cet oT 4 wt * : ~~ W PLD in 3 aS t "Ynfirhiob the 7 = AWETRD GEREMORNY TN CEYLON] ftom bier tai paricontd. MAKI SAFE INVESTMENTS | . DELMI--WHERE THE GREAT DURBAR WAS HELD cal a ==) = pe 2a with bare hands and vith great - pp ce force, all the time contorting their ON! RELATIV : x BATTLE AGAINST DEADLY faces until they assumed the most : a eee eee woe In ey i , COBRA BITE. demoniae expressions. Yo the ac- ASSETS DEPENDS SAFETY OF 3 = companiment of the ftorm the| | MOST INDUSTRIAL BONDS. ae scene was impressive in, the, ex-| | oS rs clapped |, | ' Sao ee « mpt to Save a treme, for the devil dance eaten hits Man bidet Had their hands, screamed and halloed Canada where Banking System is o a Victiny to the Poi- in a manner 'so wild that it 'filled pupertor Current Assets Need Not Ex- --- gonous Reptile. with vn Soc those who be pee Current Liabilities by so Great ee nessed e cerer ian mes 7 * The day had. been unusually hot before, ee 1 Pep CORRE at ice rae tac eee dees 'and sultry even for Ceylon, But|. At length they desisted, and tha Ps Sate ANSE tat Rinees AMAUnS } there was the prospect of a change. | inmates of the hut grew more com- INet Quick Assets Unless Real Estate Is A cluster of small clouds which had | posed. The storm, too, had shown } {Considerable. risen over the hills had been fol- | signs of abating. The jwhtning was ° lowed by others larger in volume | less vivid, and, except nfw and then |The articl i and blacker in color, until at|for a flash unusually gazzling, it | dte for the Sy Robie oh ouiainec eee Tength the north was darkeried with was passing away to 'ott er districts. nective investors, and, if costibie ot tat and unbroken stretch of ominous The thunder was iced only as a Oecine i Bee yee modes eae «Vapor, Presently the foliage, | distant rumbling, and the dark bank impartial and reliable Gubceane at ah pet and drooping, was stirred of cloud atch" ta haalded the gta ad rey be cones upon. The by the first skirmish of the ap- approaching storm had travelled on | jt this paper have no lavereste Pio serve ¥ : proaching storm. The wind stead- until, through _ its gilyery fringe, lege take with this matter other thao e GENERAL VIEW OF DELHI ° ily increased in force, and the | gleamed the welcome { rays of the]! tere i eee clouds rose, darkening the region|moon. The light shon? down upon ever which the passed There the fresh earth Ide iby the ¢ =H or y assed, | ; sh e¢ , sodden by the copt (By "Invester." rom baso to summit, astreak of|ous rain, and stole arfons the na- rant " ares HF SUND / The importance of current assets hav- light separated for an 'instant the | tive dwellings and thraugh the open), substanti ay thick mass, and a moment afterward | door of one whose inniates had _se- } SS, Sunaten ee er en a current liabilities is, of course, appar- ew a distant rumbling reached the ear | cured no rest that night- The Kap- from the troubled heavens, There} urala was stooping of¢T the pros. | n> when considering the accounts of an INTERNATIONAL LESSON was a steady subdued light casting | trate form of the sick man. All ap- industrial company with a view to in- ECE ee 2 r a had: vesting in its bonds. We read last week DECEMBER 381. around well defined shadows on the | parently was still, fer com dry earth. But few persons were supervened, respite the extraordin- _ abroad, and except that occasional-| ary efforts of the devi! dancers to pote; :. BUC Rew ep at Te. Hed or Spr ees ; ly a coolie hurried by in the hope of| prevent it. The face Was set, and Reviews Sola Fenty A. S00e Lc) reaching his destination before the| there was a SrAnGuNY ebopt if | Company. whose land holdings "had a} yg i is fai tempest burst, the road was left to | that aed ene Benowrorto gaze at | tess velue: than the amount of bonds: f 1 ad Se eee the dust, which was blown along in| it earnestly for some minutes. Thenp | utstanding. ul and just to forgive us our sins, ' and to cleanse us from all unrighte- that this excess is called "net quick as- -- bearing on the value of the bonds of any 'THE DoMES-oF THE. GREAT diagonal lines, says a writter in the | seein at his rites Were aval For an i ri : a8, say t § g that his rites Were unay ail- or an industrial bond to be safe net ' il Mall Gazette, ing. he me nd taki b | yuick asset aot ousness.--1 John 1. 9. ; i ing, he turned away gud taking the; Wuick assets, however, should do more One: Truth This Les Mose i iy To one of the native dwellings that | offerings of food and flowers frona| than merely exist. They must be exam-|_ That tl * gin .esson Teaches. ; SQUE AT DeELnHi. , . of : : ett: ) e A ° y. or alia i oy embower-|the altar as custora'Allowed, stole | ined with reference to their relation to) ang the eli en seek of prophecy = ha mM paims and & wea th of tropical out into the cool neht, followed | several other items to whi : eumax of sacred history ; ae : : \ A , int ; eat g sms to which they should | ,. gong + = ey » N ' ere &young man lay be- by his companions. /The cobra had bear a definite proportion. "oT he ares birth of the King. 2 ° A GATEWAY in eee Oe oe al PARANA KH ARE ANIMALS COLOR-BLIND? sree life and death. He had| prevailed. ee || che following is a balance. sheet ofl of Tov im.--To show that the Aisa Esha Experiment Made With een Ame foo ae : ofl of Love came to seek and t ; bxperiment Made With Japane cs Se an industrial c Q ) nds are : QO save ' apanese 'BITTEN BY A COBR hee os Niiesed ~ gh Cinine habeas ar ay sa TRIPOLI AFTER CONQUEST. WHO IS SHUSTER? Dancing Mouse " A A. : A STATESMAN'S: SON, : ey cage: 2 Clue to Pupil's sti re | Bhat , es ' EY A STA Bi mi _ chosen as an illustration chiefly because} vjawing of ¢ ue 8 Interest. The re- ee a a : Do animals see colors as humamh and an inclination to sleep was 7 We er in Fn CO of the simplicity of its arrangement. It) Thtroduc ete A Newspaper Correspondent Writes How did an American named |ings do? Does the grass look ereen overpowering . him. 2 /patea hs Captain Walter LonjfA.D.( : Jto a. Saecmire ata bh" bates tees MRE pee uction.--Did you ever see af ik Apbeatanes Shuster make so much trouble be-| and the sky blue to a bird for ex nea he had closed his eyes and al- his Royal Highness' the Govern@r-| ment of an operating company and not oF brag Pate before a govern- Bee no, tween Persia and Russia? Who. is|ample? It is well known that not ved his head to. drop, and for a General, is thirty-two years ofld,| merely a form got up for purpose of il- ment officer for inspection? In Only merest shreds of news have} this Mr. Shuster, anyway ? all human beings see colors in tha and has had a brilliant career} in| iustration. If the inexperienced reader June I saw some boys and young} reached the outside world from the William Morgan Shuster is a | same way. Some are blind to red men in a military school stand such captured city of Tripoli since the | young American lawyer, thirty-four | and green, that is, they see gray 1e had resisted the frantic efforts ar Th. varve a -} E The the army, HH rved through@ut| win follow the explanations carefully the}. {ost Ti f } Italian ti E i i St. are . me he t ¢ Tenecia , oat ck z ' | nere, for hours, they an occupation. 'specially in-| years old, who was appointed Trea- | instead of these colors, and some wefriends to arouse him. i fouth Af acl been sent for and 72 South African war, Was re- | next balance sheet he examin i : ; ; Lex ala 8 xa es in connec- a ¥ . sresti j i 1 J with his company quently ymentioned in despatches | tion with a bond offering will doubtless marched back and forth before the | teresting, therefore, is this picutre surer-General of Persia' a few | few persons are totally color blind "land redeived the D.8.0. Captiata' nave added interest government inspector. In and out, = seeds afew days after its| months ago, on recommendation of | that is, they see everything as it : surrender, 8 ; e L "esi . cate ih cs in hot : ; , sent to the London} President Taft. Persia's finances | looks in a photograph, without col. beaters and " ; . 5 Long j6- the e destson of the: Rt. across, up and down the field they Ts i : imes by ¢ 3c sspondents : | were i . _ : y one of its corresponde nts:| were in a bad way. So the Persian or. How can it be learned wheth- re now mak-{ ~ : : rh : : the ceremony | Hon. 'W alter Hame Long, who jhas ASSETS. went. They pitched their tents and they would eu- held many high Cabinet offices;} in- bie de Pa skl Budties Mest built their camp fires. They showel _ The first we knew of our destina-| Government, thinking that the |? 2" animal can distinguish colors | the evil spirits | cluding that of Chief Secretary; for ory, ho. ee. Bee ene $1,994,803 all that they had learned to perfec- os was the heavy smoke-bank | United States had no 'axe to grind It is not enough, of course, to offer a ag ae Patents, Wradeniarks and" Good |" tion. Not one made a mistake. The rom the funnels of the Italian} in Persian affairs, appealed to Taft | the animal a choice between two eaves (and Pivestments ".w.cis seis acces 'ital officer was "'reviewing" the com- pes ap togt lage Ries esa of) to send over a smart man to put the | colors and see which one it will pre- fds a hccounts uRRENA ASSETS. al) pany and they were reviewing what ris See penta | Empire's finances' on. a business, £0": 1# may be able to distinguish t Accounts an ills 3 . y Pig ne) 1irtee sa : bre Ren ea : ap epitod " Fit epi: mon they / DORMS. cen vice | panke OTA ONS they had been learning all of the) tons, stripped for Fee ia ciraen ok ec ee CRY OU PARSE? them perfectly, but have no pre- Pricayr at Inventory Stock-in-Trade .. 951,856 year. fh axe oh a ' Ser aoe |That young man _ had already | ference in the matter. The most e upon Scueant acd in Bank ere Lesson tory. We have come to bike ; Fees drew nearer the war-| straightened out a customs and thorough investigation so far made asl and and i : : = 8 8, and 6 tering gro pielet ope ~) PISA € USE 8 ant : . = ro Pate { if / aces SS TO%s1 811,119 a day like that in our lesson study. aia fis ae ees ens OF | tariff mix-up in Cuba and also in of the color sense of any animal is » got _---- We are te review. what we havelie anchor we coil y ordered US| the Philippines, when Te ao. | that made by Professor Yerkes of : $3,999,828 | ( to anchor, we could discern the lea- | * 7° ~™ ippines, when Taft was Gov- | 5 ; Jon | 999,828 | heen learning and to prove our poe : 3 ernor of those islands Shuster | Harvard on the Japanese dap# | : gue of palm-trees and the medley | hose islands. Shuster | oa BIABILIPER. faithfulness along the way by what! of whitewashed |} Ras ee "y | mouse. ; Be iock <a gee get ee ee that the review day | Tripoli. _ a eee A box was constructed "with, yva § ie? Olas bs cance ,051,2 has come. If we have really etanied It aia Sak phat Taly ce ; | compartments, one illrsinated ith LL CURRENT LIABIWTIES. we will know the answers to the ee Puce Bay, WAS AD llicht of ove color, the other ggth rostst , ; Vafieet Saneruat $ 31,536 : he answers to the| possession of the town, as the ij 7 1 if 4] h-| | : Accounts ite? Bases followi stions: a ee eis light of anot color. If the naguse ; : Accounts and. Bill - ng questions leg ; : , : ' waa ills Pay 2 blockading squadrons were anch- red wadis to | Rhee ae ac aes Os BOOT What prophet was called to be a] ored close inshc 2 : entered one..compartn thejre Randy tater that | Rank A deatitee' f: O50 pi I ar as called to be a| ored close inshore, and several tor- oneé tor ribie all/wed = we ' ee he eee 3 : : ; e, ior example t ong the conduits on the Pe ee What-a h : : pedo craft were fussily engaged in to run thi ind ye ufo a »side. The black sereen of cloud ee ee. ' Rimpltide cites oe week ce 401,492 | j : 5 get pr canna of the, Sire EB Ot which had hitherto larger spa Lit el Mea reen Wt ocak a shade over the| | : ' .. 401,492 |ion of the great stream that flowed) known little better than decrepit paar aan ile "elec 2 Wok ae : P : $3,999,928 | from beneath the temple? Ottoman gunboats and Greek 4 si eaccammar nd was now merged in the natural ; Who led the children of Israel! sponge-divers' scl |from the wires on phe70o The darkness of the evening. The In this case current assets amount 'to| on their returnfram_eapti of Israel] sponge-divers 'senooriers. : | lights could be chang@--anea% the ae : EME! are } ne " Leantkivity tte " - o il - a htning became more and more $1,811,119 and current liabilitiesto~$1,047,- : ng erie v8 ty 3 Toe "* | ie right, nOW onethe je a The™ tebe Nai ak See na ' did they lay a foundation for a sec- | the sand-dunes naturally furnishes | { re ee ca a ae 'LVI, ine ouder 'an ; ale ets-- . jos : Pe oes : rer : earnest edd GRAGH vivid and the thunder louder 'and |, BeeRtRe As Dalsnce T6r GaGm peste ond temple? Who wrote a song of la' partial break water to a 5% soon learned to choose Lhe red chica more terrible. Flash after flash to the amount of $763,983. Now in the dative' - t fe ; Wh - g Of, kal law ee Upon $35 roc | partment. on whichever side Y s Ti Q . 211 ranc or ¢ 4 sne Ww BV. Jpo! PRK : . * through the black mass, illum- United States where, owing to the de- Wc isaves sry toe a i lif Phenician Cartheamee Roman, 1 But did this show that the mi -fmating the surrounding country fects of the banking system, it is danger-) 5,» i. ¥ a * ie ee eee Mamelh es S oi =-and Turk | saw red as red and green as green or her people : Mameluke, SP?@efenses in turn. It wasfound that when, after being trained in this way, they were offer- ' ous to owe the banks much, it is a rule 71 : x re et " | A.D.C. that to put a company in good shape its Salve! fess Eee Se | have bpncse deferses, and half-way | Re) cod current assets should amount to at least |, 4 eh cuales eae! Mba i og ; i ound the bay, is T ripola. n Liket The thunder made the heart of the reland, and who was one of the| double its current liabilities. In Canada bop Se ees jeader"did Ezra most Arab coast towns, trom the bravest leap. Tt was a Wal- three in the running, the other day, | the banker of such a company would be What Jund Ot ihe long journey |seaboard it looks clean and cool. | |¥% uid i PROX ¢ hyBiisalem ? \In reality it is a maze of filthy al- | |é ao Vhy 1 ee aS SS ev. and revealing the outline of the ad- ent mountams and then again Captain Walter Long, eaving all steeped in darkness. ed a choice between compartments that were not lighted by colors, lbut were merely one light and the dark, they chose the dark compart- ment at once. That suggested the possibility that they might have . . i . 2 A -: ah, night snileed ese night kohen fox Balfour's late position. | deeply' Concerned in its welfare. He= | , - 4 | : did Nehemiah make his} leyways, pestilential arcares ane Nhole company of evil spirits Like his distinguished father--who-would be anxious for the compa"™ .« é ; oe ; 6 awake, and holding com- is the idol of the squires ands¥eo-| well and therefore there wo" ~ * vefy| noble, unselfish prayer to God? noisome bazaars. The minarets of) ea zB ns 2 R oa\Ga the neshiboeine junale! men of England--Capt, Lode ©xcels | remote _possihit"-- she company hay Ties was Mis peaver Ree calls three mosques and the spire of @| wR W. MORGAN SHUSTER been secing both red and green. as : : ee par 2d? | Gatholic church give relief to the bbe mecca teem ey hate tt two shades of gray, of which the red was handy, having gone back to| was the darker. intermittent light 'showed in|?" field sports of all Jetds. He is ).imer* pay of ite Aarenres when they| What difficulties beset him in his | : a good polo ancerftket players 20 | matured, if that were at an inconvenient| ~ 4k and how did he meet them! lunbroken flatness of the roofs;) was 2 : 9 eb tHe while at the back of the bay, msing | Washington in 1909 to practise Jaw; Later tests made this very prob- +h puddle, in each drop of rain, eat aae oe ate * ack of a s me _| excelient § ot and a Keen cross-| time. There is, as a result, no dar f + x | jue = t a eae aE Ae country oe For three years he inability to renew sahestng gr mer Bi pete Apa Soi sheer from the water, is the castle, | and when the President advised him. able, for the mice proved quite un- 3 a Bay ye discharged the arduous duties of| as occurred in the United States in 1907, er Was if urst celenrat | 2 great medieval pile otf puddled | to go to Persia, he went. able to distinguish a red compart- SOME-D S..GLANCH; adjutant of the famous regiment, | course, the greater the proportion is the Wh Kins Tr ee clay and sand-rock. Shuster took four other young|ment from a compartment that. was . hat blazed far'a. instant andthen the Scots Greys. and which caused most of the industrial] .¢ - ny came as a fulfillment!" A, the torpedo-boat took us} Americans with him, and proceed- | wholly unlighted ; that is, from as quickly ad? .ppedbads anak Nettie. 2 xs DA failures of that year there. So in Can- . Whe dia I e q ashore we could observe the results| ed with a high hand to straighten black. thunder, the 'usic of sm Sears | = ada, unless bank advances form an in- Hoy te Walt he eign 1 of the Laiieunneeee Se the Tur-| out the Persian national finances.| It is not enough, then, to show at neinnain i i EN IN E TAK consider: iabili 3h Laeeee le is rt at t narbor entrance. ssi idn' ik 5" rocetA at ¢ smn) On clisti ih he gathering, 0c mpanied it like a ChawDREN IN EARTHQUAKE. considerable part of the total liabili-| 'Whom did he come ay aad kish fort at the - or se 2 Russia didn't like the process. | that an animal cz distinguish be~ : 4 blare fre srocken itself = ties, the proportion between: current 05) ¢> save z The epemaye i ] ts i a 1 _ Shuster's friends also say that both tween two lights that are of differ- The villagers "yad sought refuge Affecting Incidents Related By an sets and current liabilities need not be Spanish Se 4 nga easly, Russia and Great Britain sought ent colors to a normal human eye, in their }.uts despite the rage Eye-Witness.' so great as two to one, although, of yy ae migra, Geners y spoken of as the| to tie his hands. Be that as it may, | for the animal may see them as of the elements, \\ere endeavorin a ERS better. Where bank loans are secured = "pink" fort, from the color of the | open trouble started early last Oc- | two different and distinguishable hg: onily were up an At the time of the earthquake at! py such stable commodities as erain, THE INNOCENT PIANO. wash in which it has been distem-| tober, when the Persian Govern- shades of gray. It is kmown that . pered. The walls and parapets, | ment decided to seize the property | % color-blind person sees colors in " \this way. The best method by to sleep. But on™ ; Kingston, Jamaica, in 1907, Hugh| ; i could not rest, (0 ? ' , g iron, steel, etc, and form a substantial a : " : a which were built of rough-hewn| o¢ the ex-Shah's brother because which to prove that an animal sees Oakeley Arnold-Forster and _ his sabiliti ee 5 B28 -- art of the current liabilities, th To- ik F; ; ate ' 2 wife were visitors at Kingston. In ae fe e pro-| Prof. John Stuart Blackie Relates | <tones filled in and thickly faced | of his s : . portion of current loans to current lia- an Amusing Ancedote f b thirty feet of his support of an attempted re- p : ° her memoir of her husband, Mrs. | pilities may fall to one and a half to one : 5 ae with clay, ang pees hirty feet} olution (backed, Shuster says, by | ™ color as a color Is by teaching it Arnold-Forster tells of some of the] without misgiving. In the above instance above the weil xs rose thick Russia). Russian soldiers opposed to pick out the color from a whole The parapets were of great thick-| +1. seizure, but it was finally made. series of grays, ranging from black rots sah ieee givin ce ness, and had made an extraordin hi S . an extre . A y ; : : This was followed by an ultimatum to_white. 3 Hardly any animals have yet been rihere the Kap- urala and his strangeeassociates still conducted their mid \)ixht orgies over the fleeting soul © unconscious native. The comp \)y had return- Commenting on the rigid obser- vance of the Sabbath in Scotland, 5 "1 to the hut arraye<\ in their weird] 7.) ois c apparel. The dances" yore short a aia city. ; ; to one. Prof, Jonn Stuart Blackie tells, in sat ts the teninth Tal ee . ' . ay rer 3 Ww PS Ss ' re 4 a . 2? " siste > -1nc al- 7 cotton skirts, pvc) ved up into tas aah =" few helpers in com The proportion between net quick as- his 'Notes of a Life," an amusing Ea be arpa t where the shells from Russia. : 4 fl Ts 1 their bide were| eto to the dreadful number hurt d : : anecdote of something that happen- jan projectiles ; but where S é ip apie Coa ase satisfactorily tested for color sense, ounces, and rounc INS WET | 4) sage ey ; sets and bonded debt is a most import- ° ° : ' ee he beveled j sf the uring this trouble the Persian ' that we had just to turn to and as-| 144 consideration. Where a company has ed in his own family. The time ad hit the beveled edge © Government has shown eigns of but a number of experimenters are ; parapet the splintering of the rock a et now at work on the matter. It ' 4 backing down. But Shuster hasn't; sb essa a eT ed seems probable that the color sense Sian ae isn ; sWaetse tf fateh wt '|of many animals will prove to be m. Shuster claims he has) quite unlike that of human beings. was son after his marriage, when he was rejoicing over.the posses- sion of a new piano. substance must have been awful, and showers must have swept avross the town. From the hits near the thick leather girdles. \gauilily de-| ¢ : ; f sis yen 1 > oper: ' pecaret with an a buttons and ove aS ik oe pap eee no real estate the bonded debt of a com- obs. heir breas were a 2 © : , . metal n ts Tiny children were brought is: khe pany should never exceed the net quick covered with a network of béads in : : assets. Where there is real estate of . eect a | wharf hospital. One mite of a few eR T asked my wife one Sunday even- . caephitig oleae Rapa Re kB weeks old, as black as a little coal, relut tha: boomed eps ghoakd "Foe exceed | in to touch the keys and yobrash water-line on the curtain it looked been unfairly treated by both Rus- ¢ th the middle ar rig cs en was weeping Sadly. It had. been two-thirds the value of the real estate| 7 coul with a little psalmod for |as if the Italian gunners had laid! sia and Great Britain, although he a TMISC A brass The headpi¢ «es would have | --. ' lus the net quick assets, and } ios S Pp Oay, : : : : had been assured by both thes z WEALTH OF ROTHSCHILBS, done justice to the: most Whimsical; Picked. up mm the street, and went fdeisys - Aes here again| 7 'Could not always be reading. But their pieces low, in order ae aang BE a ee ure at DO : 1ese POw- oon ; ; eee oe y i ae nk se We, GRE he greater the excess of these two over ; EE OW ange rojec- ers that his appointment was agree- a , of demons. They jad. white te sleep in my arms as we carried saad daki ae : she said, "No, not on Sunday.' the town from overranged projec ble Pl Song gre Possessed $5,200,000,000 More Than ~ metal crowns, thecasie!! ted pims | round the food and oranges that| Ponees °® t the better. In the case of} «Why not?' said I "Surely tiles. lee ae Se gehes He has sent to the Forty-five Years Ago eT edaobthe Riaeard. sod. it, tort had been sent by Sir. Alfred Jones. the balance sheet given above, real e8-| ysalm-tunes may be played on the| Tripoli has a tiny sea-front par- | London Times long lists of acts com- Sie OO oes , - yose seven ornament * plated | My black piecaninny made all the tate, buildings, machinery, ete., amount| ome piano on Sunday, as well as|ade, where are situated the prin- mitted by Russia, with the consent] The wealth of the Rothschilds 15 yy Sate pay ! : x saw |} patients Tau h, even in their misery. to $1,994,803, of which--owing to the na- ng in the public church ?' cipal cafes; and here, in the cool of of Britain (he says), which in the|a fascinating theme for speculation, 4 =o gilver like an array of fea... rs. and us y hi ; : sung } Pp p S 5 , in the g there pecul : eT wand Que. little. boy; only seven or} tare of this particular business -- the 0. she would not. the evening, the Turkish jeunesse case of a stronger country than| but accuracy 1s difficult to arrive at. 7: from each hung trinkets a: nd- | 3 Feeley. per ; NO, CRE J : . ; ; ; : 2 2 ata cin all varieties. Round their. | sight, was there with his mother | #teater Droportion. is of value in case Why?' doree in fezes and the Arabs in| Persia would have been acts of The fortunes of the house, as 38 ; : | and two other little ones. The | of forced liquidation. Ordinarily, how- "The servants would not like it.' |snow-white haiks have for decades | War. Shuster claims that Persia| well known, were founded by the q ever, probably under 25 per cent. of the 'What!' said I. -"Are we to be |been wont to gather to "eat? the|is independent, and is sticking to Rothschild who was the first in Mug land to obtain the news of the Bat- -neeke and on their arms and feet : ---- go of ornament neck- |} mother's legs were broken as she is 3 yas pinne i he fallen brick- ads, heavy bangles, arm- was pinned under the falle eee allow eel Be fill 7 with | Work of her house; the little boy | count represents the value of the land. Gas : § ' had scrambled back over the totter- Taking arbetrarily only 20 per cent. in| fellow, US. Besides, do you imag- The ceremony was conducted in | ing 'walls and debris, and had| this case, we have net quick assets of! ine, MY dear, that the servants are ent sitters before the cafes. ' IM) saved both -the babies. He was| $763,983 plus value of land $398,960. or| such fools as to mistake the Hun-|was, however, @ crowd of awed| fortune of the the ji lk cocoanut oil : : a Sal on ar NE a very little hurt, and took me to see | $1,162,943 behind the $1,051,200 of bonds| dredth Psalm on the piano for|Arabs and cowed Jews, who step-| Davis type. aks ped into shadows with alacrity as a ale nts in such|cool sea-breeze that heralds the| his puns. e landed| Young Shuster is six feet tall, | tle of Waterloo and profit by it on a there were no insolent and indol- broad in proportion, and hand-| the Stock Exchange. |The rece! There | some--a regular financial soldier of death in Paris of Baron (Gusteve Richard Harding| recalls the first occasion on ¥ hiet : some idea could bo obtainec: a5 1 the wealth of the firm real estate, buildings and machinery ac-| the slaves of our, serva matters? They ought rather to|setting sun. But when w mp, which barely sufficed to show | (, Nee. ee asties of the performers but| {my babies," and watched _me| outstanding, leaving a margin of over 'Maggie Lauder ; t a eaves 1 eAths feed them - th much delight. Ey-j 10 per cent. Some companies do better! In vain; she persisted in her | party of Italian sailors came bustl- | pH LONG F ore 7 APRIC The brothers are partners and t! the lightning, gleaming almost wi ' In ¥ : > LONG FOREST OF AFRICA. : ; erard 1d. -rald de Souza were| than this, however. A recent issue of| plous refusal; and I, determined |ing past. Workmenlike | fellows bank has branches in won, Bere i n to such a supersti-|these sailors were, in white uni-| One of the great natural treasures | Jin, Paris, Frankfort Vienna. t intermission through the open . : ; : : two coner".\'e brothers, very re-| bonds. in addition to real estate of con-| not to, give 1 p : . of Africa, to the need of nreserving | The Trench branch Was founded y, made up for its shortcom- i : : ot b : : : "Standing by the head of the fine™ and sw both of them hurt, | siderably greater value than the bond| tion 1m My OWD house, immediately | forms and brown canvas gaiters. f the d ) Y who |v holétng hands on one mat-| issue had net quick assets over ten per | rose, and set myself to tinkle the|and carrying infantry arms and| which attention is being directed, is) by Baron James, who had four ing man, holding out his hands ag : ; ; : : : ' 3 & 8 tress the first night I was in the} cent in excess of the amount of bonds. keys, the best way, In my extreme | accouterments. Their eager and the immense extratropical forest|sons. Of thesevonly one, Edmond, that extends almost unbroken from | outlived hizo, When his first son, bwisti himself about, the : "a chanting a strange, hospital. When I fed them, they ignorance, could. And I persever- | bronzed _ little office: with a < * insisted ©: owing my name; and ih ed in this practise Sunday after | Mauser pistol strapped to his thigh, | the extreme southern end along|Solomon, died in 1864, he left a till at last I got "Artax- | marched with businesslike smart-| the eastern highlands to the equat- | widow and a daughter, Helen. erent air, in which the sing- holding m; hand, they said their > amp ) 7 Sunday, GROWTH OF SE. PETERSBURG. Jed 'and "St. Asaph,'"' two of my | ness down the street. ihe light of| or. These are gaps in it. and the | When Helen married on er lt, her share of - wh first. ioined listlessly. ae he prayers, p-aying for me very sweet . . MIS: ; a un- By STSS raying 1.or.me ~ ' : 2 Marcio' pag eye or ass = ly,,and Ttutked them "ap. and ers St. Petersburg, eeeel i8| favorite tunes, pretty fairly at | conquest was in his eye. _ | trees change in Lind somewhat with | Zuylen de Nyeve es ' hoped to ses them again. Buton, . y DATO VINE Jeers ation is|i},, end of my fingers. > Italian correspondents landing change of latitude, but' uvon the|her father's fortune, which she THOSE OF A MANIAC. the next sfing their people must | | -- se Bbc arg taken 2) What happened? The servants, if| with us clapped their hands and| whole, it has the same character | brought with her as dowry, was wag accompanied in his sparodic | have feteyod thesxawny, tor they [+ SScRle"> hae Bee showed th€| they had less piety of the strictly | shouted in' a delirium of ecstasy at throughout... The altitude above | £14,000,880. : : se 4 os including <ortain sab-| goottish stamp, had certainly good | the sight of the national flag float-| the sea changes regularly with de-| Baron Solomon's fortune was z The pluck-| crease of latitude. Near the Cape} double this amount and his three were gone, and Iidid not see them nd his sister, who mar- See SRR = eee , t ban villages formie"y not 20ver-| sense; for after the persistency of} ing above the castle. Nathanicl, of London, my hymnal practise had worked it-|ing of this rotten yinm from a de-| the forest grows at sea-level: in| brothers a the Ottoman Em-| Natal and the Transvaal its altitude | ried Boron tures and grotesque a f the ot ds ey | again. , UF V . : he other dancers. Suddenly t & ; hed. ta be 1,907,708. a preemie ae ete = nas Pe "ike (Sees lently an "ofjce town'. 2nd also @| self into their experience of the 'ne branch of a 7 singing to : a3 > ee ees = : : 'self in f 2 0 ¥ | cayin anc Seed ae He tom- HOUSEHOLD PHILOSOPHER. seaport for, six or e-ght meee of Sabbath evening, ae took oc- re é to the Italian as 4 at: |increases to 3,000, 4.000 and 5,060) hed equal amounts. Thus the total, -- Ooms, 1 then, as momentarily, | Strange what a she there the year. 'he prig@pe sae Ry 18| casion to remark one day to the} tle of Austerlitz. : It: is the real- feet: and on apnroschéng the eenat- | fortune of the five in le "ee Se ld bend theft knees almost | is," said\the household philosoph- the manufacture of CO'ce meen eg lady of the house: tration of a "heart's desir: or it riese to 7.000, and finally to |v £160,900.000. As the ie tmp posture, and advance | er, "between things we need as although its advan'age-as & port © "Kye, it's wonderfw' _what a 10.000 feet. In the equatorial high- branches of the family -- rene Woo a nvulsive steps, while | things we vant. There are many entry. for the intettoF is gainins | nious man... oor -maistet is! "He cote. ¢$ ands the growth isevery vwienre's. rich its aggregate wealth at pos 4 send ther wild | things we nee din the house but recognition. 'e spends the whole Sabbath eve. See a ~nd the forest isg@rrich with. the | time must have been £640,000," 20, to th never can find the money for, while So 353 Eee | frae tea-time to dinner, singing the oh tne s< left " 'mencil cedar af Abyssinia. -- a that is mere _-- 45 years ago. x can Ope ton dlways fad the| Some ri¢o imagine Whey cal pet |Maslinss eS © 5 Sunday [to 'ig U a ( ae ee 4 rant that we| what they want 9"! a : no mday | it al x Doing nothin is ant to be e'z more or less d for ioe ; = : oa £ : yy fam ly treo.