Monkton Times, 18 Aug 1911, p. 1

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Seeee $oo0oe sesorseserecescossesssooosssssovcclibaccsscesesecsoos 00eosesseeoes ' MONKTON, ONT., FRIDAY, AUG. 18, 1911. ~ Malcolm MacBeth, E itor and Proprietor = 2 090004000900000000000006 $9900000000000000060000000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Have brought many others to our store and it is al- ways our aim to please our customers in every respect. We, therefore, endeavor to carry only such lines that are the best value and give best satisfaction for price paid. THE Form Fittrp PATENTED AUG. 30, 1909 We have just received the sole agency for this community for the vele- brated "Kaybro" Form Fitte Patent Underskirt These garments are the most perfect form fitting and easiest adjusted pet- ticoats on the market tog day. No unsightly draw strings. No gaping or opening in the back. No pucker- ing or unnecessary fullness atgwaist line. } FRONT VIEW ff OPENs Om si0e We have these garments from $1.25 to $5.00 in the different materials. We can supply you any shade skirt, made to order, in Cotton Taffeta or Silk at reasonable prices The Cetton Taffeta is the very latest development. While having the lustre of silk, its finish is abso- lutely permanent and every garment is guaranteed to retain the crisp- ness and swish of silk, while it is far more durable and the finish will not be affected by the atmospheric changés. Let us show you these skirts and notice the useful pocket, - We have cleared a lot of Sum- mer goods and there are a great many lines to clear yet--they must go to make room for fall goods. We are making the prices in order to clear up quickly Bring us your Live Poultry while prices are hig Shipping day Wednesday. T WEBER & BETTGE BPG ODGGGOO9GG OOOO GOOG 919099 HH 6900999900508 0809909 G5O00% $6000bbesedhesecsienedseebeeesnssshsbesssssecattnbessesveeses ¢ * e e @ ¢ ® ® 2 @ e @ @ @ @ @ ® @ @ ® @ @ e @ ° ¢ ° ; @ ® @ @ ¢ ° @ 2 ® ° @ ° e 3 4 @ e ¢ 4 ® e ¢ ¢ ¢ @ ® @ ¢ @ ba ° 4 e a @ e Sg @ 2 @ 4 @ $ 3 ° ¢ 4 4 + 4 ® +4 @ > ® : ¢ ® & * < e 3 ° & e @ 2 ¢ 4 e @ 4 C4 ® e 3 Sd @ ° 2 ¢e 4 Bd 4 i 2 e ¢ 4 ¢ 4 ® 5 2 ® % 4 @ % @ @ 4 @ > SS BBO S09 08896 960990008 99G809 49C 95509990 S92099H29IH7IGHO We have just received a shipment of Detrot Gasoline Stoves These are high-class stoves and just the thing for sum- mer. One lighting is all that is required. See them. 2 We also have the sole agency for "Lightning Rods" Come in and we will giye you an estim- ate for rods on your house and_ barn. Have them put on before the lightning season comes. You will feel a whole lot safer with them on. Our prices are right. Come in and see for yourself : We have a Carpet Sweepers j.. ico ment to select from. Make the work easier for your wife by buying her one of these sweerers. Monkton, _M. E. BETTGER, "sri , Po . oececse0s000c0000000 sooecescsoocecoeooeccss ae : i rege ee, 4 .! SOSSSees $8S95S00506688608360880806 Miss Stewart spent Sunday friends at Gorrie. Mr, amd Mra. J. A. Hanson Sunday at Fullarton, Mr. J. McDonald. of Ethel, spent Sunday with friends in the Village. ' Mrs. Jessie Fullerton is attending the fall millinery openings this week Misg Lily Stewart has returned to Toronto to attend the millinery work rooms, ; Mr. Otto Bettger. of New burg visited his son Milton Sunday. Mrs, F. Ferg and granddaughter area away on a trip to Toronto and other points. Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn. of Listo- wel. spent a day last week with Mrs, R,. McCullough. Mr, Russell Robertson. of Brussels is sepending a few days with his mothe# this week. Miss MeIntyre who was visiting at Mr, J. A. Hanson's returned ito her home in Fullarton on Sunday. Misses Pearl Stewart and Pearl Ellacott left on Monday to spend a couple of weeks with their sister Mrs. ; Wallace. of Gorrie. Mrs. James Ellacott. 16th con., El- left on Tuesday to spend two or in with The Monkton Times IS PUBLISHED FRIDAY MORNING spent EVERY Monkton Ontario SUBSCRIPTION RA'TES One year. $1.00 ; six months, 50 cents; _ three months 25 cents in advance. Subscriptions not so paid, $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING SPACE YEAR 5 Mos: 3 Mos. ~ column,..$50.00 $30.00 $16.00 Wy column.. 30.00 16,00 9.00 4 column.. 15.00 9.00 5.00 1 inch 5.00 3.00 2.00 Ham- over Mo $6.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 Hight cents per line for first tusertion and four cents per line foreaen subsequent insertion will be charged for all transient advertisements. Advertisements without specific direc- tious will be inserted until forbidden and charged accordingly. MALCOLM MACBETH, Publisher and Propriet or nee eta ma Rev. J. D. Fergusson will on Sun-- er aeons bina her 'sister Nise ee. i Bin Wiltrid isuier and Mx. RL re J, HOlmain, Jalifornia. is ; : * ' te ee present sisiting arijomereiaars a Borden each opened their Ontatrio (Holman. Fags * team paign tby addressing mass meet- Mrs, John Murray returned home tec ati an ee See ie Shea ieisd on Tuesday after spend-,* Pus came nace oe ae! ppoiint ing a month with her parents here, | ¢ iM, They ees eee The Monkton baseball juniors play- ent of Mr. J. A. Hacking. of Listo- ed at Kennicott on Thursday leat ee peek, Gh ate UiFiies Detbees Tor. Netty suffered a defeat by a score of 10:12, pa Lage ee est ae de te ane Miss Sadie Brown of Sarnia arMv- g " ga Se ' ro tito. LS ed home on Tuesday and will spend oa oF vice ee ee Se is weeks at her home here before BG. acho ie ak eet os pariah returning, u3.0., 5 ¢ sent a sit Messrs, O. Duffield and Wm. Bett. OPtario attending the rifle matches j@er have purchased a benzine run- @t Toromte and Ottawa is expected by ora and when the roads are good a = < ee ert. ghereeae Har dae e arn nc ae time. 5 ame. th ; : Py VB ees 2 se. 4 d ar Meer ctyaa zoe of 'the Biel ani Sti Cart eae Oe The Guekph City Council put a ied cm his old friend Mr damper on the proposal to remove the iW for a few hours an ' Priory building tg Riverside Park at Mrs,. Whiteford Morrison i ine Sanne a meeting held inkthe council cham- last week to her home in Wyandotte Ber Zeeqntty, G6 Mate tee Sorel Sr Mich. after spending a month with Spippet doth The Obiemes sau CnEne kc: it) ther parents Mr. and a SS eas 5 mot grace Riverside or any other park | ney - and Mrs. C.'Brough- within the city of Guelph. Messrs, James Wilson, John Me- Mr. and Mrs. G. Weber and family Ewen, John Bohan. Dave Akins Chas returne@ from their holiday trip and Bile we ea. has, report?' having had a fine time. going KiehY and Wilson Little intend leay- by way of PortiHuron. Detroit. and the ede for different points in Cleveland by bdat and after spend- et? He e: ing two weeksftwith Mrs, Weber's | short time brother at Buti¢r. Pa.: returned by | the prem way of Buffalo. (Niagara Falls azd thing in order Hamiltom making a round 'trip. i outgoing : A' large bird: supposed to be am | é z eagle. wneasuring seven feet. one | dneh. was shot iby James Ferguson} ow this farm at Plattsville last week as it wais ca ing off a goose. {tis | ecnisidered istmange that an eagle} should have at¢acked a goose. the} | | | of the C.P.R. spent a Monkton looking over here, Finding every- he de on the in ++ 1 parteg | Mr. Kay Gill who has been | possessor of a fime flock of | that numbered considerab hounded nvas one irelieved of eight } Mr. Sylvester | hono# of delivering i this Year's wheat at the vator. ed 58 pounds and of | kernef but good sample. Mr, &. 8S. Crawford resigr his ition accountant of | Stenling bank here and leaves |'the end of the present month | trid through the Northwest. | i the chickens arbi Ver one evening iast week -five. holson has th the first load of Tt small of a falcon. a still rarer. bird here. | stome crusher was unloaded at C.P.R. station at Listowel last | sand brought te Atwood by 4! on engine. The machine has| been purchased by the Elma council | and should prove a valuable acquis | tion 'to the furtherance of good roads in the township. The Climax Road Machine Co,. of Marathon. N.Y.. were | the makers. It is past as well for motor-car Griy- | ers to remember that keeping within the speed limit does not free them | from liability on atcount of injuries | | they may happen to inflict. It. only | his mother Mrs. R. Marshall. of protects them agaimst being punished | |Komoka was seriously ill. He left on !0% exceeding the speed limit. The | Wedinesday morning to a, her Common law liability for causing in- | bedside. wry is just the same for a mile an |. Som.¢ young men on Sunday even- DOUF as for twenty miles an hour. { ' S : Hensal is a peculiar place. Citizens was has as far Mr. Henry Kruggle. of Brockville ig spending three weeks with -- his jparents in Monkton. Mr. Kruggle |says that he believés that Brockville |is ome of the loveliest spots on this | earth. ; Mr, J. H. Marshall was om Tuesday last in receipt of the intelligence. that be ings amuse themselves by sitting on ' | at Nee e ai ot the cor. ¢ io TSes | i the steps of bu places and can det the cows run at night. horses | ling! how far they can squirt tobaceo °0 ibe let run or tethered at pleasure | be hha arn teres . cement walks. Tha Om the street. bicycles can be ridden | | julee across the cement walks. The : ' lhabitt should be stopped at once or 0% the sidewalk. wigns can be exten- some one should be made an example bes oaeg o'28 \ of people can- Mfe, ™ ' her wl a group and | sing. Now the winging by a chorus of our boys has bean much enjoyed by music loving people. but somebody } hs 1 an ear for music has, com- plained| and the chief has acted. | George V in his golden crown ap-! peared on the new Canadian coppers | syness Set ded over the street if the so desire. but ome thing : } amely g or i The Ebma Cheese & Butter not do. namely gather in Ltd.. shipped the last. half of _ July make of cheese to Messrs. Lov- }el. & Christmas. Momtreal. on Wed- nesday morning of this week. Num- | ber of cheese 389. amount realized | Patrons may receive their cheques of rp alter J ay. August A ; - far Cees Pet Pe oa eS poe Boe which have be on issued from the Re- | Despite 'the fact that the pumpkin °%elver General's office, The new Dom | lim all its forms has found, its fullest Sion $1 bill appeared om .the same | | mee of popular aprjreciation in the Gay. It has 'been issued at this par- | {United States, it is by tio means cer.' ticular momert doulbtless to make | | taim that the plant had its first home SUre that the Governor-General and | jon this continent. Some authorities, bia gracious lady would uot miss the | | say it did. and produce evidence compliment intended for them, Their) 'show that the aborigines of North Portraits appear in the center of the | America planted it among their bill instead of at the side as previous- | j maize, Others contend that it is of. Y. | | Asiatia origin and still others point! A carload of zinc tlende was Ship- } | out that pumpkins have been culti-' ped from here to Cleveland. Ohio. | | vatea as avcuriosity or as am article | this week 'to be smelted: sq that. the 'of food in England since 1570, {Albermarle /Zine Company may know It must be borne in mind that the' the quality of their mineral. Some | prairie provinces of Manitoba, Sask- | especially fime samples of prodigious jatchewau and Alberta contain 170,000-' «igo have 'been taken out of the shaft 000 acres of wheat land. and that only pr, 'Wolverton is now sinking. and it jabout 12,000,000 acres are under culti-'\ jg his desire to go down fifty or vation as yet. The land is remark-i«ixty feet in order to ascertain the ably productive, This sounds like a/| depth to which the zine extends, In fairy tale. 'but it is true. asserts the ecuversation with the Canadian Dr. London Globe. that all. or nearly all' Wolverton expressed the opinion that ;@f 'the fruits of this productive soil! smelter should be built at Parry jvass through Winnipeg. There is'gound. where there is considerable jsome excuse therefore, for the state-' eopper, amd which point would be ment of the people of Winnipeg that ' oaaily, accessible by water from here. their city' will some day be larwer In company with his. foreman. Mr. t | Co... to than Chicago, ed : Bourne. 'Dr. Wolverton is on a pros _Kineardine Mow Tejoices in a new i pecting tour of the peninsula this pipe /bamd which gives. promise of |»weck, and will be away until the 'bringing fame to the northern burg, report from the smelter is received. They have an exceedingly fine cos- | Secretary Carruthers, of Lomdon. was tume of the McKenzie tartan and | im town during the week in comme c= they are one of the best z dressed | tion with the shipping of the zinc. -- bands im Canada. The credit of ov- | Wiarton Canadian. Gemizing 'belongs to Mr. <W:; H. Young and he was fortunate in sur-| rounding himself 'with a bunch of | boys who are euthusiasts and RnOW | Feiry At Newton. on Monday Aug. mot the word failure. Another thing | 1th, to.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry to notice is that the members put up| oy aot 2 ' : for the pipes amd costumes which will! Fuge a7 2 aC 2 7 t j f 5 ree each ome in the neighborhood of Aug. 16th to: Mr: and Mrs. 'J: biti Struthers, a daughter. ' BIRTHS. a I. > Mr, Wim Dallinf spen' Sundoy with : friends at Gorrie. Honey an 10 Jbs. cams $1.20c. Gill's. 5 th. cans 60c, A Go to Gill's for your fruit. Plums 80c. per basket. pears 75c. Mr. John Sanders and Mrs. Sher- win were visitors in Atwood this week. - ; Mis¢ Alma Forrest. of Atwood. has been visiting her cousin Mrs. Josepb Holman, Messrs. Wm. Bettiger and Ed. are nttending the Berlin Saengerfest on Wednesday. at RLING BAN OF CANADA, Joint Savings Accounts face Oe Rev. Mr. McLennan, of Toronto. con ducted the services in Knox church on Sunday last. Miss Maggie Huggins is spend- ing two weeks' vacation in Wiarton visiting friends. ' draw the entire amount. In order to meet the demands of their steadily @rowing business the Sterling bank of Camada amnoumce an issue of $1,000,000 of additiona! capi- DO ee Joint Savings Accounts are sometimes particularly convenient. Husband and wife or business partners can use them to advantage. Either can use the account and in case of death, either can with- tal. 'which will be offered to share- holders of record August 7th. in the proportiow& of one share of new stock for every share of old held on that date. The Sterling Bank. owing lar- gely to its conservative management has made very steady and substantia] progress Guring the past few years. and it has been evident for some little time ipast that if it were to keep pace with the development of its business it would find fit advisable to secure additional eapital. The Sterling is the third bamk to announce an in- aimcrease of capital during the past week. The Bank of Montreal and Bank of Toronto have already given Capital Paid Up Reserve and Undivided Profits Total Assets $ 3,750,000 3,250,000 similar motice to their shareholders. AN EPOCH: MARKING EVENT. Thursday. August 3rd. was made a wotable day in history. when at Washington three of the great powers of the world formally signed. through their -representfiitives. treaties pro- viding for the settlement "of al) their Gifferences 'by arbitration. These treaties were made between the United States and Great Britain and the Umited States and France. The terms of these agreements have been on previous occasions outlined in thesa columns, and as finally revised are accepted as affording certain means of settling peaceably any dis- Many a fortune can ba traced back to the day its owner deposited the first dollar in a Savings Account, The one dollar affords an inoen- tive to deposit more--and, as inter- est is added to principal, the small sum grows more and more until it finally becomes a competence. One Dollar will start an account with the Bank of Hamilton. | RB. d. RANNEY, Manager, Milverton rapidly 4 ee # | 8B like @ bap y Nags Veale' Head Office HAMILTON agreement that may arise. These ex- cellent results have come from a, Society,.--Carried. particular speech delivered at Wash-} Moved by Mr. Coates, seconded by | the k of the bird shot being more like ;Snterest, ij head making ' tilt the blood ran. beating him abc | flesh. The bruises were all plainly to 'and very much sympathy was felt by leverybody resent for the poor little \ 'boy on | but as both lawyers pleaded for lem- ; costs was imposed, 1ed,--Carriced. Struthers--Atl Monkton, on Tuedday.|' ington on December 18th last. in/Mr, Smith 'that the Reeve and Clerk which President Taft express trong |issue orders for the payment of a views in favor of international arbi- | pumber of accounts:--Carried. tration. views to which it was found! (Moved\ by Mr, Scott. seconded British and French Governments! Mr, Btruthers. that the council do were ready to respond. now adjourn to meet again at the Agricultural Hall. om Monday. Sept. llth. 1911. at ten o'elock for genera! by A LOGAN ---- township. business, The secrétaries of School Sections who have mot as yet sent in their re- quisition for Schoal monies to be lev- ied for the year 1911 are required to do so at once also all patihmasters -- wha have mot returned their statute -- labor dist already are required to ao sa immediataly. Geo, Lochhead, Clerk of Elma | MAN'S CRUELTY | Tha Mitchell towm-hall on Saturday | afternoon was crowded to listen to a} police court case which was full of | H. E. Raiwald. agent of the | Amnie \MdPherson "Home. Stratford. had Henry H. Squire of the township of Logan. wp before Police Magistrate Davis. for wilfully ill-treating Charles James. a little boy mine years of age. fo a manner that will likely cause ser- ious injury to his health. The led swore that 'because he could not hand- le gheaves in the field fast enough td suit Mr. Squire. he hit him onthe | a nasty gash and bad swelling. pulling him by the the legs with a 'binder whip and strik- ing 'him on the breast discoloring the be seen on the boy in the court room Squire admitted hitting the | the breast. pulling his ears | and danglimg the whip about his | legs. 'but denied striking him on } the head.and claimed that he did the boy mo injury. F. H. Thompson. K C.. then asked about the bruises on his body. After the counsel had ad- dressed 'the court, Magistrate Davis condemned sudh conduct as the most inhuman that ever came, before him chap. asscrtments, Remnants of Dress Goods " --_ offTable Linens 0 ,lowellng 0 Shirting o Muslins o fiazhams PHP SDOS SOS OOS G OS FHL OOHOEOSOSSOOOSHOHDD a nominal fine of $10 and $6.15 The little fellow waa taken back to Stratford. beneoy ELMA COUNCIL The municipal council of the town- ship of Elma met in the Agricultural Hall. Atwood. on Saturday, August 5th, Members present ;--Reeve, John Hamiltom; Deputy-reeve, Wm. Scott and Councillors, Wm. Coates. Alex. Struthers and Samuel Smith, Minutes of last meeting were read amd filed including ome from Valk loeger. re drainage fnom tho Elma house Atwood. Moved by Mr. Scott. seconded by Mr. Struthers. that By-law No. 601 of the township of Elma for levying county. 'township. railway and other Necessary rates for the year 1911 as now read a third time be finally pass. $3.25. Sale Price... $3.50 Sale Price... $1.40 Sale Price $1.55 Sale Price Children's Grain $1,20 Sale Puice...... Moved by Mr. Coates. seconded by Mr. Scott. that the resigmation of Chas. 'MeMaine, M.D.. medical health officer be accepted and that D. A. Kidd. M.D.. be appointed medi- cab health officer for the township of Elma.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Coates Seconded by Mr. Smith. that By-law No. 602 of the tawtiship of Elma ito appoint «a medical health officer as mow read a third tim» be finally pas ed.--Carrie'. Moved by Mr. Smith. seconded . by Mr, Struthers, that Crowley & Me- Donnell be paid the sum of $300.00 as part payment of the contract of the Johnston drain as per engineer's cer- tifidate--Carried. Moved 'by Mn. Struthers seconded by Mr. Seott. that Chas, Henry be paid the sum of $400.00 as part pay- ment of the contract of the Murray drain ws per engineer's certificate.-- Carried. : : Moved by Mr. Smith. secouded by Mr. Coates. that a grant of $25.00 be made to the Elma Agricultural as of your life, ance, General Yerchant PEP PSCHLOSPODO DS PDO SOO SSS DOSS ISG PPOOS GOSS OGO POSS GO GOODS SO FOL HOY O90 909990905009 All odd sizes Odd Sizes a Assortin Hosiery, and broken nd broken ents in Waists, Underwear, etc. Men's Box Calf Blucher Cut Shoes regular Men's Dong Blucher Cut Shoes Regular Price Women's Dongola Sirap Slippers regular price Women's Grain Leather Shoes Regular Pree Leather Shoes Regular Price Bring us your Live Poultry Highest Prices Guaranteed EGGS 19c Per Dozen J. C. WILSON » This is your Footwear Harvest "PICK YOUR CHOICE WHILE THE PRICES ARE RIPE" SSSOSDOOG OD OSS POSSSOSO GOOD BLODOOOO HED OD DODO DOSS ODSS 9 $94900000006909060060006 Ot $990 oCOOOOOSONEE 2.50 2.75 1.10 1.25 90 e . This will be the money-saving épportunity former prices will be lost sight of as we must have a complete clear- Come and Come Early. . Monkton CO000000000000000009090008 00 0CCSE OOO OSESOOSOODEOES SOSOLOOSOSO DOS OS SOS PO SOLE OS S9HODS SOOO HOHSHSEHOODOOS e WILSON'S MID-SUMMER 2 DALE Twice a year this store cleans house, -cleans out every remnant and short lot.

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