130 % Discount 998 @800000ce0 18, 1912. -- MONKTON, ONT,, FRIDAY, OCT. I O9OOOOSE Be OS LOO HOU Grand Showing of NEW FALL GOODS Owing to the fact that our store has been more or less disturbed by the build- ing operations. We have been handi- capped in showing our New Fall Goods However with the addition added we hope to serve our trade to better advan- tage. We have been very busy unpacking large shipments of new and _ up-to-date goods inall lines. Annual Fall illinery Dress and ready-to-wear hats show- ing all the latest styles and novelties. Friday and Saturday October 4th and Sth EVERYBODY IS CORDIALLY Openings INVITED WEBER 4 MONKTON'S : POPULAR SOOSH OS SSSO SHS SOSH OPS GH OHS GOSH SHOO OOOO OOH HOGHHOOHOOOD BET TGER STORE ® ; & ° e ¢ @ ® ® e od +4 e ® 2 ¢ % 4 + 4 +4 @ @ @ 4 ¢ ® ° @ bd ® > 4 2 bd e @ ¢ 64 ® ® e @ tg @ ® ¢ ® ® @ : e e bd 4 Ad ° @ ® > bg : 4 e ° ® e s Do You Realize the money you cam mako selling fruit trees? The present demand for Nur- surery Stock is the greatest in the history of the business. Everybody who has ithe Jand ia planting or pre- varing to plant. WE WANT NOW For Fall and Winter months a reli- able man ito sell im Monkton and surrounding district. Good pay. ex: elusive territory. and all the advan- tages in representing fan old estab- lished firm Over 600 acres wnder cultivation, Established 35 years. Write PELHAN NURSERY CO.. TOR ONTO. ONTARIO, Mr. Richard Reid has réfuséd 'the Conservative pomination in North Waterloo and at the adjourned con- vention held at Berlin on Saturday last Mr. C, H. Mills. of Berlin, was acm'nated and accepted. It is expect ed that a liberal will also contest the | field. M. Wayman. the socialist isin the field also Allan Huber running as an independeht. It is explained that the call for double liability by the official referce of the Farmers' Bank applies only to Shareholders who have not entered a jlefense of the call. Many shareholders have appealed basing their defense on the claim that there never was a hank in law which could hava liabil- ities as a bank. and that they were never legal bona fide shareholders. j 1 ; ; 3 ; ; ; 3 ® 3 ; on Coal -. Gasoline Stoves Oil and Big discount on Wire Fencing A ful | line of Stoves & Ranges ) > '. M. E: BETTGER, montarto onkton : The Monkton Times EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Monkton Cntario SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year. $1.00; six months, 50 cents ' tnree miunths 25 cents in advance. Subs-riptions not so paid, $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING Space Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos Mon ~column...$50.00 $30.00 $16.00 $6.0 14column., 30.00 16,00 9.00 4.00 ¥% column., 15.00 9.00 6.00 2.00 Li 3.00 2.0€ 1.00 Eight cents per line for first insertion and four cents per line foreacn subsequent insertion will be charged for all transient advertisements. Advertisements without specific direc- tions will be inserted until forbidden and charged accordingly. MALCOLM MacBRTH, Publisher and Proprietor : The ©.P.R. paint gang have been at Monkton a week painting the ex- terior of the station and the tank. Mr. Charles Henry has finished his ditehing contract in Grey and is mov- ing to his farm in Logan this week. Mrs. Alex. Akins. of Mitchell, is at presentvisiting her daughters Mrs. Alf. Stewart and Mrs. David Murray. Mr. J. A. Nicholson shipped from there this week over 300 head 'of cattle to be fed at Toronto. Hamilton ~ and other points. Anniversary services will be held in the Mcthodist church on Sundhy. Ostober 20th. when Rev. J, WwW. Baird B.A.. of Mitchell, will. preach morning and evening. Companion Court Idewild. I. O. F. will hold a special meeting on Tues- day evening Oct. 22nd. at 8 o'clock sharp. All companions are requested to attend. f A number from here attended the Royal English Hand Bell Ringers en- tertainmemt in the Methodist church Mitebeil. on Tuesday evening and |report having had a delightful time | The Brussels Post in reporting the tecent Fair held in that village says; The span of blacks from Milverton in the garriage class found many admir- -| The | who is} |ers. They belong to the undertaker } and would be hard to beat. ; The Canadian Postoffice Depart- |}ment is issuing books of twelve two- | cent stamps at twenty-five cents and |these have proved a great convenience} | to the public. Now a request is made to have the Department put out | book of twenty-four ome-cent stamps | 1a lat the same price. fn pet chosen delegate to attend the 47th an- nual convention of the jday School Association to be held at | Hamilton from Oct. 2ist to 24th. |will be present. | The oldest mam who took in | Western Fair, London. was John Gof- 1ton. of Wroxeter. who is ma less than {99 years and 6 months "young' amd fenjoyed every mimute of the crush jand jam. He prides himself on being |a Nimrod of no meam ability as h> | as chased the deer every fall for ;the past forty years and although within pmly a few months of the cen- tury mark. he is determined to -- go jagain. Certainly he is a wonderful | man, } Sir James Whitney is to be com |mended for the stand he took on the | |orotest made in certain quarters of ithe province against the enforcement | of the regulations with regard to the | French | |teaching pf English in the |schools. The Province of Ontario is lan English province and the English |language. must prevail. The French province must be made to under stind that French is mot to be the | orevailing language of this country, great advantage |seed which has been grown on differ- ent soil and under conditions varying somewhat from where it is sown. exemplified by the results which have been obtained by Mr. Robert Hodg- son. of Hibbert. the Banner oats from his brother Joseph. at Lloydminster. Alta.. which | is mear where the best oats in the world have beem raised and has just completed threshing the crop. On an eight pere field the return was 90 bushels to the aare. Mr. Hodgson thinks fhis is a splendid record. Mr. and Mr. W. .McD. Tait arrived in towm on Saturday amd are receiy- is | friends. son. daughter of Reeve A. B. and Mrs Robertson. of Wellesley. Ont. amd Mr. Tait. were married at thd home of the bride's parénts on Sept, 27th Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tait. parents of the groom being! present. They will spend a week im Arnprior before re- turning to the West. On return Mr Tait will be associated with the Pres- byterian minister at' Cardston. in the oversight pf mission fields south of Lethbridge.--Arnprior Watchman. The pound print is the form in which most retailers like to get their butter for the trade. It is a conven- ient package for thé maker in the dairy farm to put up. It ig easily handled on the market. is what the dealer wants. and it pays td sell in the form which the market demands Print butter always has the best ap- vearance. provided it is printed and wrapped in butter or parchment pap- ers. It is im a good condition to be used on the table but its attractive- ness is made or marred by the kind of wrapper used. First. the dairy should be named. and the name with that of the maker. should be neatly orinted on every wrapper. Some de- sign. appropriate to the dairy name, such as one of the best cows. or a "brand" mark, adds to the attract- iveness. There is no better way of vleasing pustomers than by putting uv good goods in attractive parcels, It is possible with butter. and never should it be neglected. Butter should be known by the dairy name. and the way to establish the trade is to keep the name on the wrappers before the consumers, Fine Sear Repo oh ae STRAYED On the premises of the undersigned Lot 3. Con. 16. Elma. about three months ago. a one-year-old Heifer. Owner can have same by provi: property and paying exenses. WIL- BERT HUSTON, - - : a Honey 20c. pey bottle canned tori. atoes 15ce. canned beans 10c. atj Gill's. Mr. Wm. Harvey is attending court at Stratford this week in the capacity of juror. ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders visited friends at Fullarton Corners for a few days last week. = Messrs. Walter Thompson & Sons shipped from Monkton this week four ears of hay billed for Cuba. Misses Jessie Golightly and Strome and Mr. Norman Ross spent Sunday at the latter's home at Russeldale. Miss Olive Fergusson: left om Tues- day to spend a fewdays visiting with friends at Stratford and Woodstock Miss Margaret Bettger and Rey. A. Moorehouse are this week attending the Epworth 'League Convention at London as delegates of the local branch of the league here. S Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Clark. off Russel- dale. are at presént spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gill before leaving om Monday mext for Calgary. near where they intend re- siding pn future. The Macdonald. Mam.. pye-election for the Federal house held on Satur- day last resulted in the return of Mr. Alex. Morrison. the Conservative can- didate over R. L. Richardson the In- dependent by a majority of over 800. The Mormons of Alberta intend erecting a temple at Raymond that will gost at least $100,000. _ All the rites and ordinances of that unhall- owed institution will be administered within its precincts. Canada's export of demestio produce for the pasf six months totals $107.- 000.000. an excess of $34,000,006 over the same period last year. Mother Britain took of these more tham all other countries combined, Mr. David Keillor intends leaving this week for New Liskeard where he will spend the humting season. He will bé accompanied by his daughter Miss Bertha who intends taking a position in a store there as saleslady. It is said: that Orillia merchants have practically shut out depart- mental store competition by hammer- ing their prices to pieces. week after week in the columns of the local papers. That will do it nothing else will Nothing is the corn this season, were put up in one dav recently by the Simcoe Canming Company. A as a record-breaker Simcoe district of in short crop a meeting of the executive com- | jmittee of the North Perth S.S. Assoc- | jiation held at Atwood on Monday last | | Rev. A. D. Gischler. of Milverton, was | Ontario Sun-} It} is expected that about 800 delegates!r the | | people who take up residence in this | | of obtaining | He obtained seed of | j(ng the hearty oomgratulations of their} The bride. Miss Effa Robert- | load. weighing 8.960 pounds was de j livered recently by T. A. Blayney. of iTownsend. while Jacob Lang. of Wind ham. came along with one weighing 18.700 pounds, The truth is that in a great many eases the trouble lies not im the rain, but in the mam's attitude toward fhe church. As a rule the man who | wamts fo go to church goes to church main or shine. while ithe man who does not care much whether he. goes or not is only too gladf of a shower aS an excuse for imori-attendance. Christiam Guardian. An mdication of the japple yield throughout the county of Lambton this fall is afforded im the t of the-agricultural representa at Sarnia. The yield totals to no less than 60,000 barrels. a large pro- | vertion of which was disposed of at | fancy price The onion crop around {the .Tunnel Town totalled sixteen j carloads twelve of which sold at from 175 cents to 90 cents per bag. | Col. Theodore Roosevelt as he was | leavine his hotel in Milwaukee. Wis. jon Monday might to deliver an ad- |} dress was shot by a madman mamed jJohn Schrank. The bullet entered the | fleshy part of his right breast but |the wound is not thought to' be diam- | eerous The Colonel imsisted on go- ing to tha hall and delivering -- his jaddress before he recived medical at- tendamee. Rev. A. ©, Wishart. pastor of the j Melville Presbyterian church. Brus: | sels, for several years past. has ac the ¢all from St. Paul's Pres enormous | | cepted |byterian ohurch. Calgary. one of 'the leading. charges im the Alberta city. | He will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday. Oct, 20th. The Rey. Mr. Wishart will be greatly missed ip Brussels. not only by his congrega j tion. but by a wide circle of; friends out of the church A bunch of gamblers was broken up at Cayuga fair. but not before they had been operating a wheel of for- tune for a few hours. One spectator lat this show, was relieved of' $100 "We have officers in connection with |\the prov'neial police who are do'ng al) they ean." says J. Lockie Wilson. sup- erintendent of agricultural societies "We do not. object to decent -- side- shows. but where these shows are bordering on the line our officers should be supported in their efforts to suppress them Immigration Officer for Northern |Ontario spent a few days in town this week. Mr. Hawkins has been in Northern Ontario tcollecting grains for exhibition purposes in the British Isles. He brought home with him a few samples of grain grown in North- ern Ontario that will favorably com- pare with grain grown anywhere in the world. Mr. Hawkins returned to Northern Ontario on Wednesday to finish making his collections,--Listo- wel Standard. A most satisfactory return of con- tember has just been published. In it will be noted a substantial de- erease in the number of cases of the more serious diseases. such as small- oox scarlet fever, diphtheria and ty- ohoid. while buf a slight increase is noted in others. Smallpox is -practic- ally nil. while tuberculosis shows an encouraging diminution in fatal cases The report is a most encouraging ex- hibit of the. vigilance displayed by the medical health officers of the prov- ince. both runal and civic. and empha- sizes the necessity of supplementing their efforts in every practical way. A forward step has been takem-- in the history of Listowel so far as Cus- | toms requirements are concerned. Hitherto Listowel has been known as an outport. all reports going toStrat- ford. The town has now been made a Port ef Entry. which means that the surrounding towns will report to! Listowel. and Listowel will report dir- ect to Ottawa. This advance entitles the new Port to the appointment of, Landing Waiter and: Mr. A, 'H. Glenn has received the position. He is at vresent giving attention to his new duties which he believes in the not distant future will oceupy the whole of his time. As the Customs Depart- ment will soom move into new! quar- | ters it is well this improved status should take place on the eva of@ the improved quarters it will -- soon oc- | cupy.--Listowel Banner. No Jess tham 121,000 cans ' Mr. A. St. Geo. Hawkins. Dominion ' tagious diseases im Omtario for Sep-; Mr. Geo. Hoffman. of Sebringville. shipped from here on Monday last a load of cattle. spent Sunday with Mr,.and Mrs. J. BH. Marshall. Mrs. A. D. MacGeorge. of Catac. Mich.. is af present visiting hen sis- ter, Mrs: J. H, Marshall, Shop lifting is am affliction that one or two people in the village have. whioh may lead them some day' into serious trouble. A patition is being circulated through Elma for the purpose cof having local option votad om at the coming Jamuary election. Mr. Fred. Terry. of Engeland & Sons. Milverton. has been engaged as clerk bv Messrs. Weber & Bettger and will commence his duties on Mon- day. The Dominion Alliance is to re- ceive assistance from the Sannia Orangemen in the fight for local op- tion for Sarmia. The Orangemen are circulating petitions which will be vrescnted to the council asking that a vot> on this issue be taken at the next election. Clinton is ta be in line with about 10 other municipalities of Huron which are bringing on a local option vote in January next. This will be Clinton's third attempt at local option the first in 1905. the secona& in 1910. At the last vote there was a majority of 62 for the law. but considerable short of the three-fifths. In Germany where the parcels post bas long beem in operation, the farm- ers mail butter and eggs to town without embarrassment. either to the postal clerks or the carriers. The eggs flo not break amd the butter does not melt becaust of packing boxes manufactured especially for the pur- | pose. which-cam be had in this coun- try pmassembled at from $23 a thou- |samd for butter to $45 a thousand 'for eggs. Joy over the' convenience lof the inventions will be chastened by ;mm application of their effect upon 'the high cost of eating. | As whooping cough is becoming pre- ; valent in the community parents and guardians are kindly requested where it is present or where there is a sus- vicion of if to keep tha children at home from school until such time as the Medical Health Officer deems advisable. It may not be generally known but whooping cough jis a much more dangerous disease than most people are aware of. fatal than imfantile paralysis according to Dr. George Black. Bdinburgh. mo: disease kills amd of more children pinder one year of age. The} ent & Co. Berlin. for $350, fon School Aat declares that it shalt the duty of every teacher: "To refuse | admission to the school af whom he ov she believes is affected with pr exposed to chicken pox, small! «apt vox. cholera. glanders, scarlet fever searlatina. diphtheria. whooping cough. measles. mumps. or other in- sumption pntil furnished with a cer- tificate of a medical health officer or of a duly qualified medical praetition- er apprising him that all danger from exposure to contact with such pupil bas passed feetious or contagious disease or con- showing what roads are gravelled vag PERTH COUNTY COUNCIL The OMoatober session of the Perth County Coumcil was held at the county buildimgs, Stratford. last week Wiarden J. A, (McLaren. presiding. A number of commypnications were received and referred ito the various | committees for consideration. Communication from J. B. Mach- lan. Assistant Provincial Secretary, in convection with his ackuowledgement | of petition of the corporation xt . : Leak 4 Dore tien oF ae | resignation county of Perth. in which asked ¢hat an order be passed dir- eacting that the existing arrange- ments between the said county. the city of Stratford and the town of St Mar¥s respecting the charges and expenses istration of justica in the county of Perth ghall cease and to state that the matter is receiving attention, Filed. it was House of Refuge connected with the admin- | Mr. N. ©. Eastman. of 'arkahas It is more | j lice amd Logam bridges. amounting to Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Propr etor SSG. 232 Perseverance Thrift, ambition, persistence and a Savings account point the way to financial independence. $1 00 opens a Savings occount, oo : 24 ) be | pa apy pupil; Hacking. saconded by John Hamilton, Scott: Councillors. Wm. Coates. | } | | } i | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | { The yepont of Dr. Bruce Smith, Pro- | vincial Inspeotor of House of Refuge. | was presented. from which the fol- | lowing is taken; Financial receipts for past year. 1 for gounty treasurer. $5,447.41; 2. from sale of products. $220.45. 3. from all ather sources. $2,380.15. Expenditure for maintenance for past year. $6.410- 80. Net cost to county for mainten- anee for past year. $5,447.41. Number | in residence: Males 34. females 14; total 48. Number on free list 42. on vay list 6. Total number of bed 75. Deaths during past year 7, In case of fire. ties of escape. Good wholesame food Avenage post weekly of inmates $2.18 Average number of inmates being 52 On the whole every part of this house of refuge was found im very satisfactory condition, The" whole place is apparently well looked after and those im charge are faithful and attentive to duty He recommended some new side- walks. preferably cement. Referred to house of refuge comm't'ee. The usual grist of accounts were referred to the finanee committee, Warden McLaren brought up the matter of the bridge in Hibbert which gave away last spring and was _ re- built, The location, however, was changed down stream 100 feet onthe vropenty of (Mr. Maloney. Thus far am agreement as to the amount due Mr. Maloney had mot been arrived at, he claiming $200. Am offer was mide at the rate of $300 an aore. the amount of property imvolved being 1-5 of an acre. This was refused, Mr. Maloney was present at the meeting and" after considerable dis- cussion agreed to accept $50 for the land amd 25 for 'the use of thé road- way. : Be Nothing definite was done. how- ever. pending the arrival of the county engineer. Roads and Bridges The report of the road and bridge committee presented by J. H. Hack- ing phairman was in -part as follows; This pommittee met the committer from Wellington at Palmerston Sept. 6 iamd afiter opening the tenders for Cook and Graham bridges. let the same to James Cullen for $550 for the Cook bridge and $325 for ithe Graham bridge. : : Mr. Dewar réponts the éompletion of the abutments at Honey Grove bridge. ' #% The pdmmittee recommended that the balance be paid the Stratford | fairly good facili- | | | i ; Sum of $2338.70 for costs in an action John Molintyre, codan fo | hut was defeated land Moffatt. | ready mat. tion of Messrs. Hacking and Turner, HEAD OFFIGE : Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto MONKTON BRANCH: F. w. ARMSTRONG, Manager Capital Paid Up Reserve and Undivided Profits Total Assets $ 2,870,000 5,500,000 44,000,000 Besides offering an incentive to Save. a Savings account affords a Safe and convenient method of keep- ing the accumulating dollars. Safe custody is of paramount im- portance--eithen for the hard-earned penises of the worker or for trust un The Bank of Hamilton invites your savings account whether large or small. Head Office HAMILTON Branches at Atwood, Listowel, Milverton and Mitchell Bridge & Iron Co.. ELMA COUNCIL. The municipal council of the town- ship of Elma met in the Agricultural part hall. Atwood. on Saturday, Oct. yment on Honey Grove bridge. | 'Members present--Reeve, Report adopted on motion of J. A.| Hamilton : Deputy Reeve. for work an El- $697. ! That an order be issued ta Clem- Jobo William -- OTK ' A. A communication from G, N, Weeks ain of the Corps of Guides, Diy-| Minutes of last meeting were isional Intelligence Officer No. 1. D, approved and signed by the A.. asking if there was any report on and olerk roads and bridges im che coulnty.| Moved by Mr, Mr. Smith. that capable of carrying heavy traffic and| Koch. Geo. Lanni showing character of bridges through , Townships ef Ellice and Elma asking -- owt the county~was referred ta tho} for municipal drainage be accepted eounty engineer. Se 'and that the clerk preare a by-law By-law No. 440, a by-law for the| appointing John Roger. OLS, for straightening and diverting the | the same. ' ae: course of a river. creek or stream! Moved by Mr, Smiith. seconded by known as the Bayfield river. creek or| Mr. Scott. thaf the council do now stream for the purpose of prevent. jdjourn to meet as a court of revision ing damage 'to the highway between, 90 "The Chapmam Drain By-law," lots 15 and 16. in thef second conces:| The court ofrevision on the Chap- sion of Hibbert was given the neces-;™Man Drain By-law having closed the sary three readings and finally pass- /eouncil met for general business, oa Moved by Mr. Smith. Seconded Mr. Scott. that By-law No. 619. | Dointing John Roger, O'L.S. as The report of the education vom {the dreloege wack under the petTti 14 se wees ¢ . . y . 4 a - eC mittee. presented by William Beott | of Geo. Koch. Geo. Lannin meal thone chainman.. recommended that the las now re . : ateie of I. W. Bteimhoff a8! nagsed. ifeelh Mw time be' finally trustee of the Stratford Collegiate Moved by Mi? ae Institute 'be accepted and that R. J... ee ped Tate ees Easson be appointed in his stead. The | issue omers for the repor! was adopted as read, eligi aAccoumnts. vi Walter Ward, bridge. eon. 3. t.1.e. amd g. The finance committee npoonimend, | Sesienee: @ravel 840; ed the payment of a mumber of ac-|'Work pt bridge. con. 10. @r. 5.00: D counts amd was presented by L, F,, Banton. ditto, 4.00; Thos, a, aaes W. Turner. chairman, including the |'0 2.00° Wm, Gilehrist, Struthers and Samuel Smith. read Scott. seconded by _ the petition of Geo. nh and others of the ap- en- and report uy pon Education Committee seconded by ve and clerk Dayment off the : 25 Finance Committee making temporary $2.00; Jno "red, Coulter, ditto, 5,00; r bridge gr. Superintending resulting from ain accident which oc: | 400; Alex, Struthers. 5.00; David Harrow curred in Elma. which was charged; Work at bridge against that township. It appears tebairing eulvent, lot 34. com 13, 2.25; that a man mamed Turner was imjar-| Archie Holmes, repairing culvert. lot ed by runping imto a culvert which | 22. con. 16, 200; Jerry Dewar, rep. ap- was being repaired in Elma Hej Sroach to bridge. lot 13. con, 12, 1.00: brought action against the township , Geo. Fisher. tile drain, lot 15. con, 12. of Elma. but withdrew. He then con- : Moved by Mr. Coates. se tinned the case against the i Mr. Struthers. that the council do now Deputy Reeve Seott of Elma. ob-,%journ to mect again at the Agrioul- iected to this part of the report as-| tural hall. Atwood. on Saturday, Noy. ~ senting that he did not see why Elma, 9th. 1912. a& ten o'clock a.m. for gen- should be charged with this account. | eral township business. He moved an amendment that the Geo, Lochhead, Tp. Clerk. county pav this account. There was ee eee etn ee no seconder. however. and report was' BRITISH PRELATE FLAYS adopted on motion of Messrs. 'Dewar RICH 5 county. conted by IDLE There has been a flutter of excitement in London Society's dove. ,cotes Pver the fierce denunciation of aren ithe idle rich by the Archbishop of Re communication from Hagb York at the church congress at Mid Nichol gaoler. in the escape of "Ed. dlesborough, He oharged that with ward Beaurell, asking county to pay being the cause of much of the res cost of re-capture. pice recom Rap onda i oh unrest sin dag mend same be paid. No further re-,» "First is it not atemt.* e ask wards will be paid unless authorized "that perhaps the peters git hy the county property committee. | bitterness whioh etiters into 'the nfoee Re communication from Sheriff ent discontent is the 'existence ofa Magwood ye holidays for John Nichol large and apparently increasing oe] . turnkey. recommend that the sheriff of persons into whose DOSsession ey cet a tman to act fn this capacity and Spending of wealth. no once pti ee allow turnkey his holidays as usual 'duty or responsibility seems to ct a Report adopted on motion of Messrs The church says plainly to these a Krug and R. Miller. ble; 'Your example. Your Belfichnoes | amd luxury are more responsible for bitterness amd disoontent than the agitators and their Sneers, It is you who discredit wealth. brovoke what vou denounce ag schemes of spoil. ation.' The church hag nO commis. sion to take side. with either! partio- of but its commission ig to" at moral and -- spiritual i itroduced to it into the consciences of every class of men, -- One of the main causes of the dif- ficulty is the division of the classes and we cam get no further until each teally understand the standpoint : and circumstances and Necessities of - the others. Unless this temper -- of ,mutual understanding and consider. ation prevails. mo remedy will succeed jit is the business of the church to keep reminding them of it, Capital, even jin the form of shares in joint stock banks. is responsible for the» conditions of labor it employs on rail- roads, in factories at home or rubber vlantations abroad. On the other hand when power is in the hands of labor equally with the trusts, it ig not enough that it should be used to get what it can. Laborsis morally bound to consider the interests an necessities of the hole community." County Property Committee, alarm and This committee reported as fol House of Refuge The report of this committee re- sommended ; That report of Dr. Bruce Smith provincial iospeetor of houses of re- fuge. be filed. Report adopted on motion Messrs. Scott and Turner. 'Mr, O. H. Killer. secretary of the Stratford Poultry Association wrote asking grant towards poultry show | to be hel@ in Jiamuary next, Filed ed as the finanee committee had al- By-law Produced Reeve Scott asked to have the by- law which says that the township should pay the costs in the action for damages referred to in finance committee report. "The by-law was produced, but there was no clause relating to this {noluded. Clerk Davidson, however. explained that at the time the by-law was passed it was agreed between the members that the townships should be liable for their own' ex- venses. . ns The gouncil then adjourned on mo- 5th, | recve -- Barton, dit- of