Monkton Times, 29 Dec 1911, p. 6

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X : ' BLACKMAIL BY. SHAPSHOT CRIMINALS WHO CORNERED VICTIMS "IN CAMERA." The Mormons Must Pay $500,000. or Have Their Extravagances Exposed. Twenty thousand pounds is a big sum to offer for a series of sixty- eight photographs. It works out at about three hundred pounds apiece, says London Answers. The photographs in question re- present different parts of the inter- aor of the wonderful Mormon Tem- ple at Salt Lake City. This temple, which is outwardly shaped like a gigantic beehive, took forty years to build, and cost. over a million sterling. Gentiles are rigidly excluded from its sumptuous interior, and the temple is always protected by guards. How the hovugtapher, who is a German, managed to take the pictures no one knows, but there they are, and the man de- mands from the elders the sum of £100,000 as the price of the nega- tives. If he does not get his-money, he vows that he will publish the photographs, and reveal to the world the long-hidden extravagan- ces of the Mormon sect. A DANGEROUS WEAPON. The instantaneous picture taken by a modern camera is a very dang- erous weapon in the hands of the blackmailer. -- Some time ago a man called on a member of the Hungarian Cham- ber of Deputies with a negative which he offered to sell him for four hundred crowns. Not unnat- urally, the M. P. demurred, but when a proof was shown him, he could not pay up quickly enough. . The photograph showed the presid- ing officer of one voting district keeping a number of voters in close confinement, in order to prevent their counting for the rival candi- date. ~ The deputy, as we have said, paid up, and smashed the plate. But the blackmailer had made about half a dozen different exposures, and whenever he wanted money would return and offer to sell one of these. The badgered deputy at last lost patience, and violently as- saulted the blackmailer. And then the whole story came out. Rome was the scene of a similar scandal. In this case the black- mailer's victim was. a lady well known in society, and the picture represented her on her knees be- fore another lady, who is wife of a minister. The inference was clear --that first lady was supplicating the other to get her lord and mas- ter an important position. - The blackmailer made the mis- take of putting too high a price up- on his wares. The lady, who was impecunious, could not pay, and the snapshotter, in revenge, mads the picture public property. The unfortunate victim commit- ted suicide, CATCHING THE CONTRACTOR. A contractor bidding for street work under the notoriously corrupt municipality of Pittsburg, got the following letter: "Christmas is coming. We need money. Bring it."? He was given to understand that he would have to pay ten thousand dollars as the price of renewal of his contract. It occurred to him to try a little blackmail on his own part--a sort of tit for tat. And with this idea in view he arranged a meeting at the Fort Pitt Hotel. The leader of the corrupt coun- cillors turned up at the agreed ren- dezvous, and the contractor was in the act of handing over the notes, when there was a blinding glare. A flashlight had been exploded, and by its aid a confederate of the con- tractor got a capital photograph of the councillor actually receiving his bribe. It is said that the contractor had no further difficulty in getting all the work he wanted. Da) Tommy--Pop, what is sound ad- vice? Tommy's Pop--Sound advice, my son, is generally. nine parts sound and one part advice. Eczema Always Burning and Itching ae. NN. Ostiguy. 'Used Box of Cuticura Ointment and | It Completely Disappeared, "*Y have suffered from eczema for two years. The trouble began on one arm where there appeared a red spot of about a five-cent size, and it always widened, all the time itching and burning. The first days I didn't care, but seeing that it gained in size, I tried ~--- Ointment and ---- Ointment, but both without success, It was always burning and itching. Having seen in the newspaper the advertisement of the Cuticura Remedies, I tried a little, and seeing that it improved, I bought a box of the Cuticura Ointment. After having used one box, my eczema come pletely disappeared. The Cuticura Ointment should be kept in every home." (Signed) N. Ostiguy, Marieville, Que., Jan. 14, 1911. ' A Generation of Success For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the »Speediest and most economical treatment for itching, burning, scaly and bleeding skin and scalp humors, of young and old. A single set is often suffi t. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal samplo of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, post-free _on skin eruptions, send to Sette ata DIOPs, Gt A+ AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE, Military Plans of the Common- wealth and of New Zealand. The Australian defence system, coupled with compulsory training, has been fairly launched through- out the Commonwealth. It follows the lines laid down by Viscount Kitchener as_regards the land ser- vice and the plans of Sir Reginald Henderson for the sea force, In the budget proposed by Prime Min- ister Fisher at Melbourne last month a total outlay of $22,915,000 is proposed for military and naval purposes, including $1,000,000 to be paid to the imperial Government under the naval agreement and $7,575,000 toward the construction of the Australian fleet. unit. Altogether 153,637 youths between the ages of 14 and 18 have been re- gistered as liable for the military service. Of these 102,194 have been examined and 95,772 passed as me- dically fit, -At the end of Septem- ber 87,389 lads were actually under military training. Observers speak in tones of°commendation regarding the physique and military aptitude of these boys, cadets they call them in Australia, or '"Tommy Corn- stalks'? when they desire to be face- tious. They are uniformed in khaki, with tunic shirt, wide eut riding breeches and puttees. They look smart and sinewy and shoul- der rifles as if they meant business. It is said that their sense of mili- tary descipline and subjection to their officers is not yet highly de- veloped; but as the idea is wholly new to Australia it was anticipat- ed that time would be needed for the cultivation of these qualities. With the right type of officers it is believed there 'will be no trouble with these soldiers. Each year 3,225 recruits are to be drafted into the naval reserve. There. was no difficulty in obtain- ing the necessary number of volun- teers. The naval service is proving unexpectedly popular in Australia. When the time comes to man the Australian unit of the imperial fleet no difficulty is expected in getting the necessary number of blue- jackets from the existing naval re- serve and corps of naval cadets. Some fears have been expressed that it would be diffiult to bring the Australian youth, the "larri- kins,'"' to tolerate the severe dis- cipline of naval service, but officers of the British navy who have taken the Australian reserves to sea on their ships for training say that there is not the slightest ground for these fears. They find the Au- atralians first class material for man-o'-war crews. New Zealand is also making ra- pid progress with her defence plans. During the discussion of the esti- mates in Parliament the Minister of Defence reported that the Govern- ment had decided to postpone for the present the universal military training plan and would organize a maximum force of 30,000 drilled men. This, he said, would be an ample war footing for New Zealand and the country was not yet pre- pared financially or in any other way for universal service. He said the Government's plans contem- plated physical training and disci- pline for all youths between the ages of 12 and 18 years. As the military authorities were of opinion that the force of 30,000 could be raised from the male population be- low the age of 21 the draft would be made from below that age limit instead of 25, as originally propos- ed. The law authorizing the Gov- ernment to draft men up to the higher age would be maintained for emergency use, however. s Hs = Shifohs Gure QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS, CURES COLDS, HEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CENTS ------ -- --%-- es DYSPEPTIC PHILOSOPHY. It's going to extremes to pull the wool over a man's eyes and then pull his leg, too. It is better to have a falling out -with a girl in a hammeck than in an aeroplane. It's all right to pay a man back in his own coin, but it is better not to borrow in the first place. Cheer up. If it wasn't for the rain there wouldn't be any hay to make while the sun shines. Some people never kick at a thing unless they are sure it can't kick back. The trouble with most preachers is that they know more about the next world than they do about this. Habits grow on us. A man can't even fight a duel without having a second. Few men can govern themselves. That is why so many of them get married. Many a man's knowledge consists largely of the knowledge of lost op- portunities. . Some men are so fair and square that they wouldn't even beat a car- pet when it was down. Men must work and wamen taust weep, and the women always do their end of the job with more plea- sure than the. men. Most of us have mend. Any fellow is easy to get alon with who is never short. It's: no, trick at all to pick a win- ner. He always lcoks so happy. ha promises +0 oe o TELEPHONING IN WATER. in a prominent technical publica- tion in Birmingham, Eng., it is stated that "tests have receatly been made with instruments for telephoning through gyater without wires. The speech transmitted through the water has been very distinct and the system has shown good possibilities for use as a means of verbal communication between two ships, such as a battleship and a submarine. The effect is very di- rectional, and another advantage is that with a small tuned buzzer telegraphic signals can be trans- mitted through the earth or water for a, distance of several miles. The primary energy required is ex- tremely small, four watts sufficing to telephone over a distance of two miles.'" > s a. i EVERY PLAGE ON THE WIDE PRAIRIES TELLS OF CURES MADE BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. --, Thos. Griffin, of Peace River Land- ing, tells how he got rid of his Rheumatism --- honestly earned popularity. Cold Springs, Peace River Land- ing, Alta., Dee. 26 (Special)--Just why Dodd's Kidney Pills retain their wonderful popularity is eas- ily shown by a trip across the prairies. Every town, village and post-office has at least one man or woman who is ready to tell of pains relieved and health restored by the great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Let Thos. Griffin of this place add his statement to the hosts already published. '"'When I came to this part of the country," says Mr. Griffin, "I was troubled with a bad back and hips. lief at once. I also recommended them to my eldest son who was confined to his bed from Rheuma- tism. "Now I know that Dodds Kid- ney Pills are the best medicine for Rheumatism and the Kidneys. I recommend them to every person I hear complaining of not feeling well." Dodd's Kidney Pills made their popularity by curing sick Kidneys. They keep their popularity by keeping on curing sick kidneys. Ba LONDON FIRST. London, the largest city in the world, has a population, as the last ceusus shows, of 17,252,963, as against 6,581,402 in 1901. The po- pulation of New York is 4,766,883, and is growing faster than any other city in the world. The third city in point of size is Paris, whose population is about 3,000,000. Ber- lin comes somewhere about fourth in the scale. The population of Berlin is well over 2,000,000. Chi- cago and Tokio, strange to say, are about equal as regards population. The returns for both these cities show a little under 2,500,000. St. Petersburg, Vienna, Moscow, Phi- ladelphia, Peking and Canton have all a population below the 2,000,000 mark. % THE UNION BANK A RECORD YEAR. Head Office to be Winnipeg. The Union Bank of Canada held its 47th annual meeting ut the Head Office in Quebec oh Monday, De- cember the 18th, 1911. 'the meet- ing was a memorable one for sev- eral reasons. In the first place, the reports presented by the President and General Manager were the best in the bank's history and revealed the fact that several progressive steps had been taken during the year. At the meeting it was also decided to remove the Head Office from Quebec to Winnipeg. This was deemed a wise move, owing to the fact that out of its total of 242 branches the bank has 156 west of Lake Superior and 76 in Ontario, leaving only a comparatively few in the Provinces of Quebec and the Eastern Provinces. This decision on the part of the directors and shareholders to move the Head Office to Winnipeg is a recognition of the growing importance of the West. The net profits for the year, af- ter deducting expenses of manage- ment and making provision for all bad and doubtful debts, amounted to $662,437 as compared with $451,620 for the previous year. The earnings for 1911 were at the rate of 14 per cent. on the bank's av- erage paid-up capital for the year. The premium on new stock issued amounted to $457,000, while the balance at credit of account on November 830th amounted to $80,- 000. These sums with the net earnings for the year made a total of $1,199,000 available for distri- bution. Of this large sum dividends absorbed $361,000, the sum of $200,000 was transferred to the rest account, as well as $457,006 trans- ferred to the same account from premium on new stock, making a total transferred to the rest ac- count of °$657,000. The sum of $100,000 was written off bank pre- miums account and the officers' pension fund received $19 090 leaving a balance carried forward of $71,957. Moved to A further examination of the report shows that the bank is making rapid progress in every department. The amount of notes in circulation increased during the year® by $1,300,000, the total de- xosits by over $7,600,000, which now stands at $45,232,000. The paid up capital increased by $914,- 000 and the rest account by nearly $606,600. -The total assets. of the bank now staad at $58,434,000 as compared with $46,555,000 for the previous year.' The increase in the bank's capital, deposits and assets puts if in a position to do a larger business during the coming year. These increases also show a gain in the confidence of the public. During the year the Union Bank absorbed the United Empire Bank of Toronto, which had twelve branches in Ontario and a paid up capital of $559,000. Later in the year it established a branch in London. England, being one of the four Canadian banks having branches in Great Britain. -- Alto- gether the bank has been showing marked progress and enters upon the new 'year equipped to do evea better work. Thousands Now Use This Low-Gost Gough Syrup A Family Supply for 50c, Saving You $2---- The Quickest, Best Thing You Ever Used, or Money Refunded. The prompt and positive results given by this inexpensive cough medicine have caused it to be used in more homes in the U. S. and Canada than any other cough remedy. It gives instant relief, and will usually wipe out the most ob- Stinate, deep-seated cough inside of 24 hours. It quickly succeeds, even in whooping cough and croup. A 50-cent bottle of Pinex, when mixed with home-made sugar syrup, makes 16 ounces--a family supply--of the most Rheumatism in my shoulders and | I sent for six boxes of Dodd's | Kidney Pills and they gave me re- | Pleasant and effeetive cough remedy that money could buy, at a saving of $2. Hasi- ly prepared in five minutes--full direc- tions in package. | Children take Pinex Cough Syrup wil- | lingly, because jt tastes good. It stimu- 'lates the appetite, and is slightly laxa- | tive--both excellent features. Splendid | for hoarseness, throat tickle, bronchitis, ;etc., and a prompt, successful remedy for incipient lung trouble. Pinex is a special and highly concen- trated compound of imported Norway White Pine extract and is rich in guaia- col and other natural healing pine ele- ments. Simply mix it with sugar syrup or strained honey, in a 16-oz. bottle, and it is ready for use, Pinex has often been imitated, but never successfully, for nothing else will produce the same results. The genuine is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money refunded, Certificate of guar- antee is wrapped in each package. Your druggist has Pinex or will gladly get it for you. If not, send to The Pinex Co., Toronto, Ont. WHERE DO BIRDS DIE? A Curious Question for the Natural History Student, We have countless thousands of birds in this country, therefore the mortality must be high. Yet, have you ever seen adead bird? The majority of us. have not, and even those of ust who dwell in the coun- try but rarely see a bird lying dead. At a time one may be seen in a wood or field, but the people who have seen many birds lying dead are astonishingly few--dead birds, that is to say, that have really died, and have not ben shot down. Never- theless, it is obvious that thousands of birds must die each month. Where do they die? That is a ques- tion that even the naturalist cannot answer satisfactory. Of course, many birds are killed off by animals. Cats kill many birds, and birds kill each other, as witness that fact that an ailing rook is killed off by his fellows. It is quite possible that those kill- ed-off birds are the ones seen dead in woods and fields, but there yet remain thousands of bird deaths that cannot easily be accounted for. The most likely explanation is this, that an unwell bird crawls away to cover f some cort and there dies. Without doubt hun- dreds of birds so perish each month. And sometimes a bird gets into a corner that he cannot escape from, then he dies there. : Small animals as well as_ birds crawl off to some isolated spot and die unseen, and where they die there do their bodies wither to de- cay. We know that an unwell dog gets out of sight if he possibly can) and an ailing cat does the same \thing. They seek to hide, and it | would almost seem that the bird |and animal kingdoms do not want ithe eye of man to rest on their mem- bers when the time of death com>s. ' pe They Cleanse While They Cure.-- The vegetable compounds of which Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are composed, mainly dandelion and mandrake, clear the stomach and intestines of deleterious matter and restore the deranged organs to healthful action. Hence they are the best remedy for indigestion availabl> to-day. A trial of them will establish the truth of this as- sertion and do more to convince the ailing than anything that can be written of these pills. COMING. First Graduate--I hear you've got a job on the road. ~ Second Ditto--Yes, but it hasn't reached me yet. No one need endure the agony of corns with MHolloway's Corn Cure at hand to remove them. that Man may be made of dust--but he always wants a little more. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. Direct SAME OLD THING. Munny (the village banker) -- What do you suppose the young fel- lows in ancient Rome did to pass the time? Phunny (the village philosopher) --Oh, I don't know. I-suppose they used to hang around and talk about what a punk town Rome was. Pills of Attested Value.--Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are the result of careful study of the properties of certain roots and herbs, and the ac- tion of such as sedatives and laxa- tives on the digestive apparatus. The success the compounders have met with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recog- nized for many years as the best cleansers of the svstem that can be got. Their excellence was re- cognized from the first and they grow more popular daily. Never send a friend on a fool's errand. Go yourself. z -------- Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. HINTS FOR THE BRIDEGROOM. Don't imagine you are anybody. Don't say a word. Everybody will know it. Don't let go her hand; you might lose her. Don't hand the conductor one ticket, as usual. Don't speak of my wife too of- ten. Wait till you get used to it. Don't think you are the only hus- band that ever was. Don't work your solicitude for her overtime. Don't be disturbed when people look your way and smile. "Don't. say 'Swe'? when "T' what vou mean. . Don't forget to put: two mames on the hotel register. WASH THEM WELL. -- 120,000,000 Germs in Teeth Even After Paste. Everybody knows in a general way how important it is to give the teeth a good cleaning and to rinse the mouth out first thing in the morning. The object, of course, is to remove the accumulation of bac- teria, which gather on the teeth, gums, tongue and palate during the hours of sleep. How many germs do you suppose accumulate during the night's sleep? ; In answer to this question E. C. Bousfield, writing in The Lancet, gives some interesting and rather startling figures, which are worth quoting. He states that he has found the mouth on waking in the morning to contain about three thou- sand million bacteria capable of being removed, by a five-fold rinsing with twenty-five cubic centimeters of water each time. After ordin- ary washing of the teeth with a hard tooth-brush, about one-fourth the number could still be rinsed away.- After using tooth paste only one hundred and twenty mil- lions were left. -- THE TERMS. "T bought this armchair on the instalment plan." "Rasy terms?' "Rather! <A dollar down and a dollar whenever the collector can catch me." Fis You are not treating yourself or your family fairly if you don't keep Hamlins Wizard Oil in the house. It's the best substitute for a family doctor and a mighty good friend in case of emergency. ONE CONSOLATION. "Elmer, my boy," said the fond mother, "don't you think you have eaten enough of that chicken sal- ad?' "Well, mamma," replied Elmer, as he helped himself to another dishful, '"'if I get sick you'll know what's the matter with me, any- way." The greater the irritation in the throat the more distressing the cough becomes. Coughing is the effort of Nature to expel this irri- tating substance from the air pas- sages. Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup will heal the inflamed parts, which exude mucous, and restore them to a healthy state; the cough disappearing under the curative effects of the medicine. It is plea- sant to the taste, and the price, 25 cents, is within the reach of all. TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP. "T hear that you have left Slog- ger and Co's office."' "Yes. I'm in business for myself now."' : "What are you doing?' "Looking for another job." Try Murine Eye Remedy NoSmarting--Feels Fine--Acts Quickly. Try itfor Red, Weak, Watery Kyes and Granulated Eyelids, Illustrated Book in each Package. MURINE is com- pounded by our Oculists--nota "Patent Medicine" but used in successful Physi- cians' Practice for many years. Now dedicated to the Public and seld by Druggists at 25c-50e per bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c-50c, Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago When Your Eyes Need Gare "You told him to diet himself,' said the young doctor's wife. "'Yes," replied the doctor. "I told him to eat only the very plainest food, and very little of that," '"Do you think that will help him?' "Tt will help him to pay my bill." I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD'S LINIMENT., Halifax. ANDREW KING. I_ was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. LT.-COL. C. CREWE READ. Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD"S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. C. 8. BILLING. Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907. Braggs--It is positively absurd to talk about a "money power' in this country. There 'is no such thing. Waggs--I'd just like to dis- cuss that with you. Have you got a minute to spare? Braggs--Not a minute. I've got a note due at the bank and they're bothering me +o death about it. Rub it in for Lame Back.--A brisk rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric | Oil will cure lame back. The skin will immediately absorb the oil and it will penetrate the tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and be convinced. As the liniment sinks in the pain comes out and there are ample grounds for saying that its touch is magical, as it is. ~ Light hearts are often closely as- sociated with light heads. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. TOLD THE TRUTH. "Old man Gudgeon says push was the thing that enabled him to become a millionaire." "T guess he's right about that. He has pushed a lot of people to the wall." There is nothing like a 'Tea Pot" = test at your own table to pzove its sterling worth! : "SALAD TEA "Always and Easily th ee - BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED. Sealed Airtight Packagcs Only INVESTMENTS FOR THE NEW YEAR mendation. We have to offer several bond investments yielding 6 per cent. net, carrying our unqualified recom- WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS first-class CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, 179 St, James Streot, MONTREAL. 308 McKinnon Bidg., TORONTO. LIMITED 14 Cornhill, LONDON, ENG- ¢ The Lamp That possible strain on their eyesight when poring over a fascinating book, their young eyes these long evenings by reading under a poor light. against eye troubles, alike for young and old, The Rayo is a low-priced lamp, but it is constructed on the soundest scientific principles, and there is not a better lamp made at any price. It is easy on the eye because its light is so soft and white and widely diffused. And a Rayo Lamp never flickers. Easily lighted without removing shade or chimney; easy to clean and rewick, Solid brass throughout, with handsome nickel finish; also in many other styles and finishes. Ask your dealer to show you his line of Rayo lamps; or write for descriptive circular to any agency of The Queen City Oil Company, Limited Saves The Eyes Children naturally never think of It is up to you to see they do not ruin The Rayo Lamp is an insurance CLEANING LADIES! WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Osn be done perfectly by our French process. Try it. British American Dyeing Go. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Queben The Soul of a Pianoisthe Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action DR. DOW'S STURCEON GIL LINIMIENT External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, etc. Dr. Dow's formula has it in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot be equalled. Try it once and you will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASK VOUR DEALER. HE: SELLS Ur. The Brayley Drug Co., Ltd., Sole Props. St- John, N.B. Tf a man thinks he knows it all, we can't help feeling sorry for the misguided individual who ugder- takes to conviace him that he doesn't, As a vermifuge there is nothing so potent as Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, and it can be givea to the most delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution. If a man is too slow to catch cold it can at least overtake him. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphthoria. ye SERVED HIM RIGHT. "You must have called me late this morning, Sylvena. Jt was 12 o'clock when I reached the office. And I had an important appeint- ment for 10 o'clock, too." "Why, I called you John."' 'Was the clock right?' "Yes. I set it last night when you came home. You remember I called downstairs when you came in and asked you what time it was. And you said 10.30. The clock in my room said 1.45, so I turned it back to agree with your watch, and of course, I called you by the eor- rect time this morning."' Mh A man may easily mistake h4 4.0 at "ISSUE 52-1 a prejudice for priaciple. : . ; j - his" FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. i W. DAWSON, 90 COLBORNE Toronto. O NE HUNDRED ACRES ---- €90D Buildings; near Brampton. rq\ WENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARM-- Brick House and Good Buildings; St. Catharines. NUMBER OF GOOD STOCK, GRAIN d and Dairy Farms in Halton, Peel, York, Ontario and Prince Edward Coun- ties, NEVERAL GOOD FRUIT NX the Niagara Fruit Belt. M ANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, AL- berta and British Columbia Landa, ii mall or large blocks. 1. YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL Farm, consult BU. W. volborne 8t., Toronto. FARMS IN A Dawson, Ninety ACENTS WANTED, GENTS WANTED. A LINE FOR every home. Write us for our choice list ef agents supplies. We have the greatest agency proposition in Canada | to-day. No outlay necessary, Apply B. C. I. Co., 228 Albert St., Ottawa. HELP WANTED. PER WEEK SELLING | { | | | tory, S ALESMEN--$50 one hand Kgg-Beater. Sample and terms 2c. Money refunded if unsatisfae Collette Mig. Company, Colling: wood, Ont. | A T ONCE--MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; expert instruction; constant practice; tools free; always sure employ- | ment for a barber, Moler Barber Toronto. Write for catalogue. College, 221 Queen East, MISCELLANEOUS. j AY and FARM SCALES, Wilson's 3 Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto « CO ANCLR, TUMOKS, LUMLVD, ele. ome ternul aud exiernal, cured withous vuin by our home treatment. Write ua before too tate Dr. beiiman, Voliingy wood, Ont. G TON SCALE GUARANTEED, Wilson's ~ Scale Works, 9 splanade, Toronto. GENTS WANTED, -- A STUDY OF a other Agency propositions convinces us that none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret it if you don't apply for par- ticnlars to fravellers' Dept., 228 Albert St, Ottawa. *PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE Consnly mt us in regard to any disease. Lowest prices in drugs of all kinds Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure ment. Glasses titted by age. Write to-dag for anything sold in_ first-class drug ftores to Dr. Bellman, Collingwood. Ont ELUI TANNERY--CUSTOM ROBE : and Fur tanning. Cattle and Horso Hides make best Robes and Coats when properly tanned. Send them to me and have them. dressed right. You will be well satisfied. B. F. Bell, Delhi, Ont. EG, 4A. CRT Sums | Collectors and shippers will And it to their adventage to get their names on our mailing list. This insures prompt receipt of our quo- tations and general juforiaation, which will be ready about the 15th of November, Youcan be ship yourccllections to Wagner, Brasior &Co 86 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont, CIVE YOUR BUSH MAKE MONEY WITH IT. : You would not think of cuttine down your hay or grain with hand gseythes, and you should not use old pots and A CHANCE AND pans. Install a "Champion" an more and better syrup with less e and fuel. . More revenue at a reduced cost. Why not try this? We have one that just suit you. You are sure to win. Write -- for free booklet. THE GRIMM MIG, CO, » LIMITED, 68 a0, eure of fair and liberal treatment when you : make ; Wellington Et... Mcxtreal,- <* e Best" _ % im x

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