AAAS TEN UNA Ws ENG FLEE: NERA NIAAA LS LS Ppa NEW STRENGTH IN THE SPRING Naturo Needs Aid in Making New Health-Giving Blood In' the spring the system needs a tonic. To be healthy you must have new blood just as the trees must have new sap to renew their vitality. Nature demands it, and without this new blood you will feel weak and languid. You may haye twinges of rheumatism or the sharp, stabbing pains of neuralgia. Often there are disfiguring pimples or eruptions on the skin.. In other cases there is merely a feeling of tiredness and a variable appetite. Any of these are signs. that the blood is out of order--that the in- door life of winter has lessened your vitality.. What you need in spring is a tonic medicine to put you right, and in all the world of medicine there is no tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills actually make new, rich, red lood--your greatest need in spring. This new blood drives out the seeds of disease and makes easily tired men, women and children bright, active and strong. Mrs. Murray Marshall, Zephyr, Ont., says: "'T do not believe I would ever have been well and strong again bub for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was so weak and nervous that I could not be left in the house alone,' I would take weak spells with my heart and think I was going to die. I tried \ doctors and electric belts, but they did me no good. Then a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To my surprise I soon notic- ed my appetite improving, and from than on I improved rapidly until I was enjoying the best of health, and IT have not been troubled with weakness or nervousness since." These pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or can be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- -dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PAPA'S CONSENT. She--Isn't it lovely? Papa con- sents.'" He--"Does he, really?" She--"Yes. He wanted to know who you were, and I told him that you were tape clerk at.Scrimp & Co.'s, and he seemed _ really pleased." He="'T am delighted." She--Yes, and he said we could be married just as soon as you were taken into the firm." ------ ENDLESS TASK, Knagg--'A woman's never done." Mrs. Knagg--"Especially when her work consists in trying to make aman of her husband."' Useful in Camp.--Explorers, sur- veyors, prospectors and hunters will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil very. useful in camp. When the feet and legs are wet and cold it is well to rub them freely with the Oil and the result will be the pre- vention of pains in the muscles, and should a cut, or contusion, or sprain be sustained, nothing could be better as a dressing or lotion. POLITE. "What dirty hands you have, Johnnie !" said his teacher. "What would you say if I came to school that way?' "T wouldn't say nothin'," replied Johnnie. "I'd be too polite." 'The ingredients of Magic Baking Powder are plainly printed on each package. The makers of the numer- ous alum baking powders never do this, but they' have been known to print the words "No Alum" on their labels. This is no guarantee --it is fraud. See that all ingredi- ents are stated. work is , Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuralgia IN SAD MEMORY. "Hello, old man! How's busi- ness? "Sh! Take off your hat when you speak of the dead.'"' THRTY. YEAR OF DISFIGURIN FRZEWA CURED 'Tver since I was a little girl, thirty years ago, I had suffered tortures from eczema in one of its worst form', Tho disease runs in iny family, and mine was of a scaly and most disfiguring kind. The eczema formed iy round rings. and then scales all over my face and limbs, I have been smothered from head to foot. I was born in Leamington, which is famous for its sulphur batits and pump waters, and one woukt think that after tuking the treatment there reg= ularly as i did, the disease would. long ago have been cured, but it was not, I attended the Hospital for yeara g and years, so'you will see -- or ave it @ fair trial. Everyone in the town kiew of my case. My face was disfigured very 'badly. A doctor told me that I should never get rid of it. I spent ce in doctors' bills, and L attended Several hospitals but uothing did any good. 'Then one day an uncle of mine recom- TMended the Cuticura Remedies. I took his advice, and commenced to use the Cuticura p.. To my astonishment an improvement at once set in, and my hair, which had been a complete mass of scales and scurf, soon pepe to look in splendid condition, Then bought 4 bex of Cuticura Ointment, and this cleared my skin wonderfully.. In a few Weeks' time all traces of the scaly eruptions had completely disappeared. Now my skin is clear and healthy, and thanks to the Cuti-. concn Aiea ole Ro ate oo = le Tay_no! ours Were astounded. The Cuti Remedies are worth their cura Id, and one tablet of Cuticura loap goes further than four cakes of cheaper 'oaps, It has- brought. pappiners into m ome," (Signed) 3 rs, Butler, 17, Franc: Ra., The Cotterride, King's Norton, Bir- tmingham, Eng., July 26, 1010. Cuticura Soap anq Ointment are sold every= where, but thos ho wish to oak them without charge may do so by 'nding to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., 62 Columbus Aye., Boston, U. 8. A., for a liberal sample Of each, posi-iree, with 32-p, skin book. DISCOVERY OF RARE MINERAL Large Outcrop of Greenstone Foun in New Zealand. ported of a large outcrop of green- stone in a hitherto unexplored mountainous district on the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand, which is thought to be the original mother reef from which all the greenstone found in that is- land is derived. A syndicate has been formed for its exploitation. It is anticipated. that it will hereafter be so plentiful that its use will no longer be confined to souvenir jewelry, but will be used for mantelpieces, table tops, monu- ments, etc. It will also be export- ed to China, where greenstone, in the form of jade, is regarded with peculiar veneration. Up to the present time there has been no syndicate mining or quar- rying of greenstone in New Zea- land, though the Maoris have ob- tained it from the beds of streams, using it for axe heads and for per- sonal adornment, and it has also beon found with more or less fre- quency in the South Island in sluic- ing for gold. New Zealand green- stone jewellery is very popular with tourists in that country, though not all of it is real greenstone. It is used largely for brooches, brace- lets, cuff links, waistcoat buttons, ete. ' In another section of the same island a unique deposit of trans- parent bowenite, known as "'tangi- wai," "'the queen of greenstones," has been found. Tangiwai is differ- ent from the ordinary kind of green- stone, as it is translucent, even in moderately thick pieces, and perme- ated in some cases with irregular cloudy waves. The ordinary green- stone is almost opaque and trans- lucent only in very thin slices. Old Maori legends tell of the loss of the original tangiwai supply by burial in a landslide somewhere on the slopes of Anita Bay. The site of the present discovery | corre- sponds accurately with the refer- ences made to it in the old native stories. Many samples of the stone taken from the new lode have been taken to Auckland, and the Maoris declare it to be the real 'queen of greenstones," valued before all others for its beauty and quality. Ba BABY'S LITTLE ELLS Baby's little ills are many and need close attention. Worms are among the most common of these ailments-- there being scarcely a child who is not afflicted by them at some time or other. These, though, can be readily ban- ished by the frequent use of Baby's Own Tablets--the only remedy sold under' the guar- antee of a government analyst to contain no opiate or other harmful drug. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Daigle, Ste. Perpetue, Que., writes :--"My baby was troubled. with worms; he was nervous and had no appetite. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and he was soon well again.'? The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ESTEE * Non aetna RETURN OF THE CAMERONS. Scottish Rezinent Home After After Seventeen Years Absence. After an absence of over seven- teen years from Scotland, the Ist Battalion Scottish Rifles, late 26th Foot, have at last reached home, and are now stationed at Glasgow. It is thirty-five years since the re- giment was stationed there, and the regiment is one of the most fam- ous fighting units in the British army. Only five of those who left with the battalion on foreign ser- vice' are now serving with the col- ors, - The battalion has special privil- eges not permitted to any other re- giment, one of which is that each man carries his own Bible when go- ing to church. Instead of the "Last | Post'? sounded at nightfall in the | barracks an old Scottish Psalm tune is played. The Cameronians never have band concerts on Sun- day afternoons, they only play in church, and bugle calls are also re- duced in number on that day. The title of Cameronians is taken from: Richard. Cameron, the Cov- enanter, who was killed at Aird- moss. A number of his followers formed what became recogwized as the "Cameronian Guard.'? ~'Phey had many battles and skirmishes in Ayrshire and round Glasgow,' but after the overthrow of the Stuarts, the Guard was disbanded in 1688. In the following year, however, the Earl of Angus called them up again, when sokliers were wanted for the Dutch wars. ~In one day over 1,009: men enlisted, but before taking foreign service, they stipu- lated that they must have a chap- lain, and their own' regimental Bibles, one to each man. This was the origin of the privilege which still holds good. Their first uniform was the tailed red coat, duck trousers and three- cornered hat with the black eock- ade of the House of Orange. Gra- dually the dress changed, and when, as a rifle battalion, the regiment had to give up its edlors, these were placed in Glasgow Cathedral, where they still hang. The Cameronians will be housed in the famous Maryhill barracks, and their reception in Glasgow will be the cause of much excitement and interest. The population of India is over seven times_as large as that of the An important discovery is re-| | holdsevery person who enters it, } regardless of nationality, dress, so- |eial position or official rank. COLDCAUSED SERIOUS TROUBLE BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS BROUGHT THE CURE. Mr. Hugh Martin, Suffering From Kidney Disease for Two Years, Tells How he got Back his Health, St. Hippolyte de Kilkenny, Lake L'Achigan, Terrebonne Co., Que., April 8 (Special).--Again- the peo- ple of this neighborhood are talk- ing of a complete cure of kidney disease: Mr. Hugh Martin, Jr., a well-known young farmer, is the person cured, and he gives all the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My trouble was caused by a cold."? Mr. Martin says, in an inter- view, "and I suffered for two years, My head would ache and I had pains in the back as well. I felt heavy and sleepy after meals. I was often dizzy, my memory was failing and I found it dificult to collect my thoughts. I was also nervous, while heart flutterings ad- ded to my anxiety. "T was a sick man indeed when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, but by the time TI had taken two boxes Iwas a changed man. Are you surprised that I think Dodd's Kidney Pills a wonderful remedy ?"' If you have two or more of Mr. Martin's symptoms your kidneys are diseased. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the sure cure. he. RUSSIAN "MOUSETRAPS." bene When Sprung by the Police They Catch Every Creature. Although the peculiar form of police ambuscade known as a mousetrap has had its highest de- velopment and its widest applica- tion in Russia, writes George Ken- nan in the Century, it did not ori- ginate in that country, nor did it receive there its strikingly appro- priate, appellation. It was imported from France a century or more ago, and the name that it bears was given to it by Alexandre Dumas in 1829.. The dis- tinguished French storyteller des- cribed it in "The Three Muske- teers" as follows: The invention of the mousetrap dees not date from our days. As soon as societies in process of form- ation created police, the police in their turn invented mousetraps. As our readers may not be familiar with the slang of the Rue de Jeru- salem, and as it is fifteen years since we applied this term for the first time to the thing we may be allowed perhaps to explain to them what a mouse trap is. When in a house of any kind a person suspected of crime is arrest- ed the arrest is kept secret; four or five men are placed in ambuscade in the first apartment, the door is opened to all who knock, it is then closed after them, and they are ar- rested ; so that at the end of two or three days the police have in their power all the persons who are ac- customed to visit the place. And that is a mousetrap. Dumas does not explain that the trap is set and the first arrest made at a late hour of the night, gener- ally between one and three o'clock a.m., so that the mice will not be- come aware of it and avoid the dan- gerous locality. You may call upon a 'politically untrustworthy" friend in the evening, drink tea with him, discuss the state of the country, and go home at midnight without having seen or heard anything to excite suspicion or suggest peril; but if you return to the same house or apariment early the next morning you are liable to fall into a mouse- trap. The trap, moreover, catches and Rus- sian revolutionists are accustomed to assume all sorts of disguises, from the blue frock coat and wrink- led top boots of the gendarme to the sword, epaulettes and golden cords of the general staff; and if the Czar himself, in the uniform of the Preo- brazhenski Guards, should visit in- cognito a house in which a trap had been set, he would be arrested ithe money Well, Well! THIS ina NOME DYE ,, that ANYONE can use - |] FLANNEL SKIRT sit Pert iat KIRT, I dyed ALL these DIFFERENT KINDS: we of Goods a with the SAME Dye. ! used DYOLA OLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance of neing the WRONG Dye for the Goods one has to color, All colors from your Druggist or Dealer, FREE Color Gardand STORY Booklot 16, The Johnson-Richardson Co., Limited, Montreal, kind is given to the police officers in charge, Tho mico caught may not the trap was set; but even if they appear to be ermine or lizards, or small, blind kittens, they must go to the station house for examina tion and judgment. In every large Russian city the police keep an alphabetical list of all persons who aro believed to be in sympathy with the revolutionary movement or who for one feason or another are regarded as politically untrustworthy. Such persons are liable to be arrested on suspicion at any time, and are almost sure to be taken into custody after the assas- sination of a high official when there is no clue to the assassin and the police hope to get a clue by a drag- net system of arrest and investiga- tion. At such times a hundred arrests or more are often made in a single night, and in the houses or apart- ments of perhaps half the prisoners mousetraps are set to catch all com- ers. The police in charge of the traps are strictly enjoined to send to the nearest precinct station house every person caught, no mat- ter what he may look like, and no matter what plausible account he may give of himself. Revolutionists and terrorists often wear uniforms, and a man who declares that he is a colonel of gendarmes or even a general of division may really be a dangerous conspirator in disguise. The instructions given to the trap tenders are always implicitly obey- ed, and they sometimes bring about results of an extraordinary and wholly unforeseen character. A] THINNESS HIS DISGUISE. Change a Fat Jolly Looking Em- bezzler Made in His Appearance. Lepreux, the absconding cashier of the Suez Canal Company, who dis- appeared from Paris in October af- ter embezzling $400,000, was arrest- ed in a Turkish bath at Lille, France, the other day. Lepreux, a fat, jolly-looking man, conceived the idea that the best way to disguise himself would be to turn himself into a thin man. According- ly he went to Lille in November and set about his task. Every day at 2 p.m. he arrived at the Turkish bath, and after passing through the various heat rooms was given elaborate massage. Then ho drank a bottle of claret and went to sleep in the divan room until seven o'clock. As a result of this vigorous treatment in three and a half months he reduced his weight by forty-four pounds, and the change in his appearance was such that the detectives when they saw him were unable at first to recog- nize, the comfortable, jolly cashier of the police photographs in | this emaciated looking individual with sunken cheeks. His face was deeply furrowed. His erstwhile rotundity had. vanished and a ragged gray beard had taken the place of his neat black moustache. He declared that he had lost all he had stolen except} $12,000 in speculations. a. iPS SST A, | Tae Shiloh Gure QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS, CURES COLDS, look at all like the mice for which}. - SOCIALISM IN PRACTICE. In Germany Its Power Is Used Against Tradesmen. That German Social Democracy is not only a political power but also has great influence in other direc- tions is easily conceivable when its three-quarters of a million of en- rolled members, its three millions of political sympathizers and its first-rate organization are remem- bered. Many thousands of saloon keep- ers, grocers and small tradesmen of every sort are dependent on Social- ist favor, and on the other hand may readily owe their ruin to So- cialist boycott. The latest form of Socialist enterprise is forcing the owners of houses in which Socialists live to subscribe to the party organ. The houses are frequently owned by men who have built them with borrowed money and whose ability to pay the interest depends on hav- ing their flats occupied. It is now charged that if the landlord in such cases refuses to subscribe to the pa- per he is put on the black list, his flats remain unlet and he is in dan- ger of being ruined. : ais. CONDUCTOR CURED SUMPTION. "Mr. Copeland, Dear Sir,--For the benefit of others I wish to make known -what Copeland's Cure for Consumption has done for me. When I commenced taking it I could not sit up in bed, nor keep anything on my stomach. My doctor, and a consumption specialist of Toronto said I had the worst form of Con- sumption, that nothing could be done for me, and gave me only eight or ten days to live. After taking two bottles of your cure my appetite improved, and that weak- ening perspiration stopped. To-day I am healthier and stronger than I have been for vears, I will answer any correspondence. Wishing you every success. David Warnock, Street Car Conductor, 220 Silver Birch Avenue." Every day I receive testimonials like the above from persons given up by doctors, and who have tried all other medicines, but after taking this cure are speedily recovering. Many claim to be cured. As a cure, for Consumption, weak or bleeding lungs, lingering coughs and bron- chitis it is umexcelled. It acts on- the stomach as a stimulating tonic. Mention nearest Express _ office when ordering. $1. per bottle; six for $5. Sold only by Wm. R. Cofe- land, 511 Pape Avenue, Toronto, ORES RS Maatesli are AT THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. "T am looking for a man who man do the chores, sweep, help clean the rooms, be polite, and never be impudent." "Say, missus, you'se is lookin' for a husband." When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine.Eye Remedy. No Smarting--Feels Fine--Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. I)lus- trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Oculisis--not a "Patent Med- icine" -- but used in successful Physicians' Prac- tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub- lie and sold by Druggists at 26c and 50c per Bottle. Murino Kye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 2c and 60c Murine Eye Remedy Cc., Chicago OF CON- Such is the destiny of great men that their superior genius always exposes them to be the butt of the envenomed darts of calumny and envy. Complete in itself, Mother Graves Worm Exterminator does not re- quire the assistance of any other medicine to make it effective. It does not fail to do its work. Men who attribute all their fail- ures to fate never think their suc- cesses may be due to the same calse. Se ere PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, Your Seid Bal will refund money if PAZO OINT- MENT fails to cure any caze of Itowng, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days-. 50¢ ee Last year 443,531 alien passengers landed in the United Kingdom. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. YOUR PART. Do well the little work which comes your way and don't worry about all the big work of the world being done before you get around to tackle it. HEALS THE TRROAT AND LUNGS, 26 CENTS promptly and sent to the nearest precinct station house for identifi- } cation. | No discretionary power of any | CA Tempting . : Treat-- Post Toasties. with cream Crisp, fluffy bits of white Indian corn: cooked, rolled into flakéseand toasted to a golden brown. Ready to. serve direct from the package. Delightful Bacar ! Thoroughly wholesome! "The rlemory Lingers" Sold by Grocers Made by : Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Pure Food Factories. : pad United Kingdom. . Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Se aie ae Wife (complaining)--"You're not | like Mr. Knage. They've been mar- | ried twenty years, and Mrs. Knagg says her husband is so tender." Husband -- "Tender! ~ Well; he] ought to be, after being in hot] water all that time:" { None Too Handsome Lecturer -- "T shall introduce in my lecture to- | night, ladies and gentlemen, some | entirely new features." Voice from ithe -- Gallery Gnterrupting)--"'If lyou'd intreduce an entirely new | face you'd do better."' Saris | Warts will render the prettiest 'hands unsightly. Clear the excres- leences away by using Holloway's| Corn' Cure, which acts thoroughly and painlessly. A gold watch chain is not neces- sarily an outward and visible signa of the presence of a gold watch at} the pocket end. Because a man wears good clothes it does not in- evitably follow that he is on good terms with his tailor. "Mr. Hennypeck, I come to-ask you for your daughter. I love--'" Mr. Hennypeck--"That's all right; you may have her. And--er--I don't suppose you ean possibly see your way clear to take her mother, too, can you?" Minardg's Liniment for salo everywhere. Ninety-nine miles. is the total length of the Suez Canal, and the width is just over 121 feet, 'restorer and to be deprived «fit Sleeplessness.--Sleep is the great Black, Mixed and Green. IMITATIONS At Every one shows the dealer a larger profit, but -- a none possess the flavour of or give the same satisfaction to the tea drinker) OUND Sealed lead packets only. gists, harness dealors. Cures oe 6) es, Cure and Prevention," FREE. Boe sat eme lors. $l and féc » bottle. 811 aud $6 dozem. Dla "tors--ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Goshen, Indiana, U. 8. A. INFLUENZA CATARRBAL FEVER -- PINK EYE ; EPIZOOTIC DISTEMPER CHRONIC COUGHS All oe ------ ee LAT G ROL E's ORBHOSOTS SIhinmsie Stains Protect --- Preserve ---- Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application SAMES LANGMUIR & CO., timitod 13874) Bathurst Street ™ TORONTO FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling aud Kid Gloves cleaned 'These can be sent by post, le per os, The best place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING ca. MONTREAL, PURIFICO CURES CANGER AND TUMOR Canadian Branch: Purifico Oo., Gridgeburg, Ont, WRITE FOR PROOF | will sell cheap for quick sale, FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety-Colborne Street, Toronto. ORTY ACRE FRUIT FARM--NEAR Niagara River, well planted. Revenue Hdd ee thirty per cent. on price asked, BEAUTIFUL FARM OF TWO HUN. ; dred and «ninety acres on. 8t, Joseph's Island, with fine house, up-to- date barn and outbuildings. Owner wishes to devote his time to other business, #0 Full par: ticulars furnished on application. ae, UNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN ACRES in Norfolk County; six acres fruit; up-to-date house; new bank barn; a very desirable property at a bargain. UNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES--WITH . good house; two barns; ten acres orchard; in County Peel. A real snap. NE HUNDRED ACRES--GOOD HOUSE and outbuildings; near Teeswater. A first-class farm worth the money. . HER ONE WISH. "T know a young and beautiful woman who married an elderly banker for his money. I met her downtown shopping the other day. She looked wretched."' "Aren't you happy?' I said. "No, 4'm not," said she. She frowned and added, "George told me if I married him my every wish would be gratified." "Well, isn't it? Look pearls, your motor cars, sables! Isn't your every gratified ?" "'No," said she. hadn't married." at your your wish "T -wish I ------_ 5, --__----- ti A Safe Pill for Sufferers.--There are pills that violently purge and fill the stomach and intestines with pain. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. They are purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering into their composi- tion and their effect is soothing and beneficial. Try them and be con- vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative. qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine. EASY.. 'What did you learn at school to- day, Bobby ?" "T learned how to spell 'expedi- ency' with five letters." "Let's hear how you do it." EP Dn ee I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bay of Islands. J, M. CAMPBELL, I was cured of cial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT, Springhill, N. S&S. WM. DANIELS. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. TINGLEY. Albert Co., N. B. GEO. THOUGHTFUL. "See here, I wrote and asked you when you were going to pay that old account, and inclosed stamp, but you never answered." ""My- dear sir, wouldn't it have been a mean trick to use your own stamp to disappoint you?' N IDEAL FARM OF TWO HUNDRED A acres in County of Wellington, with fine brick house; good outbuildings; can be bought on easy terms. ~ OUR HUNDRED ACRES IN COUNTY 4 of Simcoe, with Hundred Acres Good Timber; 20 acres apple orchard; ood Frame House; two Barns. Can be bought right. FYNWENTY-FIVE ACRE Near St. Catharines; Barn; twenty acres planted. bought very reasonable. O NE OF THE BEST FRUIT FARMS IN St. Catharines District--Fifty acres, thirty of which are planted; WDlegant House, also Cottage and fine outbuildings. Will be sold on easy terme, 4 ORTY ACRES -- ST. CATHARINES -- Bungalo and Cottage and good out- buildings. Thirty-four acres planted in fruit, and a money maker. The owner wishes to retire and anxious to sell. J HAVE MANITOBA, ALBERTA, SAS- katchewan and _ British Columbia lands. both improved and unimproved, in quarter, half or whole sections, also in larger lots up to five hundred thousand acres, If thinking of investing in West- ern lands it is to your interest to consult \ me. FRUIT FARM-- Brick House; Can be "Phones: Main 6990, Park 527. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. ALF SECTION -- FIFTY AGRES* broken, three miles from town, cheap. Jno, Scott, Whitewood, Sask. MALE HELP WANTED. EARN TO BE A TELEGRAPHER OR 4 Station Agent. Big demand for men, Free Book 18 explains work and wages. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. =--=--= MISCELLANEOUS. } AY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. Bans TUMORS, LUMPS, ete.- In- ternal and external, cured wichout pain by our home treatment. Write us' before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., ~ Limited, Collingwood, Ont. TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wlison's Scale Works, 9 Hsplanade, Toronta THE FORCE OF ARGUMENT. Bridget--"This paper says there do be sermons in stones. Phwat d' ye think av that?" Pat--'"'Oi dunno about. the ser- mons, but many a good argument has coom out ov a brick, Oi'm think- in." Some persons are "more suscep- tible to colds than others, contract- ing derangements of the pulmonary organs from the slightest causes. These should always have at hand} is vital loss. Whatever may be the feel that I can afford to spend."' Nearly sixteen anda halfanillion tons was the world's production of sugar for 1911. ED. 4 ISSUE 15--12 | a bottle of Bickle's Anti-Consump- | sause of it, indigestion, nerv US} tive Syrup, the present day sover- ) derangement or mental. vorry, try | eign remedy for coughs, catarrh and | | & course of _Parmelee's Vegetable | inflammation of the lungs. It will] Pills... By regulating the action. of | effect a cure no matter how severe. | the stomach, where the trouble hes, the #6ld may be. Yon rannot af | they will restore normal conditions | ford te be without a remedy like | and healthful sleep will follow. | Bickle's, for it is the best: They exert.a sedative force upon | -- | the nerves"and.where there is un-| "Does your husband ever lose | rest they bring rest. |his temper?' 'Not any more, He | --<----- lost it permanently about two years THE DIFFERENCE. after our marriage." "JT never saved a dollar until I aS Se was married,"' ; Only One "BROMO QUININE." . That ig LA? IVE BROMO QUININE. Look "And nowt'? for the signature of K.W.GROVE, Used the NG denaver hata one ieee World over to Curea Coldin One Day. 25¢, German Colonial possessions have an area of one million square miles. Minard's Liniment Cyres Oznerulf, A-WELL-BRED CUSTOMER. In the privacy of his home the village butcher was telling his wife of the arrival of a new summer resident. "She came in to-day," he said, with enthusiasm, 'and I can tell you she's a real lady, brought up select and exclusive: She don't know one cut 0' meat from another, nor veal from mutton." OBEYED INSTRUCTIONS. Prisoner--I didn't steal the horse. T only took him from the fellow what stole him. Sheriff--I 'phoned that -to the vigilance committee, but it's no go. They *phoned me to hang up the receiver. } 8 PILES CURED Writing from Poplsr, B.C., Mrs. ©. Hanson, proprietreea of the Commer- cial Hot As says: "*] suffered for years with bleeding piles. The pain was so bad at times that I could hardly wali, and ordinary remedies seemed utterly unable to give me any ease. Finally { decided to tndergo an operation, and went to the Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, There they performedan operation. Fora time [ was certainly better, but within twelve months the piles became as painful as ever, [| tried liniments, hot poultices, various * pile cures,' and indeed everything I could think would be likely to do any good, but atili I continued to suffer, @ind the shooting, burning, stinging @ § pains, the dull, aching, 'worn-out' @feeling thab the disease causes con-@ tinued as bad as ever. "One day I read about Zam-Buk and thought I would try it. The firat one or two boxes gave me more ease than anything else I had tried, so I went on with the treatment. In a short time I began to feel altogether® diferent and better. Well, I went on using Zam-Buk, and by the time I had used six boxes I was delighted to find myself entirely cured. That was three years ago, and there has been no gears of the trouble," Zeam-Buk is ® sure cure for piles, eczema, ulcers, abscosses, eruptions, chapped hands, varicose sores, burns, scalds, bruises, inflamed patches, and all skin injuries and diseases. Drug- gists and stores everywhere, 9c. box, B or Zain-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. : |