Monkton Times, 11 Nov 1910, p. 2

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- also found on the coffins. was also used on the tombs and |fees which a German attorney has' _ |to claim for all kinds of professional ~ = . . ee JUST THINK OF IT? ue Dyes Wool, Cotton, Silk or Mixed Goods Perfectly | Sost Renutitel Cotscs We conta: Sseatecne Dragdict os a ' ; STORY Booklet. 26 Dealer. Send for Color Card and Joharon-Richardson Co., Limited, Montreal. DAYS THREE MUNTHS LONG. Where You Go to Bed and. Wake Up in Daylight for Weeks, How would you tke' to Jive in a4 place where the longest day lasted three months and a half? But that really is the length of the longest in Spitzbergen, a far northern . cape on the way to the North Pole. At a place called Wardbury, in Norway, the longest day lasts from - May 21 to July 22; that means that it's daylight all the time, so that you go to bed in daylight and wake up in daylight, too, for ever so many weeks. It must be funny, mustn't it? At St. Petersburg, the capital of Russia, the longest day lasts nine- teen hours and the shortest. one only five hours. London's longest day is sixteen and a half hours, while' New York's is about fifteen hours. ' Ee LITTLE JAPS LUCKY. Japan Has More Toy Shops Than Any Other Country. There is no other country in the world where there are so many toy shops as Japan. In all the towns and in most of the villages there is a children's bazaar, and the neighborhood of the principal tem- ples is crowded with stalls contain- ing things to amuse children. At the great religious festivals, even the poorest are to be met with their arms full of toys to tdke home to the children; and the number of men and women who earn a liveli- hood by itinerant street shows got- ten up solely to amuse the children, | can be counted by hundreds. These entertainments include theatricals, where brave deeds are performed by heroic warriors, story-tellers, song-singers, and the Wide World adds, even conjurers. a FOOT-BALLER'S BAD KNEE HEALED. Zam-Buk Again the Only -Gure.- Mr. H: Allinson, of 457 King Street, London, Ont., says: "Wiile a member of the East Kent Divis- jon Football Team, and during a rough and exciting game of foot- ball, I fell on the hard gravel, sus- taining a badly lacerated knee. This required prompt medical at- tendance, as sand and gravel filled the open wound. "For several weeks the doctor treated my injury, and it was thought to be wail healed over; but no sooner had I begun to move about than the skin broke, and I suffered more than at first. For seven long weeks I was actually laid up. It then developed into a running sore, and I was alarmed for fear the result might be a per-. The doctor's | manently stiff knee. treatment failed to heal wound, so I applied Zam-Buk: "Tt was almost magical in its ef- fect on the sore. The discharging - goon ceased, The soreness and pains were banished and persever- the ance with Zam-Buk made the badly- lacerated knee as yood and firm as ever." Zam-Buk will aiso be found a sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, «lfcers; eczema, 'blood-poison, varicose sores, piles, sealp sores, ringworm, inflamed patches, babies' eruptions and _ chapped places, cuts, burns, bruis- es and skin injuries generally. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. cS ~~ GOLD LEAF HAS HISTORY. The origin of gold leaf, like the first use of gold itself, is lost in the mists of antiquity. ,It is found, for example, in connection with the "most ancient known mummies, hav- mg been used for covering teeth, tongues, skin, ete. Sometimes it is Gold leaf monuments of ancient Egypt. The process of making gold leaf has thus ~ been khown since the 8th century B.C. In the lith century it seems to have attained as high a degree of perfection as to-day. The gold leaf on some ancient Grecian pottery in- deed is as thin as that now used. "rf || HE ENGINEER'S HEART. -- a3 The British Amalgamated Society. MOTHERS S of Engineers has now a membership of well over 100,000, and is probab- ily the largest trade union in the world, or at least the strongest fin- ancially. The vital statistics, there- fore, in such a large and widely. scattered body should prove of par- ticular importance. From the table in the latest an- nual report showing number and cause of death, with the average age, it would annear that affections of the heart carry off more members" than any two other troubles com- and pneumonia, 98, for instance, provide the largest figures in the table until we come to affections of the heart, when there is a jump to 214. The engineec would seem to be lable to heart trouble, which appears to terminate fatally in his case at an average age of 60. HOULD WATCH CLOSELY DISEASED KIDNEYS THE CAUSE OF BED-WETTING. = ----- Wellesley young man, permanently eured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, gives the public the benefit of his experience. Wellesley, Ont., Nov, 7. (Special). --That all diseases of the bladder from bed-wetting to Gravel are the direct results of Kidney Disease, has been proved again and again by Dodd's Kidney Pills. They cure the Kidneys and the Bladder dis- eases speedily disappear. One of the latest proofs comes in the ex- perience of Mr. George Strebel the well-known harness-maker of this place. "T was troubled with bed-wetting for many years,"? Mr. Strebel says. "The doctor could not give me re- lief and no one knows how I suf- fered. I tried many medicines, tjll in January, 1905, reading the ex- periences of others led me to use Dedd's Kidney Pills. Nine boxes cured me so completely that I have never been troubled since."' Mcthers should learn that when their children are addicted to bed- wetting it is time to look to the cause. The Kidnevs are the cause. Cure the Kidnevs by using Dodd's bed-wetting, but ward off serious and dangerous diseases in after life. --------_e--- WORLD'S BEST SHIP TIMBER. Forests of Durable Teak Restricted to Area in South Asia. Some of the most useful products of our planet are confined to small areas of it's surface, situated at a great distance from the main cen- tres of population and industry. In- dia rubber is one of these, teak, the most valuable ship timber in exist- ence, is another. Extensive teak forests are, it may be generally stated, restricted to Burma, Siam, and Coehin-China. There are only three ports in the world from which teak is exported --Rangoon, Moulmein, and Bankok. It is a beautiful dark colored wood, taking a high finish, and its value in ship-building depends upon its strength, its durability, its resist- ance to both moisture and drought, its non-liability to be attacked by boring insects, its lightness in the water, and its resistance to the in- fluence of iron when brought inj close contact. In this last point of | excellence it has no substitute as a| backing for armourplate. Bee SrapcsaeRn net 'Bobby sems to be taking much more interest in his musie than he did,' remarked that youth's uncle. "Oh, yes!' said his mother. gal! have no difficulty lately in getting him to practise." "How did you manage it?' 'I told him the neighbors complained of the noise, and now I ean't keep him away from the piano." A Pill That is Prized--There have been many pills put upon the mar- ket, and pressed upon public atten- tion, but none has endured so long or met with so much favor as Par- melee's Vegetable Pills. Wide- spread use of them ™ Wa ested their great value, and they need no further advertisement than this. Having firmly established them- selves in public esteem, they now rank without a peer in the list of standard vegetable preparations. He--J ¢houldn't marry a women unless «ie was my exact opposite. She--You'll never find so perfect a being as that. Me Bubstitute for "The D & 1" Menthol Plaster, hough some unscrupulous dealers nay say thove ri Recommended by doctors, hospitals, vlergy aud everybody for pleurisy, stiff ' ness, ets, MADE HIM SHELL OUT. "T saw you kiss sister Annie Jast night!" E : "Did you, Bobby? Here's a quar- ter. for you."' "Thanks. And then T. saw you kiss the maid-in the hall as well !" "Great Scott! Here's half a dol- lar!" HIS INDELIBLE RULE. "Phere rw x," responded 1 toh, ca Bm dM teen Nee nn } made -it }wunst a week, reg'ler oti Sete? Safle wry & practice: to--ta ke a bath OF ibang nt bined. Old age, 91; bronchitis, 93, | Kidney Pills, and notonly stop the | . Wipe- | <4 "ever since Lavas i hoy Lye. work and the rechtsanwalt can These fees apply to all matters of the Civil Code and of criminal cas- es. The amount, according to the Green Bag, depends exclusively on the value of the object of conten- tions Fs TR x ee tee Jt is an old though still unfulfill- ed wish of German lawyers to have a new fixed list of fees--not made after the old and low standard of the year 1879, but made with con- sideration to the changes--the num- erous decided changes--which have taken place since that year., The rechtsanwalt is attorney and counsellor at law all in one (in England solicitor and_ barrister).. 'The rechtsanwalt can never be a- business man as is the case in the United States. ae The exercise of the law is not to be considered a calling or profes- sion. but is to be looked on more as a public office. According to the lawyers' code of the 1st of July, 1878, lawyers are <narged publicly with certain duties, He is obliged to have his resideace in the town or district where he is appointed (so-called --_ residence duty). Further, he must conduct himself in and out of office in a way befitting his professional and social standing (i.e., duty due to his rank). Thus a lawyer is forbidden to advertise in newspapers, by 2an vassing, etc., or to buy or take over a practice already made, as being unworthy of his calling. His position in society is bet veer officials. and schoiars and through custom and law he is compelied to keep the position to the last de- gree. This compulsion to keep ore's rank has given rise to the existenc> of committees called anwaltsham- mern, whose duty it is to keep a strict watch that no lawyer disho > ors his calling. These committees haye a strict code of punishment, ranging to complete expulsion from office. In this way the lawyers in Germany have a good and hoaored position ; in fact there is scareeiy a country in- which the lawyer enjoys more respect and confidence. i PIGTAILS liv BRITISH ARMY. Pigtails, which are threatened with extinction in China, survived in our army until wéll into the nine- teenth century, the Welsh Fusiliers being the last to. abandon them, says the London Chronicle. Sir Al- gernon West relates how he heard the Blues did or did not wear pig- tails at Waterloo. putants, who had seen them that they did. The other. who had been a midshipman on the transport which conveyed them to Ostend, was equally certain that their hair was short. The giver vt the dinner at which the dispute arose referred the matter on the following day to a friend who had served in the Blues at Waterloo. "Both your friends were right,' he said. "We were reviewed at Windsor by the King on our departure with our pigtails on, and at Dover we had them cut off before our embarkation."' beige THE BEST MEDICINE FOR LIfTLE ONES. The best medicine in the world for little ones is the medicine that will. promptly cure all their little ills and at the same time can be given the very youngest baby with absolute safety. Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. They never fail~to cure the ills of childhood and the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that they do not contain one particle of in- jarious drug. Concerning them Mrs. John Robertson, Streetsville, Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation with the very best results. -They are in- deed a valuable medicine for little ones."? The Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25, cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. IRON ORE FROM LAKES. Swedes Reap Crop from Lake Beds Every Thirty Years. The bottoms of many Swedish lakes are covered co a thickness of six or eight inches with fragments of iron ore of the size of peas. This lake ore consists chiefly of ochre or hvdrated ovide of ,ron, mixed with silicate and phosphate of iron, clay, sand and other impurities, and yields pig iron of very good qua- lity. The ore is obtained by very primitive methods. In winter a hole is cut in the ice, a scraper attach- ed to a long pole is inserted, and all the ore within reach is collected into a heap beneath the hole. Some of the mud which has been seraped together with the ore is removed by stirrme the mass with poles. and lthe ore is then seraped into bags jw hich Lave beer sunk. and is hauled jup. ©: smmmer this citrions mining | overat'G -'s conducted in acsimilar manner from raits anchored in the lake. 'Two miners can bring up about four tons of ore in a day. Steam dredges have recently been installed in a few places. About 30 years after the removal of the ore, a new lJaver of the same thickness is found to have been produced by natural chemical processes. -- |charge neither more nor less.- --*| Can Only Be Cured Through the ~~ Blood---fry Williams' Pink Pills, Which Act Directly 'On the Blood, -_ Rheumatism will rack you just as long as there is acid in the blood to cause rheumatism. That's' the whole trouble--acid in the blood. | Cold; damp weather may start the pains going but it is not the cause. That is rooted in the blood and can only be cured through the blood. Years ago when medical science did not know as much about the com- plaint as to-day, rheumatic suffer- ers were given something to rub on- the swollen tender joints. Some people who do not know any bet- ter still adhere to the old fashion- ed. way, but it does not cure their rheumatism--and never will, g When the acid is driven from the blood the rheumatism is gone--it's cured. * The thing is to get the right medicine to drive the acid out Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cure more cases of rhéumatism than any other disease except anaemia. They do this because they enrich the blood supply, thus toning up the system to a point where the rheu- matic acid is expvted through the natural channels: and the trouble disappears. They were intended to do this and they vo it thoroughly. Mr. Henry O'Donoghue Viscount, Sask., says: "About four years ago ft came here from Scotland for the purpose of taking up land. Even at so recent a date as this the coun- try was quite different from what itis to-day. Then the nearest shack to me was ten miles distant, and the nearest. town much further away. In those days homesteading was not all sunshine, and in the spring of 1907 I contracted a severe cold. I had never been sick in my life be- fore. and paid no attextion to the cold and almost before I realized it I was down with an attack of pleurisvy and as the pains of this trouble began to leave me those of rheumatism set in, and my suffer- ings were something terrible. Help was sent for, but it did me no good, nor did the medicine given me have any effect, and for five mozths I was confined to the house. Then one day I.had an unexpected visit from my brother who came from Australia, and whom I had not seen for nine years. When he saw my conditicn he at once urged me to get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as he knew of a number of cases in which an argument once as to whether) Australia, The result was he went | One of the dis-| and before I had used the last box A . on | IT was out working with my oxen their way to Dover, was convinced | and am now as healthy as any man. | completely cured" ; (Dept, We L..) Toronto, for free sample. they hed made marvellous cures in to town end purchased six boxes, in the province. For this I must thank the Pills and my brother's advice, and I strongly recommend the Pills to other rheumatic suf- ferers."' Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Se If it is necessary to burn your bridges burn them in front of those | on your trail. | @ilidren Will Go Slelghing. They come home 'gevered with snow. Half a teaspvonjul of Pain- 'killer in hot sweetened water will prevent any {il effects. Avcid substitutes, there is but one "(Painkiller '"--Perry Davis'--25c. and 500. PERFORCE. "John," demanded the militant wife, '"'will you always love me' "T reckon so,'? was the answer. "T don't see anv way to git out of ite Pills That Have Benefitted Thou- 'That to Youth is Irksome. __ "Younger people," said the mid- dleaged man, "want variety, they want to be always on the go. Rou- tine galls them; they hate to have to do the same thing over and over "They want to go somewhere or do something different all the time of routine, most disturbed when va- riety is thrust upon them. "For myself I welcome my daily task, endlessly repeated and always the same. I should be lost without it. disturbed if it were changed. A le of habit suits me best. I like the old scenes, familiar, friendly surroundings, I don't want to change. "Nor do YF want pleasure. In fact I think I should be the best suited with none. Tr like my groove; it fits me and I fit it. I don't want change. I just want to be left alone to work in my accustomed ways. It is im my groove that I am most comfortable. I like a life of labor and routine. "And could there come to one @ greater blessing? Nature and 'the customs of men enforce routine upon us whether we like it or not. In youth this irks us, but in our maturer years in a life of routine in the undisturbed enjoyment of familiar labor we may find our greatest happiness." > Shilohis Gu qeickts steps coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs «= 85 cents. Mrs. Workins--John, in your sleep last night you muttered some- thing about. '"'coppering the ace." What does that mean! Mr. Dor- kins--That's a chemical term, Maria, To copper is to electroplate ; an ace, microsconically speaking, is an atom. Coppering an ace means electroplating an atom. It is Known Everywhere,--There is not a city, town or hamlet in Ca- nada where Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is nét known--wherever intro- duced it made a foothold for itself and maintained it. Some merchants may suggest some other remedy as equally beneficial. Such recommen- dations should be received with doubt, There is only one Eclectric Oil, and that is Dr. Thomas'.. Take nothing else, Coal dealers are preparing to make it hot for us. ° Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "JT want to see you just a min- ute," says the lady at the bottom of the steps, "but this hobble skirt is so tight I can't climb the stairs. You come out, won't you?' "'T Red, Wenk, Weary, Watery Eyes. Ealeret By Murine Hye Remedy, Try urine For Your Eye Troubles. Will Like Murine, t. Soothes, -60c At, Your Druggists, Write For Eye Books, | Free, Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto. "What makes you think he had been to a.drinking party ?" 'He came home," sobbed the young wifa, "wearing a phonograph horn for a hat," Pale, sickly children. should use Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. Worms are one of. the princi- pal causes of suffering in children and should be expelled from the system, He--I am growing a moustache, you know. She---Yes, so someone was telling me. and over again day after day. |. Older people are happiest in a life]. much outside |: | and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost. Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to intro- duce. Miss Ryval--No, dear; you weren't there. fat. baby. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. rest of the house. Ther when it is necessary to rai: temperature quickly or to k« temperature up for a long That can't be done by the method of heating withow trouble and overheating the the house. The only r method of heating such | alone by other means is t Ee REFECT EH ---s« SMOKELESS Olt HEATEN. Absolutely smokeless and odorless which can be kept at full or low heat for a short or long time. Four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat for nine irou without smoke or smell. = An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the-fon Filler-cap does not screw on; but is put in like a cork in a bottle An automatic-locking flame spreader preverts th wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy t remove and drop back so that it can bé cleaned in an instant. -- The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unser in an instant for rewicking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, welle made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental, Has a cool handle, + Dealers Everywhere, If not dt yours, write for descriptive circular 4 to the nearest agency of the The Queen City Oil Company, Limited. be For Wau c FE = Pink Eye, Epizeett © Di Sa i Shipping Fever, : , and Catarrhal Fever, siti entive,no matter how hosses at any age oi Liquid, given on the tongue, acts on the Blood | from the body. Cures Distemper in De; Largest selling live stock remedy. owe i buman beings and is a fine kidney remedy, soc and $1 a font teak enn sae Cut this out, Keep it, Show it to your druggist, who will get it for you. Free Booklet, Distemper, Causes and Cyres. DISTRIBUTORS--ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGIST: 8 SPOHN MEDICAL C@., Chemists and Bacteriolegists, GOSHEN.IND., PSA pee FOR SALE. : Si Gonied ALBERTA, 640 ACRES, UNIM- i: sell cheap. Pewtress, 124 Donmills Rd., Toronto, roved, well settled fall wheat digtrict, will Jee cen FAMOUS ENGLISH SONS, FIFTY v Sure cure and p infected or 'exposed.' Glands, expels the poisonous germs and Sheep, and Cholera in Poultry. PROOF. Forst Stranger--"I' say, that's my umbrella you have !" Second Stranger--"I don't doubt it, sir--I don't doubt it. I bought it at a pawnbroker's."' Holloway's Corn Cure is @ specific for the removal of corns and warts. We have never heard of its failing to remove even the worst kind. -- cents, Fifty Gems Scottish Song, Seventy- ro cents. Sixty Geins Irish Song, Seventy-five cents. Words and Music. Ashdown's Music Store, 144 Victoria Street, 'Toronto. ACENTS WANTED. WPARTIES WANTED. to run band kurttting machines, making up knitted goods for the trade at your home, whole or spare time ; experi- en:e not necessary. For all particulars addre # Canadian Wholesale Distributing Co., Orillia, Ont.. Dept, W. wW* mation, Toronto, WANTED. NTED--SQUiH AFRICAN WARRANTS, Highest price paid. Write us_for infor- Fox & Ross, Stock Brokers, Scott St.. Stubb--There goes a man who has more women running after him than any man in town, Penn--You don't say! Regular Beau Brum- mel, eh? Stubb--No, motorman on a street car. He never slows up until he is a block away from the place a woman signals. KARN "THK BARBER 'tRADE-- NEW _4 system--constant practice--careful instruc- jion--few weeks complete course--tools free. Fraduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars week- ly. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen Kast, Toronto. = : C ANCER, Tumors, Lumps, ete. Internat ./ and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr, Bellman: Medica! Gu., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. A druggist can obtain an imitation of MINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto house at a very low. price, and have it labeled his own produce. This greasy imitation is the poorest one we have yet seen of the many that every ASK ME WHAT RAW FURS ARE WORTH W. C. GOFFATT ORILLIA, -. - ONTARIO "ELEGRAPHY and Station Agents' work in all its details are incuded in the course of training given in 'The Abe Central Telegraph school, 2 Ger- * . rard St, K., 'foronto, Correspond- 4 ence invited. T. J. Johnston, Prin. W. H. Shaw, Prosident. Turkey Feat hars Wanted is ietate tt Write for particulars -- Ask for MINARD'S and you will get it. Young Bride--I didn't accept Harry the first time he proposed. A Nagging Cough drives sleep and comfort away. Yon can conquer it with Allen's Lung Balsam, which relieves hard breathing, pain in the chest and irritation of the throat, Give it freely to the children. The thin father is proud of his We will pay cash Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. would if I could. but this new hat sands.--Known far and near as a sure remedy in the treatment of | indigestion and all derangements of | the stomach, liver and _ kidneys, | Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have | brought relief to thousands when | other specifics have failed. Innum-| erable testimonials can be produc- ed to establish the truth of this as- sertion. Once tried they will be found superior to all other pills in the treatment of the ailments for which they are prescribed. Hope is a valuable asset--until you try to raise money on it. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. PARDONABLE IGNORANCE. "Good land!" exclaimed the as- tounded passenger on the west bound express train, looking out of the car window. -. "No, sir,"? said the conductor ; "these are the Bad Lands."' -- "ae , CURED IN ONE MONTH. If every woman, who has Kidney or Bladder frouble, eould go to Davisville, Ont., and talk to Mrs. A. Simpson, they 'would do just as she did--take Gin Pills and cure themselves. 'For 14 or 15 years I had Kidney or Bladder trouble, suffering at times intense vain. IJ doctored continually but nothing gave me permanent re'ief until I was per- suaded to try Gin Pills. 'Within a couple of days I received reat relief, and after taking one box wag MrseA. Simpsop. Write National Drug & Chemical Co.," §@ ceuts a box. dealers, - 6 boxes for $2.5) at all) ae --a. NO ASSETS. Wife--"Shall T put-your diamond studs in your shirt, déar?" Husband--"What on earth are you thinking of? Do you want to ruin-me? T-have a meeting with my ereditors this morning.' \ ---- "HELPS TRADE. , row believe" in love at first | of mine is too wide to go through the doorway," sighs the one on the inside. FEATHER DYEING. Cleanin BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO, H. W. NELSON & CO, TORONTO Don't Have a Blind One and Curling aud Kid Gloves cleaned. These can be sent by post, le per oz, 'The best. place is MONTREAL, There ts No Such Thing ss a harmless cough. The trouble goes from bad to worse unless cheeck- ed. Allen's Lung Baleam cures tho worst of colds. It allays inflammation and clears the air passages. : ---- TOO SLOW. The Minister--"Then you don't think I practise what I preach, eh' The Deacon--"No, sir, I don't. You've been preachin' on the sub- jee' o' resignation for twa years an' y' hivna resigned yit." Do not let a cold settle on your lungs. Resort to Bickle's Anti Con- sumptive Syrup at the first intima- tion of irritation 1n the throat and prevent disease from lodging in the pulmonary organs. Neglected colds are the cause of untold suffering throughout the country, all-of which could have been prevented by the application of this simple but pow- erful medicine. The price, 25 cents, brings it within the reach of all. -WISE TRAMP. She brought him out a-wedge of pumpkin pie and a cup of coffee. "And you only visit this section of the country during golden-rod time 7'? she interrogated innocently. "How. poetical!' i bie "Well, you see, mum, it isn' t-ex- | actly poetical,' replied Dusty Dan, | with a smile, '"'but when de golden- rod-blooms it."is too tate to cub grass an' too early to shovel snow."' Or. Morse's 3 Indian Root Pills cure many. common ailments which are different, but~ which all arise from the same | cause---a "system clogged with Impurities. The Pills cause the boiwels to move regularly, -- strengthen and stimulate the kidneys" and open up the pores. of the skin. These organs immediately throw off ~ the accumulated impurities, and Bili-- ousness, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, -- > Kidney Troubles, Headaches, Rheum- tism and simifar-ailments Vanish, Dre -Morse's: Indian Root. Pills. $15,000 FARM door. Sacrificed for $10,000 be divided. VISIO' An Absolute Cure for | | : Moon Blindness | AZ AON RA a (Opthalmia), Cataract and Conjunctivitis Shying horses all suf- fer from diseased eyes. A trial will convince any h a: remedy absolutely cures deferts, or the. Hepfiene spective of the length of timo the animal has been afflicted. No matter how many doctors have tried and fatied, use VISIO" under our QUARANTE Moneyr Ifunder di itd "$200 per bottle, postpaid on reosipt el erica a VISIO Romedy Ass'n, Dept. 5,1933 Wabash Ay. Chicago,tt, F Adjoining fine town east of Toronto, ailway and steam communication at the Will be 180 acres fine soil and buildings. Could TERMS VERY FASY W. E. DYER, 114 King W., Torento, A flevoring used the sang y dissolving granuleted adding Mapteine, a delicho & syrup better than maple, grocers. If not send for recipe book, ent Mfg. Co,, ee SEVENTA ANNUAL Antario Horticultural Exhibition | November 15-16-17-18-19, 1910. The largest exhibition of horticultural products ever held in Canada FRUIT -- FLOWERS -- HONEY -- VIGITABLES e Special Excursion Rates from all points in Ontario. Ask your local Railway Agent ~ for particulars. se B. R. FRANSLAND, P. W. HODGEITS, Secretary, ae President 2755 . Parliament Biggs, Toronto SERE=-- TD IGA OSE Ia SAN OO NTE te sak oie nin - a BRR) wal opwarda made by or} hare & _ Rood agents, No ox: : " parisuce necessary, | iy ete ' Vivi iustructions giren, ng Wexclusive t Meorys The "Handy,"" Lifting Jack is a} combination Lifting Jack and Wire _ Fence Stretcher, Equals any stratcher- -on the market, costs levs. Hasa dozen : other uses besides. Pulls posts, mends | and stretches single wire, sets tites, Y heads barrels, lifts heavily | wagons, tr buildings, only 22 rig Raman L200 tpe woes SOMEN yam fa IP ga Se y This is Farmers! iosiet pi : ge UL Tt lifts,» stretches, pus presses anything, ever nm; Or Investi- >

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