~ for £ Jury Returned Conviction for Murder in , a Most Repulsive Case. A despatch from Barrie says: After deliberating for over- three ~and- one-half' hours on Thursday © jury in the case of Thomas Mc- Nulty, charged with inducing Mary ~ Dolan, whom he had betrayed, to kill her offspring, brought in a ver- dict of murder with a strong recom- mendation to mercy. The girl, who Was one of the chief witnesses against McNulty, had previously been found guilty ef murder. _ A number of dramatic incidents ~ marked the third and closing day of the trial. MeNulty's wife sat --througheut 'the proceedings, and _ nodded encouragement to her hus- band as the Dolan woman told _ ofthe manner in which she had been pursued and finally induced to do _ a@Way with her infant at the sugges- tion of McNulty. The Dolan girl had declared under oath that she had given birth to two children to McNulty. She had both loved and feared the prisoner until the second cud was born; then she fearea him only. She knew McNulty was a married man, but he had told her that his wife could not live long and following her demise he would mar- ry her. The Dolan woman said that subsequent to her arrest she had lost all fear of McNulty. When Mr. Blackstock, the Crown prosecutor, was addressing the jury, the prisoner's wife strongly resented the imputation that Me- Nulty 'had ruined both the lives of the girl and his wife," with tears streaming from her eyes. McNul- ty's wife arose in the court-room and exclaimed, "He never ruined my life." CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE, eee Telegraphic Briets From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events, - CANADA, The pepulation of Berlin, Ont., is 14,500 Burglars cracked the safe of John Birnie's store at Birnie, Man., and got away with $2,000. A Victoria company has bought 5,000 acres of land on Vancouver Island and will throw it open for settlement, The Wireless i 3 Fie 0 et ig the Pacific record for long-dis- tance wireless Ktegina local optionists have tak- €n over the King Edward, a half million dollar hotel, and will run it without a har, It is reported owners refuse station at Triangle, that the Indian to give up possession of Fort George townsite to the Grand Trunk Pacific, The Hamilton Property Commit- tee refused to hear a deputation that attended their meeting to ad- vocate livense reduction. Earl Wilkinson and Sam David- 50n were badly hurt at Ottawa by the collision of an automobile, in Which they were riding, with a bridge. : George Ford of Duluth claims to ~~ have been marooned on a small is- een in Lake Seul for six weeks without firearms and with very lit- tle provisions Charles Jones and a companion named McCann, who left Kenora on a hunting trip some time ago, have not returned and are believed to have been drowned. GREAT BRITAIN. Sir Thomas Vezy Strong was elected Lord Mayor of London on Thursday. British master cotton spinners or- dered the closing of 700 mills at hoon on Saturday because of labor troubles, : Great Britain and the United States will postpone the organiza- tion of the tribunal provided for in the fisheries award, and endeavor to reach an agreement on the ques- tions involved through negotiations, UNITED STATES. New York State Democrats nom- inated John A. Dix as their candi- date for Governor of the State. Joseph Keminiski, a Detroit Pole, out of employment, sold his four- year-old son for twenty-five dollars. The Michigan Supreme Court has upset the demurrage rules promul- gated by the State Railroad Com- mission. os Henry L, Stimson of New York rect ed the Republican nomination Govemnor of New York at the Saratoga convention. _-- It is reported at Washington that ' legislation will be sought at the coming session of Congress to place @ prohibitive import duty on pow- Pah =) The U. 8S. steamboat inspectors have declaréd themselves unable to understand the cause of the wreck of the Pere Marquette car ferry on Lake Michigan Kdward P, Rosenheimers a weal- thy New York manufacturer, has been indicted for first degree mur. der, charged with killing a young -, woman with his automobile. TLS | talked with Honolulu, which | State GENERAL. George Chavez, the Peruvian avi: ator, who flew across the Alps, is dead as a result of injuries he sus- tained when alighting. The cholera situation at St. Pet- ersburg shows some improvement. The situation in China is said to be such that foreigners are in dan- ger. hinges se A NEW INDUSTRY. Port Arthur Wagon Co. Offering of Preferred Stock. The prospectus of the Port Ar- thur Wagon company, 'limited, ap- pears for the first time in this is- sue, The company has certainly a very strong and influential board, of which Chris. Kloepfer, of Guelph, is president; D. CU. Cameron, the president of the Maple Leaf Milling Company, Limited, vice-president. In locating the factory at \Port Arthur the directors have taken a wise step, as that point is nearly 1,000 miles nearer the western mar- ket than any other wagon factory in Canada. As a result the saving in freight will be very great. Perhaps the best feature is that the company has already contracts in hand to keep them running for years with reliable firms: The John Deere Plow Company, Limited, and the Tudhope Anderson Company, Limited. It is well known that firms requir- ing wagons during the last two years have been unable to obtain them, owing to the demand being much larger than the supply. In fact, many thousand dollars' worth have been imported from the States under a heavy duty. The city of Port Arthur has grant- ed very valuable concessions in or- der to induce the company to locate there. These include twenty acres of land, a large dock site and ex- emption from taxation. The man- ner in which the west is develop- ing will make the dock of immense value, as the geographical ppsition of Port Arthur has made that city the gateway to the west. The company is giving a bonus of 50 per cent. of common stock to all subscribers of preferred; which makes the issue extremely inviting, and one which will yield a good return to investors, , 21,000,000 ACRES, Unsurveyed Land in Saskatchewan and Alberta, A despatch from Ottawa says: The Interior Department has issued the report of the exploration party which has been at work for the last two years in the unsurveyed dis- tricts of northern Saskatchewan and Alberta. The report shows ; that these districts contain 21,000, - | 000 acres of land. Of this. 11,000, - | 000 acres are suitable for cultiva- ltion. About 7,500,000 acres of the | remainder will be suitable for cul- tivation when drained. en ne OTTAWA GARDENER KILLED. renee Hickey's Rig Struck by a Train, A despatch from Ottawa says: As the New York and Ottawa train was entering the city on Wednes jday night, it stguck the rig of An- l drew Hickey, market gardener, just } Outside the city, | The rig was smashed and the horse killed. .The man had just left his house with a load of vege the city market. The train jtured his skull and broke j limbs, death being instantan Cous. mre reer % The Rate of Increas dred Milli PA despatch from Canada's trade "rate of over one hundred million dollars per year, or nearly twenty per cent. in advance of last year's Ottawa says: is inereasing at the -high record. The figures of the Do- "minion trade for the first. five months of the eurrent fiscal year, issued on Friday, show a fotal trade of $295,817,78), an increase of $48, - 020,446 over the corresponding period of last year. For the month of August the trade totalled $63,- 187,521, an incréase of $7,318,490, Imports for the five months to- talled 184,659,065, & comparative * UN e Is Over One Hun- ons Yearly : increase of $41,844,979, August im- ports totalled $38,691,690, an 'in- crease of $8,086,335 over August of last year, Exports of domestic produets for | the five months totalled $103,414,- 496, an increase of $6,478,571. Do- imestic exports for totalled $22,461,918, which is a fall- ing off of a little over a million a3 compared with last year, An increase of $1,030,481 in Cus- jtoms receipts for the month just erded means another increase of ; about eight millions in 'Imports for TWNY POUND GUILTY and killed him, | tables for | in- frac. | several | he last month THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese aad Other Dairy Produce st Home and Abroad. - BREADSTUFES. Toronto, Oct. 4.--Ontario 'Wheat --No. 2 winter wheat, 90c to 92¢, outside, according to location. Manitoba Wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.04; No. 2 northern, $1.01; old wheat, premium of 2 cents; No. 3 mediate shipments. Oats--Canada western, No. 39¢; No. 3 Canada western, 37 i-2c¢ at lake ports, for immediate ship- ment; Ontario No. 2 white 33¢ to s4¢ outsiae; NO, 3 white, ¥Zc to 33¢ outside ; 36c on track, 'Vor'pnto. Corn--American No. 2 yellow, 6ic; No. 3 yellow, ,601-2c, Toronto freights. Peas--No, 2, 79c to 80c. Rye--No. 2 (new), 67c to 68c out- side. Barley--(New) at 55¢ to 56c out- side for malting, and at 48¢ for feed. Manitoba Flour--Quotations at Toronto are :--First patents, $5.90; second, patents, $5.40; strong bak- ers', $5.20; 90 per cent., Glasgow freights, 29s. ' Ontario Flour -- New winter wheat flour, for future delivery, $3.65 to $3.70 in buyers' bags, at the mills. Millfeed--Manitoba bran, $20 per ton; shorts, $22 per ton, track, To- ronto. Ontario bran, $20 per ton; shorts, $22 per ton on track, Toron- to, 2 ae. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples--$2.25 to $3.50 per bar- rel. Beans---Small lots $2.10 to $2.20 per bushel. Honey--No. 1 light extracted, wholesale, 10 to 1le per lb; No. 1 comb; wholesale, $1.80 to $2.25 per dozen ; No. 2 comb, wholesale, $1.- 50 to $1.75 per dozen. 3aled hay--No. 1 is quoted at $12 to $18 on track, and No. 2 at $11 to $11.50. Baled Straw--$6.75 to $7.50 on track, Toronto, Potatoes--55c per bag, on track. Poultry--Chickens, alive, 11 to |12c per lb.; fowl, 10c per lb.; ducks, 11 to 12¢ per lb.; turkeys, 15 to 16c per lb., and geese, 9 to 10c per lb. Dressed, 1 to 2c more. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 15 to 151-2c per Ib. in case lots; mess pork, $27.50 to $28; short cut, $30. Hams--Light to medium, 19 to 19 1-2c; do., heayy, 18 to 181-2c; rolls, 15 to 151-2c; shoulders, 14 to 141-2c; breakfast bacon, 19 to 20c; backs, 21 to 22c. Lard--Tierces, 143-4c¢; tubs, lic; pails 15 1-4e. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Oct. 4.--Oats--No. 2 Canadian Western, 391-2c; No. 2 white, 381-2c; No. 3 local white, 37 1-2c. Barley--No. 4, 49 to 49 1-2c. Flour--Manitoba Spring wheat pat- ents, firsts, $5.80; do., seconds, $5.30; Winter wheat patents, $5.- 50; Manitoba strong bakers', $5.10; straight rollers, $4.75 to $5; straight rollers, $4.75 to $5; straight rollers, in bags, $2.15 to $2.25; ex- tras, $1.75 to $1.90. Feed--Ontario bran, $19.50 to $20.50; Ontario middlings, $22 to $22.50; Manitoba bran, $19; Manitoba shorts, $22; pure grain mouillie, $31-to $22; mixed mouillie, $25 to $28. Cheese --Westerns, 111-4 to 111-2c, and easterns, 11 to 111-4c. Butter -- Choicest, 241-2 to 243-4e, and sec- onds, 231-2 to 24c.: Eges--Select- ed stock, "25c¢; straight receipts, 21c, and No. 1 stock at 20 to 20 1-2¢ per dozen, UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, Oct. 4.--Wheat -- Spring wheat, No. 1 northern, carloads store, $1.16 3-4; Winter firm. Corn No. 8 yellow, 56 1-2c; No. 4 yel- low, 551-2c; No. 3 corn, 58c; No. £ corn, 54c, all on track, through billed. Oats--Firm. Barley--Feed to malting, 73 to 77c. Rye--No. 2, on track, 78 1-2c, Minneapolis, Oct. 4.- ty $1.11 1-2; | Northern, cash, $1.101-2; Septem ber, $1.071-2; December, $1.09 1-2; ree $1.133-8. Bran--$18,50 to | $19. Flour---Virst patents, $5.30 to $5.50; second patents, $5.10 to $5.- 30; first clears, $3.70 to $3.90: sec- ond cléars, $2.40 to $2.70. Wheat--No. hard, cash, LIVE STOCK MARKETS: Choice lower grades Montreal; Oct, 4. at $5.40, while brought $4 to $5.50; cows, $3.25 to | $5; bulls, $2.75 to 9: 50; sheep, 83.50 to 84, and lambs, $5 to $5.50; rs, $9 +6 $9.25. and Sows, $8 to $8.25. Calves sold all the way from 83 to $15, according to, quality. Toronto, Oct. 4.--Good butchers' were firm at $5.25 to $5.75: medium | at $4.75 to $5:15. Geod fat | sold freely af $4.85 40. $5.25: me j dium and eqmmon cows ranged from | 82. 50 to $4.75. Prices for milkers jand springers ranged from $50 to | $80, with a few extra choice selling jab $90 to $100 each. Sheep and |lambs remained- firm. Hogs are | still quoted at 88.75 f. 0. b. and $9 fed and: watered. Ne Fr irre THE FASTEST CRUISER. ey New Turbine Engines Tnstalled in British War Vessel. A despatch from London Says! In consequence of the installation of Curtis turbine engines in the new ¢ruiser Bristol, she has de- veloped on her trial a speed of 27 knots, which is the record for any ithe month as compared with last Septembers, 22 ik ite? British warship larger than a tor- pedo-boat destroyer, © © northern, 98¢ at lake ports for im-~ Not} steers | COWS | says: With of Canada. Author And 3,500 Shares of $100 Payable:--10* on Applie The balance of 1,500 s ae ee 4.7 ae ; & aan Og : eee * the Company to a new factory to The location of the new fa It is unexcelled facilities for han The new factory thoroughly up to date In sleighs. H. BATEMAN FOX, ESQ., was 14%, It is estimated that the s upon this amount is $52,500, Leavi In order to comply with the said Company, with their names, each ene share, (b) The Directors of Company, H. W. HUTCHINSON, E8Q., T. J, STOREY, ESQ,, Brockville Carriage Limited. (d) The minimum subscription n and upon allotment 15%. gite witbin the city 7 to the extent of $100,000 at 5%. (4 has also entered into a contanet wit contracts, good-will, pateats? and its five thousand deltlars in cash, and the In cash at cost price. (h) The amount paid or fer good-will. 5th day of Angust, 1910. inentioned contracts may get out. 1? Inspected sue (RES oe EERIE in AL TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, Limited, TO 5 Canada Life The Trusts and Gua (as agents for the Company) offer for p || THE PORT ARTHUR WAGON CO 2,500 Shares of $100 each of 7% Cumulati carrying with it a bonus of 50% 25% on call at 30 days' n THE PORT ARTHUR WAGON pices, having agreed t>. take over the four thousand wagons per year, and having its entire outp The Company has obtained valuable concessions from the Cit dock site, and exemptioy from taxation for twenty years, bends of the Company to the extent of $100,000.00 at 5 NEW FACTORY 815 MILES NEARER THR GREAT N will be fireproof, built in the most modern style, évery detail, with a capacity for turning out 10, perhaps, the encrmous sayi This alone gives a saving 32% cents per ton as compar ing at Port Arthur are numerous, the market than any other Wagon factory in Canada. American ports to Port Arthur at a freight rate of This Company has a contract with the John Deere Plow Co. That Company states that its requiremen The Company has a further contract with th years, with a minimum average of This Company will be able to obtain much of its raw freight. With all the advantages enumerated, it is ce The Company has been fortunate in being able to secure the Speight Wagon Company, Limited, for the past eighteen years, and i The following certificate has been prepared and certified by Messrs. for payment of dividends on common stock or as the Directors may the provisions of the Ontario Companies Act, the following information fy ber of shares subscribed for by Barrister-at-Law; James Altchison, Student; Company are aot required under the by-laws to hold is no fixed sum provided in the by-laws as to the remuneration of the Directors. James Housten Spence, Barrister-at-L (e) The by-laws do to issue bonds to the extent of $100,000 for tweuty years at 5%, of the common stock of the Company for the rigekts Company for the shares abaye mentioned, all the right. "its of Bert Arthm- on the waterfront. . s three thousand dollars, oer oom gpeey Sot ye clause (g¢1) is the 3rd day of September, 1910. s ) The Port Arthur Wagon Company, Limited, aod the Imperial Trusts Company of Canada as : The parties to the contract are The Pert Arthur W agon Company, Limited, and The durivg office hours at the office of the solleitors of the Conpany. (o) No Director has Any iuterest Ae yes Ria pa proposed to he acqnired by the Co . uy spe "Wagou Company, Limited. aired aie Se pirecter Ad genie iptacent in the promotion of the Company. prospectus has been duly tled with the Provincial Secretary. Or the Company's ized Capital Se. each of Common Stock. ation. 15% on Allotment. BANKERS: 2 THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA' £ ares - AUDITORS: ee Sasa JENKINS & HARDY, Chartered Accts., Toronto. rantee Comp ublic subscription 2, MPANY LIMITED, -- Pa ae ve is Divided into 4,000 Shares of $100 each of 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock be ga ih CONG Pe ne fs SS eS {o9.0) [oe PRESENT ISSUE " ve Preferred Stock of Common Stock (fully 25% on 30th October, 1910. otice after 30th December, 1910, hares of preferred stock has alread rate of 7% will be charged upon unpaid calls, a € xi Hawt, SPS E oe * $750, ieee «8 *,0.¢ © $08) fee 0 "ene ee See TEA Te ee paid up and non-assessable). wane a 25% on 30th N ovember, 1910. # 7 >) 9 any, Limited | 500 shares, being the balance of Preferred Stock of cS incorporated under the Companies Act, Dominion | ee i + Sy Bice fies 4 000.00 We etieet certs cee eeviees «$400,000,00: fh eee A ABE $350,000.00 fnew, $250,000.00 f * ee y been subscribed for and allotted. Interest at the TRANSFER AGENTS AND REGISTRARS: ah (THE TRUSTS i HEAD OFFICE 06.6. ecews ...-Port Arthur, Ont, COMPANY, LIMITED, is a new Speight Wagon Company, be erected at Port Arthur, which is a gol UNSURPASSED LOCATION OF PLANT. ctory is without doubt the finest in Cana for the assembling of materials required in manufactaori dling its freight by rail and water, which gives the Company a g Rg wago CONCHSSIONS. the chief one being, y of Port Arthur, which tncludo a except local improvement and schoo} rates. % for twenty years. equipped with machinery embodying 000 wagons a year. The advantages CONTRACTS, 2 near future, , Limited, of Winnipeg, for supplying its ts for the year 1911 will be 4,500 wagons and 1,500 sleighs. 10 Tedhope, Anderson Company, Ltd 2,000 wagons per year 2nd a maxiiwnum of It is well known that thousands of farmers are annually pouring into the quirements will be more than denbled in the Northwest, upon which a duty of 25% was paid. Last year an immens », of Winnipeg, 5,000 wagons per year. RAW MATERIALS. material in its immediate y rtain that within a very short time MANAGEMENT, Secretary-Treasurer Port Arthur Wagon Co., Limited: Dear Sir,--We have examined the books of The Speight W: to July 3ist, 1910, and certify that based upon the contract sale #& ~ oe -- the servic agon Company, Ltd., at Markham, Ont., pr.ves to the ae a | Jenkins & Hardy, of Toronto, AND GUARANTEE Awe caer .... LIMITED, Toronto, aye Tye ae eee SOLICITORS: 7% MASTEN, STARR, SPENCE & Canada Life Building, Toron EXECUTIVE OFFICE ... NEW COMPANY A GOING CONCERN, Company, but will commence Limited, of Markham, ut for the ensuing year already sold. derived by the eing in. ng in freight, Port Arthur b in freight of $3.50 per wago ed with 90 cents per ton to Woodstock and $1.00 to Petrolia. to supply it with wagons es of Mr. T. H. Speight as its Manager. 8 widely known for his integrity and busi Chartered Accountants: --« COMPANY, fae. a ed Pe Bsa) 'CAMERON, § to. San a; .65 Canada Life, Toronto. ® business under the most favorable aus- ng concern with a production capacity of The intention is to transfer the operations of da, and will be situated on the shore of Thunder Bay at Port Arthur. ns and sleighs, and has a commanding position in regard to the reat advantage over its competitors, grant of twenty acres of land, a 200-foot . fhe City of Port Arthur further guarantees ORTHWEST MARKET, ~ all the latest improvements, and Sompany in locat- 80 cents per 100 Ibs. nearer Coal can be delivered from the total requirements of wagons and for a period of five Northwest, and it is confidently estimated that the above re- © number of wagous was imported into Canada and sold in tha ieinity, thereby effecting a saving of many dollars {fn the plant will be taxed to its full extent, He has beén associated with ness ability. i 15%4 Toronto Street, John Deere Plow Company, Yours truly, (Sgd.) _ ESTIMATED PROFITS ales of wagons, sleighs, of any profits aceruing to Company from rentals A further saving will also be made taxes) for a period of twenty years, wagon parts and trucks for the first year will amount to $3 y the Company by reason of its freedom from all taxation (except schoo! and loca} INTEREST CHARGES Annual interest charge on $400,000 preferred 7% stock Ree eee Me oe Annual interest charge on $100,000 5% bonds (guaranteed by City of Port Arthur)....... ng a balance of..:..... descriptions, addresses, and the num aw; Matthew Creoke Cameren, tke C. KLOEPFER, ESQ... Guelph, Pe--'*--#. President Raymend Mannfactaring Limited; Divestor Treders Bank of Canada, D. C. CAMERON, ESQ, Winnilpes, 2.an., Vice-President. President Rat Pertage Lumber Company, Maple Leaf Milllag Company, Limited, Director Northern €-« wr Bank of Canada. TODGARD Ellicott {-vare, Buffale. Scatehard & Son, Mard- J.N.8CA , ESQ, wood Lumber Co.. Diroctor Bank of Buffalo, Direetor Third Nailonal Bank. Eimited, President Winnipeg, Managing Directer John Deere Plew Company, Limited. . President anc General Manager Canada Co. Vice-President Carriage Factories, pon which the Directors may proceed to allot shares {s not provide for any time or times at which ealis'muy be made gusranteed by the City of Port Arthur. privileges and franchises agreed to be given by the and Interest in gud to the following A 200-feot dock site. Freedom from taxation for twenty years, saving and excepting focal j the Speight Wagon Company, Limited, for the purchase, whole undertaking and assets, except book debts, ag a The consideration for the transfer of the above assets is seven hundred and Ofty shares of t ' is also to pay for title (2, Pert Arthur Wagon Company, Limited, No cash or shares of . VEE ED ERY C8 Sinn 79 Wee eS og deem advisable. CP Pree eeeees avy fixed number of sha 912.050 SS We 9:8 00 Ss 6G ot Se OM et given to the public : them gre as follows Toronto, August lith, 1910. for the 'period December ist, 1909, Limited, the net profit on its sales JENKINS & HARDY, Chartered Accountants. 75,000. The proft of 14% @ closer proximity or Chatham, nor improvement $28,000 00 5,000 00 ena $33,000 00 $19,500 00 seen esene (a) The original incorporators of i--James Russell Lovett Starr, K.C.; Dancan Bonald McLeed, Student, all of Toronte, reg a8 a qualificatton for that position, There (c) The names, deseriptions and addresses of the present Dicectors are ag follows :-- DIRECTORS payable 8 purchase money tn shares for the abore rights is se (i) The eommissicn paid for subscriptions fer stock shall not exceed ten per (k) No amount of cash is to be pald ¢ The parties to the JAMES D. CHAPLIN, ESQ., St. Catharines, President Welland Vale Mfg. company, Limited. Presitent Chaplin Wheel Compery, Limited, Chatham. W.R SMYTE, FSQ., M.P., Ottawa and Rydal Bank, F_N. HARA, E8Q., St. Catharines. President Canada Wheel Works, Limited, Merritton, Ont. T. H. SPEIGHT, ESQ.. Markham. monaging Director Spelght Wagon Con- pacy, JAMES H. SPENCE, ESQ, Limited, Markham Bacrister-at-La ¥, Toronto, " Sec-treas, H, BATEMAN FOX, ESQ, Toronte. & total of five shares. The Company City of Port Arthur, a tights, prtetloora and (3) The guarantee by the City free from Nability, Kolng concern. t out in clause "f) ceat. (Jj) The estimated 2 any promoter other contract are The Trusts and 'Trustees. The irector law has been passed iucreasing ¢ A.D, 1910. Further information and application forins will be sent on reguest to Offic ilding, The amount upou shares of subseri has already alletted (g1) There franchises, of Port Arthur moerovement rates and Schoo! rate, he preferred stock of the Wort Arthar Wace the actval stock-in-trade of the Speight w and 4g) 1 and 2. @ amount of preliminary thau commission for Y Guarantee date of the coutract refertec Speight Wagon Company, Limi (n) Auditors and baukers bere been eon ; i Mpauy other than Christian Kloepfer and I the Company are to be paid to any D (p) An by- Dated this 23rd day of September, to qualify bim or ot he number of Divectors to lwelve., Tcronto. payable upon application fg 10%, bers. (f) 'The Company Proposes 3,250 fully-paid shares has been transferred to the namely :---(1) A tweuty-acre of the bonds of the Conipany (g 2) This Company of its real estate, plant, machinery, stock-in-trade n Company, and twenty- agon Company, Limited, No fixed amount has been pald expenses. exclusive of () The date of the Limited, ag Trustees 1 to in clause (g : Bale of shares, Company, r servces ren. (q) This RONTO TRC Prank Willshire's Strong Measures to Avoid Arrest. A despatch from Virden, Man., says: Tying both triggers of a shot- | DID HIS OWN SHOOTING. gim together with string, Frank | Willshire, a farm hand, on Thurs 'day awaited the coming of police of i ficerS sent to arrest him for setting fire to the grain stacks and stable | of his employer, Dan Saranes. See- ing Willshire with the gun, Con- stable Ross covered him with a re- volver. "I may as well do the shoot- ing myself," said Willshire, pull- ing the string and discharging both barrels, The charge entered the side of his jaw and neck, but he will probably recover. He is believed to be insane. / Ey ------ ----= "BRANTFORD IS GROWING. Total Population is 21,964--An In- erease of 1,253. _A despatch from Brantford, Ont., * Repletion of 31,004. ey #X and a total assessment of over 00,000, Brantford the "big city'? to the assessment repgrt, the pulation has inereased 1,253 duri the year, and the assessment $14, Is class. ng In- getting into | According | One Phint in"Medicine Hat Produc po- } 1 | | | | HOW'S THIS FOR POTATOE "= 13 iS? ed 139 'Tubers, - A despatch from Medicine Hat avs: r Jens orkea 'Oo PhdannYr crease has been over $809,000, When | eee ¥ : Be sacea ts me tf gardene) jthe territory tributary to the city [here, has just uneart ved a potato is admitted the' figures will be in- plant which breaks all records for 8 ¢ 2 | creased 'to 25,000 . The year has i been a growing one in every, re- spect. : | SEE PLAYED DOUBLE GAME. Charge on Which Two Liquor De- tectives Will be Tried, A despatch from Montreal Says! livan, the two men concerned in the alleged double shuffle on the Dominion Alliance in the liquor law 'violation cases, have been conmit- acy. They were supposed to be se- curing evidence for the Alliance, and at the same time were at least trying to sell out 'to the other sid James 8. Woods and James O'Sul- ted for trial on charges of conspir- ties: have been gather 'various surpluses, production. It: consists of a single plant produced from a single seed which, on being dug up, disclosed one hundred and thirty-nine pota toes, ies EXPORT GRAIN IN W ~ UST. Manitoba Government is Now Gathering Statisties, A despatch from Winnipeg says: The Government is just now : ing reports from all municipalities in Manitoba as to the amount of grain they will be able to export, The clerks of the different munici- palities are supplying the informa- tion, and some inde roatins statis- ~ on ~~ |B.) says Pa | trict i St. roceiy-4 LUMBERMEN LOSE, of Logs Lying in Brunswick Streams, A deapatch from St. Millions aa John, N river dig-| Are that wa.) 18 falling so} is little hope oft te ady cut out this Phere are millions in the John River and tributaries above Grand Falls, and the water is so low that the cost of driving} IS very great, The log supplies of Some of the lumbermen are getting low, and these are particularly anxious to have the logs brought. down, Others, while < esirous of Seeing the Jogs in safe waters, be- leve 1b is better to leave them ® Where they are than to spend large Sums in driving work with the riv- er as low as at present, --- vs: Advices from up 8 in this provinee ter in the. streams rapidly that there getting the season ! . Logs alre , A great landslide filled up the ! Panama Canal ditch: in Cu ' aek,