; I the . tbaby sits, with its MANY KINDS (IF CRADLES No doubt this departure ; usual custom is due toe wildness -- of eae create Hurdle cradjes} | ae. consistin or a r METHODS OF TRANSPORTING : Tee ar Sates Fl eroe Nb Wale WHO LOVED Cheshire choose, sticks arranged in an oblong hoop | THE LITTLE BABIES. frame, are -ised by the Mojaves | THE GOOD THINGS. gt at Pippin, and a >| Sly's best.' = Deel, w reign Roger Navajcgé g Yumas xd Wichitas. The Apaches . vas and Pueblos combine the | Sheridan says of cha + Bae : jaske} 0. anc e vpes crieus Superstitious anWe tha board and hurd] types, When the first mo George I liked fish a trifle stale. her first child. to f . 7 et up but the Pueblos usually make An Exalted P2xce in Man's Ruling |_ 18 40¢8 20+ enter and steal | protecting the child's face and pes mA coin Man's Ruling | your reason ; it simply takes a F Indian. Tribes in This |/head with a hood or aw ning. TT 2€ | Vesainna Held ty Wigh away knock at aman's head a i | Navajos make the be of 8 par there's an end o sae Connection. f| Wd av ajo S mé uke the ved out of skins, Vivbus , nd on't Mig | heavily laced with feather thong 35 | 5 | law is like the law He never cared for oysters until | from Of cloth, chased from the trad fore, many vears| their shells began spontaneously | where it was to ing stores, for the bed. of aOnPane srie, | tO gape. George III. on the other ; a ij * eaeeee" ; : 60 I . . 3s . g Wt, the first ste se, », if gourmanderie | hand, spent joyous evenings at|i¥ tra dies, x: mess of fetchi ing taken, Pe) since ands of devices baby have been mot be sai prob! ems Virginia \ a ter, supping on tea}? the traw ler fe othr bones. | blizzard,\ was crip it is said that |S¢@, and \began to , iy drinking ale. He by vessel 'came to t Sas. deat inventor of bak four out ofthe crev the first church digni- | been saved\ by the f as Raiedate sn ok be at, when that noses by bringi bottled ale | To save the others fld fhe vishibe of. rgy. There | tached to buoys were ge in which | second of who laik ¢ aspentled from atra,. ts mot] Sra an old tr: what this | The s skipper of the ¢ or is allowed to hang from sig **lale used to lurchmen, |ed the "ER Tound the venient peg in the dwell; 1), | cider used the Afri- | Stews "i the stewa eculania cf. 1c ser the! cans. | but only for a moment "ghee pes = f : : is made up of ;ed into the sea imme diat oP : ' 7 :* : and Hood's| Was hauled across to the vented de Bass not unnatural | trawler with all possible ee ty ce . reminiscences, | But the icy waters Ik; lled thi ples ace ath 'was at Christ-|™an, and it was a dead body we s. 1 I met | Was dragged into the boat. rf ; | Even more tragic is the st of |] to|the foundering of the Qy I | steam trawler Celtic a year . eheld | #80. Her tail shaft broke i n { |Storm, and sent the ( ( ; hanno through her stern, so a o : ee other | Quickly filled with water. i : . Ss of | Lhe crew took to the boat, by ake Sernss ny| Were pulling away, when t ; orm, « oe: Sadat ce " | were horror-s AN fish: to see the ec rotons Me ' nde? Sis le pre the | ° "i h | de spatringly. beckoning to the wheels attached to the crosshar | skull Trinket ; . 4 | from i nies a cats Be ena "pli eae Be ae es i nk | bec on forgotten. At once the Rea aiid As meee ie e s s ae " | eee back, but before the boa 1 a 5 a ' could reach him the tr awler wen Ae aang Fir ei a bs é I. down, carrying the man to his fate. oe g e738 = nth 1v.|., For sheer weirdness, there ig no. ce , paby sbi ves e. a an onion | thing to beat the story of the Ply- l g th 1 ae ; ) : ae of small bulbs. | mouth fishing boat Fear Not. cee Pua i 1 ( ux iced and put in are crew consisted of the owner, ( BOI : cathe a { Ce bReee a of fresh | William Rowe, and his seventeen. ie ae ORE ok , | al : Q é to Pay n to}) id 'ee ma They | year-old son. One sunny June | t-< ' turned over the fire until they | afternoon, the boat came back in- | Shis ne : is mot Beet ee er OE LON PA NOD, | heppine Ak fea goldagn lor, when /'© harbor, steered by the son. ony » She never did it Bot] Ske 500% the child has |. | the > moistened with broth, | Wile Rowe sat upright ih toe ee Kes Ptlans and the ay j ibe ! he necessary Va v of bread thwart, with his arms fo. ved. But | Client Heb»: = t ay oy y », © st ' seus was ser. | 28 neither of them, moved, or ans ts er was perfected | wered to other fis} ermen's cries, a | vdd ft Sah glasses | Doat went alongside, and it was | rH 10n Of two smé t id cognac. This Le.t fare, found that Rowe} was dead, and vid cognac. < : . cever, was only the prefac ° to | "US son in a trance} ever, 8 y the pr ; Y = 3 k hich| Later on the son recovered some- iin and See with waich ; 3 "thodox epicure mortified his | ¥2at, and explaingd that his fatk rt lO spIcl D0 4 ya | in - - jer had died suddenly at sea, Wall he could remember. aftey was steering the oat for B as though in a drie am. y was fond L ges, one of which he m the day of his death, after months' illness. It was his} An extraordina lease: gastronomic an-| Was the lot of is recorded with the same trawler, the : e and awe as Nelson's | "ff the coast of sealing wax amid the | 280. | She strucl Copen n is noticed ; 2nd for a whole e fury of a rlooms tch i te } Yr! f I < e ry é ' es The | plained of i | r ] "Cm | § nd engi helped I N y I 17 Ps { 1 x erved with! 4° rel ut choosin 8 y I Mh nee great form, and none who dine off . } f } Pa re Oar eee wo them forgot the fiavor, which fb ] } ie ; 1 Sekt melted along his palate. The | drowns 5 . cardinal used to say it was like | agai lowing paradise, and that the Nex ost ever rane ismell of his ibeea blackbirds |} Pre f 1 Rao-ahiy Riaaias ObAOT 4 born. alone was enough to revivify hal f| t ey oO eor le ot > Russian Fe - so = : : AE cog) Sa, Beas and Ap breal ithe defunct in his diocese. pire, including the Georgian I . t can. | one ars Val or c on the 8 1 slates | Monseigneur Controis de Quincy, tars, Nogais, Kalmucks, Yakuts. | ' ate poraae relates {2 R Buriats, Ostiks snd PUSe- 2G 38: CUBLOTATY * sd 1801. ] ..| bishop of Belley, was exceedingly pie tes Lid ¢ s cradle . y ae . ag 2 others The general similarity of 2 > dead infant In te cradle, 2«1fond of the stalks of - ast aragus, oo ae Sani etn de as 11 2 and to bury the se yn being informed that a hes these cradles to those used by the | JUS : at a medic This rtook of the first thing | and on being os cr that 3, e¢ y ¢ "| baby t bed togetner. nis ; e "aAcus P is sr AA, North American Indians may. pos. | 22>: Sse aera ; served and eaten on that festival at | Of asparagus Had just piercec at , b 1 1 = RE ae appears to have been the custom of . B1DLY, e€ considered an argument ri A at ) 16 1) that table, namely, "a tureen full | Soil, the cardinal and his con te a cliff dv Wet Fol mich: luneioda plum porridge."? rose from the table, visited th t He ae he b "oak But the art of cookery came into; and were lost in admiratig - { t is usual practice to break | ,, ; aes Se La a Ag a 7 origin, U1 pene ce emer ned th 2 Bie " {ngland by way of France. which! what they saw. ; Day by he cradle in pieces and the row Sept ee ; ehh ey ee Se ORADLES USED BY Mhapig «| Ute Chadie: in pier : _ | has been celebrated through the; bishop watched the grow Seeder' nee VEDES- | throw fragments away in some ins 3 ages as the home of the gastrono- in favor of the opinion that the | 4' American tribes are of Asiatic More probably the cradles ; i] goen ot where they | ae | THE DELICIOUS ; 11 tl z used | W ld : ; ; t = 5 | mists Cookery was so much es- | 3 ry i these tribes and pe €s, in-| are ul to be found, , > N oe habit fig widely ep LYE te hed 'Se Am« of the tribes pre- | te se ees by as SAS hes ~~ eet | His mouth wat Fi Wwldely § at Stumm 0 I { Le A a archs granted estates on 1e sole | were dey ised to suit climatic con. | for the advent of achild | 2? g 1 |at it, and hap el meiey '} condition that the holder, through | safe Fook 4 ee 1s heaaiiek i > needa! are | ashio ~r the crs y | : ae ditions, or becauso of the ne eds | are : made by fa sage, c Seay lis cook, should prepare a certain | own hands created by the nomadic habits of | 1n ibe nce, but. the ee aes Bes at stated periods to set before eee the people. That the sradies of | San Carlos Apaches wait until after lever, he for : | - nik eee ey King. It was under the Nor- | mené that the tribes of Russia and Siberia re-|the little one is born. The San mans in England that ey Feit Efe ; | mans mngl hat ee : semble those of the tribes of North Carlos Apaches make the cradle to| €rielt, <a America is doubtless due to the fact fit the newcomer's body. Of that all lived largely by hunting. | it soon outgrows this first recepta- famous for They, therefore, devised beds for;cle but by that t their little ones that were easily transported, and in which the | babies were reasonably safe from accidental injury on long journeys, and well protected from the cold, Although there is a ce rtai arity of design in the cra by the tribespeorle America | a1 ] : Beisel THE BOAR'S HEAD peeeet bs | time a larger one lis rea udy for its use. : usually construct a cradle for girlss x those of- the aaa borate and ¢ nor ex . : +. | his prac | had regal honors paid to it, and its + <A Soha : : his occa som the kitchen to the | * : minder the escort of ; simp il- |