Monkton Times, 11 Oct 1912, p. 1

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---- (esac: ------ MONKTON, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 11, 191 oes 2. Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Propr eto : $99 9040000 9000000000000000000000 0000000000 0000000008 Grand Showing of NEW FALL GOODS , The Monkton Times EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Z sen), BS Ranece; os @ ¢ Monkton Ontario SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year. $1.00; six months, 50 cents; three mcnths 25 cents in advance. Subscriptions not so paid, $1.50 per year penne ---- Reis cE -- Owing to the fact that our store has been more or less disturbed by the build- We have been handi- capped in showing our New Fall Goods ing operations. However with the hope to serve our trade to better advan- tage, We have been very busy unpackin large shipments of new and_ up-to-date goods in all lines. Annual Fall Millinery Dress and ready-to-wear hats show- ing all the latest styles and novelties. Friday and Saturday ~ October 4th and Sth EVERYBODY IS CORDIALLY CONTRACT ADVERTISING SPACE YEAR 6 Mos. 3 Mos Mon - column...$50.00 $30.00 $16.00 $6.0 4% column., 30.00 16,00 9.00 4.00 ¥% column... 15.00 9.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 Eight cents per line for first insertion and four cents per line foreacn subsequent insertion will be charged for all transient advertisements. Advertisements without specific direc- tions will be inserted until forbidden and charged accordingly. MALCOLM MacBETH, Pub"eher e1d Propi.etor addition added we Por cheap furniture try Gill. Mr. Geo. Adair is at present raising his shop. Mr. E. Bettger s friends in Mitchell. Mrs. E. Bettger s friends in Stratford. Mrs. Martin is at present quite 'ill and her recovery is despaired of. Messrs. Walter Thompson & Sons have commenced shipping hay from here. At Monkton. on Thursday, October Mr. and Mrs. Roy Golightly a son, Mrs. Geo. White and Lewis Gamble of Milverton. spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Rutherford's, Messrs. John McNau and John Byers of Mitchell. visited Mr. and Mts. 'J.T. Gill on Monday last. 'Mr. Ernst Martin &n Wednesday last moved his family to Wellesley where he has seoured a job in the knitting factory. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Terry and Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers. of Attwood spent Sunday at the residence of Mrs. | A. Huggins. | Preparatory services will be held in Knox church on Friday andj will b& conducted by Rev. T. J. Robinson. M A.. of Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MoKay. of the ; boundary west returned on Friday last from a trip to the Northwest where they have been visiting their daughters. Mr. and Mrs. G. Weber and family and Misses Violet Schuler and Grace Strome motored to New Hamburg on Sunday. returning Monday morning They report a delightful trip. "Mr. and Mrs. Mathies who' recent- ly came out from Germany, and have been residing with' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bettger left on Tuesday for San Fran- cisco. Cal.. where Mr, Mathies. ex- pects to find employment as a mach- ist. Mr. Alex. Darling on Monday last made a trip om his motor cycle to his home in Dublin a distaneg of 15% miles in 28 minutes. He had to dis- mount twice to pass nervous horses. On reaching his. destination he at once telephoned back the riews of his arrival Mr. Wim. Sutherland. brother of the late Robert Sutherland, M.P.P.. is running as an indepehdehf\ ih the a 3 < *e e a @ 3 ® 3 > 9 > @ e @ Cd ; ° e ca e ° @ @ @ *& @ ; 3 pent Sunday with 4 pent Sunday with Oo Ps Ps & $ > ¢ 4 Ps é r$ @ ¢ e e ° 3 e 4 Openings INVITED WEBER MONKTON'S : POPULAR : SOPOOO SOS OOOO O OOS OHOOOHOOD SPSOSO OOO OOO OOH OOOOH OOOOOS 6 Hast Middlesex by-election. His can- didature has been endorsed by the reform association. Mr. George W. Neely is the conservative candidate Mr. W. J. Kennedy. town mail col- lector. informs us that the public is taking advantage of the mail boxes recently installed throughout the town. as is shown by the large 'amount of mail collected each day. The collections are made twice a day Sunday excepted.--Listowe! Standard The largest frog ever caught near Galt was captured on the east bank of the river below the town limits by John Lee. a young man on the River Road. The frog méasures exactly 13 inches from the mouth to the hind BETTGER STORE SJ Cg ® @ @ e S Ld @ 2 Sd ¢ e ¢ @ e oe @ ° @ e 9 ; Sd ¢ o @ o @ gS @ & . o > . 3 ¢@ 3: o Sg ° 2 @ ® @ e e . 3 @ 9 ® > e @ 2 » @ : ° ° ? Do You Realize the money you can make selling fruit treesf The present demamd for Nur- Surery Stock is the greatest in the history of the business. Everybody who has the Jand ig planting or pre- varing to plant. WE WANT NOW For Fall and Winter months a reli- able man ito 'sell im Monkton and Surrounding' district. Good pay. ex- clusivé territory. and all the' advan- tages in representing an old estab- lished firm. Over 600 acres under cultivation. Established 35 years. Write PELHAN NURSERY CO.. TOR _ ONTO, ONTARIO. leg and 12 inches. in girth. and weighs 4% pounds. When it croaks it makes an noise resembling am anito horn The common people are realizing that there is no reason why they should be made "food for powder", in order to satisfy the jealousies of kings and advance the commercial interests of itrusts and corporations. Tha mul- titudes see at last that they have no quarrel with their fellow-laborers across the border-lines of nations," Grapes 25c. yer basket this week at Gill's. A fatal accident occurred at Ber- lin on Sunday. Seven boy chums were vlaying near the new rubber tire fac- tory. when one of them suggested. on picking up a loose piece of wire about six feet long, that they go up a free and gef) a shook from off the hydro-electric wire which passes at this point. Watzeo Kolitzki, aged 10 and Leo Kiyniak. aged 9, climbed up a jtree and the former put a hook on the one end of the wire and' stand- ing in the orofch of the tree, reached out and received through his body 13. 000 volts. killing him instantly. His companion was knocked unconscious and is now in the general hospital but will probably recover. oe : EEE ---- a 00000008009 000000009000860 68090909080989090009599860 30 % Discount on Coal Gasoline Stoves Recent events in Spain, Germany and England seem to substantiate the truth of the above. War is not the friend of the masses and means for them only greater poverty and in- creased mortality. Rev. Bob. Burdette. sometimes call: ed the "genial 'philospher".says;--The first thing you miss a thousand miles away from mother. home and friends, is ithe home 'ngper. No other paper has the news. Better (the home paper ten days old. than the morning daily of the town (you happen to be in, An- ather thing the mam misses is Sunday /Continuous tnavel has a tendency to | Oblitenate the Sabbath. 'and im a little | while ithis confuses and mixes:up all Oil and Big discount on Wire Fencing A fullline of Stoves & Ranges Monkton Ontario ; ; $ : 3 ; ; 8 ; 2 $ i Walkerton Times. the days of (the week as nothing else can, If Sumday was \good for nothing else it would still be good for a div- iding day. Even ithe mem who don't keep the Sabbath 'at home miss _ it when everybody begins (to ignore it. The man who is always bored by Sun- diay should be 'compelled to work sev- en days a week for a month. He wonld change his \grouch. The question as to whether the Bill- vosters' By-law in. Bruce is a legal measure oapable of being enforced, or merely a farcial.joke to be laughed at in the Courts. is something' that the County may some day have to decide by a costly legal battle. As a sample of fool legislation, it has probably no counterpart outside an asylum. .and its presence in the County is an in- sult to the intelligence of the people. The suggestion that the residentg of Bruce can't hire an outside concert or emplby other talent and hang up or peddle bills for the affair. but must delegate the -job to a licensed _ bill- voster. is making an engine of the law to bully and tyrannize, fie peo- vle. We haven't heard of any at- tempt being made by the' police ~ to enforce the law in Bruce. but we do know of people who have paid exor- bitant sums to have their bills post- ed up and peddled because it is there. | If the measure has no legal value, as was maintained by the late county solicitor. then it is assuredly being used to bluff the people! in Bruce,-- Moe Meat baskets for sale at cost Gill. Mr. Chas. Pfeifer has moved the stone crusher to Atwood. Mr. Wm. Betiger. jr.. motore to Wellesley and Milverton on hase on business. : Mr. and Mrs. F. L Crawford. Listowel. spent Sunday with Mr Mrs. J. H. Marshall: Mr. Joseph Goforth. spent Sunday here with Frank Goforth. Mr. K. G. McKenzie left on Mon- day to resume his studies in medicine at Toronto University. Gill has installed a Hohner Har- monica silent salesman. Mouth or- gams from 25c. to $1.00. Mr. and Mrs. R. J Shines andtam- uy and Messrs. Jno. White and J. A Hanson took in the Brussels Fair. bet Mrs. McKee has returned home af- tock Elma and Logan. . ter visiting friends in Molesworth. oved by Mr. Smith. seconded by satis! = Stratford for the past | Mr. Rees Pg hats ree of three weeks. ; the Dp o ma. authorizing The rh a are a nation of business pte eee: * er to men. ey gras ity rom 'the Bank' o iltoy During the ere Se ici oe by cheque to the extent of és00000 tn foot men oarried passengers across -- the surtent expenditure ciated ie price) ar one penny. a ride. Salvia iy rae catia oon ae wtasier pas : Coates. seconde y whe license ot ithe Ai ieaa head ieee oe Roger, en- as been transferred from Mr. Ed. : Dal © following sums, Grundenberger to Mr. A. E. Shantz Ae ee ri! Watercourses atele a attavitia: as ¢e ers tees, viz; Robert The writ for the Richeliew County. Bowen award. $20.00; Thos. Johins- Quebec election has been issued. te award $27.00. Carried. aoninetinn day is fixed for October ae ee rinie Geib acsuey 'th an ing f ; p : esis GQ. The raacnae Pach the arenes i. clerk. be paid the following soms un: office this year will be over two mill- der the Ditches and Wattereourses ion dollars. which is about) one-sixth Act. as clerk's fees viz; Robert Bow- = the total postal revenue of the me ere SES: Baines . Carried. Sir Rodmond Roblin. Pramine ne Moved by Mr. Scott. seconded by 'Mamitoba, states 'that the Federal age pri coir thag the council do Government will carry the constit- ON Seyounn io meet as a court of weney of Macdonald on Saturday mext TeVision om the Chapman drain By- Bef wes janie of at least 1500. aod pce Sid. Junior. the Mr ee W. Gallop of re ip bead ae 7 man drain bylaw having adjourned ie ie her Bice and 3rd mon- se eae te Were ar mpgs arene ey in ithe 2. Tot or pace at the | \"oved by Mr. Scatt, seconded by Brussels Fair on Friday last. Mr. Smith that a Brant of 280,00 be ELMA COUNCIL. The mynicipal council of the town- ship of Elma met in the Agricultural ball Atwood. om Saturday. Sept. 28, _Me,bers present--Reeve. Ji Ham- ilton: Deputy-reeve William 'Scott, ; Councillors. Wm. Coates. Alex. Stru- thers and Samuel Smith. 'Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve and Clerk. A notice off claim fon damages by water through an alleged defective culvent was read from J. Cecil Hamil. ton, solicitor for Wim. Boyd:' also a notice was presented by Robt, Adair Wim. McClory and athers to clean out all stumps. willows and flood wood in the Ellice Maitland drain from lot No. 24. con.» 16 to the Bdy. of and of Mitchell. hig son "Mr. vision on the Chap- Thos. Johnston award | One of Every Ten You ought to put at least one dollar of every ten you earn in a savings xccount--$1.00 starts a savings account in The Sterling - Bank, Yr HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto z MONKTON BRANGH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager Capital Paid Up................ Sas ckscs $ 2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits......... 3,500,000 Total Assets Besides offering an incentive to Save. a savings account affords a safe and convenient method of keep- ing the accumulating dollars. Safe custody is of paramount im- portance--eithen for the hard-earned savings of the worker or for trust funds, The Bank of Hamilton invites your The report of Jailer Nichol present- "ade to the Elma Agricultural Soc- ed 'to Sheriff Magwood> showed that 'ety. Carried. the cost of feeding prisoners in Strat- ford gaol is 9.67 cents per day. There Mr. Coates, that the were 135 prisoners committed during !8sue orders for the the year following accounts. ; To peal tomatoes quickly; Haveon J. 8. Cowan. filling washout s.r., | the stove a pan of boiling water. Put 22 and 31. con. 10, $3.00; plank and | ripe tomatoes into wire basket and '¢P bridge lot 28. con, 10. 3.30; =F lower them inté the water. Leave Ronnenberg. dumber $11.65; ; them in the water ond minute re. f0F tle. and 1 385: Geo. Lochhead. | move and skin, &xpenses to Toronto re Maitland An owl measuring 4 feet. 3 inches Tiver 5.00° distributing surplus re from 'tip to tip of wings was electro- Nonth West Logan drain 2.00; Peter cuted through flying against a live Davidson, 55 yds. gravel per John wire between Erin and Cataract, Ont. Hamilton. 6.60: W.'C. Hewitt. 36 yds, The bird was entangled in the wire, "Pavel per John Twambly. 4.32: "Al- shutting off all the lights in Erin bert Wilson. 136 yds. gravel per W. village. J. Hunter 16.32: Climax Machinery Listowel High school football team ©0.. repairs for stone crusher $5.00: F successfully defended the Hough Cup Freeman, part payment contract cul- against Seaforth on Saturday Jast Vent lot 20. con. 6, 100.00; Geo. Gor- The score at full'time was 2-2 'and don. gnavelling. Atwood. 2.10: Wm_| 20 minutes overtime failed to break Noble. spreading and inspecting the tie. Mr. Geo. Tammer refereed enavelling lot 15. com, 8, 2.00; Albert the game. Wilson. 67 yds. gravel. Aitwood, 8.04; According :to a news agency des- John Sanders. work with grader 35.50 oatch from Constantinople. it is offi- Tepairs for grader 4.40; Wm, Ranney, cially announced :that diplomatic re- rep. culvent lot 35. con. 16. 1.00; Chas. lations between Turkey and Monte- Coghlin. balance 25 yds. gravel per negro have béen broken off and war Coghlin. 3.00; Chas. MoeNichol. bas been declared, There will not be &Mavelling s.r. 30 and 31, con. 4 and many regrets if Turkey is smashed to 5- 12.40; Adam Wilson. rep. culvert, vieces before hostilities cease. con. 10 gravel road 1.00; E. Fleisch. Mr. Richard Reid has been nomin- bauer. gravel per Wim. Pehlke and J. ated by the North Waterloo conser- Lambert 20.00; John Vallance. grav- vatives to contest the riding in the ¢lling con. 10. gravel road. 2.00; rep by-election to be held on the 28th. culvent con. 10. gravel road 1.90; Mr. Reid has asked a week to con- Cleaning Wilson drain 20.00; Henry sider ithe matter. Mr. Ferdinand Feltz. rep. culvert gr. 25. and 26, con, Walter has announced that he will 16 2.50; H. Debus. plank and rep, run :as an independent conservative, Culvert s.r. 30 and 31, con. 17. 3.00; The funeral of the late John Roe Thos. Chapman. rep. culvert. lot 13, took place to the Elma cemetery - pn COD. 2 3.00; Reid Moore. rep. culvert Wednesday of last week. being one of §-T- 10 and 11. con, 1, 3.50; Frank Gra- the largest ever seen in this vicinity. ham. ditching s.r. 10 and ll. con. 4. Rev. F. Deacon conduoted the relig- 5.50: John Ausmam. rép. approach to ious services at the church and at the bridge s.r. 5 and 6. con. 4. 1,00° Jas. graveside after whioh the body was McCrea. putting im éulvert con, ~~ 3. interred with Masonio honors, Mr, t-Zle. and g, 4500: Jos, Johnston, ac- H. B. Morphy. K. ©.. M. P.. acting as count for cement tile. 75 75. Geo. Me- Master of the Listowel lodge. of which Clory rep. culvert lot 17. con. 16, 50c, the deceased brother was a member. Jas. Manton. cutting willows lot 9, conducted the last rites. The follow- cou. 17. 9.00; John Bannermann. gra- ing acted as pall bearers: Wm. Irwin Vel per Alex. Inglis 4.40; Wim. Scott. Stratford. John Watson. Listowel, A ¢XD. attending at Toronto re Maitland Chalmers. Monkton. Young Coulter, river 5.00: John Hamilton. expenses Atwood. Dr. R, Lederman and Mal- @ttending at Toronto re Maitland colm MacBeth. Milverton Among iver 5,00. the floral tributes Was a large wreath _ Moved by Mr. Coates. seconded by from the Listowel lodge. A number Mr. Struthers. that the council do of sprays were confributed "by 00W adjourm ¢o meet agaim at the fvtenda- ' Agricultural hall. Atwood. on Satur- Dr. E. F. Bashford. director of the day October 5th. az 10 o'clock a. m London Imperial Cancer Research for general township busiense Fund. and the foremost English au-' eas ve thority on cancer. declared in an ad- PRIZE WINNING HORSES AT AT- dress before the American 'Patholog- | WOOD SHOW. ical Society the other night that ee "Practically all tha so-called cures of Agricultural--Foal. Bender, 1 cancer announced within the last amd 2: Brood Mare. B. Bender, Alex few years are worthless." He added Struthers: Year-old, Jas. Robb A that the only means off prolonging or M. Sweaton; Two-year-old. John Oy- saving the life of a person afflicted ,a0s. Douglas & Sons; Three-year-old, with the disease fs by operation. "Can- Dickson Bros, Jas, Mayberry; Span cer kills one man in every seven," he Jas. Robb; Sweepstakes. Jas. Robb. said. "In one hundred families of Heavy Draught--Foal. 8. Love. Geo six members each. equally divided be- Hiles.; Brood Mare. Henderson Robb. tween the sex about sixty-four, or John Hamilton: Year-old. Henderson more than ten per cent. will die of Robb. George Gropp: Two-year-old cancer. It is an important catse of Geo. Gropp .John Ballantyne;: Three- death from thirty-five years on, get- Year-old. Jbhn Ballantyne; Span, ting rapidly more g0 as age increases. Dickson 'Bros.. (Henderson Robb; Cancer is now becoming more fre- Sweepstakes. Dickson Bros, quent in young persons." General Purpose--Foal. Jas. Nichol Fred. H. Fisher: Brood Mare. Fred H. Fisher. John Ballantyne ; Year-old W. G. Inglis. Jas. Nichol} Two-year- old, Albert Sherbot. Scott Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gohl. of Lin- Three-year-old. Edwin Gallop; Span, wood. spent Sunday at Hesson, H. J. Scott. John Watson: Sweep- Mr. and Mrs. A. Schiebel spent Sun- stakes. W. G. Inglis. day at Mr. J. Kraemer's. Maryboro. | Roadsters--Pony. Grills & Son Mrs. Henry Isley sr.. lefit for Deem- Foal. Wm. Gilehrist. John Ovans enton Tuesday to visit her sister who Brood Mare. Wim. Gilchrist. John is very jll. Ovans: Year-ohd. Wm, Gilchrist Mr. and Mrs. C. Brenner, of "Line Two-year-old. Keith & Son. Edwin wood. spent Sunday at the home of Nesbitt Hamilton. Chas, Ewing; Span Mrs. J. Foester. tense zie. J. 8, Cowan; Single Roadster, Mrs. Louis Keiffer and Misa Jphn- Nesbitt Hamilton. Chas. Ewing; Spav anna Schiebel were at Guelph atfend- Geo. Hiles. H. R. Danbrook; Sweep- ing the fumeral of the former's sister gtakes, Chas. Ewing. * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kocher. Mr. atl) Carriage--Foal, W. "McOlory. H. Mrs. Mike Kocher. and Mr. amd. Mrs. Richmond: Brood Mare. W. Mc- Geo. Logal spent Sunday att Mr. M. Glory. H. Richmond; Year-old, R. J. Kocher's. ,Coghlin. Jas. M, Boyd; Two-year-old, i Robt. Thompson. A. Stevenson; Three- \~year-old. Robt. Thompson; Single emia 'Carriage Horse. Chas. Ewing; W,°A. Koebel--At Linwood. cn Saturday. Gnay; Sweepstakes, Charles Ewing. October. 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. A. R | Horse 'Specials--Waitson Trophy. Koeble. a son, Nesbitt Hamilton; Erskine Epecial Rea Ree Neer, Nesbitt Hamilton, MARRIAGES. j ---- Stone--Fitzgerolds--At the parsonage, | OONEGAL. Crystal City. by Rey. Bethels, on! ! ee Thursday. September 19th. Mr. Har-| Miss Mary Hammond. Miss New- vey Stone. of Clearwater. Man. to voort and Miss Annie Cuthbertson, of Miss Marguerite Fitjgerolds; | Atwood. spent a day qavith friends on reeve and clerk payment of ae -- B. HESSON. _-- GiRTHS ithe 12th con. last week : Mr. Robert Harrow and daughter | Ella have returned 'after enjoying a on Mon- holidays with friends at Priceville. i i : rtm attended the riday. Opper--In North Easthope. day. Oot. 7th. Wm. Opper. Bee She. 4s ear alg ae ee Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by | ditto | 'to be im a position! te take over the savings account whether large or small. Branches at Atwood, Listowel, Milverton and Mitchell Head Offiee ~ HAMILTON -- MILVERTON. _ fied ito vacate ithe premises at New | Years in order that the work of con--- Mr. R. MeMane captured ist prize' structing the mew building may "be © for his carriage team at Brussels. proceeded with. It is understood Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hartungspent that the government $ntends ereot- from Saturday to Monday with friencs ing .a 'building ithaf shall ba modern in Wallace. and up-to-date im every particular, ee Mr. Eddie Guenther. of Preston,.} The Ladies' Aid of Burns ohurch spent a week at his home in Milver- has seoured for Monday. October 14th ton. returning on Tuesday. 'the Royal English Hand Bell Ring- | Mr. and Mrs. S. G@ Grosch left on' ers of Horbury. England. who are _ Wednesday for Winnipeg where they now on theif introductory tour of will spend a couple of weeks. Canada. The company is composed Mr. A. Hample who spent a couple of nine artists who provide music -- of months in Milverton relieving has' on a peal of 171 melodious bells. They © been appointed C.P.R. agent at Ayr They have secured the highest encom-_ Mr. Geo. Wilhelm was on Tuesday /jums of the British press including © last married to a Shakespeare lady! the London Daily Mail. Glasgow Pier- and is expected home with his bride' aid. Yorkshire Post. Sheffield Tele--- this week. : ..;@raph. Leeds Mercury. eto. Similar Miss Ada Beamer and Miss Olive! press notices have been given by the -- Fenn. of Milverton. spent thd week- ¢he leading newspapers of Canada and end at the home of (Mr. Jas. Squires | the United States. The object in se- Newton. : curing this company is mot tomake Mr, James Stewart. Chairman of ' money but that the publia might be the Board of License Commissioners | afforded a rare treat of a high-class of Stratford. favored The Sun with 9' order, The admission fee for eall on Friday 'ast. over the church will be only 25 cents, Mr, Hugh Dobson. of Gleinallan,| Op Thursday night last Mr. Jacob spent a day on two this week : with Gernhaelder while evidently wander- friends in Milventon and Mornihgton tng along the C.P.R. track was struck Mr. Dobson recently disposed of his py the night express near the Srd line . farm, ' ; ., {and received such injuries as has con. Nine artists Of exceptional abil-| tined him to his bed ever ainde, "He ity will recite and give solos. duets./ returned to the village aboutf eleven quantettes and double quartettes ac-| oelock and looked much the worse of companied by the bells at Burns pis adventure being allmud. with the church. Milverton on Momday evens! glathes on his back tort to the skin. ing. Admission only 25 cents. |e also had two large and severe Mr. Charles Ritter has disposed of! bruises on the back from coming in the Grand Central Hotel to Mr. Her-| eontact either with the pilot or the map Tauber. of Alabama. formerly a \oylinder steam chest. From all indi cesident of Elma, Mr. Tauber expect@ ations he evidently had a close call, € ©; The Women's Institute will hold business im the course of a few Weeks their monthly meeting at the home bts "Messrs. Jno, E. Roulston and R B. | Mfrs. H. M. Schaefer on Thursday, Oct. Cnawford returned from a triP i7th. at 2.30 p.m. Five-minute oe through the Northwest on Monday! crosses on "Allowances for children + They report having had an interest-' wnoyid they earn them or should they ing 'trip although the weather during ,be given.". Mrs, Will, Tamher. "Should their sojourn there was fon the most husband and wite have an allowanae! vart wet and cold. Mrs. J, 8, Lookie. "Distinguish be- 'at ; tween comfort and luxury," Mrs, F. The Milverton publio school treus-| parker, "Home Znfluence on the urer the other day received a cheque | voung." Mrs. T. J. Robinson, "Liney from the department of education for: axid 'ite cart; how. what nnd when to $173.48 for 'the work in connection | 4,15.» Mrs, ©. G. Walker. © "Woman aa" with the fitth: oleas.» This grantwill |. cen! Myre. Mo eheatar, Adi be supplemented by an equal amount 4, a:0g cordially-invited to attend. from the county. Mr, Wm. Opper of Poole. met with alba & Mr. Wim. "Bennett who waq one of: the Oxford "Hight Hundred" that: marched at the Laurier demonstra-| tion at Stratford Jast yead attended, the big demonstratiom held in Wood- stock on Thursday Yast, He reports the crowd one of the largest he ever Mr, and Mrs. J. Preeter and Caugb- ter Pearl. of Zurich. motored to Mil- verton and were the guests over Sun- day of Rev. A. D. and Mrs. Gischler Mr. T..G. Neuber, hid mother, sis: ter and two daughters. of Waterloo. wmatored to Milverton on Tuesday and spent the afternoon at tha Evangel- teal parsonage. The Centenary of General Brock 'the savior of Canada," is being celebrated throughout the Dominion. In view of this Burns church, Milverton, will on Sunday evening next hold semi- : |oatriotic services, The choir will ren- :|der appropriate musio for the ocea- sion, The sermon subject will be; "Brook the Savior of Canada." Anniversary services were held in the Methodist church on Sunday last. The church was 'beautifully decorated with flowers for the oecaasion. the vulpit being almost hidden behind banks of asters. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Woottony Stratford. who preached two very able and impressive sermons. At the ed to its fullest oapacity. . L.O, L, 1033, Milverton. -- will cele- bnate Guy Fawkes's night. November 5th by holding .a royal arch\ meeting to 'be followed '\by a fowl supper in their hall. On Sumday evening Oct. 27th. divine services will be attended in ithe Methodist church when Rey. W. H. Cooper. ¢haplain of the lodge, will preach a special sermon, Mem- bers of other \Vodges are cordially in- vited to be present{ at' both the ser- vices sand 'the arch meeting. : Mr. Hastings. general 'inspector {of publio buildings. \was im the village ov Friday last tnd in company with Chief Hantmier looked over the build- ing and site recently purchased from Go Hundbohe fon abe pave saw at a publio meeting. \ of evening service the ohurch was pack- | a sad and tragio death on Monday evening about 7,30 o'olock wear Demp- sey's cheese factory on the northern gravel road, He had taken out to Stratford a Toad of furniture for Mr, | D, Quipp of Poole. who had disposed of his business to Mr, Bert Salvage, of Stratford. and was bringing back -- a load for Mr. Salvage and was ac- companied by Mr. Salvage and his twelve year old son Philip, The wag- gon struck a rut when Mr, Opper was iohted off the load onto! the whiffle- trees and then under the heavily load- ed waggon, Before ithe waitgon could _be stopped one wheel passed over his chest crushing it horribly and then over his leg whioh was crushed -- to vulp. Mr. James Stewart. of Hamp- stead, happened along shortly after and the injured man was removed to (the office of Mr. Demysey's cheesv ;factory and a doctor summoned from _ "Stnatford but before he arrived Mr, Opper had passed away, He leaves to 'mourn his untimely death a wife and family of eight ohildren, 'Coroner Dr 'J. P, Rankin, of Stratford, was moti- ified and decided 'to hold an bnquest -- | A jury was empanelled and the in quest to be heldtat Gads Hill adjourn uptil Friday, ; - S a te ne ge | THE WEST CALLS FOR HELP Twenty Thonsaind Harvesters Wanted -- The crops in Western Canada have -- , been so heavy this yeay that it been meoessary for the farmers of the -- West to make another appeal for help. The demand for help is now more urgent than ever, and it will require at least twenty thousand ad. ditional men to complete the harvest- ing, ae po In-order to relieve the situation the Canadian Pacifio Railway has decided to run a Harvesters' Excu sion. Monday, October 14th. $10.00 ti table Nock return fare from Winni x

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