VOL HI--No..4 MONKTON, ONT, FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 1910. -- geadesashecseeoouernanserantvernennotoestesseenseres$ MONKTON'S POPULAR STORE On Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st, we invite all the ladies of the village and vicinity to attend our Grand * Millinery Openings. We have planned to make this one of the best showings of Hats ever before shown, and we want all the ladies to come and make it a_ big success, The characteristic feature of this business is not the selling of a large quantity of cheap hats, but the selling of attractive, up-to-date hats at reasonable fig- ures, We get all the new styles as fast as introduced and our endeavor is to carry a good stock of headgear in all the leading shades, which our milliners will be only to pleased to show you on or after Sept. 3oth and Oct. Ist. Our standards of quality do not vary and we never feel that a sale pays us unless you are a satisfied NEW FALL GOATS Every day brings something new. Just re- ceived a large shipment of Ladies' Cloth Coats, Lad- ies' Fur Lined Coats, Ladies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Pony Coats, Men's Fur Coats, Men's Fur Lined Coats, Men's Beaver Cloth Coats, Boy's Overcoats, Girl's Coats, also Sweater Coats in a variety of shades, Children's Imitation Bear Coats in blue, red and white nicely trimmed. MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS In these lines our business has increased won- derfully in the last few years, which goes to show we give good value for your money. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S HOSE In these lines we have a good assortment of Union Worsted Fine Wool and Cashmere Hose in all sizes. BRING YOUR POULTRY AND PRODUCE To us. Higest-prices guaranteed. WEBER & BETTGER 940 $9009 0FOF9OSF099F9OH 9999 9F9O09590090055905004H ooo e ° 5 @ ® 2 oF 2 e hd 7 * e Sd 4 2 ° 4 °e 4 . 3 @ 3 hd Sd > 2 ° 4 ® i ° 2 : ? ° ® 2 oR, 2 e ° ® ° 2 & ° ° od 3 ¢ ° ° ® : ° @ e @ * 2 @ @ ® bd @ od e ® @ Ad 4 ° 2 ® e @ e °e 2 4 ° ° Ld 2 e 2 Ad ¢ DOOD OSO GGG DOGO OOOGOS $090904:0, $09000600900908 OP SOGS SO GOH OH SGOHSLIGSHOGO GHG GHHGHHGHHGSOGS HGH GGHHGH9GHHHS 5H GH HHGHO9H9H9O94O449HHH054O9 9S 9490 OO8 ©©0000080990000000092008858009500000000008900 009800 It Pays to Get the Best ran nes WE HAVE ie : ? ¢ } nin le thea mt hasing a fall suit, do not make the mis- When pure f », which@ will vetting an ill fitting ready-1 ' in a few week: Jave just received a fine range of Suitings in The Monkton Times Is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Monkton SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year. $1.00 : six months, 50 cents; three mcnths 25 cents in advance. Subscriptions not so paid, $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING SPACE Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mo _. column...$50.00 $30.00 $16.00 $6.00 %column.. 30.00 16,00 9.00 4.00 ¥% column., 15.00 9.00 5.00 2.00 1 inch 5.00 3.00 2.00° 1.00 Eight cents per line for first insertion and four cents per line foreach subsequent insertion will be charged for all transient advertisements. Advertisements without specific direc- tions will be inserted until forbidden and charged accordingly. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher, and Proprietor STOPES TOTOTEOLOTOTOTOTOLEO TOY % LOCAL NEWS; % SOPOT OTOL OT OTOL OL OTOTOLOLO Mrs, Harry K. Johnson. of Cameron Ill.. is at present visiting 'her brother Mr. Samuel Smith. 'Miss. Maggie /Bettger leaves Monday for 'Toronto where she tends training for a Deaconess. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Scott and daugh- ter Aileen, of Seaforth. spent a few days recently at the home of Mr. Wm. Pusehelberg. . Misses Cassie Commish and Grace Luderick and Mrs. Bert Alward are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. bd % 2 * e on in- | BH. W. Hamilton, Mr. C. Kerr on Monday last shipped an excellent load of butcher's cattle to Flour at Gill's $2.90 per ewt. Take your live poultry to Wilson's. Price guaramteed. Shipping day Tuesday. : Mrs. Johm Weber. of New Hamburg. is visiting her son Mr. G. Weber. Sel- by avenue. - ies. camned goods, ete. cheap for cash. | Rev. F. W..and Mrs, Langford re- tanned last week after spending a week with friends in St. Thomas. 'The W.F.M.S, will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Chalmers on Thursday. Oct. 6. instead of Tuesday, Please notice change of date. he New stock of Men's Raincoats- Wilson's. at $7.50 and $10 'with auto collar. They are hard to 'beat. . Remember the grand Millinery Op- enings at Weber & Bettger's on Fri- day and Saturday. Sept. 30th and | Oct. 1st. 1 If you mviamt shoes that look right. | shoes that fit right, shoes that wear lright. go to Wilson's. It is our _ am- |hitiom to combine these three admir- able qualities in every. line we stock. Anniversary services will be held in St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Logan. on Sunday. October 2nd, A pickles, bread. at day evening following when music will be provided by the Monkton Knox church choir. 'Roop of the 14th concession of Bllice. fell from the overlayers of his barn to the floor sustaining very severe -- juries. Besides being badly bruised 'his thigh bome was fractured, It will ibe at deast a couple of manths before | Mr. Roop will be able to be about 'again. [phere are some big and important the Roman Catholic church | organization in ithe Province of On- 'tania and mart of the Province of Quebec. 'The arhcbishoprics of King- 'ston and Peterboro are to be abolished jand Archbishops Gauthier and Me- Evoy will rule all Ontario. To meet the objections of the French wha do a 'chamges in Gill sells all kinds of fruit. grocer- Call and see our specials You are cordially invited. | tea meeting will be held on the Mon-. | On Monday of last week Mr. John in-| Toronto. Last week the shipped from mot desire to be under the rule of a Read Golightly's advt. in this issue Mr. J. J. Wollacott spent Tuesday in Mitchell on 'business. a Salt per tbarrel at Gill's $1.40 100 lb sacks course or fime 50c. /derwear for sale at Wilson's. Mr. W. Roblin of Pittsburg. spent Saturday with Mr. J. A. Berger. About 120.000 people visited the Western Fair held at London last week, : | Merchamts are ocmplaining of shop- lifting. Boys you had better he careful. Miss Hodge. of Atwood, visited her aunt Mrs, Huggins on Monday of this week. Gill has in stock men's wollen socks mits. shirts. overalls. caps. undershirts at low prices. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heinz. of Brod- hagen. spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Puschelberg's. : | Have you seen Wilson's new fall ,Hats and Caps, They are up-to-the- 'minute goods. | Call and get a bottle of Liquid Ven- eer at Gill's, Makes old furniture look like mew. | Mrs. Jessie Fullerton is now acting jad onganist in Knox church since the departure of Miss Stewart. Two Specials--36-in. Flannelette. at 121-2c. yd. Ladies' Vests. white and watural 25c. each. well worth 35c. Premier Botha's party won out in the South Africa elections but he. himself.was defeated in East Pretor- ia. | Miss Minnie Lambert returned to her home im Milverton after spending two weeks with her sister Mrs. 8 Smith. | Gil] is offering \ all lines of fruit cheap this week. A large quantity of) grapes coming to be sold at 30 cts. a basket, | A large attendance of the members (of Companion Court Idewild is 'quested for Friday evening. Sept. a0) at 8 o'clock sharp. | In the year 1909. the Temiskaming 'and Northern Ontario |had as its met earnings the respect- }able sum of $730,000. Buy ®Penman's Unshrinkable Un- re-) Railway | ® order ito the effect that wages | plied in reducing the wages is Three thousand people were in at- 'thendance at the Listowel Fair last ss Over $500 was taken in at the gate. F a parte F « It is estimated that the cholera epi- io in Russia has. already claimed ta hundred thousand victims and is still spreading. 'ee: eee A regular freight service has been established through the double barr-/Badley. relled Michigan Central tunnel be-| 'The friends of Mr. M. tween Detroit-xand Windsor. : mel who recently underwe. Don't croak. Leave that to frogs}ation for appendicitis are glad to in stagnant pools. A few croakers.| that he is able to be about the st though, are mecessary in every com- EES eaten BS munity to measure 'the rate of pro-| On Thursday last two rinks of th gress at which live mem are advan- ' *owlens played here cing. . see inst ti ) There are two ways of spending a nk Gollar. You can spend it at home. gain an easy conscience, make anoth- et friend and perhaps get the dollar back tomorrow. or you send it away. feel that you have sinned, offend the home merchant and forever lose the dollar and the blessed influence for good to yourself and neighbor. 'Here is something that is worth many dollars to every farmer to know Sprinkle lime in your stock tank and mob a particle of scum will form on the water. When the lime loses its strength scum avill form. which will be twice during the season; wash out the tank and repeat the dose. It is cheap not only harmless but whole- some keeps the water sweet and sav- ead the livestock. The following extract from a letter written home by a Toronto young man who has just entered the first year at ithe Ontario Agricultural Col- jJege at Guelph speaks for itself;-- "This monning at three o'clock all the fneshies were turned out of their beds and painted from ihead to foot. mar- 'ehed to Macdonald Hall. (the girls' nesidence) in our nightshirts, and com pelled to give a song and dance out- 7 ta of Dr. seriously i] paired of, -- is being relieved by Mr. eter, is at present visiting | : home of his father Mr. J. Kalbfle Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Grosclt left Wee wedding at Winnipeg on wg Peper Mr. Sam Taggart, of Chicago. sp afew days this week visiting : sisters and. daughter and aged fa Mr, Noble Taggart. 4 Mrs. H. Nurse last week. di of her residence on Main street to} John Engeland for the sum of $181 The residemce is one of the best. uated in the village. 'T ; of Mns. Nurse fro : Senenally regretted, -- : 7 - Mr. 'Emerson 'Krantz who for past few months has been engage with Mr. Ed. Hoffmam as'baker re turned to his home in Tavistock Thamadey: ate - A meeting of the Pastime club : be held itonight (Wednesday) to = namge for ja series of assemblies t be held during the coming winter. -- Mr, Henry iB. Grasch left last Sa |side their 'building." The Grand Trunk officials startled | thein employees last week by issuing ;must be weduced. The method ap- not cently to be present 'at the Kilgour. ho 'wihat is termed a direct cut instead | year-old son on Sunday last | hox fend silver was 1 1 it }mitted the jout, OSSSSHSSSESSSSOSSECSSO9GLS Brunner 110 head. Mr. Howard Irwin, of Kingsville. is spending a week at his home in Mit-, chell having jsustained an injury from the kick fnom a horse. 'There will be mo service held iu Knox church mext Sunday owing to Moniversary Services being held in the Methodist church and St. Paul's. Logam. ° Mr. George Battin last week sold a load of 'cattle to Mr. Weir of London township and another fine bunch to Mr. Thos. Fremch who is one of the best stock feeders in the country. Messrs. Frank iTerry and Kenneth MeKenzie on Friday evening last were the hosts at a party given in Ers- kine's hall. About thirty couples were present and a very pleasant evening spent by all. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Her bart Rowland sympathize with them in the affliction which has befallen them, through the death of their two- from diptheriaa. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Broughton will be glad to hear that their little daughter Mary who yoo chine of French or of any other has been down for the past seven ij weeks from typhoid is now so far re- covered as to 'be 'un. : One of the plate glass windows in the I, O: F. building was bnoken by a stone Jast. ;week. Parents should see lthat their children are more careful lin this respect or they are liable to have a bill presented. to them. : On Sunday next anniversary Servic- les will be held im St. Paul'si church. Logan. A tea will be held on Monday night at which the Knox church choir assisted by Miss Violet Schuller will furmish the musical program. Mr. Andrew, Simpson. violinist will also be present Miss Olive Fergusson on Monday |turns to Moronto to resume her stud- fea at the Gonservatory of Music. } Ethel. MeNaught leaves also for To canto to take' a course of elocutian at the School' of Expression. These youn? ladies will 'be much missed by | the Knox church choir. Sunday night a pane of glass im t windows of Knox removed and The child wattle BULL on vas entered. x containing nown wo. iz K is mot | English speaking bishop a new see} South (Wellington Conservatives will sa Shested to be called the| have chosen Mr. R. Howett. a young Dioeese of Hull. hawyen of Guelph to succeed Mr, J. Mr. Wm. Giles. of Elora road morth. | P+ Downey _in the Legislature. lost a valualbe imported Clydesdale| Two G.T.R. section men were killed bynood mare this week, and another is) PY the flyer in a dense fog mrer likely to die from the same. cause, an | Brockville on Friday morning. of last overfeed of wheat. A seed drill had javeek.. Both men leave families. a been filled wp with wheat. and in Mrs. A. #, MoKenzie entertained a . . fmumber of jyoung ladies to a "tea" being driven out of the barn the ton- 3 . € saree tee the \last Tuesday evening in honor of e was accidentally broken. Await-| {2° C wa sapatee the drill was left outside | Miss Margaret Bettger whi is leav- sees yee toek | img shortly for Toronto. hut bars put up to prevent the stoek | Mr. J. J. Waltasets ganet haves Sil getting near it. The horses, HOWEVER ee eee ist havy Q ltnoke down the bars, nosed into the | outstanding accounts paid either vs grain and ate greedily of it with dire | cash or note on or 'before: October 15. a aievihe | After that date they will be placed Bishop Fallon of London Diocese has | eet ee aon issued a statement in connection with}, "S's Bt © BORG Tae ene the assertion made in the press and | intend holding an Spear sre Rie by public men concerning his attitude | areas 1 soe gag ca acre oe tdwards the Wrench language and | e st. i A aaah ett wre regueme See imteresta of the French Canadian peo-} pe. aries weil I ae Nelamatns ple. After deseribing ithe origin of} Tay eaten ock. A good progre the: statements made ae; iver Dine 'Anniversary services pill he held a full and algae g eas | eae eee in the Methodist church on Sunday La aio a ae gine, Je oo not | Oct 2nd. Service at 11 am. and 7 AlICLOUS al ay E e has tear" Sane the | 0:2: The Pastor will /be assisted by mor never ihad any objections to © Rev. Renn. of Ethel circuit. Music | will be fumished by the choir as- e Ping # SOniaal nas the 'sisted by Miss Schueler. of New ger DE DNE AO YAUISE OE NLA ee "el bure. with Miss Hicks organist. The negulationg of the provincial depart-| official board are asking for a thank- ment of Shag ye £ Kink a hile | offerings of one hundred dollars to be Mr, Wm. Jordan. of Ainkore. W | placed on the collection plates. helping at the threshing of Mr. J. W.| Before buying your fall drress tali MeGuiness, Logan. OR Wednesday, of! and see Wilson's new stock, Diagon- cant eee sec te sees aly Brame 'als Broadcloths, Serges, Faney Strip- videmt. He along with some others|., and Meltons. If you have any were cutting wood for nif tego | doubt or for satisfaction sake we in- ri a circular saw attached, Mr.) vite x ake amy comparison you with a Ue eye Faas the vite you to ma e a J pa age Jordan had gecasion to go a prs tike--we aire satisfied that the closer engine to tighten a bolt and« wheD' the comparison, the more you will coming out maised quickly not think-! ting values, variety and style in our ing of the danger above when his | payor, jamguage in aceerdance with the laws head came in contact with the rapidly, fevolving saw. A terrible gash was cut in ithe skull exposing the, brain.. Dr. Murray. of Mitchell. was called and did what he could to relieve the sufferer. Mr. Jordam has a wife and five children and his recovery is earn- estly hoped for. On Friday last as Mr. Charles Kerr 3 assisting at his brother Walter's Brunner he met with 43 very pain- table gave and a fellow Mr. Kerr fall- ngs of a fork C eg in three the tines bent itself in 1 Witt thr B Vie shing near ious 'as well ful € The feed way letting (Mr. Kerr rorkmanm to the floor the upturned pro acoil 1 tR Gill is offering furniture away down in price for the next two weeks. Come arly if you want a bargain. Side- board reg. $25 for $20. kitehen chairs reg, 60c. for 50c. couches reg. $10 for $8. leather upholstered chair, reg. $15 for $10. dresser and stand reg. $12 'for $10. Tron Bedsteads. mattresses. dining moom. chairs, extension tables flower stands, parlor tables. all down in priee for the next two wecks. These prices must je. eash. An old and much esteemed resident of Brussels. Johm Hill. is dead, at the f of eighty-four years. He was orm in Devonshire. England. in 1826 wid came to Canada in 1843. He sett- led in Grey township in 1854. anc tinued to reside there until ten a \the men will be laid off one day each ; week, or four days a month, This ;means that ithe men in the shops will | lose from $6 to $8 a month. The or- 'der applies to shop men. car repairers ; caxi tappers, in fact all who are not | tpainmen. | Eighteen farmers in the Easterly pection of this Province were fined $40 each for tampering with milk be- | fore it was semt to the cheese factory |In this day of high prices and ac- Quaintance with law the assessment against such erookedness should be} ia clear $100.00 amd three months in 'jail. A few doses of that kind of stuff would take the cream off a good many pans pf milk but the trick is "so old and shabby no lenience should he shown «to the brassy violators. Mr. R. A. Thompson. of Atwood. son of Mr. William. Thompson. reeve of , East Zorra.has been making an envis 'able record for himself and his cheese this season. At the Toronto National (Exhibition he avon for the second time the«trophy valued at $150. He dviom no less than six first prizes as swell as taking prizes in-almost every class. This is said to be the greatest sweep ever made at am exhibition. At Ottawa. where there were only two fections. white and colored. he won forat for colored. At London he won finst prize amd the silver cup for June 'and July white chease. second for any colored. Becond for collection and third for June and July colored. The man who makes in a commun- ity has a duty to perform to that community. It may be that he has made his money by his superior busi- ness ability. and that he would have done as well as anywhere. That does not -alter the case. 'If his gifts are great shis respomsibility is equally as great. No man jas placed on earth fon the sole purpose of making mon- ey. and the man who has this as his ideal had better never have been borm. It is mot an act of charity. | but the performance of a simple duty | for the man who haS made money to pass a little of it on for the benefit of the community, even though he mever expects bo see a dollar of his comtribution. Just at this time the houses are active in flooding the coun- try with big, handsomely gotten up catalogues. quoting attractive prices on staple articles and making all sorts of big sounding claims for your eC: peak, for panne where he ent pom a counse in law at Osgoode Ha Miss Ella Kerr who Mego 5 ih the West for the past year rett home on (Thursday evening of week. : . Mrs. C. Yost returned from Ov¢ eyes ich., on soca last where. he 1ad been attending the wedding of -- her niece, Se tia sa ts ss Miss Mabel Wilhelm returned Thursday after spending a couple months with her sister Mrs, H. Sch: ees ie _Mr. 0. ekner, of the Kolo: of- fice. Stnatford. spent Woater ark eL home in Milverton. : eS One of the aittractions of the Mil- verton F of Pair will be the dancing! of Baby Lulu and Master nee ee Letman. aged srespectively 5 and 7 years, children of Mr. and Mrs. W: ter MeLennan. of Millbank; 'Th will do the sword damce, fling. Shaun 'Trews and th hornpipe.. in both highland and horn pipe costume. 'These children hay had a thorough training, The pipe: will be Mr. Gordon F. Cruickshank vive-major of the Toronto Highlan Clansman, The dancing will be om the platform im front of the grand stand, wei Miss Emily Lamge spent the week-_ end with her friend Miss Barbara Groseh, ae Mrs. Hogarth. of Winnipeg. is at present visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Schrenk. ha Mr, John Barrett. of New Hamburg spent a few days in the village Jasr_ week renewing acquaintances, i , A son of Mr. Wm. Fink, of Linwood ia lying seriously ill at the home 0 Mrs, C, Doerr, Brunner, with typhoid Misses Bertha Coote. of Glenallan -- la few days last. week visiting mai) order} and L. Byrens, of Hamilton, were the guests of Miss Eva Torrance last week In the show window of Mr. P. Bi Bastendorff may be seen'the beautifu cup 80 genenously donated by. the Metnopolitan bank for the best heavy horse at the Mornington Fair. : Mr. Walter "Whaley © familiarly | known as "Doc". proprietor of the Maple Leaf hotel of Winnipeg spent his mothor Mrs, 8.0G. Whalley, « tis The entries have been pouring in during the last few days for the var- _ ious Keotions and classes of the Morne. ington Fair nnd if g@ood weather pre- vails the show promises to be better than ever, ' The following left on Monday for the Goderich wssizes where they will poultry. butter or other produce. They |\et® testimony. in the case Thamer va. don't trust a penny's. worth, put | Powell: Messrs, 8. H.: Pugh, Ws 3% make you pay. cash before you' f¢et| Bandenson: R. J. Ranney, Wm, Soh* the goods nnd freight besides. If] Mat, Robt. Sohrenk and D. Mebellau -- anything is wrong with the goods or! On Saturday morning last Mr. Rbot. 'they do mot suit. they will not- ex-| Ramey. ar. while cuttingatia ane change them for you. They pay no} let the knife slip and cut a deep gash taxes into your town, or county treas-; the .whole length of his finger, Th urer, with whieh our schools are main) Wound is BOVEY. painful bne and will tained, roads, bridges and sidewalks/| Prevent him. for somé time making built. They do not contribute to our, Use of his left hand, ; churches, cGharitabls institutions, nor | | to-our poor. | The Grants in Durham are as com- mon as the Smith's are generally. There's Grant the merchant, Grant. ithe lawyer. Grant. the law¥er's aman-| » i wensis. Grant, the bank olerk, Grant .|the dentist. Grant, the station clerk. anda lot of other Grants, some of| sunday evening mext there will, | thent little Grants, some of them bik) 14 2 union Memperaneé meeting held Grants, but they re all grants, From} j4 the Methodist: chutoh at 8 o'leoe \ this people will grant. that the Grants | Dither . dee enth Cotatya ath ae a Bde Feb peasy yee Be peramee Sunday. The meeting will be - ee | PRETORAMT, AS 8 Brant. Of lanes oy' pacdreseed by. Mt. JA) daokeon. tons }was granted him by the Government formant y Snaeinele Hunda¥ (Sehoat | for services long since granted. Jn} _¢ at or es : Th aut ['weeds, which when made up. will 1. They do mot offer to exchange Mr: and Mrs. aS their. goods for the farmers' eggs. | Mr. amd Mrs. Geo. A. Go sunday with friends in iy Irwin \sold. his aa > It was that the . The to his hip. ficulty him. ; ago. when he removed to Brus- the remaining years of : Hie is survived by his aA ~ third wife and ¢ own-up family of : acct twelve childwen. eight sons and four t present | Sr ocs y and aio bad re: lang hibe re. uthough it wil Will be able te ane: Wil wear. to 1 1 1 -. Pe me oe have about them both fit and style >» 4 SSSSES , spending 1 hs Peers a Frank hia life there. hread have built faction to 1ctto { the last t We ett watt ordered clothi Call up a trade in our customers, ittended favor oiving | BY IMS ee iof ' most procurable; On. "tC da continue until spring. ur goods even if you do not intend buying -immec ons ir { A' sciéntific accurate tha zwar fit you refund eyery dollar. The the linings and frimmings. thoroughly reliable in evers You will ave a tidy sum e@cod fitting. stylish cut made garments by leaving We cordially invite you Ci? 4 - « that e tole ISTE Tf 4 ' We have goo Is that we take ple sur Ha Seance system so antee to nurders that ition of the peo- of the most brutal 1 stirred the indign riec of this province some time ¢ jloring place at Goderich last week on Will be Fair Day when Miss Lizzie Anderson aspect, on p fragile young girl of iseventeen pnd secure On Tuesday night of last week | the eve of her marriage Miss : t 1 ¥Y rs The Up-to-¢ ave iaiic > | Stewart presented on behalf of }« ' , } Qo ' ' . ing to the public. Monkton | the dmd congregation of Knox neem johureh with »w purse a recognitic "4 O. DUFFIEL A j }of her services as organist 3 1 was outraged and then done to weliable GOSSS OO DOOSSCCSOOHCOODBESES SCOSSSIONLSOSSHHOIHVISOSION | past number of years. The pre death in the most brutal and shock- your order. "We 02 was mnade by Messrs. John Mc- jing manner. The girl was last seen to come in and ins] : : _.|Nanght and A, Chalmers who ina few om the Fair grounds on Tuesday and.tt s for fall Vr. 8. BR. Hesmon, ¢x-M.P.P.. Of the 100 passenger conductors on | well chosen words expressed the feel- it was mot until Sunday morning that Ft Wilson. eae - 'Stratford, celebrated his 81st birth y the G.T.R. who recently went ruton|ings of the congregation. in searching party found her remsins On T hunsday ist during : ni z 7 ' ' 5 i ! 14 t ssthe'y eh" @nnace a he ta. ¢ e AS da¥ on Sunday of last week, |strike only 12 have been taken back | Kinotds web aban ot Dey eatldenter:. the cellar of an old> vacant hou e gpess' of th drainage beet na at The total Govermment anrititics sold| and they have 'been all placed below | paciaveen a ae fife ? Weiday suddenly with her thnoat cut and -her body Heinz vs, Listner at Bornholm. Mr. J. since the system was inaugurated a} men who took their positions during | Cepar + : a ne Mae in tad Pe beaten and bruised. : The body was al- J, McKenna. Ontario Tad Surveyor vean and a half ago, is $650,000 ac-|the strike. This is what President Ay hein fail: : er sey See aa TOM most nude the clothing having of Dublin, while<being examined as ' cérding to un official announcement. | Hays considers as carrying out bis )oee y Rey eae 1 edt ce ie ees torn off and thrown in heaps arcund witmess threw up his hands and ex- 'Port Elwin 'with a population of| agreement with the men. ooo Stag al nate pice heya specter eta d. tai | the cellar. While mo arrests have yet pired in a few minutes. Drv Murray | OF 8 Veacakte hathelnn the saa I Searstary,.who ia one of thecable i Ele da od cAas , : 4 ie mee A _ | after felt somewhat weak and. faint jy. dc. suspicion' points strobell' bf Mitahell, nea hovriedly sent for (this. case Grant became' the gremtead oo oo hints use cae P shurches. Ohurct union | ie oe os Be 19t en made f t Mitehell. 1 : eo & mths speakers in the rovinoe, =". 1.300 has 9 churches, Church Angus McQuarrie, Shrigley, bought |! jnd returned to bed where he was Pere pearee "aah ; als Sani: the Government Dat anton aa y. . j ; od i at village. Ches-| 4 six-year site min he 2 aa ie ; HO WaSltowards one or two individuals in but life avas extinct long before his}! e Gx nent that grant ig badly meeded in that villas e. Che a Six-year-old grade milk cow from found shortly after quite dead. The, the tawti -&hé-bave 'been.telling' co"lunrtyal, He: promounded: the attack |erant to Grant became the grantor. If lex with' population of 2.000 has i | Andrew 'Dunn, of Ingersoll. last | pomains were interred in the Mitchell Srp - his Tt is to he hoped that is Fey ery y sie f 1 g-atanding 'Grant granted a grant to another Protestant churches and the people! spring. He decided to make 'a test leametery oh Gunday"atternoon. Mx flicting stories. It rs ee a nave i hat due to. hear xilure 9 jong ste Ee a saints Se un tocol uae baat of this town and community consider | of the milk recently and 'found that Martin was about 75 years of age. Beat tc 4 a4 eiaien ect f ie oceul fe suet ; : ret aH Waa granted: would DB 'thi> Meehiee ations Gt ibe aE nL AT the samen an Chesley is over-churehed.--Enterprise.| in thirteen days the cow produced \shall be broug 0, JUSTICES ; in the court bas Shs a Be 5 aes Mt Ale cast while the Grant who. granted the Mrs Muloolm M aoBoth, Invitations Robert Lincoln O'Brien, editor of) 700 tbs. of milk. From his herd of | library. will be open for. the| The Simeoe Reformer has the fol- a later date. The ath Es goalear 9 ee Sa Pee would be the grantor. Next [= had beon 'extended to the members f the Boston Mranscript is a great ad-| five cows Mr, McQuarrie sells on an! distribution of books to members on lowing "reference to Father Gnam is auryived by his te Ras a dg Rahire Ghboutele ; co tee, math deh. apt Listowels aueanks i 'of V rs) 3 } } 43 his eparture i theo wbin schort x NYS\ SOI r 2 aes og 3°] Mah poate t . aay kM a > miver of the thrift of the Vermonters! average 60 Jbs, of butter per week. | Baturday Oct, &th. from 3 to m.| formerly of Hessom. on his Geparture in tn Dub pt Gene ng oa A oc ae : : ink dhati Tambstcad and Cinivacd cad: Bene but, thinks sometimes they carry it Vhil ine tt, ge and 7 to 9 p.m Aceording 1 the: from. LaSalctte to Ingersoll:""Rev. Er. McKenna. of Sarnia. | Few "people stop to think at} Hampstead and Linwood van LEDS hess O'Brien 'Was. wp in Verntont wy hile untoading Star pk Cranite at: tape reg fe tion ; no She fen the G ain of LaSalette. is leaving next 'their individual happiness is not. de- | resentation from Millbank and Hamp ce atis thar atid rent to Gixider With | (00 a: >. station 'yesterday morning | ee eee cn "chambers at" the library! weck to fake charge of the very im- pendent on outside circumstances. Aj stoad were present. making the toto summer wri we se salitia as Mr. R. T. Kemp had one of his fect en or en ers = a 4 ry | weeks . bake o: Oe ry erative i habit of happiness can he cenltivated 'numbor of ladies present 115. A shor ¥ who nas so tice as- At Tet "yahad " 2 . ec tas ; "a OF artpes especially myvairec poartamt parish 0 if rsoll. ut & Lwert ) z ey es aout $ we : Z ; ' siratioie re they Game in the door picbabeidten ane oe aS eae Mie bs ere a to bandits rhs a se sees af h administration Slike any other habit and just as : uce | hater ty poe Res Na pte + wi roms. 4 UMC) same. 1? -0C 4 Wranite Llallinge upon it. He was tak- 5 expected it a) f | bale ; eee) coasfu lly Happiness fs as much a! given whit was ollowe ay : oar he lady of the house say to \ ices ia ts Boai l-ooasfully. Pa ppines : ; , omonady at MT age Mr Pong hat the vellous ef The O.P.R. have installed acetylene | lights in the station here, (Pipes were: 'laid connecting with the gas main on | Main ptreet on Monday last. A Hight - hav also been placed midway betwe the station and the street which will -- a great convenience to the public t was hore 2 CNOLT J sernta- SSSCSCTSE SOESES SI SOSSHTSESTST SIS LESTIE SESE SOOSLGOHSHOVSTOGVD c renew. $a d- overco: ths of | "6 aast been %. The Milverton branch of the Wom- en's Institute held a very snocessful pionio on Thursday afternoon on th tn The rs Dp sc p- vd oO To an Heremont: fe belomes the eredit of s tion of the automo short range, at all events. Being en- 'mer near. here ing the ques- nuisance: at six iye pn "ass % ret wy ra ks latte Shelves, Les, it is There rn ist fi died im Preston on Friday désires. Elizabeth Gress, a venerable lady ge of 90 years. She was edu- a Wrench village at Flasbor- y. as a midwife. we Started: pract pe medi- } = mt gates ies, ViAss ¢ nyemver * the. muimber snd: initial » class to whiclt the book no il Gan jue "nature t close -etiounl to" fanoy tthe cunning j the heavenly. throne. and himself at. 'the gels exclaimed, "There is im i¢ atito dudes |e for he. ae 4 wheal hah Ch a Spare Cee ii : fom bere ave supe me. day lately diawing ont is B : woe : 4 é : en home and the injury dressed. The | ° : Members are supposea One Ae) : : 7 uty as cle; regs and morality. The | sports, the following being the prize f ; + foot is badly crushed. but we have | to select their books from the catalo ;) marve Although a-country par> manure with a manure spreader. ois tee ea tg eed beg ie aol widens Pane visitas aa PY eg hic, somebody with him to dinner. Take fiot learned if any bones were broken. | It is q@dvised' that. each member, ish. it is doubtful if excelled "80 having occasion to travel on the pa Ae it alt ny hatrowed up. it is every: 'nace, Miss Oniatid. Miss "Wei fhese two big potatoes down to themes cctdent may confine him to his| purchase a catalogue the price, « of! eamplete. is in e@V¢ appointment: lia road to get to the field. a party; '" Met' dy et iteate "aMhare ds al Marrtad Women's: tcc. Mts W. "dollar and bring up three small ones." | pounce for some time.--Listowel Stan- | which 10 cents. 'The member who | by. add. ore less. of -ereed in an atito caught up. Having three: Madi safal at Shot. at ereation's | ist. Mrs. W.Connell 2nd; Pot A néw feature that will be appre-| ga.q bas a catalogue oan write out at hor | standing. Father Gnam has horses attached to-the spreader which | A pe span mat caine down to earth. | Miss Kila: 'Tanner: vist, Miss : : : H "n . | 7 : ' . nNmMAnad aw an ange, ame » ATtO, | WVLPSss. pe Re 5 . AAS ciated by ithe travelling public is | in order of preference a list of book cially "won the de oming 'somewhat unmanager, Gawh an angel q a arte ae Phil) Neodiatantt Thtesh rane : pe ) Sg coee icin ry 4 : PRhe Sess a Sacre (a Oe a ee oticd the driver to keen aeoking something to take back with} Gropp. 2nd) Needle 'and "rhread ras akout to be introduced on the ling he A few catalogues will be} of his devoted people. oned the driver eep veto Pbarnad: with: a Doel Misa dtla. Tamior dst Mies Witla: Mille r . i pr | * : Sart for { 'Ayrata- expressed at his removal A of doing so the auto tt to heaven. It returned with a' bo-; Miss Mila Tamnor 1st. $ Illa: Mill the G.T.R, A reéent cireular provid- } | in the 'waiting noom for the regrets ec SaaS his removal. Load -of ong Be ri ; 1 baiuct-of Howers. a baby's snillo anda ler Ind. Prizes were -also given 7 at all passenge ains shall b who not rte pur-) Rew y have more for in' éoming clover. Finany. | er "0% vin Bo pce earae : ECE A atts a go Se ES asf ae enti one he fala tise - aa hot gal ans than ier. t pen eee Bala te ae ae jity farmer pull mother's Jove. When. it, reachedthe| the best ixals d-prepared by your enjuippe v ft emerge iI @Ss.- 4 Be eile ; POLI 2 ea. . . an 4 gOT TEM a a sh : % seaeytt ys bad at , gal outfit in chatge of the conductor, will write on os "have= been aD » dever of the manure sy : ws : Loe * he: eckes| Miss Tho conductors and the ¢rew will' be snerous und.devoted than aj the machine peste fs fF it ib > SeNELG al depen ener instructed in "first aid" to. the injur- ; re came to Canada and er of ithe : : 9 Cc of jLaSalette. His loss. iy mom + @ave™t party. ay siaty : eee a ssa Gee and pees aneeite ed and will be given standing. accord: settled. in Preston where she x jb longs and band this to the libra rian', Will be Keeinly felt twithstanding 'a t Kast AS the vate 'hit Souda: by | Made tithe membership ' ing to qualification. In case of accl- ever since.practising her profession; A list of wiles adopted by the libr ry that the parting pas has: assured Vie rick Seige: ates ph reruns all 'the ane | the day botalléd' : - * 7 bag 4 ' 7 ' L oi : t f : 1 * * + sane ; { Gent many lives are lost throughlack}up to the year 1900, Her freterds| béard ds printed on the first: page of his people that be: will be succeeded ott nit ee tifyind: to: Mtr 'of pfompt medical atténtion' "The{which are in very beautiful handwrit-) the catalogue amd it is hoped hat bya mast eapable and zealous succes- Eos a Siege des : ~ services will be extended to alf parts |ing show that she attended the birth} memers will itry and observe them sor in the person of Father E thi SOU eb : te ; lef 2700- dr ah i ius 4 refially- : : of Bothwelh Se ae wae Le Leen. See eee