATARRHOZONE is taken in air, and is little drops of heal- ing for the throat, nasal Passages, or lungs. It always does cure--is guar- anteed. Price 25c., 50c., and $1-00 at all drug- gists or by mail, post paid, from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y. and Kingston, Canada, THE LASH Toronto Telegram Crimes of violence against women and childra@i have occurred with dis- gusting frequency of late. and the sentence imposed in the Police Court 'circulation. 3 -AGREAT FEAT _ EEE A I ig SON Under the caption 'What has bee done in six months' the Montreal Wit- its clientele. that admirably serves to summarize the activities of this truly great newspaper. We reproduce this summary in part for our readers ;-- The 'Witness' has been reorganized and revitalized in all its departments Editorial and reportorial staffs - have been augmented by the most experien- ced men to be procured. The Adver- 'tising Department has been placed under an Advertising Manager with 25 years' experience in Canadian ad- vertising. The size of the 'Daily' and "Weekly Witness' has been almost. doubled. The effects of the recent 'disastrous fire which destroyed the | 'Witness' Building and plant have been largely overcome. Upwards of $15.- 000,00 have been spent in exploiting The most modern press- es type and equipment have been in- Btalled. The circulation of the 'Daily' and "Weekly" issues have been increas- ed by thousands. The advertising has increased over 30 per eent.' The Montreal Witness' is-indeed an ideal family newspaper, maintaining at all times a high moral standard. its news reliable. well-arranged, and its editorials acknowledged on all sides to be 'at once fair and forceful.' _ 'fhe very high place the Montreal 'Witness' holds in public. esteem was well shown by the chorus of sympathy and appreciation evoked by their dis- astrous fire a few months ago. and admiration was very Generally ex- pressed for the vigor and energy dis- played in grappling with the problem of reorganization. Most of our readers want a metro - politan paper as well as the indispen- sable local hewspaper. and they can- not do better than take the 'Witness' The price of the 'Daily Witness' -- is $3.00 a year.and of the 'Weekly Wit- ness and Canadian Homestead.' $1.00 a 'year. Samples will be { freely. and vromptly sent upon request by the publishers John Dougall & Son. 'Wit- ness' Building Montreal. or may be been| hess has issued a brief statement to] MOUSE TRAPS--2 for 5 cents, ss NAIL BRUSHES--A very handy brush in the kitchen, 5 ¢ t8. COBBLER SETS--A very handy set of tools for Saves the price of itself many times a year. 65 cents per set. Reis aoe x HOCKEY STICKS--We have a large stock of these sell 10 to 50 cents A = ey FENCING--Call in and get our prices on wire. ae STOCK FOOD--It is much easier to fatten stock when you feed them Dr. Hess' and Hackney's Stock Foods. -- For making hens lay use Panacea. wee GRASS SEED--All kinds of Grass Seed arrsving next week. Cal | in and get our prices, SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, OIL AND GLASS always : kept on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Hides, New Suitings Pantings and Overcoatings | in all the Latest Designs 2 7 ich inc y shine. ; as Ade . Bs Gee TS ee ee ac at eh cent Oe ee - hee ee : SF " | will forward subscriptions if desired, either hard. soft, or bleeding, by |crushers are used. A roller. however. applying Putnam's Corn Extractor, It} has not been employed. It is wholly , ° Eye-strain Ff ' never burns, lea ven no sear, contains aS impossible to build good roads with- acids is harmless, because compose : g " = a - Stone - healine ¢ ge p .. out the use of a heavy roller. § on belies Character e ey rang step eh oe or gravel placed on the road in vised. Imprisonment has no pains for such Ke a -- ¥ N offenders, Traprisonment throws a} VON'T DRINK ENOUGH WATER years in Cure guaranteed. by all druggists, 25c bottles. Refuse Substitutes, PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR 8. @ 82. > Defective sight pro-' duces unnatural ex-| long stretches is a serious obstacle to travel. All roads. whether gravel or stone should be rolled to such an ex- up on the gravel or stone. Much gravel has been used on roads tent that traffic can immediately get | Share of the penalty upon the injured | public. wha have to pay for the cost of keeping such criminals in probably greater physical comfort than they would enjoy if left at liberty. The in the county in the past. and in some pression. Perpetual frowns caused by an effort to see better often belie character. We are experts in A REMINDER OF FLODDEN Lord Roseberry in recently propos- ing a toast at a banquet given by the College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. | said he had recently been reading the | | the work has been found to be largely patch work, placing natural and even jinferior pit gravel in short stretches| lof the old grade without trimming the Shoulders. grading or making proper drains, The ditches Places, and in some of the townships! Were originally | lash id something they dread and re- member, Public flogging is a degradation for the victim. and the witnesses. but the lash. administered within prison walls. is the only effective form of deterrent yet devised for certain kinds of crime. There are those, and they are not all of the baser sort. who think cor- }enough water is to have a Most women do not drink enough water. Like many other duties they owe themselves. this little act is ne- lected in the hurry and rush of other things. The physicians tell us that in order to properly flush the body in- ternally at least two quarts of water should be drunk during the day. The most certain method of making sure that you and the children are getting definite time for systematic water drinking, One mother who has five promising "kiddies" takes her dipper And Shades. . , consisting of worstedsjscotch tweeds and_ ser- ges. Turned out with promptness and des- patch in the latest New York patterns. Call and inspect goods whether you intend buying fitting glasses that | history of the period in Scottish his-| dug to obtain earth to turnpike the | poral punishment judiciously adminis- | pail and make facial distortion es this College. as well as the | roads and were not given a constant | tered would be a good substitute for Scottis niversities came unnecessary. promptly at stated intervals and wat- ers her stock from the oldest lad down to the baby. By this fheans she is or not. _ ° fall to carry away water. As a result imprisonment generally. they are very uneven and the water They argue that it carries with it : . id rests everywhere in pockets until «it | all the virtues of a deterrent. with sure her children Bre geri fresb. Soaks away, Of the townships exam-| none of the defects of imprisonment--| P4Te .Water from a clean vessel and in ined this. was especially noticeable i foul associations for a long period of | Bot picking up a drink wherever they | - The Up-to-date Tailor j Elma. Logan and Fullarton. ,| time. with injured society bearing the | ©@! oe : s : when we could hardly keep our nat-} In Wallace township the work of ' cost of the offander's maintenance ponmewafes Fader reals Pg et d . ? Monkton, Ontario inal asvtitanca ve dee « Hits Wenrn Li kia hc : Seta 4 rove- | ae Ss oeaee yoo" o Senet ner trif tog ents are caused wo- tonal existence tog the r:- -Nine years} this year shows a marked PE OXS | They are entitled to their opinion, | ° = rifling atime ote AES = = = eo after the reception of your charter) mont. Tt has-been done in consider: but whether right or wrong. the ef.| Men by the lack of sufficient water there was the crowning disaster and jable stretches. and special attention fectiveness of 'the lash in specifie in- | drinking. As any other habit may be | stances cannot be questioned | permanently fixed, so may the desire : ie a |for water at stated intervals. If you} - BRS sees: j anguish of Flodden. I wonder if we paid to grading. draining and crown- here in this hall can realize what that ing.while the gravel is of a fair qual-| : GRIP Srow accustomed to'a copious draught ere at 11 and the same during the after- o CCeesosoesosoosoosoooooooecoocoseooeoocoosooooooeece = s Now isthe time to leave your order for meant--a complete upset of all Scot-! ity, | ARE tish national hopes and aspirations, the | The work throughout the county is . . : : death of their King in the field sur-| very diverse in quality. It is noon. with a good flushing before re- e rounded by his. choicest chiefs, And | that the supervision ing. you will see the gain in health iplexion. and will soon miss drink if it is not 'forthcoming. Eavetroughing = : " =a Galvanized and Ready -- 33 = = i Roofing, Milk Gans am Creamery Gans, Pails, Ete. into exist- ence, "They came into existence." said his lordship "in time of storm and stress Their travail was the rudest im the world. They were produced at atime | | } } } } Examination Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 3B e 2:-@ -W. A. CAMERON Jeweler and Optician of Mitchell MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! Sweet - toned Vidiins Melodious Mouth Organs and Harmonics LOSING THEIR founs That the members of thi from the M Commons } Maritime Prov s. both Conser n¢ Senate when [ think of Flodden, I always get | with the reeves, Vative an comfort myself with the thought that | being called i f 3 1 unif in demanding ee : is . in all the Sedans and catastrophes of | q d sable. For this 1 SB hy io in the ; Ae HOLDS 80. Sood" and retrestc history there is nothing more sublim« roads in ¢ . Sen : 4S pure sparkling water from a than the proclamation issued by th land. exper Ags SER Ea Magistrates of Edinburgh the day af- ions should 2 by the County} ter it got the news of Flodden, + Co il that work on the county roads | "You remember the Proclamation. It{p. y earlier in the year} maintain their pr Was Sharp. It was pregnant. It was should be placed on to wit: Nova Scotia 19 eloquent, It was noble. It was cour-| the county roads as soon as the ground wick " ageous. And if we have to write oD | can be worked. Where this work is Me the page of our history the disast-| put off as in the past, until after the} Nova rous records of Flodden. we can bal-| June session of the council. the ground | wick. were appointed a committee to} ance it on the eredit side by the Te-| has become too dry and hard for sat-| wait on Sir Wilfrid Laurier and ar- > : cord of what was the attitude of our} isfactory or economical grading and|,. nge for the presentation of a rea | ., investigation shows. however, that} citizens at that time. The day of | draining. |lution to the Government. | it is duo to the hands. No matter Flodden had passed. It was. | think. | From the lack of uniformity and ef-| That the demand incorporated in | how warmly you clothe the rept-orthe on Sept. 11, On the 12th the News | factive work, it is evident that there| the petition will be franted seeme un- | body. you really eatch cold if you leave had got abroad in Edinburgh. has been insufficient supervision by likely. ag it will Necessitate a chang- | *he hands exposed. r ji | . +S Was exer pervision, on which they . The dematd ¥pic the resolutior | 3 that the seaside provinces s KEEP HANDS WARM dertaken esent repr Nou Saget MAY why they suf- Ney 5 EE ios x : r r * ~ . {fer se frequently vv "ol » | . Prince Edward Island 6. > aa Th juently tie cold Re 7 aad. : lhe a atter has puzzle ve Bais arburton (P.E I.) Kyte | read, ; 1€ matter 1a puz: ec £ en Scoti F Tyas lew Bruns-| the omniscient doctor, and his only ex- Scotia and Daniel. New Bruns-| : planation was that some persons were constitutionally inclined that way. Grading outfits people marvel Get our prices on Washing & Sewing Machines before buying elsewhere ""PAGE" WIRE FENCES - Wear hest, for sale hy W. E£. FULLERTON Next door to J, C. Wilson's MONKTON $ Soeecoosoooooosoosooooo soe coocoeooooesoooesoocee "The Magistrates issued a proclam-| the county road superintendent or fail-/ ing of the British North America Act. | ,,/he reason is very simple. after all. ation. It was short and it was simple. ire in carrying out his directions. We! The population of the Maritime | Of course, everyone knows that the It said that rumors had got abroad in would. therefore. urge that the re- Provinces has only increased in the | blood and vessels contribute a sort of the city of Something that had hap- quireMment of the Department be more neighborhood of 150.000 singe the last | HOt-water warming apparatus for the pened to the King and the army at | exactly followed. that We Have COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES | that speak as distinctly as a natural man. These will be sold at a bargain to clear the stock, | . 4 "all work be un-|'census. Quebec, which sets the Stan-| Pody. As the hands are more ota Flodden. They were not yet authen-j gor the supervision and direction of/ dard of representation with a fixea| ¢4 than other parts. they TeCeIve" .@ ticated; but in the meantim« they | the county engineer either personally representation of sixty-five Seats, has | More liberal Supply of the heating Summoned every able-bodied citizen by or through foremen directed solely by srown about 500.000. The unit of re-|tiuid. But this blood is immediately toll of bell and by tuck of drum to him; that he provided with the nee-| presentation will thus be increased by| Chilled and returned in an aby" Stats come forward to the defence of the essary implements including a steam! about 8,000. This means that the| to the lungs. Here it sets up inflam- city, and in the meantime they Said.| roller and rock erusher so that the re-| Maritime Provinces will lose about | ation with the natural consequences Fo Wand eet be allowed to wail o1 | sponsibility for poor work may be plac-| five members. Ontario will hold its |0f congestion. which is commonly call- to weep in the streets. They must go| 28 fairly. Defective work such as waS|'own. The west will gain clese on to| ed cold. If 'you take CaTe<1o Weer to the churches and pray for their found in a number of instances. can-| twenty members on an increased pop- | Sloves on any day that is rather chil- King. for their army. and for their] not be sanctioned by this department"! ulation of nearly a million. ly it 19 astonishing what a lot of colds countrymen who were in the army. The council granted $1000 towards | SEE oe | you will ward off. And that was all the Magistrates of the building of the wing of the Strat- MARKETING OF APPLES | SE eee the city had to say when they knew ford hospital. | ----- of the crowning disaster of Hlodden.| tt was decided to hold a session in} Toronto Weekly Sun Is there anything nobler in the his- April for the discussion of Good Roads There is no doubt that a good deal tory of any city of any country than | ony, of possible profit is at times lost to that proclamation on that disaster?" The travelling expenses and postage} the apple growers of this Province as eae 2 of Inspector Smith was fixed at $175}a result of placing certain varieties in per annum and that of Inspector Irwin| the hands of consumers before the at $275 per annum. fruit is really ready for consumption. The recommendation of the Roads} The Spy. which perhaps ranks first and Bridge Committee that all Good|among dessert favorites. will prove Roads work be done in accordance | very poor eating if used before its pro- OUR FANCY CHINA will be SOLD AT COST m order toget rid of it, We do not want to carry over any of this stock. It must go. Come in and have a ook at it wheth- er you intend buying or not. FLESH FOODS Hamilton Times The fact is that most people in this country err by exeess of flesh consumption. Especially is. this "the case with those who have passed mid- dle age. Too much flesh food fre- Bob Selesb obese desbeodecheobeteobeobertedeodechesbetotespoodegh feof of be Fo edo ede fone ofeefeah quently contributes to the preduction Reebebeobeobecdeede be cbeoboofoofeafeatestecteoofenfenfeafeafenpeegectooks ofecfeofeofe beh bsfecbefeteofecteap of aggravation of grave pathological + o conditions. Many {eople would -- be TO EAT NO MORE MEAT -- et Citizens of Montreal are to form an anti-meat eating society for the pur- -- lili ma J.A. BERGER a. MONK fON Agent for Columbia Graphophones C. P. R. lime Table Going East. 8.00 a.m. 3.25 p.m, 8.14 a.m, 3.38 p.m. 8.22 a.m. 3.46 p.m, 8.35 a.m. 3.57 p.m. Going West. 10.45 a.m, 8,22 p.m. 10.56 a.m, 8.32 p.m. 41,08 a.m. 8.40 p.m. 11,17 a.m. 8.54 p.m. G.T.R. Tme Table Trains leave Atwood station north and south as follows: Golmg South, am. 7.80 Express 11.58 Express 8.80 Express West. Monkton Milverton Millbank Linwood Jet Linwood Jet... Millbank Milverton Going. North. p.m. 10.25 8.26 1.21 Express Express Express Auction Sale 100 Acre Farm James Jones has* received instruct- lons from the sell by Mublio auction at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell, on Saturday, February 13th 1910. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon the following; The farm is' said to contain 100 acres (more or less) being Lot No, 29. Gon. 14. Township of Logan. All cleared and in good state Produce more." when Miss Florence Evans. of Peffers. Cameron officiating. Were attended by Mr. Geo. Dobson. of Pose of bringing down the excessive price of meat. This movement has been successful in other places. and an organized effort will be made to break the present local prices, There has been a rapid rise in the last ten years in almost all the neces- Saries of life of fifty to one hundred ber cent.. There is no drop in prices and there seems little prospect of any In addition house rents have gone on increasing. in fact everything has gone up.but salaries, Speaking about the cost of living Mr. Robert Meighen said ;--"'The »pro- ducer. the farmer. is benefiting by the high price of food-stuffs. while the reversa is the case with the con- Sumer, As supply and demand regu- late the market value. there is only one way of reducing the cost of food- stuffs for the people--produce more. There aro too many leaving the land for the cities and towns: too few pro- ducers. too little work and too much Play. The proper medicine to apply to the disease is simply to place more People on the land the world over and TAYLOR--EVANS eo An event of unusual interest trans- pired at The Manse. North Morning- ton. on Jan. 26th, at five o'clock p.m. was united in wedlock to Mr. Will. Taylor. of Denver, Colorado, Rev. Mr. The young couple Milverton, friend of the g@room's and Miss Margaret Turnbull, of Peffers. friend of the bride. After the cere- mony the young scouple returned to the home of Mr. Matt. Dobson, on the with the requirements of the depart-| per season. The Ben Davis kept ata him «that he be provided with the nec-} proper temperature throughout -- the sible was adopted by the council. winter. will make a fair dessert apple in May. but if used in early winter is no better tham a turnip. These facts. of. course. are familiar to fruit growers, but the great maj- ori'y of consumers in cities are not aware of them. To the average city man an apple is an apple, and when one is placed before him he supposes it is for 'the purpose of immediate con- Bumption. and when he uses one not ready for use his appetite for apples is lessened. hese facts should be re- 'cognized by prodtcers and arrange- ments made to hdld apples, in co-oper- ative storehouses. until ready for use and then to feed them out as the needs of the market demand. -------- During the past three years 144 persons have been killed in construc- tion work on the National Transconti- nental Railway, SHOOTING PAINS IN SIDE, ARMS, BACK rove the Presence of Rheu- matic Virus, Which Is Cured Quickest by Nervi-| 4% SS AG BERD GGien line--Rub It In. _Paing in the muscles, in the sideg he back, the neck, or the chest--they lways carry with them great discom- ort. If the inflammation is severe the ain will be intense. If allowed to con- tinte they are dangerous, Nothing go quickly cures local inflammation and jrives away pain as Nerviline, Nervi- line does this because it penetrates so deeply. Nerviline is not only power- ful, but soothing. By relieving conges~ tion it cures pain. It does this always. [t cannot fail because is a true anti- dote for pain, You can Scarcely find anybody that will not tell you wonder- ful things about the pain-euring power of Nerviline, Remember, that there is not an ache or pain that Nerviline will not cure immediately. Nerviline is an anchor of health in every household. It is impossible to overstate the im- portance of the issues in the present election in Great Britain. The strug- gle between the people and the pres- making one. If the people get their way, But we should see no cause for alarm if they lost it. For as surely as day follows night that change will come and the last reassertion of the bower of their. responsibe house will have greatly furthered it. Even in- cluding with it the very important land question. we regard the question of class rule,as a minor issue. A more important one, in view of its electoral significance. would be the country's Surrender to the beer power. SCHOOL REPORT. ee criptive privilege of caste is an epoch- | ordinary food. vastly benefitted in health by the eli- mination of a large portion of flesh food from their dietary. Not only that but the cheaper parts of the flesh food animal very often contribute 'to the human economy greater support than the more expensive cuts. One does not need to be a vegetarian to realize that much harni is done by over con- sumption of flesh foods. And the wise Correction of such an error would have an important effect on household dills. "FEEBLE STOMACH" Causes Digestive Weakness | and Poisons the En- tire System. "No one can have suffered more than I did with stomach trouble." writes Phil. E. Pascalar, well known at St. Andrews Corners. "My doctor told me my indigestion and sleepless- ness were due to poisons in the blood. Certainly my condition was desperate, and it seemed from the despondent feelings that swept over. me that I would lose my reason... I happened to read about Dr. Hamilton's Pills and bought five boxes from the druggist. Such body-cleansing pills I never used; they were mild and yet quite strong enough to drive' all the humors out of the blood. My stomach gained strength rapidly with Dr. Hamilton's Pills and I improved so much that in eight weeks I could eat and digest all Depression and weari- ness passed away and I am, thanks to NII I ee he a a ee ee a ae ae a oe ee ee PE ol Sofa eB choeche che cfoedoabecfeSecfodoaloatosd decfechocdododéde decd ee tests ees EE EEL EE EB Te ie tte tote thas Betts oche chee le dole Sole tesla cto estore she debe desde ode sfocte Te eGe oho fonke oho chooks Fe Sa oke ode Seco PeskeskecSo fe dectede t¢, $..¢ Sa he oe SN se Me ae oe Business Announcement Le ee te ee Having purchased the interest of Mr. A. Chalmers in the busi. ness at a low rate on the dollar I will now offer for sale the bal- ance of the stock at prices away down. Call and sée. ee te ee a ae New goods are arriving almost daily and before the end of next week our stock will be as com- plete as ever. Repairing done at , Reasonable Prices Pa The following is the report of U.S. 8S. No. 9. Elma. and Mornington for the month of January. The names of some do not appear on account of ab- Rost Stipation that compares with Dr. Ham- aches and pains, Bence. ae ; 500. Carrie' Roe 427. | ilton's Pills. Refuse Substitutes. Sold iLaree bottles, oe: trial size, 26c, at} Sr. IV--Tota : all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Come 'Barbara. Roth, 387, . Edi iderson | in 2c. boxes. All dealers, or The pany, Kingston, Ont. Catogt 386. eras Rath, Bae Mh Band "" | Catarrhozone Co., Kingston; Ont, -- : ' Jr. [IV--Total- "300. Jaret Brydone | ¢ -- NERVILINE [0 220 -6n gs [DP Hamittons Pitts i Be Russel Edwards' 24 'ohn Roe 2th, ee mae < CURES ALL PAIN | , 1 Tr ninth line of Mornington, where the of cultivation. There are on the place : I bride has lived for the last six years. a good bani barn 44x64° rough cast house 28x34; woodshed and kitchen at-|On their arrival dinner was served by tached 14x18. Driving shed 24x28+ 2] Mrs. Dobson an excellent repast be- - good wells. well fenced, 1 acre of good ing provided. The bride Was neatly orchard. Fall plohghing done. School attired in a suit of blue ladies' cloth icohaediately opposite. Five miles from|with a white embroidery silk blouse the thriving village of Monkton. Good,| and blue hat to match. The groom's 'gravel roads. Possession will be giv-| gift to the bride was a beautiful piano ' 15th, 1910, ; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left: on Wednes- --10 per cent, . of vurchase| day. Feb. 2nd. for' eir home in Col- on date of sale, balance in 30/orado where Mr. Taylor is fofeman on ara, ~ cs pth, Haphert Stock ranch. The best | % iesakes of numerous friends" go" with | 'the young couple rene Refuse anything that may be offered you instead of Nerviline, Which is guar- anteed = for rheumatism, neuralgia, sclatica, lumbago, and all muscular Dr. Hamilton's Pills, enjoying robust good health." : : No remedy for biliousness, indiges- tion, headache, sick stomach, or con- * EET Ee RS EE NEST eee a EP TS EP Go Nao oho oh ele ote ote: fe Spit, Sebebebeeecobesheechebeeeebessesp a . 2, Baek. Cie ae 200. Rachel 183, Annie -Brydone 177. ~. some a Ese ett 2nd Class--Tot ' Roth

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