Monkton Times, 14 Jun 1912, p. 7

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ee Z x y Toning Up the Stomach to do the Work Nature Intends It. Should, | =~: Indigestion should not be neglect- ed for a moment, for by depriving the body of its proper nourishment through the .food, the trouble grows steadily worse. Neither should stimulating medicines, which in the already weak stomach by making it work beyond its strength, be used ; nor pre-digested foods, which do not excite a flow of the digestive fluids, and by disuse cause the stomach to grow weaker. No- where is the tonic treatment by Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills more clearly useful. The principle of this treat- ment is to enable the stomach to do its 6wn work by building up the blood and giving tone to the nerves When these are onve restored to _ their normal health and indigestion disappears and the cure is perma- nent. Here is an experience with this treatment. Mr, John Brenen- etal, Calgary, Alta., says: 'For years I was an almost constant suf ferer from indigestion, and natur ally because there was much nutri- tious food which I could not eat ow ' tg the pain and discomfort which followed, I was , becoming -much run down. I tried many medi- - ¢ines, but none of them helped me until I began the use of Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills. After taking a few boxes I was much better and in the course of a couple of month: was quite well, and could eat any food set before me," 2 If you are a sufferer from indi. Gestion, or any trouble due to bad ~ blood or weak nerves, you can be- - gin to cure yourself to-day by tak ng Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mai! at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- ine O6., Brockville, Ont. ss z TO OFFSET SOCIALISM. os Latest Move Made by Wealthy , Classes in England. Alarmed by the growth of social ism, both in the working classes and the intellectual products of the col leges, prominent leaders in England are proclaiming war on thel Red Flag propagandists. Lady Jan Taylor, one of the best known of the aristocratic women in London, i: heading a Sunday School crusade against "'the irreligion. of social- ism,"? and _ personally conducts classes every Sunday. She is aided by many women of standing and unimpeachable lineage. Now Dr. David, president of the famous college at Rugby, declares there are many socialists graduat- ing from the big exclusive schools of England. 'he Earl of Lytton says the same applies to Oxford and Cambridge. "Young people,"' he says, "are peculiarly susceptible to the propaganda of the day, which has an influencé on awakening minds." Fresh material for criticism. in Lady Jane Taylor's. movement is found in the growing practice in f ne the northern city of Leeds of tak- ing babies to be named by a local socialist alderman, instead of by _ parson in church. _ The socialist in question, Alder- man John Badlay, explains that the ceremony is no invention of his; it was instituted by the late Charles - Bradlaugh, the English Ingersoll. "There is no mock religion about the ceremony," he adds. "It is ey harmless, and I do not think would offend the feelings of even the most susceptible of churchmen. I simply take the child from the parents, give it the first _ name which they wish it to bear, and formally welcome it into our so@alist movement. The child thus becomes associated with us in our _ work from its earliest years." - But the clergy in the North of England declare atheism is extend- ing with alarming speed, in unison with the advance of socialism. . ote _Gibbs--Personal appearance is a helpful factor in business success. Dibbs--Yes, and business success is a helpful factor in personal appear- ance. (in the Growth , 2 . of Corn there's a period when the kernels are plumped out with a vegetable milk, most nutri- ous. * As the corn ripens the milk"? hardens, and_ finally becomes almost flinty. Post J are made from this hard part | of choice selected corn. It is carefully cooked; treat- with sugar'and salt; rolled. to thin bits; then toasted to an appetizing brown--without a hand touching the food. It has been said that Post Toasties are the most deli- ciously flavoured particles of cereal food yet produced. One can render ; an opinion upon trial. e 'The [Memory Lingers"' -- Toasties | | He patted him, and at once the '| Then the crowd shouted, and they 4 | paid back KAISER'S AFRICAN FARM. Other Ventures in Which He ts Financially Interested. The German Emperor has just bought two sheep farms in German South-west Africa for £4,800, says the Berlin correspondent. of the London Standard. The export of wool is at present small, but it is believed that in the course 'of time this will become a valuable source of income to the eolonists, and the alser desires to encourage this branch of colonial activity. In choosing the farms his Majesty acted on the advice of Herr Heckel, a gentleman attached to the impery ial court, who is visiting his bro- ther's ranch near Windhoek. In acquiring two farms in South Africa the German Emperor finding a further outlet for those business qualities which, had he been born to commerce instead of to a throne, would have assuredly | von for the Kaiser a high position umong merchant princes. It may not be generally known that his Majesty is already the owner of a porcelain and tile factory at Cadi- nen, in east Prussia, (~ This commercial venture has proved very successful owing to the Kaiser's active participation in the management. No detail has proved too insignificant for him to master, and the Emperor is not above re- commending personally his own wares and finding new markets for the Cadinen products, 'These wares are on sale at a shop in Berlin called 'The Royal Hohen- zollern Stores," and at one time it was his Hajesty's custom to pay vis- its of inspection to houses and buildings where the Cadinen tiles had been used. The Emperor is 4 keen agricultur- ist and all the latest practical de- velopments of this important science find illustrations on the farms which form an important part of the royal 'estates in Silesia. His Majesty is also financially interest- »d in the Hamburg-American Line ind almost invariably attends the launches of new liners from the Vul- xan yards. One of these, the Im- erator, is to take water this month, and the German Emperor has again signified his intention of being present. Mrs. Effie Russell, Granum, \lta., says: 'I have used Baby's Own Tablets in place of castor oil and now it is no more oil. I could aot do without the Tablets; they are wonderful. . Whenever baby is feverish I give him the Tablets and the fever soon disappears. I al- ways keep them in the house and recommend them to my friends." Baby's Own Tablets do not gripe. They are easy to take and absolute- ly safe. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ye THE OX AND HIS OWNER. & Story for To-day Out of Old In- dian Lore. Long ago a man owned a very strong Ox. The owner was so proud of his Ox that he boasted to every man that he met about how strong his Ox was. One day the owner went into a village, and said to the men there: "T will pay a forfeit of a thousand pieces of silver if my strong Ox can- not draw a line of 100 wagons." The men laughed and said: 'Very well; bring your Ox, and we will tie a hundred wagons in a line and see your Ox draw them along.' So the man brought his Ox into the village. A crowd gathered 'to see the sight. The hundred carts were in line, and the strong Ox was yoked to the first wagon. Then the owner whipped his Ox, and said: "Get up, you wretch! Get along, you rascal!" But the Ox had never been talked to in that way, and he stood still. Neither the blows nor the hard names could make, him move. At last the poor man paid his forfeit, and went sadly home. There he threw himself on his bed and cried: "Why did that strong Ox act so? Many a time he has moved heavier loads easily. Why did he shame, me before all those people?' ; ut last he got up and went about his work. When he went' to feed the Ox that night, the Ox turned to him and said: "Why did you whip me to-day? You never whipped me before. Why did~ you call me wretch and rascal? You never called me hard rames before."' Then the man said: "T will nev- er treat you badly again. I am sorry I whipped you and called you names. I will never do so any more, Forgive me." "Very well," said the Ox. "To- morrow I will go into the village and draw the 100carts for you. You have always been a kind master un- til. to-day. To-morrow. you shall gain what you lost." Ths next morning the owner fed the Ox well and hune a garland of flowers about his neck. When they went into the village, the men lavehed at the man again. ' They said: 'Do. you come to lose more money ?"' ay tick "To-day T. will pav a forfeit of 2.000 pieces of silver if mv Ox is not strong enough to pull the 100 carts,"? said the owner. So again the carts were placed in a line, and the Ox was yoked to the first. A crowd came to watch again. The owner said: "Good Ox, show how strong you are! You fine creature !" Ox pulled with. all his strength. The carts moved on until the last 'cart ctood where the first had been. the man had is |. fects as A CLERICAL GOLFER. don, who has just returned from a tour in Egypt, is a very keen. golfer. he played a round with President Taft, and the event aroused the greatest interest amongst the Amer- ican reporters. But the match was. played on a private course, and it Bishop Ingram. name of the winner should not be made public, so the reporters were deprived' of a deal of picturesque copy. The Bishop.once played a match with a lawyer who was very prone to strong language. After the game a friend asked the Bishop how he enjoyed it. "I am afraid,"' said the cleric, "that my opponent's profes- sion undermined his sense of jus- tice, for over and over again I heard him ask Heaven to condemn his caddie prematurely for his own misdeeds."' See TWAIN AND THE OFFICE BOY, Mark Twain did not cherish a fondness for the average office boy. He had an idea that the genus was insufferable, and invariably when the humorist sallied forth into.some business office there was immedi- ate armed hostility between him and the boy. One day Mark went to see a friend at his office, and the office boy on guard, in icy tones, said: "Whom do you wish to see?" Mark mentioned his friend's name. "What do you want to see him about?' came next from the boy. Mark Twain immediately froze up, and then with a genial smile he said : : "Tell him, please, I want to ask his hand in holy- matrimony." Wis WELL POSTED. A California Doctor With 40 Years' Experience. "In my 40 years' experience as a teacher and practitioner along hy- gienic lines," says a Los Angeles physician, "I have never found a food to compare with Grape-Nuts for the benefit of the general health | of all classes of people. "T have recommended Grape-Nuts for a number of years to patients with the greatest. success and every year's experience makes me more enthusiastic regarding its use. "T make it a rule to always re- commend Grape-Nuts, and Postum in place of coffee, when giving my patients instructions as to diet, for I know both Grape-Nuts and Pos- tum can be digested by anyone. "As for myself, when engaged in much mental work my diet twice a day consists of Grape-Nuts and rich cream. I find it just the thing to build up gray matter and keep the brain in good working order. "Tn addition to its wonderful ef- a brain and nerve food Grape-Nuts always keeps the di- gestive organs in perfect, healthy tone. I carry it with me when I travel, otherwise I am almost cer- tain to have trouble with my sto- mach.'? Name given by mail by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Strong endorsements like the above from physicians all over the country have stamped Grape-Nuts the most scientific food in the world. 'There's a reason." \ Look in pkgs. for the famous lit- tle book, "The Road to Wellville."' Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. -- kh A Sunday school teacher, after reading the words "the fowls of the air," turned to her class and asked: "What are the fowls of the air?' After a pause one little girl solved the problem by replying: "Please,. miss, it's the bad smells."" ~ ' Dr. Ingram, the Bishop of Lon-_ When touring in the United States | \ was agreed beforehand that the 5 SKIN | "ERERS through life tortured and disfigured by itching, burn- ing, scaly and crusted ec- zemas, or other skin and | scalp humors is unneces- sary? For more than a gen- 'eration, warm baths with Cuticura Soap And gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment have proved successful in the most distressing cases, of infants, children and adults, when all else had failed. Although Cuticura Soap and Ojntment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a liberal sample of cach, with 32-page booklet on treatment of skin and hair, will be sent, post-frze, on applica- tion to "Cuticura," Dept. 9M, Boston, U. 8S. A. "A TERRIBLE DANGER."' Britain Could Not Fight Long, Sir William Ramsay Says. Sir William Ramsay has drawn attention to the fact that in case of war Great Britain would soon be brought to an absolute standstill for want of ammunition. At the an- nual meeting of the British Science Guild he pointed out that there is in Great Britain no supply of nitric acid, which is of absolute necessity for the manufacture of explosives. "England," he says, "relies on the importation of nitrate of soda from Chile and Peru. In a state of war this supply would cease. For- eign ships would intercept the car- goes and a dearth of nitrate would follow." This, Sir William declared, was 'a terrible danger," which should be impressed upon the Govern- ment. "'At present,' he went on, "we could not carry on war for any length of time, for we should have no explosives. Practically every other country manufactures nit- rates from the atmosphere. Whe- ther this pays or not is a matter of secondary importance, and until some steps are taken in this coun- try we are standing on the edge of a precipice."' Scandinavia, ee Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Russia possess factories for preparing nitrates from the atmosphere large- ly for the purposes of agriculture, but also for the making of explo- sives. Sir William Ramsay advo- cates the establishment of such fac- tories in Great Britain for extract- ing the nitrogen from the air by electricity. fe To have the children sound and healthy is the first care of a mo- ther. They cannot be healthy if troubled with worms. Use Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. You may have noticed that about the time a shoe begins to feel com- fortable it looks like a candidate for the refuse wagon. Minard's Liniment used py Physicians. ------_ HARD TO TELL. Mother--Is that Irene at the piano? Son--Yes, mother. Mother--Well, go and see what she's doing. If she is practicing, all right, but if she's playing she must stop at once. A Cure for Rheumatism.--A pain- ful and persistent form of rheuma- tism is caused by impurities in the blood, the result of defective ac- tion of the liver and kidneys. The blood becomes tainted by the intro- duction of uric acid, which causes much pain in the tissues and in the joints. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are known to have effected many remarkable cures, and their use is strongly recommended. A trial of them will convince anyone of their value. , -_--_-- A deceitful girl has the comfort ofnowing she isn't more so to others than she is to herself. : Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Speaking of the so-called weaker 'sex, you may have noticed that the wife whose word is law never has to call in the police to enforce it. -Holléway's Corn Cure takes the corn out by the roots. Try it and prove it. , Mrs. Smart--"So these are.the china bargains you advertised?' Clerk--"Yes, ma'am; and they're going for little or nothing.' Mrs. Smart--"All right. Pll take that blue-bordered dish for nothing. Do you realize that to go Damages Recovered by a Cook Who -Had Told Truth About Her. \ It is said that a Frenchman, re- plying to an inquiry made of him as to the character and qualifica- tions of a woman applying for em- trouble when he wrote that he could not recommend the applicant "by |reason of her extravagance, imper- tinence and predilection to drink'? while she was in his service. 1e person to whom the Frenchman wrote the letter showed the com- munication to the cook, with the re- sult that the latter immediately brought suit for damages against the writer. ture of the French law on this sub- ject. The matter was decided against the writer, who was fined and admonished that he had no right to 'circulate injurious state- ments concerning another person, even though the statements might be true. Since that time, it is said, French housekeepers, to evade the responsibility thus placed upon them by law, have issued certifi: cates of character in form some- thing like the following: -. "This certifies that Mme. Marie; late nurse to my daughter, aged one year, did not leave her on a bench in the Jardin des Plantes and go away and forget her on October last,'? tt is obvious that'a certificate of this sort serves its purpose without In any way laying the writer open to a suit for damages. Another curious illustration of the principle of responsibility abroad is afforded by a civil dam- age sult growing out of the break- ing of a plate glass window in a German town. A witness had tes- tified as follows: "As I was passing down the street in front of the window I saw a big stone come whirling through the air and I had just time enough to dodge myself from being hit by it." The witness was sharply ques- tioned upon the point whether the stone that broke the window would have struck him Ke F Le When Your Eyes Reed Gare Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting--Feels Fine--Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package Murine is compounded by our Oculists t a "Patent Med- icine" -- but used in successful Physicians' Prac- tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub- lie and sold by Druggists at 25c and 60c per Bottle. Murine Hye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c and 60c Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago ----. SOUP WAS WEAK. Diner--Waiter, bring me a glass of water. Waiter--Certainly, sir, but you already have one glass. Diner--One is not enough. Get me another. I want to strengthen this soup. A Pill that Proves its Value. -- Those of weak stomach will find strength in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, because they serve to main: tain the healthful action of the stomach and the liver, irregulari- ties in which are most distressing. Dyspeptics are well acquainted with them and value them at their pro- per worth. They have afforded re- lief when other preparations have failed, and have effected cures in ailments of long standing where other medicines were found unavail- ing. "T wish," said the dashing bride, 'that we could arrange to take our wedding trip in an airship." 'I don't know," replied the cautious youth. "whether it would be well to take chances on being obliged to take our first falling out so seri- ously." MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Lini- ment asked for at my store and the only one we keen for sale. : All the ple use it. re HARLIN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, ©. B. GETTING HOME. A great French divine, preaching a sermon on the duty of wives, "T san in this congregation @ woman who has been repeatedly guiity of breaking her matrimonial piedge of obedience to her husband, and to point her out I will cast my breviary at her head." He lifted his book, and immediately every married woman's head in the con- gregation ducked. 2 on7- For Sprains and Bruises.--There is nothing better for sprains and contusions than Dr. Thomas' Eclec- trie Oil. It will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool the inflamed flesh and draw the pain as if by magic. It will take the ache out of a bruise and prevent the flesh from discoloring. It seems as if there was magic in it, so speed- ily does the injury disappear under treatment. Tt is always the open season for killing time. Ask for Minard's and take ne other. A NEGRO TESTIMONY. At a prayer meeting in the back- woods of Rhode Island testimonies were requested, and a very old wo- man tottered to her feet. 'I want ter tell this blest company," her voice quavered, "that I have rheu- matiz in my back, and rheumatiz in my shoulders, and rheumatiz in my legs, and 'rheumatiz in my arms, but I have been upheld and com- 'Grin and bear it.'" 7 2 > oDD QUIRKS OF FOREIGN LAW { ployment as cook, got into serious| This case showed a peculiar fea- users of the New Perf Pete a te ee ae ee ey Perfection Stove. With these appliances and the New oven, the New Perfection is just ae Wi Stove / This year we are selling The New Perfection Broiler The New Perfection Toaster The New Perfection Griddle each designed specially for use on the New Perfection lass 'New Perfection | - Heating Plate has proved a great convenience to all Ask to see this Stove at your dealers, Jt is hand- somely finished. It has long ename chimneys, tur- quoise-blue. Also cabinet top drop shelves, towel facks, etc. Mado with \, Ex? ek: ree come with every Stove. Book also given to anyone sending 5 cents to cover mailing cost, door stee! a regular coal range. Certainly, it is much cleaner and any people use the New Perfection sibs sear fount THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited Winnipeg, Montreal, St. John, Halifax and Queen City Division, Toronto a stove as . or lacquered packages. Hamilton, Canada. YOU'LL never taste any nicer more wholesome food "KING OSCAR" brand Sardines. TRY them for a change in the hot wea- ther. For sandwiches or salads they ares, _ delicious, appetizing, satisfying. PACKED in Norway at the world's biggest and cleanest factory in solderless, sanitary, gold- than From your grocer get "KING OSCAR" brand Sardines Trado supplied by John W. Bickle & Greening, YOUR MONEY BAGK if you are not satisfied that er nate Gow-Comtort KEEPS FLIES OFF CATTLE $2.00 per Gallon Dilute with Four Gallons of Water, Write for interesting Pamphlet to MaoLaren Imperial Chease Co., Limited, WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO Sole Manufacturers THE SAPHO MANUFACTURING CO., Limited. MONTREAL. | | | (can be had on easy terms. | | i : A ERERTA, ! Manitoba lands in large or small blocks. F | H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. {poultry house |property or larger farm. ; Beal Estate, London, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE. s H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. Bye THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL 24 buy beautiful hundred acres in Northumberland County, including Stock and Implements. There is in the stock 4 horses, 10 cows, etc. This is a snap, and Possession at once. G OOD FARMS IN LINCOLN, WELLAND, WH Halton, Peel, York, Durham, North- umberland, Prince Edward counties at reasonable prices. SASKATCHEWAN AND RUIT FARMS~AULL SIZES, IN THB Niagera Fruit Belt. ns IRES----JUST OUTSIDE THE. CITY of London limits; soil e-lendid clay loam: brick house (new); young orchard; Will exchange for city The Western SARS! forted by the beautiful Bible verse, CHALLENGE COLLARS Acknowledgedto be the finest crea- tion of ater- proof Collars ever made. 8: to see, and buy no other. All stores or direct J for 25c. ' THE ARLINGTON CO. of Canada, Ltd. 68 Frazer AVENUE TORONTO DYEING! CLEANING! Forthe very. best, send your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING C0." Look fer agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal. Toronto, O:tawa. Quebea LITTLE BOY'S COMPOSITION. Said the teacher of composition: --'Now, Children, don't attempt any flights of fancy. Don't try to imitate the things you have heard, but just be yourselves and write what is really in you.'"' As a result of this advice one little boy turned in the following composition :--"l ain't goin' to attempt no flits of fancy; I'm just goin' to wwrite liver, two lungs and some other things like that; then I got a stum- mick, and it's got in it a pickle, a piece of pie, two sticks of pepper- mint and my dinner."' Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is prepared from drugs known to the profession as thor- dughly reliable for the cure of cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, griping pains and summer com- plaints. It has been used success- fully by médical practitioners for a number of years with gratifying re- sults. If.suffering from any sum- mer complaint it is just the medi- eine that will cure you. Try a bottle. It sells for 25 cents. The strict mother may make an indulgent grandmother. * Micard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend, A Sunday-school teacher, after telling his scholars the story of -Ananias and Sapphira, asked them: "Why is not everybody who tells a lie struck dead?' After a long si- lence one little fellow exclaimed: "Because there wouldn't be nobody left." Everybody now admits Zam-Buk best for these. Let. it give YOU ease and comfort, """"" ee Drugegisis and Stores everyukeve ot what's in me; and I got a heart, a} MALE HELP WANTED. '| AILWAY AGENTS TELEGRAPHERS » and Clerks in great demand through- out, Ontario and North West. Six months will qualify you. Day and Meil courses. Positions secured. Free Book 18 explains. Dominion School Telegranhy, Toronto MISCELLANEOUS. IVE FOXES WANTED--YOUNG OR old. Wm. Pearson, Guelph, Ont. AY AND FARM SCALES. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. L ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In. ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. e TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. ROBATIONERS TO TAKE THRER years' course in training at Aultman Hospital, Canton, Ohio. Address, Supt. The Soui of a Pianolisthe Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action LAB GMO E r's CREOSOTE ShinsrieStaimns Protect -- Preserve --- Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited 1874} Bathurst Street may be taken by correspondence, but students desir- ing to graduate must attend one session. Short Course for Teachers and eral students July zoth to grst. For calendars write the Registrar G. Y. CHOWN Kingston, Ont. EDUCATION, i THEOLOGY, | MEDICINE, SCIENCE, including ENGINEERING Arts Summer Session - July 3 to Aug. 17 TWO. CRUISES & VICTORIA LUISE 3 46,500 Tons) # cies From New York Nov. 12, 1912 ~ From San Francisco Feb. 27,1913 ~@ Wiil visit Madeira, Spain, 5 * India, Clan, Staite Setlomeria Taos Philippines, China, Ja) Sandwich Islands, with Overland American Tour. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL | 17 Days in India TOURS (-14 Daysin Japan Daration 110 Pays Each ; $650 een all _nece up xzpenses emcee ene Stead and ashore. "Ask anyone who has~made tha EE oP ge z Write for Booklet. [HAMBURG-AMERICAN y sor, RINE cae oe

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