ie oo ae e ene gt ee mae foe ri PAPA is Baas in tae ig, Si ete a gi ces the worst lea, ' 4.40. at Al Pa a NATIONAL DRUG_#& CHUMIQAL CO. OF CANADA, Xayercap Man wants but little here below the standard. Everybody gets a rake-off but the Moral--Don't be a con- Mrs. Grouch--Oh, is there any- thing I haven't been through since I married you? Grouch (calmly)-- Nothing in the shape of a pocket, | consumer. certainly. sumer, The Buying Price of Hogs THE WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, LIMITED T is probable that the practice of sending out weekly the ee as ; which packers will pay for hogs the following week, has ecu the chief cause for the widespread impression that the price named is fixed through arrangement and understanding be- tween the packers. In view of the recent attack made upon packers, a statement which will explain why a price is thus sent out, and the conditions associated with it, may serve a useful purpose. For the most part the cattle and small stock (sheep, lambs and calves) which come to the Cattle Markets in Toronto are bargained for on arrival. If the market is favorable, the drovers make a profit. If the market is unfavorable, they suffer a loss. The price of cattle and small stock, therefore, is determined each market day by the ordinary competitive conditions prevailing upon public markets. The price which the drover pays in the country the next week is determined by his view of what he hopes to receive when the stock is offered for gale by him upon either of the markets in this city or in Montreal. The hog situation is entirely different. After the manner of well recognized market conditions, there has been no public market in On- tario upon which hogs have been offered for sale, For thirty years 80 to 90 per cent. of the hogs on the Toronto Cattle Market have been delivered on the market for one buyer, and at a price agreed upon be- fore the hogs were shipped. Five-sixths of the packing houses in Dntario have not only not bought' hogs upon the Toronto Cattle Market, but they have not bought hogs upon any public market, because there par been no markets upon which hogs have been offered for sale. he Union Stock Yards Company at Toronto Junction are now endeav- ering to establish a competitive open market upon which hogs will be offered for sale. Time only will determine the success or failure of this effort. As, therefore, there has been no open market for hogs. the price which the packer pays for his hogs has had to be determined by a different method, and under different circumstances than the open market conditions have established for cattle and smal] stock. The pressure of these circumstances has developed the practice which causes each packing establishment to depend chiefly for its supply of hogs weekly upon drovers who ship regularly to it. To establish this regularity, the respective houses have found it necessary, at the end of each week, to advise drovers the price they would pay for hogs shipped to them the following week. This custom is followed in Den- mark and Ireland, the weekly price, however, being sent to farmers in place of drovers. In accordance with these conditions, the officers of this Company determine on Friday afternoon of each week the price they will name to drovers for shipment the following week. This advice covers a price free on cars at the shipping point, or delivered into the yards at our factory, or fed and watered hogs delivered on the Toronto Cattle Market. In reaching this determination we are governed by our read- ing of the domestic and exports markets, by cable advices covering Danish and Irish killings, and cable advices telling of the quantity of American products which have been landed at the various ports in Great Britain. We also have to interpret from these conditions, which are common to the trade, how the judgment of our competitors will be affected by them, and what conclusions they will likely reach as to the buying price they will name for the following week. Having decided the price we will name, we communicate it to drov- ers by telephone or telegram, to points East as far as Montreal, West as far as Ohatham, and North as far as hogs are raised in sufficient quantities to give weekly deliveries, In all the foregoing we have neither conference, understanding nor arrangement, directly or indirectly, with any other packer, nor have we had any such connection at any time during the past twenty years. If other packers offer a higher price, we learn of it through tele- graph or telephone communications from drovers in various parts of the country, who advise they are unable to buy at the price we have named because drovers from competitive houses are paying a higher price. Each packer in the trade doubtless has similar advices when the circumstances warrant it. When such advices reach us, we determine our conduct by a variety of considerations, and we will, as will other packers similarly placed, refuse to follow tho lead set by others, or accept such lead as inevitable, as we may have a favorable or unfavorable view of the market. The effect of the decision either way is reflected in the volume of deliveries. If we or others similarly placed refuse to advance, while other packers are active, there will be a shrinkage of from 10 to 50 per cent. from the norma] receipts of hogs. If we follow the advance, we will secure our normal quantity, with possibly some surplus added. It is alleged that the trade generally await information as to the buying price named by this Company before sending out their own ad- HOME DAINTY DISHES. sugar, then grate bake in a moderate oven. delicious. licious. tatoes, grated, one two teaspoonfuls one cup almonds. chop almonds, beat eggs separately, adding whites last. baking powder, cover with frosting. in any home. "save it," as is done when a can nels first and then scrape both, corn and that all corn may be used, especially the germs. Now spread the corn upon earthen or enamel plates and place in a hot oven, stir- ring and keeping the heat just be- low the browning point. In less than an hour the corn on two plates can' be placed on one. Continue filling plates and drying until as many are placed in the oven as can be managed in a day. If con- venient, spread in the sun next dav and then place in cotton cloth bags and hang near the range, and later place in some dry closet or storeroom. The corn should not be boiled at all but cut directly from the cob as soon as conveni- ent after being taken from the stalks. This is convenient to handle and is far more delicious than canned corn. Apple Dumplings.--Three apples, rather tart, pare, halve and core. Crust: Two cups of flour, one heap- ing teaspoon baking powder, pinch of salt, two heaping tablespoons fresh lard or butter, sweet milk to make a dough. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together, cut in shortening, and with a mixing spoon stir in the milk. Roll to about one- fourth inch thickness and wrap each half of apple and place in rather deep pan. Take four cups of sugar, one tablespoon flour, one table- spoon butter, and nutmeg to fla- vor; mix together and add one quart boiling water, stirring while adding, then pour over dumplings in pan and bake one-half to three- quarters of an hour in rather hot oven. Baste with the sauce around dumplings when half done and let bake a nice brown. Serve with cream, either whipped or plain. These are splendid. _------- SPECIAL DISHES. Stuffed Figs.--Steam for one hour dried pulled figs, remove one at a time, clip off the stem end, open, and press in a marshmallow. Roll in powdered sugar. Chili Beans.--Soak pink beans over night in water, to which is ad- vices. On reflection it will be recognized that this is not an unnatural course to follow. By reason of the extent of our operations, the price famed by this Company is known in every part of the Province, and authoritatively establishes the minimum price which can be paid. For nécessitous reasons no other house can buy at a lower price. Inas- much, however, as the aggregate purchases by other packers represent 70 per cent. of the total deliveries of hogs in Ontario and Quebec, there is no reason why, after our price is known, a higher price should not bo named by some or all of our competitors, if their reading of the market differs from ours, As a matter of fact, this is precisely what occurs, and probably there are rad many weeks in the year when our we must ice i opted And ethers RE Te ollow others, as when our price is ac- We would welcome conditions which would establish the purchase of hogs upon public markets on an openly competitive basis. If pack- ers could buy hogs after the same manner as cattle are now bought, they would always have the measure of their competitors, whereas under existing conditions we have to guess at their measurement. Moreover, when we desired to take hogs freely, we could do 60, when wo desired to step aside from the market, we could do so. Under existing conditions no packer can afford to break with his regular ship- pes, and frequently has to take stock when he would prefer to leave alone. _ The tendency under the present method is for packers weekly to estimate how high a price they dare pay, rather than how low a price they will name, for it must be borne in mind that the aggregate capa- city of the houses greatly exceeds the supply of hogs, and that practi- cally the profit or loss of the operations of a packing house are deter- mined by the volume of business secured, ni to rermine i name for the following week, back of all else is + i demands quantity of hogs, and the anxiety feces Fab ee @ price high enough to command quantity, cut off. : The popular view of commercial sagacity would su remedy for such difficulties would be board (3 an Shdgitneding bene reached by agreement between the packers. The significant fact is that the packers have refused to do 80, Probably no business in Canada is more completely free from either the letter or the spirit of what is known as a Trust, than much-abused ety wed business. The real relation of the packers to hog ind orable one of high merit, oremicaiot been an hon- we may find our supplies Has the "Black Knight" come to your home? Let him show you the quick and easy way to shine the stoves, "Black Knight" takes all the hard work and dirty work out of stove polishing. It's a paste--so there is no watery mixture to be prepared. Just a few rubs with cloth or brush brings a mirror-like shine that "you can see your facein", And the shine lasts | Most dealers handle and recom. mend "Black Knight' Stove Polish, If your dealer cannot supply it, send toc, for a big can--seant postpaid, The William Davies Company, Limited TORONTO. THE F.F. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, Hamilton, Ont. 18 eececcsuceueceee]es Green Tomato Pie.--Line a pie tin with a rich pie crust, then peel and slice thin three good sized to- matoes in the tin, sprinkle with nutmeg on it, then sprinkle with flour, and 'lastly add little more sugar; then .place on the top layer of pie crust and French Cream Pie.--Two eggs together and bake with top crust. Served with whipped cream is de- Potato Forte.--Two cups white Sugar, one cup butter, four eggs, one-half cup milk, one cup cold po- teaspoonful each of cinnamon and cloves, one- half cup chocolate, two cups flour, Blanche and Bake in shal- low pans in a moderate oven and Shaker Dried Corn.--Far better than canned corn and easily made Also, it is not neces- sary to eat more than you wish to is opened. Out the tops of the ker- that no chaff from the cob be in the endless human misery. 7 Very well beaten, "three-quarters cup have been proved a sugar, one cup sour cream, two safe and certain cure cups raisins chopped fine. Mix all Try them. Constipation is the root of many forms of sickness and of an amount of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, for constipation and all kindred troubles, 25c. a box. ded a teaspoonful quart of the water. tender, then more of tomatoes, an and a generous | slice Cook all together hour or more. is cold range a bed of lettuce of roe, which should be a mayonnaise dressing, and put aside. slices of bread which and pepper. cloth and boil one hours in salted water. is appetizing. me until next morning, other way. Mock Angel milk, one cup flour, one two . teaspoons pinch salt, whites of two en stiff. Heat the milk gether several times (fo and stir into hot milk, into this the whites of already beaten. _ Do ing. real angel food. scales, takes entrails and all; simple. late, three-quarters a double boiler, one-half cup milk, three la, bake in layers. cup powdered cup of seeded raisins. slow oven for'one hour. eee eggs, and one cup water. another half cup flour. eggs. moderate oven Caramel Syrup.--One- smoke. , water, remove pan from Mahere of the famous "2 in 1" Shoe Polish. for three or four cakes, slowly for an Shad Roe Salad.--Boil the roe in salted water for twenty minutes and setiit aside to cool. carefully remove the skin and cut the roe into thin slices. Ar- salad bowl, lay upon it the slices overlap each other, pour over them Stuffed Cabbage Head. -- Pull off about half a dozen of the outer leaves of a medicore sized cabbage Chop half of the head of cabbage and mix with two soaked in water and squeezed out, one onion chopped, one-half pound pork sausage meat, one ogg, salt Put cloth in deep kettle, lay the outer leaves in cloth, and fill with above mixture. and one-half This has the appearance of a boiled cabbage and FAVORITE DISHES. In cooking corned beef, select the day before you want to use it; cover it with cold water; let it remain serve and you will never cook any Food.--One eup baking point, stir, other ingredients to cake or grease pan, but flavor ic- This cannot be told from a Cleaning Fish.--Cut all fins, slit and draw, insert finger in opening and rub up and down on a potato grater; no sore fingers or flying To skin large perch cut all fins, slit down back, cut head across the back of neck, aid draw down; To fry, dip in seasoned flour and fry in smoking hot fat. Custard Cake.--Custard part: Three-quarters cup grated choco- cup brown sugar, one-half cup milk, yolk of an egg, mix all together, cook in let cool. part: One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, two and one-half cups flour, teaspoon soda, one teaspoon vanil- Filling: sugar, two table- spoons butter creamed, two table- spoons hot coffee, two tablespoons chocolate, one spoonful vanilla. Southern Graham Bread --Two- thirds of a cup of brown sugar, two tablespoonfuls of New Orleans mo- lasses, one and one-half cup of sour milk, one teaspoonful of baking powder, one level teaspoonful of soda, one level teaspoonful of salt, two cups of graham flour, one-half Bake in a CARAMEL CAKE. Beat one-half cup butter to a cream, add gradually one and one- half cups sugar, the yolks of two cups flour and beat for five minutes, then add three teaspoons of caramel syrup, one teaspoon vanilla, and Beat again thoroughly and then stir in care- fully two teaspoons of baking pow- der and well beaten whites of two Bake in three layers in a granulated sugar in an iron or granite pan, stir until sugar first softens, then melts, and finally be- comes liquid and throws off intense It really must burn. Have ready one-half cup boilin hot water, stir rapidly and boil un- : til you have syrup. of soda to a In the morn- ing pour off soda water and wash well, then boil in clear water until add salt, a pint or cut fine, a teaspoonful of chili powder, onion of butter. When it leaves in a disposed to and serve. has been Tie Boil and cup sugar, powder, eggs, beat- to boiling ur or five) then fold two eggs, not flavor quick and Cake eggs, one One Add two half cup fire, add is enough of time. bentures, tate mortgages. dates. ner. ing. long. nicipal, Caramel Filling.--Boil one cup granulated sugar and one-half cup of water until it forms a soft ball in a cup of cold water. } into the well beaten whites of two eggs, add one teaspoon caramel syrup and one beat until cool tles or in tin vans, taking care to have the crumbs perfectly cold and dry when put away; otherwise they will grow musty, if not mouldy. There is nothing better for a cold than castor oil, and a very simple way to give it to children is to make a pan of molasses candy and add plenty of castor oil to it just before removing from the fire. of oil in it cannot be detected. A delicious appetizer is a cheese Remove the crust from nicely toasted bread, and cut in triangles or strips, sprinkled gener- ously with grated cheese, seasoned with cayenne and salt, and put in the oven till the cheese is melted. Serve immediately. canape. MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS FARM MORTCACES AS INVESTMENTS HAVE SOME VERY WEAK FEATURES. The Perscnal Often overlook Makes the Payment of Interest Sometimes of Doubtful Certain- ty--The Danger of Having a Conscience. The articles contributed by "Investor" are for the sole purpose of guiding pros- pective investors, and, if possible of sav- ing them from losing money through placing it in "wild-cat" «enterprises. The impartial and reliable character of the information may be relied upon. 5 writer of these articles and the publisher of this paper have no interests to serve in connection with this matter other than those of the reader. Turning from generalities to the appli- cation of the principles of investment laid down in the earlier articles of this series to classes of securities we will take up in turn the chief points to be considered in connection with "promise-to-pay" investments. Readers will remember that investments are divided into two general classes -- equities and promises to pay. consist in shares and stocks of various These are never repayable. Promises to pay, on the other hand, are securities money borrowed by the person, munici- pality, state or company issuing them, and are repayable after a definite period Under this head are bonds, de- mortgages, In this class, the most important in Canada are real estate mortgages, mu- industrial company bonds and railroad equipment bonds, and _ provyin- cial and Dominion loans. The best known, of course, are real es- It is quite superfluous to enlarge here on the details of the form of a réal estate mortgage. Its usual form consists of a promise to pay the amount of the loan at maturity together with a certain amount of interest on certain It includes also a tnansfer of the property mortgaged, which, however, is unless some detail of tha conditions of the mortgage is not ful- filled--such, for instance, as the payment of the interest. The question of real estate mortgages as investments, which relatively very few investors have approached in a full enlightened man- The average man figures in some such way as this: "Will Smith wants me companies. -non-effective, USEFUL HINTS. Winter squash should be soaked for two or three hours before cook- Always put it into boiling water, salted slightly. Sweetbreads parboiled, rolled in seasoned crumbs and toasted over the coals, are delicious served with a mushroom sauce. The addition of a generous pinch of sugar to all boiling vegetables, except potatoes, gives a which once tried will be repeated. Noodles cooked in boiling salted water and then drained are delici- ous if served with a sauce made of brown butter in which a generous amount of very fine bread crumbs have been cooked. In making fondant for candy, if it grains, you have boiled it too The difficulty mav be remo- died by adding a little more water and boiling it again. plan to make fondant the dav before you make the candy. Pour this teaspoon vanilla; ~------ flavor ARTICLE - SOLD EVERYWHERE Pn HN fh Uni 'Formala } Softening} | retioving| yo Ha titty til lilfeg Sa Te Sece wink | disinfectin , Hismk's| ef it's OS POU OTe rains! an EW.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED Sonos SS a ial | THE STANDARD | If bread crumbs are to be kept Hy tty : Sauron) for any length of time, put them i mary otherp Tposes in tightly corked wide-necked bot- Wi HHH OT SE LA AAHELAIIHL [rene etl: Sills pat, t A * | TORONTO,ONT. | GREAT MEN GIVE THEIR OPI I10N ON THE SUBJECT. Sensational Scientific Theories About Which We Need Not Trouble. Will the earth ever cease to be inhabitable by men? It is a very grave question, and at one time or another most great scientists have pronounced an opinion, though usually a very hesitating ene, says London Answers. All scientists are agreed on on point, that the earth is gradual and steadily cooling. Many scient- ists are of the opinion that in time the increasing cold must render the earth as uninhabitable as the moon is. Some astronomers hold thatthe moon was once part of the earth, occupying the gap now filled by the Pacific Ocean, and that, flung off in the days when the planets were semi-liquid, it has cooled much faster than the earth, only because it is smaller, just as a small red- hot cinder cools much more quickly than a large one. In time, how- ever, according to this school of scientists, the earth must also be- come too cold to support animal life. -- 4 |The human race, in fact, will be frozen out. : THE HUNGER PROBLEM. Sir William Ramsey, however, has given it as his opinion that the most likely end for mankind is The taste | to lend him $1,000 at 7 per cent. comes will not be able to pay it. the investment. Now, matter is quite correct. ner. S2 Element Which Investors which gage. gage. be enquired into further. If, -- The the various forms of arrears. Equities catch up his arrears, represent a sum of etc, doubtful. INVESTOR. vestments. ic» EQUIVOCAL. effects of whisky ?"' "Yes, sir, I just drink it in." In making bread about three inches long. however, is a matter right length with scissors. how small they really are. His farm is worth $3,000 as it now stands and the interest to such a small amount that there is no danger that he I 'certainly don't stand to lose anything," and makes probably his estimation of the He did not, how- ever, look on the matter in a broad man- First, as to the safety of a mort- Like everything else, it depends on the amount of margin between the sum loaned and the value of the property. Al- most as important, it depends on the character of the person making the mort- It must always be borne in mind that a mortgage to be of any real value re- quires that the property be kept up to its value by the work, as a rule, cf tho individual to whom the money is loaned. If he is a careful, progressive man, who has borrowed, perhaps to improve his farm in a manner which will make it more productive, this question need not however, he is a man whose carelessness has got him into financial difficulties, he may let his farm run down, in a few years, to such an extent that, even if one were to foreclose the mortgage, there would be a very small value, and even that might not be got in the event of a forced Bale, The safety of interest does not depend altogether on this point. A bad year may result in the farm being run at a net loss and the farmer may find it difficult, or impossible, to meet the interest, This point is where the rural "note shaver" makes his money. The average investor, however, is not eager to profit by forcing a& man to the wall. Perhaps he is a per- sonal friend. At all events it is a cold- blooded thing to do to forclose a mort- gage just because a year's interest is in And 80, perhaps, you find it easier on your conscience to forego tha interest until next year, when in all pro- bability the mortagee will be able to Perhaps the man comes to you personally and puts his case in a strong way, persuades you to let him drop his payments for several years. You probably will come out all right in the long run, but the certainty | & of your interest is in this way sometimes Next week Investor will deal with points in connection with moriedee in, ""My good man, are you im- pressed with this talk about the : rolls of any kind, roll the dough into a ball and then between the hands until it is Some cooks make bread sticks by press- ing the bread dough through the closed palm and cutting it off the Some men are born great, some shrink, and others never. find out LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY death by starvation. He foresees a time, and that within five or -- six generations, when the corn supply will have so far failed to keep pace with the earth's population as to make hunger the world's great problem. It is true that every acre under corn produces to-day a crop sev- eral times as heavy as a centur ago, but the improvement in agri- cultural methods cannot be carried on indefinitely, while the popula- tion does keep growing steadily, Sooner or later, mankind will be face to face with starvation. More than one distinguished scientist, including Lord Avebury, has given it as his opinion that the earth will one day be unable to re- sist the pull of the sun. If this happens, the hundreds of millions of the earth's population will be burnt to death instantaneously. & The great American astronomer Professor Newcomb has' warned the world that at any time, perhaps to- morrow, perhaps hundreds of mil- lions of years hence, some larger sun may come bursting through the solar system and wipe out all life in a flash. There are many Sya- tems beyond the solar system, each with its own sun, and some of these Systems are infinitely vaster than our own. Other scientists foretell a very different end for mankind in the form of DEATH BY DROWNING. As the earth cools, they say, its crust grows harder and thicker, In time volcanic action will coase, as ocean water will be unable to pene- trate to the inner fires and rouse them to explosion point. If vol- canio action ceases to raise fresh mountain ranges, the steady '"'weathering" of the earth's sur- face will have nothing to counter- balance it. Frost and sunshine and rivers keep chipping and wearing away the land. In time this process would reduce the earth's surface to dead level, Gradually this vast plain would sink to the level of the seas and below it, till the planet is one mighty ocean, a hundred feet or so deep, A very different end is the death by thirst that so many scientists be- lieve in. Almost ag many hold that -- at any time the human race is liable to be asphyxiated by the gas of a. Passing comet. It is a satisfaction to remember however, that most of those wi predict these awful catastrophies admit that the end is still a few years off--a few hyndred millions or 80, in fact. We need not worry. eee SERVING HELPS. Pineapples--Slice on a slaw cut- ter or thin with a knife. Mix with finely powdered sugar. Set on ice until ready to serve. Sy Oranges--Serve whole, the skins quartered and turned down, form a pyramid with bananas and grapes, Muskmelon--Wash, wipe dry, and © cut in two. Shake out the seeds lightly and put a lump of ice each half. Eat with pepper and salt. Use a silver spoon to eat with, eo Orange and Cocoanut.--A layer of wliced oranges, then sugar them, Then a layer of cocoanut grated, then another of oranges, and so till dish is full, This is known "ambrosia.'"' Stewed Peaches--Mako a syrup -- of sugar and water. Halve the -- peaches. Leave the stone in one- half, drop into syrup; allow all. |simmer slowly until fruit is ten der. Then remove fruit and } the syrup boil till thick. Then pour over the fruit and serve,