d a) ql 4 « ; ' < 5 es , hi POS les of the American Tropics. Name Given It In Persia. : pS Se 'PR NK PLAYED BY PRINCES! In Mexico, Honduras and Central The making of wine is 'said to| THIS DEADLY VESSEL HAS Res ee Se ee ra wer You may have heard somebédy | * The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway - | HEIR YOUNG DAYS, aoteeef ca in pehehd os me kaye originated with the Persians, SOME WEAK POINTS. # optical reasons you 'can see much sometime say 'Mr. So-and-So has | has revealed its plans for ter, pee: = liars fon a maga te Te eee One at wees | much|abig heart", Peranshe hayaud al, go gic and danke ; , E> x : : ee 9 Ri ee sols (ae / from a ship, and there is also : me 4 . | of getting it out, says @ writer in| kings, Jensheed, who, it is said, ; ae : Pre : prove he hasn't. In. case you, at Fort William on Lake Superior. King Senter Inherited His Love of the New Orleans Times-Democrat, | was only Sve or six. generations | Penreret®, Yorpede Boats, Cap- Aha pega ae ase should happen to be at all interest- | These plans show three great piers Fun and Mischief From that makes mahogany an expensive | from Noah, was the discoverer or tive Balloons and Aeroplanes captive balloon, the ast "of ed in Mr. So-and-So you will be |in the Mission River Harbor, from Hie Jather lumber. The trees stand deep in rather a woman of his household eee which '"'spots'"' the sub d sub-| lad to know there is a way in| which freight can be loaded into ' the forest in the midst of an almost | was. in Next War. ch '"'spots" the submerged SY") which ily determine the |lake v Is by working elevators impenetrable jungle Theis axe ite whet Sc uate tend ot ee marine, and either signals her ch you can easily de rmine the|lake vessels by wo g : . 2 s immoderately fond o Airships, acroplanes, and 'sub-| whereabouts to the-battleship or exact size of his heart and find jon both sides. out for yourself whether that par- It will be possible to nes ee our of the selves. But Prince John, age five, : : evidently imagined a sbort time ago | logs can be floated to port. ed in a large vessel and lodged in | ine was insignificant, but since thea | vantage that they need not be cap- many improvements have | been|tive, but can fly about ready to publishes a description of snow | valor' oF 10,00 is Aga heart measuring method compiled | ity when complete. The cars can : oF that this rule did not apply to Roy- alty. He caused a big flutter among | a. at Windsor by shying f ; : d bl ' 'pebbles at them, says Londo 'Ans. of mahogany-trees an to blaze aj\state was so acid that the King 'be-t especis . Reh tee "pli : : --wers. : ondon ANS" | way to them, so that they may be | lieved it must be poisonous. is DB acirarts coy besa ye acs Sa ae tie sitthoee dat like a great) |. s, in fact, of d ining the} four When his father rode up, how-, found again. Then the workmen| ("'He had some vessels filled with 3S 5 Fee sete thee formidable en-|sea-bird swooping dows © jenwehe Stats boart igh eg ora ponent has shown its faith ee the little Prince realised that must cut their la h he | Th y : 'da he se . using for the purpose the| These were laced in his r : : : ae age = rag rare audit S29 purty e placed in his room. It} man has turned his thoughts to-|intended to steam over @ located whil i etaht oo ace EDO .Weape f the American trop-| ladies was afiecte i >rVOUS : . ; : : area bit ian @: nonkS wars veapon of the Americ op-| ladies was affected with nervous} sypmarine. At first sight, the ad-|discharging a torpedo vertically ' Bh sacks Sige Z King sol an eee cents - +g - | resting on i e first joint of the in-| ing 1t on & scale so com r G th the rigidity of a es ; F : : soldier. | Itisa beautiful growth, tall and} Observing the ve' cel with 'Poison The humor of this incident was eee shapely, with the lowest branches written on it she took it and swal- | F this ine ; was ph Na a paiemiary cere Fema ne "|attempts to ram It and the death-| marine torpedoes as 2% defence : soe Seed. SH, Rorerelst ahs pie; at least sixty feet from the ground. | lowed its contents. [he wine, for | dealing torpedoes 2 aca eid agaiaal 2 bgt geen e le joint of the little finger to the amount of grain traf it y recalled many pranks of Mis, Z 2 first joi : ompany & Toresig) : own childhood. King Georges spir-! Stter-the manner of the cypress. | lady, who fell down into a sound' (115.5 1,000 yards and more at great) attached t the d worked by ear mre ah Sats "Phe constructic z agp a a a ee small The tree has to be cut above it, sI~ sleep and awoke much refreshed. petro! y ae ee Y and a half, will give the exact | is unique in plan and absolutely cks and knickers, that he once : , : earned for himself the nc vel title! The first work to be done is -the repeated the doses so often that the , 5 sie Forse : : . of " ; building of a platform round the|monarch's poison was all drunk. |. But only apparently so, for it has | matic submarine torpedoes. These : : leted 'res 11,000 piles driv~ | trunk, so that the cutters can stand | He soon discovered this and forced | 1#§ weak points. Among them 1s 1s wonderful weapons are controlled adding to the breadth of the hand, | completed rests ont}, piles j | periscope. Small though is the| by electric waves, and, although oe RIGHT ROYAL PICKLE." | upon it and wield their axes; but|the lady to cont erehee his escapades were legion. | monarch comes crashing down} drank of the new 'beverage which | ne day, while th 'emises r ada ge : nee a , a ; * WwW : Sees being 0 etare 7 eit aavueane through the thick growth round it.| from the circumstance that led to | located the submarine can be Well then, a submarine 1s locat- of the absence' of the painters Me The workmen trim off the Pane, 0s, dine | mix their ; 2 cut the trunk into suitable lengths, |in Persia by the name *of Aeher-e : ess U ee ee car ee and manage to get it hauled and | It may be said that in time of |The only token it gives of its com- Then, at a Me distance +4 al rolled to the nearest creek. tS ede) ; ¥ ' on ' it must await the floods of the raimy down with his sister '"Harry"--the geacon, which will lift it and carry | N present Queen of Norway, who Was jt down stream, and on to ihel HONESTY OF EUROPEANS. | less ship. Even when using the peri-| the "eye" of the periscope. Rvent ti ie Hui -sibl oo fall | . : something of a pickle herself----and (oye Bate tie j ae | scope a submarine 1s 'lind'? to a|jf the alarm is given, the submarine | t is quite possible to have a t@ Above the bins are machines ta indulged in princely mirth - over| ene {3 O Ged are piled on. the | Arcadian Simplicity Still Prevails| great extent. The modern peri-| has small chance ol getting awa: of snow within doors. Indeed, the | clean flaxseed and to separate the ; ner 1 ogs are 0 =] A PCa a | ae y 4 Ae) ; ¢ > oce 5 Roe ' Se s ' shi the decorators subsequent conster- |} each to wait LY > Soxecl When | in Many Parts of Continent. scope revolves, but even then the | for 'the torpedo is travelling forty thing has actually occurred, and! screenings from the other machines nation. oe xy ey ha tes Hed fee tnt b* Whera in Bur \ _ _|feld of vision is limited, and the | niles anehour to her six, it hel the cause was no other than that | into the various kinds of seed ot |it comes they are rolled back jt | 1ere in Europe does one find) . ens av be taken eae oh eee she | which produces a fall of snow in! which they are composed. Abovs really honest peo jet A traveller submarine may be taken unawares. dodges, the torpedo can follow her. | é . ss ' | uch ) co L : st people: 4 2 ; : | the open air--tl.e., a subjection of | the bins the building is of structur- alvanized sees ee "Little bévs shouldn't throw ' > ¥ | ant F ack . tee ee " See . 5 f atones! | no groves; the trees are scattered, | grapes,' says i.e narrative, which! marines are going to play a big|destroys her by dropping explosives caiian fe Saag 1 Siahela ok : icular heart is above normal pro- ushels 0 grain every Gvarvbody knows that. We were perhaps not more than two to an is found in Sir John Malcolm's i : ' 5 * fhe ee F : eh . teercc Sh tee y ss : | part in the next great war. on her. ' acre; and it may be that there is no| "History of Persia,' ' and desired| Jt is true that im the Russo-Jap- Aeroplanes will probably be used portions or not. day from the elevators into lake A German medical journal, the boats. Each unit will consist of @ taught it when we were little our- : ' w a d | watercourse at hand on which the | to preserve some, which were plac- { anese war the work of the submar- in the same way, with the added ad- Sf Zeitschrift fuer Klinische Medizin, | working elevator and storage ©/e- his father, in whom this vein 0 i es froli e , ee 2 i out to the vessel's side, always 4 rolic was even more pronounced, ci via : dangerous undertaking, for the wa- It is sad, but true, that Queen Vic- : ; ; ; toria once laid the Rare eee of Ot ty ee |inhabited by the most honest folk) Lakes its locati A ' Y oF Ol} 7 Sy aa e scide | it is ca Siewert akes Ss ration easy. Anyway; | ceases t oxi : FES | When the logs are once beside | it is possible to mmagine. maxes 4 oca nen . : y,| ceases to exist. ne Wee ars ' Sake . : . the Empire across her knee and oj bee ees itt : | suppose a submarine to have been! So then, it will be seen that Rot | The event, which is of authentic | ows of wire glass in metal frames. the vessel, the derricks are put to} In most of the Ticinese villages, | 4: : :. : | So then, will pe seen that, for-| yeceord, occurred in Stockholm he c in above the bins are | discovered, what can an enemy do} midable though the submarine is, Debbed CRERS stOCK ,\In the cupola above the Dims Ss | states a writer in Harpers Weekly. | ten 2.000 bushel scale hoppers rest- <«slippered" him before all the "e . . " i ae Tea? ama theatte see kas % set work and the logs lifted over the| the writer says, the oldest inhabit- ; ; 5 | adies and gentlemen of her court. against her? W ell, he can send an-| she is by no means invulnerable.-- dents in King Edward's chi ge : ' Bey rex. 4 A & ward § cn Idhood; "mp. million feet a year come into | lifetime. Any family would not be occurred when he was sitting as a 'a : < ; : model to tne sculptor Nevill Burn- New Orleans, and are partly manu- tolerated in these Arcadian com-|,. : ; : | tera heme Bt UrN-) factured there. The saws in the | munities for a w eek. like two men fighting in the dark,; -- BRITAIN'S LOVED PRINCE ard. He had the usual childish ob- Pe . fection to sceblicee still bi Be | mahogany-mills of Louisiana run| Lost articles when found must eS . ficht | 8 g still, | day and night in the winter. Dur-| never be taken away; they must be |10°* engaged friend might fight; puke of Connaught Is Popular in} yagise a window, but the sashes had | king house Four tracks ex . 3 a nus 4rany "ge & a . Sky ° ss : re Bee ates i frien t inas Sas BEES ? Si aleh candad ); WOrRKINE se. 7! R PACKS ©X- WRIGGLED AND TWISTED | 108 the twenty-four hours sixty | left where they were dropped or | friend. | Great Britain. been frozen in thelr places, and it j WORRUAR. "e ae The. ; \ thousand feet of lumber are cut bv! placed in a conspic 5 re And there ar "a eae meth : yeen frozen in thelr p aces, ant tend through this shed. The ar- / s y } placec in a conspicuous position So | An here are prac ticable metn TI D k ¢ ' SS . ; . ° 4 3 " 1e Duke of Connaught, who | Was impossible to move them. | rangement is such that grain from In these circumstances there was | the various cars cannot be mixed. like a veritable moving picture, un-| some of the mills. til the distracted sculptor, as a\ There is no such last resource, gave him a cast fill with clay. | pose the ship's entire cargo, quigé= And fora few moments it ga year. A gre did. Then, in a high treble, young gaged in the enterprise. | watch. Edward called Burnard to look at) wet clay into the sculptor's face. When George IV. was fourteen 4 1 ¢ Me at i 1 B57 ane , ' . ON, | seis: , attract her attention. \ten miles an hour or So (the weight | ¢. ji]i : : ; = Go eayt zed by Farm Implement and | °° : ieee pee eB - lfamiliar to the public, was picke one of his tutors gave the ungov- | Lt tilized Y : t . | The Scandinavians, too, have ajof the net would, of course, de- | ik space and bese Be Soe doors : : ' i pene) Fee of his charge as a | Vehicle Manufacturers. great reputation for common hon-| crease their speed), the submarine | acai Ae ie aise: atl e! & bee Sete = A cies bade - reason for resigning. IE Ge Paes s gh SpE eaty- in lonely parts of Sweden | whic under water, can only go} : ez Ee ries FSR RR lthe elevator. A passenger eleva- : Statistics of the lumber used in | : Yoel : | which, ind : , : Y 8° | every other time he appeared he HOW. TO KEEP WELL. | tor and complete signal and fire RIE service systems are among the new tle boy, tuough his dis position was : ee MOS itat : from 162 companies, consisting of | better of him. He recenuy strut: | hogany at $120.00 per thousand, | Vienna because the cannot get | : ; eke 1 was al by the sentries with so perky was the most expensive of import- | lodgings, being unable to pay the | ten feet below the sur ace anc Was man for tne place. | Yair that his father ordered = ed woods: | oxeessive rents, or, having many | attacked by the BeOS, aaa to cramp the stomach. ; : age it has been reduced by 70 per men strictly to refrain from salut- The species of woods having: the children, are refused as tenants by fish, which had been specially itted | ~------- AS to exercise, Dr. Prondi sug- | cent. : ' Ing him till his conceit cooled, . 'al aliti 'equired | by the hous ners out for the purpose. She was | gests that when a person rises ev- In speaking of the causes of the a' technical qualities requiret ny. (ARS rouse Owners. | strengthened on the port bow (port | FAMOUS EYES. | ery morning the bed clothes should decline of tuberculosis -- he said : lhe kicked on one side and exercise |" Co-incident with the decline of nis neighbors. : tney when. records | becom ientist ea is 'not only our bounden duty, a ia apa Oe oe ape 8 poeta red ple warning, but m a big bene | Mark Twain's eyes were small, | eer ith. ¢ wee : but an honor and a privilege, t| +6 the pak See ae tia eevee pore Brimd Minister ry te tats the submarine would not be able to! black, and keen. Lise men tenee. hy an it KS ve Brow ing education, 80> be able to defend our country. fice The pigs tennk of pi WANE There ee Mig ee saledar tron see everywhere, and destroyers Gladstone had large, luminous | SS ganre | rtiety, vetter homes and soeial im- There are greater joys in life; i, go inches through, and ak oan of tis fr ek at erg HER ae would attack or feint to attack from | grey eyes. ene : { A padedsgt gt ( peas One lemon, Baht tela of the people and thetr - than the possession of money. branches 'spread over the wall to "Mh friend,'2 cand the 1 eatetar. more than one quarter. The speed Disraeli s eyes in his youth were, o7® yreakfast-cuplu of milk, nie | moral. evation, = (a " height of 2% feet eee iat» et aba! I of the destroyer and the slowness | quite black, and it is remarked that, breakfast-cupful of water, one des- | Sat a ae , sok eg FE ON you do wrong to scoff. Again ©) of the submarine must also be con- \ they had "the most mocking, lying: | sert-spoonful of sugar. Put the | NOT CURIOUS. Only an unusually pretty girl ead -- say _thts child may become Prime | cidered in reckoning her chances of | in-wait sort of expression conceiv- milk and water into a saucepan | Doctor---What madée that mule afford to be stupid. Tf you sit in @ draft the doctor | Minister. Now, what is to be the! escape. Further, it is calculated | able."' | with the juice of the lemon, boil | kick you? : ee : ---- may cash it. name of this child? / that a spar torpedo, as it is called, Carlyle describes the eyes of Wel-| them tegether, and strain. Sweet- ede See t may look foolish; bab A man may be on the square and Tig "Mary Ann, said the mother | is effective within a radius of sixty | lington as "beautiful light-blue, | ey the whey thus obtained with the 7 am nes. foul enougt to a Yi cle ISSUL 33--11| meekly. feet, so that, if exploded anywhere ; full of mild valor, and geniality."" , sugar, and drink whilst very hot. , aud ,asic 1 es SE coe sad fe SE CUTTING MAHOGANY. [| "DELIGHTFUL POISON." mar-] MEASURE SIZE OF HEART. | IMMENSE GRAIN ELEVATORS. PIILERS WE ; ty | within twenty yards of the sub z : write ; pie lg NG THE SUBMARINE ine, the object ot blowing a hole en ; a : 4 es eee The Trees Are Found in the Jung-| How Wine Happened to Have That in the submarine would be achiev- | German Professors Have Discussed To Be Built at Fort Bear BAe es ee : Means of Doing So. the Grand Trask Bacifie, | on | deeper unde ter f balloon} ~ : : + ni Sp areties fon ee perhaps closer acquaintance may | acity of 60,000,000 bus | The tree has to be found by the} a vault for future use. When the | "hunter," whose business it is to vessel was opened the grapes had ; *. " ; : gee apie Pet the grapes had| made, and while the sibmarine has|swoop down and deal destruction ; roam through the forest im search |fermented and their juice in this} still the grave defects of slowness, | the aes a submarine shows by Profs. Levy-Dorn and 8. Maller, | be unloaded at six places at the of Berlin. They have found two rate of 2,400 cars a day of twenty- gine of naval warfare. CATCH A FISH. : . F Following the first of these two) 1n the rapid and enormous devel- ie With its increasing efficiency, An ric? s inv aig t hich is bott Pe de : ' th 0- n Ametioan has invented & Dow methods you must ask Mr. So-and- opment wf its territory by provision machete, which is both an axe an happened that one of his favorite! ards cireumventing the deadly | submarine and to destroy her by So to close his right hand like a|for handling wheat, oats, barley, : Y | &st with the first joint of the thumb | and flaxseed, storing it and unload- prehensive dex finger. Now measure with cal-|and vast that it was regarded aa ipers the exact distance from ce bowed until Jast fall the first outside of the bone at the knuck-! month of operation brought an Gj which justi- borious way to the| it and 'Poison' written upon each. vantage appears to be all on the downwards through an opening in side of the submarine. Its invisibil-! the boat's bottom. | ity, power of sinking jf a battleship| Finally, there are automatic sub- ics, and in time the men reach the| headache; the pain distracted her so mucif® that she desired death. ree. armed, torpedoes capable of trav-| types of these were guided by wires : + 4: : S\mhis distance, multiplied by one The construction of the bulidings At the bottom is a huge swelling, |such it had become overpowered the | speed, all help to make the submar-|the operator on shore or on @& ship, length of Mr. 8 d-So's heart fireproof, says the Hay, Flour and ength of Mr. So-and-So s heart. ; of, says the Hay, e roots. "Delighted with this remedy, she |. : pain s ine apparently invulnerable. but now we have "wireless" auto- : ; ; vit alread The second method consists 1 | Feed Journal. The unit already of eight feet from th as measured between the knuckle | en 50 feet into the ground, with a | part that projects above waer, it is| they are under water, the operator joint of the index finger and that of| cap of concrete pon which thé enough to locate the submarine to} can guide them in any direction he the little finger the length of the | buildings stand. They also are 0 : first, or leading, bone of the middle | concrete reinforced with steel. The finger. 'This sums up the length of | working house includes eighty cyl the heart indrical concrete bins, each twelvé | off goes the "wireless"? torpedo. bk -- feet in inside diameter and the HAD SNOWFALL IN HOUSE. | Spaces between these cylindrical -- bins also are used for storage. In Done by Creating Atmosphere Roth , the first story and immediately be- Cold and Moist. low the bins are fifteen steel clean- a ie ing machines of the largest size, -3s what she had An@' he deserved it. At Sand: | the work is slow and laborious.|done. A quantity of wine was made | A FE oH | Nevertheless, in due course the|and Jcnsheed and all! his court | ; z ' an enemy's battleships, and once} likes. ed by its tell-tale periscope, and overy is to this day known| EFFECTIVELY ATTACKED. khoosh, or 'the delightful poison.' - : | ( war a submarine would dispense | ing is a spray of water above it be ' > with its periscope, but then it) something like the "blowing" of a ------_--_--_k§ --_------ would be as helpless as a rudder- whale, and this may easily escape He inherited his love of fun from . ; M the water and rafted and pulled writing in an Italian magazine says | : : : Y§\ the submarine must first come to! will be on her before she knows} old "8 hates the a t Hees fogs : WS | cold enough to crystalize the arops | corrugé eal. Let s are O it is coming, and: the submarine g ; ps | corrugated steel. The floors aré te and the wind- | A | | As a rule, to attack effectively, | Nine times out of ten the t do | , Yaclet s : » torpedo : : ; Beer Miskneto : \ | moist atmosphere to a temperature | 2 Lovere with « that the Swiss canton of Ticino 1s} | h eS > the surface; which, of course, ; of moisture that were formed. | re-enforced concre On a very cold, clear night an evea- | ing on hopper scales of 120,000 ing party was In progress. Many pounds capacity, each scale hopper persons were gathered in a single | being surmounted by a 2,599 bushel | sever and it became so warm that | carner ;s 7 | } other submarine to tackle her in an} Pearson's Weekly. under-water duel. But that would | be of little use, for they would be One of the most amusing OM side, one by one, and lowered with | ants do not remember any case © much difficulty into the hold. thieving, however petty, within a me several women complained of feel- The unloading is done in the and with more than two submar- | : SEXES : ; L ing ill. An attempt was made. to!track shed, which is part of _ the i that the rightful owner ¢ fi s\ods of destroying submarines, } j cag rl ful owner can find his | of eG ae S| will soon go to Canada as Govern- | art from the obvious course Gh ee oan cae Sees | : ; or-General, is perhaps the most | but one thing to do. It was neces- | The unloaaing is done by power | thing as bring-| property more easily. The case is} 4p en age : . 5 - "ramming. The first is to fish for : _ 8 fe Gatch | popular man in England to-day. 3 ) sary that air should be admitted, | grain shovels of unusual size and so a pane of glass was smashed. Im-| strength. Even the dock is of con- erete and the storage house con- to ing the logs in ballast. They com-| cited of an American woman tourist and | who lost her purse on an excursion | the submarine, and try The popularity which was that of | her in a gigantic net. ae ics : ery : : Soe Oe ae oe his brother, King Edward, seems | mediately a cold. current of air A submarine "spotted," two de- | 45 havertall : ; : = : 1 a ; : o have fallen to the Duke. During rushed in, and at the same instant | sists of seventy cylindrical concrete the coronation, when he, in com- flakes of snow were seen to fall to | bins each over twenty-three feet in itrip she found the purse with con-| tween them a reat net, sunk well : i ; ; ; : asia f € I & gree mon with other members of the | the floor in all parts of the room. | inside diameter and with fifty inter- space. bins. Six vessels loading : evita his work, and promptly hurled the t i i 7 eS ; , F heavy | § Ork, ' Y , . Te : Nest sq |tents intact ona little heap of leaves | u der water by means of \ heavy ee < : S| WOODS USED IN INDt STRIES. | * ee ed elie MO US East Nae rae ateaen BONS Yj royal family, were naturally much | 'The entrance of a frosty current In- | es |so placed that it could not fail) weights. The destroyers moving at | in "the SG Seee he duke, who isto a where satur ee F : : | in the public eye, the auke, who is | to an atmosphere saturated mois- | spouts are provided for loading ture had produced a snowfall im-| grain into lake vessels. A grain him the average is about twenty cargoes | in the Val Capriasca. The purse sat many ships are en- contained gold coin and a jewelled Upon returning from her | stroyers give chase, earrying be- Hethoped it would keep and Norway where medicines are| about six miles an hour is almost} a. piven a very : : not easily procurable chests con-| bouad to be Beaded a very hearty reception, wonderfully sweet and gentle ie : | the cheering on many occasions be- oe te nan Ts eme ' a aes + . ATM ~ ae preat as ee as : epee could not break down the barrier | bone Re OMT acer me wed the like are fixed on trees No CAUGHT IN THE NET. Bins re gacee as that for the King oes . : < at shicle Mar ac mers ¢ Janada | j " 2 $ Sar | 1lmse which existed between him and or=| Vebicle: Manul® Gres, OF Se ne ever thinks of using these ar- ' See oe : ; . oT, i ; diuary people. So much so that bia i six provinces, by vhe Forestry | ns les a tihoe! . avin , seis in ee ages das Ba a oe Probably the chief reason for this mother often gave him lessons in' Branch of the Department Bi eke ee een a the ARH OX 4 1¢ targets moving ab sued i ae is the easy, natural manner of his) . Welch : ' humility. She told hi nce to' Interior. 76,474,000 feet of lumber | Ee er ee ed ne x| the chances of a it are smail, anc; | Royal Highness, who, like the late try districts are taking part, is be- umility. She told oim < oh DER Ree ONS : | attached to the medicine chest. Of-| once the net is round her, her of- | Kine d : ; ces ing prosecuted in Austria A 88 give up his seat to his tutor He did: were used worth $2,518,265, or an, he sy ie not collected for | fensi E : , | King, has the faculty of putting § prosecuted Austria, /A mass ; : ee at ral eS } ' at '4 "ee Sieg a eee e UROL RS «| DOr previ ten the money 1s not co ected for; fensive power Is gone. | people at their ease when with eee of literature on the. subject is be-| In his opening address at the an- 5 Oa gravely, rie nips So ve Salk oes ce ' a bn. ae but 1t 1s never touched. Caught, the submarine would } While every inch the prince he | 228 widely circulated. | nual conference of the British As- ¢ sir, a ake my place. | sand. ntario used nearly 90 per| TS Pee SPIDER Sea ope SR, ' & : é uae ; eae : Jo on, sir, an 2d Vv pl san itario used nears) i then be towed into shallow water,! mingles freely, and always. bas A large number of people are fol- sociation for the Prevention of and blown to bits, or, her exact | c<omething friendly and jovial to | lowing the rules of health laid down | Consumption, the Hon, John Burns 'by Dr. Karl Prondi, who advocates | spoke in. optimistic style. He said: T am delighted to surrender to you! cent. of the total for the Domin-| ni lat 4 " . : ry Pe 4 en eee aly. is pos «| on , y 'wp. fies 4 . the seat which rightly belongs to. jon; Quebec purchase 6 per ce nt. 3} MISERY OF W ORKERS. position having been located, mines | av. He is reoognived, top, as sa . ~ > te - 4 - ' wih g . * . . . would be sunk above her, and fired soldier of no mean ability, and his three meals a day, the last to be | "Tuberculosis in all its forms is a | features. t Austria Starts Health ice Os) ae Throughont Entire Province. A health campaign, in which the | \ state, the large cities and the coun The -Ki P as it- | , i When ex-King Manuel was a lit-| @anada in 1910 have been received | DRINK AND CONST MPTION. 'taining drugs, oiatments, bandages | John Burns Points Out the Con nection Between the Two. } | | | P | -- . Soe a f z os M anitoba 4 nif cent. and Hove Sa aeee : : he "pene jsut 6 maton Pc ae ee -- a ) How High Rents. aug. ben Food cee to oe eee aE action in refusing to. remain in the reget ae Bie xiv retiring declining disease. In twenty Rveor a are "w a sat eet ie oe Are Telling in Austria. oe) ly np ue? si f eS th - | position ol Commander-in-Cnief of | acti mek if -- y ' if Oe | thirty years its annihilation ought FILLED HIM WITH HOR noe. | lee GOdS USE To ee act: During the sitting of the Aus- wy ee al gaa imee ot rom the | the Mediterranean, a place more so- | .©°* than an hour and a hall, Drink | to be effected. | dustries require strength and dura| ian Parliament "thousands of | NEY The second method of de-| ¢ial than practical, was much ap- | 178 at meals is condemned, but a) 'In ten years England and ; | struction is to explode a mine OY) plauded. His appearance, too good drink is allowed an hour alter- Wales consumption has diminished . ward, 119 per cent,, in Scotland 24 per "e yeques is er, who. bility whi +h ig shown by. the large : . He Loe ee ot -- pola: Buca t ve in lee =! ae af h handbills were thrown from the ot atc somet re: ine C é by aim, oak, aso, . : . 4 : whi re aoe my ise A the 't P - | samen ' rf Kicks : th a, St 3. | galleries. In these bills the Gov- which involved using VE. | yirch and hickory that were Use.) ernment and the legislators were y . "I © nj " 13 . . . torpedo over the Bec ota This | carries him far. He is a soldicrly- : of ots : has not been tried an Botual Z ar- | looking man and in every way ap- Smoking is regarded as unhealthy cent., in Ireland 24 per cent., 10 fare, but its practicability has been | pears much stronger than any oth- but it is less injurious when indulg- Germany 18 per cent,, m London 30 ed in after a meal. Ten to twenty per cent., im Berlin 24 per cent., stairs, to ask him anything she lik-) Of the native woods, cherry W353 called upon to end the misery of | bees cee aR a ed but that the most expensive at $104.00 per) those numerous families of Y ork. | demonstrated by experiments 1 | ey member of his family. The duke) ©". : : re time of peace. In one experiment} js sure to hecome as popular in | nutes sleep after the principal | and in Paris only 8 per cent. tn / meal is recommended. Taking a, fifty years tuberculosis has declin- thousand, and ironwood the cheap-| men who for weeks have been fore- est at $15.00 per thousand. Ma-!ed to camp on the meadows outside The Tsarevitch is another young- ster whose pride at times gets the ing a submarine was sunk some / at Portsmouth, a barrel represent- Canada as he is at home. Diplo- | 1 | matic and democratic, be is just the | 24P on. @ chair is condemned, as j}ed over 50 per cent. for all ages \ 'this form of siesta has a tendency | and between birth and 25 years of ¥ "iy Lussl yaS reatly : The heir of Russia wa BI % Many workmen have committed | * | ; lig on the left hand when you stand | : : ie Tt is said that the majority of the} ; ; reg - ; ; Ape ; indulged in for -- filteen minutes. tuberculosis and a similar decline " these industries at present grow \ i ' hi hil suicide of late for this reason, whuile|. ; | uicide : {in a ship looking forward to the} : - , | world's geniuses have had blue or | yp : : : : : e These should take the form of roll- | in the general death rate and in- upset. His round eyes grew big , fea d de a sorrow as he marched by the only in small quantities m the ag- | : ba 46H 5s het! é meee a re ae cr abd Fo pmi a+ tt nde' of | others have pac o transter t 'i : boxes---unrecognized. Finally, in| Ti aie ang csp agti ge pros of | aiaidcen en saliva Ne friends bows) so as to stand the weight of | blae-grey eyes; while the predomin- |: ap-| Canada. For this reason the sup-| mn, tO. TELA ES ae ee Vaa| LOkvy-t spar. On the outer BHA boa ee ae TE ing about, jerking ou legs and | fs tal » see » drink bi } | the condition of the working clas- | ® forty foot spar. O1 nd} ating color in hinatic asylums and | 8 » jerking < t 2 fant mortality we se¢ our drink bill of this spar was fastened a charge | : iarms. Afterwards the cold sponge diminished from £4 12s. per head of ; | criminal institutions is mentioned : : Re : of 32 lb. of gun-cotton, and there) |. 'sewn which should last from ten to fif 'population ten years ago to £3 18s. lwas a crutch in which the spar | "The followng are the eye-colors | teen minutes. Football and tennis | lid., or a diminution of 25 per cent. | : 'are preferred to cycling, and gar-|per head of population in the con- | the misery of his disgrace, a at ot iy on atentniahed | . ee sleaded, in| ply 18 rapidly yecoming diminished j . 'i : sda sentry, and plea a " ie | seg will again become worse, as the "Please salute | so that untess steps are taken to | Ministry hae prohibited the : | new Ministry has C j nromise not} reforest. or conserve the produc- | ¢ ; : ' f soe at cari wee h | further importation of Argentine proache a tremulous treble: worked. : | k of some of the most famous people le oar a "vi ; 4 ' ye den work is good for anyone. sumption of aleoholic liquor. I say NO WONDER HE LAUGHED. barrel ceased to exist, marine would have done in simil-! Queen of Scots liquid grey ; Queen avoided, and is to be preferred to | ~ It is the common-place people ; t nerea ron manufacturing in Canada. milk in the early stages of typhoid | ix? me, just this once ! ( a to tell!' 4100, we must depend more an¢ ee Waving. the dictates of the punenere ee i ------ vay for out supply, on the United a arid there and in Hun- As the destroyer neared the tar-} jp history: | ss | < States. The fact that the woods | gery." 'This will cause a fresh rise | get the spar was run out, and the! 'The eyes of Caesar were os tne i that because one of the most dis- WISE SAYINGS. hecessary for the proper building | in the price of meat. end carrying the explosive drop- | and piercing. x VALUE OF GRAPE JUICK. | tinguished men ever identified with Life has more in it than ian eee agricultural implements cannot ped into the water as she passed. | Cleopatra's eyes were light haz- | Grape juice is, next to milk, the babe Be Prof. Bouardel, of at heen revealed Of realized. be secured in any quantity in Can- i -- As it swung alt the charge WAS | el], | most nourishing of drinks, It will, Paris, said that 'the public house myer ween | ada tends to increase the cost of fired by electrical contact, and the| Helen of Troy had blue orbs; | Support life indefinitely when sey- | }8 the purveyor of consumption, 10 who are the happiest and Lest and as a sub-| those of Joan of Are and Mary ere physical and mental exertion. is | agit alcoholism is the most potent most useful. Ret ngtn, imennn The minister cleared his throat, |. os. oumsts : | eu i actor iM propagating tuberculos- No leader ever existed worthy of mo as the small child was brought for- ar circumstances. Elizabeth s were hazel. rn casen ok. tyanite ae f With the coneurrence rth the name but was a sublime optim-} WORLD'S OLDEST ROSE BUSH..| ward to be baptised. The destroyer was unharmed, as | Washington had -- very forceful | ane °1 os sats oak rane aba A ae a8 es ens 'a re He "Beloved hearers," he said, 'fgg | her speed carried her. clear of the | grey eyes that commanded respect Juice hc eg RE et tN Saree ERS Shp el varnig and the de- f ErFECTS OF THE EXPLOSION. | and obedience. ing the ripe concord grapes, heat-| cline of the general death rate and = F | decline in consumption of drink ' sne can foretell the future of this : ' ss ' : - gh bet Sarat gO re st He may rise to the It may be said that a submarine} Keen glances caine from Napole- ; 8 toa temperature of 150, se aling | the ene would have been able to dodge the} on's grey eyes that seemed to 1 airtight jars and keeping In ay Mr. Burns said that it was to be no- Possibly, if she had am-; search men's hearts: coo] place. Benzoate of soda was | ted that 'both are concurrent with formerly used for preserving tt from | better housing and all are collater- ist. i mat Soe wore So far as is known, the oldest There is no man so sure ol ee rose bush in the world is the one on| © self that he can afford to say 10). wall at Hildesheim, Germany. Tt | tiny mortal. could never learn anything from) oan be traced back with certainty highest points of fame. He may destroyer. till move in the best circles. LED. 3 § ' 's APS