ROR hte te ee 2 of %, NAN Pann' Np Boor" dtr "i arse , a +, ny: # te ne os er BRO NEN NOAA. A Soh pales : ee os we ek Nea o Afraid your meals? It needn't. best ef the NA-DRU-CO stocked them yet, sendus 5 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL Co. Does the fear of indigestion spoil the enjoyment of and you won't know you haveastomach. They willsee toit that your food is properly digested. They are among the expert chemists and guaranteed by the largest wholesale druggists in Canada. 50c. abox. If your druggist has not fo Eat ?__ Just take preparations, compounded by oc. and we will mail youa box. OF CANADA LiMiTED,' MONTREAL, CURED BY "STARVING" MUSIC. TEACHER'S NEURAS- THENTA VANISHED. She Lives on Dict of Rice and Eggs * with Abundance of Hot Water. \ Many are the stories one hears of people who have found health through various "'starvation" cures. The latest is from a Brook- lyn music teacher who cured her- self of a bad case of neurasthenia, that bugbear of city people. At the time she started the treatment every nerve in her body was affect- ed, her left arm and hand being so price, ornament to any room i of lamp-making that can giving device. The Rayo Lamp is ah There are lamps that cost more, 1 Constructed of solid brass; nickel plated--easily kept clean; an Every dealer everywhere, scriptive circular to the nearest arency of igh grade lamp, sold at a low price. ut there is no better lamp made at any n any house, 'There is was known to the art add to the value of the RAYO Lamp as a light- If not at yours, write for de- bad that one finger was practically useless. HER DIET OF RICE AND EGGS. Her physician advised her to try the "rice and egg'? diet, and for six months she followed the sched- ule faithfully, not even allowing herself a piece of candy. For break- fast she took a quart of hot lemon- ade (which was in reality nothing but hot water with some lemon and alittle cinnamon to take off the insipid taste), and one saucer of rice eaten with very little butter, sugar and nutmeg, or with milk without sugar. - PEWER PAUPERS. intent Decrease of Nearly Highteen Thou- sand in Britain, A natural sequel to the steady tale of increasing trade prosperity in Britain is the continued decrease in the number of paupers, According to a recent Local Gov- ernment Board return, the number of paupers in receipt of relief. in England and Wales on Saturday, July 30, last was 759,128--a decrease of 17,702 compared with the corre- sponding Saturday in 1902. London 4 gece a decrease of exactly 100 A notable feature of the returns Is that, while the mdoor paupers for England and Wales actually in- creased slightly, the outdoor pau- pers were 19,295 fewer. The reason for this is that the indoor paupers are largely infirm and aged people who are too old to work, Old-age pensions no doubt helped to lessen the number of '"'out" paupers, for that welcome 5s. a week is often just enough to save the poor old folk from "the parish." There were fewer outdoor pau- pers per 1,000 inhabitants in Eng- land and Wales on July 30 last than on the corresponding date in any year in the whole list of returns since 1870, "In" paupers, on the other hand, are bracketed with 1909 as higher than any year since 1870. But there are only 260,605 "'in,'? as against, 498,523 'out?' pau- pers. -- Ht RHEUMATISM ? Zam-Buk will give you relief! When you have any deep-seated pain in the joints, the back, the wrists or elsewhere, place a liberal supply of Zam-Buk on the fingers or on the palm of the hand and rub it in. Mrs. Frances Wyatt, of 25 Guy Avenue, Montreal, says: 'I suffered long and acutely from rheumatism, and tried one liniment after another in vain. I also took medicines internally, but it remain- ed for Zam-Buk to effect a cure. I began applying this balm whenever I felt the aches and pains of rheu- matism coming on, or felt any of the stiffness. The result was truly wonderful. Zam-Buk seemed to penetrate to the very seat of the pains, driving them completely out, and | am now quite cured."' So many of the ordinary embroca- tions and liniments are imperfect- ly prepared and not sufficiently re- fined to penetrate even the skin-- much less the underlying muscles. Zam-Buk is totally different. Zam- Buk is so refined, and its essences and juices are so concentrated, that when rubbed into the muscles for rheumatism, sciatica, sprain, ete., its effect is very quickly felt. Zam-Buk will also be found a cure for eczema, rashes, ringworm, cold sores, ulcers, abscesses, chapped hands, piles, varicose veins, cuts, burns, bruises, etc. All driggists and stores at 50¢., or post free from Zam-Buk. Cog? Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful imitations. CRUEL. "My mind is made up,'" quoth the haughty society girl decidedly, | "Just like the rest of you,"' plied the ungentlemanly man. Parents buy Mother Graves'. Worm Exterminator because they know it is a safe medieine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. WAITING. Aunt Anna asked her little ne- phew what he would like to give his cousin for his birthday "T know,"* he answpred, "but T| ain't big enongh.'? PA ISSUE The Oueen City Vil Company, Limited, Toronto. NEXT GENT. scribyed ;-- : "Turn me over." words :-- I can catch some other idiot." -- --F ~___ CRIED DAY AND NIGHT. Mrs. R. E. Sanford, Inverary, Ont., writes :--"My baby was sickly for over a week with bowel and sto- mach trouble and cried night and day. . Nothing I did helped her in the least till I began giving her Baby's Own Tablets. They helped big heattiy cmid with tine rosy cheeks. The Tablets are certainly a wonderful medicine and T recom: mend them to all my friends who have children in the house." What Baby's Own Tablets have done for Mrs, Sanford's baby they done for thousands of other little ones, simply because they go to the root of so many childhood: ailments --that is, they drive all impurities from the stomach and leave it sweet and healthy. Sold by medicine | dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box | from the Dr. Williams' Medicine | Co., Brockville, Ont. IRELAND'S POPULATION, Report of Registrar-General Shows Decrease in 1909. Last year Ireland decreased in population, the loss by immigra- tion more than wiping out the ex- cess of births over deaths. The figures, as given in the an- nual report of the Registrar-Gen- eral for Ireland for 1909, may be summarized as follows :-- PRPUNSS eee hor ce ee eee 108, 760 PRO AD IS ee. coe ee he eee TA OFS iixcess of births over GOGths ce dvte es 87788 Actual decrease in popu- PMRIO Ss ak 890 In the previous year, despite emigration, the population increas- ed by 1,853. Birth rate 0.3 per 1,000 past ten years' average. Death rate 0.6 per 1,000 below past ten years' average. Of the 22,650 marriages register- ed in 1909, 16,057 were between Ro- man 3 according to above Catholics, °3,427 the rites of the Church of Treland, | 2,296 in Presbyterian meéeting-hous- 'es, 898 in registry offices, and the balance in various registered build- ings. Deaths from tuberculosis decreas- ed by 699 (from 11,293 in 1908 to 10,- , 594 in 1909), and this, following a | decrease the previous year of 386, is l attributed to the work carried on by the Women's National Health ' Association, under the Countess of | Aberdeen, whom the Registrar-Gen- eral congratulates on this success- ful endeayor. TRUE, Mr. Eeonomie-~"Did you to the man who advertises tpeople how to make puddings with- jduti milk and have them richer?" Mrs. Economie- "Yes, and sent ihim a quarter." "What did ly reply ?? "Use eream.," nulons Gure ~ write quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat ood lunda 7 25 coats. "ICH DIEN' OR "TCH DYN." True Spelling and Meaning of Prince of Wales? Motto, | "Teh Dien,' we were always | tafght at school, is German for {I serve.' A Bohemian king, who wandered into France six centuries ago, wearing this bandage on his | hat, stacked up against Edward the Black Prince at Cressy or Poitiers, and lost his motto, which has been the property of the Prince of Wales ever since. That's what the school histories told us. But now comes a Cambridge scholar, writing to the London Daily News, who says that in the best German dictionaries "Teh Dien"sis old Welsh. and in modern Welsh would be 'Rich Dyn,"? meaning "your man," Any- how, says the Cambridge man, what would the Slavonic King of Bohe- mia want of a German motto. pn ate ' pee) You can't depend on a fast clock or a fast young man. Wandering over a field one day a man came across a large stone, in- After much difficulty he succeed- ed in turning it over, and found on the other side of the stone the "Now turn me back again so that baby right away and now she is a to show | Kidney Pills should always find a {to do a little missionary work be- For dinner she had one soft boil- ed egg, one slice of toasted bread, and a quart of water, not cold. For Supper it was a saucer of rice, a piece of toast and either an orange, stewed prunes or baked apple and a quart of water. "Just before re- tiring she drank a quart of the hot lemonade flavored with spice. BECAUSE DIFFERENT BEING. She says--"Not one thing, net one drop, other than I have men; tioned, passed my lips for five and one-half months. I lost a little in welght, dropping trom 134 to 127 pounds, but I never felt better or more active in my life after the first few days, during which T felt the natural craving of habit for 'something more.' "If between meals I felt hungry I would drink a good portion of wa- ter, either hot or cold, but if hot | 1 would usually add the lemon and spice, as being more 'tasty,' "To say that the diet helped me does not express it. I was a new woman. Instead of feeling fagged and dragged all the time and sleeping poorly, deriving no benefit from my sleep, I had the light and buoyant sensation as if treading on air which comes from perfect. cir- culation and digestion, "I would like to say that for the last four months I have not had meat of any kind on my table often- er than twice a week, and we are all well nourished and up to the mark as regards weight and strength, and with no dyspepsia." "ms WHOLE FAMILY WAS AFFLICTED BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS RESTORED ALL TO PER- FECT HEALTH. Father, Mother and Daughter after years of Suffering are made heal- thy and happy by great Canadian Kidney Remedy. St. Leon Standon, Dorchester Co., Que., Oct. 3. Special).--That Dodd's Kidney Pills have no equal as a family medicine is proved *con- clusively by the statement of Mr. George Lacasse, a well-known resi- dent of this place. His statement given for publication is: 'For twelve years I had pains in the small of my back. My head would ache and my muscles would cramp. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. "My wife was troubled with Kid- uey Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills | cured: her. 'My little girl had nervous trou- ble. She was so bad that she could {not keep her hands and feet quite, | Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her.' Ts it any wonder that Mr. Lacasse is shouting the praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He -has learned through experience as have thou- sands of other Canadians that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Kidney Disease no matter where it appears, or in what form it is found. Dodd's | place in the family medicine chest. shan hg cca A BOOK LOVER. The old parson wags endeavoring could aver take the place of your RHEUMATIC PAINS. -- The Trouble is Rooted in > the Blood, be cured through the: blood. All the liniments, and rubbing, and so- called electrical treatment in the world will not cure rheumatism. This is a medical truth which every sufferer from this excruciating trouble should know. Rheumatism can only be cured by driving the poisonous acid out of the blood, and enriching and purifying it. There is no medicine will do this so speedily and surely as Dr. Willi- ams' Pink Pills. They actually make the new, rich, red blood, which drives out the poisonous acid upbuilds the system, 'and makes the sufferer well and strong. It is be- cause they do this that Dr. Willi- ams' Pink Pills have cured thou- sands of cases of rheumatism after all other treatment had failed. As proof we give the case of Mrs. F. X. Boisseau, St. Jerome, Que., who says: "Almost two years ago I was a terrible sufferer from rheumatism. The trouble first lo- cated in my right leg, rendering all work impossible, and walking ex- cessively difficult. I tried to cure myself by means of all sorts of lini- ments and lotions, but without avail. The trouble was constantly growing worse, and the pain more and more unbearable. Finally the | disease spread to my other leg, and T was all but helpless, and I was completely discouraged, thinking I would be a sufferer for the rest of |my life. At this time I read an ad- | vertisement in our home paper, of this trouble being cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and TI decid- ed to try them. I first got four boxes of the Pills and after using them for several weeks I could see that the painful rheumatism was gradually disappearing. I continu- ed taking the Pills, however, until I had used about a dozen boxes, when every symptom of the trou- ble had disappeared, and I could walk as freely as ever I did, and do my housework without the least trouble. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to every rheumatic sufferer." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box, six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- STOKES-ADAMS DISEASE. Man's Heart Beats Only Thirty- four Times a Minute. Middlesex Hospital, London, England, is just now entertaining a patient whose heart beats only 34 times in a minute, instead of the usual 72 or thereabouts. This man is afflicted with what is known as the Stokes-Adams disease, first de- scribed in 1827 but still very rare. The patient is 48 years old, his tem- perature is normal, and the symp- toms which took him to the hospital were muscular weakness and sud- den losses of consciousness resemb- ling epileptic fits. One physician says the losses of consciousness are due to anaemia of the brain. The heart. beating at such a slow rate does not force sufficient blood into the brain vessels to nourish its tis- sues, so the brain "strikes" tem- porarily. The slow heart beat again (34 instead of 72) is probably due to an interruption of what might be called the local telephone service of the heart itself, It is believed that the impulse which causes the heart to contract periodically passes from the upper to the lower chambers along a special band of muscle fibres. In the Stokes-Adams disease these fib- res don't work and the impulse is not properly transmitted. Se PHILANTHROPIC MISSION, "T see you've advertised for a | lost dawg, ma'am, and----" | "Yes, but that isn't my little | Jewel. That's a mongrel. Take | him----" | No dawg | | lost: darlin', but if you'd like to | have a genthe little creetur to love "T know that, ma'am. Pu sell you this 'un fur 50 cents, ma' am."' | while you're huntin' fur your a | hind the big stone walls. "What brought you here, son?' he queried of an inmate. 'L am liere, sir, because of my | my | quickly stops coughs, | the throat and lungs. -. Silos cures colds, heals Cure cents, fondness for books," answered No. | Q228: "Indeed |' exclaimed the good | , man in surprise. books, may [ ask ?"' = "Pocket books," briefly answered'! Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuralgia. the other. Home . DYEING Is the way to Save Money and Dress Well Try it! Simple as Washing with V JUST THINK OF IT! ' Dyes Wool, Cotton, Silk or Mixed Goods Perfectly with the SAME. Dye-.«No chance of mistakes. Fast e and Beautiful Colors 10 cents, from your Druggist or Dealer/$ "ad for "olor Card and STORY Booklet. 76 The Jobaron-R varcson Co., Limited, Montreal, "What kind of | might do in the world. of corn; how thick they are.'& to protect the €ars from the hot, dry weather." case t Snodgrass, sen., "is a case brought lawyers 'in working up similar cas- es," : If some people were as free with | |their money as they are with their udvice, what a lot of good they | | | PROPHETS DIBFER, "Tt's going to be along, cold } . ; | winter."' ' "How do you know?' "Look at the husks on the ears "Shucks! They growed that way DEFINED. "Say, paw,". queried little Syl- rester Snodgrass, "what's a test 9)? "A test Case, my son," replied n court to decide whether therp's nough money in it to justify the Not Due to Cold, Wet Weather-- Many people believe that the twinges and tortures of rheumatism are due to cold, damp, or wet wea- ther, and treat themselves by rub- bing with Jiniments and lotions. This is a serious mistake, and one : which allows the disease to progress (Glasgow by tacit agreement -- be- to such an extent that it is- often impossible to get it out of the sys- tem~ Rheumatism comes from pois- onous acid in the blood, and it must | swer. i} mother used to make ? COSTS MORE TO SLUEP. Raise Prices. In many of the large cities of Bri- tain, such as Manchester, Birming- ham, Glasgow and Cardiff increas- ed taxation has caused a rise in hotel rates. A traveller at Norwich recently found a footnote added to his bill, reading: "Increased taxa- tion necessitates an extra charge of 3d. (six cents) per room per night." Some other hotels have raised their rates twice that amount and at tween the proprietors, tourists and other floating guests are charged anywhere up to half a dollar more for a room, than under the old rates. The commercial travellers are finding it a hardship, as now-a- days they do not get all their ex- but either work on commission, paying their own expenses, or are paid a lump sum as salary and ex- penses. In some cases hotel porters and other servants are standing the cost of the increase, as travellers have reduced their tips from a shil- ling to sixpence, In Manchester a dozen leading hotels combined to advance their nightly charge for rooms by six- pence, alleging that this repays them only one-third of the increased taxes under the Lloyd-George bud- get, and although there was some grumbling at first, travellers now generally recognize the justice of the hotels' case. he SHOCKING. "Yes," said the man who had been travelling in the Far West. "I saw three trains held up in one night." "You don't say!'? exclaimed the innocent bystander. "Was anyone hurt?' "No,"' said the traveller. '""They were held up by women in a ball- room,"' Relief for Suffering Everywhere. --He whose life is made miserable j by the suffering that comes from | indigestion and has not tried Par- |melee's Vegetable Pills does not | know how easily this formidable foe can be dealt with. These pills will relieve where others fail. the result of long and patient study and are confidently put forward as a sure corrector of disorders of the digestive organs. from which so many suffer. z { | So far as known, it has not yet }been said of any airship that it came "limping into port." If any airship goes wrong, it comes bang- smash to the ground. Your Drugwist Will Tell You Murine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Dvesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and Sells for 50c. Try Murine in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Byelids and Granulation, The farmer now has left the plow, And only holds the reins To drive behind his horses kind And gather in the gains. A THING WORTH KNOWING is tho fact that Painkiller finds more uses in a household than any other remedy. For all bowel complaints. Externally for cuts and wounds. Avoid substitutes, there ig but one 'Painkiller'--Perry Davis"--25c, and 50c. The easiest way to manage a wife is her way. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. The man who lets his mother pick out his wife or lets his wife pick out his cigars is entitled to a lot of sympathy. Where can I get some of Hollo: way's Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and I wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. Wife--'"'If I thought a thing was L'syd-George Taxes Make lotels penses from the firm they represent, | They are lcies for good men at a number of | points. is the turning-poiz! to econo} in wear'and tear of wagons, a box, Every dealer everywh The Imperial Oil Co. Ltd, AXLE GREASE ---- * ri ed the same as lemoa or vanil f be ving exanuisted suger in water adding Map , 2 delicious pis mea scarred tc te tae recipe bo ent ra FIRE-PROOF CONSTRUCTION. A new method of fire-proof con- struction for small buildings has been invented in response to the growing demand. Steel tubing fill- ed with concrete is used for the frame, and a network of wire for the basis gf walls, floors and roof. |On this skeleton a concrete house of such strength can be built that, it is claimed, it will be practically earthquake-proof. Six-inch pipe, | steel wire and expanded metal, mal- leable iron fittings and cement are the materials used. The wires are strung to a tension of 1,000 pounds, and bind the whole together with enormous. solidity. On them the concrete is spread three inches thick in spans not exceeding 16 feet. Con- struction is so simple that unskilled labor can be largely used. ----H- ee A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. A National Life Co. Still Getting the Zest Men. The continued improvement in all business methods is nowhere better exemplified than in Life Insurance. Formerly, a man who haal failed at everything else, solicited insurance as a last resort. But now the In- surance Companies are looking for men who have been successful so frequently as to have acquired the "successful habit.' They want keen, alert, brainy men, who are out to make big money and who also like the business. Money spent for Life Insurance Premiums is no longer considered an expense. It is in reality one of the surest and safest investments |that any man can make. Just now the National Life As- surance Oo. of Toronto have vacan- They have some _ interest- ing information to send any pros- pective agents who will write them for it. Oe ee PROMISING. Sutton--I can't spare the money very well, but IP'll lend it to you if you promise not to keep it too long. Gayeboy--I'll undertake to spend every penny of it before to-morrow morning, chief ingredients of Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills are mandrake and dandelion, sedative and purgative, but perfectly harmless in their ac- tion. They cleanse and purify and have a most healthful effect upon the secretions of the digestive or- gans. The dyspeptic and all who suffer from liver and kidney ail- ments will find in these pills the most effective medicine in concen- trated form that has yet been of- fered to the suffering. erie ey INS Sesame PROGRESS OF LIQUID FUEL. Thus far liquid fuel has gener- ally been employed only for steam production, but an indication of the wide application that it may have in many forms of industry is afford- ed by the experience of the owners of a large glass manufactory at South Hackney, England. The ex- periments there were begun seven years ago, and after overcoming many difficulties a special form of burner was evolved which sppears to be entirely satisfactory. Four to five thousand gallons of oil are burned every week, with perfect wicked, I'd die before I'd do it." Husband--"So would 1." Wife-- "T think smoking cigars is a wick) | ed waste--an impious defilement, in | fact."' Husband -- "Then you | mustn't smoke. Hand me a match, | please." ! Baltimore, Md., Nov. 11, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. | Sirs,--I came across a bottle of your | MINARD'S LINIMENT in the hands of one! of the students at the University of Mary- | land, and he being so kind as to let me! use it for a very bad sprain, hich I ob- tained in training for foot races, and to say that it helped me would be putting | it very mildly, and I therefore ask if you | would let me kuow of one of yoursagents | that is closest to Baltimore so that T may obtain some of it. Thanking you in ad- vance, I remain, Yours truly, WC; | | | , McCUEAN. | 14 St. Pant street, Care Oliver Typewriter Co. | P.S.--Kindly answer at once. | BEST HE COULD DO, "What," queried the. millionaire | parent of the callow vouth, 'will it cost to educate my boy?" "That," replied the college pres ident, after carefully sizing up the boy, "is a question I cannot an- But IT can put him through | college for about $38,000,"' | | | t THERE'S A REASON. | "But why do you tall of getting | a divorce; you told) me yourself that I make biscuits just like your of "'rhat's the reason."' |smoke, and the temperatures combustion and a total absence of ob- tained range from that of a baker's oven to that required for melting crucible steel. Elsewhere in Eng- land liquid fuel has recently been applied to such industries as the distillation of petroleum, -- steel smelting, heating the kilns for the production of art-tile glazing, car- bonizing electric-light flaments, and heating furnaces of various kinds, te eared | ae slap GRIEVOUS ERRORS made nowndaya. For instance when a person' buys an imi- tation of "The D. & L." Menthol Plaster said to be the genuine. Be caretul and see that they are inade by Davis & Lawrence Co. PICTURES NOT NEEDED, The Bible and a bank book are If you are not satisfied with you lot, turn it over to a real estate agent. ee Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete, Highest price paid. Write us for infor: & Ross, Stock Brokers, Soott St. mation, Fox "Toronto. tw 15 WEEK AND EXPENSES FOR MAN . Bey eo travel and rahe agents for slished house. State age anc previeus em- ee Permanent. K, MeGarvey, Mgr., 292 Wellington Street West, Toronto, a ER, Tumors, Lumps, eto, laternal s et external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. 'NTS CAN MAKE $6 DAILY SELLING Oy OL-PRERK™ Granite Cement. | Mends in all kinds of Potsand Pans, Graniteware, Tron, Yinware, etc, Mends in two minutes, Kvery housekeoper buys. Best seller. Over 100% profits, H. Nagle, Westmount, Que. EARN THER BARBER TRADK -- NEW L system--constant practice---careful instruc. tion--few weeks complete course--tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars week- ly. Write for catalogue, Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto, ISIC TRACHERS -- STUDENTS -- WILE vend ous stock of Piano, Vocal, Violin, Pipe or Reed Organ Music largo and well selected, Choir and Chorus Music a specialty, Corres: pondence invited. Ashdown's Music Store, Dept V.. Toronto, ARPET DYEIN and Cleaning. This {s a specialty with the British American Dyeing Co' Send partioulars by poat and we are sure to watiafy. Address Box i58, Montreal, SHIP ME YOUR RAW FURS I pay the prices you are looking for. W. C. GOFFATT ORILLIA, - - ONTARIO The Soul of a Pianoisthe Action. insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action APPLES WANTED Good quality culls, suitable for peeling, at market price, Write Imperial Extract Co., Matilda St., Toronto. Senfl us et name and we will send you! Free, all charges paid this baodsome LUCKY HEART PICTURE BROOCH-- which is the Istest, daintiest and prettiest jewe'ry novelty, all sie rage BA: e are giving it, ABSOLUTELY FREE to introduce our goods. Just send name and address and we will send it to you at! ouce. Address Alden Wig. G0.,63 Roy St Providence, R.1, U.S. Hills Bone Spavin Rich Valley, Alta, May 20th. 1909 "I have used your Spavin Cure for a long time and would not be without it, Mave killed a Bone Spavin by its use," OLE CARLSON, That tells the whole story. And hundreds of thousauds have had the Saine experience in the past 40 years, For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Splint, Swellings and all Lameness, Kendall's Spavin Cure cures the trouble--makes the horse sound and well--aud saves money for the owner because it removes the cause of the trouble, Keep a bottle always at hand- $loré for $5. Good for man and beast. Ask your dealer for free copy of our book "A Treatise Ou The Horse' or write us, ba KENDALL Co, Enesburg Falls, Vt, PORT that don't need to add to their value. the only volumes illustrations = | ; : | SHI CUSNESS S emmmmmmannn is certainly one of the most disagree- able ailments which flesh is heir to. Coated tongue mouth --- nausea { bitter taste in the | dizziness -- these | combine to make Wie a burden. The cause is a disordered liver--the cure Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They gv straight to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stony- ach and bowels, cleat the tongue and lake away the bitter taste from the | mouth, ness take | | | ! | At the first sign of bilious- - Or. Morse's Indian Root Pills € I { i f « Qn Sree te epN be BAGHAIE:S' on OT CUR Pa sample to Dept. W. L., Na nal ug & Chemical Ce, Torente. sometimes to run. the gauntlet of you know anything Its name is derived from the words if these public children anything now-adays,'? ' Minard's Liniment for Sale evorywhore, WHAT IS AN EQUINOX? Parents as well as teachers, have wwkward questions, "'Father," said little Tommy, one lay, "'what is an equinox?' Father--'"Why, © et--it js ahem ! "or goodness' sake. Tommy, don't about mytho- ogy at all? An equinox was a abled animal---half horse, half cow, equine' and 'ox." It does seem as schools don't teach _. Has the "Black Knight"' come to your home? Let him show you the quick and easy way to shine the stoves, : es ee ee 'Black «Knight? takes all the hard work and dirty work out of stove polishing, : It's a paste~so there is B NO watery mixture to. be § prepared, Just a few rubs with cloth or brush brings a mirror-like shine that "you can see yout face in?!s And the shine lasts! Most dealers handle and recom. mend "Black Knight' Stove Polish, if your dealer cannot Supply it, send loc, for a big can--sent postpaid, THE FF. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, Hemilton, Ont, 1a Makers of the famous "2 in 1" Shoe Polteh Ontarte Agenis: The Queen City 0:1 Co, Ltd, ; : 1» Seattle, cy * y ANT&D--SOULH AERLOAN WARRANTS, ae Oe