T ak : pone es pe a ere cared 'that & motor boat elouty diamond to his wife M , |built and having powerful engines] : ee s eaPen a violent fancy to it mete palais bg py pe codiace me ge ae sees MANY WILDS NECESSARY IN|SOME YOUNG PEOPLE ARE SO t. eT { PAR: 3 ure. Peter Neissen i oe a om eo ; Se : . ' Se ' pared He eg Fe na cix $34 é RACT. _ |i few yoars ago went cafely through| DEALING WITH NATIVES. | SENSITIVE Amour 19 3 fered £800. BR oes ia balers -- craft, suffering only} i i Sle Se : aes Count Sacha Roubl Count Sacha laughed and shook | Bessy Simms Began-by Treating It a wetting., The only difficulty that), sg 36 ES ee -- : hi % letsky was on|his head. £ . threatens is official interference o Indians on Appr se PTE IG eR ee ee ose : ae = ys sti beam ends. To the world he was|1 aca Reps a no, he real-|_ Like a Trout Stream--Barrel [onc side or the other of the tty = = ats * ane scotia - "Jollying" -- Often | Destructive Li hining Pla }} a dashing young Russi y want to sell it, and he ; to Jungle With All Thei a : : ebtsing::- Wiackee: . g Russian noble-| must be going. An offer of £1,300, Navigators. : oe a 5 SY Paci Changes Course of Promis- Which vere Unaccompanied fe " : aa onigngs. ~ ae Sori Se ay cee Sacha ae Nae tae YOUNG PEOPLE SUICIDE. Pies oe - ing Lives, Without Sound. | : a -- s Sapraen ne ra = = : 2 a = ae = = : -- : 2 3 : : = : . esnres es # Bee ea SOs A DEAL a ROUND ABOUT NIAGARA)jis'oncan's go'tue' SC.'t:|ORCHID HUNTER'S TACT|THE FOLLY OF TEASING|LIGHTNING AND PHE IN DIAMONDS SOME CURIOUS FACTS ABOU' 2 STORMS, Fotot+o+ot ood : = 3 *: ------ -- SS Le > . : | z Ge ne wealthy |however, made him hesitate. At| : financially at his last a he was ma ree prolonged chaffering, Ti deer with practical minds seem} oe Besides the lities. ; ib Tot Gets peo : a8 Monte Carlo, the gaities of Paris,' aed oe paca es paovigers Wheghis iy eames Oe *: Conditions in~ Ruasian Court :Dex Scpomicthivea ed ie a oie sas oye age pare piesa ecninyiine: we understan j p oker, and re- ' e whirl} ptorable--Moral Standard Low. | Which the successful South Amert-] the sien? at See for all binds ives if fn tas ban = , ; ; / ro c ere 18 no phengr and ' : eiiaiae a of disastrous |ceived £1,500 in exchange. pool of some of the attributes they : hid London Westend| Once outside, he jumped into @ have had. There will always be| At a children's ball recently giv- can orchid hunter must have, a pa-| teasing, jokes, comments on the|menon of Nature--not excepti club, where high play . : 7 j ae reve M play was winked|¢cab. and droye: as fast he could|Pecple who will regard as f en St. Pe tient tact will stand him in good i BERT EARAS ARTE ; at, h a ; ast as he coul gard as fact the in St. Petersburg by the Coun- , c gool| part of their frien eee - HS gee cleaned him out. to Messrs. Sparkle and Shine's. story of the maiden's sacrifice, who -tess Tipkevitch two caldien be- -- fact, upon this depencs| 'The interest a pair ing eal Nar sapien epee rhs He aid the most serious part of Arrivéd there, he explained, with will persist in believing that it|longing to historic families of Rus- eer his getting along wich|sentimental about it. It probably a Saw iiide i" htni oe "rao ather tired of his continua] }™22Y regrets, that his sweetheart was a yearly custom of the Indian | Sia cemmitted suicide. During the ihe ndians of the interior. One of}has not at the start. It may be, Sateiaite or pear ~~ that is, down. madres: had put his foot | 4d changed her mind; she no lon- tribes living in the vicinity of the |ba'l a scream was heard, immedi- ¢ stories which George L. Free-|and probably is, pure friendliness. | which we ee: aed or sts ; and given him the choice be-|8¢* Wanted the 'second diamond. falls to sacrifice the prettiest mai- ately followed by a revolver shot. man, the hardy and experienced| No matter, shoulders are shrugged will ab: = ee enn can 31) accord to ° tween returning to Russia and rus-| 124 the jewellers yet found it? No, dens of their tribes to the god that |It was then discovered that in one searcher after .orchids, who has r°-|meaning glances of the eye given, {laws. It will, for instance, travel -- 4 2 b] 7 Aaey ae =i | vel tdeating on the family estates, and|*. that was well. Still, he feared | Was Niagara; but within the last of the corners of the saloon, a lad cage be ean ftom. & 10,000-mile } so-called joking questions asked if|along a conductor of metal rip, delights to tell is that of the}he but mention her name or she] But a flash of lightning will fre- shifting for himself. he had put them to much trouble. fifteen years many things have oc-|0f fifteen, belonging to the noble |. : = Count Sacha had ae 4a oe. He was desolated. However, he |curred at Niagara to dissipate the family of Barjatinsky, had shot = which one must employ 'n{his. : quently leap fro - well-defi urn to Russia. On the other|"** glad to say his remittances had | romance of the cataract. - himself through the heart with a ealing with these people, whos?| It is a most pernicious habit It Mateo i bage Si-nc ned « Midd? We met Laas wee arrived, and he had now wee ples: cRicmekisbg ha skcBecwan tlt rouetvek (ie youth aud aamnedi- only conception of the infrequent|makes the young people ieeon: scale Ra fosters Apart from his personal extra- sure im handing over £500 in pay- when the engineers got busy and ately without saying anything fur- visitor is a murderer and a destroy:|scious at once. It puts ideas into | cbject which is Se dakoieery ah vagances, he had designs on an Am- ment for the original diamond drove part of the river into the fac-|ther than the words, "I could not Littl h their heads that need never have | conductor. as soe ; erican i ricosee Bana whith "hie swestheatt had deeded tories to turn usin, Sects kat dekiarvine?" ' ' le have they of value, but|been there. It has broken up.many|. This may be due to the almost i qs in London, whom he had met on =a to keep. said it could not be done and when| Im the panic which followed, a -- and feed for the mules are|a pleasant friendship or led young | conceivable force of a flash of li ie Riviera, and it was necessary that £1,000 to the good, Count Sacha) it 'was done the awe that Niagara gitl of fourteen, the Baroness von pncarers necessities for the hunter, | people on into love affairs who were |ning. It is estimated that fiagh, he should be able to support his left the shop, having 'brought off" |inspired was a bit lessened. Pahlen, hastily swallowed a small especially if he is in a country} totally unfitted for each other of lightning a mile Joni re -- ts character of a rich young man a most ingenious swindle. Yet can Several times natural agencies pastille. A few minutes later she where anhares ou cape sreat BR 7 aN a pressure of di chs .: ne . Count Sacha was a bit of a anyone say where he came within |have taken liberties with the river, fell dead. and camping ground inadequate. So EAKS UP FRIENDSHIPS. ~ p scharge equal to "wrong 'un," but he was a courte- reach of the law +-Pearson's Week-|have stemmed the 'mighty current The suicide of young people of SReRE ET AE Cees were > native| To & sensitive girl such allusions TAREE BILLION VOLTS -- ous rogue. He wanted money Sa ly. as if it were nothing more than a|both sexes is every year becoming hut he avails himself of the opper-|are positively painful. If friends| As such a flash lasts only. 'aboud ly, and was not very particular as ie millrace. In 1848, or thereabout, | more frequent in Russia. The least tunity to take a much-needed rest-- | joke her about a certain young man the thousandth part of a second, to how he got it, so long ag the} POSTMISTRESS HAD NERVE. the running ice from Lake Erie| reverse; even the failure to pass ap IF HE CAN. or the family make insinuating re-|the energy dissipated by the din- Wesns.dit nob being > inv within bias helped by a stiff wind piled the | examination, 1s sufficient to. cause} «yucky you think if if marks, her manner toward him be-| charge is equal to 300,000 hor se reached thadae's arn Presence of Mind Resulted in Two waters back on themselves _ and these neurotic young moderns to} 44, yy yourself if you} comes suddenly chilly and resery-|power- Put it in other woute Ni: é - ce to run across a path in the ; * He wanted a thousand or so for Thi weiue "Camel iagara went dry at the cataract, | Kill themselves. tenets"? ; ~ ed. She doesn't want people to get| we could find some means of saving * nothing. That was the problem he are Se and again in April of last year it coe oats an Teaiiaretpak pean any such foolish ideas. On his part, /and using lightning we should be _ debated as he sat in his Jermyn A remarkable instance of brav-|"** apes the KINGS HAVE FEW INCHES. |? is easy enough is tet boro the nt knowing perhaps that anything the richer by $1,000 for every flash. Street lodging smoking cigarette | TY and: presence of mind on the} ™°" crossed from Prospect Park : ~* |marks which way it lies. You turn has been said and therefore not un- ' Lightning is, as we know, usually -- after cigarette. At last he rose, part of an old lady has eccurred to Green Island. Bi ieok ~_-- ~ : yoltr-boy. and mules ehat Sivacting derstanding her conduct, his feel- | accompanied by a peal of thunder -- with @ satished smile on his Tartar | 4 Eaton, England. BOSSY SIMMS. 3 . segtuigin 3 nase Hoa with a hopeful heart, and all of a ings or his 'pride «.are hurt' and @ = oe dahuiek Stes Reenter face. Mrs. Ann Reeve, the post} pit ¢ bef. E Under Average Height. sudden you come u a clearing pleasant 'and' belgian! teendeie:s hearer is tothe point.of the' dit % * * % * mistress, a woman of sixty-eight, Gar he at 's 3 the Seka es King Albert is the tallest mon- generally less than = half acre & broken off Ag should pay no charge, But this is not: an invart- Next morning Count'Sacha Rout was sorting the mail-bag when she} q;_, eee gs dam was Bossy|aych in Europe, for he is six feet} 'But all ig deserted. I ariabl attention to such suggestions; but ale: entes: There are cee OF Te I cha Roub-|ieard noises i Simms. To her more than any ' ees can But all is deserted. invariably |it is almost i ible f ;-leord of most destructive lightni leteky called' on "Mescrs. Sparkle |; noises in the shop and SaW| (ih ey ace nd tar wie three inches in height. King Leo-|you find that the native has been}; : mpossible for a sensi of most destructive lg she, and Shine. the ipictt- Knoten inde men ransacking the drawers. ping Mincaticah ta xeuance ite pola was uncommonly tall and solaware of your "eoming and has rill aint se-tone flashes which were unaccompanie hine, eceaeee 5s , '4 § ce of ir- é * € : : sales : 3 y Street jewellers. He explained wtig oe at once pushed one of them |). .j.tible power. are the Emperor of Austria and|taken to the jungle with wife, chil- UNHAPPY MARRIAGES. co har pear e RIA h laside and was going to tackle the ; King Haakon. In tk in, how-jd Such a phenomenon ooourred. af 2 as and that he had come to Bossy Simms was a mere cow, &| Quay. separ as eh af steps de dren and all the movables that they} If the man's friends take the ini-| Bradford, England, some years at : dele ital a ee . 2 a yer, reigning monarchs @ erles : Pee 5 3 7 ee ~~ : eee some jewellery for his sweet ground with a violent. blow from | purham to judge by her picture. |, Elie! height ag ee torte can eee ee Pai: sent tiative it may come to him as a|ago. What is described as "a silent = a fee pide Dahesh pen icip ar% er owner was the superintendent ee oes sae Loe Rage cee you go and sit by the door, caretu shock that perhaps he is paying her thunderbolt?' fell in a graveyard, e added that the lady was a col- lher forehead. She got to her feet |of the inclined railway in Prospect) a tl Se oie ctually sbhert-|not to look at anything as if you/ attentions that will put wrong ideas destreying one monument and lector of gems, and that he propo&|}, \wever, rus tee") | Park before the days of free Nia- er than their: consorts. : wanted it, for at least two or three | into her head. And he withd hing to ly s 64h ita sept h owever, rushed out of the shop, | ; riggat King Edward is several inches ; < © Ww raws. | Smashing atoms nearly seventy d to present her with a fine un- era _ lgara and lived within catch of the| a ches | pairs of sharp eyers are looking at| Often the intima Pt le | gl ini d : and, after locking the door on the shcrter than Que Alexandr : cy of two people} glass cases containing wreaths and mounted diamond, and desired to strangers, roused the whole vil | SPAY from the falls. Bossy came | my,, Cz ah on es ee oor from the bushes, certain that|whc might really care for each| flowers. be shown some specimens. . to the park as a calf. Untrammel- he Czar looks quite small by the) Sie have come ao kill and take. other in time, if they had been left} In the same summer Swanscombe, If you are wise, you will seem) alone, is broken up. in Kent, was terrified by a strange' : : lagc. The houso was quickly sur-|,.. Seat 5 : i 'wari Des | From the glitering tray he select- sda Be Sote a eit a je i \led with the prejudices of ordinary side: of the Coarse, and: 80 a se ed a beautiful stone, price £500. | nh a0 gers. Une OF) visitors, she went to the river the King of Denmark beside his} concerned for the mules--poor . : He then explained that Sag ts he two men was caught in the) SIDOKA, eee: Beh Yee WOE rer OP Queen. : : -s--poor,;| On the other hand the silly re-| freak of lightning. All of a sudden davinin i i nk pg igh a shop: The other tried to force hig ce ee : The King of Italy hardly reaches tired mules--and the muleteer be-| marks of thoughtless friends may} "a great mass of blue fire" swept he ake ait ina mation es Pa Tate | WAY through the roof. He made | * requently acegtameis ete Ene, the shoulder of Sierk Helena. wailsthe darhiet SR es ee See yee people believe | along the street, and next moment ee pean & position to complete | | 'iole and put his head through, | went to wade in the river from near|yi4, Alfons f Spain. is half -|food and shelter. After half an {there is more in their friendship |it was seen that the fine: old parish he purchase at the moment, and, | Prospect Point with no thought of | & o,.of Spain, is hall a hour, perhaps, a little brown head|than they had thought. Algernon | church built near] hundred ihead shorter than. Queen Victoria : i ey ayes See eg Magento pe Pipeline "raaronetee 4 pops from the tangle--one of the joked about Angelina may twirl years ago, had been struck. The Bop , and the Kaiser always in-| children. Don't look that way; rub his moustache and decide "she is| building, with all its fine old carved gh pare er ae de : ? | only to find one of the villagers; ._ : in any case, he wished, first to sub standing guard with a thick ne |danger and there slake her thirst, people that gathered in the wash OD the German Empress sit-|the mules the harder. The native}a pretty nice girl." Angelina, | oak, was soon A ROARING FURNACE, other when she was struck 'to the rea: Pina eet ie inc ewocshent'" } He was warned not to come threugh | land on persisting, received a blow -* eet ore to Mesers [7% agers handed both fen, 3° with wonder at the might and ma- Tile see agree Saaoaa ee she ee nie, curiosity and kindness to ani-| dead in love with her, anybody can parkle an ine, he could not|" bound with cords, to the jesty of the cataract. Naturally, gan pt 1 age in height. | mals. see that; may find her heart beat- "The little brown head pops out} ing faster the next time he comes saved. again, nearer, and at last, with a\and herself almost persuaded she Scientists are still hopelessly at |purst of courage, the owner comes | loves him. Thus two people. are | ©? a5 to the cause of that peculiar | igreatly to the amazement of the He added suavely that, of course, | at 50 cents apiece to be stunned "28 down, when they are photo-| has two qualities to which you must) when friends tell her Algernon is and only a part of the chancel was expect them to part with the gem} fe there was a public protest and many °s ' yap wa without aligh eha a bat they |" ; disillusioned . sightseers demanded NATURALLY BASHFUL. were quite at liberty to apply to their money back. Bossy Simms . the Russian Embassy for any in| had spoiled the show for them. Signed sen seems ate ar quite close. Give the child a trin-}hurried into a love affair, who: if phenomenon known as globe light- formation they desired concerning | "Pooh," they cried, "this is. a ulcin it a5 eases is ee sok x 1 | Kes. Finally the whole family ap-} left, to themselves would never have | ™08- One. such fell at Coventry a ; ad egies 1 to Dee 0 "42 It Was Worn by a Court Beauty of fake! Fourteen miles to see this!' sets short anaes soe mane pears, and thought of it. some years ago during a violent following day, and, everything be- Egypt. This was about 1860. <A picture} 4° : aS "4 tes 7 : (LIN : thunderstorm, and, passing along ing satisfactory, to take away the} -- ie of Bossy Simms was taken when she sag beste = se be ae YOUR PALAVER BEGINS. CUT IT OUT. a street like a soap bubble built of «diamond. ; _ The Musee Guimet of Paris has|was standing within 100 feet of the | ooing ." ae rie sig ete es ey | Never say that you need shelter,} Matters of friendship or of the| blue fire, drifted inte a shed, where To this course -- the jewellers | just acquired a priceless treasure, brink of the American fall. Soon oh a es er ae abe ae | birt the mules--what good ones they | heart are not for outsiders to med- it exploded, blowing the: roof off agreed, and, inquiring at the Rus- | provided that it will bear investi-| after the public protest her owner| \ = tik at x ks i her are how tired and sore and hun-| dle with. They are never matters the' place. . sian Embassy, were informed that | gation better than did the notori-| withdrew her to the quiet of a avo BOE Tae i ne he ry. Can't they have shelter and for jokes or light, flippant com- At Rheims, in France, a similar Count Sacha was unquestionably | ous tiara of the Louvre a few years|country lot. She had no. bovine had avs aah ere ' ae be. [oot No hay, no hay is the an-| ment. It is only the vapid, the silly firc-ball came into a cobbler's shop what he himself claimed to be--the | ago. M. Guimet, whose namé the| successors in the park. = pagans oat oY ay Ayre ' . swer; they have nothing. or the thoughtless who make them through the open window. The: soli- son of a wealthy prince, and that |museum bears, 1s aD antiquarian A SHOEMAKER'S NERVE < * side PE SNEs CNG: O nies WoC: "You say that your idiot of a boy | such.. Tt is a senseless practice. It tary occupant of the place sat per- Messrs. Sparkle and Shine _ would |aal a voluminous writer on anti- es se : th 5 ms _ See Reet F pie home,|;as hurt his arm--cannot one Of} never does the least bit of gco }, | fectly still, paralyzed: with terror, probably be safe in giving him, cre-| quities. He seems quite satisfied But she had an imitator in the "Oh és yy esa the children cut grass for the poor and it has in it possibilities of do. | while his fearful visitant hovered dit for even more than the amount) that he has added to his'collection| person of Amos Schwitzer, a shoe-| " ie eS it's an Amerl-| myles? But for them you would jing much. harm. for several seconds overhead. Then can gentleman," replied the maid.|yever have stopped and bothered; ~ it moved towards the fireplace and ne et RING 3,200 YEARS OLD. eee mentioned. They did not know at the Embas- sy that Sacha had practically: been "'discwned by his father--and they were agreeable to the Count's ewn fuggestion, that a member of the {mbassy should attend at the jew- - ellers next day, formally to identi- fy him. This was.done, and Count Sacha received the diamond. The same day he called at a big mbroker's, and, mentioning air- hat he was in temporary diffi- Ities, pledged the diamond for - the small sum of £50- 'The next day found Couat Sacha once more at Messrs. Sparkle and Shine's. His sweetheart, he said, twas enchanted with the diamond, 'Hut--oh, the extravagance of these omen--nothing would satisfy her how, but that she should have an- other diamond, absolutely matching a ring of the time of Rameses ¥E.5 who flourished about 1,300 years be- fore our era, says the London Globe. The ring was acquired from a family of Grenoble in whose pos- session it had been for long years and the former owners produced decuments which satisfied M. Gui- met as to the authenticity of -- his acquisition. The ring bears hiers glyphic inscriptions showing that it graced the hand of Nefritarimeri Mout, one of the wives of the once powerful monarchsof Egypt. The ring is of thick gold carrying a cornelian stone rectangular, large and flat. The stone is enclosed in gold and the ring itself is ornamen- ted with a fillet of gold. The stone tells the story in hieroglphics said to represent the King and Nefritar- imeri. The perfection of the entail- maker of Toronto, Ont., who on June 6, 1906, made a perfect. show of the cataract. For fully forty- five minutes he stood in the stream, twenty feet or so. from the brink and thirty-five feet out from Pros- pect Point, his hat cocked over his eas and a-cane in his hands, this between 1.30 and 2.15 a.m., with the tremendous beauty of Niagara set forth under a dazzling moon. He was arrested as he stood at the brink by a policeman. Then there was Mrs. Anna Edson Taylor, who successfully made a trip over the Horseshoe fall in a barrel. Pretty much the same liberties have been taken with the rapids ané whirlpool. Doubtless many In- dians attempted the rapids trip. in canoes and doubtless all went to their death in the journey. So "But,'? remonstrated her mis | | tress, "you've only been here -a fortnight." : "That's no matter..He wants the lwedding to be on Saturday.' "But can't you get him to post- pone the marriage just a little till IT can get another maid?' "Well, ma'am, I'd like to oblige you, but; ye see, I don't feel well enough acquainted to ask him to do that." PUNCTUALITY OF COMET. Halley's comet, which is the most famous in history, appeared in 1682, and was given the name of Halley because.of that astronomer's profound investigation of it. He fixed its period of revolution around the sun at about seventy- five years, and predicted that it the people; when you saw the hut you thanked heaven for the mules' sake. Perhaps then one of the chil- dren can cut some fodder before you go onthe father and mother are no puede--not able. 'And by the time you have fed all the ani- mals, some of them are asleep. "Vou say that night is coming on and that you cannot take the poor mules into the jungle--cannot all stay for the night? Then comes the interminable palaver, with dis- trust on the part of the Indians, all over again. Well, at last, you may stay, and you bundle up and go to sleep, with the boy on watch. In the morning you prepare to £0; what must you give them for their trouble? Three or four steel nails which you carry for your orchid cases are enough--about one cent."' SPANISH RAILWAY SYSTEM. ard railway. are undertaken presently passed up the chimney. Next moment there was an ex- plosion like a shell bursting, and | Meagre and Poorly Run, It is in| the upper part of the chimney came Need of Better Methods. crashing down in ruins. 2 | Not long ago Count G, Hamilton a total| made a record of a similar freak of length in 1907 of 9,104 miles, but] electricity.. He was sitting at din- only about 6,210 : amount. can be regarded as stand-| Sweden, when, just after a vivid That figure there-|flash of lightning, a brilliant white fore represents approximately the} ball appeared over the table, and, present Spanish railway mileage. -| after hanging poised there for some The lines all belong to private | seconds, went off with a loud bang. companies, but have been construc- Fortunately, it did no harm to any- . tei in part by subvention from the} one, although it was quite close to Government, so that as in,France] several people. Those who saw it they are to revert to the state in suggested it was like ninety-nine years. When new lines the concession goes to the company which bids for the smallest subven- | stralia, was visited by a terrific The total amount of subven- | duststorm, in the midst of which a of this] ner ata house on Lake Wener, in A BALL OF COLD LIGHTNING. In November, 1902, Sydney, Au- lure is considered a proof of the there came from their people ex-| would appear again in 1759. He The jewellers explained that tOl genuineness of the ring, for the | travagant tales of its terrors. did not live to see his prophecy ful- ple cae eaeln match such a stone would be a mat-| modern engraver seldom succeeds| But in 1861 the romances received| filled, but it duly returned -- the A LONG WINTER. ter of great difficulty, and the price | with that sureness of cut which is}a severe jolt when the Maid of the} first body of the inch tn verte well If the testimony of one wlio becswd Qu0, 000 francs. bor of houses, and a most appalling of the second gem would be enorm-| the wonder and admiration of all| Mist, a tub of a vessel, went ca-}g prediction--and was detected on|is to be credited te <7 someof tbe The gauge 1s different from that} panic set in. A ery was raised that ously increased; in short, for such} who are familiar with the engrav- | reering down the stream from the] (hristmas Day, 1758. It appeared Rsiot. mining-camps +n the Rocky of the French lines for obvious stra-|the end of the world was at hand, a pair of twin diamonds they would | ino of the ancients. foot of the falls to Lake Ontario} geain in 1835. " passing Tn a Sieseaine +g ara as hard-as at | tegic: reasons, In addition to the}and people rushed out of their have to charge £3,000, a fancy| The ring, we are further told, al- with Joel. Robinson at the wheel, |090,000 miles coke thes: earth scone lithe ee of ie att standard gauge lines -- there) are | houses into the ink-black, dust-deep price; but it was a fancy order. " |though gracing the hand of*# court | to escape levy, suffering no inqury| paratively close. Then, according preety Hasta is mmining region about 2,500 miles of narrow gauge streets. -- pe Count Sacha shrugged his shoul-|peanty of Egypt in the depths of|except the loss of her smokestack, | to all.caleulations, it was to appear FR thousand feet. above the sea roads in: the country. sakes The most amazing and terrifying ders--the price was stiff, but he} pact "ages, would not be imuch| which was kicked off by a wave. fagain. to the. naked eye in the ptigyhaths hawl-ghaped area. formed About 70 per cent. of the private displays of the power of lightning culd deny his sweetheart nothing--| sought after by a fashionable lady'|, Then eame Capt. Matthew Webb, | Spring of 1910. S: Hees and disintegration at the | capita invested in Spanish railways | are seen on mountain tops. . In-1890 uld Messrs. Sparkle and Shine, to-day. who in 1883 tried to swim the ra- pian ae aes of a mountain peak where |? foreign, much of it F vench ; and a party were on the top of a moun- vase, at once set.about procuring So cl gy ge et pias and was killed in the attempt, AN EXPENSIVE CONVICT. ee gos driies cand packs yee accordingly - several of the. princi: | tain in. the Caucas#s when a huge the second diamond, which, he in- pais f + aig his head coming in contact with a eta a cane een 'A nines pa! companies have their financial | viclet ball surrounded by vivid rays sted, must be an absolute. match DANGERS IN DANCING. submerged rock. The interest that eal sete peels : ¢ headquarters in Paris, A still larg-| struck a rock near by and, explod- ax : : : fre he place was a witness in a ; : ' : eight, color, shape, cutting and} fyancing has been extolled as @ his fear aroused brought to Niagara |) br lar Bare es p nie er proportion of the capital of the}ing like a bomb, burst it to atome. re, anc ag been extoued as 4 ii Ee Rt ; vas served forty-three years' im-| Smt over AC. at ete ae eee she , at : - - ry particular. most healthful recreation, as a other venturesome spirits, most of tramways and narrow gauge lines| One of the party was badly hurt. . Ry anit Hi vecoive Hit ' ve ¥ lived) in ; : : Cae 4 4 . ; vs prisonment, having received a life 'How long have you voy 4 > "y is foreign -- » at Pike's. P y Jewellers, being ugable *e means of physical culture. it favors | them sentence for murder in 1866, when| Marshall Basin ?? asked the lawyer throughout the country is foreign. | The observatory, at Pike's Peak the diamond themselves, the development of the muscular "BARREL NAVIGATORS he was twenty-five year if . teonducting she examination ae While there are some fairly good|had to be abandoned on account of eae : ip de , the 8 . ! 3, » was enty-five years of age. | conauch -e LON. eae NG SVE ie see | sample i terrible visita bi f Rre-ball round to the leading dealers , : : ; ., .», flines in Spain, as or example {the terrible visitations of hre-palls, a rate and promotes health and| ay, he ; ; es A a' ae " PS art of one winter : 4 ; ' : wnbrokers, describing the Bee anode I pam the ; Gere Graham and Hazlett and Potts in| 1° a peste Sera e attic es ne eer ) » lthose in particular connecting Ma-| No conductor would protect it from iene they wanted, and intimating| ( vii And dancing is carried. on the vanguard. All made the trip ae Se Pi it nn taiets: The 1 cet ho was an old- drid with Paris and Bareelona with | being struck. iat they. were prepared to go 4s Be es. é Niéhose-faulivon of dress through the tumble of waters with-| 51008 sige abe vii = : a 08 teue atisfied Madrid, the lines upon the whole,|~ Lieut. Finley gives a vivid. do- £2,000 for a perfect speci- by greg re ah ors caeteoke out mishap, one ahione: the pum eight he wil oer: Beaks pee ces re eee are eo | says Moody's Magazine, are badly] scription of an electric snowstorm ; ui i 3 sucn € at 2 ast , * eee 7 ok 'ears ris : 2GNS >. ; > answer, : . + ae Oe '5 . : -Among those they wrote to seit or other preans of the ber a woman, Sadie Allen. years in prison.. He is consulted} with the ans judge, | constructed and poorly and indif<}on this mountam. Hach snowflake : : lv affect one or About ten yéars after the first tion contributed by the State up to} perfect rain of electric fireballs. be- 1896 was reported to be about 800,-| gan to fall. These set fire to a num- the first. Nie ee sta AE A. convict in the penal establish- ment of Lenzbourg, Switzerland, ' * DG > owarders and conviets whe 7 ras @ ite sr reeks ke in r . : ' : » pawnbroker with whom body. Young girls appear ie tie me ere Me: pone ensh Syl aA a "tenderfoot,"? broke 'e ferently operated. The foreign} as it fell shone with cold white fire, Sacha had pledged the ori- rody. ee eee aes | barrel fleet had sailed through a questions of regulations an tights | testuly t. : Sa oo capital, however, takes fairly goed] until he and his mule both appear- Sana ; : yevience no fatigue after it:, 2206) oaond see ; wor'up. He is proud of tke fact} 'That's' very indefinite... What ; : ' $0 : jamond, which was just what pe apa ATS pallet secon eet came down the river. }°?0! et > AS. Pp it ag ane a Ee oid baat cart ot ane Leare 'of itself, the eneration being }ed as though studden with huminous ngenious rascal had intended will not ee us b A if-th Ypres Of the score that entered for honers| that he i6-tne convict who ae ry-| do: you mean Ry 1¢ best pe eenerally. profitabie, | Upon the | diamonds ikgisna'e Waekhy. : ne ae or square dances, : fee . tee sn only one was killed, a yoman who ed the longest term in Switzerland | winter, BK FY teat salons, ither hand the commerce and: in- ; f ays. later Count Sache) Oe ee is ie f ante si 38 EE maps suffocated in her barrel in the | @"¢ probably in Europe.' bruit ae Bree (i pir dustry of the country are crippled ed at the pawnbroker's, apd protes 38 felt, alter di the tks whirlpool through slow work on slowly and thoughttul'y, bs been yy the insufficiency of the railway had come to redeem his dia- isned it arate oR thor er ot the part of her supporters on up there about eleven -montnss' "| syetem. ° cde : thar en : : 5 : ase aids sae ; : ity of cases tha shore. It was even declared that ; ABLE Much additional mileage is need- Thomas Kendall, a Boston police-| same .time--one a diary, which he CONVINCED. whe tne taes ee t, fi Sean tiracl? pia Ee {gations 1$ fay oT. of nor- ie PB: eat na ' s ma. iS? = ' os ; : s had had Messrs. Sparkle and nearer starmet trons tithe. age ge the rapids in the '80s,| kept very carefully, and the other] '7 have figured on the proposi-}0f g 4 hiaet eae react prejudicially upon Ps. iL a to fame has not gone} a pea-shooting. pop-gun, which he|tion." said Mr. Bliggins, "and I Europe. | ES bedeg F DE Ye EE +) «4. p unchallenged. hfred indiscriminately on-all ae | ea , oY a ceca of ee Saar The coming summer promises un-| sions. 4 ies cet aoe ---- Suro aie ie 1e3 AN APPTY ' usual things in Niagara feats.| One day hi hay dounianl Saas ey ony ishicate. z pate ne day his mother foundgthe "But y do own a.?? where girls a 3s ex ' There has already been offered a| following terse record in his er: Hae Sais ice 1 ene: ------4 pe of Ratios -- a vcs ite "Mondy cold and sloppy. Toosdy Ge : Coe aaa : or & movorpoav race throug @|cold.and sloppy. Wensdy cold and} Jn the midst of Conieature cone Girl with two voices has gone to} rapids, the whirlpool and down to|sloppy shot Granma." bevning Halley's ate got pal SON Bae atte a rs : ag Be Guess| Lewiston, where the river broadens} --® een ar bitte dt it hite cocious juvenile. 'But things i : oliday _ abroad to a calm commercial stream. Ff-| Don't be too anxious to grasp @M| the earth there will be som |. ae at high ; |teen adventurers have announced "< réwnity that is sizzling hot. | Se y judge of high- eee A MANS" CANDID OPINION, - "Aye you," she asked, "one of cd to bring Spain up to the average those foolish people who think man Johnny had two presents at the other countries in western }is superior to waman?"? f "Tam not,"\he, replied. Tt te = i my opinion that if man had to have -- NOT A MODEL FAMILY. his clothes packs, up the pace oy Pete ae ; were compelled to wear ms . hee Mien neler ne NER nctip ctr gee od na Mee, ed," said the small boy's uncle. be 1g ae ee "Y know that," answered the pre- |, Met oiler yaee ara